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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 930x446, 2013-07-04-home-of-the-brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4658037 No.4658037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This comic is amazing. Any vegans on? Raw vegan here. I've switched to completely grazing eating habits. Would not have it any other way.

>> No.4658038
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>> No.4658042
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>> No.4658045
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>> No.4658048

should call them pesky farmers out for not being men!

>> No.4658049

While I eat meat, I do agree that hunting is a bit... psychotic?

Something about waking up early, getting all your fancy gear, and sitting still for long periods of time in uncomfortable heat/cold/humidity just for the chance to kill something seems wrong.

But I grew up in the city. Country people seem to think that hunting is the definition of fun.

>> No.4658050


it's cause they're psychotic.

>> No.4658054

Can anyone guess how it feels to wake up everyday knowing that you're only eating raw fruits and vegetables? Does anyone know what your insides feel like when you do this for half a year? If you want to find out how it feels to not have dead animals sliding through you, go vegan. It's objectively superior to all other diets.

>> No.4658062
File: 16 KB, 320x337, Malnutrition-to-Obesity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pictured to the left is the average dead-flesh consumer.

>> No.4658063

> dat strawman

>> No.4658064

Apparently there was one of those retarded naked women attention whoring about meat being murder at the bus stop here last week. I'm sorry I missed it, though it's probably for the best. I may have actually murdered her to help show how stupid she is. In a choice between vegetarianism and murdering people there is no question I would murder every last person. May as well start with the most gullible unthinking ones.

>> No.4658070


>lol bacon is soo guud
>for every animal you don't eat I'll eat three
>epic bacon ice cream lol so guud

>> No.4658074


ITT: Vegans desperately samefag

>> No.4658079

>vegans plural
if there's more than one how is it samefagging?

>> No.4658083



>> No.4658087

>Would not have it any other way.
If that was true then you wouldn't be coming here and trying to justify your ways.

>> No.4658099

>go to vegetarian region in India
>eat meat
>get killed
Sad but true.

>> No.4658102

>Raw vegan here
What's it like living on juice?

>> No.4658111
File: 38 KB, 349x330, laughing bullies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cognitive dissonance you pansy ass faggots. "I like to consume meat, but harvesting it is just psychotic!"

Let me guess, fishing is for madmen too?

And as for the thread, these are just unfunny terribly animated political cartoons. The art reminds me of those third rate anti-bullying cartoons that 4chan jacked.

>> No.4658119

I like fishing more than hunting, but just because I am kind of lazy and enjoy sitting on a boat all day getting drunk. And I really love a good fish bake.

>> No.4658126
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1374585074693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge like grazing too

>> No.4658128

>Beautiful, majestic creature
Confirmed for havng never seen a dear in real life

>> No.4658134

Hunting your meat is 100% more humane than getting meat from animals that have been tortured their entire lives and killed in brutal ways, assembly-line style. A deer often dies from a shot almost immediately, if not in a few minutes, and it lived out its life the way it was meant to. This seems considerably less "psychotic", because they are not trying their best to be ignorant to the source and condition of their food.

Personally when I was I growing up, we would shoot one deer to feed the family for the year, made into burgers, steaks, sausage, etc. If we decided to shoot any more, they would be given away to friends, a church, or homeless shelter. To supplement the meat because venison gets old after a while, we would sometimes fish, shoot doves, and rarely ducks. Beavers were a rare treat, but those had to be killed or else they were ruining the river system coming into town. Before you say, "well you could just relocate them!!!" beavers are incredibly overpopulated down here, and incredibly destructive. Relocating them is like removing rats from your home and putting them in your neighbor's house.

Although I didn't grow up thinking hunting was a fun sport like a lot of people down here, you have to understand that even those people doing that are either eating what they kill or giving it to people who will. You are considered a complete piece of shit around here if you don't.

It's not about getting the chance to kill something, it's about getting the chance to provide your own food without relying on hormone-infested, horrifically abused cattle, pork and poultry. This is about as close to being natural that we can currently come by.

>> No.4658135

This guy is more full of himself than the people who post on /r/atheism

>> No.4658143

How can you tell if someone is a vegan? Don't worry, I'm sure they'll tell you soon enough themselves.

>> No.4658151

>a vegan trying to police normal people on how to address them

Okay, that one got me to chuckle.

>> No.4658153

>I'm so secure about my eating habits that I need to come to 4chan and tell a bunch of anonymous strangers about it

>> No.4658166


>> No.4658167

vegans, you're embarrassing us

sincerely, vegetarians

>> No.4658168

>brb, gotta got eat meat-shaped tofu patties
>lol no I don't miss meat, you silly!

>> No.4658174
File: 140 KB, 930x446, 2013-07-21-todays-special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4658177

>claiming that is the short version of vegan, despite how it has the name number of letters and is more hassle to type

>> No.4658195

>basic hygiene is too hard I'll go with the inferior option because it's safer

Circumcision thread?

>> No.4658199

Depending on where you're from, hunting is actually a very sensible and ecological sound thing to do. In fact, if anything people don't hunt ENOUGH. In a lot of places deer and boars don't have any natural predators anymore, so they are completely unchecked and slowly kill the forest by eating away all of the saplings. Of course you don't immediately notice the effect, because there's still the fuckhuge trees around that had several decades, if not centuries, to grow. In a lot of places it's actually become problem that hunters don't really shoot the quota that they should, because they're only interested in the biggest, most impressive game and simply don't shoot enough of the small fry, so to speak.

>> No.4658209

These are fucking pathetic.
Just like vegans.

>> No.4658212

>"I like to consume meat, but harvesting it is just psychotic!"

I like do consume meat, and I don't think "harvesting" like what they do in a cattle ranch is psychotic.

I don't feel that I need to kill it myself though. I don't see why feeling the need to go out and kill something isn't considered psychotic, except that so many people do it.

>> No.4658217

>farming is brutal torture because animals are denied basic human rights, like the right to freedom, the right to education and the right of pursuit of happiness

>> No.4658226

Nothing to do with veganism, but ordering something from the menu and then changing its core ingredients is like an insult to everyone in the kitchen

>> No.4658231
File: 64 KB, 850x565, I_only_eat_the_finest_raw_vegan_cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4658236

Seriously. Any restaurant that enables these shitstains deserves them.

>> No.4658258

Chipotle just added a vegan burrito to their menu. Shit is pretty cash.

>> No.4658259

...doesn't he realize that he is describing his comic? Hell, the /ck/ vegan threads usually have more biting and amusing comments.

>> No.4658269

I'm not talking about vegans. I'm talking about retards thinking they deserve special treatment, ordering stuff that's not on the menu.

>> No.4658270


maybe he just has a sense of humor about it? You know, vegans are not 100% douche. That's the myth perpetrated by the meat lobby.

>> No.4658276


if the place doesn't want to do it, I'll take my money elsewhere. I won't be rude about it. I usually call ahead so I don't make a scene. Why do you fucking care?

>> No.4658282

All of these comics make me lol for different reasons, all of which relate to vegans.
>people worrying about salmonella like its the devil, on a hot grill on food that will be cooked anyway
All dat scaremongering. Will you tell me not to eat duck pink next?
>not understanding the primal aspects of hunting, that killing is part of nature
>dyke with emasculated husband commenting, beta guy just agrees
>implying meat won't be properly digested
>implying it is meat, but not plant matter having to rot in your intestines to be able to be digested
>implying vegans don't take nasty shits

>> No.4658283

I highly doubt that. He thinks he is being clever.

And vegans perpetuate the idea that they are douches.

>> No.4658285


I know! It's because:


>> No.4658289


Wow what a hypocritical dipshit.

>> No.4658291

>implying that veganism its not the most militantly evangelical diet.

>> No.4658294
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try again

>> No.4658295


>reading comprehension

He said he would need to switch the honey for something else.

>> No.4658296

There a difference between "cheeseburger hold the onions" and "cheese burger hold the cheese and can I get fries instead of the meat in the burger"

>> No.4658298

> what are per capita statistics

>> No.4658300

Your pic doesn't disprove the other statement. It truly is pic unrelated.

>> No.4658301


yeah, the main difference being:

why the fuck do you care?

>> No.4658322

>Be an enormous faggot in public

>> No.4658329

I care because the kitchen staff has to go out of their way to prepare something that is not on the menu therefore taking care and time away from the food that is supposed to get it. Here's a question for you: Why the fuck do you care so much? Why does it have to be THAT restaurant? Why can't you go somewhere else, where they actually have vegan dishes on the menu? I'm not going to a fucking pet shop to buy bicycles.

>> No.4658338

It's the short version of vegan/vegetarian, which, has considerably more letters than veg*n. although I do think its stupid to read.

>> No.4658362


You're a real idiot you know that? Have you seen the conditions at a "cattle ranch"? Hunting is a thousand times more humane and people aren't hunting because they "feel the need to go out and kill something" they are hunting to get food.

>> No.4658375

>Have you seen the conditions at a "cattle ranch"?
Yes, actually. Have you?

And not a place that was closed down for health/safety violations, not a third-world factory farm, an actual cattle ranch that actually produces a product that can be sold as whole cuts of beef

>> No.4658384

So... uh.

Are these like... half pro-veg*n (may as well use it) half anti-veg*n? it seems to be a little bit of both.

Like the one about the Slim Jim commercial is one thing, but then you have the waiters calling the author's self insert an asshole.


It is hypocritical because sourdough is not vegan. It is built upon the suffering of L. sanfranciscensis, which is usually kept alive and in a jar... decades old only to have bits and pieces of it ripped away to make dough that is alive when it is COOKED!

>> No.4658385
File: 7 KB, 170x213, kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done pal.
Now maybe you could shut the fuck up, cuz no one gives a shit.

>> No.4658393

Given that he used quotation marks, I don't think he was talking about a place where they actually raise beef the right way.

>> No.4658400

>Given that he used quotation marks, I don't think he was talking about a place where they actually raise beef the right way.
I think that poster is one of those people who think there is no such thing as a right way and was just using scare quotes to cast derision on the whole idea.

>> No.4658403



Just watch any of the number of videos on youtube to witness the humane slaughter of animals who lived their entire lives with a few feet to move in.

Also I eat meat. I'm just saying, this shit is cruel and hunting is not.

>> No.4658406

Deer are like giant rats with hooves. They deserve to die.

I'm sure plenty of vegans have been hurt/killed in car accidents caused by deer.

>> No.4658411

> see conditions at cattle ranch
Normal reactions:
> "I should eat less meat/from more humane sources"
> "I don't want to eat meat anymore"
> "I don't care if that's what it takes to get cheap meat"

Hunter reaction:
> "OOH animals dying! I need to go into the woods to try that!"

>> No.4658413


I'm not a hunter either... I just don't see a problem with it.

Good argument by the way... just making up stupid shit and saying it always works well on 4chan.

How about

Hunter reaction
>Wow that's really horrible and cruel, instead of subscribing to industrial farm raised meat I'll kill it humanely myself

>> No.4658414

It's only cruel if you think of animals as people

Humans have this thing called curiosity, which is why being kept confined for long times is very bad for a human. Cattle do not have this. Their instincts don't go further than eat, avoid predators, reproduce(unless they've been castrated).

Modern techniques for killing them has them dead before they know what hit them, unless it's a filthy muslim gutting it while chanting an offering to skyfriend the merciful

>> No.4658421

What am I supposed to be seeing?
No part of that video showed any sort of cruelty. A bit of grime, yes, but not cruelty.

>> No.4658422

>cattle slaughter 1
>shows no animals being slaughtered or harmed in any way

>> No.4658423


>animals don't feel pain and don't suffer from living in horrible, cramped conditions

Keep telling yourself that... I don't know why I even bother coming here anymore, you people will say anything to further your own stupid beliefs.

>> No.4658424

>Hunter reaction:
>> "OOH animals dying! I need to go into the woods to try that!"

Damn you anti-hunters are honestly fucking idiots when it comes to hunting.

Hunters are literally THE best conservationists in the US and have done far more for saving wildlands than every ecological group that has existed. Hunters do their best do ensure kills are humane and quick. Even if it's not to reduce suffering, it is to ensure the meat is at its best.

Basically, back the fuck off of something you have precisely no clue about.

>> No.4658426
File: 163 KB, 463x437, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it
"Don't do unhealthy thing"
"Joke about not doing unhealthy thing"
"I don't trust you guys to not do unhealthy thing, instead I will eat ice"

>> No.4658427

I never said they don't feel pain. I said they have a different perception to being kept in a small space than a human does.

'horrible and cramped' is relative. The cattle aren't offended by the smell of shit, or the consistency of their food and since they have no desire to explore, they don't need a square mile in which to live, they only need a few square metres to be content.

Next you're going to say they don't like having a milking machine attached to them and have been somehow coaxed into assuming the position and standing still for the entire process

>> No.4658436

Look, I know yall have been raised to believe that hunting is a "sport" and "humane."

> the BEST conservationists

I agree, I see the love for the environment every day anon!


>> No.4658443
File: 36 KB, 500x500, mspaint comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4658444

>Go to BBQ restaurant
>Order spaghetti
>Staff has to throw together spaghetti

>> No.4658455

Given that humans have removed the majority of predators, there is currently no natural means by which the herbivore population can be controlled and prevented from destroying the forest by eating the next generation trees as saplings.
Due to this it should be seen almost as a duty to hunt herbivores and a crime against nature to hunt predators, until such a time as the predator population has grown strong enough to keep the herbivores in check

>> No.4658456

>Look, I know yall have been raised to believe that hunting is a "sport" and "humane."

Nope, as a matter of fact, no one I know refers to it as a sport, nor do they ignore the fact that there is pain involved. I don't know what kind of hunters you've ever been around but they're far more initmately familiar with what it takes to put meat on the table--for better or worse.

>> the BEST conservationists
>I agree, I see the love for the environment every day anon!

And what's that supposed to prove?

>> No.4658471

Actually, a hunter would be a pretty good conservationist. Can't hunt if they're extinct.

>> No.4658484

This. also can't farm.

If they legalized the farming, or created an annual competition of hunting, any endangered species, they would recover from being endangered in a single human generation.

>> No.4658487

Well he's arguing his point to someone who probably thinks that, so it's reasonable that he'd throw it in there to drive the whole thing home.

>> No.4658518

I almost feel like the guy is actually a carnivore that thinks vegans are stupid and makes shitty comics to troll. I know people like this actually exist in the world...its just been a long time since I've met one in person. And I live in the middle of hipsterville.

>> No.4658526

>I'm on a very strict spaghetti diet. Anything not prepared in the style of spaghetti leaves too much of a carbon footprint

>> No.4658532

>ordering in a restaurant
>not checking their spaghetti policy before booking

>> No.4658534

Then why are cows constantly yelling 'MOOOOOOO-VE"? They clearly want to get out and see the world. I mean, its the only word they know.
Just so you know, I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow. This is how it should be.

>> No.4658538

>Thinking you have to do anything other than demand that people do what you ask of them
>Not knowing that the customer is 100% right all the time

>> No.4658539

Is this supposed to be funny? Or just prove some stupid point? Because it didn't accomplish either.

>> No.4658541

>I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
I wonder if it is possible to do this and actually live--especially if you consider the above ground portion of things like root veggies as casting shadows...

Then the amusing thing is that the japanese calves that are raised in the dark don't actually cast shadows...

>> No.4658546
File: 1.15 MB, 719x2030, Galo Sengan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big difference is that those are actually FUNNY. These are about as amusing as a fart; someone is going to find it funny, but not anyone of consequence.

Have some anti-bullying.

>> No.4658547

well you can have those obviously

>> No.4658550

Wait honey is against vegetarianism?
These guys really are fucking stupid.

>> No.4658551

It's an animal product.

>> No.4658552

it's because you're stealing the bees' livelihood

>> No.4658553

No its not.

>> No.4658556

yup, it's totally the meat thats getting people sick

>> No.4658558

so it's not made by animals? That's news to me.

Or are you about to pull the insect=!animal card?

>> No.4658566

I wonder. If a vegetarian is against honey, should they be against silk as well?

>> No.4658595

Yeah, its made by animals, but not from animals.
Like humans make Quorn in a factory.

>> No.4658598

Dairy, Eggs, Honey.

>> No.4658601

Quorn is a fungus, not meat.

>> No.4658608

Honey /ˈhʌni/ is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers.

Oh shit look at that, its made by bees from fucking flowers.
Vegans are fucking retarded.

>> No.4658625

I am on a mainly vegetarian diet but people who are afraid of their food piss me off...

>> No.4658667

If people stop eating meat, all those animals will become extinct. Farmers aren't going to just keep nice fields of animals for nothing. Animals developed deliciousness as a survival trait.

>> No.4658697

Or because a restaurant isn't your mom's kitchen.

Eat what they offer or make what you want yourself, at home.

>> No.4658700

It's the same principle as with milk.
They make it for their children and vegans object to that.

>> No.4658703

"Broccoli is found to have an IQ of about 2 since it is able to react to stilmuli such as electrical currents. "
So are you allowed to eat that shit?

>> No.4658861

So? They're bigger industries, of fucking course they spend more money. That doesn't make them either evangelical or militant in their principles.

>> No.4658881


>> No.4658941
File: 35 KB, 500x624, veganismftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.4658983

it's against VEGANISM, not just vegetarianism. I know plenty of people who call themselves vegetarian but still eat fish (because they can't pronounce pescetarian, I guess), but vegans will not consume any product or byproduct that has to do with animals. So, no eggs, dairy, or honey.

>> No.4658985

eugh, you try to order your mom what to make?

>> No.4658994
File: 234 KB, 610x1600, veggie sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

om nom nom

>> No.4659020

I guess there really an argument against vegans...who do it right, as opposed to being morons about it and not trying to supplement the nutrients they're missing. There are more miscarriages from vegan mothers at the hospital I work at than any other group. The diet isn't good when you aren't balancing out the nutrients you miss out on.

>> No.4659021

Honestly, people who call themselves vegetarians but still eat fish piss me off.

>> No.4659028

I think that if you're a vegan for moral reasons and you still buy products made with slave labour- many types of chocolate, shoes, and gadgets, for instance- you are an awful fucking hypocrite and an idiot.

That being said, most people are, including myself, and it's not like I really care. Eat whatever the fuck you want. Just don't be an asshole about it.

The same goes for the more omnivorous among us.

>> No.4659084

This reuben is a travesty. Not because of Tempeh. Fine. Whatever.


And Mozzerella on a Reuben? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU? A COMMUNIST!?

>> No.4659109

except i don't care about people, just animals.

>> No.4659113

vegetarians are pretty much special snowflake omnivores.
good job still supporting the industry because you're too much of a fuckwit pansy to actually try.
I'll take omnivores over vegetarians any day.

>> No.4659145


A lot of fruits and vegetables are pollinated by bees. So they are in a sense a byproduct of an animal.

>> No.4659154

and you couldn't apply the term "special snowflake" to vegans at all, right?

>> No.4659156


Vegetarians seem to think that as long as no animal died for it, it's okay to eat. They'll ignore the issues raised by forcing chickens to lay eggs or keeping cows pregnant just for milk. It's okay because the animal didn't get killed.

>> No.4659168

Except the bee is not harmed?
Do you understand the point of not eating animal products?