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File: 243 KB, 330x485, torpedo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4716465 No.4716465 [Reply] [Original]

The more there are hops in the beer the better it is; hence, Sierra Nevada Torpedo is the best beer.

>> No.4716477

Some hops can be good but if there is to much of it I'd just rather not drink it. I like "thinner" beers.

>> No.4716478


Hops are nice, but you need to balance that shit. Hop heads are ruining what other wise would be good beers.

Torpedo is a nice IPA though.

>> No.4716480

God, I hate this opinion. It's like people don't enjoy beer if it's not mind-numbingly bitter swill.
My favorite ale is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, which is as hoppy as I tend to like and no more. I've tried Torpedo and it made me mildly ill.

>> No.4716479
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>The more there are hops in the beer the better it is


>> No.4716485

I'd rather drink stouts.

>> No.4716488

I made a batch of beer in March. I put the dregs (hops, yeast, and a little beer) in its own bottles. I cracked that open last night and drank it.

It was like drinking a florists shop. Not it the good way. It was TOO perfumey and strong.

More hops =/= better beer

>> No.4716498

It depends on what kind of hops dumbass, and if there chinook hops then the batch is total shit.

I dont want to drink carbonated pine sol.

>> No.4716512
File: 2.79 MB, 4320x3240, SN%20hoptimum%20005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get on my level

>> No.4716514

I went to some Irish pub a little while ago and tried McSorley's. It was the best beer I've tasted yet.

>> No.4716527

>I have rekt taste buds and can only enjoy IPAs now

>> No.4716529

I hate the fact that this style of thinking is coming to Europe now. Let Americans circlejerk over their shit, overhopped beer as much as they want as long as I don't have to drink it.

>> No.4716573

The next town over from me has a small time brewer that does a godly IPA. Just the right amount of hops to keep it robust but not enough make it too overbearing.

>> No.4716587


God that website sucks.

>> No.4716621

What's wrong with liking different styles of beer?Sometimes I'm in the mood for hoppy american IPA's and sometimes I crave malty english cask ales. I don't have a problem with an occasional bottle of mass produced lager either.

>> No.4716633

nothing you sound like a normal person. the autists will of course disagree with you.

>> No.4716791


typical Amerifaggot arrogance. they think that just because they discovered beer making that they're the best at it now.

>hurr durr, we make skunk water cuz' hops!!

>> No.4717000
File: 703 KB, 1920x1200, bud-light-wallpaper-brands-other_00432018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like beer tastes good or some shit.
How about I crack open a cold bud light for you?

>> No.4717002

>Nooooooooo stop enjoying things!

>> No.4717007

Eurofags do beer way better and Im amerifat. I can't stand the shit here.

>> No.4717010

what's the difference
also what brands, just curious

>> No.4717191

Torpedo and Ruthless are SN's best beers. Hoptimum and Narwhal are good. The others are alright.

>> No.4717200

hoppy beers are fucking disgusting.

>wheat beer master race

>> No.4717221


Cant have hops at all, makes me throw up.

shit sucks, im stuck with hard liquor and hard ciders.

Well....its not all bad, being my choices are ciders and hard liquor.

Asked my doctor as a random question last (and final) lung checkup, he said i most likely have a minor allergy to hops or something else found in beers due to my extreme and instant reaction.

He started off by saying it was a possible glucose problem, but i eat pasta and bread just fine.

but i digress...

OP, you are a swine, and you are not my nigga.

>> No.4717219
File: 80 KB, 540x540, 2012-06-26-FoundersIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try drinking good beer

>> No.4717224

And this is not /k/.

Welp, sorry about the trip.

>> No.4717226

Wheat beer and hops are not mutually exclusive. Beer is a fermented grain like barley, wheat or rye, hops are the most common flavour added.

>> No.4717231

Not true, and I'm a Eurofag. It's just that most popular euro beers are generally better than the popular US beers. But the american microbrews are just as good, if not better.

>> No.4717466

this is now a beer general

i tried the New Belgium tripel after Tallgrass Velvet Rooster won me over

this turned me off the style because the NB tripel is fucking gross

>> No.4717471

torpedo is very good, but I wouldn't call it the best beer, and it certainly is not the hoppiest.

>> No.4717520

>>hurr durr, we make skunk water cuz' hops!!
europe is the one that uses the fucking green bottles. American brewers don't have many problems with skunkiness because almost all of them use brown bottles

>> No.4717522

Founders entire IPA catalog is worth trying. Centennial is my favorite beer, but Devil Dancer is absolutely prime.

>> No.4717528
File: 115 KB, 900x710, 1318304020416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't get Founders in Florida

>> No.4717529

I didn't think Devil Dancer was all that good relative to most of founders collection.

>> No.4717530

im no beer connoisseur but is all new belgium beer similar, i tried fat tire for the first time recently and at first it was pretty good, but about my 3rd beer in every time i burped it tasted like i had been drinking perfume, what the fuck is with that? anyone ever experienced that with other beers?

>> No.4717537

I find all of Sierra's beers too sweet.

>> No.4717607
File: 13 KB, 200x429, Alaskan-Amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a six pack of Torpedo once for a camping trip and I regretted every minute of it. The regular pale ale is pretty good but hopped up beers aren't for me. I prefer a good malty flavor. Lately I've been all over Alaskan Amber. I just moved to Tennessee for school though and I was disappointed to hear they don't distribute out here. Anyone know where I can get a similar beer here in the south?

>> No.4717620
File: 178 KB, 778x581, IMG_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck IPA's You heard me hipster cunts.
The reason you are the only one drinking your nasty ass bitter bombs is because they suck, not because you are the only one with good taste.
Red Ales, Ciders, Lagers, and Mead is where its at.
Source: I make my own shit

>> No.4717622

>green bottle
why would you ever do that

>> No.4717623

That's not Lagunitas' Hop Stoopid or Ninkasi's Tricerahops.

>> No.4717629

Ciders and mead are a hell of a lot more obscure and hipster than IPAs

>green bottles

>> No.4717627

Doesn't matter for Cider.

>> No.4717633


but I have also switched to brown Grolsch bottles to be fair, just because I didnt like having bottles only usable for one thing.

>> No.4717645
File: 129 KB, 480x643, 20110113-064537[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love hops and IPAs

I enjoy Torpedo, Lagunitas, and Dogfish Head, when I like it toasted. There are a couple local brews that make some kickass IPAs, like Two Roads. I try a lot of different microbrews when I have the time and money to waste as well.

Pic related, my favorite IPA and possibly favorite beer in the world.
Very hoppy, perfectly crisp, clean aftertaste. Rated very highly

>> No.4717708

You're all posting in a troll thread, hope you know that.

>> No.4717721

it's now a beer general because we need a beer general

>> No.4717777
File: 1.05 MB, 2441x2728, maumeebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, here's what i'm drinking tonight. Maumee Bay Brewing Co. Amarillo Brillo. It's their imperial IPA. Lots of tropical fruits countering a strong hop presence. Very balanced IPA. Reminds me of the GLBC Alchemy Hour, which is one of my favorite seasonal IPAs. Recommended for anyone in the NW Ohio region.

Also recommended is their Total Eclipse stout, fantastic stuff there.

>> No.4717813
File: 233 KB, 475x640, Amnesiac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourites. Though little can beat a properly pulled pint of Guinness when it comes to drink. Phillips is a great brewery, none of their drinks have faulted me yet. Most BC brews I've tried are proper order.

>> No.4717930
File: 151 KB, 395x1200, Stoned Oaked Bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale as we speak.

Pic related

>> No.4717946
File: 477 KB, 1365x2048, taddy_porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently drinking some porter. This was the first dark beer I tried after guinness.

>> No.4717957

Close. But that isn't Two-Hearted.

>> No.4717960

That shit sucks. I have a friend that drinks that shit like water, I can't even bear to smell it.

Worst of all, I just got back from Germany... I can't do this shit anymore /ck/. Germany ruined me. I need weissbier, preferably hefeweizen but anything would do.

I need to find a world market nearby... I would pay 500% markup just to have some good beer again.

>> No.4717962
File: 12 KB, 173x176, 1376451361484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shock top on 1/2 bbl draft

>> No.4717969
File: 1.02 MB, 1936x2592, this shit right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related... oh god why do you do this to me /ck/? Let me forget and more on!

>> No.4717985

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier. It's the perfect hefe weizen (though a little paullaner now and then never hurts). Its not too expensive in the states either.

>> No.4718006

Going to Munich next year.... I plan to be incapable of walking with how much I'm going to drink.
I actually have a separate expense fund just for beer while I'm there.

>> No.4718015


Wait. You don't allocate a separate expense fund just for beer every time you leave the house?

Are you one of them jews or what?

>> No.4718019

I homebrew, it is relatively inexpensive.

>> No.4718021


Oh. So you just bring a cooler with you? Smart.

>> No.4718025

Yup, got one that pretty much never leaves my car.
I also supply booze to half the people I know, so I almost always have some depending on where I am going.
The local watering hole even lets me bring my own bottles in just because I make Irish Reds for the owner and still buy the occasional whiskey from them.

>> No.4718035


Thats cool. I also have a cooler that doesn't leave the trunk. It is one of those soft ones and works pretty nicely. Can hold upwards of 25 bottles. I wish I could find a nice local bar like that around here.

I recently went to Wyoming for a wedding. The town was very small and the bars pretty much had no liquor laws. I went with a few buddies and the only thing to do there at night was get drunk pretty much. The bars had a drive through. Like you could get bottles of liquor and cases of beer. They even had build your own 6 packs. What surprised me is that the owner would even make you drinks in to go cups. That was a big change from what I am used to. Another thing that surprised me is that if you stayed there drinking, the bar would not close. We tested this. At about 6am we were too tired and just walked back to the motel. They stayed open the whole night and even put up with us doing drunken karaoke. Oh and the smoking in the bars too. They had a few ipas', porters, and pale ales on tap from local brewerys at a reasonable price as well.

As you can probably imagine, we got pretty drunk.

>> No.4718049

Yeah small towns are awesome for drinking.
They aren't ever going to close on you, the money means too much to them, and they probably didnt open till the afternoon anything.

>> No.4718064

Ah erdinger. I love the stuff.
I haven't had a decent wheat beer in ages.

>> No.4718077

I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Ireland. For a while, it was pretty easy to get left in a bar until well after close most night, as long as you were sound to the landlord. I miss that a lot living in cities now, I rarely even go out. It results in a lot of drinking out in houses, beaches, and parks though, and results in a wider, cheaper variety on bottles. I go through a lot of crafts here, tend to get a different one each time there's beer bought.

I really want to start brewing my own. I've been watching brew threads on /diy/ and reading up a little online. Trying to work out a rough cost for a brew, might do it next month all going well.

>> No.4718127

Tonight I'm drinking Shock Top's End of the World Midnight Wheat.

Torpedo is better than SN pale, which I can't stand.

>> No.4718138

How does it compare to regular Arrogant Bastard?

>> No.4718143

The more ketchup there is on a steak the better it is; hence, ketchup steak is the best steak

>> No.4718168


I actually like it more. It has a much more bold flavor I would say. The oak really comes through. The oak flavor might even be a little too much for some. I will add that half way through the bottle I lost pretty much all of the woody oak taste. I think it was because there are so many complex flavors it overloads your palate and you get used to the oak. With the oaked I get more of a grapefruit and slight orange citrus flavor and the finish has more of a roasted pine taste. It's really excellent.

>> No.4718174

I'll have to pick it up, then. Standard AB was pretty phenomenal, even though my bottle was light-struck.

>> No.4718184


Yeah I would definitely give it a try. It isn't something I could drink more than 2 of in a night though. The oak/roasted/vanilla beginning is really great but half way through the beer I lost it. I probably would have been able to taste it again if I cleansed my palate but I can live with it. All of the flavors really hit you. The beginning and middle really hit you with the grapefruit and bitter orange. That is what I like about it. Keeps the taste buds really busy. The end of the middle and the beginning of the finish you get a pine taste that at first I was unsure about but I ended up loving it.

>> No.4718272

"Hop on or die" is the name of an IPA from Mexico. It tastes like straight hops. Try it out if you like a hopsy beer. Personally, I didn't like it that much. I prefer more or different flavors. I'd recommend a Scrimshaw to anyone that likes good lagers (not that mass-produced nasty shit). Also, for a great dark beer check out Old Rasputin. Full flavor, absolutely great. And if you like beer with different flavors like orange or pumpkin, I'd recommend Tangerine and Wasatch (Tangerine tastes a bit like orange soda to me. Wasatch is the only US beer to use real pumpkin during the brewing process, as opposed to artificial flavors. And you can really taste the difference

>> No.4718283

This. All of this. Judging one country's beers over another country's makes no sense to me. I prefer basing it off of the brewing company. Personally, I like microbrews a hell of a lot more than most popular beers from almost any country (some exceptions, and not all microbrews are good mind you.)

>> No.4720416

Torpedo is motherfucking great but if you think there aren't beers with more hops you're mistaken
Try a Brewdog Hardcore.

>> No.4720434

>Wasatch is the only US beer to use real pumpkin during the brewing process
filthy lies

>> No.4720525

That stuff was pretty disappointing.

>> No.4720567

Well, it's an IPA. They pretty much all suck if it's not your style of beer. (It's not mine at all).

>> No.4720591

it's actually a lot less hoppy and bitter than most ipas, which'd be disappointing for someone that likes ipas... which it was.

>> No.4720698

I like IPA's, but that one just wasn't anything special. Their celebration ale is much better and half te price. Felt like I wasted 10 dollars. Same experience when I tried hop slam. 18 dollars for a 6 pack of mediocre beer. Kind of pissed me off

>> No.4720768
File: 230 KB, 2090x2132, 150_3-Lagunitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you love IPAs it's pretty good. The price, however, isn't. I can also only get it at bevmo... despite being less than 3 hrs driving from chico, ca

>pic related. The standard by which I judge all others

>> No.4720788
File: 484 KB, 613x475, Heady-Topper-by-the-alchemist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that's good off tap but out of a bottle it's kinda shitty

this is my personal benchmark, as far as standard goes i think if it's worse than flying dog's snakebite it isn't worth drinking

>> No.4720813

drinking one now. Last one of a case I bought a while back. Nice choice of beer.