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4702542 No.4702542 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Carrabbas on a date with my aunt. I want to order red wine.
I've never had red wine.
Is there any way I can order it without looking like I've never ordered it? Any kind you could recommend they might have?

>> No.4702581

>Is there any way I can order it without looking like I've never ordered it?

Unlikely but unless you're trying to fly under the radar at age 20, who cares?

>Any kind you could recommend they might have?

I just looked at the wine list and it started with white zinfandel, so remember not to write off wine forever after this.

Anyway, probably the montepulciano or the chianti.

>> No.4702586

You pick a red wine off the menu and say "I'll have the [name of red wine]" when she's taking drink orders.

If you're underage don't count on succeeding at Carrabas chain places always ID almost regardless of age.

>> No.4702602

Don't order port or a desert wine.

I don't know what carrabas is, but restaurants know that everyone orders the second cheapest wine of the menu so place the one with the highest profit margin there. If it's a half decent place who take pride in their wine menu, no harm or shame in going for the cheapest wine. Don't get table wine though, unless you like vinegar.

>> No.4702604

It's cool, I'm 22, but I've only been into beer so far.

>> No.4702615


You might want to add "a glass of [name of wine]" unless the context makes it very clear that you're not looking for a bottle.

For very short wine lists, you normally order by the generic name (I'll have a glass of the merlot, I'll have a glass of the chianti, or if it's an iconic brand, I'll have a glass of the blue nun, etc) rather than the complete name.

If there is only one chianti on the menu, saying "I'll have a glass of the castelli di gabbiano chianti 2010" makes you sound mildly retarded. On the other hand, if the wine list is created by retards like in this case (where there's no apparent organization and you can't tell there are two chiantis without reading the entire list), the waiter will probably not notice that you're being retarded because he will probably be stoned.

>Don't get table wine though, unless you like vinegar.

It's a cheap chain restaurant, so the "table wine" is going to be no worse than anything else they're selling.

>> No.4702633

>delicious Carrabba's commercials broadcast incessantly on local television
>that feel when there isn't a single location in my entire state (Washington)

It's like they're fucking with us on purpose.

There's never any shame in asking your server for a recommendation. Just go in with an idea of what qualities you might like in a red; like fruity, dry, full-bodied, etc. and have them point something out based upon those preferences.
Obviously you'll have to use a little imagination, never having tried red wine before, you sorry bastard.

>> No.4702638

>you will never eat real authentico italiano
I'll bet if I were to go to Italy and find a restaurant manned by pure Sicilians all the way back, you guys would have a problem with it.

>> No.4702652

american italilan food > "autentico italiano"

>> No.4702659

yeah, and?
every cuisine in the US is a fusion/bastardization. nothing ends up 100% authentic when brought from another country. chinese food is totally different. mexican is different. italian is different. cajun was made from french. its all "americanized"
who cares. food styles evolve.

>> No.4702661


oh boy here we go

>> No.4702662

One way you might noob it up is by mispronouncing a foreign wine name. "Merlot" (murr-LOW) or "chianti" (key-AHN-tee) or "pinot noir" (PEEN-yoh nwahr) for example. Relax though, it's fine to be inexperienced with alcohol at 22. :-)

>> No.4702666

I've been to Italy. Shit sucks rocks, man.

>> No.4702672


What is authentico Italiano?

Tomatoes, chillies, potatoes, are all filthy American imports and no traditional Italian would dream of using them.

>> No.4702681

What do Italiano's use for tomato sauces?

>> No.4702687


>> No.4702698


Oh shit. What did the Italians make pasta pomodoro out of before the Columbian exchange?

What did they make pasta out of before Marco Polo brought back Chinese noodles?

>> No.4702704

why has nobody asked why you're going on a date with your aunt?

>> No.4702705


As long as there are no babies created, I don't have a problem with this.

>> No.4702708

Welcome to 4chan, faggot

>> No.4702714

>no traditional Italian would dream of using them
>Implying they're not culture thieves like their roman ancestors

>> No.4702722

you don't date your aunt?

>> No.4702724

I assumed delicious wincest.
Why else would >>4702542 be trying to get her drunk?

>> No.4702733

Not that I want to get into anything, but why is that where you draw the line?

>> No.4702735


I saw that, but my aunt often puts her hand over my shoulder and runs them over my chest, and I don't know if that's normal familial behaviour or something else. She's not a blood relation or anything, my mother's stepbrother's wife.

>> No.4702736


Because the babby would be affected by the social stigma of being the product of delicious wincest and that's not nice.

>> No.4702745

She wants the D, brah.
>runs them over my chest
Actually, I really hope you're a female.

>> No.4702756

now i'm confused, how did this 1on1 date happen then? no one thinks it's a bit weird?

are you u reely gon shag ur aunt m8

>> No.4702767


No, I work out and have been developing my abs and pecs though. It's not so much rubbing as pressing her hands against and over my chest.

>> No.4702770

Please have forbidden, taboo intercourse with your aunt that's not even remotely related to you, anon.
For me. No, for all of us.

>> No.4702795

Carabbas sucks
Enjoy your incest & heartburn at a shitty chain restaurant

>> No.4702820

Thanks! You too.

>> No.4702846

The only thing I'd touch with a barge pole on that wine list is the Trapiche Syrah. Or the Lohr Cab if you're getting a bottle to split since dumb whores like Cali fruit bomb Cabs and that's a not too awful one to drink if it'll get you laid.

>> No.4702854


The banfi chianti is probably drinkable.

>> No.4702888

Probably wouldn't be terrible option either, at least with more acidic dishes. Though looking at some of the rest of the menu shows a hilarious lack of such for an "Italian" place. Suppose there's a reason they've got so many white zinfandel options.

>> No.4702898

What's the most italian thing you saw?

>> No.4702902

>you will never date your aunt

>> No.4702918
File: 23 KB, 296x170, 1375703913495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 22. No one would ever expect you to be a wine pro. You are still learning. It's better to be a man, ask people what they recommend and taking peoples considerations before making an educated guess instead looking like a tool bag when you act like you know what you're talking about and fuck up the wine order. If you're trying to look like a man nothing symbolized maturity more than having the balls to say you don't know what the fuck you're doing but lets experiment.

>> No.4702932

The tomatoes caprese looks like it might not have been fucked into a bacon, sugar, and cream-based submission.

>> No.4702934

An actual Italian would know their wine by 22. Or Frenchman. Or Spaniard.

>> No.4702937

Oh wow thats amazing, they are so cool.

>> No.4702947

look at this inferiority complex. yes.

>> No.4702950

>eurotrash have to stay drunk to bear their miserable existences

>> No.4702955
File: 17 KB, 367x388, killthemalljohnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's on good wine rather than Bud Light and Smirnoff.

>> No.4702960

While man ancestors were walking on the moon, creating the worlds first hyperpower, using deodorant and enforcing armpit shaving for women europeans were busy teaching their kids the different types of wine as their former empires slowly crumbled and they entered an era with 25%+ unemployement rates and just now realized (since they were clearly drunk on wine) that muslims have invaded their continent and are assimilating themselves and destroying their once magnificent culture.

Yeah man total inferiority complex.

>> No.4702962

While my ancestors*

>> No.4702964

Also don't ask the waiter or waitress what they'd want. They'll just say the most expensive thing because it means a bigger tip for them in the end.

You are now free to argue about tipping.

>> No.4702965


You wouldn't know good beer if it smacked you across the face.

>> No.4702966

Working is for suckers. It's better to charge your government to take care of you.

>> No.4702972

Confirmed for immigrated Turk leeching off European welfare.

>> No.4702979

you actually got this butthurt over a simple factual observation about different drinking preferences?

extreme inferiority complex confirmed and elaborated on. sorry you feel so subconsciously ashamed of America.

>> No.4702981

I don't feel like making a new thread for this. A while ago 4chan found these Stella Artois glasses you could get engraved for free. I managed to get one.
Is it bad manners to bring it to an establishment and ask for them to fill it rather than them using their own glasses?

>> No.4702986

Bad manners?

More like pretentious douche.

They'd probably fill it for you, but what's the point of bringing your own? Are you a germaphobe or do you just like drawing attention to yourself that much?

>> No.4702988

unless you're Snoop Dogg & its your pimp cup you'll just look ridiculous

>> No.4702987

Careful there, son, your mad is showing.

>> No.4702991

Bad manners? I have no idea. Retarded aspie? Absolutely.

>> No.4702996
File: 20 KB, 266x400, AIMSMALLMISSSMALLFAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ashamed of America, at least when it comes to Europoor. I am a little jelly of China, for varying reasons, but we decided in 1776 we didn't want Eurofags or their shitty annoying culture. Since then we've had a great history of kicking European ass whenever they get out of line.

>> No.4703003

you are not convincing but at least you tried.

>> No.4703012

Yeah brah they totally are the masters of the universes. Fuck these wine plebs lel!

>> No.4703014
File: 72 KB, 1192x273, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but this pic is entirely appropriate for this conversation.

>> No.4703017

So how did dating your aunt start? I've read the thread and not sure if op was the one saying she runs her hands over your chest.

>> No.4703021

No that was some other guy. She always calls me up and asks if I want to go on a date. Been doing it since I was a kid. She took me to my first bar too, would let me drink at her house before that though.

>> No.4703023

No shit. Pics of aunt, OP

>> No.4703029

Crazy. But I guess what were all wondering is are you calling it a date to be cute or has it gotten sexual?

>> No.4703036

Well I'm not sure. She did and still does some inappropriate things but we haven't done anything you guys would consider "wincest" yet.

>> No.4703043

Oh ok. Are you hoping it turns into wincest?

>> No.4703047

I wouldn't mind, she's single, I wouldn't be possibly screwing up the family or anything. She gives me boners and stuff.

>> No.4703073


4chan everyone.

>> No.4703083
File: 465 KB, 2937x2203, 1375630805844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok I've never been there because I don't eat shitty food, but I have a related story.

>driving in to work
>flip the dials on the radio and get to the niggerstomp channel
>DJ is announcing a contest
>whomever calls in gets a free meal for them and their friend at any restaurant of their choice
>live in a city with a good number of really nice restaurants
>lady calls in, wins
>says, 'I'd settle for Olive Garden, but I'd LOVE Carabbas'
>any restaurant for free
>chooses some shitty fake Italian food

All of my wat.

Also OP if you're still here ask the waiter for a recommendation. And give your aunt the D she clearly wants it.