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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 935x490, 947122_10152819968810548_1871829374_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4560091 No.4560091 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Severely overrated food

>> No.4560097

i'll contribute

scones. they fucking suck.

>> No.4560110
File: 51 KB, 500x197, tumblr_lwxmt8irHQ1qjydtko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /ck/ love this shit? Its disgusting.

>> No.4560112

Is that supposed to be some kind of bruschetta?

>> No.4560115

cheap as fuck, effortless to make (if made barebone)

>> No.4560117
File: 421 KB, 1302x1020, food_steak_desktop_1302x1020_wallpaper-420339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this excited over a portion of cooked beef with some salt sprinkled on it

It's about as exciting as watching some men kick a ball around a grass field for several hours.

>> No.4560123

sushi, pizza, Chipotle

>> No.4560127


>> No.4560134


How are the tornadoes in flyover land treating you?

>> No.4560136

Better tornadoes than faggots and liberals.

>> No.4560137

Very cheap, very easy to prepare and palatable to most because it contains a ton of sodium.
This board is visited by a lot of students.

>> No.4560138

bacon (it's good but not THAT good)
gluten-free anything, if you aren't gluten intolerant

>> No.4560140

sad to say because sometimes it might be all you can afford, age 15 or 50.

>> No.4560141

The difference is tornadoes cause less devastation, they're a storm that passes, and they go quiet after a while

>> No.4560142


God doesn't send tornadoes for nothing. You been fucking the farm animals again?

>> No.4560144


This might be a troll post, but I agree. Even a good steak is pretty fucking bland in my opinion. I'd take beef prepared in pretty much any other way most of the time.

>> No.4560145


>> No.4560150


Not trolling at all. The same hicks who think that sriracha is "hipster" and tipping is optional are out in full force tonight.

>> No.4560152

Well that's just like, your opinion man

Myself, I love a nice cut of steak, cooked just a little bit, with minimal seasoning. The meat cooks itself, you don't have to do much to it, and there's plenty of flavor.

>> No.4560157

Vietnamese using sriracha in their cooking isn't hipster. White lesbians in New York using sriracha on their hot dogs is hipster.

Also, I thought it was well-established that the people who don't tip are the cheap cockroaches living in 200 sq. ft. sublets in New York.

>> No.4560159


Original guy here. I love a steak too. I love a slice of fresh bread with butter too. The difference between you and me is that I consider both to be fairly standard food items. Whereas your kind acts as though steak is some kind of gourmet meal.

>> No.4560161

Sounds like you're eating sub-par beef.

Not unusual when you live outside of America's heartland.

>> No.4560162


is it hipster if white new yorker lesbians put it on their vietnamese food?

>> No.4560163


Cock sauce as we know it in the USA isn't from Vietnam. It's from LA, and it has very little to do with actual sriracha sauce, which is in any case from Thailand.

Have fun with your confused ideas about authenticity.

>> No.4560164


>> No.4560165


I get dry aged USDA prime from my butcher. You probably get USDA choice at best because all you have is wal mart.

>> No.4560171


No need to get testy. No one said steak was gourmet, just that it's a pretty enjoyable meal. No need to go around saying your kind and walmart.

>> No.4560173

>Cock sauce
No one said anything about cock sauce.

>as we know it
No one said anything about cock sauce.

>it has very little to do with actual sriracha sauce
No one said anything about cock sauce.

Have fun with your reading comprehension.

>> No.4560175
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This goopy horeshit child's snack.

>> No.4560177
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>> No.4560183

>my butcher
Look at this faggot. He buys his meat through a butcher who probably buys it from a purveyor of some kind.

Get back in touch with me when you start raising your own meat or buying it from farms.


>> No.4560181


Well yeah, I never meant to imply it was anything but my own opinion. I just don't understand all the craziness over what seems, to me, a pretty uninteresting dish.

>> No.4560182 [DELETED] 

This shit should be considered child abuse. Anyone eating this after the age of four is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.4560184

Non-macro non-USA beer, especially hoppy specialty ales.

>> No.4560186
File: 124 KB, 500x667, spaghetti-and-ketchup-yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit should be considered child abuse. Anyone eating this after the age of four is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.4560187

watch this and tell me you don't want any. it's the perfect vehicle to highlight fresh tomatoes.

>> No.4560192

No one really loves it, but it is like $0.10 each which makes it perfect for someone with no money. So you make due and try to make it as not terrible as possible.

>> No.4560195

>go with white in-law family to italian place
>they order classic brsuchejttatta for $8 and mushroom bruschetta for $12
>it's fucking 6 pieces of small baguette and tomato on top with OO
>mushroom one is 4 pieces with sliced mushroom sauteed in OO or butter on top
>they're raving how good it is
>can't believe my brother married into this family

scones are great with a drink

eh... avocado, tasty enough besides it's only 50cents to a buck

>> No.4560204
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Could be worse.

>> No.4560205
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>implying there is a difference between a butcher and a "purveyor of some kind"

Obviously, I'm not buying the cow's meat still hot from the slaughterhouse.

I do go to an actual BUTCHER when it's the middle of the week and I feel like a steak. It comes from a distributor, one of which I know the name of (Pat Lafrieda), the other I don't know offhand but I could ask and very likely get the name of the actual farmer who killed the animal if I insisted. When I have more time on my hands, I go to the farmer's market and buy directly from one of various local farmers including


The farmers market guys do not sell USDA Prime because it's grass fed. It is not dry aged either which is fine with me because I generally only go to them when I'm planning to make tartare for which dry aging is not desirable.

Have fun worshiping perfectly normal food.

>> No.4560208

I disagree.

>> No.4560227

>I don't care for steak
>I go to great care when I buy steak
Argument lost.

>> No.4560229


I didn't say I don't care for it. I said people get way too excited about it in proportion to other foods. I go through the same trouble for everything else I eat, you just think that everything should come in a microwave friendly pouch so it seems crazy to you.

>> No.4560240

>you just think that everything should come in a microwave friendly pouch so it seems crazy to you
dem projections

>> No.4560263

Enjoying an expertly prepared steak is similar to eating other foods that are expertly handled. Depending on how they are handled, they can be worth quite a bit, and truly worth every penny.
Decrying simple foods that can still be absolutely amazing as bland while acting as though you are the one with all the taste. Fucking premium troll content. Not mad tho, so work on the delivery. Try to bring up the snobbishness a little bit, with the idiocy at the same time, then top it off with a little more self righteousness next time. 7/10

>> No.4560268

>Using a condiment is hipster

Please do everyone a favor and kill yourself you gigantic faggot.

>> No.4560269


>Maybe if I go full autist he will stop replying

great job!

>> No.4560310

Toast the bread first.

>> No.4560322

no, bacon is fucking THAT good

calm your tits

>> No.4560324
File: 12 KB, 400x300, cottagecheese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like the white stuff that comes out of popped zits

>> No.4560330


You don't eat that too??

>> No.4560333
File: 1.95 MB, 320x180, madrip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawberries. Both the flavor and the actual berry. I can't stand them. Literally everything is that 'fruity' is strawberry flavored. Anything red that's suppose to be sweet is strawberry. Any dessert that is not some sort of cream or chocolate base is automatically strawberry somethingorother. It drives me nuts.

How can anyone stand to eat them after a life of them being forced down their throats?

>> No.4560337

>besides it's only 50cents to a buck
not sure where you live but every place around here charges $1.50 per avacado
welcome to the northeast US baby

>> No.4560338


at the whole foods at columbus circle, they're 2 for $4

>> No.4560343

whole food stores are always over priced

>> No.4560344
File: 112 KB, 576x384, lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all a scam supported by the greedy fishing industry

giant sea spiders are not worth $200/ounce

>> No.4560347

Go to bed.

>> No.4560350
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>> No.4560375
File: 86 KB, 400x300, baconballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon fans are worse than Sonic autists and pony autists combined

>> No.4560454

look at the fucking bottle made in thailand.
hurr durr hipsters and guy fieri love it, it must be american.

just get maggi sauce and add a little fish sauce lot cheaper.

>> No.4560462

reeses peanut butter cups
and those people who live in the 80s still so think its new

ps im looking at you mom

>> No.4560473
File: 169 KB, 1024x754, bacon-1024x754[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon anything


>> No.4560491
File: 7 KB, 209x200, 1343552838746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Ramen eaters and fast food lovers


>> No.4560519

Avocado milkshake is the best thing ever

>> No.4560666

How is it overrated? I've never heard of anyone considering it anything but dirt cheap poor people food.

>> No.4560681

this thread is full of worthless bastards that would be doing the world a favour by leaping into a wood chipper.

>> No.4560697

Bacon is absolute shit.

>> No.4560707
File: 193 KB, 962x768, what-are-capers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr if I put this on my food it makes me fancy
>look everyone, muh refined tastes~
Dammit shut up.

>> No.4560731

>How is it overrated?

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.4560730

I agree with the bacon. I DO like the bacon ends and pieces, but only when baked off. Then almost all of the fat melts off. But yeah... I don't care for bacon most of the time.

Sometimes, they'll try to sell avocados for $1.75 here. Obviously, no one buys them, so they go back down to 50 cents.
Dumbasses... trying to oversell avocado in Texas.

I guess my bit would be Provolone. That seems to have become the new Cheddar in the last few years. I don't get it... you want something that has about the same amount of calories/fat, but with no real flavor?

>> No.4560737

No one ever said or thought that.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4560743

Since fucking when? They sell them for peanuts in the spic aisle of the grocery store. That's poverty food (fucking love capers though).

>> No.4560753
File: 103 KB, 562x437, Hahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all tremendous faggots.

>> No.4560784

wtf is that op?
it looks like diced up tomatoes on a piece of rye bread

>> No.4560792

nothing worse than that
at any age
plz take that pic & leave with it

>> No.4560819

>implying they don't say that
Oh you don't have any idea...

>> No.4560842


Thankfully I was brought up in wealthy suburban new England and have never even witnessed such a culinary tragedy.

>> No.4560845

Confirmed for never having been to New England?

>> No.4560849
File: 124 KB, 616x462, wwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not as bad a pic related

I'll let you guess whats on this spaghetti

>> No.4560868

Fuck this thread.

You shouldn't yuck on someone's yum.

>> No.4560870

It seems as though you are the one who doesn't have a fucking clue.

>> No.4560871

why would you put butter in with sketti

i am new to /ck/ what is this

>> No.4560873

Paprika and coagulated buffalo blood?

I know the answer you're looking for, but it looks like someone added red food coloring to tomato paste and tossed it in pasta.

>> No.4560876


It's BBQ sauce. Not as elaborate as what you suggested but still pretty gross IMO

>> No.4560894

>being this mad
I bet you say they're fancy you faggot. Stfu.

>> No.4560902

Shit-tier mall sushi is highly overrated, the real good stuff made by chefs is not so much.

>> No.4561039

Is that smorbrod?

>> No.4561050
File: 13 KB, 230x303, vote-republican[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol okay, trolling aside, do people seriously think liberals are worse than conservatives?

Like... seriously. Please don't make me lose faith in humanity.

>> No.4561054
File: 59 KB, 336x346, 1370643444194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry about it liberalscum

>> No.4561063
File: 143 KB, 675x571, facepalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't cry.

I just rub my eyes and shake my head.

>> No.4561076

>do people seriously think liberals are worse than conservatives?
>lose faith in humanity

>> No.4561136


Herdederp. Made in 'Murrica.

>> No.4561140


typical liberal bullshit

>> No.4561144

>lol okay, trolling aside

You're not ready for this part of the internet.

>> No.4561145


>Do people think the morons who refuse to listen to a half century of economic theory that has been backed up by historical results worse than people who come off as jackasses


>> No.4561156
File: 30 KB, 300x206, that fucking cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat samefug

>> No.4561175

Well, oh yeah? Yuck you.

>> No.4561179

What are you twelve?

>> No.4561182


>> No.4561216

All food is overrated. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Stay fat, America.

>> No.4561225

i agree. you know what else is overrated? water.
fuck being alive, man.

>> No.4561226

Look in a mirror.

>> No.4561227

>You shouldn't yuck on someone's yum

That, good sir, is now mine.

>> No.4561228


Who the fuck are they?
I any case you should stop hanging out with people who talk like that.

>> No.4561231


Try around $0.56 per ounce.

>> No.4561238

We're talking the french sandwich cookies, right?

The first one I ever had I thought was amazing...until I had one from a real...uh...patisserie? However it's spelled, I'm lazy. The quality in the second one was leaps and bounds beyond the first. Plus, I like them because they always ave a huge variety of flavors. Chocolate, pistachio...rosewater I pass on, that wasn't for me. Wasn't BAD, but I don't think I'd choose it first.

>> No.4561244

tomatoes (that's not a food)

>> No.4561245

>Pat Lafrieda
Oh man, I hate reality shows, but I actually enjoyed the short-lived show they had on Food Network because it wasn't all bullshit drama. It was actually interesting. I didn't realize that most restaurants will have custom cuts and stuff, I found that cool. They even created a ground meat blend for some upscale burger joint.

>> No.4561251

I fucking love capers. I don't know about them making me fancy, considering I could, once it's been in the fridge and gotten cold, down an entire bottle of capers just as is. I wouldn't, but I could. They're tasty, to me.

>> No.4561331 [DELETED] 


Bruschetta reminds me of this place I used to eat at. They'd hand you a greasy menu, and then shove a saucer with dry-ass bread on it with this garlic pico de gallo.


>> No.4561333

>>4560091 (OP)

Bruschetta reminds me of this place I used to eat at. They'd hand you a greasy menu, and then shove a saucer in your face with dry-ass bread and garlic pico de gallo on it.


>> No.4561352


Are you retarded? Capers are like 20 bucks a pound.

>> No.4561369

my nana's scones would have you in tears of joy.

>> No.4561375

smoked salmom and tuna

I eat tuna because it is so good for you, but I despise the taste, I just wolf down cans. The thought of a cooked meal with tuna makes me want to hurl. SS is just filth.

>> No.4561377
File: 324 KB, 1768x1326, or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw up until I moved out at 21 was still choosing ketchup over mums sauce made from scratch

It's so damn good

>> No.4561389
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 28funkalicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you doing here?

>> No.4561394

What about if Vietnamese people are eating hot dogs with their white NY lesbian friends?

>> No.4561400

People put kechup...

on spaghetti?

what the fuck


>> No.4561405


>> No.4561415

>"My green whole foods overpriced hipster store is a good gauge of food prices."
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.4561416

Brits, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.4561423

>has never bought capers in his life

>> No.4561428

all food is overrated so let's stop eating and start dying

>> No.4561435

Nobody actually does this, do they?

>> No.4561460

imported proscuitto at 14+ bucks a lb. it is just dry cured country ham which is about 6 bucks. expensive designer salt. it is either iodized or not. evoo. paying extra for "antibiotic and hormone free chicken". the usda already forbids the use of that in any chickens.not speaking of free range or organic. paying extra for 7% ground beef, and then having to use oil to cook it. or conversely buying ultra cheap sausage or ground beef and most of the fat will be cooked out and discarded. paying almost 5 bucks for a small box of name brand cereal when you can buy a big generic bag at half the price. paying twice the price for " extra soft" toilet paper when lets face it, you know what it is going to be used for. Just my opinion, which are like armpits, everyone has a few. did not mean to offend anyone

>> No.4561463

>paying twice the price for " extra soft" toilet paper when lets face it, you know what it is going to be used for.

Ask me how I can tell you have never lived with a female

>> No.4561465

cupcakes. it's overpriced and shit

>> No.4561472

moderate liberals and moderate conservatives arent too bad. But honestly, I would rather have an extremist conservative telling me who i cant marry an d have sex with than an extremist liberal telling me what I cant eat and what i cant do because its too dangerous for me AND taking all my money to give to someone else.

Honestly I wouldn't want to live under either though. I am a weak libertarian. I want the conservatives to get the fuck out of my bedroom and the liberals to get the fuck out of my wallet.

>> No.4561473


Nobody gives a shit about your half-baked political ideology. This is a fucking cooking board.

>> No.4561475


My anus cannot handle cheap toilet paper

literally starts bleeding

>> No.4561478

I personally will pay extra for the soft pillowy wipe, female or not.

>> No.4561480


sorry, but food is politics. people mentioning arugula and olive oil offends my traditional family values. why can't you liberals stop imposing your gay, liberal foods on everyone else? everyone should eat iceberg lettuce or God will smite us for being fag lovers.

>> No.4561481

I have lived with several females. I was not suggesting you should keep unwanted mail or a magazine by the out house toilet, tear off a page and and wipe, but is it necessary to spend 6 bucks on a 4 pack of toilet paper.

>> No.4561483


ask their crotches, not me. I buy the cheapest stuff possible because it's the only kind that comes in a single pack, which is the only kind I buy because who wants to have a bathroom cabinet full of toilet paper all the time?

>> No.4561496

you are correct. none of my bussiness. I guess it is like razor blades. sure I can buy cheap ones, but I spend the extra money and buy more expensive to get a better shave, and no ones business but my own. sorry, I was out of line.

>> No.4561497

Yeah, but that's the shittest Bruschetta ive ever seen.

That's like me judging thai cuisine after eating a McDonalds special edition Thai Chicken Burger

>> No.4561498
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Are there really people this stupid out there?

>> No.4561504

Nope. Not him but I find eating more than 2 strips way too salty for me.

>> No.4561505


>> No.4562041
File: 42 KB, 450x408, 1362831035096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White lesbians in New York using sriracha on their hot dogs is hipster

my fuckin' sides

>> No.4562045

fuck you nigger, you were probably beaten as a child. either because your parents didn't love you or realized that your fucking stupid

>> No.4562051

goddamn really? i live in New York, Long Island specifically and avocados out here are like $2.50 a piece, and thats on sale

>> No.4562061

actually lobsters used to be dirt cheap. back in the 50's and 60's prisoners would complain if they were served lobster more than 3 times a week

>> No.4562065

But except way out on Long Island that place sucks and filled with weirdos and high taxes, you're paying for LIPA failures of that nuke plant that never quite got off the ground (shoreham?) plus taxes for all the illegals infesting the place.

>> No.4562068

Not your ordinary run of the mill lesbians, bull dykes with hatred for p3n0r

>> No.4562080

Aerospace companies got out of LI for a reason, it's not worth it unless you're a billionaire and can afford a place way out on the Atlantic side.

>> No.4562088

>canned tuna
>good for you
Where did you hear such nonsense?
Tuna is fucking delicious, but canned tuna is shit tier.

>> No.4562093

I don't buy that brand, but it's cheap as shit and only takes a couple extra ingredients to make it delicious.

>> No.4562104


>> No.4562110

Pretty much everything Japanese

>> No.4562119

>smoked salmon is just filth
you can fuck right off.

>> No.4562122
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>> No.4562160

Greek yogurt, hummus (I like it, but it's the sort of thing a trendy douchebag eats and talks about), chai, anything gluten free that by rights should have gluten in it, salmon and avocado (though I do like them to some extent), goji or acai berries/anything else that some stupid cunt somewhere has dubbed a "superfood".

>> No.4562164

Yogurt is fucking awesome but you haven't tasted real yogurt unless you got the milk directly from the sheep, boiled it and added sheep yogurt when it cools down to body heat temperature.

>> No.4562169

Don't tell me you paid for that. How much dID THAT COST?

>> No.4562183

I don't think gluten-free products are overrated if you have coeliac

>> No.4562322

The overwhelming majority of people riding the gluten free bandwagon do not have coeliac disease and could probably eat a heaping plate of seitan without any bit of an adverse reaction.

>> No.4562455

Yeah, asian people are pretty boring. This is coming from years of experience with my friends and family.

>> No.4562556

"Hey, let's go to (insert random event here)!"
Asian: "But you didn't call me beforehand. No plans, no go."
American: "Sure, why not?"

>> No.4563952
File: 47 KB, 1024x683, kapern_01_dauni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These here are expensive.
Regular capers are cheap should you not go full retard and get 'nonpareille' ones.

>> No.4563972
File: 45 KB, 773x579, late again asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess I'm saying that because the gf makes it constantly and I'm fucking sick of it

>> No.4564714

Chicken anything.

Most overrated food of all time. Almost every other bird is a million times more tasty: turkey, duck, goose, pheasant.

>> No.4564732

does she make baked chicken?

because that shit is the bomb

but i agree with you, only making chicken iis shitty after a while

does she only make one kind?

>> No.4564744
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