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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 1600x1071, DSC_0508 - cherries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4627218 No.4627218 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite fruit thread!

I love these little bastards I could eat rainier cherries until im sick.

>> No.4627229

anjou pears
they are really expensive though

>> No.4627230


omgosh take them to spic level with cumin, black pepper, chili powder, dash of salt... splash of lime juice when green.. omgosh yumm best food ever

>> No.4627236

Mah nigga. This guy knows what's up.

Otherwise, I'd probably have to say raspberries. That's if it's the Ideal Raspberry, though.

>> No.4627238

Berries. Of most varieties. I think blackberry rates highest during the season. Very succulent fruits, they make excellent pie filling as well.

>> No.4627261
File: 566 KB, 2032x998, passionfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passion fruit is best fruit. Cherries are pig disgusting.

>> No.4627263

Oh, and apples are only good for making cider.
Deal with it applefags.

>> No.4627265

Raspberries are by far my favourite. I grew up in Poland and my grandma had a huge row of raspberries at the end of her garden. She had a shit-ton of other food growing there as well but the raspberries were by far the best. I can't get them that good in stores here, have to grow my own but too lazy to start a garden.

I do have a whole box of them in the fridge now but they're kinda sourish, not the best.

>> No.4627305

white grapes

>> No.4627306

So many wrong opinions in so few words.

>> No.4627317

yeah , you and me. I like cherries , or cerisse. red or black, or white heart, hey,iI did not come up with the name. but hard to start . you would think it is easy, but no. and sour red cherry juice relives gout. and if you think it is cheap, go try to by some. I don't know there was a fungus that kinda killed many cherry trees. you plant for the next generation, and hope. even if you will never see it. watermelon, and strawberries and black berries. and blue berries. old apple and pear trees, pears. nobody likes them much, tough grainy but hard to kill.. and not so bad.

>> No.4627320

Lychees, god-tier fruit right there.

>> No.4627323

A word of advice, if you're going to plant fruits/berries, I would recommend to get the best tasting cultivars. I got some raspberry plants several years ago and did all the work of planting them, pruning them, etc. and they really don't taste like much. Part of it is I think they probably don't get enough sun but I think part of it could also be that the flavor was listed as being 'moderate' (different plants have different characteristics, with some being vigorous producers, etc, and flavor is listed as being mild, moderate, full, etc). All that work to have piles of delicious raspberries and they don't even taste like watered down juice, they taste like water with a spritz of juice splashed in!

>> No.4627351


>> No.4627371

I gotta go with bananas.

>> No.4627373
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> This

and Watermelon, damn shayum they're expensive as fuck around here

>> No.4627428

I love summer fruits. Right now we're getting massive picotas (a type of cherry) and all types of peaches, saturn peaches, nectarines, red and yellow peaches. Also melon and water melon are great. Afet the 2nd week of August we start getting grapes.

>> No.4627462

dude, I'm so sorry. I know how much love and care gardening is and that's just bullshit. Stupid berries.

My family has an heirloom black raspberry bush that is now with 3 different people, and I intend on taking a cutting wherever I end up and planting it. Best raspberries in the world. (this strain is from up in PA if you're near there and want to try again- the Amish bros have great plants)

>> No.4627466
File: 50 KB, 500x340, 20080630lychee500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.4627468


>> No.4627470


Ha, that's why I planted them in the first place- I stayed on a farm and picked blueberries for a summer and they had the most ridiculous black raspberries that I was like 'shit, I gotta plant me some berries!' Thanks for the offer.

PS- Take several cuttings if you can. The first year I planted 9 plants and only 3 survived. Those 3 turned into a dozen or so and that dozen turned into several dozen which are now nice and established but I'm still waiting for my whole plot to fill in.

>> No.4627471


Lychee ice cream is some damn good stuff.

>> No.4627472

I don't think there's a fruit that I don't like, but to pick just one I'll go with blueberries. I'll just keep putting them in my mouth one after another until the bowl is gone.

>> No.4627503

toss-up between mango, watermelon and peach

>> No.4627514
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>> No.4627814
File: 2.70 MB, 3504x2336, Prickly_pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious prickly pears.

Would pick the sometimes when I was younger.
Always felt like my hands were full of fiberglass after.

>> No.4627819
File: 170 KB, 1600x899, IMG_7859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomatofag reporting in.
I can never go wrong with it.

Dis nigga knows what's up.

>> No.4627821

>spic level
Asian master race level you mean

>> No.4627823 [DELETED] 

Anytime, anyday. Stow it in the fridge, take it out, peel and chop, put your favorite weekend movie on and have a good time.

>> No.4627825

>What is a pink lady or Fuji variety apple?

>> No.4627829

Blood oranges


>> No.4627830
File: 101 KB, 700x469, Honeydew_Melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime, anyday. Stow it in the fridge, take it out, peel and chop, put your favorite weekend movie on and have a good time.

You mean rambutans.
>live in the tropics
>my uncle plants it
>get to eat them every year for free

>> No.4627836

You lucky lucky Anon!
What country you in?

>> No.4627837

NOTHING beats a nice, juicy peach. mango is close second.
dripping wet pussy fruit ftw

>> No.4627839
File: 121 KB, 500x334, 4720599842_15df1456e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malaysia. I think most Southeast Asian countries have them too. Oh and pic related, it's a durian, another annual fruit that's the hot shit everytime they come to season.

>> No.4627844

>tfw missing out on durian season and local food festival this year
maybe if I ask my mum she'll send me durian kueh

>> No.4627846

Durian kueh? Never heard of that. Also haven't gotten to tasting the popular durian crepe.

>> No.4627851
File: 16 KB, 400x266, goh 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's durian pulp cooked over low heat with sugar and sometimes tapioca flour is used as a filler. I could eat it all day long.

I had durian crepe last year, it was nice because the crepe was warm while the durian was cold from the fridge.

>> No.4627855

Oh that looks like pumpkin kuih bingka to me.

>> No.4627859
File: 94 KB, 640x480, Tayberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honourable mentions to rhubarb, gooseberries and redcurrants.

>> No.4627873

It tasted like farts when I had it at a party. It's flavor combined with it's slimy consistency made it one of the hardest things to eat. Why is that?

>> No.4627875

acquired taste, like grapefruit on nightmare mode

>> No.4627877

I don't know. Most people who didn't grow up eating it, like western tourists, won't appreciate it. But if you're a local, that thing is gold in trees. Makes a lot of money if you plant them in masses, you can sell them expensive and it will still sell. I've also known locals who don't like it.

>slimy consistency
Not all of them have the same consistency. Some are taut and firm and dry, like lychees. Depends on the type and age.

>> No.4627881
File: 238 KB, 1499x993, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple, citrus, bananas, mango, passion fruit, guava...I like tropical fruits.

>> No.4627883
File: 104 KB, 1100x1100, jackfruit_thailand_view1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad it's so fucking expensive in ohio

>> No.4627891

Oh man. I love this one too.

Yeah. For all the heat and humidity, there are things to be grateful for when living in the tropics.

>> No.4627896

I don't know why people like durians when these are vastly superior and doesn't smell like shit.

>> No.4627903

I bet are a stinky fellow compared to many people but I hope some people like you.

>> No.4627906

there is literally no need to be rude about someone else's favorite fruit

>> No.4627912

I wonder the same thing about your mom.

>> No.4627914 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 653x490, NoDurianSign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A person can smell better by not eating durians.

They literally stink up the place wherever they are found.

>> No.4627921

flat peaches

>> No.4627933

Can't believe no one has mentioned plain old pears yet. Love me some hard fruit

>> No.4628159

Aznpear, Bosc Pear, Starfruit/Carambola, Fuji apples, any kind of freestone fruit...

Oh, and lychees and rambutan.

>> No.4628196

which are you referign to as "plain"
see >>4627229