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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4624415 No.4624415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Howdy ck, today I come with help. I am a Colombian citizen who lives in New Jersey and works in a pizzeria. I've learned how to make the sauce, dough, and how to cook the pizza. Now I want to open a restaurant in Colombia. There is a problem though.

My restaurant's sauce recipe calls for all canned materials, that have already been pre-made. Such as Plum tomatoes, Tomato Magic, Italian Peeled Tomatoes, Super Heavy Pizza sauce. These things are obviously not going to be available to my disposal in Colombia.

Is there anyone that is willing to help me create a new pizza sauce that is restaurant worthy that can be made from scratch?

>> No.4624427

First question: can you get bulk canned tomato products in Columbia (like tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, tomato puree, etc.)

>> No.4624434


why don't you start with what your familiar with, you know things you grew up with or stuff you would have found locally. In that light, I'd suggest some cocaine and you can cook it up on the pizza like crack, then before you know it you'll have a steady stream of regular customers.

>> No.4624437


No, these come in small cans and are too expensive to make into pizza sauce. What we do have is a very large market that provides cheap tomatoes and such.

>> No.4624441
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In my opinion, the best pizza sauces are the most simple.

Ripe deseeded tomatoes, onion, garlic, salt, and pepper. Puree until it has reached whatever texture you and/or your customers prefer. Done.

>> No.4624442

Okay! You can work with that. It's not going to be fast or easy, though. You'd need to make really big batches at a time, so you can save time later.
You'll have to blanch and peel the tomatoes, to start with.

>> No.4624463

couldn't he just use a food mill? won't that take out the peel and seeds, etc?

>> No.4624469


it's people like you that destroy flavour and have the audacity to put it in the trash, that should be removed from our society.

>> No.4624536

Okay so an update. I found Hunt's Whole Plum Tomatoes, Hunt's Tomato Paste, Hunt's Puree, Tomato Juice, and Peeled tomatoes.

>> No.4624563


Meaning these are what are disposable for me to make sauce. Any recipes that make a good pizza sauce with these?

>> No.4624564


dafaq are you updating in the wrong GD thread you illegal immigrant, go back to muling coke condoms.

>> No.4624566


wrong thread dumbass...GTFO

>> No.4624888

Hey OP,

Go to pizzamaking dot com. They obsess over sauces the way /b/ obsesses over trannies and furry porn.

>> No.4625012

i'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.4625067

Oh, cool, I got best trips. :-)

>> No.4625082

i love TERIYAKI pizza! yum.

>> No.4627031

Free bump just in case OP ever comes back, and also
I was very pleasantly surprised by CPK's hilariously named "hoisin duck portobello" pizza. Instead of tomato sauce, they used hoisin sauce. Oh, also has scallions on it. All in all a very neat re-imagining of pizza, I thought.

But then again, I'm a fanatic for roast duck.

>> No.4627131
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I'm back. I made a pizza sauce using 6 lbs of plum tomatoes. I boiled them, peeled them, and then added sugar, tomato paste, garlic powder, vinegar, and water and blended it all together. Whala, a perfect pizza sauce. Tastes more like margharita but that's due to the freshness of it all.

New issue; I need to find a way to mix 25 pounds of flour, 7.5 litres of water, 5 oz of salt, 5 oz of sugar... without using a mixer. I asked /diy/ if it's possible to make one but I don't think so...

Also, as for an oven, I decided to make pic related. The whole idea for this restaurant was to make it mobile. Meaning I will be making a cart that will hold the toppings and pizza sauce and dough (of course refrigerated), and then have this "oven" to make and heat up pizza.

>> No.4627160

Holy shit. It's "voilà". Even "viola" without the grave would have been acceptable. Fuck you so much. Saged and hidden.

>> No.4628191

Voila, whatever. I'm Spanish. Anyway, as for the mixer I now have two ideas. A. Using a dough trough and B. Using a motorcycle motor or lawn mower motor and creating a mixer out of it.

>> No.4628207

Errr, a mobile pizza food stand based on a grill in a country where you don't have access to easy to use tomato products in needed quantities, well, good luck to you.

>> No.4628213

Anyway, what are your toppings gonna be once in Colombia? Are you gonna do some chifa-like spinoff with local ingredients and tastes?

>> No.4628230


I already created a new sauce that tastes great and is easy to make. I'm going to do italian pizzas and of course incorporate Colombian sausage and some Colombian dishes into pizzas. Since everything is fresher it tastes better. Plus my grill is basically a pizza brick oven, it adds a really nice smokey flavor to pizza.

>> No.4628256

For the mixer, maybe do something like a cement mixer? Get a 55-gallon drum, clean it out really, really well, then turn it sideways and roll it around filled with the dough ingredients.

>> No.4629955

>who lives in New Jersey and works in a pizzeria
Where in Jersey and what pizzeria?

>> No.4629969


Repurposing a lawnmower engine sounds like it'd be up diy's alley. I wouldn't try it with a motorcycle engine though.

>> No.4629977

Maybe he meant, Wallah. As in arabic way to say , I swear / I promise (this is true).

>> No.4629982 [DELETED] 


Sure bro. We're all willing to help you doing YOUR business.

All of us are willing to help you make bucks doing something you have no idea how to do.

Seriously. All of us want you to succeed.

I'm not even kidding. You have no clue how to make North American pizza SAUCE. We all want to show you how. Especially you want to make a buck off of it.

None of us are poor. We're not shut-ins. We're not the loser kids you picked on in school. Of course not. We're all your Facebook™ Friends™.

Do what we tell you, you'll make the South Americans' mouths water.

>> No.4629986

roast a few tomatoes with olive oil on em. sweat aromatics in a heavy pot. add garlic and cook it some more. deglaze with white wine and throw the maters in. add minced herbs. give it the stick until its smooth enough to apply to a round of pizza dough

>> No.4629991

You illiterate punk ass bitch.

Also, garlic powder and vinegar have nothing to do with pizza sauce.
Why the fuck should one put vinegar in something that's already acidic?

>> No.4629995

Fuck off you piece of shit and stop posting.

>> No.4629999

>None of us are poor. We're not shut-ins. We're not the loser kids you picked on in school. Of course not. We're all your Facebook™ Friends™.

What did that have to do with anything? In any case, you're a disgusting thing.

>> No.4630003 [DELETED] 


Nice trips.

>> No.4630135

>thinks quads are trips
>probably a veganfag

>> No.4630136

those are quads you stupid tripfag

>> No.4630139

OP, just be sure to name your pizza chain "Narcolombia" after the chain in Snow Crash.

As far as mixing goes, you want to mix the dry ingredients? or do you want to knead wet dough?

If mixing dry, try using a blower. Just be really damn sure not to have anything that sparks because dust explosion. Google it.

If mixing wet, no way in hell. Buy a big-ass commercial dough mixer. You will NOT be able to African-engineer one. Do it right or go home.

>> No.4630304


Godspeed OP, looks like you're going to need it.

>Nice trips.

You fucking idiot. I hope you get permabanned.

>> No.4630320

All you need for a good pizza sauce is this:
- tomato passata (buy it ready or make one yourself), not cooked
- balsamico vinegar
- salt
- pepper
- fresh herbs (basil, oregano, maybe some rosemary) and garlic to taste

Experiment with ratios and you'll get a perfect pizza sauce, herbs and garlic are obviously not obligatory.

>> No.4630339

>OP, just be sure to name your pizza chain "Narcolombia" after the chain in Snow Crash.
This OP. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.4630349


He deleted all my posts too?

What an ass.

>> No.4630859

You can buy tomato paste in bulk in Alkosto

But doing it yourself is best

>> No.4631044

Just how dumb are you? Of course they sell canned peeled tomatos in bulk almost anywhere in the World. You won't find them in your supermarket.

Just google any 'mayorista' in your area or look for canned tomatoes producers. Give them a call and ask where you can buy their stuff.