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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 1280x1280, Sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4710207 No.4710207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: essential condiments

>pic related

>> No.4710209


>> No.4710215
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>> No.4711170
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tis magic sir

fuck Sriracha, shit is basically water

>> No.4711172

aha i was going to post the same

>> No.4711179
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>> No.4711183


Anyone who disagrees is a pretentious hipster.

>> No.4711185
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I know I'm going to get hate, but I do use this a lot when I'm eating pleb food.

>> No.4711217

Then why eat that shit to begin with?

>> No.4711218

I disagree.

>> No.4711237
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>I eat nothing but the finest gourmet dining
>I have all the time in the world to prepare fresh home-cooked meals everyday

>> No.4711242

Oh, I sure as fuck don't but I can put together a mediocre dinner in 20 minutes every night. Nothing all that fancy or amazing but it's no need for ketchup.

>> No.4711246

what if you make home fries?

>> No.4711254

I prefer a chipolte mayo dip for my fries.

>> No.4711259

What about when you make American Spaghetti?

>> No.4711267
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>American Spaghetti

>> No.4711271
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>dipping fried food in mayo

Fatty detected.

I like to use ketchup as a dip for fresh raw veggies like carrots or broccoli. Why? Because fuck you.

>> No.4711276

>dips veggies in ketchup
>calls other fat

Top lel

I never cook homefries anyways, grew up in a family where everything was homecooked, so I never had the appetite for them, I'm just saying what I would dip them in it if I did.

>> No.4711285
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I put eat in nearly all the sauces i prepare.

I also use a lot thyme, parsley, paprika and pebrella (endemic of my region).

>> No.4711295
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>he thinks ketchup is just as bad for you as mayo

>> No.4711306

>thinks ketchup isnt as bad as mayo

>> No.4711314

No I don't think that. One is worse than the other. That doesn't mean they're not both bad for you.

>> No.4711323


I dare you to find a better normal dip or sauce that isn't pure mustard that is much lower in calories per gram than ketchup.

>> No.4711328

Why should I? If you honestly need a dip for veggies, then you need more help than just an alternative dip.

>> No.4711330

Does honey-mustard have more or less than ketchup?

Either way
>implying you need a dip in the first place

This isn't fucking kindergarten

>> No.4711342


You honestly enjoy eating raw broccoli with nothing on it?


>Does honey-mustard have more or less than ketchup?

Generally, yes.

>> No.4711346

>doesn't know how to shake up a bottle

>> No.4711351

Well, yeah. Broccoli is pretty damn good by itself.

I still eat carrots and cucumber with a dip for snacks at times though.

>> No.4711349

>tomatoes and vinegar

>99% shit oil

>> No.4711356

>not making your own mayo

It doesn't take long and is inexpensive. If you do not do this then maybe you don't belong here.

>> No.4711357

>I still eat carrots and cucumber with a dip

Careful, around here people will think you're still in kindergarten apparently.

>> No.4714071

Humus is the only dip you need.

>> No.4714114

You can make your own dip. Just use low fat greek yogurt as a base, then you can add whatever spices you like. I tend to use salt, cumin, pepper and a dash of sriracha. It's really tasty, and it is very low cal.

>> No.4714143

anybody ever try durkee sauce? nobody around me carries it and i'm curious if it is worth ordering online.

>> No.4714146

Durkee is a brand.

>> No.4714158

sorry, guess i'm referring to their "famous" sandwich sauce?

>> No.4716034

oh man, I forgot I had some humus left, I better finish it right now thanks.

>> No.4716037


I disagree mainly because they are not condiments...

>> No.4716055

>hipster ketchup

Remoulade is where it's at.

>> No.4716056

More like has good taste.

>> No.4716061
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because its $1.39 at Walmart

>> No.4716109
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mr chen sirarcha is by far more tasty

>> No.4716112

>French things not the epitome of hipster


>> No.4716114

Srirachi is overrated.

>> No.4716127

>implying I didn't grow up in the bayou

Love me some fried gator tail dipped in remoulade, get on my level nerd.

French remoulade and Cajun remoulade have their differences you know.

>> No.4716178


I'm sure that's considered an insult from those with a 3rd grade education.

>> No.4716424

>be a dumbass
>get called a dumbass
>nitpick insults

Whatever works for you and your hipster ketchup.

>> No.4716428

Look at this fucking nerd.

>> No.4716433


jesus christ

>> No.4716469

American here.
What the fuck is American spaghetti.

>> No.4716489


You've been warned.

>> No.4716530
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>> No.4716535

>ITT American college kids
>thread still lacking the ramen noodle burger

>> No.4716552
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see pic
I am really bad at adding the oil slowly enough or whatever. I wish i could afford a food processor

oh well
essential for me ends up being soy sauce and mayonnaise. though if spices count salt garlic and ginger are also next on that list.

>> No.4716557

I never used believed you guys about Sriracha. I would see it in the store and be like "too expensive for my blood" or "next time I'll try it". Oh my god was I wrong. That shit is gooood.

>> No.4716563

That isn't American spaghetti. That's like saying everyone chavs do is quintessentially British.

>> No.4716589

I have a bottle of this sitting in my fridge. I still don't know what to do with it other than mixing it into meatloaf.

>> No.4716591

Why do Americans call Mayonnaise "Real Mayonnaise"?

>> No.4716611

>>I have all the time in the world to prepare fresh home-cooked meals everyday

... what are you, Batman? Anyone halfway competent at cooking and with an hour to spare from other tasks can do that without fault every day of their busy and long lives. The time you spend masturbating and complaining about other people being better than you on 4chan is time you should spend cooking if you can bitch about it, pleb.

>> No.4716634

I wonder who keeps on calling it hipster sauce. So, it was a buck-toothed hillbilly all along.

>> No.4716699
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>> No.4716731

>implying it isn't hipster sauce

get a load of this faggot

>> No.4716741
File: 5 KB, 225x225, heinz-cocktail-sauce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one ;_;

>> No.4716746


That shit is just like ketchup with some hot sauce in it. Gross.

>> No.4716748
File: 1.28 MB, 1936x1296, Red Pepper Flakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this stuff count? I put it on my pizza, pasta, salads soups, chili, sandwiches...

>> No.4716759
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Sure thing, Bucky.

>> No.4716767

> I wish i could afford a food processor
Price: 29.99
>I wish i could afford food processor
nigga do you evn money?

>> No.4716768


Absolutely this.

Absolutely mandatory for welsh rabbit.

>> No.4716779

When I was a kid, I read a book in which aliens invaded the planet. One kid found out the school bully was an alien that was trying to kill him or something. The aliens lived pizza and red pepper flakes were cocaine to them. I think the alien-bully OD'd on red pepper and exploded.

>> No.4716786
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>> No.4716839


I can confirm this is an actual book that I just don't remember the name of.

>> No.4716862

no. also
>>implying i couldn't get it for less at a good will
I have no job and cant afford to just buy anything i want.

>> No.4718615

Got a Paypal?

>> No.4718669
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>> No.4718674

god poor people are gross

>> No.4718673
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Houses of motherfuckin' Parliament Sauce

>> No.4718677 [DELETED] 

email mayfieldm27@yahoo.com

>> No.4718681

What do you use your Sriracha for? Trying to get ideas

>> No.4718695

Would you hurry up and email me?
Your time is limited.

>> No.4718723
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Be very very careful.

>> No.4718727
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>> No.4718761

ya, but being poor also taught me how to cook from scratch, make sauces from scratch, and make things by hand because of issues like no food processor. i didnt like being poor but i learned tons. now, its easy and i dont learn anywhere near as much.

>> No.4719916
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>> No.4720143
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Inb4 im wrong, but aussies quite often use barbeque sauce at BBQ's etc. Goes well with sausages, and onions with sausages and bread.

Id say its essential for certain purposes, like Sriracha or any other kind of chilli sauce. Sweet Chilli arguably is the same thing as Sriracha, but its generally only matched with Wedges.

>> No.4720158

HP sauce and tourtiere is one of the best winter meals.

>> No.4720194
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>> No.4720263


can someone please tell me whats good about this? You guys shit on ketchup all the fucking time but every time I have tried sriracha it destroyed the taste of the food I don't get why this gets a pass and ketchup doesn't?

>> No.4720294 [DELETED] 

Homemade mayo

Also Louisiana-style hot sauce for my eggs, and Gulden's mustard.

>> No.4720297


>> No.4720302
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Homemade mayo

Also Louisiana-style hot sauce for my eggs, and Gulden's mustard.

>> No.4720315


I like it because it's been in my family for generations... I'm 5th generation Canadian from european descent.

Sriracha has an extremely wide range of flavours. Cock sauce is but one sriracha.

That said, when I was a child, I put that shit on hotdogs, and fell in love. If you're convinced it will hide the flavour of a food, try it on a food that is unremarkable already. It really does liven up mediocre grade foods.

As with most spices and sauces, their origins lie in masking flavours of off foods, or sub par ingredients.

Try doing a home made batch of sriracha, or adjust the ingredients to your own liking... Then market that shit.

>> No.4720330


Oh, and my essential condiment is Frank's. I've been drinking that straight since my first month in foods class, about 20 years ago, and in a commercial kitchen some 15 years ago. Always big jugs of it, just waiting to be drunk straight.

>> No.4720342
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Good for any "wok".

>> No.4720349
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>> No.4720368


Lol'd. I like you.

It was that exact reaction that won me so many bets in High School. Always a tough jock type that thinks he can beat the skinny awkward type when $20 is involved.
Musta made $80-100 in a year or two, before I was labelled as 'that guy' and interest dropped off.

Now it's rare that I don't have a bottle sitting beside my desk for occasional swigs.

Also: Buffalo, motherfucking, wings. Those fuckers in Buffalo had the simplest, and best idea ever.

>> No.4720405
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>> No.4720433

ramen noodle burger?