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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 279x240, eggmcmuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4578809 No.4578809 [Reply] [Original]

I think that McDonald's is, by and large, rubbish.

But for some reason I am perfectly willing to eat these, along with those unnatural hash-brown things and some ketchup.

It's delicious, it has a real egg, the Canadian bacon adds the perfect touch of meatiness (unlike a sausage patty which just overwhelms everything), it's not even greasy and it's only 300 calories!

Fuck everything else they make, but this is an eternal winner.

>> No.4578811

Somebody has never had a McGriddle.

>> No.4578813


McGriddles have the shitty folded eggs, which aren't cooked onsite, and those weird pancake-things are nothing compared to a real English muffin.

>> No.4578814

Yet, when taking that all into consideration, McGriddles still taste better.

>> No.4578815

I'd never be able to get over that weird perfectly concentric egg if I wanted to try eating one of those..

>> No.4578819


It's a real egg, they just crack it into a Teflon ring on the griddle.

>> No.4578824

The biggest problem with McDonalds is that it's the very definition of mainstream. The tiniest towns in the US have them, and even tons of other countries have them.

I'm sorry, but I'm not a loser. I actually care about being a unique individual, and I'm not going to touch a food that is so incredibly common that anyone can go have it whenever they want.

If you eat "regular" food that "regular" people eat, then you're no fucking better than them. I'm better than that. Sorry if you aren't.

>> No.4578827

What the fuck?

>> No.4578828


Please try harder.

>> No.4578831

My condolences.

>> No.4578833

I woke up at 7am today because of crazy ass rain. Now all I can think of is fast food breakfast. But.... it's still raining and I haven't a car......

>> No.4578834

>McGriddles have the shitty folded eggs, which aren't cooked onsite
aw, it's very cute that you think the eggs they used in the egg mcmuffins are cooked onsite.

>> No.4578835

>try to be condescending
>resort to calling somebody cute

>> No.4578842


.... they are.

>> No.4578873


britfag here. i make sausage mcmuffins for breakfast erryday in the winter.

frozen muffin toasted
square sausage patty (thanks scotland)
nuke an egg in a greased cup
slice of shit-tier yank cheese.

fucking good, cheap & filling.

>> No.4578913


Why in the hell would I pay some huge mindlessly evil corporation 2.29 for an egg, slice of ham, merican' cheese and an English muffin. When I can get
>a doz. eggs for .79,
>6 toothless muffins .99
>24 slice merican cheese 1.99
>12 slices of pacifist bacon 2.99

which come out to just a hair under .65 a hairy muff.

>> No.4578919


Because your creation would not be a true McMuffin. And it would not have the exact flavor of a McMuffin. It might be superior in every respect - but it wouldn't be a McMuffin.

>> No.4578936


The four hundred percent market up to put a Mc in front of what is one of the most basic and uncomplicated breakfast sammichz' known to man only goes to supply clown outfits to older gentlemen with questionable sobriety and intent, along with greasy faced teen agers, banana boaters that don't speak the language and people who have completely given up on life; employment opportunities. Hence by your patronage of McDonald you are subsidizing and perpetuating a welfare society where unproductive and/or illegal individuals are allowed to unnecessarily continue their existence.

>> No.4578943


Are you implying that it actually matters whether or not it's a McMuffin? Who care's what it's name is. What matters is it's taste, cost, and nutritional content.

>> No.4578944


I'm cool with that.

>> No.4578951


Ever get a craving for Taco Bell specifically? Not some wonderful thing from a taco truck, or something homemade, but the singular taste of Taco Bell?

Is there other stuff that tastes better? Of course? More healthy? Sure. Cheaper for what you get? Certainly.

But sometimes you just want a particular taste, and the only place to get that is from an official Taco Bell / McDonald's / KFC / whatever.

When I want a McMuffin, I want the precise mix of chemicals and ingredients that make up a McMuffin and nothing else will do. This is why branding is important, and why branding has power. I know that if I want a McMuffin, there is exactly one place I can go to get it: McDonald's.

>> No.4578957


Also - nutritional content doesn't always have to come into play when choosing your food. You have to let that go occasionally - live a little!

>> No.4578959


If you stocked large quantities hydrogenated palm oil, HFCS and untested industrial preservatives in you kitchen you could replicate the taste all you want.

>> No.4578971


Yep, and no one in their right mind would do that. So I go to McDonald's!

>> No.4578974


4578943 here. No, I've never had a craving for a specific brand of food. Cravings for tacos? Sure. But never taco bell specifically. Cravings for burgers? of course. But not a big mac specifically. In fact my cravings usually preclude fast food since the other sources are usually better. When I get a late-night craving for a burger and can't be bothered to cook one I go any of various local places because their burgers are a hell of a lot tastier than a McDonald's burger/

Of course. My point was that the "brand name" NEVER matters (to me, anyway). whereas those other things do matter, at least a lot of the time.

>> No.4578975

Mcdonalds is awesome and only complete faggots use the word 'rubbish'

>> No.4578985


*shrug* Well, that's you then.

I actually live in central Connecticut where there is a good number of local burger joints, many specializing in the steamed cheeseburger which is a regional thing. They're all great and I've gone to them several times.

But sometimes I get a craving for McDonald's specifically, when I don't want a cheeseburger from Ted's, I want a Big Mac. I know what the difference is, and I know what I'm putting into my body; I want the exact taste of a Big Mac.

Surely you can understand how this is a reasonable urge for people to have.

>> No.4579101

they're cooked, frozen, packed in plastic, and immersed in hot water.
so no, they're not.

>> No.4579111


I could point you to the dozens of sources indicating otherwise, including McDonald's own website (which would get them into a heap of legeal trouble if it were a lie), but I already know you're just being contradictory for its own sake, with no evidence.

Nice chatting with you1

>> No.4579112


its as if you literally bought a book on trolling and then bungled the most basic formula

hit the showers kid, you're finished

>> No.4579193

>This is why branding is important, and why branding has power.
True. Branding and consistency - the brand has to equal the same thing every time. There's a whole bunch of research behind making sure that consistent product is one people will generally find agreeable. Therein lies the rub, though. Most interesting things to eat can be divisive, or prohibitively expensive. There's no reason to include fresh vegetables in the food when they're expensive, variable by season, spoil quickly and half the diners won't eat them. So the food ends up really dumbed down. It's inevitably a combination of simple starch, fat, salt and sugar - almost always ground beef or chicken breast with cheese. If It's breakfast it will be egg, bacon/sausage and cheese.

I have no problem with a blast of fat, salt and starch, but if I'm going to do it I want something with a little more zip - something more interesting. I don't want dull food.

I know what McDonald's tastes like. I know what Taco Bell tastes like. I know what KFC tastes like. I was bored with those tastes by the time I hit puberty. Why would I eat that as an adult?

>> No.4579196

Because it's cheap and easy, look at outsourcing and hiring of illegals.

>> No.4579215

I'm a big fan of cheap and easy. I just don't handle boring very well.

>> No.4579238

to people who know how to make this:

how do you cook the egg such that it ends up in that form/state

>> No.4579251

Put the ring in a cooking ring and put it on a griddle.

>> No.4579252
File: 58 KB, 515x170, muffin ring making 515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tuna can.

>> No.4579256

The thing about mcd for me is that it's the only fast food so far that makes my teeth hurt. Wendy's doesn't do that, Bugger King doesn't do that, just Mickey. I think it's because it appeals to a certain demographic, that demographic does not include me.

>> No.4579317


cool, thanks m8s

>> No.4579360
File: 12 KB, 210x232, megaupload_arrest_owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4579641

mind blown

>> No.4579654


Why not just use cheddar?

>> No.4579688

You want the Sausage Egg McMuffin. That "ham" is rubbish.

>> No.4579696

Yeah you eat that shit-tier American cheese you dirty Brit. Mmmm

>> No.4579710

They have, hands down, the worst breakfast of any chain. The only thing marginally acceptable is the mcmuffin and it is flavorless compared to the real thing.

>> No.4579722


Jesus christ just buy some cake rings you poor faggot.

>> No.4579727

yes, at least in canada, they make a point of displaying the crates of eggs and cracking them in the kitchen

>> No.4579734

please elaborate on the steamed cheeseburger..it's unheard of in WA

>> No.4579744

Where do you buy a dozen of eggs for 79 cents?
Sounds like a lie.

>> No.4579747

okay /mu/

>> No.4579753


You do know that every restaurant charges a 300-400% markup on everything they sell right?

>> No.4579757

It's a business, they're in it to make a profit. What's your point. If you don't like it, don't go. This isn't some socialist commie country. You should move to North Korea and suck up to kim al fucktard.

>> No.4579768


I was pointing out that it's stupid to call out McDonald's for having a markup when that's just how businesses work.

I'm glad your obesity has destroyed your brain to the point that you have no reading comprehension.

>> No.4579781
File: 48 KB, 326x367, 1367014232392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has a real egg


>> No.4579803
File: 186 KB, 518x656, tumblr_ldy3v00TLJ1qfhbkko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Lel mate, good jerb.
>Tfw when hungover and eat a Egg Mcmuffin with a Hashbrown inside the sandwich and like 3 OJ's and some ice water.

>> No.4579809
File: 43 B, 1x1, qm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a real shelled egg, its the folded eggs that come frozen.

>> No.4579843

In Murica the eggs for the mcmuffin comes frozen in a log and they slice portions off and heat it up. Maybe it's changed since I last saw, but that's what it was when my friend worked there.

>> No.4579845

I heard if u ask for round eggs with any of their breakfast menu items (within reason), they'll replace the old hag egg with the McMuffin style egg. True?

>> No.4579854
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>> No.4580664
File: 816 KB, 2272x1704, img_1562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior McDonald's breakfast reporting in

>> No.4580669

No... no they aren't. Your "friend" is lying.

>> No.4580900

I hate mcdonalds as well but fucking McGriddles make my tastebuds cum

>> No.4581065

there is not a single person in this thread who has never eaten McDonalds and every single person will eat it again at some stage in the future.

your arguement is invalid

>> No.4581112

Psh, just make your own Egg McMuffin. It's cheaper in the long run if you buy your eggs 60 at a time...

>> No.4581124


>and every single person will eat it again at some stage in the future

Well... unless they're suicidal.

>> No.4581146
File: 11 KB, 321x264, steak-egg-cheese-bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is one other thing they do that's tasty as hell.

Pic related.

>> No.4582041

Egg McMuffin is horse shit. The only things I like from MdD are the Mcgriddles and the Big Mac.

>> No.4582198

>shit-tier yank cheese
>yank cheese
>yank cheese
Mate u just dun fuked up. And I'm 'Murrican for Christ's sake! Put some Montgomery's Cheddar on that bitch!

>> No.4582540


it works for me. amerifat cheese is gash but its bland plasticity is great on stuff like this. And you never have to worry bout it going off since i typically buy supplies in month increments.

if i want something cheesy ill make myself an omelette.

>> No.4582553

Any person that says they don't like the taste of McDonalds is a liar...

You've got 3 star Michelin chefs enjoying Big Macs...

>> No.4582557

Do they still make this?

>> No.4582564

Well well well, Look at this smart little faggot responding to my comment , but did he even consider the fact that I already took into account what you said, probably not, just further demonstrating the lack of intelligence compared to that of mine which is euphoric and not full of childish minddreams like yours, when I made that claim I was demonstrative of the level of reason and rationality required to make such a claim but you instead reverted to ad hominem, slippery slope, strawman and more logical fallacies that I could possibly list had I wanted to choose so.

>> No.4582565

EASY to make at home
>>doesnt cost $7

>> No.4582577

Lol. Burger Kind breakfast need not apply. Wendy's Breakfast is absolute shit. I went to hardee's once, they were out of hashbrowns so we had to get fries, and their biscuits were cold and like $3.50 each.

>> No.4582581

True. Will someone just post the picture of it that has floated around before? I think the dissenters are too involved in trying to convince themselves they don't eat shit eggs. Besides, if they still fresh cooked the eggs, where are the shells? I've never had a shell piece in my McMuffin in all the years I've had McD's breakfast and you can't tell me those minimum wage nut scratchers could do this perfectly for years. And what with McD's fear of food poisoning, they'd allow dingus to prepare eggs in store? And speaking of McD's website, I'm pretty sure the round eggs contain a bunch of stabilizing and preservative ingredients, meaning they are not made on site.

>> No.4582587


>> No.4582590


mcdonalds has higher quality control than 5 star restaurants

>> No.4582594

Dude, hardee's biscuits at their absolute worst are still infinitely better than mcdonald's biscuits, not to mention they use real sausage and not that grease puck McDonalds uses.

>> No.4582600

Because everything is made off-site or treated with ammonia particles.

>> No.4582623


That is some pro egg-cracking right there.

>> No.4582919


>> No.4582959


If I only knew where you lived I'd come over just to shit in your fedora, and fuck your girlfriend. I guarantee you in 5 minutes she'd be screaming daddy deep dick because there is no way in hell you could even please her. The life of a useless fucking proto hipster.

>> No.4582961

*tips fedora*

>> No.4583024

Have a Nicko recipe, /ck/.


>> No.4583036

I used to be able to get a dozen eggs fro $0.50. Some places just have cheap eggs.

>> No.4583204

>Mcdonalds is rubbish

Let me officially welcome you to 19always, op.

>> No.4583948


Did you watch the video?

How's it feel to be so completely wrong?

>> No.4585825

I love the scope of profanity and argument that can come out of such an ordinary topic like McD's. It's loveable, in that retarded child-relative kind of way.

More importantly, what would you mix to get a vaguely similar meat patty to the Sausage McMuffin? Is it (once upon a time) pork? Beef? Some kinda spices to match the taste? What would you guess?

>> No.4585829

Because where I live a dozen eggs is $4.00 and is the cheapest thing of all the ingredients.

>> No.4585852

>it's not even greasy

12g of fat, 25% saturated

>and it's only 300 calories!
300 empty calories. Only thing decent in there is the egg, which is 80 calories.

Great, add some tomato sweet and sour sauce to your shitfest

>> No.4585858

Where the hell do you live? aside from the American Cheese, I would have to pay nearly double for the rest of it.

>> No.4585929


>gooey american cheese
>replaceable on a mcmuffin

try again

>> No.4585930

finally some sense

>> No.4585942


>12g of fat, 25% saturated

Your daily intake of fat in grams should be about your body weight in kg.

>300 empty calories.

There is no such thing as an empty calorie. All calories are energy and they will power up your body. You could have argued that burgers don't make you full, but that has nothing to do with calories.

>> No.4585952

>Your daily intake of fat in grams should be about your body weight in kg.

Which doesn't change the fact that, like most food at McDonald's, this is very high in fat for the amount of food there.

>There is no such thing as an empty calorie.

Empty calories refer to foods which offer little besides calories - no fiber, protein, micronutrients. Aside from the egg, you might as well eat 220 calories of sugar creamed with butter for what this is doing for you.

>You could have argued that burgers don't make you full, but that has nothing to do with calories

Actual ground beef, when not slathered in cheap fats and sugar like at McDonald's, is much better for you than this crap.

>> No.4585965

Eggs: $1.69USD for a dozen jumbo, 14¢ per egg.
English muffins: $2.49 for a dozen store-brand, 21¢ per muffin
Canadian bacon: $2.49 per pound, 16¢ per slice.
American cheese: $2 per pound, 13¢ per slice.

64¢ per sandwich.

Now here's where to get those prices: eggs are cheapest at Chinese and southeast Asian grocers, so buy them there.

Most storebrands of English muffin are considerably cheaper than their national brand counterparts. I dunno about you, but I can't tell the difference, honestly. You can make'em yourself, too, I guess, but why put for that effort?
Canadian bacon: I used pork roll. Why? Because it's half the price and taste the same or better.
American cheese is sold at dollar stores at a buck per half pound package. If you think McDo is using anything more costly than that, you're kidding yourself.

With some simple substitutions, you can have a good breakfast sandwich for even cheaper. Swap muffin for white toast (69¢ per one-pound loaf of about 24 slices, so 6¢ per two slices) and packaged bologna for canadian bacon ($1 per pound, 20 slices per package, 5¢ per slice) and the sandwich cost drops to 38¢ per.

Those sandwiches are $3 for a pair. I dunno about you, but two sandwiches is too large a meal for me. McDo also penalises you for buying only one, charging you more than $1.50 per.
Even if you buy two, why would you when you could construct them yourself for less than half the price or a reasonable substitute for a quarter the cost?

I'll fuck up some Maccas hashbrown, though.

>> No.4585976

sugar is the only substance that offers empty calories
everything else will make you feel full for as long as their calories last

>> No.4585984

>sugar is the only substance that offers empty calories

Oh really? What benefits aside from calories does refined bleached white flour, such as that in the english muffin of an Egg McMuffin, offer?

How about the American cheese? A tiny bit of protein to go along with its 50% saturated fat serving?

It's nothing but calories - you're eating high octane crap that doesn't even have a real taste.

>> No.4585986
File: 205 KB, 1520x1080, 1338366957573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I ordered one of those the eggs in it were fucking green, dunno what was wrong with it but I ate it and I'm still alive

>> No.4585987

>everything else will make you feel full for as long as their calories last

>I don't understand how satiety works

>> No.4585997


Sure, american cheese is crap and has nothing to do with cheese.

On the other hand, you need fat to function and you need saturated fats as well. Saturated fats play a vital part in your body's ability to regulate it's hormone balance. If you cut out saturated fats or limit fats completely, your body will start to malfunction and your hormone levels start to drop.

>> No.4586003

The muffin has 6g of protein and is an excellent source of folate.

>> No.4586005


Nobody suggested cutting them out completely. Most Americans get way too much. Crap like the Egg McMuffin offers nothing but saturated fat and calories. You'd be much better for your body AND your taste buds just having a 5 oz portion of rib eye steak.

>> No.4586012


So does about 2 leaves of spinach, and it's not 300 calories and a fifth of the daily saturated fat intake.

>> No.4586016

That's a lie. You'd have to eat 200g of spinach to match the protein content of 50g of white flour.

>> No.4586021

McD's breakfast food is in all honestly god-tier. As in the only fast food I actually enjoy, although I still can only eat it on the rare occasion.

>> No.4586030


Which would be 250 calories for all of 6g of protein, with an extremely high GI. Not to mention most Americans get more than enough protein. Just eat an egg or have a glass of milk.

>> No.4586051

200 kcal, if you want to be a real stickler about it.
The bigger question here is: why do you care what other people are eating?
I don't eat that stuff either, but I don't care if Tom, Dick and Harry wanna take Susie, Jodie and Debbie out for egg McMuffins one morning. Or two. Or every. I don't care. Care factor: zero.

What are you trying to defend or enforce and why are you trying to defend or enforce it? Me? I've a pet peeve for people who spread alarmist view points with unsubstantiated or outright false claims or argue with extreme hyperbole. I just want to pick their arguments apart, you see.

For one: two leaves of spinach, a total of 8g, doesn't come close to a single gram of protein let alone six of them, so that was false.

Another: contrary to what you imply, white flour has benefits. While you didn't outright claim white flour to have none, your implication was false.

A third: faux cheese, processed cured pork and white flour are not remotely equal or similar in nutritional profile as butter whipped with sugar.

Again, I ask you: why do you care?

>> No.4586064

>A third: faux cheese, processed cured pork and white flour are not remotely equal or similar in nutritional profile as butter whipped with sugar.

I don't give a shit - OP's claim that the sandwich is 'only 300 calories!' is simply stupidity. A snickers bar is only 300 calories as well. It's crap, we know it, don't pretend it's not.

White flour has almost no benefits you can't get from a better source easily.

>For one: two leaves of spinach, a total of 8g, doesn't come close to a single gram of protein let alone six of them, so that was false.

Claim was for folate, which is a stupid argument another poster put for an egg mcmuffin's great nuitritional profile.

>Me? I've a pet peeve for people who spread alarmist view points with unsubstantiated or outright false claims or argue with extreme hyperbole. I just want to pick their arguments apart, you see.

I'm not spreading anything alarmist by saying fast food is almost all empty calories. And you sound like the world's most miserable person, with a deep seated need to see yourself as a calm rational center to avoid issues of inadequacy. As such you seek to exaggerate the positions of others to see extreme, leaving your own reaction to seem more reasonable to your own eye. Sad.

>> No.4586071

I agree OP, this si the best thing on the menu by far. I always order an extra hashy and put it in the muffin with ketchup hnnggg

>> No.4586073

The sandwich is 300 calories. That is not false. Comparing a sandwich of egg, meat, dairy and grain to a chocolate candy is extreme hyperbole; a strawman.

Backpedaling on the former point that white flour has no benefits to "white flour as /almost/ no benefits" is a moving goalpost.

And you've still not told anyone why you care what other people eat. Why do you? What does it matter to you if person A eats an egg McMuffin, murgh saagwala, saba shioyaki, Kinder surprise or any other food? What's your motivation? What have you to gain or to lose? Why do you care?

>> No.4586078


in my country they are, dont know about the rest of the world.

I know because some of them are fucking runny or slightly under cooked.

>> No.4586081

>Comparing a sandwich of egg, meat, dairy and grain to a chocolate candy is extreme hyperbole; a strawman

A snickers bar also has 300 calories. Slightly less protein, also less saturated fat, about the same amount of carbs. How is showing how similar the two are hyperbole again?

>Backpedaling on the former point that white flour has no benefits to "white flour as /almost/ no benefits" is a moving goalpost

They really shouldn't let aspies take Logic 101. White processed flour is a poor source of nutrients compared to most alternatives, are you really debating that? My question was "what benefits does white flour have", something not yet answered.

>why you care what other people eat.

I don't - when OP claimed it wasn't greasy I simply posted the fact it is. Why do you care, aside from your apparent autism?

>> No.4586093

if ya dont care, you should stop arguing, shouldnt you? the other guy sounds reasonable but you sound like a fucking commiefornian faggot cunt

>> No.4586098


Sure thing, samefag.

Eat this shit all you want, all I said is it's bad for you, since OP's implying it's not.

>> No.4586104

A snickers bar is innowise a remotely balanced food choice. It has near no vitamin and mineral content. Furthermore, it has nowhere near the amount of protein. Do you honestly think 2 grams is remotely comparable to 19? Really?
The egg McMuffin is a reasonably balanced on-the-go holy-poop-nuggets-i'm-late-and-hungry-i-need-to-grab-a-reasonably-quick-and-somewhat-nutritious-breakfast-fast choice. A snickers bar is not comparable. Comparing them is hyperbole, like comparing sauerkraut to rotting mustard greens. They're both cabbage! They're comparable!

The benefits of white flour were already discussed: carbs/energy, six grams of protein going towards that 19g total within the McMuffin and folate.

If you don't care, why are you arguing and continuing to mislead?

>> No.4586112

>A snickers bar is innowise a remotely balanced food choice. It has near no vitamin and mineral content.

Neither does an Egg McMuffin, which is exactly my point. What vitamins and minerals do you think it provides?

>Do you honestly think 2 grams is remotely comparable to 19? Really?

Actually it's 4.5 to 18.


snickers has plenty of this, why is it unhealthy but Egg McMuffins aren't?

>six grams of protein going towards that 19g total within the McMuffin and folate.

Along with a high GI load and plenty of calories, as stated above. Not to mention almost nobody in America aside from vegans has trouble getting the base protein amount. People wanting more, like bodybuilders, have much better sources than white flour.

Folate is an idiotic claim - it's put in white flour as fortification, along with many other foods with far more to offer. And like protein few people except pregnant women need additional folate.

> continuing to mislead

Either you're stupid enough to believe plants crave electrolytes, or trolling. I hope it's the latter

>> No.4586117

Sorry, I typoed 2 grams. Meant 5. One's just above the other on the keypad.

>> No.4586156

The 19g of protein aside, it provides the following USDA DV percentages of:

a 9%
b1 35%
b2 24%
b3 22%
b5 11%
b6 5%
b9 25%
b12 20%
c 4%
d 11%

calcium 27%
copper 8%
iron 16%
magnesium 6%
manganese 13%
phosphorus 27%
potassium 6%
selenium 60%
zinc 10%

And only 15% of the calories necessary for a 2000kcal day.

Providing near or over 25% of USDA DV of several vitamins and minerals while consuming only 15% of one's caloric allowance indicates a fairly nutritious meal.

>> No.4586162


>4.5 is comparable to 18

it's time to stop posting

>> No.4586166


Nice source there chief.

It also provides 18% of your fat, 25% of your saturated fat, and 35% of sodium (http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/foods-from-mcdonalds/6262/2).). All of which indicates it's not nutritious, it's heavy in fat, especially saturated fat, even for the meager nutrition it's giving you.

And stats like this is why no responsible physician or nutritionist ever recommends fast food.

As for the vitamins, provided only by fortified flour, you could get better results taking a multi-vitamin. Without the fat, sugar, and salt.

>> No.4586168


HERP DERP didn't say it was the same

>> No.4586175

Nice source?


There's my source.

>> No.4586178

unavoidable butt devestation ahead! brace for impact in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.4586189


And since the OP mentioned it, let's add it the hashbrowns and ketchup (1 pack).

Our final totals then are:
Calories - 465
Fat - 21g
Sat Fat - 6g
Carbs - 44g
Sodium - 53% RDV
Protein - 19g

Let's look at 1.5 snickers' bars
Calories - 450
Fat 24.4g
Sat fat - 8g
Sodium - 15% RDV
Protein - 6.5 g

13g of protein. That's basically the difference between eating candy for breakfast and OP's meal. That's nutritious?

>> No.4586192

For those who say white flour is without any nutrients, here is some of what it contains. This is laboratoric analysis from the average industrial use white flour that is currently used in Finland.

In 100 g of flour, which is a reasonable amount for single meal consumption we have:
11,5 g of protein
459 mg of 18:2 cis, cis n-6 linoleic acid
3,7 g of fiber (bit over 10% of daily requirement)
21 mg of magnesium (bit under 10%)
95 mg of phosphorous (bit over 15%)
1,2 mg of iron (10%)
0,8 mg of zinc (bit under 10%)
7,7 ug of selenium (bit under 15%)
3,1 mg of niacin equivalent (15%)

>> No.4586193


No, it's not, because nowhere on that site does it list a value of 35% for B1 from an Egg McMuffin.

It does, of course, list this:
Cholesterol 234mg 78%
which seems to have not made it on your list.

>> No.4586196

Snickers has a lot of good fats from the cocoa and the nuts. There might even be some antioxidants left in the chocolate, so that's a plus.

On the other hand, there is a lot of difference between those two meals when we look at the micronutrients. You can't just make broad judgements over macronutrients, as they only play a small role on judgin how healthy something is or isn't.

>> No.4586199


And a caloric content of 20% of your daily calories.

See how none of even your cherry picked figures are at 20%? That means it's not a good food to eat. You'll need to either overeat or get less nutrients than you require eating that.

>> No.4586200


Cholesterol in food has nothing to do with the cholesterol they measure in your blood. Body produces its own cholesterol and even shuts down the production if there is some available from food.

>> No.4586203

>there is a lot of difference between those two meals when we look at the micronutrients.

Which micronutrients do you think Egg McMuffins are high in?

>> No.4586205

I'm arguing with an uneducated clod! Dear me, you're dumb!
Thiamin! Thiamin is B1. Do I need to spoonfeed you the rest of the B vitamins, as well?

After reading that, are you /really/ going to continue to argue that a meal that takes up less than a sixth of an adult's daily kcal requirements and provides a quarter of the DV of many vitamins and minerals is a poor choice? Really?

>> No.4586209


Sure it sucks as a nutrient if you only eat white flour and nothing else. I just picked those to show that it is not without micronutrients. There are tons of foods that are healthier and better for you, but to say white flour is nothing but calories is wrong and that is what I proved.

>> No.4586216

>I'm arguing with an uneducated clod! Dear me, you're dumb!
>Thiamin! Thiamin is B1.

And the site you claim as your source lists the thaimin value at 24%, not 35%, which is exactly why I mentioned it. So are you a liar or illiterate?

>and provides a quarter of the DV of many vitamins and minerals is a poor choice
You mean saturated fat? It does provide a quarter of the daily recommended value there. Of course where it really shines is sodium, with over 50% RDV.

Are you done being stupid yet?

>> No.4586219


Can't you read?

Thiamin - 0.5 mg - 35%
Riboflavin - 0.4 mg - 24%

>> No.4586220

Give it up. As I stated earlier, he's an uneducated clod. Arguing with him is like sprinting against a cripple. You'll win, sure, but at what cost? You made a cripple feel bad and gave an uneducated clod a complex.
And that's the best case scenario. At worst, the cripple will keep trying to sprint, damaging himself in the process and the uneducated clod will continue to argue, making himself look (and feel) more and more foolish.

We've won. If the uneducated clod has any integrity, he'll stop arguing and go back to his anime pillow.

>> No.4586221


Sawdust has fiber in it, does that make it a good dietary choice? It has a very low level of micronutrients, less than that of the calories it provides. If you prefer, we can call it almost empty calories.

>> No.4586224

wouldn't swapping out the English muffin and bacon not make it a mcmuffen anymore

>> No.4586225

>thiamin at 24%
The uneducated clod strikes again!

>> No.4586228
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Can you? Pic related.

>> No.4586229

I was going more for the realm of breakfast sandwiches, but yeah: you're right. No longer really even a knock-off egg McMuffin.

>> No.4586234


>try to defend fast food as healthy
>others are uneducated

Keep going, samefag

>> No.4586236
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Yes, apparently I at least can read the right page.

>> No.4586239


No one stated that fast food is HEALTHY. The point was that it is not that bad for you and is not the poison that these fearmongers say it is.

>> No.4586240


No, you can't.

Your title - Fast foods, english muffin, with egg, cheese, and canadian bacon


Are you really so sad you need to cherry pick even the lame point you're trying to make?

>> No.4586242

>The point was that it is not that bad for you
You're claiming what, it's not high in fat, sodium, and sugar? It is.

>and is not the poison that these fearmongers say it is.

Which fearmongers is that?

>> No.4586248

lol this mcmuffin hater just got #rekt

watch, in a few more posts he'll pretend he was trolling

>> No.4586255
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>mfw the last thing I posted ITT was >>4586220
and the uneducated clod thinks everyone who disagrees with him is me

>> No.4586266


I did assume it was unlikely there was more than one person that stupid, true.

>> No.4586268

>comparing flour, a food, to sawdust, not a food
Why don't I eat some doorknobs and rubber bands, while I'm at it.

Stop telling people to not eat egg McMuffins. No one goes down to the docks and swats the sailors' dicks out of your mouth, why would you do the same to those poor, poor people who choose to eat egg McMuffins?

>> No.4586269

>uneducated clod
>calling other people stupid
so many lulz.

>> No.4586271

>Why don't I eat some doorknobs and rubber bands, while I'm at it

That's the point, shithead.

>Stop telling people to not eat egg McMuffins

Show me one place I did.

>No one goes down to the docks and swats the sailors' dicks out of your mouth

I know she looks like a man, but I'm not your mommy.

>> No.4586285

You sound mad. Are you mad?

>> No.4586304


Gr8 b8 m8 I give it an 8

>> No.4586305

English muffins are fucking shite anyhow.

>> No.4586310

I work at mcdonalds and they do cook them.

>> No.4587104

wtf people. why is there even debate about the merits of eating bread, meat, egg and cheese together? this is pretty much staple food everywhere.

>> No.4587706

Son of a bitch. I haven't been able to find one of these in years.

>> No.4588354

what about it? the people you see not enjoying mcdonalds are older people that are actually healthy, and typically from countries not overrun with obese people. with that said mcdonalds is fucking delicious

>> No.4589319

You don't NEED saturated fat. It is only present in animal products, certain nuts, coconut and palm oils anyway. Fat is essential in the diet, but saturated fat is not.

>> No.4589706

Never saw these where I live. But it looks gruesome.
The only things that I go to McDonald's for is, off course, the Big Mac and the Big Tasty. Their pommes are also good I guess.

>> No.4589719

>McGriddles have the shitty folded eggs

I knew there was a reason I liked the McMuffins so much better, aside from the actual Muffin. Those eggs they put in the Muffins (on site or not, are vastly superior to the folded ones.)

But now I'm torn between my two loves, the Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McMuffin, and the Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel. The Bagel has the folded egg...

I once did a Breakfast version of a McDouble type thing. Ordered a Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel, and a Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McMuffin and created a delicious monstrosity.

>> No.4589721
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>> No.4589727

>nuke an egg in a greased cup

Does...does this actually work? You simply crack an egg in a cup and just put it in a microwave?

>> No.4589762

Their breakfast is pretty much god tier while the rest of their menu is disgusting. I prefer the bacon, egg and cheese bagel.

>> No.4589763

Well you have to turn the microwave on too.

>> No.4589780

Microwaved eggs get nasty and rubbery. If that's ok with you, go ahead. Pierce the yolk though, or it might burst.

>> No.4589786


According to Serious Eats, McD's will substitute a real McMuffin-style egg for the folded stuff if you just ask. I haven't yet tried this.

>> No.4589847

I once ate one of these and had a bad stomach pain set in after about 30 minutes which continued for the next 3 hours. First and last Egg McMuffin TM for me.

>> No.4589857

My go-to breakfast at McDonalds is a Cinnamon Melt and two hash browns, which adds up to about $3. Chicken Biscuit best sandwich.

>> No.4589905


Where are you? They stopped carrying the chicken biscuit about a year ago where I was (Kansas City MO) and they don't have it up here at all (New Haven CT)

>> No.4589919

FL, Tampa area.

>> No.4589920
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