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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4615763 No.4615763 [Reply] [Original]

okay yo so gotta choose what I'ma plant in my garden, starting from a blank canvas, what shit am I going to have in it?

>inb4 shitty gay ass flowers

I want functional crap, there's already elderflowers, rhubarb and blackcurrants, help me /ck/

>> No.4615786


>> No.4615790

got tobacco growing there too, thanks for reminding me, don't even smoke it

>> No.4615820

Tomatoes, onions, garlic, corn, and bell peppers

>> No.4615821

General gardening tips for anyone looking into gardening:
-Grow what you like to eat and make.
-Preserve your food through fridge, freezer, drying, pickling, water-bath canning, and pressure canning.
-Stagger the times you plant things so you have food coming on all through the season.
-Always plant more than one fruit tree and always plant more than one kind of apple tree; all for good pollination and fruit production.
-Use cold frames, hot beds, tunnels, greenhouses, etc to extend your growing season or grow year round.
-Use companion planting charts to plan out your garden spaces: http://farmtopreschool.org/pdf/2.3_CompanionPlanting_Chart.pdf
-Try gardening planner software: http://www.growveg.com/Default.aspx
-For clay soil, add sand from a non-salt water source (no beach sand!), add organic material like compost, and aged manure.
-Try out container gardening, in-ground "container" gardening where you only till a container-sized place to plant in for each plant, or try raised bed gardening. All these help you control the soil type with minimal work.
-How to garden: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/home-garden/gardening.html
-Need to know what to plant at your time of year and you live in the USA: http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/what-to-plant-now-zl0z0903zalt.aspx
-Don't have ANY room at all for anything? Try growing spouts, in a jar. Google, "How to grow sprouts."
-Want apps for your smart phone for weather, alerts, times to plant, pest/weed ID, etc? Google, "Gardening apps for smart phone."

>> No.4615826

If you live in the USA this is a helpful chart, if you don't live there then I'm sure you can figure out the temps, days to maturity, and days you have between last frost and first frost.

Generally, I recommend growing food you already like to eat and toss in some things you'd like to try. Think about making food. If you love salsa then look up salsa ingredients and grow those vegetables (tomatoes, tomatillos, chillis/peppers, onions, herbs, etc). You love vegetable stew? Then grow potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, herbs, etc.

I posted this, >>4615821 just for anyone else.

>> No.4615921

>mother earth news


>> No.4617871

bump damn it

Anyone starting anything new lately?

>> No.4619166

id say go with familiar veggies first, personally i prefer heirlooms like purple cosmic carrots and cherokee tomatoes, its what you would normally use but more interesting. i would then pick spices you most often use, for me i have bouquet dill growing because i do a great deal of canning and fresh dill when i add it to a soup helps me cut down on extra salt. if you are looking for more versatile plants, i like lemon balm as an easy one to grow along with helping the mood and tasting very good (you can also make jelly from it) or even go for st johns wort as it is also for the mood but has many uses in healing scratches and things like that.
has some wonderful tips
my favorite seed/cutting supplier is Horizon Herbs so i recommend giving them a look out

>> No.4619173

Crocus flowers. Harvest those stigmas. Get that saffron.

>> No.4619177

op speaking of horizon herbs actually think about Ashitabha