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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4671621 No.4671621 [Reply] [Original]

Working in a restaurant experiences/feels?

Just started about a month ago. I don't like to get involved in kitchen vs. server drama but it's really annoying when you're trying to make 10 different things and they keep asking you for little stuff like sides or extras that weren't on the ticket or samples of something. I get that they want to keep their customer happy but if I'm really busy i kinda want to just focus on my food that's up, not extraneous things that take away my attention. Asking for a time on a dish is perfectly acceptable, demanding stuff that wasn't on the ticket is annoying.

>> No.4671646
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I was a dishwasher at a restaurant for a few years, (Bob Evans) and I really gotta give it to those servers and kitchen folks.. y'all put up with some bullshit.

My job was simple - keep the tables cleared and clean, and make sure there were plenty of clean cups and plates for when it got busy.
No one bothered me. I just kept my head down and did my job.
But those poor servers.. oh man.. some of those customers just WANTED to fuck with them. Even though they smiled like 110% of the time, the old people would still bitch and complain about them acting 'shitty' with them.
Food that looked perfectly fine was like.. they'd just been handed a plate of toxic waste or something. So much complaining and bitching and whining and shitty looks, and those girls just... took it with a smile.
I could never have that much goddamn patience with anyone. Ever. I'd choke a bitch.

Then my bros in the kp area would always get the bad end of the shit stick, it was always thier fault if something went wrong or if a salad wasn't brought up on time (..as they tried to prepare 4-5 of the goddamn things AT THE SAME TIME.)

I know your pain.

>> No.4671651
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I started working in a real restaurant about 5 months ago, and am heading out to college in a few weeks so I have to quit. It's a hot, hectic, loud, painful, stressful place full of obstacles with everyone yelling at you to be faster and do things better. By no means should anyone ever want to be a chef, the job is so demanding. And I absolutely love it, I can't wait to get another job in the kitchen. I feel like I might actually cry because this is the best job I've ever had.
Pic somewhat related, my basic feel over learning that the restaurant industry is where I belong.

>> No.4671659
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I've always wanted to try it.. but at the same time i'm just scared shitless that I couldn't handle all that pressure.
I love cooking. I looove it. I just don't know if i'd be the right material for the job.
..or even what classes I should take to start finding out.

I've got a community college literally a 10 minute walk away, and i'm so poor that the government will basically PAY me to go, but theres so many goddamn courses and pre-requisites and everything
Its too overwhelming, anon

>> No.4671663
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>Playing Kill em All or w/e fast paced music you love while stacking mad dupes on the board and keeping up the rotation, and still keeping a decent buzz the entire time.

>> No.4671672

Poster of >>4671651 here. Just go for it dude, the worst thing that happens is you don't make it on the line, and if that's the case, try going for a prep cook position if you still wanna give food a try.

And as far as the community college goes, fucking do it. Education never hurt anyone.

>> No.4671671

20 years old here. Worked in a restaurant the past 3 summers in between college as a server. I was promoted to manager there this summer. Highlight was firing a 40-year old hood-rat waitress who sucked at her job. The amount of bullshit I have put up with before even turning 21 is absurd. Between shitty employees and even shittier customers I am impressed with myself for not hitting anybody. My tolerance for being yelled at and verbally abused has gone up significantly. The restaurant business sucks.

My uncle has a restaurant in Manhattan and recently asked me if I wanted to take over the business when I graduate from college. My answer: fuck no.

>> No.4671677
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Your servers should know there's a pace when shit like that is acceptable, and having a line full of dupes isn't that fucking time.

If you're in-season, the kids who intend to leave come September don't give a shit about you and will take advantage of you at every fucking turn. Fuck them.

Most chefs I've worked with LOVE the "us vs them" mentality. Fire back, tell them no. Let them know this is a rush and you're not doing that shit, provided you're permitted to and this is the mentality your kitchen has. I've held back plates from the window for back to back 6 tops until the server left the kitchen, I see them crack open the patio door, and THEN I'll yell for a runner. If someone tries to inconvenience me during a rush, I'll make their night hell. This shit rarely happens, but there's always one or two servers that will try to make you sweat that much fucking more, and won't stop until you start fucking with them right back.

At the same time, make exceptions for the ones who have treated you well, who give you heads up on long proteins, who call out what tables just walked in, the ones who run food indiscriminately, etc. Those ones are usually the ones you should always look out for. Any "testers" for crabcake batches, toss them their way. If there's a dinner menu item you can easily prepare for lunch, let them sell it for lunch like it's their own personal special. It's never your seasonal types, these are the ones locked in, and they're usually pretty easy to work with. Do what you can for them. During a rush, they'll be your only friends out there.

If they fuck up an item on a ticket, my policy was to always get whoever works that station to drop EVERYTHING to get that fucking item up as fast as possible. I'll fucking rail the server at the same time, but fuck if I'm going to have a table comped while I'm working. It sucks, I hate it, and I'd rather watch them fucking sink,but having a table potentially walk can't happen.

But really, fuck them.

>> No.4671678

Dear fucking god yes. Speed metal is the best when you've got like 15 tickets lined up, I get so goddamn pumped blasting Cannibal Corpse or whatever shit in the kitchen.

>> No.4671684


>overwhelmed by college classes.

Man, you're gonna have some problems in life if college courses give you anxiety.

>> No.4671687

I know that feel, sort of.
I work at Walmart. I'm just a cashier. ...but they keep offering me a CSM position, which would up my pay and hours quite a bit.. but I know its a goddamn trap.
CSMs are in charge of all the cashiers you see up front. They're the middleman between customers and management.
If a customer has a bitch or a gripe or just doesn't like the color of the fucking paint on the walls, the CSM gets all the shit for it.
...not to mention constantly having management bitching in thier ear through the walkie about the lines being too long or that they need to count this drawer or that one.

Fuck restaurants, AND management positions in general.

>> No.4671691

Don't take classes first. Get a restaurant job first. You'll start at the bottom at any decent place, anyway, and you'll move up when appropriate. If you stick with it, classes can then help you move up faster and be better at your job.

>> No.4671728

I always tried to play a little safe with our kitchen music after a few older waitress complained when the line cooks played "Hooray for Boobies" early in the AM
It was an awkward time when my boss told me to not play the "stripper lapdance song or the BJ song" anymore at work.

>> No.4671739

Where I work, the kitchen is stuffed to the brim with mexicans and all their goddamn "banda" music. I got a speaker, filled my ipod with the hardest metal and techno I could find, and now don't give a damn who complains, I'm not turning my horrible music off.

>> No.4671741

I can understand OP, I've worked both kitchen and server positions. The servers job is to make sure the customer is happy and to assure they get what they want in a reasonable amount of time. If the cooks fuck things up or take forever the server is the one that takes the lashings from the customer. They are essentially the "face" of the kitchen, they are representing you and getting both positive and negative feedback for how you do your job.

As a cook, servers can be annoying as fuck. Kitchens are hectic and busy as fuck, there just isn't time for extra bullshit. It sucks when the server walks in and adds extra shit to the ticket or makes changes and special requests, it makes you hate them. It's their job though, the server can't just take the order and leave it at that. If the customer asks for something it's expected that they get it. If you don't do it then the customer takes it out on the server for doing "bad service", and the server is responsible for having to kiss ass and explain why things are wrong which is just as stressfull as working in a kitchen with 25 tickets on the rack.

As a server I hated kitchen for making me have to constantly apologize and make excuses for the long waits, fucked up orders, and forgotten appetizers and shit. As a cook I hated servers for constantly pestering me over trivial things and special requests when I have a whole shitpile of things to cook all at once, and its always fucking hot, loud, and crowded back there.

Now, I just sort of hate customers who don't know how to order in general. Just order everything at once, don't keep adding stuff. Reasonable special requests can be OK, but don't get fucking nitpicking. If it takes awhile and we are busy, its because we are fucking busy and have limited staff/kitchen space. It isn't fucking McDonalds. Fuck.

>> No.4671744


You guys are complaining about mexican music meanwhile my place is staffed by all chinese cooks who play chinese music all day err day. You know what Chinese music is like? Chinese music sucks.

>> No.4671748

Lol, I work in Whitesville USA, I could not stand that tuba, accordion, and acoustic guitar bullshit for more than 20 minutes. I have the worst taste in music, and the fact that Pandora has a shuffle feature makes it better/worse. Nothing like going from Trivium, to Cake, to Bassnecter, to Dr Dre and back to Slipknot to make people stay the fuck away from my work station.

>> No.4671760

> Trivium, to Cake, to Bassnecter, to Dr Dre and back to Slipknot
>Complaining about Mexican music

I sense a tasteless pleb in the kitchen, and it isn't a Mexican. I'd rather bask in the glory of tubas and tongue rolling.

>> No.4671767

>New restaurant in town
>Walk in and ask if they're hiring, I'll do anything
>Chef says he needs a dishwasher, show up tonight around 6
>Show up, there's 2 other dishwashers, couple of punk high school kids
>They both punch out for break and walk out, didn't come back
>Don't say anything, just keep my head down and work, there's dishes to wash
>End of night
>Chef asks what happened to the other guys
>Tell Chef they walked out
>"And you stayed and washed all the dishes on your own?"
>"Yes sir"
>You're my guy"

>1 year later
>Now I do prep work for Chef and occasional front of house
>Chef is Beard nominated, but didn't win
>Runs ad in local paper thanking everyone for support
>In ad "I'd also like to thank my longest tenured employee Anon for coming in to work with a smile everyday and always asking how he could do more"

>Manly tears
>I will follow this man into the depths of hell

>> No.4671772

I never said i had good taste, I just like what i do.
Its kinda weird in my kitchen, my head Chef is a bit older so he likes new metal like Korn, Disturbed etc etc, my Sous is an older punk, so he likes Husker Du, The Replacements, The Jam etc and I have a Dumpster pallete that ranges from Wu-Tang, and Beastie Boys, to Lamb of God to Violent Femmes, to Mix Master Mike to Random Wubstep.
Music makes my kitchen go round.

>> No.4671777

It's a rare thing to find a Chef like that, but when/if you do, and kitchen work is your thing, it just hooks you in deeper and makes you more motivated to go to work every day. Just watch out for the drugs and booze, they can drag the strongest down.

>> No.4671798

How do you work your way up? I've had a job for a few weeks now in a restaurant, I came in looking to do anything and I mainly do cleaning and prepping early in the day and its enjoyable but I'm curious as to what's open in the future, moving up in the kitchen or possibly becoming a server?

>> No.4671803

Work your ass off and suck up hard. Bum smokes to the cooks and be a really nice guy to the servers.

>> No.4671817


Come in every day ready to work your ass off. Have flexible hours. Fill in for as many people as you can when they need a shift covered. Never be caught standing around doing nothing. If you're not cooking food or serving customers then there is always a shit ton of side work that could be getting done. Don't bitch about stuff. People don't like complainers. If you're not busy a fellow server seems overwhelmed then offer to help them out i.e. run their food out, take a drink order, etc.

>> No.4671820

if the staff is going out for drinks after a tough night, you'd better go with them and pick up a round once in a while

>> No.4671823

Oh, and having a hookup for drugs, sex and tobacco will never hurt for any position in the restaurant you work in.

>> No.4671911

>demanding stuff that wasn't on the ticket is annoying

Try having to receive requests for extraneous shit from customers all night long and having to relay it to the ornery kitchen staff.

Quit your bitching.

>> No.4671925
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I've been on /tg/ too long. All I could think of when reading your post was CSM = Chaos Space Marine, and I just wanted to know why you hated teh empror so much?

>> No.4671934

I've always wondered... what if they gotta take a piss?
Does part of the armor just... pop open so they can go, or does the suit have some sort of sanitation system thing on the inside?

>> No.4671937

They just let go and the armor then makes candy bars out of the waste.

>> No.4671949

you're just a lil bitch
also just a lil bitch. ain't nothin wrong with it, but seriously. kitchen work ain't hard.
it's easy, unless you're lazy, or a lil bitch.
you're an entitled douche-lord, there's a reason you couldn't hack it
you are the worst kind of person to work with. all you do is make everyone elses life harder with your drama. relax, buddy.
i like you

also, all these cooks bitching about servers, where the is your expo in all this? he must doing a shitty job

>> No.4671991

Been working in a casino restaurant for a little over a year now. I'm in charge of dessert production, but I also work on the line doing pretty much everything and anything needed.

It's a goddam cushy job - guaranteed 40 hours a week, decent wage, benefits out the asshole, PAID TIME OFF ON EVERY GODDAM CHECK....seriously, it's fucking nice.

The problem is, there are assholes I work with who have been there 10+ years and have no aspirations of greatness; they stick around to get paid and collect all those benefits, but they are shitty fucking workers, and it's damn near impossible to get fired at this establishment. All the good men I've worked with have moved on to line cook and sous-chef positions at much nicer restaurants. I will join them when I can, but in the meantime I'm actually learning how to fucking cook. A lady came up to me today - very rare and unusual for the customers to interact with the cooks - and told me my cheesecake was the best she's ever had.

>> No.4672291

1/10 made me reply. Love that you're telling the one guy to relax and calling everyone else a bitch. Funny shit

>> No.4672316

I've been doing more "casual" restaurants, basically gourmet fast food, started with service/baking at coffee shops, did some pizza shops. Did Indian for a while and now I'm back doing sea food in a seasonal food tuck/trailer that sits in a perm spot.

It may not be high class but I fucking love it. Its fresh seafood and busy as fuck. There is nothing better in life then having a 4-8 constant rush, all going out perfect and lovely.

I would like to do high end food and get back into a real kitchen at some point in my career but fuck I love this job. Good people and decent pay. I'm making same as line cooks at high end + pooled tips so its not all bad

>> No.4672322

Also anyone who wants to try it, just start applying as dishwasher and go at it.

But if you love cooking right now keep it as a hobby as most people who keep at it end up hating it. I do this industry due to pressure + only marketable skill I have. Hours are long, work is hard, pay is shit compared to most unless you get pooled tips. If you love cooking right now you'll probably hate it by the end of the day. Also high chance of be coming a alcoholic and/or smoking. Although last few years iIve notice less cooks who smoked which is nice

Fuck I barely cook at home

>> No.4672347

>5 years old, want to be a chef
>10 years old, want to be a chef
>Parents try to me advise to find a better career
>16 years old, still want to be a chef
>Mother get's asks the Head Chef from the hotel she manages to talk to me and she asked him to talk me out of it saying he how he hated his life, etc.
>21 years old, now, just finished an IT course (lastweek), don't exactly want a job in IT
>Cooking still means so much to me, It's a passion of mine, and I've never had a feeling like this for something before.

I want to learn everything I can. I want to take classes for the sake of knowing more about food. I want to work in a kitchen and as part of a team, smash out some amazing dishes and strive for perfection. I want to be recognized for my passion and work on the skill, and one day, be a head chef.

So, pretty much today, I've said fuck it, I'm going to follow this up. For getting into the industry should I be looking at culinary school, or attempt to become an apprentice? Are there books I can read to help with working in a kitchen? so I'm better prepared? I was thinking cookbooks but I want to know more than just somebodys recipes.

>> No.4672379

The fuck have you been doing for the last 5 years then?

Why haven't you gotten a partime job as a dishwasher?

>> No.4672413

Dishwasher? Haven't thought about it. Until this thread I didn't realise what it could do for me.

But I've always been busy with school, study or work to give it much of a thought. I've worked behind a bar quite abit and I'm experienced with high pressure situations, so I think I can cope.

>> No.4672448

Did you think all you had to do to be a chef was go college and then you're a chef? Shit takes fucking years of working

>> No.4672493

personally thought it had something to do with apprenticeships and that

>> No.4672499


Because Cannibal Corpse is fucking speed metal faggot.

>> No.4672500

Starting off as a dishwasher and hoping to work your way up to a chef is retarded these days.

>> No.4672522

ill fuck you up

>> No.4672534

So what would be other smart ways to get into the industry?

>> No.4672543

Those conflicting working-at-a-casino feels.

I'm just a burger flipper at the overnight concessions window, barely even a 'cook', and I still get $13*40hrs+benefits.

Still, so much bureaucratic bullshit goes on around here. Was talking to a cashier; apparently there's a cage window/drawer that absolutely never gets used, constantly locked up. And they still have to count it every night, just to make sure the money didn't magically disappear. For fuck's sake.

>> No.4672746
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I am about to finish my first year working as a cook, i got into it because i like cooking but no one who has not worked in a kitchen can understand how chaotic it can be. working 40 hours a week dealing with so much shit. im just finally getting into zen mode and i dont let shit bother me anymore i just work hard and go home. some one said above no one likes complainers, this is very important in the business, your ass will get dumped if your the kitchen asshole.

my advice for getting into a kitchen would be, dont waste time washing dishes. its a position where you are not learning anything. get a job as a prep cook so you can put it on your resume and look for better opportunities in the future then eventually work your way up as a line cook.

when i got into cooking i was looking into culinary school i asked my coworkers and my sous chefs who have culinary certificates and basically the most common response was that it was a waste of time and money. some one brought up an interesting point though they said if you like learning in a structured environment then school is good for them.

the best advice i got was from a sous chef he said never stop learning, which sounds obvious but really make an effort to know how to do everything. it makes you that much more valuable.

>> No.4672751

Go to school for culinary arts, get a decent job at a small restaurant, and then hopefully make enough connections to become head chef at a new restaurant in a few years. It worked for my friend at least, although I live out in the middle of nowhere so it might be different if you live in a highly populated city with lots of competition.

>> No.4672778

>chinese music sucks

you round-eyed PLEB


>> No.4672795
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chinese music master race

>> No.4672801
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>Get job as bus
>Awkward as fuck and high as a kite 99% of the time
>Hardly say a word to any of the other staff, but am an efficient cleaning machine
>Keep the kitchen staff balls deep in ice water, cause its like a million degrees in there
>Get nicknamed Lurch and never have to pay for beer or weed again while I worked there
>Crazy ass motherfuckers in the kitchen ream out the crazy as servers when they try and fuck with me

It was a fun job, but some of the servers were fucking crazy. People always seemed to leave in waves, and you can only clean the tables so fast.

>> No.4672806

You're eager and motivated to learn; that's a great start and often means you'll have a good work ethic. I would not go for culinary yet, unless you've got plenty of money. I would start by staging(essentially one day internships) around restaurants you would like to work at. Stages often end in you getting fed some of the place's dishes so in one day you can see what it's like to work there, what the people are like, and what the food is like.

Once you find the place you want, ask for an apprenticeship(externship)/ask for a job. Maybe you'll get a prep job, but I wouldn't count on it. I worked for two months free just to show I could do it to start my career off. A little over a year later and now I'm a line cook at a well-regarded fine dining restaurant.

If you go this path, maybe for a year or two and absolutely love it, then start considering culinary. Is it worth it? What will you gain? Most of my fellow cooks regret it somewhat, or wish they went later, when they got more serious about cooking.

As for learning, never stop reading, watching(lots of great food vids on youtube), cooking at home, etc. Cookbooks are not just recipes; the good ones show you the chef's philosophies and story. Start off with a basic one like Professional Cooking from Le Cordon Bleu to wrap your head around some basic techniques. Then, move onto chef cookbooks and other great ones like On Food and Cooking or Larousse Gastronomique(dated, but shows you a lot of where modern french food came from.) After a while, you'll begin to understand the recipes less as recipes, but as a series of techniques and ratios applicable in multiple situations.

>> No.4672814


I currently work for a chef like that, he's a cunt who just slows down service for every1 to just prove a point. I'm guessing you have a tiny dick or were bullied as a kid huh?

>> No.4672833


This. I've worked all aspects within pubs. I've come to learn to just hate the fucking customers. Also come to learn not to get so worked up over a damn order, end of the day its just a fucking job.


> group of 16 pre order for lunch
> arrive late, then complain about the wait on food
> serving staff are very patient with their bullshit
> food goes out perfect, they then proceed to order some more side veg

Seriously, this chef is wanting to get Rosette awards for the restaurant part of the pub, yet proceeds to happily give shitty customer service. He also tell the servers to not take orders for 20 minutes,even when there's just 3 checks on. I sometimes want to shout at him to fucking man up and work faster rather than just trying to prove the point that he's in charge.

>> No.4672839


this. All staff should start as the dishwasher, then they understand how hard a fucking job it is, and perhaps will stop throwing their shit directly at you.

I asked for a job in a local pub 2 weeks back since I have finished uni and can't find a real job. Proceed to be a dishwasher (I'm 23, but fuck it, it's money) and always when I have a free minute I ask the chef what needs doing.

2 weeks on he offers me a full time job working as his sous chef, since his other sous chef isn't up to scratch, loves my attitude etc, every1 sings my praises for not being a lazy fuck like every1 else.

Sadly, I do not wish to work within the food business, far too stressful. No wonder every1 drinks

>> No.4672846


40 hours a week? That's cushy as hell m80

>> No.4672851


I disagree,I think the best way to get into cooking is to start as a dishwasher.

Turn up everyday enthusiastic as fuck, work your ass off, be social, but not chavvy like the other staff. Show your intelligence and ask about the food, compliment the food and eventually the chef will take a liking to you and will give you better work. Grind that shit out, you just need to be hard working

>> No.4672860

yeah no shit i'd kill for 40 hours a week.

>> No.4672865

That's like saying the best way to get into theoretical physics is to be become a chalk-board cleaner.

>> No.4672867

That seems like a lot of killing, I doubt even the most hardcore of hitmen puts in 40 hours of killing a week.

>> No.4672920

Not really

Every fucker I worked with that came from cooking school directly with no past experience have been fucking retarded. Includes red seal cert.

The best way is to go into high end as dishwasher in high school then keep doing that as you go to cooking school.

You need both or you WILL not last

>> No.4672945


Nigger its not like you stay a dishwasher for long

The whole fucking reason we suggest it is that it proves that you can actually work in the kitchen and can deal with the bullshit. If you work your ass off and ask the right questions. you WILL move into prep and higher work.

Most chuckle fucks that do it are half assed pieces of shit that can't even scrub an insert right. But if you do it right, work you ass off, show your attitude well, ask the right question, "What can I do to help?" and not sit there with your thumb in your ass, your chefs WILL notice.

The comparison sucks since you can't exactly learn even basics physics with in a few hours, but dish washers can learn basic prep/portioning.

Either way, if you work your ass off and don't be a little bitch and love pressure you'll succeed. Just please for the love of god just get your foot in the door before deciding to go into cooking school/courses. There is nothing worse then a kid who waltz in like he owns the place but doesn't know fuck all about real kitchen past what he saw on food network.
This way you can see if its for you, you'll either go "Oh man this is hard I hate this fuck this Ima go work office" or "oh man this is so hard I can't control my raging boner"

Also buy good shoes now

>> No.4673683

I like you.

I expo 900-1300 dinners and I don't understand what these people think is so difficult

>> No.4673999

No offense, expos are great and all, but standing there reading tickets and telling servers what food to take is different from actually cooking or dealing with picky or retarded customers.

>> No.4674026


Truth. Dishwashers who work their way up through prep and into cold-side are the most dependable soldiers in the modern kitchen.

>> No.4674032


>Not dealing with picky retarded customers

Choose one and only one. Have you ever been on Expo and had something sent back because of a retarded customer forgot he was allergic to salt? It's a great way to get weeded.

>> No.4674073

This is true. Get a pair of shoes just for work, because you will destroy them.

I have worked in foodservice for two weeks and my sneakers have turned gray. I use a different pair of shoes for outside of work.

>> No.4674129

Well, it does recycle liquid waste I know, but not sure about the solid stuff.

>> No.4674131

How did you get that position?
What experience did you have before then?

>> No.4674187
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I will be cooking here next week.
Not sure if I should be excited or sad.

>> No.4674195

There is nothing more satisfying than cooking for friends and loved ones.

There is nothing more soul-destroying than cooking for customers.

That is all

>> No.4674212

Both. Be prepared for extreme time and space constraints. And questionable waste disposal/cleanliness protocols.

>> No.4674306

>A lady came up to me today - very rare and unusual for the customers to interact with the cooks - and told me my cheesecake was the best she's ever had.

That feel is a feel that people dream of

>> No.4674328

I am 18 years old. My first job was a dishwasher at a Cafe, and, i've been promoted a few times. Here's my timeline of shit

FUCK, that job sucked. On nights where people just got take out or delivery, it was slow as shit, but not slow enough where I could do nothing all day. On busy days, I was just mind numbingly spraying pans. I specifically told the two new dishwashers I'd never cover for em, cause damn, shit job. Made $7.25 an hour, plus around $0.50-$1 in tip money per hour.

>Kitchen helper
Pretty fun. Basically, I got pay $8.00 an hour to make curry (curry was premade, just poured it over some cooked meat or noodle etc). Worked with the nice cook ladies who could barely speak English. Helped me learn to be quicker on my feet sometimes.

Glorified position as delivery driver. The cafe had 2 locations, one in a rich neighborhood, one in a more middle class. While I am happy getting any tip, conditioning has taught me that compared to middle class or poor folks, rich people either tip stupidly high or stupidly low. Average tip was around $5, best tip ever was $50 from some guy who was stoned off his ass. Best part is folks trying to pronounce the names of the foods. No real bad customers, but some people try to cheat us out of food. We deliver food we forgot in bags, so I usually have to deliver forgotten food. 1 or 2 people have been chronic liars, and we banned them from the cafe. Pretty good justice.

I've waited a few tables. With a $7.25 hourly wage on top of a decent amount of tables with an average tip of $7.50, I can't wait to get promoted. I won't use any gas or put wear on my vehicle, AND I'll be making way more money for only slightly harder work.

>> No.4674335

I've been working at my latest place for 2 years. Only ever had 1 person come back to the kitchen, which isn't hard since it's a partially open (in FoH but has curtains) kitchen. We receive compliments on occasion, but never face to face.

No interest of becoming renowned in any way, I just wanna put out stuff that makes people happy.

It was the best day I've had so far. It's the kind of recognition I'd always hoped for.

>> No.4674369

> not liking CAKE and Dre

>> No.4674403

>thai music
>random mexican music
oh jesus christ

>> No.4674619

dear god I hope you have your sea legs.
>dat constant motion
>dat heat
>dat noise

>> No.4674910

Before getting the casino job I was a grill cook at a sushi restaurant. I had some experience with food working in the deli department at Wal-Mart, but I wanted to move up, so when I saw that restaurant was hiring, I bugged the owner every week for six weeks straight until he gave me the job. I left that place after three months because my boss wanted to pay me under the table, but couldn't afford to pay me every two weeks.

I saw job postings on Craigslist for the casino as dishwasher, so I went for it. During my interview, the executive chef asked me about my restaurant experience and I told him all my duties as a grill cook. He asked why I was applying for a dishwasher position and what I REALLY wanted to do, and I told him that I really wanted to cook. So he hired me on as a cook.

>> No.4674930

Post-shift cocktail right now. feels good man. Fuck monday.

>> No.4674961

me and my current fiancee meet while working at a small family owned Diner, we use to hav sex in the kitchen

>> No.4675274

>dat dramamine

Seriously, I'm bringing a ton of it with me.

>> No.4675717

I love these fucking threads, man, it's just neat to see the "behind the scenes" of the industry

/g/uy here, thank you for your hard work, it's a nice overall experience instead of eating grilled cheese in the dark again

>> No.4675922

i expo. try dealing with tricky and retarded servers all night, while translating to the chef and sending food out with 100% accuracy.

>> No.4675925

that shit makes me massively sleepy have you tried it out b4?

>> No.4676237

I've been staging for the past 7months in a 3 star restaurant. This is the hardest I've had to work in my life, and I fucking love every minute of it, even tho the head chef of appetizers has some serious issues with me, I work my ass off and thank every day for this opportunity. Sometimes I wake up so exhausted, I can't even move my legs, but still I keep coming back....

>> No.4676335

Love to cook at home but I don't want to be a pro.
>read bourdain's kitchen confidential
>nope the fuck out of the thought of becoming a chef

>> No.4676376

Seriously guys, do catering if you don't wanna be a slave in the kitchen. Working overtime with people cheating you out of money all the time, just because the industry demands so, etc... Catering is more at your own pace more than anything. The downsides are really only dealing with customers more personally and having to over serve the fuck out of them.