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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 328 KB, 600x800, wizard art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4693897 No.4693897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To all at /ck/ I pose an impossible challenge.

I challenge you to find a LIFELONG meat eater who looks like he/she is in his/her 20s-40s while in his/her 70s-80s.

Here, I have TWO vegetarians/vegans who look like they're in their 30s-40s while they're in their 70s!

inb4: genetics.

If it it INDEED IS genetics that made those two people so young then you should have NO problem finding MEAT EATERS who have those same GREAT genetics.



>> No.4693903

To all vegfags, I pose an impossible challenge.

Can you stop shitting up this board with your selective eating disorder? Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.4693905

If you didn't care then WHY did you choose to come to this thread when you KNEW it was about vegetarians!?

>> No.4693910

Because I care about reading this board for recipes, cooking, and new ideas, and do not enjoy having to sift through your cancerous bullshit. Hidden.

>> No.4693911

Diets are more related to >>>/fit so why not try there instead?

>> No.4693912


While some people may have the metabolic pathways to support a fully vegan diet as she claims, I'm not buying it.

>> No.4693909


>> No.4693914

Easy. My grandfather.
He's 81 and looks no older than 50. Not only is he a life long meat eater, but he's a cattle rancher to boot. Personally, though, besides his omnivorous diet (he eats just a much fruit and veg as he does meat), I attribute his looks and health to the fact that he's worked outdoors, in peaceful and beautiful surroundings his whole life. Working with animals and nature is good for the soul, and the body apparently.

>> No.4693915

I too do not enjoy shifting through multiple cancerous threads but I don't post in them and BUMP them to the front page!

>> No.4693918

Take a picture. I want to see.
SHE? I posted TWO vegans/vegetarians.

>> No.4693922


>> No.4693925

Bump, waiting for any to meet the challenge!

>> No.4693927

Dude, I'm not posting family pictures on 4chan. That's always a bad idea.
You can believe it, or not, doesn't matter to me. I already know the man.
Also, he's healthy as a horse. Sure, his time isn't too far away, the man is 81, but he has zero health problems and still goes out and hauls hay bales and works cattle and fixes fences, etc. etc. He's healthier than I am, I'd bet. (I have a desk job.)

>> No.4693932
File: 491 KB, 1162x1348, MimiKirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like he/she is in his/her 20s-40s while in his/her 70s-80s
>looks like he/she is in

Anon, please. This dusty skelleton is 70 and looks it too. Fountain of youth my ass.

>> No.4693935

Christ she looks like a wight

>> No.4693936
File: 61 KB, 468x436, nicholsonDM0302_468x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna know the real fountain of youth? I'll tell you what it is. It's not giving a fuck.

The older you get the less fucks you should give.

>> No.4693939


>> No.4693938
File: 8 KB, 208x243, 70 year old average.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say the same about the colored vegan.

This is how the average 70 year old looks

>> No.4693942 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate being old.

I'll convert to vegetarianism instantly if being a vegetarian can make me die before age 39.

>> No.4693940

Jesus christ white people age like shit. People actually think she looks 40?

>> No.4693958


It's what happens to most people, but it's really a byproduct of experience. You know how the teacher always learned the rowdy kid's name first?

It's the same thing, at some point you meet enough assholes that you figure all life can go to hell, but it's not the case. It's just that interactions with bad people, you will perceive as an attack, and as a reflex, you'll want to avoid further attacks. You remember those more, instinctively.

You just remember threats more easily than peaceful interactions. It's instinct, and eventually...self-destruct.

>> No.4693959
File: 209 KB, 1025x781, Dat man meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked just a few to show you how full of shit you really are.

Not only are they aging well, but they arguably look BETTER than they did when they were younger.

All meat eaters.

Your move vegfags.

>> No.4693960


I think, anyway.

>> No.4693961
File: 743 KB, 1000x1500, clint-eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus christ white women age like shit. People actually think she looks 40?

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4693964

Stallone is a bad example. His face is disfigured from plastic surgery and heavy HGH abuse.

>> No.4693965

The middle bottom one is balding already.

Other than that, they indeed do look good..for now. But those 70 year old vegan/vegetarians already stood the test of time. We'll just have to see if those guys will do the same.

>> No.4693983

WHY do you KEEP capitalizing WORDS? It really makes you look DUMB.

>> No.4693985

To emphasize certain words.

>> No.4693990


You also have to realize that most people will not do anything to shield you from their own fate, and a lot of people will mirror hostile acts in an attempt to achieve a neutral state.

I see it all the time here. A lot of guys were raped or sodomized, or had a consentual experience they didn't like and they end up bug chasers.

But yeah, that woman has the traditional California facelifted look.

>> No.4694021

What about the colored woman? She looks younger. Her husband, a FORMER BUTCHER, is just as old and looks like an old fart.

>> No.4694023

sources huh?

tell me vegans, do you even know what a source is? or are you expecting me to meet your worthless anecdote with my own worthless anecdote?

>> No.4694028

It's a news report, not some youtube video made by a 12 year old. Do you think they photoshopped her or something?

>> No.4694033

>>b-but its on the news
I see, so you do not know what a source is. thanks. Maybe next time you should think about what source you're getting things from, or you'll be preparing for the next ice age in the middle of a warming period.

>> No.4694040

What you mean I don't know the source? It's WPTV 5 news.

>> No.4694041
File: 76 KB, 600x480, Nigella-Lawson-vs-Gillian-McKeith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694052

The picture of Nigella lawson was taken a few years ago, not when she was 51, and has makeup on in that picture. Gillian mckeith has no extra lighting in her picture.

>> No.4694053

Goddamn I would fuck Nigella so hard while she ate a turkey leg in one hand and smoked a cigarette in the other.

>> No.4694054

Balding is not a sign of age. My younger brother is already going bald, he is 23.

>> No.4694058
File: 57 KB, 468x453, later picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she was not wearing makeup.

>> No.4694059
File: 101 KB, 720x525, Nigella vs Hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an even better one. No doubt Nigella still has on makeup, but she doesn't look like a ghoul.

Gillian is a fucking malnourished strigoi.

>> No.4694075
File: 61 KB, 545x431, gillian--z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... is this suppose to be the worst picture you could fine of Nigella? Because even 'off the red carpet' and from an awkward angle, she looks amazing for a 51 year old.

Gillian on the other hand...

>> No.4694084

You indeed are kicking my ass in this argument, but I want to know the whole story of what Gillian eats.

>> No.4694093
File: 55 KB, 581x483, nigella lawson argument2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694101

>someone still in the industry vs an obese celebrity
>someone still bodybuilding vs someone who went into politics

Dear lord, look at that bullshit.

>> No.4694107

Christ, are you me? If you swap "great-uncle" for "grandfather" I could type nearly the exact same post. My great-uncle just hit 75, looks about 55, eats a shitload of meat, drinks beer like it's going out of style, and spent a couple decades working as a cattle rancher. He spent his time after that as a carpenter.

It's particularly noticeable because my wife's great-uncle is only 5 years older than him, yet looks like he's about 108. They're nearly the same age yet they look like they're at least a full generation apart.

>> No.4694110

There are so many causes of aging anyway.

And the fact that there are so many young looking old vegans says a lot more than the 1/million young looking old omnivores because the percentage of vegans (especially in the older population) is so much lower.

But yeah, for instance I have Hashimoto's disease which caused my face to look older than it is. Rubbing your face a lot I think can also age you, and so many other factors that don't have anything to do with diet.

>> No.4694111

More like 1/billion*

>> No.4694116
File: 642 KB, 1045x575, mimi-kirk-1045x575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Morris only recently became a vegan in his old age, many long decades of non-veganism probably got him that good strength base.

Plus, Mimi is looking a little more decrepit nowadays.

I enjoy the debate, but then again, it would be stupid not to acknowledge that Nigella might be lucky to have great skin genetics (either that, or all the meat-based collagen her diet). It will be more interesting to see which one of them dies first.

>> No.4694119

It was really just showing how irrelevant all this is.

But you will probably get all giddy at the chance to say an omnivore looks younger than a vegan of the same age.

>> No.4694127

Gillian mckeith encourages eating pasta....
Go in the woods and find me paste then I'll believe that pasta is good for you.

>> No.4694128

Stop saying colored, Anon. That's racist. Also, I have no idea who you are talking about to begin with.

How about a name or a picture?

>> No.4694133

You know you're desperate to reassure yourself when you assign an unestablished mentality to your opposition.

You could have just said that's what you were trying to do instead of make a bigger bullshit image than what we started with.

>> No.4694146

I am racist.
see >>4694116
for picture?