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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4571137 No.4571137 [Reply] [Original]

How do people drink alcohol under 70?

What is the point of living if you can feel it?

>> No.4571150

Learn English before posting.

>> No.4571156

Where has my english gone wrong, you fatty fuck?

>> No.4571162


>> No.4571169

You of course mean the common denomination of everywhen?

>> No.4571187

Some people are lightweight because they have too much to pretend to live for.

>> No.4571188

y'all niggaz posting in a drunken thread.

>> No.4571189

You forgot to capitalize "English."

>> No.4571193

I am not discussing the English I am discussing a language spoken by those natove to American.

>> No.4571194

You forgot to correctly spell 'capitalise.'

>> No.4571208

Whats the best highly alcoholic thing I fcan drink?

>> No.4571209

>people that drink because it "taste good"
So pretentious

>> No.4571220


>> No.4571222


>drinking cheap shit to get drunk
How childish.

>> No.4571252


>> No.4571256

No getting drunk off of it is different. Im talking about the people that buy an expensive beer drink it and thats it. Fggots act like they are some connoisseur of beer because they bought some novelty beer from fucking trader joes

>> No.4571307


I hate beer snobs/hipsters as much as the next guy but some alcohol does taste better than others.

>> No.4571310


All food is the same. If it wasn't, blind taste tests would show that the cheaper stuff is better. Penn & Teller told me so and I'll believe it because it makes me feel better about being poor and having been raised by bad parents.

>> No.4571323

>I hate beer snobs/
why are you such a faggot? Why would you hate people that like consuming good things?

>> No.4571325

For a lot of products there is no difference, but beer probably has the most striking difference of any common product between the cheap and the good varieties

Now if you were buying vodka, it would be a different story

>> No.4571329
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>believing that there's a qualitative difference between Snobby Von Hipsterburg's Double Ale and normal beer

Obviously different brands can taste slightly different, but show me a double blind peer reviewed taste test that proves that expensive = good, and I'll show you a study that demonstrates the effects of cognitive bias.

Yeah, science can be a bitch when it conflicts with your value system.

>> No.4571331

>expensive = good
Craft beer isn't even expensive, how fucking poor are you that you consider ~$1.15 per bottle as expensive?

>> No.4571332

Has OP really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4571333


>hate the taste of beer until i was 19
>21 now

Beer/lager/ale and vodka all taste good

>> No.4571335

Cheap beer is a different product, they use corn and/or rice instead of malted barley, so there is a qualitative measurable difference.

>> No.4571336
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I come from old money. To give you an example, my family has owned most of the land in my area for generations. Last year for graduation we dined at the finest restaurant in the state and the waiters even knew my father by name.

If you've ever met real wealthy people you'd see they all drive old cars and don't wear name brand clothes. We have nothing to prove, just like we don't have to spend twice as much on beer just to show we have class. It's possible that this family trait is why we're rich and you're here posting on 4chan pretending to be a "patrician" or whatever they say on /v/.

>> No.4571340


>> No.4571349

it does taste good though, why would you drink beer if not for taste?

>> No.4571355

>why would you drink beer if not for taste?
lol serously?
Fucking pikers

>> No.4571364

You said it very well, but missed one crucial point: old money never calls attention to itself - that's in poor taste. Your post is in poor taste.

>> No.4571366

>Fucking pikers
whats a piker?

Is that some poor person slang for "not poor person"?

>> No.4571378


>> No.4571426
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>drinking to get drunk

>> No.4571462


You seem to have missed my point, I hate beer snobs/hipsters, the people who act all pretentious about fucking beer.

>> No.4571464

I don't think me making fun of rednecks for drinking Bud Light really makes me pretentious

>> No.4571467

this, getting drunk is shit and drunks are the worst type of persons, alcohol is fine every once in a while for me

>> No.4571468
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Yeah, how dare they enjoy something.

>> No.4571473
File: 194 KB, 651x492, brfss_alcohol-consumption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drunks are the worst type of persons
I's say alcohol abstaining super religious southerners are worse

>> No.4571482

Drinking only to get drunk? Jesus Christ /ck/. Why not just sniff glue instead? I'm sure you'll get your "moneys worth".

>> No.4571483

me bad

>> No.4571487

>I'm a giant faggot please rape my face
You said it, brother

>> No.4571499

Nice rebuttal. Thanks for proving me right. If you can't handle good drink yet, that's ok. Just...sit it out for a few more years. I'm sure it'll happen soon.

>> No.4571507

>I'm an insufferable bore
I know, I'm agreeing with you.

>> No.4571515

But you're being pretentious as fuck yourself.
>hurr durr look at me ima cheap beer hipster

>> No.4571536


There is a difference between enjoying something and being snobbish about it.

My best friend works in the beer industry, so I'm around turbo-hipsters on a regular basis.

I just ask him for advice on beer.

I can appreciate the fancy stuff, and even have some various beers aging in my house, and happily enjoy trying all sorts of different types.

That being said, I despise bud light, but don't pretend it somehow makes me a better person.

>> No.4571547

disliking bud light doesn't make you a good person

but liking it makes it a bad one

>> No.4571567

What the fuck are you doing, Utah.

>> No.4571569

Mormons are even crazier that southern baptists

>> No.4571638

I drink is to cure deprrssion and psychosisa. I am at best when in bliss before the blacking out and between the scales. Please tell me this is not good, yes?

what is best high volume that to get me off on??

>> No.4571677

Drunk is good.

>> No.4572410

I'm willing to let that one go because it depends on the country. However, putting a capital letter on "English" is universal, with no exceptions.

>> No.4572449

I drink beer because I like it, I don't always want to be drunk

>> No.4572457

I do not understand this. Why choose to not be drunk? Are you bad drunk?

>> No.4572517

Inb4 that dumb cunt tells us to drink steel reserve

>> No.4572530

If you just want to be drunk, just shoot vodka up your ass. It's faster and less expensive.

>> No.4572621

You are rude and I do not want to speak with you

>> No.4572908

I don't know about you, but I've had Kamchatka vodka, and let me tell you, there's a HUGE difference between cheap vodka and not cheap vodka.
It's just that the biggest taste difference comes mostly between the prices of $7-17 per 750, and not 17-60 anymore.

>> No.4572922

I'm only 24 years old, I would rather not wait until I am 70 years old to enjoy alcohol.

>> No.4572936

Obviously you know nothing about the different styles of beer. You see, depending on their particular style, they will taste markedly different to even the most untrained of palates.
A shame, really, because you might have been on your way to sounding like you knew what you were talking about before you chose to display your ignorance and fail for all to see.

>> No.4573420

I decided yesterday I'm not going to drink and post in /ck/ on the same night. So I'm here watching a true shitpost storm unfold with nothing to help me abide.

Oh well. OP your thread is pretty stupid and you should delete it if you can still work the controls on your computer.

>> No.4573450
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>that cognitive dissonance

>> No.4573883

make me motherfucker

>> No.4574699

No cognitive dissonance, I just have a functional tongue.

Try again, Summer.

>> No.4574704


Oh wow, people still believe in summerfags? I thought everything was now reddit.

>> No.4574811

Obvious troll is obvious, since no one is stupid enough to actually believe that:
1) Beer is limited to cheap Bud/Keystone/Coors and the same shit in a more expensive bottle,
2) Beer choice is limited only to said cheap beer's version of the pilsner without the existence of other styles, and
3) People only ever drink beer to get drunk.

Eternal September is Eternal.