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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 500x375, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4657016 No.4657016 [Reply] [Original]

Today was the first time in years that I went into a McDonald's instead of going through the drive-thru window. The drive-thru was closed, it was lunch time, and I didn't have time to drive to an alternative McDonald's location.

I waited in line for a few minutes before I realized I was waiting behind people who were waiting for their order. Waiting in line was felt really uncomfortable and I wasn't used to seeing the menu in that format, so there was about 90-120 seconds of awkward silence when I was still searching the menu while the cashier kept asking me what I wanted.

I felt anxious and almost guilty for ordering an extra sandwich on the side. I said I wanted a Diet Coke and the cashier just gave me an insulting look and said, "uhhh okay". I didn't realize until they handed me the empty cup that we had to fill our own drinks in the back.

I thought they would have packets of ketchup by the drinks, straws, etc. but they only had it in the pumps. I couldn't work up the nerve or patience to wait through the line just to ask for ketchup in packets.

It was a relief to get back to my car and eat in peace. I don't know why *anyone* would choose to order in the restaurant if they have a vehicle. It was just an unpleasant experience.

What is your preference when ordering fast food?

>> No.4657023
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They're much less likely to forget your straw if you go inside.

>> No.4657025
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I think you'd be much happier if you were dead.

>> No.4657026

not being a psychotic

>> No.4657030


I rate this post autism/10

>> No.4657031

What I've learnt from this thread:
OP is an obese, American, virgin

>> No.4657042

you think that's bad you should try eating at a fancy place. they have all these pretentious rituals and at the end they give you a bill and (I learned this later) they get mad if you don't give extra money for the waiter. it's completely crazy and it was the most humiliating experience in my life. I've made a few threads about it before if this story sounds familiar.

anyway people are horrible. I get all my foods delivered from amazon now and increasingly, rakuten. it's probably for the best as the grocery store people are all assholes to the last man (or bitchwhore in the case of the vagina people)

>> No.4657043
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What a story, OP.

>> No.4657056

I asked a simple question. Please refrain from posting if all you have to say is insulting or a meme.

>> No.4657060

i always go into the store. i do this to grab as much free salt, pepper, napkins, ketchup, etc that I can stuff into the bag.

>> No.4657063

mm mcdonalds

>> No.4657064

It actually isn't.

>> No.4657068
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If you're so socially awkward that you cannot communicate normally with someone trying to take your order at a fast food restaurant, you really need to off yourself.

>> No.4657069

wow. what an always unique totally interesting sometimes mysterious post OP.

>> No.4657070

Where was this pic taken? Looks like GA

>> No.4657073
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>> No.4657077

jesus fucking christ thank you for that comic

>> No.4657078
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wait, are you joking or not? let's be real here for a second there's a shit ton of "awkward story" threads that are easy to call out on being fake but this one's kinda believable. ffs it's just a fast food joint the employees can judge you all they want they're still making less then 8 bucks an hour. please man up.

>> No.4657079

Too high of a white to black ratio to be 90% of GA.

>> No.4657085

So the autistic social retard who drives around a self-made garbage truck has returned to yet again gorge himself on what he considers an "occasional treat" consumed minimum five times a week.

Get help you autist.

>> No.4657135
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>almost guilty for ordering an extra sandwich on the side
>It was a relief to get back to my car and eat in peace
Heeeee's back! So, did you clean the trash out of your car yet, Fatty McAutism?

>> No.4657141

I appreciate the fact that you pay attention to my life with such detail, but your insults are unnecessary and misguided.

>> No.4657149

OP, we may make fun of you for being obese and a social retarded. And for your trash-car. And for you "occasional" gorging on fast food. And for how you take offense at the tiniest things. And for how you always order an extra sandwich or chicken wrap. But... um... I forget what I was getting at.

Oh. Right. Don't ever stop posting, no matter how much we call you a fat autistic fuck. Because your regular adventures are the most entertaining thing on /ck/.

>> No.4657154

No, they're quite accurate actually.

>> No.4657156

>unnecessary and misguided
At the end of the day you're the one using /ck/ as your blog to complain about horrible experiences ordering the fatty feed you gorge yourself on in the safety of your trashmobile, so don't bitch about getting a response anybody but the most autistic idiot would expect.

>> No.4657158
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I hope this just a joke. I don't want to share this world with people like this.

>> No.4657166
File: 221 KB, 690x1048, Drive_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, next time plan ahead of time for what you want to order. This will minimize the amount of spaghetti dropped and the qt behind the register will be so impressed by how calm and cool you are she might give you her number! Then you can just walk away and drive off in your mom's station wagon, pretending to be driveman.

>> No.4657167

>I didn't have time to drive to an alternative McDonald's location

I almost lost it right at the beginning of your post. If your first instinct was "Well, let's drive somewhere else so I don't have to get out of my car," then there's a serious issue. I had no idea the entire post would get so much better.

>> No.4657172

Somebody really needs to be archiving this guys posts. I'm actually starting to worry I might miss/may have missed an installment in his epic fast food autistic odyssey.

>> No.4657178

I feel sad for the people who haven't experienced the glory of a Fatty McAutism posting before.

>> No.4657175

>next time plan ahead of time for what you want to order.
That's not a bad idea. It's either that or keep ordering the same thing each time, which would make you look even more autistic.

>> No.4657179

This. Did anyone save Obese Autistic Fast Food Guy's other posts?

>> No.4657182

bumping for a good laugh

>> No.4657188
File: 535 KB, 1195x1600, gamestop swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making fun of an autistic guy
>Not teaching him social skills and helping him become a chill dude
I shiigideh.

>> No.4657193

they'll never learn the faults of their ways without someone pointing them out... just like that picture. His mother is probably enabling his naive autistic behavior.

>> No.4657199

I saved this one from a while back:

I just got back from McDonald's and feel like a piece of shit.

There is a McD's right by my apartment that I go to often. I went there earlier today and got a Quarter Pounder & Cheese, a bacon chicken snackwrap, and a McChicken jr. After work I was craving it all over again and ended up stopping by the drive-thru again.

I was pretty worried the same girl at the first window would still be on shift so I put on a winter hat and put the collar of my jacket up. When I drove up with my exact same order as earlier she was there to take my money.

She said, "you're here AGAIN?" as I was handing her the money while trying to avoid eye contact and I just lost it. I have social anxiety and I ended up retracting my arm so fast I spilled the change all over her side and started stuttering something about "my wife" and then I started to hyperventilate and felt an anxiety attack coming on.

I just floored it and I am so glad there was no one in front of me because I peeled out of there. I can still see her face.

I'll have to start going to a new McDonald's even though the closest one is like 10 minutes away. Maybe I'll switch to Wendy's I don't know.

Anyway, aside for just sharing one of the worst and most embarassing moments of 2013 so far I was wondering how you would have reacted and responded to the cashier's remark.

>> No.4657213

Prefer drive thru, but no problem ordering in person either.

Pretty much all big chain restaurants in the known universe follow very similar procedures. Now that you have mastered how to find the line to stand in, and know that you just order a soft drink size, and have hopefully realized that the menus don't change whether you order from inside or outside a restaurant, and know to ask for ketchup for a to-go order, I don't see how your next visit inside a fast food restaurant would be any big deal for the rest of your life. On the other hand, you've apparently been in one at some previous time in your life, so you'd think all this would have already been covered.

>> No.4657214

blatant and obviously a ruse for raughter

>> No.4657222

Anyone have the one where he wanted to get the Wendy's pretzel cheeseburger?

Or where he went to the second drive through window on accident and flipped out?


>> No.4657223

First timer here. I haven't been to /ck/ in quite a while. Please PLEASE tell me some Anon has been saving/archiving these posts.

>> No.4657224
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>> No.4657246

Autism: The Thread

>> No.4657290

Autism intensifies

>> No.4657298

>Wendy's pretzel cheeseburger
If I remember right, that's when he got a chicken wrap along with the burger meal and the cashier girl made a comment about how it was a lot of food so he spent the next ten hours thinking of what he should have said. That one was hilarious. Especially his immense sense of being grievously wronged. Think I missed him flipping his shit at the wrong window.

>> No.4657300

should have just asked for chicken nugger. No one ever spilled spaghetti asking for that.

>> No.4657302

And french fried?

>> No.4657312

>not getting the sweer potato

>> No.4657345
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How morbidly obese are you OP. The only people I know who are confused and angered by the thought of going into a fast food restaurant to get food are literally 500lbs.

>> No.4657350


bullshit but I laughed anyway 9/10

>> No.4657354

can somebody please dump the rest of this guy's posts, bullshit or not they are hilarious

>> No.4657362
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>> No.4657368

>impressed by how calm and cool you are

>> No.4657372

>keep ordering the same thing each time
How often are you going there?

>which would make you look even more autistic
Oh don't worry, it sounds like people can easily tell you're autistic.

>> No.4657387

Well OP I've actually ordered inside more than once in my life so it's not a big deal.

>> No.4657393

that was fantastic

>> No.4657395

You know it's bullshit when someone in the story comments on what he orders EVERY time.

>> No.4657456

>autistic fat as fatass aspie getting his probably daily McDonald's and is too retarded to have a 15 second social interaction
Please die.

>> No.4657458

Walk in is better. Eating a full meal in the car is gross and shameful. If you can wait to eat your food till you're stopped and out of the car might have a problem. I do take out often, but I can't remember the last time I used a drive through.

>> No.4657465

If you were waiting in the queue, why did you struggle with the menu? There's a reason they put it up there large so everyone can see it while they wait in line.

>> No.4657484

Have you by any chance been making the avocados=hipster threads on your days off of humiliating yourself in public on accident.

>> No.4657932

If you eat fast food "3-9 times a week" the probability is higher that someone will comment on your fat-assery.

>> No.4657981
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This is the same fat autistic bastard who went to Wendy's and his car is full of fast food wrappers, uneaten bun and pizza crust remnants, and M&Ms that fell through the cracks of his car seats.

Fat shithead.

>> No.4657989

>Think I missed him flipping his shit at the wrong window.

This was where he went to McDonald's, ordered a Double QPC meal, and two Spicy McChickens, then he drove to the first window and was listening to his Stephen King audio book and was daydreaming and eventually noticed after 5 minutes that nobody was coming to the first window, so he drove up to the second window and the manager asked him in a loud voice "What took so long?", and he said "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE SUCH A BITCH ABOUT IT!?!?" then he sped away.

He came on here asking for tips about how to go back to that McDonald's and not have to confront or talk to the manager, and was trying to figure out her work schedule, what car she drove, etc. so he could see if she was working or not.

>> No.4657999

lol i remember that! now that story has made me laugh loudly at my shop in front of people twice

>> No.4658010

> not knowing what the best thing to order is at every fast food restaurant and having your order ready before the cashier even asks.

Two Mcdoubles, small fry, fudge sundae.

>> No.4658013

I had to go in once after not going in for years and i couldn't remember what to do after placing the order, so I walked off to fill my then came back for it. I also forgot I have to fill my own drink.

>> No.4658020
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Natural selection has failed... or perhaps it is we who have failed natural selection.

>> No.4658023

this isnt autism this is social phobia and it is much worse than it sounds

>> No.4658029

Goes to McDonnalds. Brings his own spaghetti.

>> No.4658145
File: 79 KB, 640x480, chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even drive OP?
Just know that everyone waiting in line behind you hates your guys.

>> No.4658185

>being the guy with the car that smells like old fast food and farts

Jesus Christ.

Anyway, in the cases I get fast food I usually walk-in and order it to go, since there's usually no one inside and I get my food faster (the drive-thru line is wrapped around the place, regardless of the restaurant).

That's just my experience. I can't remember the last time I was in a fast food place that was full of people inside. It seems to be all about drive-thrus now.

>> No.4658252

i want to throw molotov cocktails at every fucking mcdonalds i see

>> No.4658256

watch out, you might cut someone with that edginess

>> No.4658308

Unfortunately, most men and women who are passionate about food typically are not shy. It takes a lot of courage (or blind faith it will taste good) in order to try new foods. Take some Xanax and you wont give a fuck who's in line. Just go straight to the front and ask for that shit.

Most people will give you the right of way if you're just asking for a straw or some ketchup.

I personally like going inside to order because I don't like ruining my car with the smell of McDonalds. Sure it tastes good, but I don't want to sit in its smell.

>> No.4658439

Why do you eat in your car? Can't you wait to go home like a decent human being?

>> No.4658582
File: 62 KB, 626x460, 1353732118205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not defending OP's autism, but you've clearly never tried McDonald's takeout.

McDonald's food turns into a horrifying, disgusting, dry mess 10-15 minutes after you receive it.

I mean, it's not far off from that even when hot, but waiting to eat it just makes it absolutely inedible even if you're starving. Feels like chewing cardboard.

>> No.4658610

This is why I always plan ahead what I want from anywhere since I can't see well and looking at a far away menu would take forever to read while looking like a total idiot. Just know what they got and get what you want, not hard.

>> No.4658646 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro.

I eat fast food infrequently I eat at is In-N-Out. The other day when I went for lunch, as usual, there was an enormous drive through line jutting out into the street. I chuckled to myself at the fatasses sitting the the car as I strolled into the doors, and waited 20 seconds before placing my order.
Now I know those cars aren't just full of the lazy and fat, they are full of retarded autists like the OP.

>> No.4658651

Cool story bro.

I eat fast food infrequently, but when I do I eat at In-N-Out. The other day when I went for lunch, as usual, there was an enormous drive through line jutting out into the street. I chuckled to myself at the fatasses sitting the the car as I strolled into the doors, and waited 20 seconds before placing my order.
Now I know those cars aren't just full of the lazy and fat, they are full of retarded autists like the OP.

>> No.4658655
File: 41 KB, 177x143, 1325565186096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a speech block because of anxiety
>takes me a moment to pace myself and say things
>can't ever order from the drive through because if I do
>Hello? Sir? Are you there? Sir? Hello?

>> No.4658742

aspergers and extreme social anxiety/10

Ive been a cashier at 2 fast food places that were both next to college campuses and I got people like you alot. Nervous, wouldnt look me in the eye, get surprised that i ask questions like "What size would you like that?", sometimes speak too quietly to understand. Fast food workers do judge our customers, alot, its one of the ways we pass the time but why should you care? We'll never pass these judgements on to you or another customer becuase that could mean our jobs. And when you do order slow, the people in line behind you will get angrier at you wayyyyy faster then we will. We're paid no matter how long you take to order your 6 cheeseburgers.

If you want to make every fast food trip a pleasant experience just know that all we cashiers really care about are:

>What you want
>What size
>What flavor drink or ice cream or whatever
>Combo or not
>Extras on your order or a side

If you're afraid of questions then know exactly what you want and say "Thats it" when you're done ordering. Fast Food is designed to be the simplest, least stressful way of getting food ever so its pretty hard to screw up. If you need something like kethup then come and ask for it and dont act like a shy wishy washy bitch becuase then itll take more time for us and stand there and determine what you need then you just telling us explicitly.

And if your afraid of people judging you intensely then i would recommend walking in/up instead of the drive through. When we see your car we see a little slice of your life and we get to know things like how clean you are, how organized, what your hobbies are, how shitty your music tastes are, if you have a wife/gf, what your job is and so on just from what we see. So walkup for you asperger-man.

Captcha: spowberg Hawkins

>> No.4658750

>This was where he went to McDonald's, ordered a Double QPC meal, and two Spicy McChickens, then he drove to the first window and was listening to his Stephen King audio book and was daydreaming and eventually noticed after 5 minutes that nobody was coming to the first window, so he drove up to the second window and the manager asked him in a loud voice "What took so long?", and he said "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE SUCH A BITCH ABOUT IT!?!?" then he sped away.
>He came on here asking for tips about how to go back to that McDonald's and not have to confront or talk to the manager, and was trying to figure out her work schedule, what car she drove, etc. so he could see if she was working or not.

So. Much. LOL.

>> No.4658825

Here's a simple solution:

Stop eating poison.

>> No.4660037
File: 911 KB, 171x141, 1374124856153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shit again

What the fuck is wrong with you OP?

>> No.4660067

Holy shit dude. I have professionally-diagnosed full blown autism, and even I'm not socially awkward enough to have problems with a fucking fast food restaurant.

>> No.4660079
File: 76 KB, 600x443, a0068001_4c6773febf3df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Don Turnbee, OP?

>> No.4660081

You seem more intelligent than the average fast food worker. But now I'm judging.

>> No.4660097

Come on guys, this is obviously fake.

>> No.4660113

I'd really like to see the rest of his posts as well

>> No.4660116

The last couple of times I went through the drive through, I ordered and had a panic attack waiting in line so I just drove off. Sorry, fast food guys.

>> No.4660205

I prefer the Drive-thru, because usually if I'm eating fast food, it's because I'm hungover and haven't showered yet.

>> No.4660229

Thanks for letting us in on it, summerfag.

>> No.4661773

OP's story is both pathetic and sad, but I can related. I went to visit my mom once and they had a Quizno's. I'd never seen one, but she went a lot. I didn't know the procedure or anything so I just told her what I wanted and thought she'd handle it, being the Quizno's master, but she told me I'm a man, order it myself. Sweated some serious bullets that day, let me tell you. Same for the first time I went to Jamba Juice. They start asking you stuff like what "boost" you want, and it's just overwhelming when you don't even know what a boost is, and of course you don't want to look like a retard by asking.

>> No.4661781

playas threw two at me I threw four back

>> No.4661838

are you this >>4657199 guy?

>> No.4662177

this so much.

I have only evee been in a subway once, because I don't want to walk down the line of ingredients and be yes, yes, no, wait yes, no no no etc.. The one time I did I just got frustrated with the girl, pointed up to the picture and yelled LIKE THAT, BUT NO TOMATO, OK!"

Whenever someone is going there to pick up a group order I just say I'll have the marinara meatball.

Any time I'm presented with having to get/receive some kind of sub I go jimmy johns whenever possible. So much easier to just say "the #4" or whatever.

>> No.4662205


I walked into one the other night because its attached to a gas station and I needed shit from there too. Sign on the register said "We are only taking drive-thru orders tonight due to a staffing issue"

So I looked around, noticed I was the only one there (it was 1am) and asked one of the 3 employees "Really?" and they gave me my shit for free.

>> No.4662440

My first time at Chipotle's was a bit confusing. I find the first time or two at any restaurant where you've got time pressure from a line, and have to make make half a dozen unfamiliar choices to place an order, are a little bit stressful.

I enjoy Subway, and my ordering is hyper-efficient to the point where they don't need to ask anything beyond "what can I get you today," but I can totally see where the number of choices would be frustrating to a first time visitor. I mean you take in a huge meandering menu and decide on a turkey sub and figure you're pretty much done. what kind of bread? we have italian, wheat, hearty italian, italian herb & cheese, honey oat, or flatbread. (btw, "wheat" does not claim to be whole wheat, it's uses the same wheat as the other breads but has caramel coloring to make it look healthier.) what size? we have six inch and or foot-longs. toasted or not toasted? what kind of cheese? american, pepper jack, provalone, cheddar and swiss. did you want the cheese toasted too? (now the Sandwich Artist starts taking the next person's order while you're like wtf, then the toasted bread comes back out). what kind of cheese again? what toppings? what kind of peppers? we have green peppers, banana peppers, or jalapeños. any sauces? red wine veinegar, oil, mayonaise, light mayonaise, mustard, and honey mustard. salt or pepper? anything else on that? do you want to make that a meal? (huh?) what size drink? do you want a cookie with that? I mean you can apply for jobs or home loans with fewer questions than that.

>> No.4662473

You can't empathise with those who have difficulty in social situations?

>> No.4662518

ctrl+f: autist/autism/aspie/retard - 28 matches

haha i was going to post this picture but >>4657362 already did

>> No.4662590

when you enter the store, slow the fuck down, calm it on the stress. calmly tell the cashier you need a minute and look at the menu, decide what you want then get in line and order it. Have some god damn patience, alternaitely, eat better food.

>> No.4662629

They don't even have soup at McDonalds, why would you go there?

>> No.4662656

>You can't empathise with those who have difficulty in social situations?
I'm sure he is like most 4channers and has lots of friends, is very charming, etc. IRL.

>> No.4662729

I know that feel. There's a place on my campus that has really good ingredients and lets you build a custom sandwich (then charges by weight), but I had to stop going there because you have to talk to the person to tell them what exactly you want.

>> No.4662745

Have they ever had chili? That used to be my favorite meal from Wendy's when I used to eat fast food.

>> No.4662761
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>fast food chili

>> No.4662871

I moved to a new town recently and they had this frozen yogurt store. I thought it'd be like TCBY where you just go in, order and they make it for you. No, it's self serve. I've never seen anything like it.

I go in, clueless as to how this works, and there is no attendant at all or any written instructions. I don't know if you pay first or what. I assumed you would, but apparently you don't. So I just sat down and waited for someone else to come in and watched how they did it, then copied them. Turns out you pour your own yogurt and add toppings then they charge you by weight. I've never see anything like it.

>> No.4664747

social phobia? But i have to talk to people to accomplish basic social tasks that are necessary to my lifestyle. I have to communicate and preform simple functions on a daily basis. How can someone survive without being slightly socially functional?

>> No.4664783

if the drive-thru line is really long, it's frequently faster to go inside. if there's no line inside, they'll take your order immediately even if people are in the drive-thru line. the drive-thru line is basically completely separate from the one inside.

>> No.4664844


>> No.4664871

I have the opposite problem, I can't fucking stand using the drive thru.

>> No.4664892

Actual autist reporting in.

Drive-thrus are too difficult. Restaurant eat-ins are a nightmare. Ordering over the phone is an impossibility.

I love those few restaurants that deliver to your house that you can order and pay for entirely over the internet, but the food still appears at your house 20 minutes later. All you have to do is answer the door and take the food.

>> No.4665258

Anyone who says they don't prefer the drive through are just poorfags without cars.

Why would you *ever* go in the restaurant? To eat with the slackjawed fatties? To have a more personable fast food experience?

lol no thanks

>> No.4665266

less distractions and can lead to better late night conversation.

>> No.4665281


So you can eat the food as fresh and hot as possible. Cold fast food is horrible, and only disgusting pigs eat in the car.

Also, it's often faster to order at the counter than it is to wait through the drive-thru when some dumbass soccer mom ahead of you tries to sort out the order for a vanload of children.

>> No.4665456
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Walk-in is better for many reasons.

If you order from the drive-thru after someone at the walk-in counter you will get your food first. The problem with that is the food you get was rushed and often not put together very well. I've had drinks where the contents where mostly ice and burgers that look like they've been thrown into the box or squished in the wrapper.

In the drive-thru window you often don't have to time to check your order or to make sure EVERYTHING you ordered was not only made right but is actually in the bag. A co-worker of mine had half is order missing by the time he got home. That's money and food he never got back. Because neither of us wanted to drive there and back for 20 mins after a long day of work.

Most walk-in places have free refills, so order the cheapest size and just get up and refill. But then again a medium size is more than anyone could need of watered down coke.

Napkins. Can't say enough about those. Drive-thru get you 1 or 2 of them in the bag.

I've read alot in this thread about people eating in their cars. I don't think i've ever seen anyone do this. Is this common in the United States of America? Why would you dirty your car with crumbs, salt and who knows what else? And why would you eat in a parking lot? Even as a child i took my food that i didn't eat in store to a park table or something of the sorts

You get get an infinite amount of anything while at the counter. Sauces, dips, vinegar, even some toppings in your food. (ask for extra pickles or something, they often say yes.)

This is clear that people know about this in this thread. You order from drive thru and it didn't do well after 10-15 mins in the car. Fast-food seems to breakdown quickly.

Lastly, nearly all the fast-food places need delivery. I've heard some rare places and places in asia do it.

>> No.4665463


I don't live in Murika, and honestly i've never seen many fat people in fast food places. Mostly teens, parents with kids an old people.

>> No.4665471

1. Food is hotter

2. Free air conditioning

3. Disregard for cleanliness - you're supporting more jobs by being messy inside the store

>> No.4665472

To not bring autism into the conversation. I walk in all the time.

1) The Drive Thru is always full anyway
2) Im not socially awkward and no how speak to people in person
3) I know people that work in the Drive Thru and its pretty shitty especially trying to order something complicated over some low quality microphone.

Also its almost always quicker.

>> No.4665474

The closest drive-thru is several miles away, while there are no fewer than several dozens of chain fastfood places walking distance of my place.
Maybe if I lived in the sticks, I'd prefer drive-thru, but as it stands, I'm content with walk-ups.

>less distractions
Not even a native speaker of English, bro/dette, but it should read "fewer distractions" not "less."

That shit ain't grammatical.

>> No.4665476


>1. Food is hotter

I agree to this, since even in the restaurant I've never say "this Bigmac is too hot" It's often barely hot enough.

>> No.4665534

>supporting more jobs by being messy

No, you're fucking not. None of those employees are paid solely to clean up after your sloppy ass. From the fry cook to the store manager, they've all got better things to do than clean up after dimwitted mongoloids who have yet to master the art of shovelling food into their mouths without fucking up the entire area around them, you fucking slob.

Former 7-11 Employee, who heard "you're paid to do that" way too many times. Believe me, we have more than enough work to do without inconsiderate assholes fucking shit up.

>> No.4665540

Come on dude, you know that last one was bait.

>> No.4665592

This is actually not true. Drive-thru is always prioritized in a fast food environment, because the fast food lines are timed. Times are supposed to be kept under a certain time and stores/districts are ranked. It's one of the only indicators that your store functions besides the money you rake in, and most stores tend to make about the same in terms of profit if management is intelligent about ordering supplies.

>> No.4665606


>> No.4665816

>paid solely to clean up
Exactly, but it needs to be cleaned regardless. There are regulations and policies on cleanliness in restaurants, especially for a major chain like McDonalds. If cleanliness can't be maintained with their current staff, then they just hire more people who can do most of the jobs, including cleaning. Simple as that.

7/11 is a fucking gas station, you have no right to speak about restaurants.

>> No.4665826

My particular 7-11 served pizza, chicken, empanadas, mini tacos, and all manner of rolling shit. Not to mention the source of the biggest mess in the store, the coffee bar. Joe DePinto has even said that he wants to change 7-11's image from being a gas station that happens to sell food to a food store that happens to sell gas. I handled food in much the same way as any fast food joint, and had bigger messes to clean up from lazy fuckwits without a shred of human fucking decency.

Yes, part of our job in the service industry is keeping the place clean. But that is not a focus of our job, and we *do* have better things to do than an unnecessary amount of picking up after shitheads.

>> No.4666020

>I've read alot in this thread about people eating in their cars. I don't think i've ever seen anyone do this. Is this common in the United States of America?

Yes, I used to go to Jack in the Box and then drive the quarter mile down to the waterfront and just park and eat it while watching the seagulls. After the first time I just brought a plate and couch pillow to rest it on my lap with, and just some hand sanitizer to clean up. It's better than getting out and eating on the asphalt.

Besides, 9/10 when they hand you a soda via drive-thru the damn thing is overflowing so it drips into the cup holder anyway. My cup holders are a disaster zone from all the dried soda I can't get off. A few crumbs I can vaccuum out later aren't a big deal.

>> No.4666035

>and eat it while watching the seagulls.
In highschool I used to get stoned with a friend and go to the drive through a lot. We'd eat in his car while listening to music.

We had the "Rat McDonald's" and "Seagull Wendy's" nearby. I'd always buy an extra large fries and we'd watch the local wildlife chow down.

>> No.4666037

i really think you're just autistic

>> No.4666355

OP is an hero.

>> No.4666385

7-11 doesn't sell gas, they;re a convenience store for stoners

>> No.4666395

Accurate. They're the only convenience store in walking distance that keeps throwing hot dogs/taquitos onto their magical heating device after 2:00 in the morning. Fucking heroes.

>> No.4666404
File: 69 KB, 800x497, 7-11 BCP (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some do, but they also have some that are strictly convenience stores.

I've never bought gas from them, I use them strictly as C-stores for the reasons you said, and find those ones better anyway.

>> No.4666418

Jesus Christ, OP. Be less autistic.

>> No.4666423

OP, please don't listen to the negative comments, and please continue to post your fast-food adventures. I appreciate you and your escapades, as they are are far more interesting than anything else on this board. Keep your head up and keep fighting the good fight man.

>> No.4666428

OP, you should post reviews of other fast food establishments.

>> No.4666453

I've always preferred walking in (which is not the same as eating in) compared to drive thrus for a few reasons. First, I've never had much confidence in my driving ability. I used to be terrified of driving through that tiny drive thru lane for fear of just wrecking everything. Secondly, it's hard to communicate through the order box or whatever it's called. I can't hear them, they can't really hear me. It's awful.

But most importantly, if I want them not to put 3-4 slices of their nasty ass plastic cheese, it's easier for them to understand me if I'm talking to them face to face, and easier for me to check for fuck ups when not in my truck.

Sometimes, walking in is quicker too.

>> No.4666455

I've gotten into an accident in the drive-thru before. I was just sitting there waiting my turn and the person ahead of me backed right into me, denting and cracking my bumper.

>> No.4666529

oh lawd I was in this thread
He even said he was thinking about reporting the cashier to the manager.

>> No.4666548

Lol one assburgers coming up!

Also what kind of disgusting excuse for a human being enjoys eating in their car. Fuuuck, /ck/!

>> No.4666605

A sperglord going into various fast food places and telling of his uncomfortable ordeal of ordering food and waiting around strangers until he can escape to the sanctuary of his vehicle with his meal. I'd read that blog. I'd rss it if he actually did dine in.

>> No.4666677

I like you

>> No.4666917

I'm completely socially inept. I'm hanging on by a string, living with my only friend and having to beg mom to put more money on the power every few weeks. My job hunt is excruciating, made all the more difficult by the fact that on the very rare occasion that I even get an interview, I can barely manage to look the interviewer in the eye, and I'm certainly not selling myself very well.

Feels bad, man :(

>> No.4668015

Always drive-thru. Unless they're completely incompetent, even a line of five cars takes less than 10 minutes to go through.

>> No.4668083


> $3.06 a gallon

I miss you =(

>> No.4668158

>I mean you can apply for jobs or home loans with fewer questions than that.

>> No.4668174

>Waiting in line was felt really uncomfortable and I wasn't used to seeing the menu in that format,
Sounds like a "you" problem.

>so there was about 90-120 seconds of awkward silence when I was still searching the menu while the cashier kept asking me what I wanted.
The cashier shouldn't have been pestering you to order, but don't do this shit. Know what you want before you step up to the counter. You especially shouldn't order one thing and then take a while to order the next one. Orders have timers and having bad times impacts our jobs outside of taking a while for your order.

>I felt anxious and almost guilty for ordering an extra sandwich on the side.
Nobody cares about that. We've all seen worse.

>I said I wanted a Diet Coke and the cashier just gave me an insulting look and said, "uhhh okay".
Your cashier sounds like she deserves to be written up.

>I couldn't work up the nerve or patience to wait through the line just to ask for ketchup in packets.
If all you want is something like a water cup or condiments just walk up to the counter and ask, don't wait in line.

>I don't know why *anyone* would choose to order in the restaurant if they have a vehicle. It was just an unpleasant experience.
Ordering your food fresh is more convenient if you come inside and ordering your food fresh is something you should ALWAYS do at fast food places that allow that. Most do.

>> No.4668180
File: 952 KB, 500x281, 1352752065831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You're here AGAIN?"
>Yeah, I'm hungry again and I don't really feel like cooking.


>> No.4668238

What in the fuck is an insulting look? The OP is known to blow social encounters out of proportion. For all we know the cashier didn't even react.

OP, I've told you this many times but you seem to be too thickheaded to reflect on your mistakes. Go see a therapist instead of embarrassing yourself on the internet. While they are amusing, your fuckhead-entitlement to constructive responses is pathetic.

>> No.4669449
File: 101 KB, 600x392, Menchies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menchie's? There are signs and shit telling you what to do.