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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4712738 No.4712738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Saturday I went to some party some friends of The Kevin were having and in the morning the hostess, her best friend and I were left, and she got hungry. She pulled out a can of tuna, an onion, some flatbread, mayo, salt and pepper out of a hat and I made sandwiches, with great difficulty. I actually had to pull my own knife to chop the onion. Anyway.

Today I have the shits, and so it seems to be a good time to test the amazing antimicrobial properties of lemongrass, which has been rotting in my fridge for the past month and a half.

>> No.4712764
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Here it is, in Bachelor Chow, with onion, sunflower seeds and ginger.

>> No.4712767

>Not Sceak 21 minutes ago No.4712738
>18 minutes later
>Not Sceak 3 minutes ago No.4712764

This is how many people care about your posts.

>> No.4712773


Wouldn't you like to find out if lemongrass has antimicrobial properties or not.

It tastes like detergent, anyway.

>> No.4712774

AKKK i think i might be dying!!! damn you rotten lemongrass!

>> No.4712777
File: 69 KB, 500x333, blintz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sceakiepoo the problem here is it's been in your fridge for months, if you really want to test it's properties you should probably get fresh.

>> No.4712781

They ruined my whole fucking evening. I really want to fucking cry right now.

I know she does that, she just talks to everyone she meets and shit, but I just don't know what to do for her to leave me the fuck alone.

I'm feeling so sick right now.

>> No.4712794

nah, man, nah

>> No.4712799
File: 40 KB, 394x400, 000000000000000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....the lemongrass is a her? Fuck man if your tripping that hard i need to get some lemon grass

>> No.4712800


I don't even want them in my life. They're just really annoying and I don't know what to do to get them off my back. I told them I don't know how many times to leave me the fuck alone. I figure they just wanted to get to know me because one of their friends' apparently took an interest in me, and so I gave them what they wanted, but now it doesn't seem like a good idea anymore.

Also, I don't mind the alcohol tab, but their influence in my life is really negative. They're an alien presence, and I don't like it. I should've just come home and cook something, post shit on 4chan...but they wanted to eat out. Ended-up doubling my expenses for the night.

I don't want to call the cops and I don't want to get violent either, but seriously, I don't know what I'm going to do.

>> No.4712802

ginger? herbal tea? pretty good for stomac and intestine. did she put anything in your food or whut

>> No.4712807

goin to a party with ppl you dont like? having friends is not a bad thing dude.

>> No.4712811


I didn't really want to test its properties, I just felt like eating something and being on /ck/. It was there, it was fresh enough to eat, I put so much in, anyway. If it works, which it might, but probably won't, at least I probably won't notice this way, I don't think freshness has anything to do with it. A lot of people use dried lemongrass.

Everything makes me fat, it's terrible. I go out, drink so much I get fat, I stay in, I end-up getting the comfort munchies on /ck/.


>> No.4712814

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.4712815

if youre the sceak i saw the pictures of, if youre fat, im a whale yo

>> No.4712817


Sceak has fans, this one just parrots everything it says.


Naw, the conditions were just slightly unsanitary.


I'm starting to think it's a bad thing for me, I'm just trying to go upstream to the boy of my dreams.

>> No.4712819


I consider myself fat, and that should be good enough for you, to encourage me to be whatever it is the fuck I want to be.

>> No.4712823


Well, I don't think so, anyway, but it's possible.

>> No.4712834


Someone's friends decided to ruin my night yesterday, again, and we ended up eating out. I am getting fat from all this, I spent money I shouldn't have spent, too.

I really wish these guys would leave me alone.

If you really seen my picture, then you've seen my love handles, my gunt and my face.

Stop staring at me!

>> No.4712836

if you think you're fat then its ok. just sayin. was wonderin if youre the same dude i saw on other posts and threads. feelin better now?

>> No.4712840

blamin other people cause they make food with you..mmkay
they seems to be great hosts and shit, but if they really get on your nerves, you know what you have to do

>> No.4712841


Sceak, the one who posts with the tripcode, anyway, is autobahned until early September.

Apparently, he had like, a gazillion cascading bans. Originally for what? Nobody knows. Probably a groggy and grumpy Moot one morning who wanted me to make him coffee.

I cannot claim to be The Sceak for the aforementioned version. You will have to live in doubt.

>> No.4712842


Years of meth have taken their toll on me. Instead of scratching my face constantly I've been pulling on my nipples. That's why they're in the state they are in now.

>> No.4712858
File: 50 KB, 500x498, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i just dont get ya. really. you seem really unbalanced in what you want and not. are they friendly or not.

>> No.4712869


I'm not sure. I'm completely new at this. I think I was invited to three private parties in my life, once for a birthday in high school, and twice it was her.

It's strange, but interesting, in its novelty. I think I really zoomed by, though, so it appears I'll be reaching a standstill soon. I'll also be resuming my search for a real boyfriend soon, so it's all good.

I feel like I gained something new, but the time and job loss are just astronomical.

>> No.4712875

if youre new to this, just give it a try. having a friend is not a necessity, they can only be acquaintances, this would not kill ya. searching for a bf and having a friend-acquaintance, sounds pretty cool to me.
i never had much friends in my life, so dude, if the opportunity is there, go for it. especially if they're nice. but i dont know them, hard to say.

>> No.4712877

where are you from, not sceak? i'll be your boyfriend.

>> No.4712878
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I'm starting to think he was just a dim-on.

>> No.4712879

how can friends can make you lose your time and job.

>> No.4712880

What the fuck. This is pasta from a previous thread you made. What the fuck.

>> No.4712881
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I live in Montreal, in the gay ghetto.

>> No.4712883
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Job, I don't know and I'm not sure, but the events can be corelated. Time, well I was well on my way to looking OK for the summer. Now I look like a complete mess.

>> No.4712890
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>> No.4712893

ah, then je vous verrai dans mes rêves

>> No.4712895
File: 36 KB, 400x400, happy-rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue your work on looking great and healthy while talking to them and searching fo a bf. never a bad thing mixing all of these and enjoyin life

>> No.4712904
File: 81 KB, 612x612, e89115d2479f11e29e1622000a9d0ec7_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a picture of ya. wanna see a picture of this unhealthy guy that wanna get healthy.

>> No.4712925
File: 163 KB, 364x480, iced-cappuccino-latte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iced coffees, iced cappucinos.. do you drink them?
which one is your favorite?

>> No.4712933


No girls and no French boys allowed, sorry.


Well he's the boy that I want. It's almost futile for me to look further.

If he dislikes me so much, I really can't see why he would not just pick-up the phone and tell me directly. It would avoid a lot of trouble to a lot of people.

Originally, I didn't want to talk to them because I didn't want to be using them. I didn't want to be that kind of person, and while they're OK, while I'm with them on Saturday night, it's hard for me to look for a boyfriend.

The random board's too busy being shy to actually meet, /soc/ sucks, /lgbt/ is full of confused politically-oriented idiots using it as a soapbox for personal attention and to feel involved. It's terrible.

I might as well spare myself the rest of the journey knowing I won't find what I'm looking for on the way, no?

I also don't like having friends. 4chan and my little life in the gay ghetto is fine. There also girls, and girls make me too aggressive. I don't want to live that way.

I want the world outside of my own little life to stop existing.

>> No.4712937

codependancy dude. living your entire life just to find someone livin for to forget yourseld.

>> No.4712938
File: 506 KB, 1728x2592, IMAG0363 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who? Me?

This one I never posted on 4chan. It's the most recent I got too, I think.

>> No.4712940


I used to love iced mochas, but the place that made them for me closed. Never got into iced coffees since.


I don't care what it's called or if you think it's negative. Different people need different things.

>> No.4712943

i posted about the iced coffees cause im from new york and youre cute. bring me a tim hortons iced coffee. there is none here.

>> No.4712947

You dont have a picture of your cock for in private or something? new york is in need of canada dudes.

>> No.4712956


I think there's one on Manhattan.


I do, it was on other boards at other times, but NY is terrible. It's boring as hell.

>> No.4712961

in /hm/. pleaz.

>> No.4712962


You're right, though, I'd probably have much better luck there.

>> No.4712966
File: 21 KB, 541x470, 1623zw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not gonna. At some point there was a guy piecing pieces of pictures of me trying to get a complete body picture.

>> No.4712970


Gonna have to delete this thread soon, before Moot finds it.

>> No.4712973

anyways, for your friends, do what you think its the best to do i guess. not really much i can say. just hope they are nice. i can guess youre a loner from now. think about what you need and want.

>> No.4712975


I just want to talk at least one last time with the guy, to know what happened, or hook back up with him.

I think I deserve at least that.

>> No.4712980

i guess, depends on his life. dont know him

>> No.4712985

btw posted something on /hm/ ;)

>> No.4712986


I don't think his life would be affected by a few minutes in my company, if anything, I think he could benefit from the experience.