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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.24 MB, 1236x927, the ccccake1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4567555 No.4567555 [Reply] [Original]

Round two, /ck/.

Last time I tried to make a chocolate chip cookie cake, it failed miserably. I followed a chocolate chip cookie recipe (linked below) exactly, aside from making it all into one big "cookie" cake. Fellow anons suggested I lower the temperature and cook it for longer.

And so it begins.

Recipe: The recipe actually can't be linked because of some anti-spam faggot shit. I tried and got banned. It's triple chocolate chip cookies by Chef John.

>> No.4567564

>I tried and got banned
I mean that I was issued a warning - I wasn't actually banned.

>> No.4567562
File: 341 KB, 1236x927, the ccccake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the oven it goes! That was 14 minutes ago.

Will post results in 16 minutes.

>> No.4567567

next time i would recommend posting the images after it's done...i'm going to hate waiting on this.

>> No.4567570

First; don't post a pic of cheese and ground beef and call it cake.

>> No.4567577


>> No.4567583

I'm posting the images now so in case it fucks up, I won't have to go through the trouble of uploading them while waiting on what to do with my cookie cake.

Here is what happened last time. In the oven for 15 minutes, taken out to rest for 30. I eventually had to put it in again for 10 minutes, cool again, then back in for another 15 and cool again before it became solid (in most places). Don't want that to happen again.

The temperature was at 350.

>> No.4567585
File: 513 KB, 1600x1200, ccccake1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cake from last time, forgot pic.

>> No.4567591

looks too thick. if it doesn't work this time you could try putting it in two seperate pans and just layering it

>> No.4567602

I only have a toaster oven, wanting to get it done all in one go. That's probably the best fitting pan I've got for it, plus it's square.

>> No.4567614

"Kill me. Kill me..."

>> No.4567625
File: 265 KB, 1236x926, the ccccake3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say that much more often than I should, including when I took that picture.

Here's what happened: pulled it out, knifed it, still a bit wet on the inside. Back into the oven it goes.

>> No.4567649

how much did you lower the temp?

>> No.4567658
File: 376 KB, 1236x927, the ccccake4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time it was about 360, this time it's around 335-340.

After about 45 minutes of cooking, this is how it looks. A bit dark, but that's okay. It no longer jiggles like it did when I took it out at the 30 minute mark.

My theory: crust forms on top, heat is not distributed evenly to the contents below it. I poked a few holes and popped it back in at the 30 minute mark, so maybe allowing ventilation helped? Maybe?

Please kill me if this isn't good.

>> No.4567665

You didn't lower the temp enough.

>> No.4567692

spend 10 bucks on a pyrex baking dish and a tub of crisco

I'm just guessing that you use that foil because you have some rusted up shit pan

>> No.4567721

Try lowering the temp to about 300.

>> No.4567734

did op died

>> No.4567737
File: 414 KB, 1920x1140, ppppyrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have generic Crisco. Also, the pan isn't rusted, I just didn't want the cookie cake touching the pan so I wouldn't have to clean it.

>> No.4567742
File: 17 KB, 466x350, 1318610903356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..you took an image of an image that was already on your computer?

>> No.4567752
File: 267 KB, 1236x780, ccccake and ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone with exif data - you probably can't even guess what I'm doing (hint: it's in the resolution of all my pics uploaded)

Good news: it came out as one solid square and is still very soft and moist on the inside. I believe the lighting may be causing the crust to look darker than it is. The last time it was a mushy mess every time I tried to remove it from the pan.

And a couple very small ice cream scoops because I've already gone this far.

>> No.4567751
File: 46 KB, 140x207, costanzahd1080p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4567758

How'd the taste come out?

>> No.4567761

>Smirnoff Ices
OP here - these aren't mine, probably one of my housemates. I stick with beer.

>> No.4567773
File: 249 KB, 1236x927, ccccake and ice cream dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good! Like a warm, square chocolately chocolate chip cookie. The dark crust really is unnoticeable in the taste. I'm eating in the dark, does that matter any? Probably not.

Final shot of what it looked like before eaten. Yes, you can see my ugly ass toaster oven in the background. It was clogged with gunk before I moved in, and yes I tried to remove it. It's hard baked in for over a decade I'm quite sure. Any tips to remove it would be wonderful, but I don't see anything working for that.

>unplug toaster oven
>remove from wheelie cart thing
>toss from window!
The gunk, fukwad

>> No.4567789

congratulations on your cookiecake

>> No.4567801
File: 225 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_0320_1333x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it was delicious. I believe I am going to follow this anon's advice
Though I'm not really sure for how long I should bake it. I am one who believes in retained heat and do not like to open the oven door to check on things until necessary. 300 may be a bit low, perhaps 310-315? I have a tricky toaster oven that may not have correct temperatures. It's also a bit tricky judging from the temperature knob.

Turkey pot pie sandwich guy here. Don't worry, the dog doesn't get any chocolate chip cookie cake.

>> No.4567806

I hate having to do dishes too but I have to draw the line somewhere

>> No.4567811

OP, look up "bar cookies" for the recipe next time. There are some adjustments to make cookies thick and yet well done.

My favorite of course is the 7 layer bar, which tackles a craving for chocolate chip cookie but kicked up to notches of pie, with coconut, pecans and that hint of flavor of sweetened condensed milk.

>> No.4567845


Only the dead can know peace from the evil that is my toaster oven.

>> No.4567918

next time just make it thinner. you can also lower the temp to around 325. think of how thin a cookie is, yours looks around 4x thicker. try around 2 1/2 or so. also a good idea is to put it in at like 300-325 for a while, then kick it up at the end to brown the top a bit and cook it fully at the end. just check it like 30 mins after you put it in and adjust accordingly.

>> No.4567924

damn dude your missing out the barely burnt gold

>> No.4568120

Start at around 45 minutes with the 300 temp, check it at 15 minute intervals after that mark. Your lost heat will retain quickly if you only check it that often, and the 45 minute head start will already put you leaps and bounds above when you pulled the cake out at the 30 minute mark and let it cool.

>> No.4568626

I make cakes as a living and as others have said the temp was set too high so the outside is overcooked by the time the inside has.
I cook at 150 Celsius 300 Fahrenheit. always make sure your oven is up to temperature. turn the cake half way through but don't knock it about or use excessive force or it will drop. Soften the butter and mix it with the sugar first until it is white and smooth then add eggs and flour (and all other flavors and choc etc.) don't over mix with the flour and eggs keep it light only mix until it has come together no more. don't cook by a time its roughly 40 - 45 but just keep an eye and cook it until its really soft but firm. Good luck have fun.

>> No.4569418

you guys are giving silly advice, if this happens again lower the temperature and cover the top of your cake with foil, that way it won't burn on top but it'll stay cooking

>> No.4569475


I found out that using the baking sheet, preheated, instead of the rack of the owen, usually made a significant difference in heat transfer.

And therefore, things are better baked.

Things like homemade pizzas and cakes.

Hope you find it useful.

Also, lower a little the rack/sheet will help not to roast to much te top.

>> No.4570202

This is actually such a simple solution that I can't believe how I didn't think of it sooner.

preheating the pan sounds like a good idea, too.

thanks anons. will incorporate next time i bake the CCCCake.