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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4689724 No.4689724 [Reply] [Original]

Why Pepper is so best?

>before implies isnot best

>> No.4689738

You should delete this thread and reword it so that it makes sense

>> No.4689787

you saged the wrong part dumbass

I agree, pepper is the best spice. It is indispensable to me

>> No.4689797
File: 74 KB, 700x466, 6766white_pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating negro pepper

>> No.4689845

What's the difference between white and black pepper? I've just recently moved out of Generic Kentucky Parents' house so I've never had anything but black

>> No.4689870

It's the same but more pretentious.

>> No.4689886

Is it any different in price? If White is more expensive than Black but they taste the same, that just doesn't make sense

>> No.4689897

nope they taste the same.

I think the only difference is time of harvest.

>> No.4689917

... What the fuck

>> No.4689931

its like buying FIji water

>> No.4689933

Fresh-ground Telly-Cherry.

>> No.4689938


You mean it tastes really good, it comes in a cool bottle, and you're supporting a corrupt oppressive military dictatorship?

>> No.4689944

Minor taste difference, it's mostly aestetic.

>> No.4689945

Black and white peppercorns are both the fruit of the pepper plant, but they are processed differently. Black peppercorns are picked when almost ripe and sun-dried, turning the outer layer black. To produce white peppercorns, this outer layer is removed before or after drying, leaving only the inner seed.
white pepper taste slightly hotter but 99.9% of people wont notice.

>> No.4689957


>it taste really good
you cant taste the difference

>supporting a corrupt oppressive military dictatorship
its tap water

>> No.4689963
File: 133 KB, 345x329, republicunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>supporting a corrupt oppressive military dictatorship
>its tap water

So this makes it not from a corrupt military dictatorship, how exactly?

>> No.4689964

I can't believe no one has given the correct answer to this simple question yet... The purpose of white pepper is that it is black pepper that is white in color. If you put black pepper into a beschamel or scrambled eggs you'll definitely see little granules of black pepper, but if you put white pepper you won't see it. You may prefer to see little granules of black pepper in your beschamel, it is alright, purely a matter a preference.

>> No.4689972

>Paying extra just so you don't see specks of black in your eggs
You've got to be shitting me.

>> No.4689973


I already gave the correct answer a few posts up.

>> No.4689974

>not having $2 extra to spend on a condiment that you'll need months to finish assuming you eat it voraciously

How fucking poor are you guys?

>> No.4689979

im supporting my own country by buying our own products so to me its not a corrupt military dictatorship,
it maybe to you but I dont care.

and all the words you used are subjective

USA is # 1

>> No.4689982

It's not the argument of "How can you not afford it," it's "Why buy it in the first place"

>> No.4689984

he just said why.

some people want there food to look a certain way.

>> No.4689988


It's white pepper, and it has a slightly more delicate taste than the black stuff. To some people maybe that's worth an extra $0.0000000014 per serving.

But hey if you want to keep up the good fight against the jews who are keeping you down by charging an extra $2 for a jar of pepper, knock yourself out.

>> No.4689991


So you're from Fiji? Are you saying the stories are all lies?

>> No.4689992

Also so you can play horrible pranks on your crack-snorting ex-friends.

>> No.4690002

That's what I'm saying, though. $2 isn't a lot but I don't see the point of paying extra so you don't have to look at little specs of black in your food, but I guess that's my upbringing.

Oh well. Question answered

>> No.4690005
File: 57 KB, 800x732, 0y7do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottled water is usually from a municipal supply.

>> No.4690023
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So let me see if I understand you here. An in depth investigative report published in a well known news magazine, in which a reporter flew to Fiji to write a report about the Fiji bottled water company, was detained and threatened by the government of Fiji, and caused a boycott of Fiji water, was actually an elaborate scam to make me think that Fiji water was actually bottled in my city (which isn't in Fiji)?

What color is the sky in your world?

>> No.4690043

>Being this fucking retarded

>> No.4690054


Yes, I'm the retard for believing there's something to multiple parallel claims published by the Wall Street Journal, Treehugger News, BusinessWeek, NPR, Mother Jones, The Telegraph, The LA Times, and Wikipedia, which, contrary to common sense, are actually conspiring in their collective mission to pull the wool over our eyes.

Sounds like someone is overcompensating, maybe you've been scammed on something before?

>> No.4690085

Which is why you need to buy bottled water that reads "springwater" on the bottle. That designation is governed by law. It has to be from a spring and can't be filtered or have anything added or taken away from it. The brands of springwater in glass bottles are the best. Don't buy Nestle brands.

>> No.4690106

you hadn't when I began typing

>> No.4690113

How your food looks has a tremendous effect of your perception of it.

>> No.4690120

>Fiji bottled water

That's just well water [Natural Artesian Water from a drilled well]. Same thing I get at my house from my own well.

>> No.4690133

>Same thing

Really, have you had it analyzed by a lab, or are you just talking out of your ass?

For example, the city of Cleveland Ohio tested Fiji water and found that it had higher amounts of arsenic than other brands of water (let alone Cleveland municipal water).

I get it that you think bottled water is too expensive or liberal something, but I don't see what you gain by making outlandish and irrelevant claims to back up some belief that has a lot to do with fear of being tricked and very little to do with pragmatism let alone facts.

>> No.4690148

I don't think you properly appreciate the relationship between cooking and aesthetics. Color plays a huge role in many cultural approaches to cooking

>> No.4690417

I was referring to well water, spring water, and municipal water sources. Meaning is doesn't matter where it is from, it'll be from those 3 sources.

>> No.4690459


And it doesn't matter which of those 3 sources it came from, when it's bottled, it comes in a bottle. See I can make banal observations too.

On the other hand, if you think all well water is the same, all spring water is the same, and all city water is the same, you've probably been chained up in a basement your whole life.

>> No.4690464


>trying to defend being a retard who buys water that comes in plastic bottles

I'd laugh, but I honestly have intent to kill people like you someday to ensure to survival of my species. And that day is coming soon, whether you suicidal apes like it or not.

>> No.4690469


talk about pepper


>> No.4690481


Cool. I'm going to go mix up recyclables with the normal garbage. It's easier than cleaning out my empty jars.

>> No.4690485

>You may prefer to see little granules of black pepper in your beschamel, it is alright, purely a matter a preference.

Yeah, I find that rather attractive in food to be honest.

I fucking love pepper. I'd almost say it's more valuable to me in cooking than salt.

>> No.4690492
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>> No.4690510
File: 107 KB, 500x365, That day is coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, it's me
Pepper is good. I don't think it should be used every time along with salt, though. If I'm putting pepper in something, it's because I want it to taste like black pepper. It's not the same as salt.

>> No.4690540

You are being an idiot. All water is the same. lrn2chemistry

>> No.4690937

Pepper is a God-tier spice. It has long been known.
If its reputation has suffered, it is due to its familiarity and ubiquity in shakers on kitchen tables. But get it freshly cracked onto a good steak, and you will see what all the fuss is about, and why people went nuts over it 700+ years ago.

>> No.4690954

>implying all that we call 'water' is chemically pure H2O

You really do need to come out of the basement, dude...

>> No.4691141

Hilary Putnam, on my ck?

>> No.4691154

Hey, ladies can use the internet too these days.

>> No.4691324

>freshly cracked
that is the only black pepper. I refuse the existence of preground. whole spices are addictive. once you discover how massive a difference they make you can never go back to using preground

>> No.4691346

I swear to god, that even the tiniest little speck of pre-ground pepper is too much in anything.Maybe I am just not used to dosing pre-ground, but it tastes a hundred times nastier than freshly cracked peppercorn, seemingly regardless of the amount I put in.

>> No.4692361

I'd almost rather put soil in my food