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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4611163 No.4611163 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you that maintain a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, do you have your kids follow the same diet? If no kids, do you plan on them being vegetarians? If not, are you okay with preparing meat and them eating it?

>> No.4611174

bump for interest

i eat meat. sometimes. mostly veggies though. and no chicken. no milk (love cheese) almond milk is cool though.

for kids i'll prolly be very veggy oriented, with some meat here and now, but not often, oh and almond milk as soon as they are done with the momma's boobie

>> No.4611188

I don't know if you'll get much responses just because the typical audience on /ck/ isn't the family man type.

I'm not vegetarian or vegan, but if I ever have kids I think it'd actually be a great idea to raise them that way. If they start out vegetarian, will be a breeze the rest of their life. Plus cooking for them would help me eat healthier too. I kinda' wish my parents had done that, since I was fed Happy Meals most of my life, and now have a lot of trouble cutting back on meat even though I know eating it all the time is really bad.

>> No.4611203

I'm a vegetarian who gained stepkids when they were around 7-9 and will cook/prep meat for them, though I honestly just don't like handling meat, so typically leave that to someone else when practical. They're both teens now and can cook meat themselves now. Dinners usually share a common base, like spaghetti and sides, but with a veggie sauce and a meaty sauce, or pizzas with different toppings, two trays of lasagna, or stirfry with the meat cooked separately.

They've always liked several fake meats, too, like fake chicken nuggets or fake meatballs, which can simplify meal prep, but their mom doesn't like the fakes.

>> No.4611205


>Forcing your kids to eat a wholly unnutritious diet, probably stunting their physical development in the process, just to satisfy your holier than thou ego

You people are almost as bad as hamplanet parents.

>> No.4611215

You should do research for what is actually nutritious for a GROWING child. Vegetarian diets can be really lacking in important areas and if you fuck it up you can fuck up your kid for life.

I'm not saying feed them happy meals every day, but there is a balance you can achieve, going meatless isn't the answer.

>> No.4611218

>wholly unnutritious

Please stop trolling

My parents raised me as an omnivore when they were vegetarians, but they were so bad at cooking meat that I generally ate vegetarian food anyway. I made a conscious decision not to eat meat at aged seven, and decided to become vegan at fourteen. I'm twenty one now and I'm still a vegan.

I think letting your child choose is the most important thing. Forcing it on them will just make them rebel later on.

>> No.4611239

Like when you have a baby, you're obviously feeding them breast milk or formula, but for the food do you feed them pureed fruits/veggies or try some pureed meat dishes as well?

>> No.4611252

"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes"

4/10 for trying to start another endless thread of arguing.

>> No.4611264

0/10 for enabling another shitstorm. if people didn't respond to this shit it would never get anywhere

>> No.4611273

Yeah, but hard to tell when someone is flat out trolling, or just ignorant when it comes to nutrition.

>> No.4611277

I guess that's why all those kids breastfeeding from vegan mothers die, huh?

>> No.4611283

I was raised in a similar way. I recommend it for parents. I ended up a chef and a glutton, so we don't always go the same way. On my own I eat vegetarian five days a week though. Ease of preparation and thrift are important.

>> No.4611285


You got into the negatives pretty fast bud.

>> No.4611292

I don't have children but if I decided on becoming a parent, their diets would mostly consist of vegan goods. at my current knowledge I'd find a local farmer to provide me (I mean them) with healthy meat and allow them that maybe once a week. dairy is out of question though.

I can prepare meat, I have done so the last ten years and I'm not a nutty animal lover. I chose veganism mainly for health reasons and appreciate the environmental/ ethical benefits of it as an extra.

>> No.4611299

Lifestyle habits start early, so feeding kids less dairy and meat is great. Most parents try to make their kids mirror images of themselves, so if the parent has a shitty diet and is downing McDonald's and Dairy Queen all day, then the kid is stuck eating that too.

>> No.4611313

>hurrrr religion is dogma LAIF!!!!!

I will wait for the person to say the stupid DEY RNT DAH SEMEZ MANG!!!!!

>> No.4611314

I was raised on fast food and a lot of dairy and my mother is very vocal about her love of animal protein. still, one summer I suddenly found myself disgusted with animal flesh and a year later turned to veganism without much of a hassle.

given, I was already 21 when my hamburger brain finally realised what I was doing.

>> No.4611321

this should be considered.

growing children as well as the pregnant mother even before receiving have special nutritional needs that require a bit more study on what to eat on a vegan diet.

>> No.4611319

>not letting your children decide on their own what they want to eat
>not eating meat during pregnancy so that they don't hate it when they come out and have a choice in whether they want to eat it or not(theres been a study done on babies not liking foods if their mother didnt eat it during pregnancy)

>> No.4611325

Yeah, nearly all vegans and vegetarians grow up eating lots of meat and dairy but make the switch later on in life. Still, people that make those kinds of lifestyle changes are the minority imo. Most of us stick with what we've been taught since we were kids. That's why teaching children about recycling, etc. is so important. Old dogs can learn new tricks, but not all of them are willing to.

>> No.4611328

>not letting your children decide on their own what they want to eat
Because all you need if for that one family friend, relative or baby sitter to feed him McDonald's and you're fucked for life.

>> No.4611331

>conscious decision
>aged seven
>with vegetarian parents

Yeah, no.

>> No.4611335

Shouldn't be any harder for a vegan pregnant woman to get all her nutritional needs than an omnivore woman. Pregnant women usually get put on pre-natal vitamins anyway.

>> No.4611339

If a decision isn't conscious just because there are sociological influences, then there is no such thing as a conscious decision.

>> No.4611365

Sure, you got the point. Just as with religion, there is no "conscious decision" for a minor regarding to what food he wants to eat. In the same way a kid will never "chose" their religion.
But that is just my opinion, and if it worked out good for you ( >>4611218 ) I am glad.
I just think that bias and sociological influence dictate more in our lives than we want to admit.

>> No.4611367

>pre-natal vitamins
oh, I didn't know that. do women take these throughout the whole pregnancy?

>> No.4611373

I never really 'knew' my parents were vegetarian, if that makes sense. I never talked about it or anything, I just never saw them eat meat and I thought they were just saving it for me or something. I was a pretty smart seven year old.

>> No.4611407

yeah, they're kind of standard now, but they're starting to say they don't really make much difference.

>> No.4611415

I think they're only important before you get pregnant (if you're trying) and during the first trimester when you discover you're pregnant to keep shit like spina bifida from forming .

>> No.4611435

Pre-natal vitamins work great, because during fetal development there are multiple critical periods, in which if the baby doesn't get X amount of Y nutrient, they are forever screwed and the damage can't be undone.

Prenatal vitamins aren't necessary if your diet is giving you all you need, but since that isn't usually the case it's safer for doctors just to have pregnant women on prenatal vitamins.

>> No.4611452

My boyfriend plans on doing this for our kid.
He's been a vegetarian all his life (father converted to Hinduism and had wife follow same route), and I'll be eating less and less meat once we move in together.
He's told me about a time his uncle forced him to try meat and he was throwing up for a week.
I'd just prefer that my kid won't have as weak a stomach as his father in case he wants to eat meat. And I know my mom and other relatives will want to stuff the kid, since stuffing guests is a huge part of my culture. I'm also a huge foodie, so I want my kid to experience all the joys of food like I do.
And I hope to god he doesn't have as bland a taste as my boyfriend when it comes to food. If it has more than one flavor or any strong flavor, he won't enjoy it at all.
> CAPTCHA: unfacts married

>> No.4611462

All I heard from vegans is the apex fallacy, using the worst types of meat to justify their relentless need to be ermahgawd halthay. You're deluded and blindsided.

>> No.4611459

>Father Hinduism
>If it has more than one flavor or any strong flavor
Does your boyfriend not eat Indian food? That's the godtier of vegetarian food.

>> No.4611467

Wow that is almost like how some people hate certain things because they were prepared badly, and refuse to try it ever again because of the first experience.

>> No.4611469

Just eat as much of a variety of foods as you can while pregnant and he should be fine.

>> No.4611472

To be fair, some people simply dislike the taste of meat. As a kid my parents could never get me to eat meat, didn't matter what great restaurants they took me to or recipes they made.

>> No.4611482

He's Colombian. His meals are pretty much the same every day
BREAKFAST: empenada, cheese, three slices of whole grain bread, four eggs or two/three bowls of cereal
BRUNCH: if he has the cereal for breakfast, he'll have a brunch with the eggs
LUNCH: two sandwiches with cheese, butter, sometimes lettuce and tomato.
DINNER: a huge fucking plate of rice mixed with eggs and chickpeas, a side that can be potatoes, salted salad (doesn't like dressing), spinach with mango salsa, but most times, it's just roasted potatoes.
He'll have a nighttime snack of we're up late that's either more bread or some yogurt.

>> No.4611485

Vegetarian for almost 5 years at this point. The reason I don't eat meat is because I just don't like eating or handling meat. I guess if they want to eat meat that's up to them. I really wouldn't like cooking the meat for them, but if it's really what they want then sure.

>> No.4611488

Once I live with him, all red meat will be cut off except for special occasions (wedding parties, visiting certain relatives).
I'll be left with poultry and seafood.
Can't eat seafood while pregnant, and I get tired of chicken every now and then.

>> No.4611507
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Assuming they didn't go sterile from lack of nutrition they'd probably raise kids that have an even worse case of being manlets/skinnyfat.

>> No.4611546

Don't have kids yet, but yeah I'd have them follow my diet, maybe giving something meaty every so often as a treat just like you would do with candy or ice cream. Most of the world does this. Meals centered around rice or some other starch, vegetables on the side, and fruits for snacks. I wish I was raised like that and had that head start on health

>> No.4611547

My coworker had her daughter thinking raisins were candy.

>> No.4611548
File: 44 KB, 250x220, 1262918583662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>from lack of nutrition

You're telling me people who focus their diet on plant foods, where vitamins and minerals come from, lack nutrients?

>> No.4611657

Unfortunately nutrition isn't really taught in the US, so we have people believing shit like Got Milk commercials as their source of information.

>> No.4611694


>what are essential amino acids

>> No.4611703


We eat plants, we get amino acids, and we synthesize our own

>> No.4611709
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You don't really think plant-based foods don't have essential amino acids, do you? You're more likely to become nutritionally deficient eating lots of meat than you are eating lots of vegan foods. 0 fiber or phytochemicals in meat, and little vitamins and minerals compared to plant foods.

Only nutrient not found in plant foods is B12, but it's in so many products that it's not an issue. Almond milk, dairy-free butter, you name it.

>> No.4611733


It's also important to point out that B12 isn't an animal-produced vitamin and is actually made by gut bacteria. In the modern world, the way we wash and cook all of our food before eating it gets rid of this bacteria, and the healthiest source of B12 now is in the form of a supplement. Even people who eat meat are advised to take B12 supplements, as B12 deficiency still happens to them too

>> No.4611742

>synthesize our own
So you don't, in fact, know what essential amino acids are.

>> No.4611745

>You're more likely to become nutritionally deficient eating lots of meat than you are eating lots of vegan foods.
That's a strawman if I ever saw one. Humans aren't carnivores.

>> No.4611751


Just mentioning that as a side. We can get the essentials from plants easily and we synthesize the other amino acids ourselves

>> No.4611756

You: 1
My reading comprehension: 0

>> No.4611757


I think what he's saying is if you focus your diet on meat and neglect plant foods, you're more likely to have deficiencies. A lot of people do this. You can't be on an all meat diet and be healthy, you have to supplement it with plant foods. But if you're on an all plant diet, you have everything you need. I don't get why people say you need meat and dairy for a "balanced diet" when it's already balanced without it

>> No.4611765
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I don't get why people say you need meat and dairy for a "balanced diet" when it's already balanced without it

Because the meat and dairy industry spends billions of dollars trying to promote that thinking.

>> No.4611802

Ah yes, advertising: the true education system.

>> No.4611810

But those industries promote unhealthy eating that's not just meat and dairy.

>> No.4611840

Yeah, Cargill is involved in a lot of stuff, palm oil etc. But meat and dairy is the backbone of most of those industries.

>> No.4611856

I don't respect people that don't eat meat.
I actually dislike you as a person and I generally try to avoid the mentally ill
Vegetarians, gays, anything of the sort

>> No.4611882

I'm a vegetarian, because i was a picky kid, and i didn't liked meat. But, all my brothers and sisters are meat-eaters.
And my partner also like meat.
So, i plan on having kids (one day), but i will be okay to give them meat and cook meat for them. I mean, i even try right now to cook meat for my friend, because i'm the one who cooks the most, and i would be glad i there was some book about cooking meat without tasting it, because it is really difficult for me. Maybe my kids will have to eat a fewer meat, but i wouldn't oppose myself to it.

>> No.4611894


Not in the proper proportions, no

if you eat enough of the limiting AAs it ultimately doesn't matter, but still

>> No.4611920

>fake chicken nuggets
>implying there are chicken nuggets made with actual meat

>> No.4611961
File: 193 KB, 500x401, So-Delicious-Coconut-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omnivore here. I definitely won't give my kids cow's milk. Shit is poison.

>> No.4612173

What ARE chicken nuggets made from? Especially the McDonald's kind. Scared for myself.

>> No.4612189

You don't have to follow it religiously.
Taste the meal you're cooking. It's still got meat in it and it's still been slaughtered and it'll still be eaten.

Unless you still don't like the taste of meat to this day, there's not much reason not to do it.

>> No.4612209

>He's told me about a time his uncle forced him to try meat and he was throwing up for a week.
>I'd just prefer that my kid won't have as weak a stomach as his father in case he wants to eat meat.

The mix of different bacteria in the gut's "flora" play a critical role in digestion. Their relative populations grow and shrink depending on what you eat. For someone who stops eating meat for months, then resumes eating it again, digestive problems are very normal until the gut flora adjusts to the dietary change. Presumably the same would happen with milk or grains.

>> No.4612219

Isn't this a myth? I forget all the details from nutrition class, but I believe there aren't any specific enzymes for breaking meat, it's just for breaking down protein. So people can stop eating meat for years, and will still break it down fine. Milk is a different case since it requires a specific enzyme, lactase, to digest.

>> No.4612225

Enzymes =/= endobacteria. Seriously.

>> No.4612251

Honestly, I'm a vegetarian [but extremely cheaty] purely because I'm tired of meat main courses. I use bacon grease and bacon and stuff such as that for flavoring dishes but if I ever have kids? I want them to try everything. I dont want picky fucking eaters. I'm not going to leash them down to my own life choices. Its important to get them used to different foods.

Then again I dont try and preach people into "oh you should go vegetarian!" since I work in the food service industry and i know how fucking annoying those cunts are..

>> No.4612261

I don't have kids yet, and I'm fully aware that my plans will probably go out the window under the stresses of parenthood. However, I plan to have my kids eat pretty much the same diet that I do. I'm a vegan at home, but when I'm with family or friends that cook for me, I eat whatever they make. I went to a wedding earlier this month and enjoyed the fuck out of my prime rib. I hate assholes that make a big show of being vegan when they're in public. Just be thankful that someone cooked for you and eat it with grace. I don't think that you have to completely abstain from meat to be healthy. I think most people just eat way too much of it. I'll be more concerned about my kids consuming dairy (aside from titty milk) than meat. If my kids sat me down and said "dad, we've had enough of this vegan bullshit and we want some fucking steak," I'd probably give them steak. The only thing I will actively not allow is processed junk food and fast food.

>> No.4612270

lel, 6'4 200lb here
vegetarian parents
still veggie

u mad ecks dee

>> No.4612275

>what is combing sources
>what is hemp
>what is soy

>> No.4612278

>Just be thankful that someone cooked for you and eat it with grace
If a food is strongly against your principles, I say you have a right to reject it. This not only applies to vegans, but to anyone. I love meat, but when shark fin soup was served at a Chinese friend's wedding I didn't eat it. People should always step up to the plate for their beliefs, not just try to fit with the majority. Things never change for the better if no one says anything.

>> No.4612313

But he has never eaten meat except for that time his uncle forced him to. What happens to it then?
If our kid's veggie and wants to eat meat, I'll probably have him eat tiny bits of fish and give him more of it to eat as time goes. Then go to other types of fish, then poultry, then onto red meats.
Would that work?

>> No.4612320

General discussion: /r9k/

General shitposting: /b/

Please pick one.

>> No.4612321

If he feels like shit whenever he eats meat, I doubt he'll want to eat it.

>> No.4612344


what is your ethnicity? I can get if you are black or asian since they can't digest that shit but if you're white stop being a fag got.

>> No.4612373

I'm white and bad milk digestion is in my blood.

>> No.4612377

Lactose intolerance is hardly universal outside of Caucasian populations, it's just more common. I'm east asian and I like my cow tit juice just fine.

>> No.4612801

vegan here.
I have 2 kids (4 and 6 years old) and they both eat red meat 1 day a week (always organic), chicken at least 1 day a week and fish 2 days a week.
As far as the nutritional value of meat goes, there is a lot that science still doesnt know. There is, however, a lot of anecdotal evidence that suggests meat greatly helps brain and body development. And they enjoy it.

>> No.4612808

>anecdotal evidence
Like what? Statistically, vegetarians live longer, have 25% less risk of dying from disease, and 20% less risk of cancer. There's no science saying meat is needed for brain and body development.

>> No.4612832

>Statistically, vegetarians live longer, have 25% less risk of dying from disease, and 20% less risk of cancer.

those statistics are skewed due to the large amount of people whom have no regard for their health and just happen to eat meat.. and whatever else they can get from the $1 menu.
It's possible to eat meat and live a long and healthy life.

>There's no science saying meat is needed for brain and body development.
Plenty of historical evidence to suggest that societies with high-vegetable, low-meat diets are physically under development.

Regardless. I respect my children enough to let them choose whether they want to eat meat or not. At the moment, they enjoy it and eat it moderately enough where any health risks are minimal.

>> No.4612847

>Plenty of historical evidence
Such as? Every diet sucked, historically. Life expectancy was very low, malnourishment and diseases rampant. Meat wasn't the deciding factor, it was nutrients. Now adays, we have no problem getting every nutrient we need, be it a vegetarian diet or not.

>> No.4612888

My wife just had kid #1.
I'm omni but have been working towards one veg meal every day.
I imagine I'll be feeding my kids the same way.

I hear so, so many stories of parents feeding their kids whatever the kid will eat. Like chicken nugs 7 days a week. I figured they were bad parents but now I know so many of them, maybe I'm unaware of how hard it is to control your kid's diet. How I grew up, you ate what you wanted on your plate and that was it and I think that's probably a healthy deal for parent and child.

>> No.4612907

Thank you for respecting your children's choices.

>> No.4612982

man this is retarded. A fucking website is not a scientific study. Go be an ignoramous somewhere else. I can link you to stuff that says MSG is bad, evolution is wrong, and crystals determine the origin of the universe. Link me something valuable, not something from a website obviously designed to tell you what to do, rather than provide information.

>> No.4612996

>>shits poison
>>gives them fucking coconut milk
>>one of the most unhealthy fluids you can drink, right next to bacon grease and corn syrup.

You may as well eat nothing but meat. Enjoy your high blood pressure and cholesterol. Coconut milk is something you drink a few times a year, consuming it regularly is terrible for you.

>> No.4613020


>Plenty of historical evidence to suggest that societies with high-vegetable, low-meat diets are physically under development.

Every single major, successful civilization in history based their diet on starches. The idea of everybody in the world eating meat all the time back in the day is a Hollywood creation. The mayans had corn and quinoa, the south americans had potatoes, the romans had barley, the africans had millet, egypt had wheat, and of course asia had rice. Those are the historical foods that nations were built upon. Meat was what royalty ate, it wasn't a big staple of the diet of the general public

>> No.4613026

You're talking about ease of stabilizing a food source for a large population. Starches are not an ideal dietary base, far from it. It just so happens that they're better than nothing, and easy to store.

>> No.4613029


I hate seeing this argument brought up because the people who bring them up never have any idea what they're talking about. You don't need to pay careful consideration to the proteins you're eating, you don't need soy and hemp and other shit like that, you just need to eat more than a single type of food. Every food you eat is going to have amino acids and they're all going to combine and do their thing in your body. Your body's protein needs are also a lot lower than you would think. If you manage to get yourself protein deficient, it's almost guaranteed that you're starving yourself and aren't getting enough of anything else either.

>> No.4613035


>Starches are not an ideal dietary base, far from it

Starch sources are associated with lots of carbohydrates for energy, fiber, protein, and minerals. It's easy to see why they're the backbone of civilization's diets. Add in some vegetables and you've got a great nutritional profile.

>> No.4613042

>vegetarian step-parent

>> No.4613054


What? That kind of coconut milk is like 2% coconut, 98% water. And I think you're confusing the medium-chain saturated fat in coconut with the long-chain saturated fat in animal products

>> No.4613064

>have friend in highschool that was raised vegetarian
>family are all radical liberals that have dragged their kids to protests and democratic conventions since birth
>kids are treehuggers, friend wears lesbian sandals and is obsessed with politics/animals/anything "green"
>their house is too clean, like a hotel
>find out through years of friendship that they all had severe issues, dad was controlling and abusive, exercised the kids to exhaustion, friend had eating disorder, depression, and horrible body issues
>confessed to me that she felt superior to meat eaters and always looked down on them (even me)

>> No.4613066

Again, I would not call them a backbone, at least, not in a simple one-fix-for-all kind of way. Starches are an integral part of a good diet, but should not be looked at as a base or platform. Most people consume way too much starch as it is, particularly refined, but even the elimination of refined starches and simple sugars is no guarantee of not eating too much starch. Ideal amounts for a normalized sustaining diet would be about 1/3 of a diet, and then only if sourced primarily through whole grain and fibrous vegetables. Higher physical activity with the desire to maintain build can allow for higher ratios, but not by much.

>> No.4613072

didn't even read the rest of the thread, but what you quoted and your response to it aren't even related. You literally didn't make an argument other than "poor people used to eat it" which is basically what the sentence you quoted stated too. Take Japan for example. In recent years meat consumption has increased by leaps and bounds and so has their height. They were obviously physically underdeveloped due to their restricted diet previously. It's happening in developing nations every day. You can't just argue that fact away.

>> No.4613080
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And what happens if you eat too much starch? Besides being able to conquer your enemies


Show me some studies

>> No.4613091

not that guy and not going to spoonfeed you, but it's common knowledge that people like the dutch and the scandinavians (tallest by average people) owe their height to their excessively milk- and cheese-based diet.

tl;dr: get raised primarily on animal protein and grow tall

>> No.4613094

decreased arterial function, weight gain, possibly leading into diabetes
Over-consumption of a singular source, or low-fiber sources, can lead to other nutritional deficiencies of a wide variety, depending on sources, while increasing the afore mentioned effects of general over-consumption of starches.
If the ratio is extremely out-of-whack, macro deficiencies can occur.

>> No.4613095


>not that guy and not going to spoonfeed you, but it's common knowledge

Don't cop me out.

> that people like the dutch and the scandinavians (tallest by average people) owe their height to their excessively milk- and cheese-based diet.

Why completely ignore geological and cultural factors? Next you'll tell me the Chinese have squinty eyes because they didn't eat enough meat and cheese to keep them open all the way

>> No.4613099

>Don't cop me out.
how do i into search engines?
>Why completely ignore geological and cultural factors?
why completely overlook the fact they historically relied heavily on animal products due to geological and cultural factors?

>> No.4613105


Search me up some studies then, if you want to prove the point you're trying to make. Otherwise you're just making up bullshit

>why completely overlook the fact they historically relied heavily on animal products

Because it's not nearly enough to cause that change. Genetics are the #1 cause, genetics come from natural selection, natural selection changes its targets depending on surroundings and circumstances

>> No.4613107
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>> No.4613125

don't forget tooth problems
no, not just decay, but physical wear, which anthropologists use to help determine social class

>> No.4613134
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Those who will reign over this planet are both omnivores, carnivores and herbivores.

We're taking over.

>> No.4613241

Humans are starchivores, though. Carbohydrates are the ideal food for humans. I eat an 80/10/10 diet and feel great for it. I eat mainly fruits and vegetables, and supplement it with rice when I can't afford to just eat delicious fruit all day.

What judges someone being 'underdeveloped' and 'developed'? Couldn't it be seen from the perspective that Japanese people are now 'overdeveloping'?


If that is the case, why are Slavs so much shorter than Germanic people?

>> No.4613257


I understand this, but I'm talking about not throwing a fucking shit fit when my friend's mother makes lasagna. Not every dinner table needs to be a battlefield.