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4595199 No.4595199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Spring semester there was a van parked on campus with a sign, "Get paid $1--Watch a 4 minute video." Free money? Count me in! So I went, and it was a video about factory farming, and inhumane treatment of the 10 billion animals we slaughter in the US each year. This is the video: http://www.10billionlives.com

I've never really given a shit about animals. Heck, I would eat dog and cat no problem, but the video stuck in my head. Researched the meat industry as much as I could the following weeks, and then decided last month to step up to the plate and go meatless. First week took a little adjusting, as I had never consciously thought about what to eat before, but I soon got the hang of it and really loved the new variety of foods I was eating.

So, since that was successful I want to try my hand as veganism. Does anyone with experience have tips/recommendations/recipes/products for ditching dairy and eggs from my diet? Really looking forward to the adventure.

>> No.4595204

Thanks for creating another shitposting festival, asshole.

>> No.4595207

Veganism is stupid

Purchasing quality meat or free-range gets rid of the cornfed bloat.
I don't care what animals feel, they don't think.

>> No.4595213

>take dollar
>watch video
>go to McD
>come back with hamburger
>ask to watch again for another dollar
>repeat until full

>> No.4595217

>Free money? Count me in!

ITT OP learns there's no such thing as a free lunch.

>> No.4595218

just report it. Sage won't be as effective as you'd hope, since most people on /ck/ use catalogue to find threads, not the front page

>> No.4595225

>I don't care what animals feel, they don't think.
Pigs are one of the most intelligent species on the planet, smarter than even infant humans. I'm fine with eating meat, but to say other species don't think is just downright incorrect. Neuroscience can't even aptly define "thought," or what it entails biologically, and there is no way to quantify or qualify the thoughts of the homo sapiens brain, let alone the brains of other mammals.

>> No.4595234

Thanks for creating another worthless reply. If someone wants to talk about vegan food, who gives a shit. This is a food and cooking forum, and people can discuss any food-related diet they want. If you aren't interested, don't reply.

>> No.4595236

I lol'd

(saged for shit thread, though.)

>> No.4595237
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>Does anyone with experience have tips/recommendations/recipes/products for ditching dairy and eggs from my diet?

What worked for me is just simply not eating them. After I stopped eating meat, milk, cheese, eggs, etc, eventually I just didn't even want them anymore. They don't register as "food" to me now, which is also what happened when I gave up processed foods. Your brain adapts to what you give it, so if you stop giving it that stuff, it'll eventually say "fuck it, let's just focus on those other things then."

But I gotta say, I hate when people think veganism just about the cruel treatment of animals. In all the research I've done, I've come to the conclusion that animal products are not good for humans to eat, and it's scary how much money gets spent to try to make you think it is. Most studies about the benefits of dairy are funded and overseen by the dairy industry themselves. The meat industry spends billions of dollars a year on advertisemen. As meat consumption goes up around the world, so does heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arteriosclerosis, osteoperosis, etc. Best thing to do is just jump out of that trap, eat healthy plant-based foods, and hope other people follow along. You'll see on this board most people will just get mad about it though

>> No.4595238

>I base the amount of compassion I feel based on the intelligence of the recipient of my compassion.

people like you make me sick.

>> No.4595239

Pigs would eat you in a nanosecond. Animals do not give a fuck about your feelings or life. If cows had claws and teeth, they would hunt you down and murder you for a meal.

>> No.4595243


And yet even the stupidest fucking baby will be smarter than the most intelligent pig within 3 years.

>> No.4595244
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>Animals do not give a fuck about your feelings or life. If cows had claws and teeth, they would hunt you down and murder you for a meal.

That must be why all those dogs are always killing and eating people

>> No.4595249

So what you're saying is, thought is irrelevant because it is currently too poorly defined to be used as a measurement?

>> No.4595252

dogs have been bred to act this way.
Undomesticated dogs(and some domesticated dogs) do attack humans

>> No.4595262
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>mfw there've been several people killed by dogs in my area in the past several months.

Get fucked you moron. Of course dogs can and will kill you in the right circumstances.

>> No.4595264

Yeah like humans have been consuming meat or only like a few million years.
And vegans have been around for like 50 long years.


>> No.4595265

>hurr don't step on that mosquito it's an intelligent creature

I like animals.
I think they should be respected and their species preserved.
But it's stupid to imply we shouldn't eat them; it's the natural chain of life.

>> No.4595267

You. You I like.

>> No.4595268

Plenty of animals have been documented aiding members of their own species/other species, even when there is no benefit to themselves.

And pigs are actually incredibly affectionate. My girlfriend in high school had a pet pig, he was more loving than my lap dog.

>> No.4595269

Or you know... getting off your fat ass and running a couple laps?

You can eat garbage, as long as you exercise regularly shit don't matter.

>> No.4595270

I'm on the raw diet for two weeks cause I need to lose some weight and hopefully the added fiber in my body will clean out my intestines.

I don't see anything wrong with going vegan for a while, but all this propaganda against meat and production of meat is such hypocritical bullshit. Next time you're on a highway driving past an "organic" farm that has all those truck fumes nicely settling over all those healthy vegetables, think about all this bullshit. We're past a point of no return here folks, people need to eat and there's a hell of a lot of people in the world, we're lucky enough that governments don't ration out food to us like they do in Cuba and a few other countries around the world.

>> No.4595273


A few thousand years from now, people like you will look back and go "cigarettes are good for you, people have been doing it for thousands of years." Meat consumption was not always a regular thing, and for the most part almost never happened before the stone age. Early man evolved to live on starches, which is why we have so much amylase in our saliva compared to other primates. That's our evolutionary niche as humans

>> No.4595279

>it's the natural chain of life
Rape, murder, stealing, etc. are all also natural parts of life, generated through evolution. Natural =/= right

>> No.4595280
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>You can eat garbage, as long as you exercise regularly shit don't matter

That's not how things work. Running around isn't going to save you from cancer, that's up to your diet

>> No.4595281

>Industrially farmed animals have it worse than animals in the wild
That's where your whole idea falls apart.
>Scientists get research grants from the industry, they're corrupt!
Research scientists are the top professionals in their field. They could get salaries which dwarf research grants if they chose to work in industry. Nobody goes into academia for the money.

>> No.4595288

> compassion

Compassion is the tastiest cut of pig. Brb, I'm going to go fry up some compassion.

>> No.4595289

>inb4 assumptions that animals dislike conditions because humans would find them unappealing
They're not hunted, and they're fed. That's just about all it takes to keep a cow happy.
The bird's brain is basically a human brainstem. A chicken doesn't have the mental faculty to be upset about its immobility.

>> No.4595287

What you listed were consequences like obesity and diabetes.
Everything in your original post can be prevented with exercise.

That being said, we barely know how cancer happens, obviously licking batteries isn't good, but I don't think having a chocolate bar is going to suddenly make me cancerous.

>> No.4595296

So natural organic produce != right.

I agree, since I'm not some sort of wanker that wants to watch half the world starve due to baseless superstition

>> No.4595298

But you're missing the point! He FEELS the animals are being mistreated! That's worse than a murderrape!

>> No.4595306

Holy fuck, "clean out my intestines"

I know you're trying to do right by your body, but I hope you're not one of those people who goes on "intestinal cleanses" with green tea and stupid shit like that.

Go read up on human biology and digestion, it's not like there's shit caking the insides of your intestines and has to be roto reutered every month. Just balance your diet to have more fiber or at least take fiber supplements.

Don't spend a week eating fiber heavy food and then go back to your regular diet, that will fuck you up.

>> No.4595303

Woops, meant to link that to>>4595280
And again, those are things generated by OUR evolution.
Rape doesn't exist among animals because they willingly succeed to superiors.
"Murder" is subjective, killing is very much so a natural thing.
Stealing does exist, but we don't do it because we have developed the idea of possession.

Natural doesn't mean right, but it usually is very beneficial in terms of survival.

>> No.4595308

niggas brainwashed you for a dollar.... wow

>> No.4595309

We have amylase to break down starches, yes, but it's only the beginning of the digestive process.

I like how you cherrypicked that little piece of information but forgot to mention all of our PROTEIN DIGESTING ENZYMES

I guess the meat industry gave us those, we couldn't have evolved TO EAT FUCKING MEAT

>> No.4595311


ever hear of a pitbull......................

>> No.4595317


So naive


>> No.4595321


>Rape doesn't exist among animals

Have you ever seen a walrus during mating season? The females try to get away and the male runs over and squashes her down with his body and skeets all over her

>Stealing does exist, but we don't do it

Really now

>> No.4595323

Cool story bro

I guess your regular "muh feelings" threads and pictures didn't work, now you're trying to feed us a bullshit story and even more bullshit information.

>> No.4595325


>forgot to mention all of our PROTEIN DIGESTING ENZYMES

Were you relying on me to inform you that protein is found in every whole plant food and isn't exclusive to meat?

>> No.4595331

But if we're supposed to live on only starch, like you said, why would we need those?

>> No.4595333


Fuck off you vegan cocksuckers, you're trying to convert people to your alternative lifestyle.

>> No.4595335

>The meat industry is immoral!
Jesus fuck its like you fags are just figuring this out. I long ago accepted the fact that my meat eating is unethical. Hell, its how i made my peace with cannibalism.

>> No.4595341

That walrus doesn't spend the next 4 years "emotionally scarred".

Rape as we know it doesn't exist, it's simply reproduction among animals.
Stealing is a different case, the only reason we recognize it is because we ourselves insist we have 'possessions'.

Animals don't keep things; they sleep in a spot that's warm and they eat what's nearby.
It makes sense that a bigger animal would simply take what a smaller animal has.

That's a very natural thing, and in the rule of nature it's a right thing.
eg, survival of the fittest.

>> No.4595344

I'm not spending an hour to watch the "Healthy Lifestyle Expo"
Does it mention any specific ways that livestock are mistreated in a way that actually bothers the livestock to an extent that the farm is worse than the wild?

>> No.4595348

Bullshit. Whatever footage PETA's got, /b/ has worse.

>> No.4595353


Because every starch source has protein too. I'm not saying humans are meant to eat 100% refined powdered starch, just starch-based foods like potatoes, grains, rice, etc. Which humans have, as those throughout human history have been the staple foods of every large civilization

>> No.4595356

Don't bother. It's essentially "Advocating anti-dairy towards people that are already anti-dairy so they can jack each other off"

>> No.4595359


You seem really in-tune with what animals think, feel, and do

>> No.4595365

Wrong. Every starch source does not have protein. You talk about evolution, and how we evolved to eat potatoes, grains, rice, while completely ignoring that we only started farming very recently (compared to our entire history as humans). We've eaten meat far long than we've farmed for grains and starches.

Your own argument is contrary to your opinion.

>> No.4595366


I started you at the spot you need to watch, it only goes on for a few minutes about dairy research. You can either learn something or you can sage the thread and run away to live in your world of dairy propaganda

>> No.4595369


Alright, what starch source doesn't have protein?

>> No.4595373

I'm not listing all those, go google it shithead.

>> No.4595375

It doesn't take long to understand organisms whose only goal is to survive and reproduce.

>> No.4595380


Farming is for high populations, plants still exist in the wild even when you don't grow them yourself. Meat eating happened when proper food was scarce and humans needed any source of calories they could get. Unfortunately we didn't evolve to eat this kind of food, so while it'll keep you alive in the short term, long term consumption brings about detriments to your health

>> No.4595381


Can you tell me one?

>> No.4595382

Even if what you say is true (starch sources are also good protein sources, which is bullshit), what >>4595365
said about farming discounts your entire argument. Go away.

>> No.4595385

The main food source for primitive man was meat. That's all there is to know about why your argument is wrong.

>> No.4595395

I'm going to say that agrarian culture is only produced because it's easier and there is more yield in growing a patch of potatoes as compared to hunting local deer.

But every single civilization in human history has meat in its diet; even ones in places where meat is very scarce.

>> No.4595405


Outdated information.



>But every single civilization in human history has meat in its diet

Right, but most places in the world eat meat very sparingly, for special occasions, while the bulk of their diet is starchy foods. Wealthier people eat more meat, but most of the world is not wealthy and the majority of their diet comes from rice, potatoes, barley, corn, etc.

>> No.4595412

>meat in an emergency food
>meat is a luxury food

Make up your mind. It can't be both

>> No.4595415

>Free money? Count me in!
>1 dollar
kill yourself.

>> No.4595416

I'll trade you an answer to this for an answer to >>4595344

>> No.4595421

it's $15/hour
It's hard for an unskilled worker to make that without tips

>> No.4595422


Started as an emergency food, and now that we don't have an emergency, it's a luxury


Not that I've seen

>> No.4595424 [DELETED] 


>> No.4595425

>Scientists get research grants; they're corrupt!
Scientists would get far more money if they left academia. Nobody's in academia for the money.
>His source
That was a pain to look up, by the way.
>Evidence for benefits of dairy is scant
As of 2000. Studies since then have found significant benefits, especially for children and adolescents. It's not surprising, though, that most Americans aren't calcium deficient.
So what does that have to do with animal cruelty, or boycotting milk?

>New study suggests that orange juice doesn't cure cancer
I'll still drink it sometimes. The biggest problem with drinks is that liquid calories don't increase satiety.

tl;dr, the paper is fucking nothing, and it was blown into a scandalous conspiracy at a health food convention. Color me shocked.

>> No.4595432

I'd eat the hell out of that pig if it was actually filled with the things in that picture as opposed to just meat.

>> No.4595433

Not sure if troll or a fucking retard. Animals DO rape. They kill. They even torture other animals just for the hell of it. just gtfo.

>> No.4595442
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> It's not surprising, though, that most Americans aren't calcium deficient

For a bunch of non-calcium-deficient people, they sure do have a lot of osteoperosis. Why, with all that milk they drink, you'd think they'd have bones of STEEL! Milk makes bones STRONG, right? That's what the commercial said!

>> No.4595451

>Phytic acid in grains binds to calcium making it unavailable to your body, leading to osteoporosis

>> No.4595454

vegans are ruining food
just stop

>> No.4595456


Singapore and hong kong clearly have that problem, with all the rice they eat

>> No.4595462

>Correlation = causation
>Even attempting to suggest causation with diets.
Did you already forget the controlled studies that causally linked improved bone health to calcium intake?

>> No.4595465

Well that's a terrible argument and not very fun.

>> No.4595472


Yeah, let's throw out the countless studies linking saturated fat and meat consumption to cancers and heart disease. Nothing causes anything, right? It's all random

>> No.4595478

so is natural good, bad or a meaningless buzzword?

>> No.4595484

When did I say that?
Also, when did that even become relevant to the thread?
I was faulting some anon for posting a meaningless anti-milk video in an animal abuse discussion.
If you want to discuss meat and saturated fats, let's you and me have that discussion. Right after I go down and make something delicious with my entirely healthy and probably slightly bone-health-enhancing bechamel sauce.

>> No.4595486

Just get some headphones and a book and sit in there and earn $15/hr.

>> No.4595488

Also, inb4 >that article again

>> No.4595489

No matter what you eat, no matter where you live, no matter how much exercise you get, no matter how many vitamins you take, no matter how firmly you believe in your own diet, you're going to die anyway. And, chances are, the older you are, the more painful that death is going to be, because you can linger on with some odd disease for a LOOOOONG time. Unless you're lucky and get really old, where you just expire in your sleep like everyone wishes for.
And, (not that this is a rule, just a cool exception) my great grandmother lived to be 103, and that old lady drank a shot of whiskey a day and ate all kinds of meats and dairy. She also ate vegetables too, of course, but one of her favorite foods was fried chicken.
Shit, even Betty White eats hot dogs like, every day.

>> No.4595492

The Maasai tribe eat a high fat diet, and don't seem to have many health problems.

>> No.4595493

>I am 14 and have just realized this.
>clearly nobody else has ever realized this, or they wouldn't try to better themselves
>I must educate everyone I meet on my epiphany

>> No.4595496

I'd like to have some mercy, please.

>> No.4595499

well considering finlad and simillar counties have a lot of old people cause of awsome healthcare, drawing conclusions from this graph would be quite bad

>> No.4595503
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>we're all going to die eventually, so let's die sooner and live our lives sick and uncomfortable in the meantime


>> No.4595506

Don't be fucking stupid.
And don't act like everyone (particularly in 1st world countries like the US) isn't looking for their own personal salvation, whatever that may be. Diet and animals rights are just a way for some people to achieve their own need for salvation. Most vegans (at least that I've met) are also atheists. It's like they've replaced religion with vegan philosophy. It's just trading one feel-good cuddly blankie for another.

>> No.4595524

>people only do things in life to trick themselves into thinking they matter
ow the edge

>> No.4595531

That's not edge, buddy boy, that's the truth. And now go tell yourself how wrong I am so you feel better.

>> No.4595555
File: 37 KB, 500x571, 1290114526063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get mad that corporations treat animals inhumanly
> stop eating meat
> corporations lose money
> corporations treat animals even more inhumanely to make up the loss

>> No.4595562
File: 369 KB, 864x576, so-delicious-coconut-sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many delicious dairy alternatives. I love "So Delicious"

>> No.4595565

Doesn't work like that.

>> No.4595576


Sure it does; if the corporation is losing money, they cut costs to make up the difference.

They sure ain't going to implement more humane animal treatment procedures that will
_cost them money_ on top of the losses from the veggies who quit eating meat.

>> No.4595635
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>> No.4595639

They already cut costs, and do all they can to make as much money as possible. Look at all the industries that have become bankrupt and failed; simply cutting costs does not make up for failing demand. "You should keep eating meat, because if you eat less the animals will suffer more" is moronic.

>> No.4595642

>things we feed to animals are fit for human consumption, which is incredibly wasteful
>we feed our animals poison, which passes on to us

stop picking both

>> No.4595645

They cut costs to the point where loss of quality is marginal. They could easily cut costs more at the expense of worker quality of employment and animal quality of life.

>> No.4595647

Why do people like you seem to get off on over-extending someone else's argument? Dude you're replying to did not say anything about using it as a justification to eat more meat. He merely pointed out that eating less meat sure as hell isn't going to help improve matters for animals.

>> No.4595651

The antibiotics and chemicals we forcefeed factory farmed animals = poisons. Arsenic in chicken? Yum yum yum.

The amount of land we use to fatten up livestock is simply idiotic. Even if all the grains grown are not fit for human consumption, all that agricultural land can be used to produce food for people. Instead, we waste it on cows.

66% of all agricultural land is devoted to feeding livestock. Only 8% is used to provide food for direct human consumption.


>> No.4595688

Chicken: 2.3 ppb arsenic (0.8 for organic chicken)
Rice: anywhere from 80 to over 500 ppb arsenic - even organic rice, and rice products. Trader Joe's organic brown rice pasta? Over 300 ppb.

Get a grip. Do some reading before rushing to parrot a headline.

>> No.4595694

There's arsenic inside of you, right now.
Do you find that cause for concern?

>> No.4595696

Oh, and the worst offender in Consumer Reports' study of rice products was Arrowhead Mills organic sweetened rice flakes, peaking at a whopping 963 ppb of arsenic.

>> No.4595702

>66% of all agricultural land is devoted to feeding livestock.
My god! Yesterday it was only 30%! This explosion in meat production will surely have an impact.

>> No.4595721

Did you even read the article? 66% of all agricultural land IN USE is devoted to livestock. Not all land on the planet. 26% is how much of the Earth's terrestrial surface is used for livestock production. These are official government figures. I rarely insult people on /ck/ because I think it should be a civil board, but holy fuck invest in reading glasses please.

>> No.4595753

Most people do not use the catalogue dummy.

>> No.4595756

If the walrus isn't scarred by rape then its stupid and has no real logical feelings. You've just convinced me to eat walrus.

>> No.4595757

to all the people who state (correctly) that eating other animals is the natural order or things, that's great. but try visit a livestock farm or slaughterhouse and try claim that anything about it is natural.

im a vegetarian for the most part, but i eat what i hunt.

>> No.4595763

...that word doesn't mean what you think it does.

>> No.4595766

>They're not hunted, and they're fed. That's just about all it takes to keep a cow happy.

are you serious? ive lived on a dairy farm most of my life and know that's bullshit. i still drink milk though, lel

>> No.4595768

such as humans.

>> No.4595780
File: 67 KB, 750x600, jiFfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People thinking humans aren't an animal

>> No.4595789

i lol'd harder than i should have. makes perfect sense.

on the real OP do whatever you want who the fuck cares.

ive thought about the shit the video was saying, kind of makes sense but want to see a similar video made about human beings and class-ism before i really give two shits about suffering animals. i am a suffering animal. fuck pets and fuck farmed foodanimals. shit sucks get over it, if those pigs are so goddamn energetic and smart why haven't they broken out of containment and killed the farmers. they just take it so.....

>> No.4595795

aw yissss

I wonder what they taste like? Would walrus bacon work?

>> No.4595813

it says 26% of all non-frozen land is used for meat production, with a third of all arable land used for feed.
Note that not all land is arable and this igure includes more than just cows

>> No.4595817

>the ribs of life and kindness
OP's picture only makes my hunger stronger

>> No.4595820

>More than two-thirds of all agricultural land is devoted to growing feed for livestock, while only 8 percent is used to grow food for direct human consumption, LEAD reported. ( Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative, an international consortium of government and private agencies based at FAO headquarters in Rome.)
>Two thirds of all agricultural land
>Two thirds
>Two divided by three

>> No.4595825

>26% of all non-frozen land is used for meat production
I can't wrap my head around this. How idiotic are we that we are using 26% of all land for meat? I love a burger as much as the next guy, but we're retarded for wasting so much land.

>> No.4595828

...so what else do you think it would be used for?

>> No.4595836

Consider that not all produced meat is cow, then remember that every part of an animal can and will be used for something. LIke makeup, medicine, leather. Most of that could be substituted by some plant, but that takes space and does not yield food at the same time.
This number also includes all those areas, where people can only keep animals, instead of farming The Sahel zone or very cold regions.
Furthermore, a herbivore can eat far more plants and plant matter than a human could. So instead of wasting the stalks of some plants, we can feed them to animals, which increases human food overall. The same applies to surplus food and leftovers, which can be turned into delicious meat this way and which would otherwise go to waste.

>> No.4595848

>Two thirds

The study I have says the following
>livestock is 20% of total terrestrial animal biomass
>the area used is equivalent to 26% of the ice-free terrestrial surface of the planet
>the total area dedicated to feedcrop production amounts to 33% of total arable land
>about 20% of pasture/rangeland is in some way degraded
>livestock accounts for 9% of human-caused CO2, 37% human-caused methane, 65% human-caused nitrous oxide

>> No.4595853

Do people just avoid fish because of the mercury? I consider them as the same tier as insects. Not including sharks.

>> No.4595860


Reported. Also, sage.

>> No.4595866

Probably, though salmon and shrimp, scallops, and clams have extremely low mercury compared with tuna or shark