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File: 26 KB, 300x300, THD-charcoal-vs-propane-300x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4620008 No.4620008 [Reply] [Original]

Is charcoal really better than propane?

>> No.4620010

inb4 hank hill

>> No.4620019


in after latch key kids who watch too much TV

>> No.4620025
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i dont evn watch tv anymore

>> No.4620029
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I mean, as Hank tells us, propane is clean burning, which you can kind of take to mean that propane doesn't impart many flavors, aside from for some, a faint hint of gas. Now charcoal on the other hand can impart a variety of flavors on what you're cooking, depending on how the charcoal was made. There IS a significant difference between the woods, and then you can get a variety of different flavored charcoals. Here in Kentucky, there's a guy that makes some really nice bourbon barrel charcoal, and it does impart that flavor.

Really, it just comes down to "Do I want just the meat taste, or to I want to add something?"

>> No.4620050

I grill infrequently, so when I do I want big grill flavor, so it's always charcoal. If I were in a position to grill every day during the summer propane would make sense.

My bro is something of a grill nut, and he has a large charcoal grill/smoker setup that is his go to, but he keeps a small propane set up for ease in situations where he's not relying on the smoky flavor, and just needs a piece of meat grilled quickly.

>> No.4620054

Yes but much less convenient.

>> No.4620062

For grilling, gas all the way. Better and easier temp control.

For bbq/smoking, charcoal.

>> No.4620074

I've never even met someone who would argue in favor of propane.

>> No.4620245
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>> No.4620253

>not being an advocate for clean burning and environmentally friendly fuel with unmatched versatility

>> No.4620266

Wood smoked with a lighter fruity wood for a sweet, yet not overpowering bark.

>> No.4620267

Charcoal produces better tasting food, but propane is much more convenient.

>> No.4620270

I made a big smile

>> No.4620297

Charcoal is better. More fun and I guess it tastes better. Grilling is like a social thing, sitting around and drinking a beer or two when the coals catch fire is part of the ritual.

>> No.4620300

beer would not be allowed at my party, I want people to only be consuming things that taste good.
I am not going to force anyone to give into the social pressure and drink disgusting pissy bread water just to prove how manly they are

>> No.4620310
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>> No.4620313

Your parties must be so lonely.

>> No.4620314


>> No.4620322


>> No.4620329

>claim opinions other than my own result only from social pressure
>force my opinion on others

Hey pot! I'm kettle.

>> No.4620349

>implying you throw parties
>implying you're invited to any parties
>implying you'd be invited to your own party

>> No.4620384

10 out of fucking 10

>> No.4620409
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help me ive been TROLLED!

>> No.4620584

I grill pretty often so I have a gas grill (yay Weber). It's pretty easy to smoke foods on a gas grill, I do ribs all the time. It's obviously not as good as a wood burning smoker, but I'd say it's the same as charcoal.

>> No.4620591

Wood > wood-started charcoal > propane

Seriously, wood is best and gives you the most flavors. It is easy to start and keep going. It smells better. You can close the lid of the grill and smoke your meats into heavenly perfection as they cook.

>> No.4620594

I agree. I server homemade wine and homemade beer at my parties. Homemade puts store pisswater to shame.

>> No.4620607

Are you implying you can't close the lid on a gas grill friend?

>> No.4620608

I almost just typed a very angry response. Good effort.

>> No.4620609

The key here is the wood smoke. Gas doesn't produce wood smoke.

>> No.4620626

As I said before, you can smoke wood on a gas grill. I do cherry and apple wood chips all the time.

>> No.4620630
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So, you use two separate items to do the same thing 1 item can do? Do you also buy the wood chips?

>> No.4620640

I have the home's natural gas line hooked up to my big Viking range, making it easy to use every day and without hassle.

Tailgating I usually bring out my charcoal grill I made in high school shop, but sometimes just propane if we are just making a few burgers n' dogs with our beer before we go in.

>> No.4620653

Does charcoal have to be used on a grill or could I use it in my oven/on my stove too?

>> No.4620652
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Yea I buy them, I don't have time to go and find them somewhere. I soak them for an hour, throw them in some aluminum foil, put them under the grate and then they smoke. Why don't people realize you can smoke with gas grills?

Pic related, not my grill, but the same model. Cast iron grates and stainless steel everything else.

>> No.4620663


I have a huge supply of apple, plum, cherry, mesquite, hickory, etc. Just about any wood you can think of. I just go out into the woods or the orchard and get what I need. Usually, trimming waste is enough for what I need.

>> No.4620665

>Why don't people realize you can smoke with gas grills?

Obviously, that isn't the point.

>> No.4620674

What is the point then? There's really no benefit to using charcoal.

>> No.4620688

I don't like beer but know better that a cookout on a grill isn't official without at least one beer...

>> No.4620693

Fuck gas and fuck charcoal. WOOD MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.4620694

I would like that, but it's really expensive in the long run for fuel.

>> No.4620708


Dubs speak truth.

Beer is for try hard faggots.

>> No.4620714

I will concede that it can be a locational thing with costs. Wood is free where I live. Gas and charcoal here are prohibitively expensive.

>> No.4620719

I'll grill with this guy, but none of you charcoal fags.

>> No.4620743
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I sure hope you don't mean indoors.

>> No.4620746


What's wrong with doing it in the oven in my kitchen? If there's smoke, I can direct a fan to blow it out the window

>> No.4620764

Do you even rudimentary science?

>> No.4621008

as a smoker I prefer charcoal and wood

>> No.4621038

I have a gas grill because the apartment complex I live in doesn't allow charcoal. But now that I've owned a gas for awhile, I actually almost like it better, as it is a lot easier to get started, the temperature is more consistent, and I think it leaves a cleaner taste of just the meat, which I personally like.

That being said, charcoal tastes great too. I have a small Weber that I take with me to ball games and parks, and I cook on that for those.

>> No.4621494

Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if repost

>> No.4621536


Darwin Award candidate right here folks.

>> No.4622554
File: 51 KB, 500x279, churrasco-assando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shitting me, right annon?

we're not talking about mother nature, we're not in /an/...
it's all about flavor, the smoked flavor of meat, you'll never see a south amerifag making churrasco ou assado withpropane.
Charcoal, here in brazil, it's the base of all barbecue, when you makes use of charcoal, the meat will be smoked while cooks on the grill, ensuring not only the sweet smell of that burning piece of wood, but the flavor... oh that flavor man... you'll never get flavorlike piece...

"Charcoal, that's the way of PROs, that shoud be your way"

>> No.4622562

...except smoking and barbecuing are different things (like grilling and barbecuing are different things).

>> No.4622563

Gas is for know-nothing, inner city, apartment balcony plebs.

Charcoal is for people that think they know what they are doing.

Wood is for dedicated connoisseurs of grilling.

>> No.4622571
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At bbqs I like to serve a bright chardonnay, and perhaps sangria, although...

I'm also an enormous faget.

>> No.4622581
File: 52 KB, 400x300, Maior Churrasco do mundo Paraguay 2008 - 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You right anon, but in this expecific case, thats the closest comparsion i can make to chnge OP mind...
barbecue are different to brazilian churrasco, or other south american "assado" techniques...
also, whe you make a churrasco, the meat will pass by a smoking like process, except the part of being effectively cooked AND the "smoker" isnt closed... but, as i said, that was just to make an easy way to show the charcoal for OP


Agreed annon, but not in all ways... if you doing an argentine outdoor assado, whit 30 or 40 cows, thats the way, but for some 'murica bbq, charcoal will grant all the flavor OP needs...

*pic related, argentine assado

>> No.4622589

>fellow brazilian anon
Didn't expect that.

True dat.
I guess our churrasco is pretty much the same as your BBQ

>> No.4622630

i cant believe you comparing a kinda roast dog'n'burguer with a low heat roasted cow rib, who you can pull the bone with your fingers....

you cant copare this flavors anon... with this oppinion you make clear thats op can use a george foreman without differences...

>> No.4622646

They both have their applications.

If you're grilling you use propane. This is just how it is. You can control temperatures much better and you get a nice even heat.

If you want to smoke or barbecue you can use charcoal.

>> No.4622684

>'murica bbq, charcoal will grant all the flavor OP needs...

Because the OP doesn't know any better.