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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4565465 No.4565465 [Reply] [Original]

Foodie fads that you wish would die.

Gluten free
Calling Soy juice anything other than Soy juice
Weird foodie gourmet shit like giant plates the chef's leftovers and smearing sauces on everything but the food.
Deconstructed food
Guy Frieri in his entirety as a being.
TV chefs who act like dicks, don't actually cook at their own restaurants and just bounce around food network.
Alton Brown getting dispatched execution style with a deer slug.

>> No.4565472

what's wrong with Vegetarianism? I'm not one but why do you dislike them?

>> No.4565477
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We need more Guy Fieri

>> No.4565483

>Gluten free

Some people have gluten allergies

>> No.4565491

>Guy Frieri in his entirety as a being

Definitely this. I fucking HATE him.

>> No.4565494

Nah, most people just jump on the "zomg gl00ten so bad 4 u!!!11!!1!!1" bandwagon.

>> No.4565496


>> No.4565502

so from what I understand is that he just eats stuff while filmed, please don't tell me that this a popular show
Why do people think that gluten is bad? Is there any proof or something because I remember gluten in basically every corn product

>> No.4565513

being anti-monsanto on the basis that they're a big bad corporation needs to fucking stop.

also this anti-GMO trend needs to stop.

>> No.4565566

>I'm gluten intolerant
Fuck that OP, I can actually find carbs I can eat that way.

>> No.4565816
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>Why do people think that gluten is bad? Is there any proof or something because I remember gluten in basically every corn product

Gluten is a wheat, barley, and rye product, not corn. My aunt has Coeliac disease. She get violently if she consumes it.

She can't even drink beer except for gluten-free shit. She drinks hard cider and wines now.

>> No.4565821

shitty foodbloggers who rely heavily on bacon to make their food somewhat edible...

>> No.4565872

Avocado on everything. Particularly bad for us Texans.

Stupid shit like vegetarianism and crying about Monsanto will always exist as long as there are retards. As nice as it would be, they're not going away.

>> No.4565873

gluten makes my autism worse

>> No.4565890

Probably because it sounds like "glutton," which implies fatty, which implies bad for your health.

When in reality it is a protein that affects no one other than the 0.01% with celiac's disease

>> No.4565895


Half of those aren't "foodie fads"

>> No.4565906


Because it makes him question his own diet and feel embarrassed

>> No.4565918


Well this is a troll thread if I've ever seen one.

Gluten free has to do with overprotective mothers developing new allergies.

Vegans and vegetarians aren't going anywhere, but are not going to become the majority anywhere within our lifetimes, (hopefully) if at all (that said, they do not belong on /ck/).

I have no idea what you are talking about with "soy juice".

Chef's leftovers are chefs making use of what they have on hand. Making use of everything you have has been a principle of cooking since the beginning of time. Get a job at a restaurant and try calling this a fad after your first staff meal.

Deconstructed food is a sub-segment of "molecular gastronomy" (or whatever you want to call it). It is virtually impossible to actually make a living doing it right now, but the few people who do are pioneering new ways of cooking; but you probably can't afford their food to begin with.

TV "chefs" are exactly that: fucking celebrities who realized that the restaurant industry is far more effort than it is worth, and now make a fortune catering to house wives (hide and ignore).


You are an idiot. Avocado is nothing new, and is by no means a "fad". You most likely have spent your entire life eating fast food and hamburger helper, and finally just tried a shitty avocado, out of season, imported from South America, based on /ck/'s unwarranted hatred against it, just so that you could come on here and try to fit in.

Then again, you're probably just a troll. Avocados have never been a "fad", and I legitimately feel sorry for everyone who hasn't had the pleasure of eating a decent one.

>> No.4565941


>vegans and vegetarians don't belong on /ck/

Are we only allowed to discuss unhealthy fat people food here?

>> No.4565948

>I have no idea what you are talking about with "soy juice".

He means it isn't milk.

>> No.4565952

your insecurity is showing, fattie

>> No.4565961

No one likes vegetarians besides other vegetarians, that should tell you all you need to know, get out and shut up

>> No.4565966


Because you're addicted to cow tit secretions and you think going against biology and eating meat makes you a T-rex or something. Lelest lel in the land

>> No.4565977

Horrible troll post dude, 2/10 for implying some really dumb shit but so obvious

>> No.4565981


Yes, just ignore it, that'll make the truth go away

>> No.4565984

>Are we only allowed to discuss unhealthy fat people food here?

Whatever the intention of the OP, every single veg thread here turns into a thread about hating food. You can talk about shit you've made that is vegetarian or vegan. Guess what? Everyone who eats meat also eats things that aren't meat (or eggs, or dairy, or anything derived from an animal).

Most people enjoy eating from all the food groups. Vegetarian/vegans start threads about not eating from certain food groups. They have their reasons. I've never fully understood them (and really do not want to derail this thread), but this is a board about food, and people who willingly abstain from certain groups of food are contrary to what /ck/ is about.

In any case, every single veg thread goes on till it reaches the bump limit and contributes no more than a tipping thread circle jerk thread.

>He means it isn't milk.

Well, that clears it up.

My other is intolerant of the lactose, so I end up cooking with a number of milk alternatives. They are usually just as good. Sometimes they ruin the dish. Occasionally they are actually better than regular milk. Its not a fad, its the truth. Deal with it.

>> No.4565988

Is putting down Brown execution style a fad? Seriously OP you had me up until then. Also Frieri is fine, he's making a living as a taster. Hate him as a cook, but as a person who tastes stuff (his main connection to you unless you are one of those poor New York tourists) he's excellent at describing tastes and engaging chefs in entertaining conversation. For some reason chefs hate that, thinking he has some undeserved clout as a chef. Well he doesn't, he's a good taster and entertainer.

>> No.4565992

He's an entertaining chef that gives sound advice. However, he's popular. Why do I get the feeling the OP's main board is /v/?

>> No.4565997 [DELETED] 


>They have their reasons. I've never fully understood them

They're unfit for human consumption and aren't healthy for us. Might as well make a thread about how to cook and eat diarrhea and call that food too

>> No.4566000

You do realize human beings survived on meat and animal products for millenia right?

>> No.4566002

Global rule 3.

Additionally, Humans hunted before they even stopped to grow. Most vegetarian products you can buy are worse than the products vegetarians shame. Meat can be good for you in moderation. Issue is, moderation isn't a thing anymore.

>> No.4566003


You can survive on anything that has calories, dumbass. That doesn't make it healthy

>> No.4566007


>in moderation

Usually when you need to eat something in moderation, you'd be better off not eating it at all. Have some self control

>> No.4566014

No. Calories do nothing. If that was the case, you could survive off of soda alone. You need nutrients and vitamins. You see, that's what the body uses. Meat has that too, just not in the amounts that a vegetable has. However, most veggies lack the things that most meat has as well. You need a balance of both.

>> No.4566017

Shit nigga u retarded
Must be why multiple general practitioners and dietitians have told me to follow a low carb high fat diet rich with meat and animal fats

>> No.4566021


Calories keep you from starving, which is the entire reason humans started eating meat. When there's nothing else around and you've got a growing population, you'll take anything, and then you'll develop a culture around it

>However, most veggies lack the things that most meat has as well. You need a balance of both.

You can make a completely balanced diet out of 100% plants. You can't do the same with a 100% meat diet. Meat has to be supplemented with plants to be a viable diet, while a plant diet is perfect as-is

>> No.4566026

>you can make a completely balanced diet out of 100% plants.
No, you can't, at all and no dietitian would EVER EVER EVER tell you to just eat vegetables.

>> No.4566028

or only meat for that matter

Are you guys actually this retarded or are you trolling?

>> No.4566029


My mother has celiac's disease, so I do a lot of gluten-free cooking. The shit's disgusting and doesn't appear to be any healthier than cooking with gluten. I've never understood where this gluten-free is healthy stuff comes from.

>> No.4566030


>Must be why multiple general practitioners and dietitians have told me to follow a low carb high fat diet rich with meat and animal fats

What, like the paleo diet? Backed by fatties who desperately cling to the idea that you can eat like an unhealthy fat fuck and not be an unhealthy fat fuck because that's what they personally enjoy eating? Enjoy your oncoming heart disease, obesity, cancer, and low energy levels. Better buy some coffee and fat burning pills


>> No.4566035

Because gluten is sugar and we eat too much of it, it's all sugar.

You can cook plenty of gluten free dishes without using disgusting shit
Did you just ignore the first part of the sentence?

And no not paleo. I eat a balanced diet with tons of leafy greens, beef, pork, fish, chicken, turkey, and close to zero carbs.

Come back when you have any idea what you're talking about other than just jumping on the hate for a proven, researched way of eating.

>> No.4566031


>No, you can't, at all

Don't be stupid, nutrition COMES from plants. The handful of nutrients meat has are in the meat because whatever animal the meat is from ate plants that had those nutrients. Might as well cut out the middle man


>> No.4566036

>that video
So do you have any actual scientific resources?

>> No.4566038

I have a gluten allergy and I cook gluten free. I make most of my stuff from scratch. Never trust predone gluten free when you can do it yourself.

>> No.4566039
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>balanced diet
>close to zero carbs

just jumping into the thread to say a diet can't be considered "balanced" if you neglect eating the body's main energy source. A diet of pretty much entirely protein and fat is ridiculous

>> No.4566040

Exactly this. No need to buy awful gluten free meals when they're easy and delicious to make

>> No.4566045

Carbs are NOT a healthy source of energy nor are they the "main energy source". That's a choice, not a requirement. Our bodies process animal fats and monosaturated fats EXPONENTIALLY better and more efficient than we do carbs

>> No.4566047


The absolutely textbook perfect blood test of a raw vegan isn't any kind of evidence that a diet can be balanced on plants alone? I'd love to see an inuit blood test

>> No.4566048

>>4566035 gluten is sugar


>> No.4566050
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Find me one high-level athlete who follows a low-carb diet. They don't exist because you need carbohydrates. Your body runs on glucose

>> No.4566051

>You can make a completely balanced diet out of 100% plants. You can't do the same with a 100% meat diet. Meat has to be supplemented with plants to be a viable diet, while a plant diet is perfect as-is
That is absolutely incorrect. Of the three major nutrients: carbs, fat, and protein, there only two which are absolutely required for your body to function. Protip: It's not the carbs.
A 100% meat diet is ridiculously more nutritious and viable than 100% vegetable. In fact I'm on a carnivorous diet as we speak, and have eaten nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, aside from steaks and eggs. There is nothing in my diet which is not steak, eggs, or water. I've been eating this way for several months now, and I feel fucking fantastic. This diet requires no supplements whatsoever, and everything involved can be obtained from within 20 miles of my house year round. Can the same be said of a 100% plant diet?

>> No.4566052

Yes, your sample size of one is absolutely NO evidence of anything. Feel free to provide a scientific study endorsed by a licensed dietitian. I'll wait.

>> No.4566059

>The handful of nutrients meat has are in the meat because whatever animal the meat is from ate plants that had those nutrients. Might as well cut out the middle man
Too bad those animals we eat are uniquely suited to digesting said plants, whereas we are not. Humans cannot digest cellulose. We would get none of the nutritional value we get from eating plant eaten animals from eating the plants ourselves. Hell, to get any nutrition from plants they have to literally sit and rot in your intestines, so that you may absorb some little bit of the excrement of the bacteria.

>> No.4566056

You do realize high-level athletes need completely different nutrition than regular people? Carbs are a short term huge burst of energy that causes insulin release. That's what an athlete needs, short huge energy bursts.
Your body runs on glucose when you force it to run on glucose.

>> No.4566057


>Of the three major nutrients: carbs, fat, and protein, there only two which are absolutely required for your body to function. Protip: It's not the carbs.

Do.... wait, do you think fat and proteins don't exist in plants? I don't even know what your argument is now

>There is nothing in my diet which is not steak, eggs, or water. I've been eating this way for several months now, and I feel fucking fantastic

Check your teeth, you may have scurvy by now

>> No.4566067

No, you idiot, he was making the point that fat and protein are the only truly necessary things the body needs to function, and that carbs are unneeded

>> No.4566074


You are the single greatest person I've seen on this shit show of a board, and I salute you.


You I also like.

>> No.4566111

A plate with 3 blobs of expensive ingredients. Said ingredients are arranged to look 'pretty' and then a drizzle of 'something' is poured onto it.

That is not food and it wouldn't even make an ant feel full. It's not even fucking art, and yet TV Chefs do it all the fucking time.

>> No.4566117

Atkins is still around?

>> No.4566119

Uh, they *ARE* a bad Corporation and a bad corporation that is actively seeking control of the global food supply is a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE thing. That said ,GMOS arent really scary. just the business practices are

>> No.4566140


>Don't eat carbs. Carbs are the devil.
>Eat a fuckton of meat instead.
>No, Atkins didn't die of a heart attack! It was a heart CONDITION!

I maintain that the Atkins diet is possibly the stupidest thing anyone has ever come up with.

Even as a fat kid, the logic behind it never made any goddamn sense to me.

>> No.4566142

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

>> No.4566166

lolwut avocados haven't been a "foodie fad" since the 1970s, do you even cook?

>> No.4566191

Wheat and corn in excess will turn you into a fatasfatass.
Therefore you should not eat wheat or corn.
Eat shit.

>> No.4566210

Too much water will kill you. Therefore you shouldn't drink water at all.

>> No.4566231
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I stated that I did not want to derail the thread by addressing the veg issue. And I really tried to be nice about it.

But I'm sorry. I'm sorry /ck/; I seemed to have somehow derailed the this thread nonetheless.

Virtually every post after this can be traced back to the one (or two to begin with) response I got (pic related - apparently the anon deleted his/her post, or somehow managed to get it deleted).

So, can we finally acknowledge that posting any veg shit should just be avoided, and that veg threads should just be ignored? I'll do my part. Its just that every single time vegetarian/vegan shit comes up its as though the shit-posters come out of the woodwork and turn everything to complete shit.

Once again, I have nothing against people making lifestyle choices that do not effect, let alone people with legitimate reasons to avoid certain foods (such as allergies), but veg posters should be shunned from /ck/.

>polite sage for meta rant

>> No.4566236

You leave Alton Brown out of this you fuckwad.

>> No.4566242

There is literally no health benefit to eating gluten-free if you do not have Celiac's. Aside from maybe that you'd be avoiding foods that are unhealthy for other reasons besides the gluten.
Idiots just latched on to the "gluten-free" label as a new health notice and didn't bother do educate themselves on WHY something would be gluten free or why some people need it that way.

>> No.4566245


This. If you haven't watched Good Eats then you don't know Alton Brown. He can be a little overbearing on Iron Chef America, but that goes with the turf.

>> No.4566246


I hate that he insists on pronouncing every food thing with the most faux french pronunciation possible. He acts like a self important douche.

>> No.4566261

Yeah hardly any at all. People don't eat gluten because they read on alternative health sites that it's bad for you (which is nonsense).

>> No.4566275

I actually found an obscure study a while back when researching this. They found that the gluten free diet negatively affected gut bacteria. They took samples before and after starting gluten-free and found significant increase in negative bacteria and decrease in positive.

>> No.4566279

Maybe he meant corn as in cereal grains, though I suppose that still leves him slightly off the mark.

>> No.4566283

I kind of don't care whatever dumbshit dietary people have so long as they TELL ME ABOUT IT BEFORE I FEED YOU GOD DAMN YOU.

I'm going to spend fifty bucks and twelve hours making a meal, you ahead of time I'm doing it, so why in the fuck didn't you tell me you don't eat wheat or dairy or carbs or refined sugar or beets or go fuck yourself? And they're always like "well, I didn't want to be a pain." Fuck you. Fuck. You. Lick a dick. Lick ten dicks. LICK TWENTY DICKS.

I suck at everything besides cooking. Cooking is the one thing I do right. It's an expression of my affection for you if I let you into my house and feed you. If you seriously walk in to my home and turn your nose up at all that hard work I did and all the thought I put into making you a meal, don't bother coming back you ungrateful fucking prick.

>> No.4566285

"Non dairy milk" is a retarded fad that needs to stop.

>> No.4566286

>There is literally no health benefit to eating gluten-free if you do not have Celiac's.

As someone with ulcerative colitis who shits out his intestinal lining followed by copious amounts of blood for a couple weeks when I eat a lot of gluten, I'm an example of a non-celiac reason to avoid it. Dairy protein is far worse for me, to the point where a couple tablespoons of milk could have me shitting blood for a month. My sensitivity is uncommon even among ulcerative colitis sufferers, but I get so sick of ignorant, intolerant shitbrains like you spreading your stupidity because you can quote some other source of ignorance that says celiac disease is the only reason to avoid gluten.

And fuck the shithead OP who thinks avoiding fatal food sensitivities or following religious dietary practices that span millennia are "fads." And you hate people who "act like dicks," boy that's fuckin' rich.

>> No.4566297

Not him, but it's easy enough to rephrase that:

>There is literally no health benefit to eating gluten free, unless you're in the vanishingly small population that suffers from certain diseases.

There, happy?

>> No.4566298

Atkin's is still a thing? Weird.

>> No.4566301

Low carb diets in general.

>> No.4566357

>Defending Monsanto (seriously, that fad is pretty new)
>Muslim cuisine being considered the epitome of tasty (Dunno if that's an US thing, too, but it's common where I live, muh tabouleh, muh couscous, muh kebab, etc.)

Vegetarianism is ok, at least they consume dairy.

>> No.4566359

Ketogenic diets have existed since the 70s, they just change their names when it becomes clear that they don't work.

>> No.4566361


>muh soy milk
>muh oat milk
>muh almond milk
>Anon why do you still drink dary, are you ignorant?

>> No.4566363

I don't even like milk and I think they all taste like shit. Sometimes I'll use almond milk for a recipe for flavor reasons, but drinking it? fuck.

Coconut milk is good though, but not for drinking, just for cooking.

>> No.4566366


Also, the concept that every vegan has to eat soy bean curd mashed up to form things they can't eat.
For a fad that likes to guilt people as much as possible for maintaining a healthy diet, they sure like to eat soy versions of everything they're not allowed to have.
I think Jim Gaffigan said it best, vegans act like angry ex-girlfriends asking everyone if her ex is still talking about her and insisting she doesn't miss him.

>> No.4566372

>the concept that every vegan has to eat soy bean curd mashed up to form things they can't eat.
This, so much.

>> No.4566385


I'm curious, how are your stools? That much meat in my diet would make my shits painful as hell.

>> No.4566394

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4566395

Sweet chilli. I don't know what it's like in the U.S., but in Australia, every-fucking-thing has a sweet chilli version of it.

>> No.4566396


Alton pls leave

>> No.4566398


The reason this works is because you're eating herbivorous animals. It's why carnivores have evolved the way they have. Human brains have become so big because we evolved to be omnivorous and could cook and digest meat. So you gain all the benefits of vegetable based nutrients, and meat nutrients.

Vegetarianism is unsustainable for humans, we're not designed to be Vegetarians. Veganism doesn't actually exist, but that's more of a psychosis rather than a diet.

>> No.4566399

What the heck is sweet chilli?

>> No.4566403


Chilli sauce diluted with lots of honey. Barely registers as spicy

>> No.4566406

>Also, the concept that every vegan has to eat soy bean curd mashed up to form things they can't eat.
Like "vegan ribs", what the actual fuck.

>> No.4566411

That doesn't sound good at all.

>> No.4566417

What >>4566403 said. It's nice when you have it as dipping sauce along with sour cream for potato wedges, but that's really about it.

>> No.4566418

There's no honey in it.

>> No.4566443
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>"Lactose Intolerance" is a retarded fad that needs to stop.

>> No.4566449


When you start turning 60+ you'll learn to appreciate bowel movements.

>> No.4566465

That too.

>> No.4566491


>> No.4566507


Why does everyone say stuff like that?

I've lost 100 lbs on keto (coming from 255 lbs, now at 155) without doing any physical activites.

There were days where I ate like a fucking pig and still lost weight - all I had to do is cut carbs completely which is really the easiest thing to do once you're already 1-2 weeks in Keto.

Also, I feel less hungry in Keto. Now at 70 kg losing weight on keto is MUCH harder, but I'm still able to hold my weight while feeling healthy and not hungry at all.

So y'all niggas need to check your thin privileges pl

>> No.4566508

>being a shill on /ck/ of all places

Really anon?

>> No.4566510

>There were days where I ate like a fucking pig and still lost weight

That's because you were eating less overall. You weight doesn't fluctuate in accordance to your day to day eating. It's all cals.

And fruits and veggies have carbs. Did you cut those out of your diet?

>> No.4566515

Keeping your body in a ketogenic state is unhealthy. You're pretty much poisoning yourself.
Seeing as you're massively raising unhealthy cholesterol.
In women a keto diet causes irregular menstruation, it clearly fucks with your body.

But by all means, enjoy~
Natural selection will eventually eliminate your kind from the gene pool.

>> No.4566518



It's all about Glucose. Whatever your body can't consume it stores as fat. If you constantly eat more than your body needs, you get fatter. It's all about eating less than you need, eat sparingly throughout the day.

Candy bars are bad not because it's sweet sugar shit, it's because it's heavy in calories and an inefficient return on energy. Meat is so good because the energy you receive for the calories you intake is very high.

>> No.4566521


I like me some 100 grams of raspberries or blueberries with my greek yoghurt and that's pretty much all fruit I'm allowed to eat.

There have been days where I ate a single small apple or a pear and it hasn't kicked me out of ketosis but those were really exceptions.

Not all veggies do have crazy amounts of carbs. In fact, most don't have. My favorite greens include salad of course, brussel sprouts, broccoli and asparagus. None of those kicked me out of ketosis ever.

Also, of course I ate less overall but that's because when you cut carbs completely you don't feel hungry after 1 hour again which is really why keto works so well.

>> No.4566523


>Seeing as you're massively raising unhealthy cholesterol.

This is hilariously wrong

There has been no evidence so far that keto raises cholesterol levels. Really the opposite has been the case.

>> No.4566542

The ketogenic diet made me the sickest I've been in my life...

Never again.

>> No.4566544


I can't be arsed to discuss about this.

All I'm going to say is that it's simple maths.
Calories in - Calories used = x
You eat more than you use, x-fat ass
You eat less than you use, x=lose weight

So eat less, eat healthier, and exercise more.
(Weight-loss) diets are for weaklings that don't have the willpower to skip on the double bacon cheeseburger.

>> No.4566548

This thread is so mad

>> No.4566556


It's easier to eat less calories while on keto, why don't people understand this? S

ince you're not eating carbs, you're eating less overall automatically (except if you're a pig) because fatty foods fill you up pretty good and don't make you hungry after 1 hour again like a piece of fucking cake would.

>> No.4566607


Yes, it's easier, I already said diets are for weaklings without willpower.

What you do with a keto diet is kick your body in an emergency state so it burns on reserves instead of regular "fuel".

-Sit on your butt, kick your body in emergency mode, and eat a high-fat diet.

-Eat a balanced diet (which incl. carbs), and exercise, which not only makes you lose weight, it gets you fit as well.

Why can't you understand what the obvious healthy option is from those two.

>> No.4566657

>Gluten free has to do with overprotective mothers developing new allergies.
Can someone explain this?

>> No.4566659


You can do exercise on keto, too, you know? Just ask /fit/

>> No.4566662

Someone somewhere came up with the idea that gluten is bad for everyone and should be avoided, and since mothers are always on the lookout for the next big scare ("100 things in your home that will kill you", "20 foods that will kill your children" etc.), the fad of avoiding gluten spread like wildfire with no scientific backing.

>> No.4566666


MIDF plz go.

>> No.4566667

Why so strawman?

>> No.4566697

>gluten free

Pick one faggot.

>> No.4566705
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I pick both because they are both unhealthy fashion trends. If you don't have a wheat alergy, you shouldn't be going gluten free. I don't undergo chemo because I like the bald look, jesus fuck.

>> No.4566752

when we go to mexican restaurants, she eats corn tortilla and seems ok. but even if she eats something that has even touched a flour tortilla she feels ill.

>> No.4566757

Foodie fads I wish would die:
Acting like vegan food can't be delicious.
Hating on veganism because of a lack of understanding.
Not understanding a lot of people actually have a gluten intolerance or allergies, and it's not just a fad for them.

I'm with you on vegetarianism though. What the fuck is the point? Vegetarians basically just exist to make things harder for vegans, the way I see it.

>> No.4566759

What is biology?

>> No.4566762

Because eating products that come from animals but don't kill them is completely reasonable from a moral standpoint. Not that I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.4566781
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To someone who knows nothing of farming practices, maybe.

>> No.4566793

That has nothing to do with the product and everything to do with the provider. But you don't seem smart enough to understand that.

>> No.4566797


Veganism doesn't exist, you're either Vegetarian or nothing. This is what happens when you have a stupid nonsense fad, fags in one camp have to outfag the other guys.

>> No.4566806


>Healthy as opposed to as a metabolic last-ditch effort to not starve.
>Glycogen as a form of energy storage is useless.

The body runs on glucose naturally, not ketones. Your brain can't operate on any and all fatty acids. Also, if you think any state where you are breathing and pissing out acetone is healthy, you are a dumbass.

Also, I'd like to know how often you shit on a no-carb diet. No fiber and all meat must wreak havoc on your intestines, asshole, and toilet bowl.

>> No.4566809

You gave a reason to not eat a product, being that they don't kill animals for it, and now you're trying to say that what happens to the animals has nothing to do with the product (and why vegetarians or vegans don't buy that product)....

Vegetarianism is naive any way you look at it. From a health standpoint or a moral one. Really, it's pointless.

>> No.4566812

I bet you're one of those idiots who post that image with the cow and all the products made from cow without taking the time to research and find there are alternatives to everything listed...

>> No.4566823
File: 77 KB, 640x430, 68891073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deconstructed food
The most pretentious and pedantic thing I have ever seen.

Pic related

>> No.4566830

>The body runs on glucose naturally, not ketones. Your brain can't operate on any and all fatty acids. Also, if you think any state where you are breathing and pissing out acetone is healthy, you are a dumbass.
>Also, I'd like to know how often you shit on a no-carb diet. No fiber and all meat must wreak havoc on your intestines, asshole, and toilet bowl.
You don't breathe out acetone, it is only while your body is adapting that you have excess ketones floating about. You're right the brain can't operate on fat, but your body can produce a small amount of glycogen through gluconeogenesis, more than enough for your brain. The rest of your body can run perfectly fine on fat.
As far as shitting, I shit roughly once a week. Without all that undigestible cellulose and other garbage, my body doesn't create much solid waste. Meat is almost completely digestible, and readily turned into a nutrient slurry in your stomach which is readily absorbed. What need have I for fiber when I don't have rotting plant matter in my intestines clogging shit up?

>> No.4566832

>It's easier to eat less calories while on keto, why don't people understand this?

Because it's not. If you said to me "eat as much as you like but don't eat carbs" I'd eat 100s of grams of bacon.

And 100g of bacon (the fatty kind at least) is 550 calories.

I think keto only works for those who are very overweight because it restricts the food they eat and forces them to make choices and other psychological things.

>> No.4566836

My kind of people.

>> No.4566841

>Vegetarianism is naive any way you look at it. From a health standpoint or a moral one. Really, it's pointless.

Making choices that kill less animals is pointless?

>> No.4566846

No I'm saying the source of your food matters and people can make purchasing choices on moral reasons. Plenty of farms can treat there workers horribly and make use over use of pesticides and fertilizers which poisons ground water supplies and destroy lake and ocean habitats through run off.

I'm not sure how you don't understand this. I think I'll stick with the your stupid argument.

>> No.4566852


Risking your life and your health to obtain a higher social standing, a level of smugness over others, hiding behind a shield of livestock. You had dreams and hopes to free all the animals without realizing that it would exterminate 90% of the world's population. Hence you would be sacrificing billions of sentient human beings to save a few million animals that were bred solely to be consumed.

That's why vegetarianism is the most naive, childish fashion trend in the world. It's literally self-destructive.

>> No.4566856

Fuck youre crazy and uneducated.

>> No.4566857



>> No.4566859

You are overcomplicating it and attacking a straw man.

A person abstains, to a degree of their liking, from choices which cause increased animal cruelty and death.

That's a perfectly sound moral position.

>> No.4566864

Not really I eat meat. So your reasons for feeling like the statement was ironic is moot. You just come off as a fucking crazy person.

Explain to me oh wise man. Why would less meat production damn billions of people to death?

>> No.4566877


Removing the meat industry would doom millions of employed citizens, and starve billions who depend on that meat to feed their families.

If only these little high-school tier socialists even thought about their proposed agenda.

>> No.4566878

Why is it that people also assume that people who do keto/low carb don't do any exercise? I lift 4 days a week on this diet and it works pretty well for me. M-5'7"-170lbs.

>> No.4566880

*always, not also.
I think it's more about just finding what works for you and sticking with it.

>> No.4566885

The even hand of the free market with would find them jobs if that happened.
Also even if say meat started going out of style it would almost certainly be a slow process.

>> No.4566891

>Removing the meat industry would doom millions of employed citizens, and starve billions who depend on that meat to feed their families.

>If only these little high-school tier socialists even thought about their proposed agenda.

Nobody depends on meat


>> No.4566894

You basically need carbs for high intensity cardio

As for lifting, I'm not sure, but several fitness experts recommend against keto when cutting weight, e.g. icecreamfitness.

Most of them say that you should do a "carb up" or refeed and not stay on a low carb diet for a prolonged period of time.

And def not when bulking

>> No.4566899


I pray that if there is a god, he will prevent you from reproducing.

>> No.4566900

Well people in countries like Mongolia that aren't suitable for agriculture rely on meat. That's why there will always be meat. Large areas of the earth are only suitable for paster agriculture. Trying to go anything there will be be inefficient at best and unsuccessful at worse.

>> No.4566904 [DELETED] 

jibba dabba doo dad dibba SWIMPS deh ah boy? EH HEH HEH

>> No.4566912


all other japanese food is brilliant yet people promote THIS

>> No.4566914

you fucking moron it's the 21st century and we have sophisticated infrastructure almost everywhere

not even vegetarian but that post gave me cancer

>> No.4566916


Best Japanese food is okonomiyaki, prove me wrong.

>> No.4566917

I can't, I fully agree

>> No.4566953

>oat milk

Damn, that actually sounds kinda good.

>> No.4566963

I'm sorry I don't promote horrible and unsustainable agricultural practices.

>> No.4566965

I'm allergic to gluten you fucking faggot.

>> No.4566969

>(which is nonsense).
Are these people seriously this retarded?

My body can't fucking digest gluten and I start shaking and having panic attacks and itch all over my body. 2 sandwiches and I want to kill myself.

>> No.4566970

>fitness experts
top lel

>> No.4567039

>And def not when bulking

Even mentioning that word is a good way of saying "I don't know a single fucking thing about health".

>> No.4567073

I second that emotion.

>> No.4567313

If you're replacing meat with dairy and eggs, your choices aren't killing less animals. Dairy more cruel than beef. Vegetarianism makes no sense. You're still hurting animals and contributing to an industry that kills them.

And you're not getting many health benefits if you're still eating dairy.

>> No.4567317

This. I have the same reaction. I get dizzy and shaky, anxiety ridden, bloat up like fucking blueberry girl, and get a mild itchy rash on my face and neck.
People who say it doesn't exist are just ignorant. I tried to deny it too, because I love my bread, but eventually it got so bad it wasn't worth fighting anymore.

>> No.4567319

Basically all farms abuse their animals to a certain extent, and to my knowledge all of them kill their animals. And your original point was nowhere near the point you're now saying you were trying to make....

It makes no sense to be vegetarian as opposed to being vegan. It makes absolutely no difference for the animals. You argued against that.

>> No.4567326

You are so fucking dumb, holy shit.

If the world went vegan there would be a new vegan economy and it's not like the economy is solely dependent on the meat industry you fucking retard.

I hate that my taxes go to subsidize your gluttonous habits... Money I could have been spending towards the new vegan economy.

>> No.4567332


Because they're a pain in the ass when preparing dinners and parties. Vegans are even worse.

>> No.4567341

Omnivores are a pain in the ass when going to dinners and parties.

>> No.4567345
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>> No.4567347

>If the world went vegan

If the world went vegan even more would die because it's a nutritionally unstable, dangerous, self-destructive and smug life style. Only in a fucking white dominated country could people think of something as dumb as veganism.

Now you have stores like boutique shops catering to your fucking fashion trend which could only survive in a place like America, when 50 years ago you'd starve to death. Never mind the fact that the vitamins these malnourished weed smoking brain dead faggots drown in to stay alive are made with fucking animal parts too.

>> No.4567367 [DELETED] 

Why is it everyone who ever calls veganism a smug diet always comes across as extremely smug?

And you don't know shit about nutrition, cunt.

Where do you even think veganism started? One of the poorest countries in the world.


What vitamins are you talking about you? You fucking retard. Supplements aren't even necessary on a vegan diet, there are plenty of vegans out there who don't supplement.

You are just a constant stream of misinformation and assumptions.

>> No.4567370

Why is it everyone who ever calls veganism a smug diet always comes across as extremely smug?

And you don't know shit about nutrition, cunt.

Where do you even think veganism started? One of the poorest countries in the world.


What vitamins are you talking about? You fucking retard. Supplements aren't even necessary on a vegan diet, there are plenty of vegans out there who don't supplement.

You are just a constant stream of misinformation and assumptions.

>> No.4567371
File: 6 KB, 166x231, OVER THE LINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like AB

Eat fresh shit right out of my toilet you fucking nigger. I will ruin you.

>> No.4567373

This shit is why nobody likes vegans, you assholes won't shut up about your diet choices and act like you're better for not eating domesticated animals.

>> No.4567391


Have you not noticed that all those poor countries where veganism is the norm tend to have shitty life expectancies?

Vitamin deficiencies is a large part of that.

>> No.4567393

God forbid we talk about our diet after omnivores bring it up in a derogatory way due to a lack of understanding.

>> No.4567394
File: 190 KB, 400x300, 1369936080444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drinking almond milk a while ago
>mfw 1 cup has 50% vitamin B12 daily requirement

>> No.4567396
File: 56 KB, 413x395, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part about vegans is how closely they resemble religious fanatics:

1) They have a more severe case of dietary obsessive-compulsion than even the most devout Orthodox Jews

2) They're more aggressive proselytizers than even the most committed Jehova's Witnesses

3) They get offended more easily than the even most reactionary cave-dwelling Muslim suicide bombers

What drives a person into such a need to feel self-important, that they adopt all these traits at once? When even the most obnoxious fundamentalists in any given sect are satisfied exhibiting only one or two, what pushes vegans to grab for the whole putrid trinity of insufferable behavior?

Personally? I think they were all molested.

>> No.4567405


I use only cereal milk, make a bowl of frosted cornflakes, leave it to soak and strain off the cereal. Leaving deliciously dense milk for cookie dunking.

>> No.4567414

it's brought up in a derogitory way because you all act like pricks about a diet choice. You want some serious vegan discussion on /ck/? Make a thread with your favorite vegan recipe to show that it can actually be good.

>> No.4567415


You don't know how happy I am there's B12 in sperm.

>> No.4567416

Please, the majority of this thread is filled with defensive meat eaters and posts against meat. The same could be said about you and the only reason you pick vegans out the way you did is because we're the minority.

Any time there's a vegan post, defensive meat eaters are sure to spring up. But you rarely if ever see a vegan commenting derogatorily on a post made about meat.

Meat eaters resemble religious fanatics to me because they get so fucking defensive when you present them with a different opinion based on facts, contrary to what they've been taught all their lives.

>> No.4567418

>Issue is, moderation isn't a thing anymore.

You are exactly right. This is the moralist vegan's point.

Due to the explosive population growth, our cultivated resources have grown accordingly. However, the amount of energy used and waste produced is neither sustainable, healthy, or humane in the long term.

Mass moderated intake of animal proteins isn't very feasible seeing as the vast majority of the population isn't actually interested in doing anything of the like.

This leaves would-be vegans with a very awkward choice; ignore the problem, and continue eating meat knowing that they cannot do anything to help fix the problem, or to abstain from meat knowing that they're still not helping anyone or anything.

tl;dr we need to see a massive drop-off in human population.

>> No.4567424
File: 559 KB, 400x276, Can't breathe, too much laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> But you rarely if ever see a vegan commenting derogatorily on a post made about meat.

>> No.4567425

People are fucking tools. More and more people are getting diagnosed with Celiac's over time. It's sad really.

>> No.4567426

An exponential increase in solar efficency would solve the energy part of the equation.

>> No.4567430

Why are you vegan? There's no reason to be. Even people with PKU are vegetarian, not vegan.

inb4 animals
inb4 da environment

>> No.4567442

>how the fuck are we supposed to feed our families now that meat is no longer an option?
>all we have are these several million tons of grain lying around

>> No.4567465

Disregarding the technical issues with implementing widespread solar-energy panels/gathering mechanisms/whathaveyou, there is still the issue of waste and inhumane conditions.

I'm not saying veganism is a logical alternative, or beneficial alternative, I'm saying that there /is/ no action an individual can take that helps us in the long term.

Until we see a sharp change in human psychology and billions of us suddenly find satiety, we cannot sustain the current trend of growth.

We need to put a brakes on the whole thing soon, or else we'll find ourselves up against a wall.

Mark my words, there will be a massive bottle-neck in the next 100 years, for good or for ill.

>> No.4567468

posts about meat*

Sorry, tired.


Don't know what PKU is and I'm too lazy to google but I'll respond to your other comment.

There are countless reasons to be. I'll try to summarize.

1. Meat is gross.
2. Dairy is gross.
3. Eggs are also pretty gross.
4. Vegan food is awesome.
5. Pretty sure I have a dairy allergy because going vegan cured my chronic nausea, dramatically improved my mental clarity, and gave me a ton more energy. Also lost weight and feel healthier overall with no extra effort to eat healthy foods. Animal products are carcinogenic and disease inducing. (I'll gladly provide evidence if anyone wants it.)
6. animals
7. da environment
8. da economy
9. Beans and grains are way cheaper than meat, so I save money.

>> No.4567473
File: 34 KB, 288x357, 101019301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meat eaters resemble religious fanatics to me because they get so fucking defensive when you present them with a different opinion based on facts, contrary to what they've been taught all their lives.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot

4) Vegans are more pretentious than even the most (non)holier-than-thou Reddit atheists.

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.4567476

And you're not acting like a prick about a diet choice?

I have never seen a vegan be a prick until provoked by meat eaters.

Good vegan recipes: http://pinterest.com/vfortheanimals/go-vegan-its-easy/

Might make a thread later but since there will almost undoubtedly be tons of trolls who gather at the mention of the word 'vegan', I'm not really in the mood for dealing with that right now.

>> No.4567479 [DELETED] 

1-5 and 9 are valid.

6-9 are false as fuck.

>> No.4567482
File: 2.99 MB, 256x195, 1332441912662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never seen a vegan be a prick until provoked by meat eaters.

>> No.4567485
File: 40 KB, 148x252, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know what PKU is and I'm too lazy to google

>I don't know what you're asking about and I am too lazy to punch three letters into the instantaneous network of all the world's knowledge that sits at my fingertips this very moment

Maybe if you weren't a vegan you'd have the energy to google something.

>> No.4567492

By lazy I really meant I don't care enough. It seemed like an irrelevant point not worth googling for.

My internet connection is a bit slow.

>> No.4567502
File: 65 KB, 457x457, 1344755979399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never seen a vegan be a prick until provoked by meat eaters.

>> No.4567516

Actually I'm happy that gluten free is a fad. It just means that more shops and restaurants will carry gluten free products.

>> No.4567525

Oooooooooooh, burn

6-8 aren't valid reasons because an omnivorous diet, while not a solution, is better than extremes.

2 and 3 are understandable, but they're in delicious pastries and shit. So you're still a fucking plebeian.

>> No.4567537

Hate to break it to you but an omnivorous diet is extreme.
And of course it isn't a solution. Veganism is the only realistic solution.

I make my own delicious fucking pastries.

>> No.4567553

One, two, and three, combined with eight, are sheer childishness. Basically he's doing is trying to validify why he's a picky eater and wants to eat primarily sugars.

>> No.4567617

Meat, dairy, and eggs really are gross though.

If it weren't the norm, eating animal carcass would seem disgusting to you too. And bovine mammary gland secretions? Hen periods? Who in their right mind would eat that shit unless as a sick dare if it weren't the norm?

But yeah, it tastes gross too. I mean I used to eat it just fine, but once you go vegan it's like "Why the fuck would anyone choose to eat that way if they knew better?"

And the economy while it is a concern of mine I will admit isn't a reason I'm vegan. It is just one of the many reasons to add to staying vegan.

Animal products cost us so much money it's retarded.

>> No.4567653

What the fuck is soy juice?

>> No.4567662
File: 47 KB, 483x573, this dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread ruined by an insecure vegan shitposter.

He will feel a compulsion to reply to this post

>> No.4567671

It's a gurrrrlll, she's been at this for a while now.

Just remind her that she's genetically inferior because she has a vagina and she will fuck off and go back to sucking dicks in the kitchen like a good whore.

>> No.4567667

Fuck off cunt

Women are objectively inferior to men.

Post a picture of yourself, it's all you'll ever be good for.

>> No.4567715

Were it not the norm, consuming plant and plant embryos, reproductive organs and energy storage organs wouldn't be any less disgusting.

Not getting your energy straight from the sun's radiation, how bizarre...

>> No.4567728
File: 876 KB, 1400x1050, Beef Heart3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it weren't the norm, eating animal carcass would seem disgusting to you too. And bovine mammary gland secretions? Hen periods? Who in their right mind would eat that shit unless as a sick dare if it weren't the norm?

Here, have this raw beef heart. It's not as well prepared as I had hoped, as the butcher attempted to remove some of the sinew and instead sheared sorta confusing the distinct four sections. Still I managed to thinly slice most of the muscle used for the upper left chamber, which is more tender because it processes the thinner low-oxygen blood.

Tomorrow I'll be stewing some trimmings in the fat that stubbornly clung to the outside.

>> No.4567731

Bacon deserts, "superfoods", "artisan" anything.

>> No.4567741

Wow, when did the b-tards get here?

>> No.4567779

Everyone is a /btard on the inside. Everyone came here from /b/. Honestly, if you didn't come up from /b/, you're probably some rebbitor shithead.
I hate foam. Fuck foam on plates. What's the fucking point?

>> No.4567818

Your sure do like to look at the world in a monocrome manner.

>> No.4567833

What the fuck is deconstructed food?

>> No.4567836

>omnivorous diet is extreme

Did you even fucking think that through?

>> No.4567907
File: 60 KB, 500x548, tumblr_mb72w2hvHv1qht6kko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I fucking did. Did you?

>> No.4567917

Thank you for this post. It's the only one I had to read on the front page where I know immediately to hide the thread.

>> No.4567919

Give it up, this one's a lost cause.

>> No.4567953

Tumblr is just a blog site. People blog on it. What's your problem?

>> No.4567961


4chan is anonymous. anonymous is leegion. /b/ doesn't forgive. and such.

the same cannot be said of facebook, reddit, and other sites involving having to maintain a consistent persona and be called to account for the content of your previously posted stupidity.

this is why it is customary to hate such sites here, because we are supposed to take pride in being cowardly basement dwellers who eschew conventional forms of social interaction.

>> No.4568040


>1 meaningless aesthetic judgement of no substantial importance
>2 meaningless aesthetic judgement of no substantial importance
>3 meaningless aesthetic judgement of no substantial importance
>4 meaningless statement...any food ca be awsome,but not all food is awsome
>5 sounds like a personal problem
>6 animals.....also kill and consume other animals regardless of the ethics
>7 the environment....is at risk from a mirriad of factors, meat is a drop in the pond of human consumption
>8 what about the economy? vegan or omnivore its fucked...thats just how economy works
>9...prety much correct..im an omnivore who eats mostly vegan thru the week and reserves meat for weekends and holidays and i live my weeks on pulses,grains,and beans

ominvore isnt so bad,just do what people did log ago...save meat for special times and use meat to flavour and not as the centerpiece

>> No.4568053

5. Cancer and disease isn't a personal problem. Neither is dairy intolerance.
6. Factory farming. Standardized abuse. 'Appeal to nature' is not a valid argument for something.
7. Not eating animal products is the biggest/easiest thing you can do to help the environment.
8. Whateves.
9. Cool.

>> No.4568063

Why does it matter whether someone eats meat or not?

>> No.4568069


It matters to extremely sensitive vegan hipster faggots.

Whenever someone eats a steak their vagina dries up like the Sahara desert.

>> No.4568085

>Pretty sure I have a dairy allergy because going vegan cured my chronic nausea, dramatically improved my mental clarity, and gave me a ton more energy.
You should consider becoming a snake oil salesman.

>Animal products are carcinogenic and disease inducing.
Wow, that sounds spooky. When will I get cancer? My grandparents eat meat all the time and they're still fine in their 80's.
When I'm 97? 107?

>> No.4568093

Anyone should go wheat free, it's not unhealthy at all and should be seriously considered by anyone. I started it because of my girlfriend's bowel issues and damn it feels great.

Also I study biochemistry, neuroscience and medicine so I'm right faggots. Eating real food > eating bird feed.

>> No.4568095

Saying something causes cancer is implying there are things that don't cause cancer.

>> No.4568128

>5 meat and dairy do me no harm so......your medical issues do not constitute a valid reason for other people to stop enjoying meat and dairy
>6/7 im not in favour of factory farms...but meat here isnt the problem...overconsumption of everything is the problem., we can curb over-consumption and still strike a balance where us omnivores still get our bacon...and appeal to nature is better than just saying "animals",Im just trying to say that i think its wrong to tell me to eat vegan when you wouldnt tell a bear, wolf, or honey badger to do likewise
>8 no...not whatevs...you put economy as a reason..so please explain why veganism has jack shit to do with economy?

>> No.4568129


Great. Your right. Enjoy eating what you eat with that self-richeous sense of importance, and I'll continue to enjoy sandwiches, breaded chicken wings, homemade sourdough, and all those other delicious as fuck things that contain gluten. If you want to feed chicken wings to your birds, though, be my guest.

>> No.4568150

Supply and demand. Google 'Farm To Fridge' for a brief intro on it.

>> No.4568152

Plants fight cancer.

Vegan blood fights cancer 8x better.


>> No.4568164


>not linking to an actual paper published by a reputable university scientist.


>> No.4568165

This post gave me HIV and hepatitis c. Anything in moderation is fine.. You could technically eat way too much of the healthiest thing on earth and probably have ill effects.

>> No.4568169

>It's a gurrrrlll, she's been at this for a while now.

Are you sure she's not SRS?

They're mostly women, and have been making a concerted effort to shit up a lot of 4chan boards for a while.

>> No.4568180

>You should consider becoming a snake oil salesman.
...Don't see why I would lie in such a specific manner. And many people have dairy allergies. I happened to be one that didn't know I had one.

>When will I get cancer?
They are carcinogenic. Meaning they promote cancer. Your development of it depends on how well your body fights it/how many carcinogenic products you ingest.

5. They do do you harm. Animal products are a subtle poison. I'll get into that in my next post.
6/7. Don't really feel like arguing this because I almost agree with you but since factory farming is what I have the biggest problem with, arguing about other farming methods seems kind of trivial. I will just say veganism is the most realistic solution to ending factory farming and animal abuse in general. Bears and wolves eat meat for survival, huge difference.
8. I was 'whateve-ing' the statement that the economy is fucked regardless. I already kind of explained why factory farming is bad for the economy. Subsidies, bailouts, and no, factory farms do not provide extra jobs - it takes them away - sustainable, local farming provides jobs.

>> No.4568185

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Vegan Blood Fights Cancer 8x Better

Celebrated Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd, presents the overwhelming evidence showing that animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to:

Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Skim Milk and Acne

Cornell Science News: Less meat may reduce osteoporosis risk

Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products


Foods That Cause Alzheimer's Disease (Hint: Meat, Dairy, Eggs)

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Change in quality of life and immune markers after a stay at a raw vegan institute: a pilot study

>> No.4568192
File: 40 KB, 618x348, 385571_393380474050480_1870243300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature

Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer

Dairy Linked to Acne Development

Vegan diet in physiological health promotion. [Acta Physiol Hung. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI

An impact of the diet on serum fatty acid an... [Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarke... [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the in... [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Harvard School of Public Health » The Nutrition Source » Calcium and Milk - milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

>> No.4568203


Haha, you don't understand the english language very well if you chose that image.

>> No.4568214

>this is what vegans actually believe

>> No.4568233
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you need more than one in this sample? If someone exists who eats entirely plants (in this case almost entirely fruit) and gets all the vitamins and minerals he needs in the perfect levels, that's proof that a plant-based diet can be completely balanced on its own. This is like you're telling me elephants don't exist, and then when I show you an elephant you say "they still don't exist, you have to show me more elephants!"

The fact remains that a plant-based can already be a "balanced diet" all its own. Meat is unneccessary and in many ways harmful. If you want to eat it, go ahead and eat it, but don't pretend we're SUPPOSED to be eating it and that proper human diets are weird and unnatural. Stop letting the meat industry brainwash you into thinking you have to eat meat or else you'll die of malnutrition


You're right, athletes require BETTER nutrition because they actually use their bodies. You can eat your protein and fat diet and sit on your ass all day posting on /ck/ but to be a healthy, fit human being you need carbohydrates. You can't say a marathon and endurance athlete has short bursts of energy either. Nobody runs a marathon after eating a bunch of fat

>> No.4568255

Only actual 'study' you've listed. The results:

Overall QOL improved 11.5% (p=0.001), driven mostly by the mental component. Anxiety decreased 18.6% (p=0.009) and perceived stress decreased 16.4% (p<0.001). Participants’ ratings of the food’s taste were unchanged, but their ratings of how well they were taking care of themselves improved. CRP, lymphocytes, T cells, and B cells did not change significantly, but CD4, CD8, and NK cells decreased slightly.

AKA only thing changed were self reported changes in 'feeling' and 'well being', aka placebo effect. Not to mention the study was only a preliminary observational study which did nothing to correct for any sort of inherent bias or other such factors.

>> No.4568263

Let me guess, you either searched for nice sounding titles, or pulled that shit off some vegan advocacy site.
If you actually read any of those, and assuming you were capable of comprehending the content, you would see they're all riddled with ridiculous flaws.
lrn 2 research, whore.

>> No.4568264
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>only actual 'study'

You mean the only one you could even begin to respond to?

>> No.4568277

If a sample size of 1 is sufficient, then a pure meat diet is perfectly healthy. There's at least one dude who ate nothing but meat for 50+ years, and only died from a car accident.

The fact remains that a meat-based can already be a "balanced diet" all its own. Plants are unneccessary and in many ways harmful. If you want to eat it, go ahead and eat it, but don't pretend we're SUPPOSED to be eating it and that proper human diets are weird and unnatural. Stop letting the snake-oil and quackery industry brainwash you into thinking you have to eat plants or else you'll die of malnutrition

>> No.4568279

Youtube and random ass websites are not studies.

>> No.4568285


>There's at least one dude who ate nothing but meat for 50+ years, and only died from a car accident.

We're not talking mortality, we're talking actual observable health. Blood test results. Meat does not make a balanced diet, it doesn't have enough nutrition and needs to be supplemented with plants

>> No.4568287


>random ass websites

>> No.4568291

>TV chefs who act like dicks, don't actually cook at their own restaurants and just bounce around food network.

Nigger if you are talking about ramsay i've got a right bone to pick with you

>> No.4568294


He's saying that the only one that does count is the .gov one and the others are "random-ass websites". Can you read?

>> No.4568298
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>Because gluten is sugar

This is the grade of retard you are dealing with in this thread. Good lord.

>> No.4568300


>the .gov one

Half the list is .gov websites. The youtube links are videos of professors lecturing, and cancerproject.org and nutritionfacts.org are not "random websites"

Just man up and admit that the things you were told to eat as a child may not be the best food to eat

>> No.4568301

health is all well and good

but i dont like the idea that we should fetishisticly adhear to diets for health and abandon thigs which taste good so we can eat only things that fit into the healthy box

when veganism can offer me a suitable replacement to a tripple cream brie,a vacheron, bresola, salo/lardo, smoked reindeer etc..i will consider converting to veganism

why cant we eat vegan 75 percent of the time and still have fun the other 25 percent?

>> No.4568302

>Being a Vegetarian.
But I don't have a vagina.

>> No.4568305

>Just man up

>Female vegan from tumblr

Your cis-centric masculophilic language offends and has triggered me. Check your fucking privilege.

>> No.4568307
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>not being a vegetarian
>dicks, testicles, and semen are literally part of your diet

>> No.4568310


Actually I'm a male vegan from /ck/

>> No.4568312

Results: Physical activity and body weight are more likely to affect said diseases.
>Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk
Results: Inconclusive, may be related to variations in genetics (of the individual person)
>Red meat and colon cancer
Correlation is not causation, not to mention study done on rats and pushed to extremes, still didn't come to conclusion you believe.
>Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish
Due to pollution, no one disputes this.
Not a study.
>Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer
Due to high amounts of calcium interacting with vitamin d production, and insulin response to carbs. Not specific to milk, many plants could cause similar (if studies were done, which they aren't.)
>Dairy Linked to Acne Development
Actually, it's high glycemic index foods which are linked, which many plants are (did you even read any of these?)
>Vegan diet in physiological health promotion.
Not enough info in abstract to form a meaningful conclusion, and I doubt you've actually accessed and read the whole article. Anyway this was a nice bit:
>patients subjectively benefited from the vegan diet
Keyword being subjectively.

>> No.4568315

Trolled vegan is Trolled.

>> No.4568318

ok guys help me out here

I've been living in china for about two years and I finally came back to america and now everyone is allergic to gluten

what the fuck happened?

>> No.4568320

all meat..meat heavy..meat,dairy,and blood...these are the traditional diets which have worked for people for a long time in some parts of the world...it all depends o activity level,environment,and heredity

>> No.4568326

I was going to do the rest too, but I got bored and you clearly neither read nor understood any of these studies, or even how research works, whatsoever anyway. You probably just figured they looked sciencey and no one would question you.

Retards like you tend to believe they can just throw out any random ass citation and it's proof some how.
Top fucking hue.

>> No.4568327


>> No.4568337

Only thing lacking from a pure muscle meat diet is vitamin C, which has been shown to be unnecessary on an all meat diet. An all meat diet including organ meat an marrow and such is completely 100% balanced, and requires no supplementation whatsoever.
Vegetarian diet without supplements requires a ridiculous variety of foods only possible thanks to modern infrastructure and a fuck ton of petroleum. Enjoy depleting the rainforest, polluting the atmosphere, and generally having a ridiculously unsustainable diet.

>> No.4568344
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> vitamin C, which has been shown to be unnecessary on an all meat diet

>> No.4568345

There are more vegans on here than just one. You might be correct about that anon being a female vegan from tumblr, but the last person to be called a female tumblr user in this thread was me, so I think you are confused.

>> No.4568373

Like I said, it has been shown to be unnecessary on an all meat diet, as in the dieter does not, in fact, get scurvy.
There have been no real studies on the matter, because largely no one gives a fuck abut scurvy anymore, but evidence suggests a non-nutritious diet lacking in fresh food causes scurvy, as in subsisting on shit carbs like bread and nothing else. Both fresh vegetables and the like, or a diet purely of fresh meat, appear to prevent scurvy.

Granted this is anecdotal, but that's the best we're likely to ever get, given that it is a pointless question.

>> No.4568382


>Only thing lacking from a pure muscle meat diet is vitamin C, which has been shown to be unnecessary on an all meat diet. An all meat diet including organ meat an marrow and such is completely 100% balanced

You'd run into Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Fiber, Folate, Thiamin, and Manganese deficiences on an all meat diet, even with organs included, and then of course there's the NEGATIVE repercussions like all that saturated fat and cholesterol

>> No.4568401
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At my work people will order avocado on almost anything
I mean shit has gone too far when I'm putting avo on a grilled cheese. It's literally wheat bread, american cheese, and avocado

>> No.4568403


Otherwise nice, but cholesterol... Come on.

Eaten cholesterol has nothing to do with body's own cholesterol. If you eat a lot of it, your body will stop producing its own cholesterol.

>> No.4568407

Except when they don't you fucking cunt. My entire family suffers from wheat allergy. It's painful and annoying as shit.

> Hurr, allergies are fads!
> It's not a real illness guise!

Kill yourself you retarded backwards fuck.

>> No.4568410

>buy a pig
>feed it well
>keep it safe
>make sure it lives happy
>kill it and eat it

boo hoo

>> No.4568411


Don't forget carbohydrates.

>trying to function with no energy

Guy earlier already pointed out there's not a single low-carb/no carb athlete out there. All meat would make you sluggish as hell.

>> No.4568416


>keep it safe
>kill it and eat it

Might as well say it's fine to kill your best friend to steal his shoes because you were totally cool to him before that

>> No.4568418

>panic attacks
>bloat up
>itchy rash
You fuckwits realise that:
1. Your body only recognises gluten when the food has passed the intestines (i.e. 30-45 min after eating)
2. Dizzy, shaky, panic attacks, anxiety, bloating and rash are *not* symptoms of gluten intolerance, nor are they symptoms of a severe allergy or equivalent to going into anaphylactic shock?

But thanks for outing yourselves to be fucking self-diagnosed hypochondriacs.

>> No.4568421


No, I wouldn't say something like that becuase I'm not a fucking idiot, a pig is not the same as a human.

>> No.4568427


If that's how you have to justify it to yourself, so be it. I don't see it the way you see it though

>> No.4568432

You fucking retard. Which of those people put a time limit on their symptoms? Nice inference in there, though. GTFO with your broscience, go stick your finger back in the dam and pretend there's nothing out there that doesn't fit you own paradigms.

>> No.4568435

Who the fuck said anything about anaphylactic shock? What kind of idiot circular logic train are you on?

>> No.4568437


If you see a pig and a human as being equal in terms of how valuable their life is then you are delusional. We evolved to be the dominant species on earth, pigs did not, I do not condone animals living in horrible conditions purely on the basis they are going to die as food, but I also believe it would be a waste to not breed them for consumption.

>> No.4568449

Well actually pigs did evolve to be on top. We just ended up being better. Very few things mess with pigs "in the wild".

>> No.4568458


I see the pig as an innocent creature you're killing for no real reason. "I like how he tastes" is not any more valid than "I wanted that guy's money." If you're starving in the wild away from a reliable food source, or the pig is attacking you, go ahead and kill it. To raise a pig to be slaughtered is not justifyable morally and it's even more wasteful to stuff a pig full of food for several months to years instead of just eating the food yourself

>> No.4568466

That pig in the wild has no consideration for you. He will not jump your car, hold the door, bring you a towel and give you some warm clothes during a thunderstorm, or think twice before goring you because of basic instinct. I will do all of these things for you without question, and try to reserve shearing off your testicles or pitching you over the side-rail when you suddenly just "want my money".

Valuing innocence is pretty stupid unless you consider innocence to be wasted potential in a highly sapient species.

>> No.4568472


We aren't talking about a pig in the wild, and I already said a hostile pig trying to attack you is fair game. We're talking about raising an animal just to slaughter it. An animal you have contact with that obviously isn't trying to gnaw your face off every time you see it. It's essentially a pet that you keep alive and then later betray

>> No.4568478

The small domesticated swine are highly intelligent and fun, if not smelly, little critters. I would still eat them.

Domesticated chickens, turkeys, pigs, cattle, etc are all dumb as fuck. Your emotional attachments to non-social creatures is not even a problem I can verbally address. Work in one of these places for a good six months. Harden yourself even, tell yourself you won't be changes. Truth of the matter is that most animals are relatively simple organic calculators and you'll quickly stop trying to attribute human thoughts and emotions to them.

>> No.4568480

A pig turns scrap food into meat and great fertilizer. They are one of the best meat animals as long as they don't escape and become feral.

>> No.4568481

I see the broccoli as an innocent organism you're killing for no real reason. "I like my arrogant feelings of superiority" is not any more valid than "I like the taste." If you're starving in the wild away from a reliable food source, or the broccoli is attacking you, go ahead and kill it. To raise a broccoli to be raped and uprooted from it's natural habitat is not justifIable morally and it's even more wasteful to stuff the ground full of nutrients from other dead living things for several months to years instead of just eating it yourself

>> No.4568483

Vegans are fucking weird


>> No.4568484

While this thread is on the subject, does anyone else feel uncomfortable watching shit like this?



The way they care for the animals and say how hard it is to send them off, but then they just kind of twist their emotions around and distance themselves from the reality of what's happening. It's creepy.

>> No.4568487


See, what you're doing though is picking an obviously stupid argument you already know doesn't make sense and trying to be clever by using it in the same context even though it doesn't fit. It just makes your side worse because it proves you can't actually argue what has been said

>> No.4568494

You'd think they'd find somebody skinny to write all them books.

>> No.4568501


It's an arrogant person who tries to claim that they are too proud to eat a cow, but happily slaughter a broccoli which is too small and weak to defend itself. It is madness to then claim that because a broccoli cannot see you boiling it, it is not alive to scream on deaf ears..

>> No.4568504

>what you're doing though is picking an obviously stupid argument

yep, you're stupid argument.

>> No.4568506



>> No.4568515

Not that guy dude, but now you're stepping too low. You might as well start calling him mad and shitpost.

>> No.4568525


I hope you say sorry every time you step on grass

>> No.4568527

It's kinda like lesbians with dildos.

>> No.4568533

Sceak needs to be on this list

Sceak needs to die

>> No.4568547

The anti-GMO shit is on the level of Russia Today or Alex Jones: conspiratorial nonsense bought by sheep who think they're better than the people they call sheep. It demonstrates ignorance of the meaning of genetic modification by way of making blanket statements that are typically only partially applicable at best.

I think Monsanto's a bunch of dicks just like everyone else does, but that doesn't make GMOs inherently terrible. It's like how the pharmaceutical companies being dicks doesn't make water pills cure cancer.

>> No.4568575

Self righteous, of course! That's what the producers of that food would want you to think about eating good, though what I speak of has been described for centuries by dietitians and cooks, has been implemented successfully by top tier athletes way before the gluten fad, etc. I love buffalo chicken wings and a nice sandwich as well (I just got back from Russia where bread and red meat are staples of every meal, I was fine with this) but get your head out of your ass, eat better and you won't crave that stuff. And stop thinking eating a salad or anything other than what you're used to is pretentious you easily swayed dumbasses, can't describe how hard I lol at that argument, pity the fools.

>> No.4568576

Hey, look they took some vegetable and processed process the processed and re-processed the processing process until it is processing process processed. Ta-da! Now you can eat healthy vegetable based foods pretending to be meat with plenty of preservatives, artificial flavorings, and chemical compounds. Go go vegetarians!

>> No.4568583

Still not processed enough for 'murricans

>> No.4568586
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>> No.4568587


Technically those megaprocessed meat substitutes are better for you than factory farmed meat though

I don't eat them myself

>> No.4568597

Fuck me raw dog please.

A+ logic. One doesn't even have to really think hard to deal with this punkass vegan motherfucker.

>> No.4568599

Not a single peer reviewed paper in the bunch.

Typical vegan propaganda. Keep being a shill for monoculture crops, your Monsanto puppet masters thank you.

>> No.4568602


> Keep being a shill for monoculture crops, your Monsanto puppet masters thank you.

Isn't that more of a meat industry thing? Huge amounts of GMO foods go to feeding cows and chickens and pigs, probably even more than humans

>> No.4568618

>shill gambit

>> No.4568629

vegefags of all kinds

humans are omnivores and need things like fats and animal proteins in their diet

oh and vegefags shitpost constantly on /ck/ like this faggot

>> No.4568634

Without a doubt more than humans. Animals eat a shitload.

>> No.4568635

Because fat and protein totally doesn't exist in vegan diets.

>> No.4568636


>humans are omnivores and need things like fats and animal proteins in their diet

Fats are found in literally every whole plant food, and to say we need "animal proteins" in our diet just tells me you have no idea what you're talking about and you let the meat industry do your thinking for you

>and vegefags shitpost constantly on /ck/ like this faggot

You realize he's responding to a guy who told him he doesn't belong on the board, right? This thread started as a shitpost, no reason to be surprised when people counter-shit. If you like meat, go ahead and eat it, just stop spreading misinformation and being stupidly obnoxious about your choice. Every thread turns into "FUCK YOU, MAH DADDY ATE MEAT AND I DO TOO AND WE AIN'T DEAD YET! YEEHAW! FUCK BIOLOGY!"

You're like a fat kid who won't admit cake and ice cream aren't good for him

>> No.4568666

obnoxious vegefaggot shitposting

>> No.4568672

>veganism in quotation marks
>waaa it shouldn't be called milk cause it wasn't squeezed from a nipple!! people might think soy milk comes from a soy animal!!

mm-mmm all that delicious cognitive dissonance & butthurt

>> No.4568673

>this anti-GMO trend needs to stop.

jesus christ, there are people who actually think like this?