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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4655434 No.4655434 [Reply] [Original]

Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!

>> No.4655437

babby never had to filet a fish?

>> No.4655442
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Sharp-toothed eel

>> No.4655446


I think he's just pointing out how funny the dead fish's expression is

>> No.4655449
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Bobby nooooooo!

>> No.4655491

wouldn't be so sure that its dead

crazy japs

>> No.4655496
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>> No.4655500

This kills the fish.

>> No.4655502

Who gives a shit? The fish dies after you cut the head off.

>> No.4655503
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okay =(

>> No.4655508


bad hunting experience when I was a kid. Just can't kill anything anymore. I hate having to kill the spiders in the tub and I squirm trying to take the hook out of a fish to toss back.

(to those curious, older cousins took me rabbit hunting with them one year. A couple of hillbilly sick fucks I found out. They trapped a rabbit and attempted to gut it alive, thing was flipping out and making all kinds of horrible noises)

>> No.4655510
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>> No.4655512

>(to those curious, older cousins took me rabbit hunting with them one year. A couple of hillbilly sick fucks I found out. They trapped a rabbit and attempted to gut it alive, thing was flipping out and making all kinds of horrible noises)
See now I'm noping and I'm about as carnivorous as you can get. Live vivisection is not fucking cool.

>> No.4655516

>dat get

>> No.4655519

Yeah, those guys are assholes. Cutting the head off something cuts blood to the brain, and disconnects all of the nerves from the body. As long as the head is removed quickly the animal dies quickly.

>> No.4655520

In your defense I generally chill my fish before gutting them. That way they don't move while I clean them.

>> No.4655522

>no video

>> No.4655529

I have rifle-butted stunned animals before, but yeah live-gutting is just fucked up.

>> No.4655531
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>my eel when

>> No.4655532
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>> No.4655539

its better to leave the hook in the fishes mouth and cut the line
the fish will spit the hook out over a few weeks
its easier on the fish

>> No.4655544

>only dreams now

>> No.4655545
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When you swim in the sea
and an eel bites your wee,

>> No.4655585


>> No.4655599

and u?

>> No.4655604

That's assuming it's not barbed, or hooked through a weird way.

>> No.4655605

>Live vivisection is not fucking cool.

As opposed to dead vivisection?

>> No.4655607
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you are a great man

>> No.4655610

I think it was 'vivisection you see being done right in front of you'.

That post has almost turned me vegetarian.

>> No.4655611

how is smiling even possible after this thread?

>> No.4655662

Oh god I was waiting for that eel to take a big chomp on his arm

>> No.4655703
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>> No.4655707

I would hate fuck the shit out of chubby snooki

>> No.4655716


>be britbong
>buy crab lines and bacon
>its just a hook on the end of 4 meters of string wrapped around a handle
>you put small bits of bacon on the hook and unravel the line down the side of the harbor and wait until a crab tugs on it and pull it out
>irregular violent tugging one time
>pull line up
>fish flapping about like crazy with the hook through its eye and out of the side of its head
>be 8 so i dont know what to do and it falls off the hook before I can kill it back into the water

>> No.4655739

That's pretty fucked up. And that's coming from a guy who's hunted and butchered his own food since he was a kid. You catch an animal for food, you either shoot it in the head, you stab it's heart, break it's neck, or cut the head off. All of those are fairly quick deaths. Trying to butcher something while it's still alive is fucking messed up.

>> No.4655745

What does being a britbong have to do with any of that other than the fact that you probably weren't using real bacon?

>> No.4655746
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top lel

>> No.4655751
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it's easier to imagine a haemophoelic youngster getting the vapours from a fish getting hooked in the eye if he's speaking with an effeminate lisp

>> No.4655804
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Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!

>> No.4655945

TY! TYVM! I'm here all week.

>> No.4655955

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Was some dipshit actually stupid enough to do that to a pet rabbit?

I mean, forget the sick cruelty of whoever suggested it, but how retarded do you have to be to stick a needle into a rabbit's eye?

>> No.4655986

Someone post the spoon sharpnel bomb, it always gets me.

>> No.4655990

Have you seen the one about some /b/fag managed to brick some guys computer? Classic stuff.

>> No.4656026

I wish /b/ was still good...

polite sage and inb4 '/b/ was never good'

>> No.4656039

u got it all wrong m8
/b/ is good now
its not like what it used to be

>> No.4656040

But it wasn't, and you just grew out of it.

>> No.4656069
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Seriously. I actually am not mad at the person who made the suggestion, because there's no way he thought the person would be stupid enough to actually do it.

The one where he was trying to triforce? God, that one is fucking classic.

>> No.4656154

That's pretty damn funny

>> No.4656158

Needs more crab cigarettes

>> No.4656202

This is probably fake.

>> No.4656538

No, back when it was about as slow as /ck/, had people who could write with wit along with immaturity, and good photoshoppers it was great. But that was quite a long time ago...

>> No.4656903

Hunter here, rabbit will fuck you up if not killed cleanly, those high pitched squeals. I'd stay away from those cousins, that speaks to some deep seated emotional issues.

>> No.4657581
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>> No.4657705


>> No.4657711

Because no other human race would have the natural reaction to shout "OY!" at the water.

>> No.4657901


Is this meant to be a joke? Bacon in britain comes in back bacon rasher form as well and pork belly bacon, we literally have both types whereas in places like america it is more common to only find pork belly bacon so what are you even saying?

>> No.4657906

While this is true, on my many trips to the UK, I seldom found cold smoked bacon as done in the US.
I'm the first to defend British and Irish cuisine, but the Americans have you guys beat as far as bacon is concerned. British bacon lacks that smoke-y deliciousness I've grown to enjoy of American bacon. It's not bad, mind you, just not quite as om nom nommy as what the Americans prepare.

>> No.4657913


I think he was referring to the fact that in most countries including USA, France, Japan, Canada, Scandinavian countries, etc, "bacon" refers to bacon made from the belly cut.

In British English "bacon" normally refers to bacon made from the back cut, which the US calls Canadian Bacon, the Canadians call "Back Bacon". In other words, the British terminology is a bit of an outlier. The stuff that the aforementioned countries simply call "Bacon" is "Streaky bacon" in the UK.

>> No.4657926


Yes, and we sell both kinds so there is no debate we dont have "real bacon" when all forms are purchaseable.

>> No.4659775
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>> No.4660728
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>> No.4660838

Unless you buy stainless steel hooks. Bronze hooks rust out in around 2 weeks in my experience, since I've caught the same fish multiple times.

>> No.4660878


>>bronze hooks rust

Lol. Bronze cannot rust because it doens't contain any iron. Perhaps you meant bronze-colored hooks, which are actually steel? Steel rusts. Bronze does not. That's why it's used on fittings for ships--it can't rust because it contains no iron.

>> No.4661001

Is she listening to Brick Ballades from Big O?

>> No.4661072

Fuck, now I am.

>> No.4662259
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ano hana menma vc


>> No.4662874
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>> No.4663341


No, it is set up better to be be actually random but still fails to even be random. It is a hodgepodge of random things submitted by too many users to make the board truly a busy and terrible mess. It is better than it was a few years ago (anybody remember the candy-ass, roody-poo days? Missingno really tried to fix it, but the only thing that could is IDs), but please don't mistake /b/ for being good. I've seen days of better OC than now, but those were before 4chan got really popular in the news.

/b/ was never good
>implying I was here the first seven years
>oldfags from then talk about /b/ in a whole different way than the /b/ I have known