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File: 126 KB, 300x728, 221005047_gordon_gin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4690100 No.4690100 [Reply] [Original]

Why all the hate for gin? Tried it for the first time yesterday and it's actually not that bad.

>> No.4690105

Most people believe the "best" gin is Bombay Sapphire which happens to be relatively heavy on the juniper and "hot" on the palate. Some people don't like the smell of juniper in their drink.

You know all those people who go apeshit when they first try Hendrick's and they proclaim they'll only ever drink Hendrick's from now on? Yeah, those are the same people.

>> No.4690121

I love cocktails. But I can't stand Gin.
I had a real, original martini the other night.
>2 oz gin
>a splash of dry vermouth swirled and dumped from the glass
>olive garnish
>shaken and strained into martini glass

It was repulsive. I must have made the face like I had just bitten into a lemon. Maybe its a taste you need to acquire, but it wasn't a pleasant experience for me.

>> No.4690122
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>> No.4690125

gin and tonic
and martinis
are GOAT mixed drinks... so gin haters can fuck off

but i would certainly not sip on pure gin...
that's like drinking straight vodka (if you're not a russian bear wrestler)

>> No.4690126

try a gin drink like a french 75 so you can ease into it.

>> No.4690128

The only time I drink Gin, is in Gin and Tonics. They ended up being much tastier than I expected. Probably my #1 drink

>> No.4690134

Gin is fucking amazing but I can get tired of it relatively quickly. But then I'm back on the gin train.

It is GOD TIER with fruit juices. Freshly squeezed ANYTHING plus gin is going to be great and make vodka look like shit.
Gin for the light drinks, whiskey for the dark. All other spirits can get in line.

>> No.4690147

Only Gin drink I can enjoy is a long island iced tea
>1/2 gin, rum, vodka, triple sec
>fill sweet and sour
>splash cola on top
>lemon wheel

It tastes dangerously like real icedt

>> No.4690270


Gin and tonic? Stupid question, but that drink is just gin + tonic water fill right?

>> No.4690273

Yes. Just wondering, what's your preferred ratio, /ck/?

>> No.4690279

Varies, I either fill the cup to 1/3 or 1/2 full with gin+ice, and then the rest is just tonic water.
I also like lime in mine, it's worth buying 1 or 2 if you know you're gonna make some. A quarter of the lime is good for me

>> No.4690284

Cant get into gin
Tastes like im drinking a pine tree

>> No.4690290

I like it. Gin and tonic is fine, but personally I like to drink gin with ginger ale.

>> No.4690291

That's the reason I love it

>> No.4690292

You can get sick easier from Gin, it's not a very clean alcohol.

>> No.4690299
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Maybe if you make it yourself or some shit.

>> No.4690305


and tequila makes you go crazy, right?

ask me how I know you're 19 years old.

>> No.4690307

Metalocalypse is always correct.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some bleach to drink.

>> No.4690314

Love Gordon's. Good enough for Bond, good enough for you. It's not the best for martinis I'm partial to Tanqueray but it's a powerhorse mixing gin, specially gimlets/

>> No.4690316


Man how do you people tolerate these drinks. A gimlet is just straight vodka or gin + lime juice. I tried one the other night it was a terrible experience.

>> No.4690321

Citrus IME negates the alcoholic bite. I use Roses, so a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down

>> No.4690324

Mostly just vodkafags banging on about "muh hangover"

People who aren't neckbeards or Slav(e)s are fine with gin.

>> No.4690327

I used real limes, 3 wedges squeezed and dropped into the glass + ice on top. Maybe thats why it didn't work so well for me.

>> No.4690330

gin with grapefruit juice is a GOAT mixed drink

>> No.4690331

Bombay Sapphire with tonic and a slice of lime in the jacuzzi on a warm summer day...mmmm my little slice of heaven

>> No.4690333
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>real limes

I was about to rage for saying "real" and then


I raged

>> No.4690339


Whats wrong with real limes? why would that mke you rage?

>> No.4690341
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why you talking shit bout muh roses?

>> No.4690342
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In general, people who habitually throw "real" in front of food names like it's a good thing are advertising that they eat garbage normally.

In your case, I read the conversation backwards so I was missing some important context.

>> No.4690350


When I was first getting into mixing I bought a bottle of that because it's "a classic" or some shit.

At first I was like "what the fuck is this shit", and then I was like "well it's a classic so I better finish it so I can see what the fuss is all about.

It took me a month to finish it. When I was done, it felt like defeat.

>> No.4690355

Theres nothing wrong with roses in cocktails that require it in smaller amounts.

For instance, margaritas, about 1/2 oz. Its convenient and a time saver.

>> No.4690358


A time saver compared to squeezing a lime that takes like 10 seconds?

I can understand if you're a lone bartender on a cut rate cruise ship and you have to serve a room full of 300 tanned wrinkled old floozies by yourself in record time, but for a respectable bar, let alone drinking at home, there's no excuse.

>> No.4690366


New to crafting cocktails, I seek your council. Generally most drinks that call for lime juice require 1/2 oz.

When you use real limes and squeeze them, what does that come out too? Do you cut a real lime in half in wedge and squeeze that, or just a wedge?


>> No.4690370


I'm not that much of a nazi about it, I'll just do half a lime for a small cocktail glass, or a full lime for a large one. If we're talking about margaritas, which should only be served up. I am a nazi about that.

>> No.4690371

I think it's because gin isn't usually good straight and the cheapest gins are repulsive to an extent moreso than cheap vodka or whiskey or rum.

gin and tonic with a decent gin is the best thing ever though.

>> No.4690373
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Gin seems to be a very love or hate liquor, more so than anything else I've noticed.

I personally love it, and prefer a g&t over any other drink. I'll even go cheap, I really don't mind. Seagram's isn't bad, and Broker's is actually pretty good.

>> No.4690381


Full lime, squeeze hard for a margarita then? I typically do them on the rocks in a collins glass

>> No.4690387

Gin is awesome for cocktails. G&T with limes, lemons or cucumbers are very refreshing and so are Tom Collins. A well made martini is delicious and gin 7up is a good party/club drink.
My go to gin is Tanqueray but I recently discovered Citadelle. If Tanqueray is too piney for you I would suggest Citadelle.

>> No.4690388

>squeeze hard

I'm not sure what this means. If your limes are too hard, roll them on the table while pushing down with your hand before cutting them in half. It tenderizes them and makes them easier to squeeze.

If you're ever planning to make citrus based cocktails for more than 2 people, a juicer is probably a good investment.

>> No.4690389

I bought the cheapest bottle I could recently (Burnette's or something) and no real complaints besides the heavy alcohol taste.

>> No.4690415

Oh God fuck I love Long Islands. You can use cheap everything and you won't taste the difference. Still tastes refreshing and barely alcoholic until you're ass up in someone else's pool.

The only downside is if you puke it WILL be extremely sour.

>> No.4690418

Burnetts that basically drinkable rubbing alcohol

For bottom shelf gin, I go for segrams, gordons and new amsterdam

>> No.4690422

you're the worst kind of person

>> No.4690431

>Bombay Sapphire which happens to be relatively heavy on the juniper
Bombay is anything but heavy on the juniper, it's babbys first gin.

>> No.4690433


And it's also heavy on the juniper. You and I have had this argument before and you eventually conceded that you're the one with the weird palate. Remember? It was like 3 or 4 months ago.

>> No.4690438

I have a bottle of tanqueray and a bottle of sapphire in front of me, guess which actually tastes like juniper and not like watered down gin?

>> No.4690443

It was either that or Fleishman's and I've had bad experiences with their whiskey.

>> No.4690446
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the GOAT gin

>> No.4690447


Which tanqueray? Because tanq ten certainly tastes like watered down gin.

In addition, there are more flavors than just "a fuckload of juniper" and "vodka flavor", you may want to branch out from the big supermarket brands.

>> No.4690450
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>> No.4690456

are there any gins cheaper than bombay/tanqueray that are still good?

>> No.4690457

Regular import ofc.

>> No.4690483


Why would you buy both of those and keep them at home? You're either an extreme collector and you ran out of good stuff to buy, or you have a shitty liquor store.

>> No.4690486

Because once you're past a certain age, it's not abnormal to have multiple types of alcohol for different drink mixes in your house?

I keep the sapphire for mixing with bitter lemon, the tanqueray goes with tonic.

>> No.4690502


Nothing wrong with variety. I prefer hendrick's with tonic, old raj for martinis, hayman's for tom collins, and vodka for bitter lemon. But then, when you get to be my age, it's normal to prefer something a little less entry level ;)

>> No.4690509

it's called being a poorfag.

>> No.4690519


Aside from the old raj, none of those should be appreciably more expensive than sapphire. Unless you're that guy from Ireland who said he had to go to the mafia to get something as pedestrian as Gosling's, in that case, I'm sorry.

>> No.4690524

Even worse, I'm norwegian. I'm pretty sure you have to visit dubai for higher alcohol taxes and less selection.

>> No.4690538


Well, at least you have a better selection of preserved herring products. I remember the bar lady at Gardermoen airport looking at me like I was crazy for stuffing those things down my throat before getting on the plane home.

>> No.4690552
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Ginbro here, it's pretty much all I drink at home since I've stopped buying beer (dem calories)

Pic related is my current bottle collection and the Seagram's is what I'm working on right now. It's weird, it seems much more drinkable than the others pictured for some weird reason. I drink all of mine with ice and a squeeze of lime. I used to do G&Ts all the time but once I bought the Tanqueray I began to appreciate the glory that is the gin gimlet.

>> No.4690686

you either like it or you don't. juniper berries and pine needles, or dry gin and tonic. and different brands make a lot of difference. Op's pic reminds me of good times but not so much. a gin and tonic has quinnine, helps with malaria, but can also up your inner ear, badly. if you ever get the chance you should go. and not goa. the people are wondermous. but different. king fisher ale is good you seldom see that around here.

>> No.4690704
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>> No.4690708

If you don't like gin, get some juniper breeze soap from whatever that soap company is

You'll want to drink it and you'll also wash your hands more.

>> No.4690839


It's just /ck/'s resident Old Rambling Dude. Don't be alarmed.

>> No.4690850

remember that guy who posted like 200-500 word responses with no grammar about almost anything? I think this was around 09-10. He had some long winded explanation about everything from buffalo meat to tomatoes. I saved a bunch of his rants but they were always hilarious. I think one started "from brahma to bromine"

>> No.4690865

this. also, a gin-gin mule is damn fine. gingerbeer+gin+1/2 lime muddled.

>> No.4690904

I love gin, so on the occasion that I do have a gin and tonic, I typically fill my rocks glass (google it if you're unfamiliar) with ice and pour gin until there's just enough room for a quick splash of tonic, say 5/6 gin, 1/6 tonic.
Serve with a generous lime peel, squeezed and dropped into the drink.

>> No.4690911

Post them

>> No.4690912

All very solid, however I would recommend going full ginhead and getting a bottle of New Amsterdam and Citadelle to finish the spectrum of citrusy, to junipery, to piney styles you got going.

And as a general sound bit of advice for everybody; get a bottle of Noilly Prat Original recipe (Not the extra dry, that's substandard swill)
For realsies, its one of the few white vermouths on the market that is close to pre-prohibition style and it tastes friggin good either as an apertif/digestif or a mixer. under 20 bucks to boot.

>> No.4690921

where do you even get that. all I can find is shitty new recipe.

>> No.4690931

Mmm, I have a relatively good specialty liquor store in Texas called Spec's. If your state allows it, I believe vermouth is classified as a wine and can be shipped as such.

Otherwise, ask if your most upscale liquor store would be willing to ship in a case or a bottle.
I got lucky on a bottle of Carpano Antica that way (also, an "exceptionally" good sweet vermouth if anyone is interested) that my city almost never gets

>> No.4692398

>ask me how I know you're 19 years old.
I'm 40.

>> No.4692408
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>> No.4692415

That reminds me of my friend's kid, we fed her lemons and she didn't know that we were tricking her so after eating one slice she said, "Mama! More!"

>> No.4692418

bombay sapphire is a a london dry if anything.

hendricks is western dry. and i do like it though there are different western drys i appreciate more: G´Vine from france, monkey 47 from germany, the schwarzwald, black gin from there, saffron gin from idk where, pink 47.... the list goes on.

as to sapphire again, i prefer bombay original. stronger and more straight. and even cheaper than the sapphire stuff.

gordons gin... can´t stand the stuff- gives me headaches after 2 glasses.

>> No.4692429

i like beef, tanqu, and bombay original. haven´t had seagrams yet.

already spoke my thoughts about sapphire.

only two gins i have at home atm are moneky and black gin. i should get some botanist or tanquerry some time again. or bombay orgiginal of course.

>> No.4692432

this shit is high literature.

>> No.4692436

don´t think i never had american gin. how does it taste like?

>> No.4692463

I can't take anyone seriously if they can't enjoy a gin and tonic

>> No.4692467

There is truly nothing more refreshing than a nice gin and tonic over ice with a big slice of lime.

However, I do prefer my martini's to be made with vodka, and very dry. So basically just vodka.

>> No.4692562

I have a lot of excellent liquor stores, but the old formula (which I understand is actually the new formula and the new new formula is really the old old formula) disappeared about 4 years ago iirc.

on the other hand I don't keep a liquor collection anymore, I was drinking too much so it's probably for the best that I not bother.

>> No.4692610

Any opinions on Finsbury? I live in Germany and the stores usually have Bombay, Gordon's, Finsbury on the medium price range and some other shit I've only tried once.

>> No.4692614
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>Drink gin
>Drink gin and tonic
Holy shit what sorcery is this

>> No.4692674

that may be good, but calling it a martini is like calling stewed tomatoes "tomato confit"

just because a word sounds cool doesn't give you license to wantonly misuse it.

>> No.4692680

Gin and lemon juice, add orange juice if feeling ritzy

best drink ever

>> No.4692715


I "don't drink gin" at all. But fucking love Gin and Tonics. It's one of my least purchased alcohols but G&Ts manage to be my favorite cocktail

>> No.4692737

>your martini isn't a martini because I said so!

If James Bond calls it a martini, then its a goddamn martini.

>> No.4692781


Except those were actually Vespers, and called that in the novels. Martini was just the venacular for the glass, so the movies picked that up. But in the real word, Lillet isn't vermouth.

Oh, what's that? You DON'T make your "James Bond Martini" with Lillet? So you don't know what the fuck you're talking about? Great.

>> No.4692785

Once upon a time, a friend of mine worked in a supermarket bakery. One day, he brought home some shitty birthday cakes that were going to be thrown out. We decided to have a party. He invited one of his friends and told him to bring vodka. He arrives with some shitty gin. Asshole. Anyways, boring story short, we had birthday cake and gin and the rest of the next day was spent suffering.

>> No.4692800

except bond only ordered a vesper once, in casino royale
throughout the books he ordered 19 vodka martinis and 16 gin martinis

>> No.4692805

Told [ ]
Not Told [ ]
No Country for Told Men [ X]

>> No.4692833


Oh, the samefaggery!

PROTIP - when attempting to sockpuppet, don't use the same copypasta everytime, and don't respond immediately after your first post.

>> No.4692840
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whatever helps you sleep at night fam

>> No.4692842

pls post, this sounds amazing

>> No.4692847

shit like this is why I wouldn't mind fixed IDs for every thread like.. some otherwise terrible board has. either /q/, b, or v

>> No.4692849

if you can't differentiate anonymous posters by their writing then you shouldn't be on an anonymous discussion board in the first place.

>> No.4692853
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hai guise

>> No.4692854

don't have the hard drive they were saved to.

>> No.4692855


Yeah, I remember my first MSPaint

>> No.4692859

Favorite Gin Drinks;

>Polo Cocktail
1 part gin, 1 part lemon, 2 parts orange juice
>Salty Dog
1 part gin, 2 parts fresh grapefruit juice, 1/2 teaspoon salt
>Silver Stallion
Two scoops vanilla ice-cream in a tall glass, poor gin over, like a root beer float

>> No.4692860

maybe next time you'll actually know what you're talking about before you try and tell someone off about bond trivia bru
in the meantime go rub some cream on that butthurt

>> No.4692864


Damn, that's what I call edgy!

>> No.4693645

gin an 7. my fav. drink for summer.