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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4648293 No.4648293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4 l of beer and a nap in the hallway later: breakfast.

>> No.4648298

I know I've been a mess since my boyfriend left me, /ck/. I'm sorry if I'm hurting you, I don't mean to.

>> No.4648302

Time heals all, just don't forget the cardio with the carbs and that it's not ok to go out in public with Cheetos in your hair

>> No.4648306

Will there ever be a time you don't treat this board like its your own blog? Why don't you just make a tumblr and shitpost to your hearts content there?

>> No.4648307


Those look good, man. Would certainly eat one or two and share a beer with you.

You seem like a pretty cool guy, and you always contribute good and tasty looking OC to /ck/.

Sorry to hear about your personal issues.

>Time heals all

That. Also I agree with his latter statement. You might be tempted to do some harmful things. Eating comfort food is one of the less harmful ones, in the grand scheme of things.

Don't do anything impulsive and that you'll regret later and in the long-term.

>> No.4648312


I don't want to heal, though.

I still love him. I know he doesn't understand that I love him. But I'm very, very, probably too intelligent to roam the world. He doesn't understand that I sat on the street for years, searched the Internet, went to countless Pride parades, clubs, and spent my life searching for him.

He doesn't understand that I'm like Sherlock Holmes and can size people-up within seconds. He can't see what I see. He didn't even ask me a single question.

He doesn't understand, he's just a boy. He's going to hang out with his guys and recount how he fucked me and left me for dead.

I don't even think he ever liked me in the first place anymore. I still dream of him, though, and it hurts. But he's not there for me, and for that I have to come to the realization that he wasn't 'teh one'.

Also I'm back as a prostitute, I'm probably not going out with Cheetos in my hair.

>> No.4648317


I became popular here, and elsewhere. I never meant to, it just happened. I just have to deal with the fact that some people actually watch me live, and care to some extent. As far as people care for a movie character or some shit, but there are people here who probably ask themselves "what's up with Sceak?". It just is. I never meant for it to become this way, a lot like Moot never meant for 4chan to become what it is today.


Honestly, I think I might. That has always been, though, but I think I might.

This isn't comfort food, though. It's just the cheapest food money can buy at the convenience store.

>> No.4648322


What are they aside from a type of Breakfast muffin? I see the Muffin, Egg, is there any type of meat, or have you not gone back to meat as of yet? If there is a meat, is it sausage, bacon, ham?

I remember a few times when things got rough you would go back to eating meat and such...

>> No.4648337


It's an English Muffin. It's a leavened bread doused in semolina. It's made from a really wet dough, so it's a lot like "artisan bread", but it's ... what you see. There were breakfast links.

I think I'm going to puke it now. I'm not feeling well.

>> No.4648351

>Also I'm back as a prostitute

is this you? how much do you charge?

>> No.4648352
File: 66 KB, 1280x960, sceak_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.4648376

wudja drink?

>> No.4648381


That pic is a bit more than a year-old, I think.

I am running a thread on ... the Random board if you want to ask questions about that.

Also I feel better after puking. I think I had had a bunch of wieners before sleeping on the mats anyway, lawl.

>> No.4648383


u have a link to that thread?

>> No.4648384


Red Ale on tap. It's actually my favorite beer. Only good thing to come out of Canada, if you want my opinion.

>> No.4648385


I am sorry, but I must abide by the Rules of the Internets.

There is the word "prostitute" in the main post if you want to catalog and search it.

>> No.4648400

you look familiar, do you live in washington?

>> No.4648401

I obviously wanted your opinion, Sceak. Don't be so under confident.

>> No.4648407

I'm banned, so I must be quick.

I think McDonald's should revise/standardize their bagel/muffin/griddle/etc. recipes so they come out of the toaster OK.

I had Sausage muffins just a few minutes ago, and they were BURNT! BURNT YOU LAZY DONKEY!

Must I do everything myself?

Apparently it's beef and tomato paste, but sloppy joes are very ... meaty, usually, AFAIK. I think they're more like beef in demi than mince in tomato paste, but veal stock is made with long-simmered veal stock with tomato paste, so I think sloppy joes could be a culinary challenge.

He deleted all my posts too?

What an ass.

The captain should be the last one off the ship, not go down with it, unless the ship needs to be manned so as to not pose any other danger.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, OK. I've no idea who she is.

>> No.4648510


>on /ck/
>not knowing my phone number


>> No.4648518


Since the archive is down and has been for some time, I think it's his own private collection.

>> No.4648571

I know your friends don't like me, but I don't like fat lesbians either, so I don't really care. I fell in love with you, and I don't want to have to tell 4chan, the Village, Montreal, the IOC, and everyone else who's my friend that you led me on just so you could fuck.

I really don't want to have to, but if you don't want to get back to me, I'm going to have to write this off as "the guy just wanted to get off so he told me he wanted to be my boyfriend I don't know how many times over the course of several weeks."

It's not a threat, and I hope they just let you off, but if I did meet you by coincidence, please be advised that some people are in their hoods, and some people do want relationships, and some people do believe what you say.

I did fall in love with you, I am still in love with you, but it's killing me, and if you don't fix it, I'm going to have to do it myself.

I didn't want to fall in love that night, I wasn't looking for someone that night, I'm sorry I met Daniel, I'm sorry I was Keith's boss, but I'm still happy I met you, because I think you can be my boyfriend and be my boyfriend for a long time.

I know you don't think I know you so well, I know I take longer to get to know than what you hoped for, but you can't see what I see, but maybe you can.

I don't want to meet other guys, I don't want to have anyone else in my bed, but if you don't claim it, I'm going to have to ... otherwise I'll die.

I want you, and no one else, but if you don't feel the same, or think you might feel the same, I'm going to have to cry and move on.

I don't want to have to cry, and I don't want to move on; but if you don't want me, I'm going to have to, if I want to.

If you choose your friends over me, that's cool.

Just ... please don't hurt me anymore. Please don't lead me on.

Go with your fat lesbians and leave me alone.


Otherwise I'm yours, and no one else's. I swear.

>> No.4649359
File: 190 KB, 800x432, Good_Will_Hunting_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sceak, it's not your fault...

>> No.4649370

will you faggots shut the fuck up and talk about food already

>> No.4651040


It's you.