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File: 34 KB, 359x239, skittles_E_20090302182708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4684452 No.4684452 [Reply] [Original]

What in the holy living fuck

They changed Skittles

Lime is now green apple.

I just discovered this. Words cannot express how monstrously wrong this is.

What's next, banana instead of lemon?

>> No.4684454
File: 120 KB, 728x90, justicefortrayvon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice For Skittles

>> No.4684455

I know that feel OP.

I was equally enraged back when they eliminated lemon Jolly Ranchers.

>> No.4684456

Shut the fuck up, no they didn't...

Lemon was the best fucking kind.

>> No.4684457

are you fucking kidding me? when did this happen?

its almost as bad as fucking blue RAZZberry

>> No.4684458


Afraid so. Long time ago. Pisses me off to this day.

>> No.4684465


Just this year according to Wikipedia. I didn't realize it until I bit into a green one. Bunch of fucking bullshit

>> No.4684466


>> No.4684467


..I like green apple..

>> No.4684469
File: 105 KB, 936x536, 1358802123391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US has grape instead of blackcurrant

>> No.4684471


OH HOLY FUCKBALLS. I had no idea.

>> No.4684474

wait ignore >>4684473

I'm still thinking jolly ranchers.

>> No.4684473

Lemon > Watermelon > Grape

I imagine blackcurrant is disgusting. Grape is god tier though.

>> No.4684475

youuuuu did this!!!

>> No.4684476

Blackcurrant is, wherever present, objectively the best flavour of /anything/.

>> No.4684483

Jolly ranchers were never good.

>> No.4684487
File: 30 KB, 450x320, BRT661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruit pastilles recieved an exclusively blackcurrant release
No other fruit can boast such an honour

>> No.4684488


Look how wrong you are. Jolly Ranchers are the king of hard candy

>> No.4684502

Anybody who doesn't like black currant wine gums best is a lying sack of shit. Or an American, since they cannot into black currant candy or wine gums. I'd say something pissy, but they're stuck with pig disgusting shit like jube jubes and bloated jelly beans and either grape or licorice flavour, so mostly I feel bad for them.

>> No.4684507
File: 979 KB, 400x316, 1373866907943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. The only time i want to taste green apple is when i'm biting into a Granny Smith apple. That flavour universally sucks amongst any candy.

I was pretty mad when i just had some skittles and realized this. Lime was my favourite flavour too.

>> No.4684510

Go jack off with Ribena, you tasteless sack of shit.

>> No.4684509

I like green apple, but the lime skittles should have stayed lime. Also, for the record, WATERMELON is the best jolly rancher flavor.

>> No.4684518

>he likes licorice jujubes
Thank god you'll be working in a Chinese salt mine in 15 years.

>> No.4684520

>Complaining about Apple flavor ever


>> No.4684523


Blackcurrant is actually delicious. Maybe you should try it some time?

>> No.4685925

Wait, really? Finally! I fucking hated lime flavor.

>> No.4685926


And banana would be much better than lemon.

>> No.4685977


In the sense that it wouldn't be at all, yeah.

>> No.4685989

Please remove yourselves and your sub-human tastes from the gene pool.

>> No.4685994

i actually liked the lime ones, and disliked the orange and lemon :/

>> No.4685996


>> No.4686005


dude wtf. when you ate lime and lemon together it was an unbeatable combination

>> No.4686012


>> No.4686042

I honestly didn't realise different skittles had different flavours. I thought they were like M&Ms. The couple of times I've eaten them, I just ate them by the handful and it all tasted the same.

>> No.4686043

I still can't fucking believe they changed the trix shapes into boring ass spheres. I swear it makes the cerial taste much worse.

>> No.4686044

green apple is hellal better

>> No.4686049

its fucking bullshit

>> No.4686064

>Lime is now green apple
Are you American or EU or something? I swear they've been like this as long as I can remember up here in Canada.
Can any other Canadians back me up on this? my memory isn't the greatest.

>> No.4686069

Unless it's super sweet banana like in the tropical skittles, I fully agree!

>> No.4686092



Trix was originally spheres.

>> No.4686097

>not mixing lemon-lime.
>god tier taste.

rip in pieces lime. yu'll be missed darely.

>> No.4686098


Yeah I'm in New England. You Canadians have weird taste in stuff soooo whatever