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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 275x183, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4696504 No.4696504 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me,
how do you like your steak cooked?

>> No.4696515

It depends on the cut, goddammit.

Fillet = rare
Rump = medium-rare/medium
Flank = medium/medium-well
Porterhouse = rare/ medium rare

>> No.4696524

right smack in between rare and medium-rare. Or 136F (temp at which to remove it from the grill).

>> No.4696539

OP here. I prefer my steak to be medium.

>> No.4696541

Rare for everything. Might not be the "conventional way" (I laugh in the face of convention) but that's just how I fucking like it. Call me edgy, go on, I dare you. Fucking rare as shit all day every day, blood out the wazoo. That's how I fucking like that shit.

>> No.4696639
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Blue every time. I don't eat beef that isn't worthy of it.

>> No.4696656

Well done and drowned in ketchup

>> No.4696668

This guy. Also putting sauce on steak is blasphemy.

>> No.4696671

my nigga

>> No.4696675

tbh i grill the shit out of it and try and get as much char and tastyness on it before it hits medium... id rather have a crusty delicious medium over med rare with no colour.

>> No.4696680

Your steak god is a false prophet anyway

>> No.4696689

Blue seared.

>> No.4696738
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That's going too far. Tell me steak au poivre doesn't benefit from its rich brandy sauce. Tell me a balsamic reduction can't enhance a black and blue ribeye. Tell me a beurre rouge isn't nice to swish a bite of tenderloin in. And tell me a marinated flank steak isn't bettered by a homemade ginger and sesame teriyaki sauce.

A1 or catsup or god forbid, ranch or shit, and I'm with you. But a great chef is going to put a great sauce with great beef. But I work in fine dining, not a steakhouse environment. Of course the steakhouse I worked in got beautiful painted hills beef and we served a variety of sauces. Our filet came sauced with bearnaise, our NY a peppercorn cream sauce, and our ribeye a glace de viande.

Old school chophouses with old man waiters are the only places that just do broiled beef with salt and pepper anymore.

>> No.4696744

medium-well to well done is the best flavor for me.

>> No.4696746

and A1 if they got it, ketchup if they don't.

>> No.4696780


bu-but what about mushroom gravy, anon?

>> No.4696795

sage and hide

>> No.4696820


>> No.4696830

Medium rare

>> No.4696843

doesn't matter how much it's cooked, as long as i got pepper

>> No.4696849

Still mooing

>> No.4696858
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Tipping thread!

Ramen thread!

Steak thread!

Vegan thread

repeat forever


>> No.4696861

Don't forget coffee threads

>> No.4696869

......and the Chicago deep dish pizza casserole threads!

>> No.4696872

Sprinkle in some nostalgia.

>> No.4696875
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You said it, anon.

>> No.4696876

I don't have any money, so what can I buy with nothing thread.

Here are all of my ingredients, come up with recipes for me thread.

>> No.4696883
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or you could of just taken a look at the catalog.

All the good threads tend to stay off the front page to keep the shitposters away

>> No.4696888

medium rare

>> No.4696889

>All the good threads tend to stay off the front page to keep the shitposters away

what does that even mean.

>> No.4696890

they either don't have a lot of traffic because they are above the average /ck/ user, or the posters are encouraged to sage to keep it out of sight. If you know to use the catalog you know /ck/ threads don't fall off the board for about 2 days.

>> No.4696895

Medium. Medium rare is also acceptable and medium well can be depending on the variables. Rare and well done are inedible

>> No.4696928

>all the sauce fags

The only thing that belongs on a steak are grilled onions, mushrooms, or fresh ground pepper. If you put sauce on your steak you aren't fucking cooking it right.

>> No.4696937


>my preference is the only way thats correct.

get over yourself you fuckin douchebag.

>> No.4696941

>putting katsup and mustard on vanilla ice cream

No asshole. Some things are just wrong.

>> No.4696957

I put mushroom sauce, peppercorn sauce and blue cheese sauce on my steaks all the goddamn time, asshole. Sometimes a red wine reduction. Sauces are great. You're just using shit ones.

>> No.4696978

>If you put sauce on your steak you aren't fucking cooking it right
that's an incredibly stupid assumption to make, silly. it's quite simple to cook a steak to a beautiful medium rare, and then put A1 on it. and there are numerous people who would enjoy it greatly.

>> No.4699331

Usually between medium-rare and medium.

>> No.4699723

Well done with pepper and garlic. I like me some chewy meats.

>> No.4699728

depends on the steak
pic related I would have medium because there is a bit of marbling, by the looks of the pic.

Also the steak in the pic has been chemically cook in an acidic marinade prior to cooking, so the meat will be firm even though it was cooked blue rare/rare.

>> No.4699731

That's a really shitty sauce though.

>> No.4699732

I get it, but still. Putting sauce on a nice New York strip or the like is just superfluous; it doesn't need it to enhance the dish. If I'm going to put some sort of sauce on beef, I'm gonna get another cut, like flank or skirt, that suits it better. Anyone can have their preferences, but these things have a place.

>> No.4699737

The point of sauce is to enhance the flavor of the meat, not alter it.
I personally don't put sauce on my steak when I cook at home, and the people who slather steaks with anything disgust me. But at restaurants its common for red meat to be served with an accompanying sauce, usually on the side.

>> No.4699742

I'm actually totally cool with sauces on the side, be it ketchup, A1 or milk with jellybeans. Nothing wrong with a little variety, but I'm probably not gonna use the sauce for more than two or three bites.

>> No.4699746

black and blue

>> No.4699828

Don't matter so long as I get to stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.

>> No.4699873
File: 120 KB, 782x501, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "no sauce with steak" thing is a schtick that was invented by a few American steak restaurants in the 20th century as a form of crude braggadocio intended to imply that their steak was "so good it doesn't need sauce".

For some reason, probably due to the fact that going to a steakhouse was a form of celebration much desired by the working poor, this "no sauce on steaks" line was repeated verbatim by the great unwashed, along with the "must be bloody". Just as the steak house was seen as a fantasy visit to the life of "class", it also threatened them with humiliation.

Yes, millions of poor people lived their lives in fear that a class of restaurant whose entire business was catering to an uneducated person's fine dining fantasy would humiliate them in the course of the ritualized "offering of choices".

So the "bring it to me so it's mooing" and "no sauce, it's the best steak" became the steak house version of the coupon section in the Sunday paper. Poor people collect these phrases like it's going out of style (which, ironically, is impossible because it was never in style). They then proudly brandish them to the steakhouse waiter thinking they're winning, whereas actually just by participating in this stupid tradition, they're losing by default.

Also, mods love steak so I'll probably get banned for this post.

>> No.4699899

Medium rare-medium

>> No.4699903

Eating steak without sauce is one of them

>> No.4699908

the way the chef recommends it, I don't pretend I know what the fuck

>> No.4699910

>I've never been to a really nice steakhouse before

>> No.4699912


>> No.4699948


>implying you didn't deserve the ban for posting a trollbait thread

>> No.4699962


try harder

>> No.4699982

135 F

>> No.4700032

Kidding aside, have you actually seen anyone eat steak with ketchup? just the thought of that just seems so out there to me.

>> No.4700038

It's common at the shit-tier chain restaurants. Plebs go there for a "fancy night out dining experience".

>> No.4700046

Relevant short story:

>> No.4700050

Probably the most refined preparation is Pittsburgh Rare. Coat the outside of the steak in copious amounts of cracked black pepper, get a cast iron pan literally red hot, and then sear the outside so that the pepper burns into the steak.

The inside should be incredibly rare and actually cool while the outside is black. Serve with bearnaise or a refined steak sauce such as Peter Lugers steak sauce or maybe even a chimichurri.

All other preparations are incredibly plebeian in contrast.

>> No.4700055


I don't put anything on it, don't like the taste of steak sauce (or at least haven't found one i like, they all taste so bitter) and ketchup, thats a bit much isn't it.

>> No.4700064
File: 63 KB, 300x199, pittsburgh%20rare[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my photograph. This is almost perfection but the outside isn't quite charred enough.

>> No.4700103
File: 13 KB, 225x225, mouth-orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make my own thread, but since there's already a steak thread;
I have been living as a broke college student (eggs&rice) for a few months now and tomorrow I'm finally getting enough money to eat well, so I want to cook a steak.
How should I marinate it? Should I grill it or roast it?
pic related, the fucking best side dish in existence that I'll be cooking as well.

>> No.4700108

I like my states bloody, but that shit looks fucking disgusting. Why is it purple?

>> No.4700111


Serious question, is it even safe to eat meat that is that rare?

>> No.4700118

If its a good cut you don't need to do much to it other than some Salt and Pepper. Cooking it properly is the trick, and that all depends on what your personal preferences are. To grill or to pan sear, that is the question.

>> No.4700130

Home: Medium-rare.
Outside: Medium.
The problem is that mostly of restaurants here cannot into rare without fucking it up somehow, mostly of times getting one part of the steak more cooked than the other.

>> No.4700132


yeah more or less

not 'feed it to pregnant women every day' safe

>> No.4700145

meh depends... For a healthy adult, it takes some serious bacteria colonies to make you sick.

looks like it has about a 30 day age on it when it is aged for that long it usually starts off twice the size and the outside is trimmed off.

good bacteria are what actually give aged steak its awesome flavor, and if you get and bad bacteria in there it is immediately apparent when its trimmed(it smells bad) and it gets trashed.

>> No.4700150
File: 103 KB, 778x778, No SKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl;dr I'm a yuropoor who has never even passed by a good steakhouse

>> No.4701575
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>nice steakhouse

Is that like a gourmet luxury hamburger restaurant? Sorry but the whole Vegas thing doesn't impress me.

>knowing about food makes you a yuropoor

There you go with that nonsense again, flyover land. I know how hard it must be because I've been on road trips and I've seen how you live. In your homeland, aka "The Heartland" as your Fox News calls it, every freeway off ramp leads to the same six chain restaurants, but if you can escape to reality you may some day discover that America actually has some of the best food in the world. And by "food" I mean something that isn't a reconstituted corn byproduct pressed into the shape of meat. It must be very confusing but if you work hard you'll eventually figure it out.

>> No.4701596


... it's a restaurant that specializes in steak, dude. Not exactly rocket science. I'm not the guy you were replying to, but I've lived in both New York and Seattle, hardly flyover country, and I've had some pretty excellent steaks that really did not need anything put on them to taste delicious.

I'm not going to shit on Europe because ad hominem attacks are dumb.

>> No.4703415

medium rare in a burger
medium otherwise

>> No.4703430

>medium-rare burger
Give me a /ck/ high five. Good fucking burgers should be medium rare or just barely medium. No point in letting that delicious fat get away.

>> No.4703446


I like my burgers medium rare - but I do agree with a couple of chefs I know that medium makes a juicier burger, as the fat liquifies

>> No.4703457

I have a goatee. I prefer it a little less runny.

But yes, temperature isn't just a personal preference, it should be effected by the fat content and cuts you're grinding into that burger. And of course, your type of bun and what you're topping it with.

>> No.4703563

Medium-Well is the best in my opinion

>> No.4703880

Whatever the way it normally comes... fuck it

>> No.4704133



>> No.4704281

medium rare is really the only acceptable answer.
anything else is autist tier

>> No.4704293

Cooked. Warm and cooked throughout, no rareness.

>> No.4704302
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