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4592602 No.4592602 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw loads of people don't like fish

I figure this must be one of the most widespread unpopular foods in the world.

And this is why...

Unlike most meats, it is always important that fish is eaten fresh. For most types of fish and shellfish there is a very small window in which they can be eaten; usually 1-2 days after catching. Beyond this window it will acquire that 'fishy' taste which so many despise. Unfortunately for most people, the fish they experienced growing up was not fresh. School dinners are the main reason for this; even the best schools serve fish that is non-fresh or frozen. I remember always avoiding the fish dishes whenever they were put out.

Because of this, a huge proportion of people have grown up believing that fish is an unpleasant thing to eat, all because they were fed fish that was well past its prime.

For those of you who dislike fish because of this, I urge you to find some truly fresh fish from a reputable fishmonger, or visit a restaurant that you know sources the very freshest fish. You may find that fish is worth eating after all.

When I can get it, a fillet of line-caught fish, lightly baked and served simply with sea salt and potatoes is one the finest meals there is.
Give fish a chance.

>> No.4592623

I agree with you OP, but it's also because a lot of fish is harder to cook right. It's very easy to overcook.

also, keep your fish under ice at all times.

and if it's starting to smell, soak it in milk for an hour before rinsing and cooking.

>> No.4592624

I'm with you OP. Before my brother and I were born my father was a fishing guide in Louisiana. We grew up on fishing and fresh fish. When I ate things like fish burgers at school, fishsticks, fish at a non-local restaurant, it tasted like shit, and I still can't eat non-fresh fish.

>> No.4592629

I fucking LOVE fish.
Its just gay as hell that its so expensive where I live. (Mideast USA, no ocean for miles :( )

Its one of the very, very few things I miss about living in Florida.
There was glorious fish and crab everywhere, for dirt cheap.
I can still eat fish when I want, but its usually 2 or 3 times more expensive than chicken or beef.

>> No.4595409
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I still feel sick when I think of the fish and chips they used to serve at my school. It was just so... slimy

>> No.4595419

I fish 3-4 times a week (recreational) and catch hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fish a year and I can't stand eating the slimy fuckers.

>> No.4595429

Could be, OP. I'm not in a place where I can get it fresh. I'll make a point to try it if I can.

>> No.4595436

A good way of cooking fish is steaming them you know, it makes the oil run off into the dish and the meat is white and puffy. No need to debone, you simply slide the meat off the bones along with the skin. Fucking fantastic

>> No.4595443

I find this hard to believe unless you just throw them back or give them to relatives or something.

>> No.4595445

Florida fag here
This makes a lot of sense OP. i never understood everyones aversion to fish on here but the fact that theyve never had a fresh one is extremely likely.

>> No.4595447

Catch and release. Believe it, baby.

>> No.4595449

Good on you m8. As long as you dont mangle the hell out of the fish ill catch later and eat I dont mind a bit.

>> No.4595466

I do always take their eyes in exchange for their lives. But they know how the game is played.

>> No.4595490

Just buy frozen fish.

>> No.4595507
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>> No.4595514

Grew up spitting distance from the sea, first in Southern Europe, then in the south Pacific. The furthest I've ever lived from an ocean is right now: 95km/60mi inland. Not far at all.

I love the piss out some fish. Fried, baked, stewed, etc: don't matter. Love it.

>> No.4595526

I grew up in Miami and I hate fish. I've caught dolphin and cooked it 12 hours later and still don't like it.

>> No.4595532

Dolphin aren't fish bro.
Unless you are retarded and are referring to dolphinfish.

>> No.4595542

My grandmother used to have a pond full of these catfish out at her house, and every year on the fourth of July we would go out, catch 4-8 fish (depending on size), gut them, clean them, and fry them up.
We'd also make french fries, hush puppies, okra, etc. etc.
It was wonderful.

>> No.4595544

Only Hawaiians and fags call dolphin mahi and I doubt you are Hawaiian.

>> No.4595548

They had that "fishy" taste. Did not taste like the grilled redfish or fried catfish we ate. The offshore fish he brought home sometimes were fucking delicacies. Wahoo, tuna, etc. I'm sad he died running a marathon.

>> No.4595553

But i didn't call it mahi mahi, i called it dolphinFISH. If you just say dolphin then people will think you are talking about dolphins. You stupid nigger.

>> No.4595559

No, most of the time when you say dolphin to anyone near the coast who actually eats fish knows you're talking about mahi when you say "I had some dolphin".

The people who think you are talking about literal dolphins are the stupid ones, nigger.

>> No.4595568

That's too bad because actual dolphin tastes delicious and i would rather eat it than dolphinfish.
Enjoy being prohibited from eating dolphins by hippies.

>> No.4595596

I agree. I see these fuckers every day in greater tampa and they're all assholes

>> No.4595598
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It's not the hippies - don't piss off dolphins

>> No.4595601

You have no idea. They rape humans for fun.

>> No.4595816

i lol'd

>> No.4595842

I never thought of it that way OP, but sounds about right. I've been trying to introduce fish to me and my family with little success, but the only thing I have in this area is frozen stuff.

I remember eating fresh fish as a kid, but even then, it was nasty bottom feeder trash from a nasty ass river near my house. Same concept, I never liked fish.

>> No.4595862

Not even salmon?

I can't imagine anybody disliking fresh, well made salmon.

>> No.4595948

I'm pretty jelly of your childhood anon, that sounds like a neat setup
RIP to your based fisherman dad

>> No.4595966


For any freshwater fish other than salmon or trout, farm raised is better than wild caught. This is especially true of things like catfish where the ph of the water and variables in the diet can make the fish taste awesome or fucknasty.

>> No.4595967

How hard is it to get fresh fish in inland areas? I imagine if you lived in a village in the Midwest it would be near to impossible.
What about big inland cities like Denver?

>> No.4596175

fresh frozen... big difference

>> No.4596216
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D-did he die of the dehydration?

>> No.4596236


>> No.4596239

Heart attack. His electrolytes were apparently fucked up. It was weird, despite being predisposed to heart disease he was in the best shape of his life at that point, but I was told his calcium/sodium was all off.

Remember, don't drink too much gatorade/sports drinks/"energy supplements".

>> No.4596242

Sorry, heart attack at the finish line in front of a hospital emergency room. Dead before he hit the ground.

>> No.4596253

Freshwater fish like walleye is possible in spots, but unless there is a place where they fly it in (we had one years ago) its slim pickings. Besides, OP seems right, fish is not as in demand in the Midwest, except on Friday nights. There are places that catch smelt when it runs, but so many inland waterways are polluted or over fished

>> No.4596289

I avoid fish and everything that come from the sea in general because that place is not clean my guy and because fish has a shit taste too.

>> No.4596297

I hate fish.

I love going to the coast and eating fish though.

Some of the best shrimp I'll ever have only takes me an hour drive to get. I love being in the NC coastal plains.

>> No.4596433

>Girlfriend is Brahmin, raised in Vegetarian household and has only ever eaten meat unknowingly
>Her entire perception of fish as a food is based on the Gollum chapters from Lord of the Rings

>> No.4596556

I have tried seafood so many times and never like it to any avail.
The only stuff I do like is shrimp, crab, and lobster. Everything else just tastes too briny for me.

>> No.4596577

Farm fish doesn't have as 'fishy' a taste as their wild brethren. I love farm raised, fried catfish.

>> No.4596583


Same here. My parents were from Crotia so growing up I got to experience their love of pickled/canned/preserved forms of fish all the damn time. And, to top it off, they didn't like throwing things away if there was even a little bit left in the can/jar. Sometimes, they would forget about their cans of sardines, or their pickled herring in mayo and onion in the fridge and they would smell.

Oh god would they smell. And then they would pull them out and eat them in the kitchen.

Where I would smell them yet again.

I honestly cannot even be around fishy smells now for an extended period of time. It will make me nauseous almost immediately. Which is funny because I love rainbow trout fishing, and I can make a mean smoked salmon with my electric smoker, but I just can't get past even the slightest fishy smell.

>> No.4596605

There are a couple of markets here that have tanks of catfish. If you want one, they just kill it on the spot for you. It's pretty convenient.

I wouldn't eat wild catfish - could have eaten some corpse for all I know. Bottomfeeders, man.

>> No.4596614

Can't stand shellfish and such, and the one time I caught a freshwater fish it was horrible.

>> No.4598207

What is so unclean about the sea? Yeah it's an organic soup but so is soil. Do you avoid soil produce as well?

>> No.4599100

I dont eat fish because of the abominable volume of
1) mercury and
2) bycatch

>> No.4601195
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>not eating fish raw and wriggling

>> No.4601204

It's not just freshness, it's how the fish carcass was cleaned and prepared.

>> No.4601212

> figure this must be one of the most widespread unpopular foods in the world.


>> No.4601233

tfw the only fish I'll eat is salmon and tuna

>tfw pleb

>> No.4601261

I'd say fish is universally disliked by picky eaters. You know, the ones that will only eat kraft macaroni and chocolate chip cookies.

>> No.4601262


>> No.4601301

fish lover here, frozen fish isn't anywhere near as bad as "old" fish.