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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 400x300, focaccia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4695658 No.4695658 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate an entire loaf of Focaccia bread... and I wasn't even hungry.

Shameful food acts thread?

>> No.4695662

I eat really healthy.

Except about once a month I go to McDonald's, get a #1 large, a Filet of Fish, and 10 chicken nuggets.

Don't know why, the food is nasty. I just crave that shit though.

>> No.4695669

I used to live 2 hours away from my parents when I was in college. Every time I was about to drive home I'd think "Damn, I'm going to be a fat fuck, get a 20-piece mcnugget, and eat the whole goddamn thing while I drive home." I get McDonald's maybe twice a year, so this is definitely out of the ordinary. So I'd get closer to the interstate, see the McDonald's...and drive past it. It required a U-turn to get to it, so it was kind of a hassle. I don't know if I was just lazy or was afraid I'd lose self respect and feel terrible by the time I got to my parents' house.

>> No.4695673

I do the same all the time, focaccia is awesome

>> No.4695689
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Sometimes I get a crave case and eat half for dinner, and half for breakfast

My apartment turns into a gas chamber for 24 hours afterwards.

>> No.4695707

I love sweets and am a baker. I was just craving something sweet and hour ago, so I decided to make french toast. LOTS of french toast. I made this cocoa/powdered sugar glaze last night with butter and put some of that on it. That was tastier then it had any right being, and I'm a little ashamed that I just had three large slices of it.

>> No.4695717

Last night I had a sweet tooth but was too lazy to make cupcakes so I made a bunch of ginger and cinnamon spiced sweet pancakes using Bisquick (didn't have any maple syrup, so I sweetened them up with coconut sugar). And that was my dinner.

The week before I ate a whole box of Skittles in one sitting.

(Interesting non-related fact: both things I mentioned are vegan. Totally unhealthy, but vegan. Bisquick doesn't even require egg, just add a little baking soda. Then use non-dairy milk. I use almond. Oh and Earth Balance instead of butter in the pan. And Skittles used to contain gelatin and bug dye, but have recently changed the recipe.)

>> No.4695722

I can eat 12 packs of Gushers in an hour and still want more. There's something about that candy that hits my "I need more of this now" button.

>> No.4695745

I ate an entire 5 pound bag of frozen shrimp in a single day.

Slightly less shameful, since I'm a /fit/izen, and I'm doing a leangains bulk, and there's plenty of protein in that, but still, god damn.

>> No.4695748

Sometimes I'll eat a Hot Pocket.

>> No.4695761

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4695774

My family makes these awesome salami rolls with homemade cream cheese and cold cuts from a local Italian deli.

I had a tupperware container full of them, maybe like 40, and I demolished it. I stopped being hungry around halfway in.

Those were the days ;_; the metabolism-dependent days.

>> No.4696035

Binge eater here. Last week I had 1 full rack of spare ribs, 4 pieces of fried chicken, a brisket sammich, some cornbread, mac and cheese, about a gallon of barbacue sauce, and a milk shake all in one sitting.
>6'0 145 workout 14 hours a week min

>> No.4696043

I'm like that. Been dieting most of this year, eat really healthy and have lost 45 pounds. But once a month I'll get smashed and go to jack in the box for a jumbo jack, chicken sandwich, and six tacos. Ends up being like 2000 calories. Dunno why but this is the only fast food I eat and I order the same shit every time. I think it keeps me sane though and hasn't really effected my weight loss.

>> No.4696169

My former roommate would eat ham and cheese hot pockets for dinner ,dipping them in Bama grape -flavored jelly. It was revolting.

>> No.4696176
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>> No.4696203


kind of similar. i make sliced deli ham, cover one side in cream cheese and roll them up with black olives, cheese, bread and butter pickles and apples.

>> No.4696209

its nearly 5 am and im sitting naked browsing /ck/ and eating nutella with a spoon

>> No.4696213

I once ate a whole box of kraft Mac n Cheese

>> No.4696216

I ate one of those mini kid's pizzas at Pizza Hut with some Taco Bell nachos and a large Baja Blast Mountain Dew for dinner tonight. To be fair, I just got off of vacation so I had no food to cook and I'm pretty underweight anyway.

>> No.4696217

I recently almost purchased fast food on a shitty hangover day. Almost.

>> No.4696224


whoa boy

>> No.4696226

But Vegetables are healthy so those are healthy for me, right?

>> No.4696231

in detox they only had fucking jail sandwiches. so i just used the cheese and a bunch of mustard and ate that as a sandwich and was able to live off just that one sandwich and a single bowl of cheerios for 3 days.

>> No.4696247
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Are you me? I binge ate a similar meal just a few nights ago. It included 1500 Calories in rolls.

>6'1 145 lbs workout 5-6 hours a week

>> No.4696255


>> No.4696268
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I can easily eat an entire bag of this in one sitting. I've done it a few times.

>> No.4696311

Oh fuck. Those and the sweet and spicy(can't remember the right word) BBQ ones are so good.

>> No.4696317
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My kind of man
Let's get married

>> No.4696321
File: 139 KB, 391x316, dip_24oz_USA_cucumber_n_dill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a loaf of ciabatta to go with dinner. Had a slice or two with my meal.

Late that night night I ended up eating half the loaf by tearing off chunks and dipping it in this shit.

Then I did it again the following morning and finished it off.

>> No.4696348

Yahooey! Awesome stuff

>> No.4696349

I have an ED so I eat in very strange ways. I'd say my lowest moment was restricting and then finding a little thing of dominos icing and just eating it off my finger in the dead of night.

>> No.4696353

i leik sour cream

>> No.4696367

About once a year I eat the whole a package of Fig Newtons.

>> No.4696384
File: 60 KB, 305x305, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time, I bought a tub of gelato. I planned to eat a few spoonfuls every other day or so.
Five minutes later, the whole thing is gone.
>all dat saturated fat...

>> No.4696392

I grab a bag of flaming hot cheetos whenever im getting groceries.
Ive been eating them since i was a kid, its damn near an addiction at this point

>> No.4696400

are you me?

>> No.4696410

Cottage cheese with honey.
I can't buy a tub of it unless I'm really, really craving it, which is about 3 or 4 times a year, because I'll eat the whole tub in one sitting. Orange blossom or wildflower honey on cottage cheese is an amazing thing. (large curd ftw)
It always starts with me trying to be strong and just eat 1/2 cup or so, but then before I know it, I'm sitting there, holding the empty tub, feeling nothing but shame. Cottage cheese isn't so bad for you, but it is when you eat the whole damn thing in at once, AND when you have a slight allergy to dairy. (makes me break out in a rash) :/

>> No.4696411

I enjoy eating fried shallots (The kind people put in water-based soups) by itself

>> No.4696414

i ate a pound or mortedella and a half pound of german butter cheese.

plus a roll of sweet ass rosemary bread... i didnt even make a sandwich it was all on sale

fuck you plebs dont understand

>> No.4696721

Eaten a 18 inch pizza and a 12 pack from beer myself, in one evening, several times. 3 boxs of macaroni. 4 cups of rice. A whole pasta. A watermelon. A 20 oz steak. A whole meatloaf. Whole loaves of bread, several times. A whole jar of peanut butter and a box of oreos. A catfish. A foot long meatball sub, a few times. 40 bagels bites. Five eggs, cheese, with bacon and rye toast. Steak and eggs, with biscuits and gravy and a few bloody marys. These are just cases I remember when I let my appetite assume control, and don't really represent my normal eating habits. I ain't fat, but I'm sure as shit not in great shape. I also smoke lots of weed and drink too much.

>> No.4696729
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A whole large pizza sometimes when I get drunk. And the pizza I like is $30 for that, so I feel doubly guilty about it. Other than that I'm down 70 lbs on weight watchers, but I have my little relapses here and there.

pic related

>> No.4696730

2 chipotle burritos. I just hope they thought I was picking up for two people.

>> No.4696784

Does shameful laziness count? I'll occasionally go a week or so eating nothing but scrambled eggs for dinner every night because I can't be arsed to cook anything more complicated.

Then I'll magically snap out of it and spend like two hours making some complicated thing.

>> No.4696805

Used to be, when really lazy I'd eat boiled potatoes with hardboiled eggs and steamed broccoli.

I brought great shame upon my southeast Asian ancestors.

>> No.4696839


I mean, physically, how could you eat two Chipotle burritos? I think I'd actually vomit/die if I tried to eat that much food at once.

>> No.4696964

chocolate digestives. sometimes go through a pack a day. tbf though I hadn't eaten them for about a month, until yesterday.

>> No.4696991

I once mixed coke and pepsi and now i have terminal 7.

>> No.4696995
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Doritos, some taco flavored ground beef, sour cream with nacho cheese dip. All in the same bowl. Crushed to fucking pieces.

And eaten with a spoon.

>> No.4697137

Get enough Iodine? God damn shrimp is tasty. No shame there.

>> No.4697160

glorious walking taco

>> No.4697169

that sounds wonderful

>> No.4697174

Yesterday I had a pound of potatoes and a pound if ground beef for dinner.

>> No.4697180

Yesterday, I had several slice of ham about to go bad.

I made a batch of croque monsieur (about 10) around 16h00

I ate 8 of those, trying my hardest to save the two survivor for my room mate.

>> No.4697184

>making large bread at home (1kg)
>put it in the oven and smoke some weed
>smell the bread in the oven
>oh god
>bread is done
>devour it in half an hour with nothing but olive oil and salt added

>> No.4697221

As a child I would usually eat about half a loaf just watching cartoons after school.
It's a miracle I'm not morbidly obese.

>> No.4698517


I'm not saying it wasn't delicious. Just, I ate it myself over the course of a day.

Would OP have eaten all that Focaccia if it tasted bad?

>> No.4698543

How many is in a crave case?

>> No.4698566


>> No.4698737

I ate a whole package of Chips Ahoy cookies with milk in just two days.

I'm very lazy, for breakfast I usually just microwave 2-3 potatoes and just eat them with salt.

>> No.4698764

I got mad at xBox and made retaliatory cream puffs. Then I ate all the cream puffs.

Take that, xBox.

>> No.4698813
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You got mad at an Xbox? Care to explain?