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File: 94 KB, 800x600, stone-arrogant-bastard-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4570077 No.4570077 [Reply] [Original]

What is 4chan's take on the MANLIEST BEER EVER?

>> No.4570088

I am a loser, so I hate Arrogant Bastard because it is too strong for me.

>> No.4570107

I know son.

>> No.4570109

god, what a NERD

>> No.4570111

Third favorite of mine behind SN Bigfoot and dead guy ale. Best labeling though that arrogant paragraph is halarious

>> No.4570114

never had it. it almost looks like wine though.

>> No.4570116

Definitely not some west coast beer

probably some imperial stout

>> No.4570122

stouts are inherently more manly than IPAs

>> No.4570133
File: 200 KB, 1599x1200, stone-imperial-russian-stout-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, let me introduce Stone's Imperial Russian stout. DON'T YOU BE TALKIN' BOUT THE WEST COAST FOO'

>> No.4570140
File: 258 KB, 200x800, 7197a82a6fd57de4e419ecb9f426f6d2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stouts are inherently shit and taste like something that got siphoned out of a 6 month old clogged drain

pic is another manly beer

>> No.4570142

I tried their Espresso Imperial Stout a couple weeks ago, it was pretty good, I wouldn't pick it over breakfast stout though

The only thing I don't like about Stone is how they tend to overcharge relative to other breweries of similar quality

>> No.4570144

But IPAs taste like bitter, putrid death-piss. That automatically makes them more manly. Tasting like shit is a primary characteristic of manly drinks. The manliest beer, therefore, is probably some kind of Oregonian hipster craft brewery's septuple-hopped nightmare juice. And it only comes in growlers, because anything smaller is for pussies.

>dead guy ale
Fucking love that stuff. Far too tasty to qualify for this thread.

>> No.4570145

Best be trollin' nigga

>> No.4570150

>not liking both IPAs and stouts

so you don't like beer?

>> No.4570159

That's reasonable, their stuff does ten to be crazy expensive.

>> No.4570161

But IPAs taste like bitter, putrid death-piss. That automatically makes them more manly. Tasting like shit is a primary characteristic of manly drinks. The manliest beer, therefore, is probably some kind of Oregonian hipster craft brewery's septuple-hopped nightmare juice. And it only comes in growlers, because anything smaller is for pussies.

I am actually laughing irl

but west coast IPAs are delicious

>> No.4570166
File: 49 KB, 807x605, new holland dragons milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try OP, but we all make mistakes

>> No.4570168
File: 92 KB, 333x500, foundersbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast stout is awesome. I am pretty fucking excited that Founders is going to start selling it in 6 packs instead of 4 packs this fall for the same price

>> No.4570171
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1936, Bells-Hopslam-Lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but west coast IPAs are delicious
Not as good as upper midwestern IPAs though

>> No.4570173

More like IPAs actually have flavor and tend to not be over-carbonated crap. On a side note, there are plenty of IPAs that don't even fit those criteria. You'd have a lot of nerve to call Raging Bitch, for instance, "bitter death piss" and expect not to be laughed at.

>> No.4570176
File: 87 KB, 234x700, bedlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some belgian yeast IPAs, this is easily one of my favorite beers

>> No.4570180


>88 at BeerAdvocate

>> No.4570185


on my last trip to chicago i tried damn near every IPA I could

dogfishhead was the only one that stood out

dreadnaught, all the Founders ones, Dark Horse, Lagunitas, and whatever the other ones I tried were, none of them were remotely memorable to me.

>> No.4570184

Dragons Milk isn't the best beer by any means, but it is really fucking manly

>> No.4570189
File: 38 KB, 450x600, NewGlarusIIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you find this one?

(I know you probably didn't as you likely didn't drive up to Wisconsin)

Its worth a try if you find it

>> No.4570191

I just wanted an excuse to use that meme. I might consider actually trying a bottle of it next time I'm at the store, since it's not like BA actually knows what they're talking about anyway.

>> No.4570195
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, Goose-Island-Bourbon-County-Stout-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Bourbon County? I'd think the mix of bourbon and beer, along with its high ABV makes it pretty manly.

>> No.4570196

Its worth trying. It won't blow you away with quality, but its very flavorful and pretty good

>> No.4570207

I would say the previously mentioned Dragon's Milk is more manly than Bourbon County

>> No.4570210


Something tells me I wont remember it by next spring

The midwest IPAs just seem tonally different than west coast. I'd probably like them better if I grew up there and became used to them, but for me they're just kinda blah.

>> No.4570212
File: 155 KB, 480x640, duck_rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrogant Bastard and Double Bastard are damn good, but I feel like they get a bad reputation because of all the dudebros who try to drink the most "badass" beer that they can find in their local beer stores. The dudebros I know tend to equate bitterness and alcohol content with higher quality, which isn't usually the case. Pic sort of related, what I'm drinking right now.

>> No.4570215

Not bad, but if high abv meant automatic manliness than that Armageddon stuff would win by far, and apparently it isn't even that good.

>> No.4570221
File: 215 KB, 450x547, old-rasputin-russian-imperial-stout[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's your manly stout, you can stop looking now

>> No.4570222


How the fuck did you not like dreadnaught? Thats easily one of the best DIPA's thats readily available.

>> No.4570225
File: 42 KB, 800x600, surly-abrasive-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like trying things from all over, but I really like midwestern ones. They seem to not completely ignore the malt aspect like a lot of western ones

This is another really good one

>> No.4570228

I didnt dislike it

I just drank it and said meh

>> No.4570233

That's reasonable. I personally like Double Bastard mainly for it's flavor, but I'm also not about to pay upwards of nine bucks for something that won't even mess me up.

>> No.4570243
File: 174 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrogant Bastard is good, and if you like the strong ale, Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Ale is fucking delicious, coming on at a solid 9.6% Alc. by Vol.

>> No.4570250
File: 34 KB, 320x320, central waters bb barleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american style barleywines are really fucking good. Have your tried any barrel aged ones?

>> No.4570263

That it's good, but not the most bitter, strongest, darkest, thickest etc. beer I've ever had so I'm confused as to why your're calling it so "manly." And also questioning how secure you are in your masculinity considering you base it on what beer you drink. And also thinking you haven't had many beers yet considering that's not even the most aggressive beer made by that particular brewery, let alone overall, and it's a really common one to see even on the east cost.

sugar-sweet macro-brewed InBev garbage.

>> No.4570267

I feel like Bigfoot is one of the best barleywines for the price range.

>> No.4570272
File: 379 KB, 768x1024, f dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't tried Central Waters, but love another California beer, Firestone Double Barrel Ale.

>> No.4570293
File: 28 KB, 504x800, bigfoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what got me into craft beer many years ago. Don't drink it anymore though. I much prefer Oaked, Lukcy or Double Bastard.

Crazy expensive? Stores near you must be gouging. Here Espresso IRS is $5-6/bomber. Enjoy By and RuinTen are $6.99. Beats the $10.99 Knee Deep is trying to charge for Simtra and Hop Shortage.

It certainly used to be. This year it went to 4 packs for the same price :(

>> No.4570302

I'm not from the west coast, so here most brewers don't make bomber, and go with the $10 4 pack for the top tier special releases, very few beers exceed that price, and I really don't think most stone releases belong in the top tier special release range, most of them taste like the belong in the $7.50-10 6 pack range

>> No.4570312
File: 123 KB, 794x596, flying dog raging bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you handle raging bitch ? i remember buying a case throwing up all over the floor then never buying it again.

>> No.4570324


It's just fighting to see who can make liquor that is still technically beer.

>> No.4570333

>6 packs
>same price

That just made my day.

>> No.4570335
File: 16 KB, 320x272, norm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever is cheap and on tap.

>> No.4570337
File: 368 KB, 353x789, 211_steel_reserve_40_oz_bottle_zps6a922730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty much a fag if you can't down one of these.

>> No.4570340

yeah, its gonna be awesome

>> No.4570357

You are pretty much a poor black person if you have ever been in a situation where you would acquire the knowledge about whether or not you can down one of those

>> No.4570362

Don't tell me you're actually taking this thread this seriously. I'd also like to know where exactly I said I was "basing" anything on what beer I drink.

>> No.4570365

I'm guessing you're still in college.

>> No.4570368

even in college, I hope most of us didn't go down to that level. Thats homeless person tier

>> No.4570370

Eh. Double Bastard is upwards of 10 bucks where I live if you include sales tax, which is pretty high when I can get drunk off of alright tasting beer for way less than that.

>> No.4570373
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1355880021220s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i went to college

>> No.4570375

Nah, homeless person tier is a 3.50 bottle of Orloff or some 99 cent Canadian beer, I've only seen college dudebros drink Steel Reserve.

>> No.4570376

honestly, I don't think I have ever seen someone drinking it

>> No.4570380

Manliest beer? HA! It's a little bitter, but it doesn't hurt to drink. Try some Twisted Pine Ghost Face Killah.

>> No.4570385


so many pledges in this thread. learn to drink

>> No.4570391

I have never been in a situation where shitty malt liquor seemed appropriate, and I went to one of the heaviest drinking schools in the country

>> No.4570436

Speedway Stout (racing motif)
Older Viscosity (oil and old cars motif)
Bourbon Barlin Aged Black Marlin Porter (fishing motif)

all thick as fuck and put hair on your goddamn chest. arrogant bastard is pretty manly too though. ten fidy is manly as fuck too.

>> No.4570456
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>> No.4570459

>drinking 1 beer out of some gay wine glass

>> No.4570479
File: 270 KB, 1200x1600, Black Boss Porter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex-sailor alcoholic here.. manly?

Liked old Rasputin mention but id have to say...

Black Boss.. Its brewed in Poland.. suck on that.

And I prob have drank more boose in more countries than all of you on this board put together... I once drank a shot out of an ashtray poured by a Thai hooker.. and I can tell you all IPA's suck and you should feel bad for drinking them.. Dogfish 90 min was ok though..

>> No.4570509
File: 97 KB, 640x640, darkwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weyerbacher's Tiny, only because it was the last beer I had that I couldn't handle.

Based on one of the best beers I've ever had though, probably Swamp Head's Darkwater that was released earlier this month. Though part of that may be due to the hometown bias.

>> No.4570511

The fact that you call it a wine glass shows you aren't ready for a truly manly beer

>> No.4570513


Former ET2 here.

Let's go to the four floors of whores.

Old rasputin is harsh shit. It's only appeal is that its expensive and comes in a four pack. Oh and high alcohol content.

Go back to cleaning the padeyes you deck ape.

>> No.4570520

anybody try anything by hitachino?

they're singlehandedly turning my opinion of asian beers as american macrobrews, but worse, around.

or maybe it's just hitachino that's good.

>> No.4570523
File: 14 KB, 240x330, skyy_vodka_gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also an ex-sailor. I wouldn't classify myself as an alcoholic because every sailor knows that you aren't an alcoholic unless you can't make it into work a few days in a row.
>my favorite beer
>pic related
>well, it's my favorite for mixing

>> No.4570529


Command and rating?

>> No.4570543

beeing a sailor means nothing anymore they used to be alcoholics back in the 1800s because in order to make water drinkable on their long voyages it had to be mixed with alcohol. It was know as grog. But now ships have no problems keeping a supply of fresh water so sailors are just sailors now.

>> No.4570558

> in order to make water drinkable on their long voyages it had to be mixed with alcohol. It was know as grog

No. It was mixed with water to make the extremely concentrated alcohol drinkable, and to discourage people from keeping a stash.

In addition, gin & tonic won't cure malaria, and tequila won't make you fucking hallucinate.

Now can we please stop the bro-history that's been popping up in these alcohol threads lately? It's giving me hives.

>> No.4570562

>trying not to get too detailed
I spent 2 years undesignated, in a f/a squadron and 2 years as a journalist, attached to a carrier.
Made 2nd right before I got out, didn't even bother putting on the rating.

Just about every sailor is away of this and doesn't give a fuck, most don't need much of an excuse to drink.
>But now ships have no problems keeping a supply of fresh water
you'd be surprised

>> No.4570566

aware of this*

>> No.4570568

of course gin and tonic wont cure malaria. the Tonic doesnt contain enough quinine in it. Quinine was just bitter so th British used it as bitters in thier mixed drinks.

>> No.4570571


lol ignorance

Shipboard life fucking blows. At the end of a long fucking day getting treated like shit, you can go into your berthing's lounge, adark room with a bunch of mouth breathers watching porn, or go to the base bar and drink triples because you are reminded how much your life sucks.

>> No.4570581

eh ur all a bunch of pussies compared to what sailors used to be . Imagine eating only salt cured meat and hard tack while at sea for months at a time, getting scurvy and loosing teeth, sleeping in a birth with no air conditioning in the summer and no heating in the winter, oh but you do get to eat the occasional duff. which is a real treat its molasses and flour mixed together.

>> No.4570582

Pretty good. Better on a train.

Thanks for having at least a decent beer for a decent price amtrak

>> No.4570612

I used to drink those motherfuckers all the time.

Then one time I had a dogfish 90 minute and it tasted the same.

Fuck that shit, I'll stick with Steel Reserve. It's cheaper.

>> No.4570620
File: 1.75 MB, 2100x1500, US_Navy_081024-N-2565P-010_Ensign_Ebony_Miller_inspects_female_Sailors_during_an_early_morning_All_Hands_dress_blues_inspection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first deployment was on the oldest, active aircraft carrier for seven months straight. I would work a minimum of 12 hours a day (or night), 7 days a week, on the flight deck. Port calls were about every month and a half, for about 3-4 days (at least one of these days were spent working on the ship). The majority of the time water was rationed and used for drinking purposes only because at least one component of the filtration system was broken. Even getting that drinking water was difficult. The average air temp in the persian gulf was 110 degrees f. We wore camo pants, leather boots, helmets, and long-sleeved turtlenecks on the flight deck (at all times).
Food was barely food. Breakfast was something you would imagine at the worst diner ever, lunch was either a dry chicken breast or dry burger on a stale bun, dinner you were just happy to get because you were so hungry, midrats was leftovers from dinner.
We were subject to any and every law and rule they could think of. There is a rule in the UCMJ that basically says "you're in trouble if we say you're in trouble."

I will never forget the smell of that ship.

>typical women on the ship
>pic related
>should be noted that they are looking their best for inspection

>> No.4570622


yeh, it's aight

>> No.4570627


You're totally right, buddy. These neckbeard taste testers won't ever know the simple practicality and beauty of a 211.

>> No.4570629

geez look at the gut on #2 I think she must have eaten all the good food on board

>> No.4570632

Its like boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, Santa clause

>> No.4570651
File: 27 KB, 550x407, 5809_109251068724_100536333724_2255743_1581271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, need a lot of booze to turn the boat ho 3's into 8's.

Also, to try to stay on topic, if anyone is ever in europe, don't drink Carlsberg. It's like Coor's retarded cousin.

>> No.4570921
File: 21 KB, 420x508, belzebuth-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you faggots even 13%?

>> No.4570946

dude its steven
which one of my friends are you

>> No.4570975

De Molen don't give a shit about labeling, and their manliest beer is called Hel & Verdoemenis.

That means Hell and Damnation. Does not get more manly than that. Also, it ages for up to 25 years in the bottle.

>> No.4570982
File: 236 KB, 1936x1936, 412190_10150638621220664_717720663_11319778_1893190107_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570984
File: 77 KB, 860x406, Black_Death_Page2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570987

How do people drink qlcohol under 70? What is the point of living if you can feel it?

>> No.4570988
File: 270 KB, 852x1280, the-emperor-s-new-clothes-ladybird-book-favourite-tales-gloss-hardback-1999-738-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrogant Bastard: if you blind tested it and served it in a plain bottle without the cool name nobody would rate it.

>> No.4570995
File: 143 KB, 1024x777, brewdog-tactical-nuclear-penguin-1024x777[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man _O_

Also a good contestant in silly manly beers.
Tactical nuclear penguin. 32%

>> No.4571049
File: 56 KB, 556x744, 1351312698543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4571067

gross hate arrogant bastard...more like tasteless bastard ehh

>> No.4571095

> OP going for shitty Arrogant bastard.

>Not knowing about Grande Reserve 17
>Rated in the highest regards on many beer consumer sites, rates a 94 at beer advocate.

Grande Reserve 17 gentlemen. When I tasted this it was like drinking the beer of gods.

Also homebrew is the best, you can never beat a good hombrew with something made commercially if you know how to brew well.

>> No.4571099

well not THAT. it evermore ammuses me that licquor ads in the US try to appeal to the older generation but try to get younger people to drink responsibly. a good example is jim beam just a hint of cherry, or cinnnomen with etc.. or "Gentle men jack cause you know, you want to be in "that" exclusive club, or southern comfort with the 50 year old in a speedo or umpteen new flavored. vodka commercials or even mugarita by budweiser. it is hard enough to get free of that junk. I like to drink, and sometimes drink bad stuff and like many unfortunately i bit, hook line and sinker at 14. .there is nothing wrong with beer for cooking and even some to drink. it is ok right? I was horrified to see "chocolaty milk" in sippy bags with 2%abv. really? that is a bit much even by my lose standards. no good can come of it.

>> No.4571105


>calls AB shitty
>mentions Grande Reserve 17 has 94 on BA
>AB has 94 on BA with over 5k more reviews
>only other argument was "it was like drinking the beer of gods"

Could it hurt to elaborate?

>> No.4571123

Lets see try BBA's review of Arrogant Bastard, and their new review which doesn't show still puts it at a decent Ale, but nothing out of the ordinary.

And then how about you look up the fact that Grande Reserve 17 won many high honors in 2007 including platinum medals three years in a row at the World Beer Championship. And in 2010 the same original batch aged three or so years was named the World’s Best Dark Ale at the World Beer Awards.
Arrogant bastard is good, but not outstanding. Grande Reserve 17 is an award winning beer that was ranked in 2 nations as one of the best beers in the world.

>> No.4571226


>muh awardz

>> No.4571231


it's like this post was made with a Tryhard Checklist

>> No.4571420
File: 251 KB, 2560x1600, left-hand-milk-stout-nitro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"manly beer" sounds fucking stupid. I enjoy a good dark beer, though. this was pretty good

>> No.4571472
File: 311 KB, 1325x1357, TenFidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stouts from bottles
lol no

>> No.4571477


why would it possibly matter if they came from a bottle or can?

>> No.4571481

it doesnt, really....BUT that is a better beer than most of the stouts posted here.

>> No.4571485

my local grocery store has it, but its fucking expensive, so I normally buy breakfast stout instead when I want a stout

>> No.4571576
File: 120 KB, 425x640, 5616370692_275233589c_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I'm so thirsty. Thanks guys.

I live out in Halifax, beer drinking is almost a sport.


It's a shame these two are seasonal.

>> No.4571581
File: 7 KB, 120x363, beer_68873[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, meant to post

>> No.4571588
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>> No.4571592

how is that even classified as beer?

>> No.4571628

Yeah it doesn't make any sense, you can't really go above 20-25% with just fermentation, so it must be distilled, making it not beer.

>> No.4571634

I checked a review site and most people seem to think it's way below 65%, alcohol burn was hardly mentioned so I doubt it could be that strong.

>> No.4573696

It's not distilled. I'm assuming it's made the same way BrewDog's high ABV beers are (Highest 55%), by the eisbock method.

Basically it's put into a big freezer (Brewdog uses an ice cream factory) and the water, having a much higher freezing point than the ethanol, slowly freezes out on the surface and is continually scraped off until the desired concentration is reached. Some of my favorite beers are made this way, Kulmbacher eisbock is one of those beers that remind me why I love beer.

>> No.4575544

Lol wow American beer is so shit. It's like watching an all-out American wrestling match. Very macho, very image heavy, but probably nothing genuine or relevant to real beer, just show.

>> No.4575561
File: 40 KB, 448x600, 636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are a few good domestic beers that don't fit that description, but they're not distributed nationally because beer culture is driven by neckbeard culture and there's simply no demand for anything subtle.

We're still catching up to Europe but I think in the next generation we'll have a substantial enough population that appreciates and knows good beer to create a real domestic market for such things.

It's even happening slowly with wine even though our most popular wines are high ABV parkerized monstrosities still.

For now let these meat heads think that America has reached the pinnacle of culture, they wouldn't have understood nuance in the first place and they're not the ones who will be buying good beer in the next generation.

>> No.4575573

A well-spoken, modest and polite American. More of you, please. I'm going to California in a month so i guess i will find out about the wine, I have heard it is very good though.

>> No.4575587

...what the fuck do you guys think malaria is?

>> No.4575609


In the past "Tonic water" contained a lot more quinine than it does now. Gin was added to make it more paltatable, and because hey, who doesn't like a nice drink?

These days "tonic water" doesn't contain a medicinal amount of quinine--it has just a little to give it some taste but not enough to have anything to do with malaria.

>> No.4575610
File: 630 KB, 214x277, cathug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was about to autorage at you and then I saw that you're the first one to ever get it right on /ck/.

Have a cat hug.

>> No.4575613

...it never had anything at all to do with malaria.


Again I ask, what do you think malaria actually is?

>> No.4575618

>Again I ask, what do you think malaria actually is?

I think it's the only thing on this planet which has killed more people than wars in the name of religion.

>> No.4575620


It's a disease caused by evil spirits which can't be cured, prevented, or trated by any chemical known to man.

>> No.4575625


Does Dragons Milk clock in at around 15%?

Yeah, didn't think so. Fuck off.

>> No.4575637


> twist cap
> 330mL
> 65% ABV

This beer contains 215 mL of alcohol, and is apparently meant to be consumed in a single sitting. A 750 mL bottle of 40% spirits contains 300 mL of alcohol.

I can't imagine that tasting good, but I would be 100% wrecked drinking just one of those.

>> No.4575823

>Hates on IPAs
>Like Rogue pisswater

It's like you don't actually enjoy beer.

>> No.4575831
File: 9 KB, 194x259, brew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav

>> No.4575839

Russel is so hit and miss with me. I've had some really interesting beers, like their Wheatwine, but ultimately everything but the Scotch Ale falls flat compared to all the other BC breweries.

Parallel 49 are hitting it on the head though. Easily my favorite Vancouver brewery, especially after Hopnotist. That beer blew me away, definitely the best DIPA I've ever had.

>> No.4575903

Just try and choke this piss down, It makes OE and SR taste like champagne. It's 10% and only costs 1.99 a 24oz can. Its so fucking gross. If i was broke and wanted a buzz, i guess it did the trick, if i stole a lime or two from work and drank it fast and ice cold.

>> No.4575904
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>> No.4575906
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and on the other end of the spectrum, this was quite expensive, yet tasted like Valvoline, raisins, and bourbon mixed together. Its the only "stupid strong" beer I have tried, and it was for sheer novelty and a cool glass.
Pretty much the beer equivalent of eating stupid hot wings to get a T-shirt.

>> No.4578158
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>> No.4578284

Can you buy Great Lakes beer on the west coast?

>> No.4578300


Anymore recommendations for imperial stouts?

>> No.4578330

please reply

>> No.4578348

Not legally.

>> No.4578352

why the fuck not?

>> No.4578362

Not distributed here.

>> No.4580007
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And you're an arrogant, ignorant Yuro. We have enough of you, but, if you insist on visiting our shining city upon a hill, do try to confine yourself to California.

>> No.4580026

In the PNW cheap malt liquor lie Steel Reserve is the Budwieser of the working poor.

I drink worse stuff than that daily cause I'm always broke.

>> No.4580056
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>no cantillon

Do you guys even lambic?

>> No.4580072

beer tastes like a shit took a piss and bottled it
drink cider like real fucking heterosexuals

>> No.4580089

Geuzes and Krieks are fucking delicious but not really manly.

Gotta admire the Belgians though beer is essentially like wine over there.

>> No.4580447
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Grimm Brothers Fearless Youth!

>> No.4581777

Your'e not lambiccing either -_- that shit is mixed with fruit it's not a pure lambic fucking race traitor

>> No.4581781
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Picked up a 6 pack of this.

>> No.4581786

I know of way to many people who drink these kind of beers just for the freaking name and say it's the best thing they have ever tasted -_- please you fucking americunts, just please... leave beertasting and brewing to us europeans

>> No.4581789

>overly bitter
what the fuck

>> No.4581830
File: 1.93 MB, 350x310, fuck everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to legitimately participate in this thread because I know everyone is going to measure theirs dicks to see who likes the most bitter IPA.

I'm glad I'm still able to enjoy good beer.

>> No.4581832
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there's your problem

>> No.4582046
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nice dubs. i love arrogantbastard its better than becks dark im sure there are better beers out there but i hate beer usually i drink hard stuff like vodka or everclear. everclear is the only thing allowed in my flask

>> No.4582060
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This is some manly shit right here.

>> No.4582114

>im sure there are better beers out there but i hate beer

So... try better beers?

>> No.4582120

thats what id imagine would be the best thing

>> No.4582124
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that isnt three floyds zombie dust

>> No.4582127
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>> No.4582140

this thread sounds like wine tasting, and we all know how bullshit that is