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File: 62 KB, 480x699, New Glarus Wild Sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4649369 No.4649369 [Reply] [Original]

Beer Thread?

Just bought some of this, sounds like it will be awesome

>> No.4649390

>they will never sell New Glarus outside Wisconsin

>> No.4649396

>they will never sell Cigar City outside of Florida (again)

I wish I didn't know what I was missing.

>> No.4649401

I have only been to florida once since turning 21, and it was fucking impossible to find good beer where I was. They were trying to market Yuengling and Guinness as their good beers

but I have heard really good things about cigar city

>> No.4649422

>that Belgian Red

I had a friend who did trade shows for a brewery and would hook me up with New Glarus. He claimed it was the best brewery in America. Unfortunately, it paid like shit, so he went back to college to finish his degree, and I haven't had any since.

>> No.4649439

That's how it is in the shittier parts of Georgia. "Craft" beer is Blue Moon and Sam Adams.

>> No.4649446

they unfortunately aren't making any Belgian Red this year since the cherry crop was so shitty last year (and are instead making a delicious apple/cranberry/cherry beer in its place) but New Glarus has really mastered the fruit beer. I have yet to taste a fruit beer from another brewery that matches any of the ones New Glarus makes

>> No.4649453
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>> No.4649478

If anyone cares, the Wild Sour lived up to my expectations, very good

>> No.4649482
File: 99 KB, 640x960, Strawberry Rhubarb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to make this into a New Glarus thread, but they just posted this on their facebook page

>> No.4649484
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Little too fancy in here. Need to bring it to my level.

>> No.4649492

never had anything like that before, but it sounds like it could be really good

>> No.4649496
File: 39 KB, 450x600, howe sound megadestroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah beer thread.

Just finished off the last bottle of this I could get hold of... now I have to wait until November to get more.

>> No.4649501

We only bought two bottles of that when we were at the brewery
I regret that decision

>> No.4649505


That sounds good.

>> No.4649509

from their website
>Teased from the loam by the kiss of the Sun. Mom’s Strawberry Rhubarb delights are the happy memories of childhood. Diploma Master Brewer Dan employed juicy sweet Strawberries to tame the barbaric wild tart fermentation of rhubarb. Escaped from the far corners of neighboring yards, local rhubarb was incorporated into the wild sour fermentation to create this drinkable dream. Bright sour and effervescent. Toast chilled cold to Bright skies, fireflies, bare feet and rhubarb pies!

>> No.4649511
File: 1.04 MB, 1840x3264, 2013-07-17_20-26-50_417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are home brews allowed? this was in the gift bag from my cousins wedding. its a lavender infused ipa with. it was actually really good

>> No.4649512

goddamn I salivate for sour beers. Too bad a majority of them cost so fucking much. I wish I can binge drink on Russian River sours.

>> No.4649516

labeling my own homebrew is way too ambitious for me

but I have a black IPA fermenting right now

>> No.4649520

my friends from florida always go to cigar city when talking craft brew from their hometown, I kind of want to try it, but I live on the west coast.

>> No.4649522

thats one of the awesome things about New Glarus, the charge less that pretty much everyone else close to their quality. The 4 pack of the Wild Sour cost me $9, which I think is a very reasonable price (and their normal year round and seasonal 6 packs are only like $7.29)

>> No.4649539
File: 49 KB, 800x600, ale-asylum-bedlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going with another great Wisconsin brewery

>> No.4649548

4x 12 oz good sours for $9? Yes please!
As much as I love russian river, $12-14 for one of their TWELVE OUNCE sours is sometimes ridiculous as fuck.

>> No.4649554
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and this doesn't hurt either

>> No.4649602
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>> No.4649637
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Wisconsin beer thread?

>> No.4649672
File: 104 KB, 377x299, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a mix and match six pack after work.

>Dogfish Head 61 Minute
>Ommegane Abbey dubbel
>Bison Organic Hop Cuvee
>Firestone Walker Pivo Pils
>Big Sky Scapegoat pale ale
>Mendocino Imperial IPA

Mostly just got stuff I've never had or haven't had in a while. So far I've drank the 61 and it's pretty grape-y.

Also got a bomber of New Belgium Hoppy Bock because it was on closeout for 1.99 (cha-ching).

>> No.4649681

Went to new glarus for beer, Chicago-fags everywhere. Pack up, run to potosi instead.

>> No.4649683

>tfw just got back from Festa Italiana and cracked open a Spotted Cow

Ahh, it's great living in the beer, cheese, and sausage capital.

>> No.4649685

Picked up some Bells Oberon after work. Say what you will but it is a great summer beer

>> No.4649687

isn't potosi down by iowa?

I have lived in southern Wisconsin my entire life and only been to that corner of the state once

>> No.4649694

Its over by Dubuque. They do a good job with their beer. Really scenic area too.

On Wisconsin!

>> No.4649709
File: 13 KB, 212x320, Stone Pale Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a few of thse tonight, never had it before, it's quite nice. I'll drink the other 3 tomorrow probably.

>> No.4649710


Having this now. Thought I wouldn't like it but it's not that bad, very enjoyable.

>> No.4649719

Yeah, it wasn't on the level of New Glarus's (to stick with this thread's theme) raspberry tart, but enjoyable none the less

>> No.4649737

+1 on the raspberry tart framboise. Not the cheapest drink in the world, but its worth every penny.

>> No.4649804
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Elysian Superfuzz

I'm really impressed. The orange is more of a hint, not overpowering at all. Crisp and refreshing, but not light on flavor in the least. Good shit.

I'm probably going to keep drinking this until summer's over and they don't make it anymore. I might even stock up for fall.

>> No.4649926

The beer that made me fall in love with Founders, it is possibly the best raspberry desert beer ever created! Tastes like liquid pie (my girlfriend said when we were at the brewery the other day drinking it).

>> No.4649939

I live in Maryland so typically partake in a lot of Flying Dog and Dogfishhead. Occasionally I'll dip into some Duclaw.

>> No.4650071
File: 2.27 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130719_204953_159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody recommended Imperial Russian stout in another thread so I picked this up. It was pretty good. Any more recommendations?

>> No.4650075

Old Rasputin is great! Very solid Imperial Russian Stout. If you like that, try any other Imperial Stout, particularly high ABV ones.

>> No.4650081
File: 33 KB, 400x451, tumblr_m70da03toz1qes3igo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you recommend pic related? That's what I went to the store for but I couldn't find it.

>> No.4650116

Not him, but Stone's Imperial Russian Stout is a bit more sweeter than Old Rasputin. When I say sweet, I don't mean sugar sweet, it has more coffee/chocolate essence going for it.
Old Rasputin is on the more dryer side, a bit more licorice.

Both are solid russian imperial stouts.

Also, stone russian imperial stout is seasonal (towards winter months), while old rasputin is year-round.

>> No.4650120

I guess that explains why I couldn't find it

>> No.4650335

I not only love almost every New Glarus offering, but I love how they are hip enough to throw up a 4chan thread every once in a while. Not viralizing, not obnoxious, just taking advantage of a little free advertising. "Drink Indigenous" is a brilliant slogan as well.

>> No.4650449
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Hertog-Jan-Grand-Prestige-Kruik[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to try this one.

>> No.4650491

I keep buying imperial stouts and porters but whenever I feel like having a beer I open the fridge, see them and think "nah, too heavy, I'll have this [IPA/Belgian ale/British Ale] instead" and they pile up.
I like them I just never feel like drinking them...

>> No.4650537


Let me guess, you live in the northern hemisphere? Learn to drink seasonally. Drinking something refreshing isn't going to turn you into a homo. You already were.

>> No.4650540

>northern hemisphere
Northern Sweden, yeah

>> No.4650598
File: 182 KB, 299x286, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kicking back some Moose Drool. This shit has to be one of the best values in craft beer. Never seen it for more than $7 a sixer and it always hits the spot.

>> No.4650610

I'm the same way. In the summer I prefer lighter, cloudy beers. I can barely tolerate a heavy beer on a hot day. Those are much better in the winter.

>> No.4650616
File: 194 KB, 323x401, 1290221330455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my local grocery store was clearing out its Chimay Premiere stock for $5/bottle

>> No.4650730
File: 1.74 MB, 1435x2891, Aecht_Schlenkerla_Rauchbier-Maerzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some of the worlds best smoked beer for tonights grilling. yummi.

>> No.4650769


The big bottles?

>> No.4651129
File: 59 KB, 480x480, Great Lakes Silver and Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up some of this stuff

>> No.4651405

Checked for this at the grocery store today. they hadn't gotten their shipment in yet, but thought it should be in "soon"

and I guess it is going to replace their raspberry tart at some point and raspberry tart is going to become a seasonal

>> No.4651406

I have the following I bought as singles, and I'm curious about opinions. Never had any of them before.

>Spaten Premium Lager
>Lagunitas Undercover Shut-Down Ale
>Orval Trappist Ale
>Stone/Evil Twin/Stillwater's The Perfect Crime Black Smoked Saison
>Uerige Doppelsticke (Purple label)
>Buxton Brewery's Tsar Imperial Stout

It's a wide and varied selection, I know. I'll probably drink the Spaten tonight with some homebrew (dry-hopped lemon wheat ale).

>> No.4651415

>Lagunitas Undercover Shut-Down Ale
that ones pretty good, definitely worth a try

>> No.4651664
File: 262 KB, 1600x1195, Lagunitas Maxiums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lagunitas is an exceptional brand. Undercover is great but kind of a novelty. Pic Related, the IPA, Lagunitas Sucks, and the Wilco Tango Faxtrot are better.

>> No.4651668


The Sumpin Sumpin is also really good. Stay away from their imperial stout, it's an affront to the category.

>> No.4651684
File: 177 KB, 1024x758, 4df8dcb7aeaea.preview-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously cannot wait to go back home, my mom will have a six of New Glaurus Spotted Cow in the fridge for me as soon as I walk in. It's just a thing. Although Texas has some amazing local brews. Nothing hold ups to a Spotted Cow IMO.

>> No.4651694

Reading this post.. just sounds like a drunk Wisconsinite.

>> No.4651729


They used to distribute in Illinois, but they've been gone for a bit over a decade. The distributor they were with here was going bankrupt and tried to sell their existing contracts without the brewery's permission, and aside form being illegal, Dan Carey, the owner pulled out of the state, and it left such a sour taste in his mouth he never came back.

>> No.4652125
File: 18 KB, 794x596, new glarus raspberry tart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking some of this after the talking about it here got me excited for it

>> No.4652148
File: 42 KB, 800x600, surly-abrasive-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4652167
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 4b5995ca9c56c99725b4e53b40c4762d_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. So fucking good. Better than the Stone RIS I think.

>> No.4652270
File: 29 KB, 320x480, LaChouffe_beer_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some of this "La chouffe" belgian strong ale.

It had a nice spicy taste, but at 8% abv, it get you drunk pretty fast.

>> No.4652328
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Picked up some pic related tonight.
Hot damn, I'm glad my cousin recommended scotch ale. He and his sister are the ones I go to for anything beer related.

>> No.4652352
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Narwhal from Sierra Nevada Brewery, Stone's Imperial Stout, Outer Darkness, Et cetera.

>> No.4652364
File: 92 KB, 333x500, foundersbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best non special release super hard to find stout

>> No.4652382

I find Oskar Blues' Ten Fidy to be the best, but it's stupidly expensive. It's been a few years since I had that, though. I guess I should try it again.

>> No.4652391

I have so far avoided buying ten fidy because it is so ridiculously higher than pretty much everything else besides rare special releases

but I will probably try it one of these days

>> No.4652416

I was about to mention Ten Fidy. I was gonna buy it for the first time today, but I'd already spent 14 bucks on a 750 of Tripel.

Next time, next time

>> No.4652451
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>> No.4652482
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One of the few things Cleveland's done right

>> No.4652541


You guys should check for local liquor stores with employees knowledgeable in craft beer. Many stores sell single bottles or cans of beer and it works nicely to ease into some of the more intensely flavored or expensive beers.

>> No.4652884

my condolences

>> No.4652902

Surprisingly little lowest common denominator beer ITT. Usually there's a few.

Flensburger and Innis and Gunn are my regulars, but I usually treat myself with something more experimental whenever I have the money.

>> No.4652904
File: 72 KB, 400x500, brew-dog-punk-IPA-left-back-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4652915

Brew dog: Great marketing, mediocre beers

>> No.4652945


Jesus fucking christ they sure are full of themselves aren't they.

>> No.4652968
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>> No.4652993

Pretty much. The labels are funny, but they are better reads than their beers are drinks. If that makes sense.

>> No.4653017

A few of their beers are good still, Jackhammer is great if you can find it. Punk IPA is pretty hit and miss though.

>> No.4653022
File: 161 KB, 1200x1600, 20130126_220021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying one of Denmarks best beers....

>> No.4653029

Yeah, this isn't BRODUDEBRO marketing at all.

>> No.4653056
File: 97 KB, 640x640, svartekungen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this beer the other night. Really enjoyed it

>> No.4653072

I've really wanted to try some of their beer, but it's impossible to find in Denmark.

>> No.4653148

Because I live in Wisconsin I saw your post and was like 'New Glarus? But that's just as widely available as Budweiser.'

Central waters makes good alcohol... they had a Scottish ale that was the best. The coffee beer is good too.

>> No.4653177

While we're on the topic, does anyone know any good beer blogs or any of that sort for beer enthusiasts?

>> No.4653302


>> No.4653364

MasterofHoppets does beer review about 4 times a week on youtube.

>> No.4654704


Tried that the other day. Didn't really care for it, but I think that I may just not like scotch ales. Too sweet for me. Oskar Blues makes some great stuff in general, though. I work for a beverage distributor and one of the on-premise sales reps hosted an OB event at a bar and the guy from the brewery brought a log of some super-limited smoked beer that they make. I unfortunately was unable to make it.

>> No.4656838
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>> No.4656870

MN/WI makes sense. Wisconsin has SO less taxes associated with their liquor and you can also buy on Sundays.
Why tf can't you buy it on Sundays in MN? f-idk

>> No.4656879

yeah, Minnesota is not exactly a place I would expect to pull that bullshit

>> No.4656881

Have you ever tried Bell's Oarsman Ale, ita a really nice sour session ale that's pretty easy to find (so long as you arent in CA) and pretty cheap by craft standards

>> No.4656883


It predates the right wing wave that swept MN after the assassination of Senator Wellstone by a shadowy cabal of probably not-so-rogue neocon operatives. It has something to do with liquor store owners not wanting to be open on Sunday because they're old fashioned and want to have a day off, along with some mumbo jumbo about competition.

>> No.4656885

Oberon is a solid summer beer, reminds me of Goose Island 312, but with more substance, more bitterness and bready malts.

Its a shame that Bells most popular beer is far from their best one. They do IPA's that are on par with Stone, if not better imo.

>> No.4656887

>liquor store owners not wanting to be open on Sunday
yeah, it screws over consumers in favor of liquor stores

>> No.4656888

I like this guy

>> No.4656889
File: 82 KB, 333x500, Bells two hearted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two Hearted is definitely one of my favorite IPAs

I really think uppermidwestern IPAs are better in general than west coast IPAs

>> No.4656894


I don't mean this in a bad way, but everyone loves the smell of his own shit.

>> No.4656905

Surly was the beer that made me start liking beer. I thought all beer tasted like Coor's Light before that.

>> No.4656926

California just can't compete with the upper midwest when it comes to beer
Surly, New Glarus, Three Floyds, Bells and Founders

>> No.4656988

Anyone here from Alabama? Favorite beers?

>> No.4657076

I'm really hoping I find this soon in the bay area.

>> No.4657089

>tfw drinking Florida Cracker

Seriously one of the best beers I've ever had.

>> No.4657100

Yeah, I'd love to try beers from those guys. I'm still pretty happy with Stone, Firestone Walker, The Bruery, Russian River, Lagunitas, North Coast, Bear Republic, Anchor, Sierra Nevada, and Ballast Point, Americans have a lot of good options in my opinion. I consider myself pretty fortunate to have all these breweries right here

>> No.4657124
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Drinking a Furious right now.

>> No.4657146
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Don't quite know how far it gets distributed, but I like me some Troegenator Doublebock - I love the ruby red color it has.
It's a little on the sweet side, but the alcohol content in it helps to balance it out.

>> No.4657164

amen brother, we got it good here in the bay area

>> No.4657192

Ohio beer in an Ohio glass. We gotta chill sometime.

>> No.4659050
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>> No.4659120
File: 123 KB, 640x427, Chipotle Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened up one of these. Pretty good

>> No.4659164

Dogfish head and other IPAs taste like perfume

IPA a shit

>> No.4659169

>taste like perfume

>> No.4659177

>get perfume
>spray it in your mouth

>> No.4659188

That looks delicious

>> No.4659504
File: 762 KB, 712x521, a0e2e91f16c8d60d2e88555e52f4bd42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a pretty good week.

>> No.4659575
File: 47 KB, 640x427, Zombie_Dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go to the brewery and buy a case of this stuff in a few weeks. All of you hoppy beer lovers out there who haven't had Zombie Dust are missing out.

My last homebrew was an all citra IPA which reminds me of Zombie Dust a ton, though not quite as good.

>> No.4659578
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The homebrew in question.

>> No.4659584


>> No.4660566

I only got one. ;_;

>> No.4660959

citra IPA is the best IPA

>> No.4660966
File: 17 KB, 155x410, hobgoblin-beer-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best english ale?

>> No.4661041

Citra is definitely the GOAT hop.

>> No.4661608


How was the Wheaton (if you tried it)? We're supposed to be getting it this week in Texas. Need to get at least 2.

>> No.4661646
File: 223 KB, 1440x1066, TheSaintCider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I allowed to be part of this discussion? Because this shit is fucking amazing.

>> No.4661669

Any good brewers in Northern Indiana?

>> No.4661678

Jesus christ. my boyfriend bought budweiser a few days ago because he wanted to try it. I'm fron Holland, and Heineken is one of the worst brands but jesus christ that stuff is heaven compared to your urine water. And I even prefer light or sweet or generally girly beers. Ugh, was disgusting, we threw it away.

>> No.4661709

It's not that stouts and porters are unrefreshing, rather that their boldness makes it so I don;t really wanna pick one up after a long day.

Mind you, I drink plenty of them, just not with the regularity that I would a Belgian or a Pale Ale.
Also, around winter time, plenty of old ales hit the market that are IMO a better seasonal option than porters or stouts

>> No.4661730
File: 26 KB, 251x396, avery_maharaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Sumpin Sumpin is their best offering in my opinion. Tons of fantastic citrus and tropical notes that isn't overwhelmed by heavy malts or massive bitterness.

That said, if malts and/or bitterness is what you're looking for, Avery's "The Maharaja" is my favorite seasonal option

>> No.4661740

Problem is that it is 6 bucks for a single can. My local Specs has them by the single can, but it's prohibitively expensive for me to consistently spend on one beer what could get me a sixer of a good, albiet not as good, beer

>> No.4661962

The rabbit charges out the ass for singles. But the 4pk is reasonable, alongside the value of a 7.50 buck bomber on a /oz basis. Ten fidy totally worth it though. Dank stuff if you can find it. Not in season but plenty sitting around if you know where to look.

>> No.4662021

Everyone in America knows Budweiser is shit. The only ones who fixed it are the Hispanics.

You take a Budweiser, add clamato juice, squeeze a slice of lime in, add hot sauce, and pour it cold into a glass. Garnish with another lime and salt the rim. It's fucking tasty. Budweiser sells a Chelada version that you just add hot sauce too. Horrible warm though. Tastes like a bloody Mary with more chaser otherwise.

>> No.4662066

Why can't you just ship beer from other states?

>> No.4662084

>Just turned 21
>Only drinking I really did before that was bud light/popular shitty beer with friends
>Looking for some good out there/craft stuff from my area (New Jersey).


>> No.4662311

As a self-proclaimed "beer snob" I actually don't think Spotted Cow is a bad beer. In fact, I find it to be really refreshing and nice on a hot day. Goes well with pretty much any kind of food too. Definitely beats Bud, Miller, or Coors. The fact that it's so easy drinking, better than macro adjuct lagers, and just as readily available in Wisconsin, I can understand the popularity. That being said, it's probably the least exiting beer New Glarus brews. I still wouldn't turn one down if offered one.

>> No.4662538
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>> No.4662813


>> No.4663367

>That being said, it's probably the least exiting beer New Glarus brews.
luckily its popularity funds every other New Glarus beer allowing them to sell their good stuff cheaper than every other brewery of their quality

>> No.4663388

I am happy to announce that just tapped my first keg of Homebrew I made, ever.

>> No.4663440

Hi Edward

>> No.4664138
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>> No.4664139
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Speaking of Beer, anyone go a chance to try Coors Banquet?

>> No.4664140

Wheres the Coors, Miller Light, Budweiser or Corona? What the fuck is with all these other gay beers?

>> No.4664196

What is gayer

Bud Light
or Bud Light Lime

>> No.4664221

lime, fo sho

>> No.4664226

Lime is probably gayer, but I think it might actually taste better than regular Bud Light

not that that is saying much

>> No.4664227

and over 500 of them are in just the three west coast states. California with over 250 and Washington with over 130 and Oregon over 120.

>> No.4664234
File: 134 KB, 800x495, Craft_Breweries_Per_Capita_(US) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, California also has roughly the same portion of the general population

>> No.4664244
File: 146 KB, 288x551, IronSwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cracking this bad boy right now.

>> No.4664248

drank some more of that New Glarus Wild Sour Ale tonight, can't get enough of this stuff

>> No.4664267

> lavender infused ipa
I can take or leave IPAs, maybe just have to be in the mood, but that sounds amazing.

>> No.4664281

Considering Alaska's beer tax, it's obvious they've taken to making their own, with many selling it to others

>> No.4664288

My experience with craft beer so far in a nutshell

"Shit that looks good"

>> No.4664412

It's fantastic. If you dig english pales it has the nice balance of herbal hops/biscuity malt and a slight citrus finish. Far better than a hop bomb PoS.

>> No.4664517

They first experimented with a limited edition called Maelstrom and they refined that into this and it's way better now

>> No.4664523

What the fuck? The band made this?

>> No.4665448

Collaboration with a TX brewer, so pretty much yeah.

>> No.4665575
File: 75 KB, 375x500, 2heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll third this. Hate buying outta state, (Wisconsinite) but I bought all the mini-kegs my local shop had when they came out.

>> No.4665614
File: 59 KB, 236x354, Garden State Dirndl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign up there and start going to events, tastings. Look up your local brew pubs. Go there. Take notes unless something really knocks your socks off and you know you'll remember. The best part about getting into beer as a hobby is drinking beer as a hobby - there is no downside. Even if you blow a five spot on a pint you don't care for, hey, Had Beer.

>> No.4665625

since i've gotten Into Beer ive gained 3kgs. So thats One downside

>> No.4665639

It's bound to happen. Such is the price of enjoying the drink of the gods.

>> No.4665646

Who Ontario here?

What are some good beers I can get from the LCBO?

>> No.4665699

Try Muskoka Mad Tom IPA. It's one of the best IPAs I've had in Canada.

>> No.4665705

The only IPA I've ever had i Keith's, and I'm not really a fan.

I'll give it a try though

>> No.4665955

Favourite imperial stout? Mine is old rasputin

>> No.4666424
File: 136 KB, 375x439, founders_imperial_stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of founders stouts are excellent

>> No.4668416


>> No.4668489
File: 669 KB, 1000x555, Beer Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4668499

19 year old child here

What does beer taste like?

>> No.4668500

Comedy gold

>> No.4668732
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, 20130727_200350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently drinking this. Quite impressed for it coming from Sam Adams.