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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 321 KB, 1024x768, pizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4675831 No.4675831 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this pizza, /ck/>

>> No.4675832

A bit oily.

>> No.4675836

That's a 10/10 pizza there.
If you made that by hand, I envy you.

>> No.4675838

This. However it looks like pizza I would order often, just dab that massive excess with paper towel.

tl;dr other than grease it looks great

>> No.4675855


why is one slice the size of the entire pizza pan...did you just cut one huge triangle out of the pizza leaving to half circles?

>> No.4675884

i would eat that pizza and ask for more.

>> No.4675888

I figure it's one of those sold-by-slice things.

>> No.4675891


There's a couple of places that when they serve you giant pizzas the plates will be pizza pans.

Reverse image search is your friend.

>> No.4675902

depends on what the crust tastes like, but it looks pretty good to me
I've learned not to judge food by how it looks
a lot of the time, people fuck up their pizza crusts with too many extra things

>> No.4675903


What's up with the browning at the edge of the pepperoni? First time I've seen that.

>> No.4675910


idk, that's either tofu pepperoni or they didn't leave it in the oven long enough to brown properly.

>> No.4675921

TMNT worthy bro. Looks fucking bomb.

>> No.4675926


I'm not very hungry right now, but it looks good.

>> No.4675943

i'm from new york and grew up around delicious pizza
it was a staple of my diet
now i live in california and good pizza here is hard to come by
that pizza looks exactly like the kind of pizza i like

>> No.4675945

>tofu pepperoni
it's because there's cheese on the pepperoni you fag

>> No.4675953


Silly homo, cheese wouldn't impede the browning; the lack of actual meat would though.

>> No.4675966

yes it would, why does the bottom of a crust brown but the top (the part directly under the cheese) not? because the cheese absorbs more heat

>> No.4675971

oh sorry mister food scientist
how long did it take you to get your degree in nigger logic

>> No.4675981


no, no NO, my friend who enjoys the indecent company of other men; the pizza is just undercooked. In the event the proper amount and duration of heat was applied the pepperoni would brown as would the cheese yet the added oil from real non-tofu pepperoni would keep the browning cheese from overcooking.

>> No.4675987

Would devour that pizza. Thats exactly the kind I like, out of all the pizza threads here I like this one. I also dig places that have the really big slices, so thats a plus.


>> No.4675989
File: 111 KB, 800x600, mushroompizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not tofu you fucking shit
where are you even getting tofu from
this pizza has tofu pepperoni on it
notice how plasticy it looks

>> No.4675993
File: 67 KB, 500x375, 20080917-pepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is what actual pepperoni looks like
case closed
if you think that's tofu pepperoni you're fucked

>> No.4675998


idk, I distinctly smell soy

>> No.4675999

My local mom and pop place makes pizza like that. Lots of cheese and all beef pepperoni that curls up like that. So fucking good.

>> No.4676003

Looks legit as fuck. Devour/10

>> No.4676011

8/10 would eat

>> No.4676020

Different anon here. That pepperoni cupped like that because the casing shrunk faster than the meat. It may or may not have anything to do with the quality of the meat, but probably also involves the temperature and type of oven.

>> No.4676028

I think it looks like a bun in the oven

>> No.4676041

Fucking want

>> No.4676080

I would like a slightly larger crust, little corn meal underneath
some garlic on the crust
and slightly too many peperoni's

also, I prefer large thin peps over the smaller ones that cup like that

and dont think you can sneak those pepper flakes by me

>> No.4676094

wut? Corn meal is used to prevent the pizza from sticking/burning on the stone/rack/plate/cooking surface.
It's not really meant as a special texture treat... But to each his own!

>> No.4676103
File: 24 KB, 320x240, chil3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then you are missing out. when it curves up like that it has a satisfying snap. its not tofu.

>> No.4676116

If i was drunk i'd eat that shit up. although even though inebriated i think id pat the grease off with a paper towel.

>> No.4677635
File: 630 KB, 1600x1200, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This the type of pizza I call pizza. Most pizza joints in the city are franchises who look to offer a super consistent product at the lowest cost.

Like, you can't get pizza like this in the city.

Pizza like this, Call of Duty, 4chan, a boyfriend, beer, coffee, music...I'm happy as a clam.

>> No.4677650

If I was really hungry I would dab the grease with a napkin and eat maybe half

>> No.4677681

>work at Mellow Mushroom
>get to make a small pizza after my shift.
>pizza every day!!!!

plus half off my bar tab after my shift! best fucking job ever!