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4624678 No.4624678 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever tasted Caviar?

Weather from the Sturgeon or the cheaper Salmon caviar.

Whats all the fuss about it anyway? I've had both and both of them were salty as shit. The Sturgeon was SLIGHTLY "creamier" but it was still salty. Not to mention what would have been a 35 dollar dish was bumped to 60 dollars because they added a dollop of caviar...

>> No.4624686

I have salmon roe frequently, never sturgeon.
Don't discount the mouthfeel of popping a bubble of intense fishy salty goodness
Don't discount human nature when a food stuff is said to make them feel special about themselves

>> No.4624697

>Don't discount human nature when a food stuff is said to make them feel special about themselves
This accounts for a good 45% of all 'fancy' food related stuff.

>> No.4624699

I have had Osetra Caviar
It was good, but nowhere worth what I paid for it.
It tastes salty and a little earthy.

>> No.4624703

How are fish eggs anymore more valuable or desirable than the egg of any other animal? I'll tell you why; artifice.

>> No.4624717

yes lets give the culinary value to each animal's egg equal value because otherwise artifice

>> No.4624759

I actually like caviar. I've had a few different types. It is quite salty, it's meant to be, so you do need to eat it in the right way(s).

Not really a fan of salmon caviar, which is funny because I'm not really a fan of salmon either.

>> No.4624766


When a commodity is being consumed purely as a status symbol, it's obvious from induction that any value or scarcity it has is artificial, see: wine, diamonds, clothing, electronics, et cetera.

>> No.4624780

>status symbol

yeah avocados too. all these show offs and their newfangled status symbols.

fucking retard.

>> No.4624787


I never mentioned avacados, and now you're just making personal attacks.

>> No.4624791

I made my own from salmon roe 2 years ago. I'm going to buy salmon this year again and make it if I can.

If anyone has ever made their own caviar from any fish you'll know how much of a pain it actually is. They're in these sacks that don't just let them out loose when you cut them open. It's like a 40-60 minute process to get that shit to edible status.

>> No.4624804

He's/She's saying you're a cunt. The avocado could be a reference to how many people on this board hate avocados because they think they're overpriced and tasteless.

>> No.4624811


I never said caviar, avacado, or wine are bad, simply that their value is unwarranted, especially in modern industrial society.

>> No.4624816

That wasn't their point, they were trying to make a comparison that was so stupid it would make you look stupid. I have to agree, wine is not purely a status symbol unless it's a shit quality wine from an exclusive brand, but the same can be said of a lot of things.

>> No.4624823

my dad's side of the family is russian, so yes I've tried it many times at gatherings and even used to eat it when I was little because nobody told me it was fish eggs

tastes like nothing, honestly. given I may have been eating cheap shit used to flavor other dishes.

>> No.4624829


>Wine is not a status symbol except when it is.

Well, thanks for at least agreeing with me.

>> No.4624830


No shit sherlock. As we all well know, gold jewelery has never had any inherent value throughout history aside from impressing others. Silk is easy as fuck to produce too, only vain old bitches waste their money on that worthless shit.

>> No.4624837


How the fuck are avocados an status symbol? Are they that expensive outside the tropics?

>> No.4624850
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1373010187689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MFW my parents avacado tree has a few hundred avacados on it.

thats like 1000 euros to you people lel

but no shit its too expensive for most people to live here in LA

>> No.4624853

1.29 here in Minnesota. Not bad at all.

To answer OP's question, roe has a strong flavor and unique texture. Things that aren't generic and easily acquired cost more money and go into more sophisticated (but not necessarily more complicated) dishes.

>> No.4624857

caviar is bomb i dont know what the hell you people are talking about

even American bears just eat the caviar of fish then move on to another

>> No.4624909

You know if you catch fresh salmon you can gently rub the stomachs of a female and get a majority of the eggs out that way. My dad does it all the time because he uses the fish eggs as bait.

>> No.4624927


Did you know that if you catch a horny man and gently rub his penis, you can get a majority of the semen out that way? Your mom does it all the time because she's a whore.

>> No.4624929

not only food though, clubs, religions, anything really from who we sleep with to what friends or kids have or whatever.

that's not an argument against fancy food imo.

in the end it's all just brain chemistry anyway and money only has the value we proscribe to it.

>> No.4624934


>cheap caviar mislabelled as the finest, most expensive shit you can buy
>Nobody notices

>> No.4624953

urgh. fuck off back to /b/ you little 16 year old cunt

>> No.4624979

Ohohohoho my sides

>> No.4625007

Reminds me of a girl I met that was from California. She said finding illegal immigrants hiding in her avocado tree was nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.4625028
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this is funny because it's true

>> No.4625063

u r so fucking mad right now arent you!

>> No.4625066
File: 692 KB, 350x272, pepsi may cause eye injury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kalles Kaiar

>> No.4625076

fish roe is a traditionally consumed food. It is nutritious and usually tastes good. I have liked most of the caviar I have tasted, except the salmon roe as pictured on the left. I like the saltiness.

>> No.4625086

Whoa there, no call for a driveby personal attacks sonny, we're just talkin' here.

>> No.4625097

how about flying fish's eggs?
color is like salmon eggs, but taste's like caviar.

>> No.4625141

I never buy the stuff, because even though it's delicious the luxury price is absurd. That's what happens when something becomes a symbol of opulence - people who don't even appreciate it will shell out the dough just to participate in the show of eating it.

But that mystique is part of the deal. I remember the last time I had sevruga pretty clearly - it was at Claude's chateau in Montreaux, served to me on the skin between my thumb and forefinger. With a glass of good champagne, of course. Fucking delicious. Makes sense in that kind of place, but it would be pointless for me to enjoy it on my own dime. I'm just not that wealthy.

>> No.4625175
File: 11 KB, 220x152, 220px-Egg_sandwich[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Kalles Kaviar isn't way tastier than pure caviar, especially with eggs

>> No.4625214

You had shit tier caviar if it was so salty. Preserved to last months of shelf life while nobody buys it. Living in Poland I can get quality Russian caviar for quite reasonable prices, and it's fairly common and quite cheap in Russia. (It runs $5/100g jar here, I got it for half as much as it was nearing expiration date.)

I don't know what's the deal with it either, it just tastes like fish except in form of small balls, and they pop which is somewhat fun, nothing extraordinary though. Use it on bread like a fish paste, makes a reasonable breakfast but fuck, if I were to pay 60 bucks for that? Fuck it.

>> No.4625266
File: 31 KB, 404x292, lumpfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love caviar
>gf buys some "lumpfish caviar" from the grocery store
>hmm never heard of lump fish, ill just goog.... OH GOD I ATE ITS EGGS.

>> No.4625913

You are part of it's reproductive cycle. it will grow to around 4 inches long, then you willshit it out whence it will then fight for survival in sewer systems until it either becomes a sewer monster or find it's way back to it's spawning grounds.

>> No.4625980

yes. both. and not too much on either. I guess an acquired taste. neither of which I personally care for . But that is like champagne, to me. It's OK. You can eat it off toast points, with creame fresh, foie gras and dom, or dorittos with cold duck and philly cheese. I just don't care for it. there are some things people just don't like. rich or poor. raw oysters, most fresh water fish, including trout and catfish, squirrel, turttle- seven kinds of meat- no thanks. and I have eaten snake, and grasshoppers. and in the last extremity to stay alive, sure,. even human flesh. but it don't mean I have to. on the vegtable side, almost every thing is fair game. except durian. and creasy greens. smells like pond scum. or ramps, too over powering. even okra I like stewed , fried not so much.. but not eggplant. go figure .

>> No.4626154

Funny, sturgeon caviar used to be a poor man's food and it wasn't until modern refrigeration and the steam engine allowing for a faster means of transporting caviar that it became a rich man's food. And in America, caviar used to be fed to pigs before Germans and Russians who have exhausted their own country's sturgeon population moved to America and realized nobody over there knew how to make it.

>> No.4627923

You clearly don't understand. You're saying wine is always a status symbol, he is saying it is not always a status symbol. Please stop being an idiot.

>> No.4627927

it's great, one of the few animal protein things that is used more or less like a herb

but i could definitely live without it

gotta admit i love the whole experience of having blinis with caviar and champagne

>> No.4627934

>sturgeon caviar used to be a poor man's food
Same for salmon and lobster

>> No.4627955

i like sturgeon caviar. grew up eating it slathered on rye bread with butter. was delicious but you had to make sure you didn't layer it too thick or the flavour got too salty/intense.

can't stand red caviar. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4628733

I've got some kosher black whitefish caviar sitting in my fridge right now, planing on paring it with lemon and dill salmon stakes, I could of gone with the salmon caviar "ikura" but wanted to give the whitefish a try.

salmon roe is really good, so long as you get it from a good source, I'd look for a local Asian food store, as they tend to have the best stuff despite it most of the time being frozen.

>> No.4628762

I had some salmon roe done up in a roll one of the first times I tried sushi. it was pretty but underwhelming taste-wise.

>> No.4628777

Salty. Fishy. The larger eggs (salmon) are gooey and pop in your mouth when you bite down.

Sturgeon is the same, except it's a bunch of little tiny "pops".

It all tastes like little bubbles of salt water, if you want the honest truth.

Eat the sturgeon on a cracker with a shot of GOOD vodka afterwards. Good combo.