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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 658 KB, 796x599, hipstershit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4575540 No.4575540 [Reply] [Original]

ITT the latest trendy stuff that cool hipsters eat because they are image conscious with their shutter shades and girl jeans.

>> No.4575546


Go fuck yourself.

But I can agree on hipstercakes.

>> No.4575555
File: 85 KB, 300x355, 1359406740757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/5 of those aren't even hipster. Everybody fucking loves cupcakes, Nutella is just like frosting, and Sriracha sauce tastes good. Those appeal to "plebs", if anything.

>> No.4575575

It's more like this: chicken and waffles, ramen, pho, kimchi, foie gras, quinoa, specialty coffee, purées, smoked anything, baconed anything, "trashy" foods like spam, that's enough for now.

>> No.4575582
File: 195 KB, 670x403, macaron1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking macarons.

I live in NYC. There's a fucking Macaron place every other block. In MANHATTAN. In Brooklyn they're probably every block.

I don't get the appeal.

>> No.4575590
File: 253 KB, 660x371, cronut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also big in NYC: The Cronut.

Sort of a croissant crossed with a donut. Apparently, there's a black market for them, and they fetch up to $100 a pop.

Why the fuck did I move here, again?

>> No.4575592


They made fun of the cupcake trend in 2008 on 30 rock. It's beyond over, you don't know what hipsters are.

>> No.4575593

>sriracha tastes good
Only in certain circumstances. It is not a generalist hot sauce. The hipster aspect of it is "OMG GOD SAUCE MUST PUT ON EVERYTHING".

>> No.4575594


Hipsters use it only on asian foods. The "OMG PUT IT ON EVERYTHING" isn't hipsters. It's people who both:
a) can't cook for shit and therefore find it to improve the taste of nearly anything
b) have only recently heard of it.

>> No.4575597
File: 24 KB, 200x505, teb24c9_louisiana-gold-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best use for sriracha I've found is to spice up (in place of dende oil) Moqueca. Adds just the right flavor, which is odd, but it works. And, of course, it goes well with asian foods. Other than that, I go for other hot sauces. Pic related, my most favorite hot sauce ever.

>> No.4575599

Seriously, what the fuck is up with all the macaron places.

>> No.4575602


I know an investment banker whose wife has one. "It was always her dream", or some shit like that.

There are a lot of investment bankers here.

>> No.4575604
File: 28 KB, 320x320, 399901_323850244303564_195830893772167_1046529_1160245109_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on chicken and waffles

>> No.4575605

Gluten-free everything - at work today I had someone ask for gluten-free hot dogs

>> No.4575608

Oh, I know it. That can't account for _all_ the fucking macaron places, though.

Man, I had Chicken and Waffles for the first time recently. I understand why people are fucking loving it.

>> No.4575616

>Everybody fucking loves cupcakes
cupcakes are hipster shit often times these days. I mean the ones that are 1/2 frosting or have ingredients that shouldn't be in cupcakes (also see all those cupcake shows on cooking channels)

>> No.4575622

>Coconut water

Sushi and avocados aren't trends, maybe to people who are ridiculously casual eaters or something.

>> No.4575627


Human stupidity can account for a lot of things, including the proliferation of said establishments and your inability to spell macaroon properly.

>> No.4575631
File: 32 KB, 461x574, 1367875598043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to any actual restaurant
> golden crunchy fried chicken with extra breading
> fluffy warm waffles
> sugary syrup covering everything

Pic related, it's you

>> No.4575633


Epic troll xd xd

>> No.4575634

Macaroons are those baked balls of flaked coconut.

Macarons are those little multi-colored sandwich cookie-type things.

>> No.4575635

Just so long as the hipsters never get their hands on petit fours. Love my petit fours.

>> No.4575639

I must live in backass nowheres-ville. I haven't seen a one of these places where I live yet. They look pretty though and I do like pretty things... especially when I'm destroying it with my maw.

>> No.4575640

You just fucking jinxed it man. Next time I go to Brooklyn, I'm going to walk past an artisanal petit fours place that offers fucking gluten-free organic vegan petit fours.

And it's all.



>> No.4575642

All according to plan. Send me some; I live in some armpit where we still have cupcake shops.

>> No.4575644

All that shit on that picture looks tasty... but it's probably because I'm a chubby ass and loves me some food... not so much because hipster.

>> No.4575648

Yeah, I'll send you the fucking gluten-free, vegan, locally-sourced raw carob flavored ones. Or I'll send you a couple cardboard cubes. They'll taste exactly the same.

>> No.4575651

Carob is fucking gross, man. WHY?

>> No.4575654

Because macaron places on every block is bad enough. Now you're gonna make 'em open petit fours shops.


>> No.4575658

L.A.bro here. I've tried em and they taste whatever but for some reason people here (especially girls) treat it like it's a fucking endangered species or somethin.

>> No.4575663
File: 17 KB, 196x257, 1322096715357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of that doesn't work perfectly fine

>> No.4575668

Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you for the idea! Im going to look up these, petit 4 things and sell them from my food cart. Rock on!

>> No.4575674
File: 293 KB, 453x337, a bad case of the sads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The city my university is in is basically Hipsterville, so I can attest to a majority of these being the case. However, there are also a lot of Asians where I live, so a couple of these can be a little more justified than the others. Still, some of the shit is ridiculously expensive. I'm not going to buy a single maracon for 1.50.

There's a a couple of Asian bakeries selling petit fours around here, so be prepared for a shit deluge in the future.

>> No.4575682

sushi and nutella are both awesome (but not together). avocados are slightly above average in deliciousness.

>> No.4575712

I've been eating nutella, cupcakes and avocado since I was a kid. Am I cool yet?

>> No.4575748

Fuck you, I love everything in that pic

>> No.4575762

No, sadly. I've been eating that stuff since I was in diapers, sushi since I was 14 (a decade and a half ago) and Sriracha for the last ten years and I'm neither hip nor with it.
I literally have no friends, don't talk to people outside of work-related emails (I work from home) and am very shy. Hipsters are part of the look-at-me culture and I'm more a please-ignore-me, I-have-nothing-to-add-to-interpersonal-interactions sort of person.

>> No.4575763



>> No.4575780

You know being vegan makes it very hard to eat the majority of op's picture foods. Just saying~

>> No.4575784


Welcome to /ck/, where apparently neckbearded virgins are American Apparel models

>> No.4575787


Someone hasn't been on Bedford in the last 5 years. It's all petit fours past the Turkey's Nest now.

>> No.4575788


>only sushi

>> No.4575790


No it doesn't. Only two of those products are sure to have animal products, nigiri and nutella. 2/5 isn't a majority, if math isn't your strong suit.

inb4 cupcakes, you can make gluten-free, animal-product-free cupcakes, people do it plenty. Not required to have animal products in them.

So no, a majority of the food's in OP's picture are actually edible for vegans.

Just saying.

>> No.4575791

>shutter shades
>girl jeans
I don't think hipsters do either of those anymore.

Anyway, from what I've gathered from listening to conversations between the typical spoiled brat hipster, the following is now cool:
>IPA/locally brewed beer that is overly bitter

These people are disgusting.

>> No.4575795


Indeed. Not to mention OP didn't mention anything about being exclusive to the items shown in his photo. They're examples, not the end-all definitive list of foods to discuss.

>> No.4575796

I bet that cupcake in op's picture is not vegan. Vegans can't have eggs, milk, honey as well as the meats.

>> No.4575797


2009 called, it'd like its food trends back

>> No.4575798

I'm not a hipster, so I wouldn't know.

Shouldn't you be gentrifying some neighbourhood, white boy?

>> No.4575799


>IPA/micro brew
>this nigga seriously thinks IPA is synonymous with local brews

You must drink Coors, because if you think an IPA is bitter you literally have never drunk actual beer.

>> No.4575802

I love sriracha though. I am not a hipster either! Or asian!

>> No.4575803


Though it's not like people haven't figured out how to make baked goods vegan friendly...

>> No.4575804

>implying I even drink beer

I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks coffee has to be drunk black as well.

>> No.4575805


Gentrifying is way too mainstream - I've moved into the ocean on land I've reclaimed from the seabed.

>> No.4575808

Most don't, and most places don't make them. Plenty of clueless vegans.

>> No.4575809


>caring this much about what other people eat

This is honestly sad.

>> No.4575810

>colonising the seabed
Don't you realise how shellfish you're being, CIS human scum?

>> No.4575813


>being a pretentious fucking faggot over a dessert

Kill yourself now, please.

>> No.4575814
File: 57 KB, 250x250, hipsterariel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think if the crustaceans could talk they'd tell you how much nicer it is to have culture in their neighborhood, even if it means their rent has gone up a few clams.

>> No.4575826


Holy shit, seriously? I don't know where you're living but from the general area I'm from there are scores of vegan friendly restaurants/cafe's/bakeries.

>> No.4575827


>> No.4575828


Yea naw, what you said was the equivalent of "Cappucino is a type of rodent, I hate rodents"

I can handle a differing opinion, however when you say something ignorant, then start back-peddaling to make it seem okay, then you sound like a ignorant hipster jackass.

Also, some people like sour candy, some people like bitter chocolate, and that applies to bitter beer. People's tastes mature over time, and IPA stands for Indian Pale Ale, it's not a term for microbrewing and they are not bitter beers. I could have continued being a dick to you, but hopefully by explaining things to you made you'll endeavor to research more.

>> No.4575830

And what will happen when the crustaceans can't cough up those clams and have to turn to loan sharks?

Hopefully the tides will turn for our crustacean friends.

>> No.4575832


Pretty much this.

Every time I hear someone use the word "hipster", I know they're unintelligent, angry trash with nothing better to do than bitch and whine.

>> No.4575837

>beer faggot being a faggot
Bless your soul, you put so much effort into that post, all the while assuming I actually care!

Keep it up, friend, it's really quite endearing.

>> No.4575838

>buttmad hipster

>> No.4575842



It's always the vaginas

>> No.4575843


hipsters don't get mad, they get indifferent

>> No.4575844

Have those IPAs made you a bit too...bitter, maybe?

>> No.4575860

Not even the same guy but I find it funny it's always the dumb vaginas that can't handle anything but sweet candy.

>> No.4575863
File: 55 KB, 610x396, i mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting all that shit with avocados

fuking die cunt

>> No.4575866

Why so virgin, anon?

>> No.4575874

It actually stands for India Pale Ale. I don't know if you realized it, but your muscle-flexing

>Indian Pale Ale, it's not a term for microbrewing and they are not bitter beers.

about IPAs not being bitter enough for your taste (seriously?) gives you away as a tryhard, posturing beer expert.

>> No.4575882

Why so homosexual?


>> No.4575901

>makin' references like it's two thousand and eight
>shh the fuck up son, you're two thousand and LATE

>> No.4576208


You sound familiar.

After some hipster faggot insisted to me that a record player produces higher fidelity than modern stuff, I told them that that's "hipster bullshit" and explained the concept of fidelity.

Their response?

"Hipster is too obscure of a term to use it so freely like that..."

>> No.4576213

It's funny because I devoured everything in that picture. And I ain't no hipster.

>> No.4576222

Jesus, /ck/ is a fucking shithole today.

Maybe people eat the food they like and drink the beers they like because... I don't know, it fucking tastes good to them? I go to a bar and buy 2 IPAs and am flying high while my friend spends an extra 15 dollars on Pilsners. My roommate drenches everything in Sriracha because he likes heat. I'll eat a fucking roll of sushi because I want some fucking seafood. Not everything is "HURR HIPSTER GOTTA LOOK COOL." People enjoy eating foods for taste, you know. To each their own.

>> No.4576225


midwestern and eastern IPAs are pretty low on the bitter hopsy taste scale

so if all you had were those i could see thinking that they werent that bitter

>> No.4576227

is this the fucking 70s

>> No.4576228

is this the fucking 80s

>> No.4576229

olive oil

>> No.4576231


with the 'superfood' marketing bullshit they are definitely a trend food at the moment

but not a hipster trend, its about as mainstream as it can get

>> No.4576232

If you weren't eating Nutella, sushi and avocado since childhood there was something wrong with your parents

>> No.4576334


>cutting two concentric circles of differing radii on puff pastry
>baking it

sounds about right

>> No.4576353

Sushi is the most overrated hipster fucking trash ever! That shit only became popular because of 90's yuppies, and as that wave died the anime boom of the early 00's caused all of the weeaboo fags to love it.

>> No.4576355

Fuck you I hate cupcakes. I pound avocados into my ass. I spread nutella on my nuts and force my wife to lick them clean. Sushi, well that right there is fish bait. Sriracha never had that.

>> No.4576359

Nutella is tasty, though...

I have it on toast.

>> No.4576365

Some of this is real hipster food, some not so much. You guys are some how mistaking things that have become really popular with things that have become hipster. Cupcakes are really popular, not hipster. Hipster would be something like rice flour based cupcakes, which may or may not be good, but aren't popular and could be something a hipster would latch on to.

>> No.4576377

I like where being hipster and mocking them meet: limited knowledge and excessive confidence in one's opinions.

>> No.4576381
File: 22 KB, 350x334, 420lolimstonedguize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. I like you

>> No.4576393
File: 64 KB, 600x746, e9aa_soylent_green_crackers_eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking delicious and fucking real

>> No.4576415

What's hipster about avocados? They taste fucking disgusting.

Nutella is nice though.

>> No.4576476

I'd say there is no such thing as hipster food, but living in Brooklyn there are some trends that become tiresome because of their popularity among the young and entitled.

The worst have passed. Nothing was more annoying than five years ago, when we had cupcakes everywhere, macarons, lobster mac & cheese and mixologists making silly cocktails.for $15 a pop. (That last one was a decade ago, but it hung on for way too long). And the truffle oil on everything trend has mostly died out. That's wonderful.

I can live with cronuts, Korean tacos, vegan gluten free nonsense and Belgian waffles sold from a truck. Nose to tail locavore slow food food menus may be a silly premise, but at least it can result in good food. And anyone who can make a vegan menu tasty has my respect, because pulling that off is hard.

I'd say current food trends are far less annoying than those of the last decade.

>> No.4576479

spongebob fans?

>> No.4576494

Nutella must only be hipster in the US, my brothers been spreading that shit on everything since he was 8, he's now 23.

>> No.4576517


They're a relatively low calorie dessert so they're naturally going to appeal to many women.

>> No.4576551




>> No.4576555

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.4576556
File: 19 KB, 461x378, 1300221947552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relative's birthday
>take them to their favorite Thai place for dinner, my treat
>go back home for cake and presents, other relatives have handled the cake preparation apparently
>they got him gluten free organic cupcakes from a cupcake shop

They fell apart in my fucking hands, and I see local friends talking about this shithole on facebook all the time

>> No.4576559

>Why the fuck did I move here, again?
so you could be friends with me :3

>> No.4576566

I like sriracha mayo.

>> No.4576569

>having a Facebook

You asked for it pleb.

>> No.4576572

So.. asians?

>> No.4576577


If I didn't have to network with it, I'd agree with you.

>> No.4576580

There are these called things called phones with text messaging dummy.

>> No.4576582

I bet you 95% of the people eating that stuff don't even know what it's a reference to.

>> No.4576586

>not realizing how much effort companies put into Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

Ask me how I know you either don't have a job, or you're some low level paper pusher completely disconnected from the strategic decision makers.

>> No.4576588



>> No.4576590

itt: it's 2004

>> No.4576593


How is it easier to text dozens/hundreds people weekly than to take a cursory look at Facebook on the weekend to see who died, got married, has a project ongoing, or has a new job?

>> No.4576598


1. Export all your gmail contacts into CSV
2. Load them into an SMS gateway mailer
3. Email everyone on your list "can u plz send me updt on wut u r doing kthxbai"
4. This new Facebook trend is over, as you predicted

>> No.4576599


Why does any of that information matter anyway? If one of your close friends died or got married, they'll tell you. If they're not that close who gives a crap?

>> No.4576605

>The city my university is in is basically Hipsterville, so I can attest to a majority of these being the case

No, that's you just leaving your ground beef taco shell for the first time in your life. Notice how all of these things have been called hipster or trendy every year for 15 years now?

You turn 19, leave the house, some people try new things, other people call it hipster.

>> No.4576608

The amount of metrosexual butthurt in here is delicious.
Man up, you fucking wanna be girl faggots.

>> No.4576611


>not 99% prissy weeping vaginas

>> No.4576620


Because pretending to be interested in the inane shit people are doing makes them like you, and they put in good words for you.

>> No.4576623


I'm not seeing any of these butthurt comments link to some?

>> No.4576628


You act as though 4chan isn't populated by shut-ins and autuists who have no understanding of how to maintain useful contacts.

>> No.4576635


Fuck IPA. Most of that shit tastes like soap, Hipsters can't see the wood for the fucking trees. There's are so many better beers out there.

>> No.4576646

So are cronuts good?

>> No.4576656
File: 51 KB, 442x439, sphynx-cat-facts-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it either i mean there not terrible but they dont blow my skirt up or anything

>Why the fuck did I move here, again?

I'm sorry buddy, I wouldn't move there for any amount of money.

>> No.4576658


>> No.4576677


oh ok ty that's helpful

>> No.4576688

So the skinny jeaned 12 year old looking emaciated 20 something with the small lumberjack shirt who takes a large, with his shutter shades and holga camera, sipping on pabst blue ribbon using a phone book to look up new canvas shoes, he's really an illusion. How ironic. I was the hipster, very IRONIC.
Back to the thread, when did cupcakes become anything other than a cupcake?
Sushi isn't hipster, it's for white people who think it's cool to eat uncooked slivers of salmon for more than the cost of the whole fish because they always go for tame shit.
And avocados? Where are you getting this shit from?

>> No.4576693

>I'm sorry buddy, I wouldn't move there for any amount of money.

That's when you chose to be stupid. Flyover land don't have shit on NYC

>> No.4576696


I love you


Hipsta please

>> No.4576702


You can go to pretty much any other city in the US and have a better experience than NYC. Except maybe LA. LA is probably the only city that it shittier than NYC in terms of living conditions.

You have to be just a little bit fucking crazy to want to move to NYC.

>> No.4576705


Have you ever lived in a city? Or did you just visit Times Square, eat at Guy's American Diner, and decide that SHIT NEW YORK AIN'T GOT SHIT ON TULSA!

But that's what the middle of the country is for, people who gave up on their dreams .. .

>> No.4576708


Living in one right now. NYC is a shit-tier city. Over crowded, over priced, shitty laws, dick ass police, rude people, shitty air.

No reason to ever live there.

>> No.4576710
File: 56 KB, 157x185, DisappointElfScout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another quality thread on /ck/

>> No.4576717

3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls,

Why hasn't this obvious troll been deleted already?

>> No.4576720

You retard, hipster has a very specific and easily defined definition. Just because idiots abuse it endlessly doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


>Hipster refers to a subculture of young, urban middle-class adults and older teenagers that appeared in the 1990s. The subculture is associated with independent music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, progressive[1][2] or independent political views, alternative spirituality or atheism/agnosticism, and alternative lifestyles. Interests in media include independent film, magazines such as Clash, and websites like Pitchfork Media.[3]

It's a subculture, like hippies or stoners or punks.

I hate it when the autistic losers on /ck/ try to pretend they understand the real world outside of their basement.

>> No.4576733

Lived in New York for close to 6 years. I loved it, and I miss aspects of it like crazy, but I'm not sure I'd ever want live there again. It's a pretty dehumanizing experience to live in a place like New York. Maybe it's a little better for those living outside of Manhattan, I don't know, but everyone in the city is so disconnected with the community, with themselves, with the world at large. You can go an entire day in the city interacting with other people and never say a word to another living being. The constant sirens, night that get so hazy you can't even see the moon, the sad tramples of land New Yorkers call "parks", fake people, the bags of trash piled up on the sidewalk... No wonder L train hipster types cling so desperately to faux-Southern, faux-Americana gimmicks, it's their way of trying to reconnect with a human society more natural than what they're surrounded by.

But LA is worse. At least New York has its redeeming qualities. LA is just one big glittery shithole.

>> No.4576737


>> No.4576763

nothing in there tries to refute the definition of the word, but rather, just criticizes hipsters in themselves.

it's still a subculture.

you're just butthurt because nobody ever has or ever will like your shitty subculture.

now go to bed, ``hipster''

>> No.4576822
File: 21 KB, 290x265, sheri-moon-zombie[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my local grocery store has something that is absolutely identical for 89 cents.

>> No.4576841

>it's still a subculture.

Not anymore, it pretty much was adopted and coopted by mainstream society.

"the role of hipsters may be to "appropriat[e] the new cultural capital forms, delivering them to mainstream media in a commercial form and stripping their inventors ... of the power and the glory"

That's already done. Frat boys go around listening to indie rock and wear v-necks. Your mom buys organic fruit. If everyone's a hipster the term no longer has a current meaning.

>> No.4576842

Pretty Patties!

>> No.4576846
File: 435 KB, 637x599, poohstanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told to avoid a neighborhood because it's filled with hipsters
>go there
>95% sports bars

>> No.4576847

go back to /mu/

>> No.4576850


Exactly. Hipsters are generally a first wave of a much larger phenomena, that of gentrification as multicultural patterns interact with an increasing income disparity.

Today's hipster neighborhood will ALWAYS become yuppie in 2 years.

>> No.4576861
File: 58 KB, 276x245, 1359121755032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait? Cupcakes are hipster? How the fuck are cupcakes hipster? Did starbucks start selling 8 dollar designer cupcakes or some shit?

>> No.4576862

I think like 3 years ago.

>> No.4576866


Omg thank you.

I was perplexed as fuck.

>> No.4576868

Holy shit locally brewed bitter as fuck beer hit the nail right on the head. Microbreweries fucking everywhere in my city and it's all "it's sooooooooooo dark! You gottaaaaaaaaaaa have it, bet you don't even like it"

>> No.4576873

>inb4 cupcakes, you can make gluten-free, animal-product-free cupcakes, people do it plenty. Not required to have animal products in them.
Haha no you can't faggot. Go make out with a cow babby

>> No.4576875

>not knowing how to make cupcakes

Why are you in /ck/? Oh right, you only eat food and don't know anything about the food.

>> No.4576939

They aren't cupcakes unless they contain animal products, and they never will be, no matter how many rhetorical questions you ask or how sarcastic and edgy you act.

>> No.4576950

>They aren't cupcakes unless they contain animal products

Cupcakes are made from sugar, salt flour, liquid, and leavening. The leavening is normally baking powder and/or baking soda+an acid of some kind like fruit juice or cream of tatar (you can make that from wine, fyi). The liquid can be fruit juice, alcohol, or water. People don't use hartshorn for leavening anymore. Topping can be made from jams and fruit preserves that use fruit pectin. There's no animal products needed.

This is Baking 101 stuff, mate.

>> No.4576954

>cream of tatar
This reminds me of that thread where the guy used tartar sauce thinking it was the same as cream of tartar while making his sister's birthday cake.

>> No.4576956

Do you have to trot out this tired old vegan trolling shit in every thread you visit? Most people use dairy in cupcakes. Some people don't but its a lot less common. The end.

>> No.4576967

I've been quickreplying so I didn't know this was a vegan/anti-vegan troll thread. I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but I don't use dairy in my cupcakes because I use fruit juice instead.

I almost spit out my tea.

>> No.4576979

It was such a ridiculous thread, he wanted to know if the cake was salvageable because for some reason he couldn't go to a store.

>> No.4576991
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Brooklynfag here.
It is definitely better the farther youre away from the city, and closer to the beach (Coney Island). While I do love the city there is no privacy and I agree there's no sense of community either. Hell I can go somewhere deep in Flatbush where crime is much higher and yet you still see people sitting outside storefronts conversing and saying hi to neighbors and other locals.
Manhattan is just another playground for the rich, but everyone knew that already.

>> No.4577057

>Manhattan doesn't exist above 59th street

you're no better than a tourist from Iowa with one of those plastic maps

>> No.4577077

>random cumdumpsters feel they need to prove they are better cooks than men
>bake shit tier cupcakes with shit tier frosting
>"See anon, I made these because I know guys are just clueless in the kitchen!"
>What she means is "Look at me I wear large glasses!"

>> No.4577079

>she wants the D

>> No.4577300

You could not be more wrong.

Though I don't know what the fuck cupcakes are doing lately, there are stores that sell nothing but them. I don't even know how the fuck they stay in business.

>> No.4577326

i've liked sushi for years. I dont really see how its hipster in anyway. Infact the only idiots i see with sushi are the california rolls they buy at giant and think its authentic. Sushi is fucking delicous.

i dont use a lot of hot sauces, infact i hardly use them ever. But sriracha has a really nice flavor to it that goes great in anything from tuna melts, to pho, to chili. Yea, it gets a lot of hype, but thats because until recently it wasnt very well known in the US. I dont ever hear people say its the gods gift to mankind or shit like that though, they just say its a delicous sauce. Which it is.

You've obviously never had nutella on grahm crackers or with smores. thats all i have to say about that.

salted avocado is awesome. also guac is fucking delicous too. I dont see how its hipstery at all, people have been putting avocado on shit for years. its nothing new.

not really sure what the deal is with this. are they special or something? maybe its because they are a really photogenic food and look good on sites like tumblr or instagram? also everyone and their mom can bake cupcakes. seriously though, i havnt heard anything about these.

>> No.4577351

>shitposting this much
>grasping at straws
>genuinely autistic behavior, selective reading and twists definitions to match his own needs
>unable to argument without toddler tier insults and pointing fingers
No johns, you are the autism.

>> No.4577358

>ITT: cup noodle neckberds that eat nothing but microwave dinners think they know shit about anything, and instead of learning about fucking food and cooking, they try to build a hick culture and call everyone that knows good shit "hipster", as it means anything.
Down on the fucking butthurt, and fuck off to 420chan.

>> No.4577639


>implying hipsters go to Starbucks

you really don't get it

>> No.4577648


That's fucking wrong. All the hipster bars I hang out in have cock sauce on the tables. It's used like crazy at the Gourmet Hot Dog lunch truck in their craft canned beer garden.

>> No.4577661

maybe I like sushi avocado and cocksauce

>> No.4577664
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>> No.4577676

>latest trendy stuff
what is this 3 years ago?

>> No.4577685

But avocado tastes real good with just salt pepper and lemon juice

>> No.4577700

try 5-10

also pickles are the new craft beer.

>> No.4577714

This is a typical hipster response.

>> No.4577718

Craft beer was never hipster. Hipsters stuck to obscure cheap beer

>> No.4577749
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>mfw not two hours ago my shitty hipster friend texted me about how he was getting into pickling

>> No.4577752

>shutter shades and girl jeans

is this five years ago?

>> No.4577763


That sad feel when a huge fan of pickling and preserving, have been doing it since I was a small child.
And now everybody's going to assume I've jumped onto a trend.

>> No.4577773

not doing something because it's trendy is just as bad as doing something because it's trendy

>> No.4577791

>avocado and cupcakes
>a vegetable that has been cultivated and eaten for thousands of years
>a pastry that has been eaten since the medieval ages
>these are hipster foods

>> No.4577795

That's what makes them hip.

>> No.4577800


Make no mistake, I'm not going to not do it any more, it's a passion of mine. I just hope I don't get lumped in with those bandwagon jumpers.

>> No.4577802

Pretty sure saying you did something before it was popular is a hipster trademark

>> No.4577803

pork belly and bacon in general

>> No.4577806

Thats how it works. Hipsters aren't fucking scientists and inventing new products that they make trendy

>> No.4578062

Spoken like a true hipster. Get over yourself you smug piece of shit.

>> No.4578215

Been to Harlem its great too.

>> No.4578234

I can't tell you how many frozen yogurt places have popped up in NYC in the past year/two years. I thought that craze ended in the 90s.

>> No.4578241

The truth is that hipsters love good food.

>> No.4578243

I think the only really tendy food that rustles my jimmies are cupcakes. I just don't get it, what's the appeal of cupcakes? they're not a gourmet gastronomical phenomenon, they're a freaking bite sized cake.

my experience with nutella and sriracha is only from the people who watch dr who and listen to indie and drink PBR. they act as if nutella is gods gift to the earth and sriracha is the best.

I just dont get gourmet pizza either. a Greek pesto grilled chicken on a thin cracker is not a pizza.

>> No.4578639

You haven't proven me wrong at all. In fact you have supported my entire statement.

>> No.4578640

UK fag detected.
I love when you write with such edge, and make snarky comments. It makes you look sooooo intelligent.

>> No.4578770


>> No.4578794


Sushi is at least two fads ago. After that Thai food became big, and then pho. I don't know if there's anything newer than that.

>> No.4578812

but pho tastes like piss soaked noodles, or did i just order a shitty thing?

>> No.4578826

Sushi tastes like rubbery fish dick too, if you buy it at a shitty place.

>> No.4578832


I'm going to make a rico jansi cake some day. It's similar style to macaron's but as a cake if I can get my hand on some good rum.

>> No.4578853

Where are all these food "trends" coming from?

>> No.4578858


From the kind of people who use phrases like "superfood"

>> No.4578863


>> No.4578870
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Much like electricity, scientists aren't really sure where they come from.

>> No.4579055
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>implying all food in this thread isn't delicious and you're all as equally pretentious to the "hipsters" you're talking about this petty bullshit

>> No.4579099

I don't like sriracha and I'm asian. There are other brands you know/

>> No.4579102

Soccer Moms.

>> No.4579115

nutella is fucking disgusting. i don't understand the trend there, shits nasty. i can't stand when i see everyone and their cousin rave about sriracha though. hardly nobody knew about that shit until last year and now it's the hot new thing , i been eatin it all my life and will continue to do so hipsters suck they devalue the stuff they like just by being associated with it.

>> No.4579121


>> No.4579122

macarons are the hipsteriest hipster trash of all

>> No.4579123


>> No.4579146

I started wearing crazy embellished headbands because in high school I thought it would be a good idea to cut my own hair and ended up with short bus bangs. It kind of turned into a style trademark even after my hair grew out. This was over ten years ago, before Gossip Girl made headbands cool, and I got a lot of shit for it ("You look like a little girl"). Then Gossip Girl happened and everyone started wearing them, and I got daily comments like, "You look like you should be on Gossip Girl". Bitch, I am a trend-setter, not a CW-watching goober. Thankfully the show has ended and the headband fervor has died down.

>> No.4580480
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Pizza Cone

>> No.4580565

Oh god I despise those so fucking much. If I could find the fucking cunt that invented those, I'd stick three years worth of fucking pizza cones up his ass.

>be three years ago
>go to grocery store with sister
>"Oh look, frozen pizza in a cone"
>yeah, why not.
>pick it up
>take it home
>box says to heat up in microwave for two minutes
>heat up
>wait for it to cool
>it feels like a voclano ejaculated in my mouth
>spit it out
>recover from heatstroke
>cone is now cooler
>bite again
>it tastes like cheeze curl diahrrea on a mc donalds cone.

>> No.4580609

>Spit it out


>> No.4580911

>people I don't like happen to eat these things, so I can't

You don't deserve to post on this board

>> No.4581234

>maybe its because they are a really photogenic food and look good on sites like tumblr or instagram
that's a big part of it

>> No.4581246

Did the sriracha thing come from The Oatmeal, or was that just a symptom of it already being popular?

>> No.4581299

Nutella has dairy. Idiot.

>> No.4581442
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>Did the sriracha thing come from The Oatmeal, or was that just a symptom of it already being popular?


>> No.4582015

I don't know if this is a thing everywhere but my hipster friends like to all drive 20 minutes into the straight up 100% hispanic barrio to get cheap tacos from sketchy food trucks. I've gone with them, the tacos are good and cheap but probably not worth the drive over and dealing with a bunch of cholo thugs. I think my friends just do it to feel cool and "authentic".

>> No.4582043 [DELETED] 

As a displaced west-coaster, I can honestly say I hate you a little bit for calling traditional Mexican food 'hipster'. On a hot day, nothing beats hitting up a taquiera for a three dollar burrito with house-made salsa and a cold mandarin Jarritos. Fuck you, sir.

As an aside, my aunt runs a cupcake shop, so I can't really comment on that, but I have no idea how sushi and avacado could be considered hipster food. As for Nutella, it's a shame, because when it wasn't being made in the US, we would get the nice Italian version, which is less cloyingly sweet.

Oh well.

>> No.4582048

As a displaced west-coaster, I can honestly say I hate you a little bit for calling traditional Mexican food 'hipster'. On a hot day, nothing beats hitting up a taquiera for a three dollar burrito with house-made salsa and a cold mandarin Jarritos. Fuck you, sir. My aunt runs a cupcake shop, so I can't really comment on that, but I have no idea how sushi and avacado could be considered hipster food. Nutella is a shame, because when it wasn't being made in the US, we would get the nice Italian version, which is less cloyingly sweet and overall a better product. Sriracha will never be as good as Sambal in asian dishes, and is useless on anything else.

Oh well.

>> No.4582057

Bao is kinda hipster right now in my city.

It's winter, so Mexican isn't really hot.

>> No.4582072

Nutella sold in the US has been produced in New Jersey site mid 80s. I doubt you have any idea what it tasted like prior to that.
Also, most nation's versions of Nutella now taste identical to one another. Polish Nutella was the last hold out that I'm familiar with, keeping the original cocoa butter and full fat milk recipe I grew up with in Italy but, alas! they changed their recipe in 2006 or so to shortening and fat free milk, just as most other countries did.
Thai Nutella is super sweet in comparison to any other country I've traveled to.

>> No.4582093

Shit's already sweet as fuck, I have a hard time imagining more sweet.

>> No.4582098

Them Thais, man; they love the piss outta sickeningly sweet food.

>> No.4582105

You sound like a real hip guy.

>> No.4582117

see >>4582072
It didn't postref for some reason. I meant >>4582072 in response to your coolier than thou Nutella diatribe.

>> No.4582139

Although I have never had Nutella in other countries, when I was younger, we would get a jar of the stuff from an Italian import grocer. I distinctly remember the flavor being less saccharine with heavier emphasis on the hazelnut flavor. I have a hard time understanding why you think anybody would lie about eating the stuff, past or present.

Because I have opinions on food?

>> No.4582145

>Nutella diatribe
>One sentence

ha ha okay

>> No.4582146


Don't mind the smug eurofag, one time I mentioned knowing what french andouille tasted like and he lectured me about how if I'm American, I can't possibly know what andouille is and I must certainly be confused.

>> No.4582156

I've never corrected anyone on andouille. Never had the stuff, neither the American nor French (or any other variant, if there are any) versions. You've got me confused with another, friend. That is the problem with relative anonymity.

>> No.4582160

Yeah? How old are you? Cuz Italian Nutella is identical now and I happen to know the year they modified the Italian version and my family started buying the Polish one from the outdoor Polish market in Cassino.

>> No.4582173
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finnaly, someone articulates what I've been trying to say ever since all this hipster shitslinging started.

>> No.4582176

I'm in my mid-thirties you cunt, now stop obsessing over the fact the somebody on this world knows something about a mediocre sandwich spread. Christ. Next you're going to tell me that you worked with the cousin of a man who owned the hospital I was born in, and HE knew that I never have seen a jar of Nutella.

>> No.4582185

Choked on my water while laughing. Thanks, man. Hahaha, this entire thread, Jesus Christ.

>> No.4582187
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>> No.4582208

>mid thirties
Either a bullshitter or a pathetic faggot. Which are you?

>> No.4582213

I'm the one that doesn't give a shit about talking to some sperglord anymore.

>> No.4582216

So a pathetic bullshitting faggot, then. Cool.
Yeah, totally mid-30s.

>> No.4582229

Sushi and sriracha are legitimately tasty though, faggot.

>> No.4582307

I agree, along with the avocados.

>> No.4582806


Thailand does not produce Nutella, they import from Singapore, I believe.
But yeah, that shit is super sickeningly sweet in SE Asia.

>> No.4582809

That explains the English language label. It tastes like it's made with sweetened condensed milk rather than regular milk. It's also thicker. It's got the full-fat taste, but it's tooth-rottingly sugary.