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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4707237 No.4707237 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /CK/,
I'm cooking chilli con carne (or bean soup, whatever, it has meat in it) for the family tomorrow night and am wondering if anyone could offer any improvements for my recipe:

1 can crushed tomatoes
1 can red kidney beans
500ml tomato passata
1 green capsicum (chopped finely)
2 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
1 brown onion (chopped finely
600 grams ground beef

2 tsp flour
2 tsp brown sugar
4 tsp chilli powder
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp basil leaves
1 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper

1. Brown beef, sauté vegetables. Add the canned and bottled items to a pot, along with the seasoning, the sautéed vegetables and the ground beef. Bring to the boil and simmer for three hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with corn chips or on a bed of rice, with sour cream.

>> No.4707238


>> No.4707319


>> No.4707332



>> No.4707341

Fuck Texas. Beans all the way

>> No.4707365

Can anyone give me some suggestions that aren't removing the beans? I've read online that some people add corn and green beans, but to me this seems confused. Does anyone have any thoughts on the recipe otherwise?

>> No.4707381


>> No.4707386

Remove the beans

>> No.4707389

Okay, say I remove the beans, does it become a perfect recipe then?

>> No.4707397

Chili is extremely hard to fuck up just looks up a few recipes for basic guidelines and add whatever sounds good to you. Last time I added local sweet corn, maters from the garden, and whatever beans were in the pantry ( including some Mexican black beans)

>> No.4707399

Well I've provided the recipe I typically use in the OP, I then asked if anyone had any ideas to add to it. I then got a whole thread of remove the beans. The thing that's difficult about posting on /ck/ is that half the time you're beleagued by posters more interested in pushing a meme than they are discussing food.

>> No.4707403


No, it's got too much tomato in it and you're using ground beef. Get a cheap tough cut of beef, cube it up, and get everything slow-cooking in your crock pot fairly early tomorrow morning.

>> No.4707406
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You think thats chili your eating, now?

>> No.4707410

Reduce the passata?
I forgot to mention I typically drain the beans and tomatos before adding it in, so the passata typically forms the liquid component.

>> No.4707411
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>> No.4707419


form your liquid component from the unctuous juices of cooked-down fat and ligaments and such, and the liquid from the onion and the peppers. add as little tomato as possible. it overpowers everything else.

also get some dried chilies in there.

>> No.4707421
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Part 1

>> No.4707425


and get that basil outta here, this isn't spaghetti bolognese.

you need more depth of flavor. I would add some finely-chopped carrot and celery to the onion.

>> No.4707427
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Part 2

>> No.4707429

Your recipe is fine, the beanless chili people are referring to on this thread is a Texas red. Because texans have small penises, they over compensate with ten gallon hats, boots with heels, and acting like their chili is THE shit when it is actually just childish

>> No.4707432

what you should really be using for the liquid component, if you must add additional liquid, is something earthy like dark beer or coffee.

>> No.4707436
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>> No.4707447
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>> No.4707452

It's bc their shitty state's weather is too desert tier to grow beans

>> No.4707456
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>ctrl f cayenne
>ctrl f paprika
>ctrl f chinese five spice

>no results

you fucked up.

>> No.4707467
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>Using premixed spices EVER

>> No.4707510

>spamming the same pic that got old 3 days ago

>> No.4707542

Heading up to the grocery store in fifteen minutes, any last minute ideas?

>> No.4707549

Remove the brown sugar. Its not doing anything for you.

Instead of green capsicum used smoked, dried peppers. Use many different types of peppers. Taste your pepper mix before putting it into the chili so you don't overheat it.

Add an additional 2 tsp ground cumin in the final 10 minutes of cooking. Cumin is affected by the heat.

3 hours is a long time. You should take one ladel out every hour and refrigerate. Taste each sample the following day and see if you really need to simmer it that long (it will vary on the quality of your ingredients, your elevation, etc so I can't tell you offhand)

>> No.4707560

wow, someone who knows...

hey, where do I buy smoked chilli peppers? would I have to go to a specialty store?

>> No.4707565
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>being this jealous

Ok I'll give you the award out of pity.

Here you go bud

>> No.4707644

remove the meat. add seitan.

>> No.4707652

lolololololol no

>> No.4707664

Based on your units of measurement we don't live in the same country so guess I don't know where you should source your ingredients :\ If you have a Central Market they have an excellent selection.

>> No.4708321
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I love chili, especially in the winter. Freezing cold outside, eat hot chili inside.

>> No.4708338

Sure is Winter in here.

>> No.4708350

Dump the seasoning mix, use a variety of nice dried chilis and maybe some canned chipotle in adobo. Seed the chilis, then boil them until they're soft. Blend it together with the stock and any tomato stuff you're adding.

>> No.4708360

>removing beans from chilli con carne

You'd have to be some kind of white rasta head hippie liberal to think this is a good idea.

>> No.4708366

If you cook chili like that i'll marry you right here and now.

>> No.4708372

>premixed spices

Initiate here, how the fuck else do i get my spices?

>> No.4708382

I only like chili with beans in it. Fuck the ground beef shit.

>> No.4709866

McCormicks is shit tier.
I like those spices in the glass bottles from San Francisco. Pretty fresh stuff. Buy whole stuff when you can and grind it on the spot. Makes a huge difference in flavor. Seriously have a granite mortal and pestle for spice grinding it lasts forever and will generally melt the panties.