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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 300x225, B4counterW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4687836 No.4687836 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an official chef place to put a cooking utensil when it's not in use? I just leave it in the pot/pan when possible, but it's not always possible and sometimes more than one utensil is needed. Putting it on the counter seems unclean.

>> No.4687849

they make spoon resting spot things

they probably just put it on the floor in restaurant kitchens though

>> No.4687848

google 'spoon rest'

>> No.4687857

I went to Home Depot and bought a single bathroom tile, i just use that and rinse it off

>> No.4687859

Damn that's neat. Usually I just rest mine on a clean towel.

>> No.4687862

a plate

>> No.4687968

Your mouth.

Also, a spoon rest, saucer, or paper towel.

>> No.4687976

I put it on the sink since it gets washed so often anyway, that or I clean up as I go, wipe down the cutting board adn then use that as my rest.

>> No.4688038

Just shove it up your anus.

Be sure to shove the handle in. Shoving in the spoon part would be unhygienic.

>> No.4688046

If I don't think cross-contamination will be an issue, I just use whatever bowl/plate I'll be eating the food out of.

>> No.4688081
File: 313 KB, 1600x1200, 4KitchenSink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a dirty kitchens thread

>> No.4688082
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>> No.4688083
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>> No.4688084
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>> No.4688088
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>> No.4688091
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>> No.4688093
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>> No.4688097
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>> No.4688101

These are almost as bad as my boyfriends house. Oh god, I always offer to help but he won't even help himself what do I do

>> No.4688106


My mom is a hoarder as is my dad (they divorced 20 years ago). This thread disgusts me and makes me ashamed of them. When they die it'll take months of work to clear out the probably hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit they have packed into their houses. What will make it bad is there is actually shit and piss and vomit and dead animals mixed in among the gigantic mountains of shit in their house.

>> No.4688109

Those houses can only be truly cleansed with fire.

>> No.4688110


Dump him and get a BF who won't ruin your life.

>> No.4688111

what >>4688109 said.

>> No.4688114
File: 36 KB, 609x457, dead-cat-hoarders-ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not keeping your dead cats in the fridge


>> No.4688120


I've flat out told my family that when my mom or dad dies the best thing to do would be to just burn the houses down because it is so unhealthy and so vile and there is way way way way too much shit to deal with. The amount of crap they keep obsessively buying is fucking insane. Like my dad will go to a used book store and buy 1000 dollars worth of books at a time and completely fill his car with them. My mom does shit like buy 5 toaster ovens at the same fucking time or she'll keep obsessively buying huge stereo systems (they are all scattered throughout her house and none of them can be used because she has so much garbage) or tvs (at one point she had 9 tvs in her house and most were stacked on top of one another.. they were all old CRTs too so they took up space.).

>> No.4688122

where else do you put them so they dont go bad?

>> No.4688125
File: 1.73 MB, 295x211, 1373255228047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit why?

>> No.4688127


I fucking hate hoarders so damn much. They are all fucking assholes who are drugged out of their minds. I hate how they all abuse the shit out of their families and animals and make everyone around them suffer, but then act like the people they are treating like shit are the bad people.

>> No.4688129

at leastis cool shit like tvs stereos and books ad not like precious memories figurines or toilet paper or something

>> No.4688130

I've always wondered where this came from but the only thing I can think of is a bad cuckold movie because of the hair in the beginning

>> No.4688137


Even though there is cool stuff in there I'd like to use. Most of it is old as shit and broken.

>> No.4688150
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>> No.4688172


>> No.4688250

Watch more of his stuff and be amazed.
He truly is a king of kings in the kitchen.

>> No.4688259

look he used a paper towl so it didnt touch the toilet.

>> No.4688274

Whenever he moves shit around and tries to open shit he always uses one hand, EVERY TIME

>> No.4688281

Jesus, this fucking guy. This is the same dude who set his kitchen on fire trying to cook hotdogs with a candle

>> No.4688286

lol thats because he is filming with the other hand

>> No.4688294

No shit. I mean he never puts the camera down to open things, he'll try and wrestle things open with just his thumb for like 3 minutes before he would just put the camera down and two hand it. It's like it's glued to his hand.

>> No.4688295


This is the best one

>> No.4688311

I need to go clean my kitchen now

>> No.4688319

Some times if I put tinned ingredients into a meal I just keep the tin beside the stove so I can use it as a temporary utensil holder and just chuck it out once I'm done.
Things like stews, I often use a tin of tomato or thai curry I use a tin of coconut milk. things like that otherwise I just use a plate.

>> No.4688335

I just put it on the bench, it's not unclean since the bench is wiped frequently.

>> No.4688432
File: 55 KB, 828x533, the face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE FACE!!! it haunts my dreams

>> No.4688626

I feel ultra shitty for this guy. 9/10 would hug.