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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4669859 No.4669859 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, /ck/?

>> No.4669868

The US invented potato chips, so we're calling them potato chips, capiche?

>> No.4669878

>We invented fried potato!

>> No.4669894

>Im gay!

>> No.4669899

Now, I'm no expert on the history of deep-fried tubers, but I say let the Americans have this one. It certainly wouldn't be the first nor the last decadent item for them to take credit for.

>> No.4669901

oh wow

>> No.4669904
File: 76 KB, 600x450, tv019_absolutely_disgusting_2546[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonalds fries

>> No.4669912

Shockingly, different cultures end up using different words for things even if they speak the same language in general.

Biscuits. Jam. And so on.

>> No.4669913

home made chips or wedges, no other way.

>> No.4669918
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Bongcrawlers pls go

>hot chips or chips

>> No.4669921


The potato chip is an American invention. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4669945

100% correct OP. Calling fries chips is also acceptable though.

>> No.4669954

That looks correct to me

>> No.4669962

Yes. That's the window of error you're allowed.

>> No.4669968

100% correct

chips are big chunky things like wood chips

fries are french fries as in those thin matchstick shits you get in mcdonald's

crisps are well... crisp, and are so named crisps.

>> No.4669989

Around here in the Pacific Northwest the far left picture would be called chips and both other pictures would be called fries. We would differentiate between the two by calling the far right picture 'steak cut' fries.

>> No.4669996 [DELETED] 



>> No.4670004

Different languages use different words to describe things.

In English chips are chunkier cut fried potatoes.

English is the language spoken by English people who live in England.

The only confusion comes from Americans who think that their dialect of English is actual English.

>> No.4670005


see how funny this is

>> No.4670011

>inb4 americans claiming their version of english is closer to what english used to be

>> No.4670031 [DELETED] 


I don't like /lgbt/. It's people trying to figure out shit. I'm not trying to figure out my gender or discuss my sexuality. I don't see why it's wrong for me to look for a boyfriend while on /ck/.

>> No.4670034

You're looking for a boyfriend? Eh? Eh?

>> No.4670048

>I don't see why it's wrong for me to look for a boyfriend while on /ck/.

You're retarded trying to find any significant relationship on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.4670057

Murrican English is the dominant form of the language in this era. Get used to it britbong. You gave up any claim to relevancy when you gave up the empire.

>> No.4670058

Have fun never taking an english lesson anywhere in the world that's not the americas

>> No.4670060

Chips, Fries, Steak Fries

>> No.4670105
File: 135 KB, 600x1220, fries and chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belgians fry strips of potato
>call them frites
>if you are speaking english that means they are fries regardless of how thick they are
>americans fry rounds of potato until they are crispy
>call them chips
>americans also make crispy rounds out of a potato mash
>call them crisps
>these are legally regulated terms in the country of origin
>british people contribute nothing of value to the culinary world and are the laughing stock of every other country for their shit food
>british people don't even eat their own food and prefer things from italy. france, america, and india so their own food traditions are being lost in time further proving how shit they are
>they are also fat and kind of ugly as a race too from all the inbreeding

>> No.4670408

>You're right about me.

>> No.4670443


It was first made in America out of spite. Some guy was bitching that his fried potatoes were too thick. so the chef cut them extra thin, the guy loved them. Resulting in what we know today as potato chips.

Crisps are what pringles are.

>> No.4670454

I couldn't care less what you fucktards call any of them.

Chips are what Frito Lay sells (I consider Pringles chips).
Fries = French fries (shoestring, waffle, crinklecut, etc.)
Crisps... there is no such thing.

>> No.4670459

>implying curry isn't a UK invention

Do you even spice trade history?

>> No.4670621

no matter if you consider pringles chips
pringles doesn't even consider pringles chips

>> No.4670628

people in the UK are the only ones that seem to think it was invented there

>> No.4670639
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>> No.4670646

I bet you think potatoes came from Ireland and tomatoes came from Italy.

>> No.4670708
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, Seabrook_Crisps_Worcester_Sauce_Flavour_31g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're called crisps because they're crispy.
>They're called fench fries because they are cut in the french style and fried
>They're called chips because they are chips of potato.

If americans what to call crisps "chips" thats fine, I can see the argument there.
But in Ingerland chips is chips and crisps is crisps

>> No.4670726

Oh and it's not pronounced War-chest-er.
It's Worcester, imagine a chinese man saying Rooster.

>> No.4670746

they did!... didn't they?

>> No.4670762

They both come from the Americas

>> No.4670764

>not pronouncing it whorechester sauce

>> No.4670765

you cant legally sell that in the US with that packaging
those are chips not crisps, they are different foods

>> No.4670790
File: 153 KB, 1115x600, hereyougo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it.

>> No.4670828

that's because your dying empire still has its tendrills in all the former colonies

>> No.4670836
File: 54 KB, 571x570, cool_story_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what?

>> No.4670858

But you CAN sell it in the UK with that packaging.

Good heavens, it's like different countries have different ways of doing things or something.

>> No.4671128

>They're called fench fries because they are cut in the french style and fried
It has nothing to do with France. It's derived from the verb 'to french', to cut into slivers or thin strips before cooking.

>> No.4671142


Keep rereading your sentence there and thinking about it until you get it

>> No.4671153

but the UK didn't invent it so that way is wrong

>> No.4671269


Unfriggin'believeable. What gall.

>> No.4671277


"French Fried Potatoes" are originally from Belgium.

>> No.4671299

the US is a stupid

>> No.4671303


belgium used to be france

>> No.4671328


Actually it was Spain, strangely enough.