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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 801x1200, 12794439-tomato-juice-in-glass-jar-fresh-tomatoes-steel-knife-on-vintage-wooden-cutting-board-and-linen-backg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4563762 No.4563762 [Reply] [Original]

from /out/ and im just curious what kind of grind you guys prefer on your knives for light duty like chopping and what not, while we are at it whats a decent type of cutting board, i heard wood is bad because it holds bacteria, is plastic the most commonly accepted?

>> No.4563777

I've used wooden chopping boards ever since I can remember and I've never gotten sick.
They are also handy when you have a hot pan that you want to put down on the bench,you can put the wooden board under it and not melt your bench top.

At the moment they say use plastic because germs or whatever. So long as you don't cross contaminate (put cooked meat back onto the board you cut raw meat on) you wont have a problem. Just clean it in the sink with hot water and detergent.

In a few years they will be saying don't use plastic because it causes cancer or some shit, just use common sense.
Can't really help you with your knife grind, sorry.

>> No.4563804

yea i figured as much about the cutting board, i mean they still sell them which means there is some sort of demand, figured i'd ask for a sort of public opinion while i was here.

in the breakroom at my work the cutting board is some sort of GLASS, which is funny because there are no knives there so that means you have to bring your own knives to dull on the glass during your lunch break lol.

>> No.4563810

wood boards are the best. Just clean them and you're fine. If you really want to you can oil them up every now and then. Never get glass.
Get a plastic one as well, one that you can bend. Very convenient when chopping vegetables. You'll never miss the pot or pan again.

>> No.4563812

I prefer plastic. Wood boards don't take wear and tear so well and you can't put them in the dishwasher.

>> No.4563817

Glass is best because it's easiest to clean and it never scratches or stains. If you chop things at the right angle you can also even sharpen your knife on it as you chop if the glass is hard enough

>> No.4563825

op here

really now? i always figured glass boards would dull the piss out of a knife, i generally stay out of the kitchen, this info is going to be used more or less for getting the wife a nice knife set and a few cutting boards.

there was that one time though, i put pork in the crockpot with a cup of water and some bbq sauce and put it on high... master chef right here.

>> No.4563833

yeah they dull your knives so don't get one. I guess you could get away with having a glass cutting board if you have a plastic knife.. but that's no fun.

>> No.4563838


Even better, women love glass things. Tell her it's a diamond cutting board or some shit. Glass C/Bs (cutting boards) have the longest C/L (cut life, the amount of time that can be spent cutting on it before it's trash) and can be used to S/aty/B (sharpen and tone your blades) if you don't have a proper whetstone or smithing hammer

^ Trying to help you learn some K/L (kitchen lingo)

>> No.4563848

how can you tell if a board needs replaced? shes got 2 and one is a bit scruffy both are plastic.

also whats a decent knife brand? i've carried kershaw pocket knives for 5 or 6 years and i know they carried kitchen knives is there another brand thats pretty good? needs to be stainless(shes put my hi carb opinel in the washer a few times)

>> No.4563864
File: 68 KB, 950x365, 504d1250815732-you-can-pre-order-new-guy-fieri-knives-header[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how can you tell if a board needs replaced?

When the time comes, you'll feel it

>whats a decent knife brand?

Pic related. The best. Endorsed by arguably the most knowledgeable, educated foodie in the country. This man knows quality

>> No.4563865

lol best troll post yet

>> No.4563874
File: 6 KB, 300x300, global.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It will be pretty obvious when you need to replace your board, they are designed to protect your bench top so if your bench starts getting scratched under your board then it's time.

Knife brand is a different thing altogether.
A good knife can range in price from $30 - $300
I'm just a cook at home type guy and I use Global but different people like different things.

>pic is Global knife

I have that sharpener too, works good for me because I'm limited with time.

>> No.4563877

You're being trolled. Do not get a glass one. Plastic is both easy to clean and safe for your knives.

>> No.4563880

thanks for ideas, i'll poke around on amazon and watch some youtube reviews, our current knife set we got when we first moved in together 5 years ago and it was some crappy walmart brand that never held an edge and she loves cooking(health food mostly) and im feelin like she deserves a good set of knives.

>> No.4563882

No little /out/. Stop listening to trolls.

How much are you looking to spend on a knife?

>> No.4563884

didn't really intend on it, it would get broken to easy.

>> No.4563888

If you put a hot pan over a wooden cutting board you will eventually fuck it up. Once its bent, cutting on it is a pain in the ass, I speak from experience

>> No.4563889

what would buy a decent knife? i dunno anything about kitchen knives, i've got a few chris reeves knives so it would be kind of unfair to put a price tag on it lol

>> No.4563893

I wasn't trolling, Global is a decent brand and I wasn't pushing it on him.

>> No.4563897

Maybe if you buy a ply wood board, if you get a piece cut from a single bit of timber this wont happen.
Besides a wooden chopping board is cheap, and bench tops are expensive, I'd rather warp the crappy wooden board.

>> No.4563929

No I meant the Guy Feferi one. Don't get that knife.

If you're looking for super pro chef knives then Wusthof and global are good. You can expect to shell out a few hundred PER KNIFE though. If you hunt, sometimes you can find full blocks of global knives for a few hundred bucks but you'll be looking a while.

For mid price, stellar is a decent brand. Some of their stuff is hit or miss but it's pretty reasonably priced. Usually in the range of $20-$50 for one particularly good knife, but you can find sets of them on amazon for cheap.

>> No.4563932

was actually just looking at a 3 piece knife set from global, just reading a bit more before i put up 230 for a few knives :D

thank for the help folks

>> No.4563934

The main complaint with global is them snapping at the joint between the handle and the blade- something they will not provide a refund for. I believe this is because the 2 parts are forged separately and then joined.
In my experience you'd need to be hacking at something like a retard for that to happen though. If you use them as you should (pushing down forward in a slicing motion) you shouldn't have any issues.

Might wanna look at getting a sharpener while you're at it.

>> No.4563945

i've got a few sharpeners, i usually put a convex edge on knives(why i asked how /ck/ feels about it in my op)

she is smart enough not to beat the shit out of knives, might wonder around though, full tang should be standard for knives that aren't folders.

>> No.4563963

You won't be disappointed with a Global, only fault I can find with mine is it can get a little uncomfortable in your hands if you're doing lots of chopping, other then that they are a precision knives.