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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4560483 No.4560483 [Reply] [Original]

hello /ck/.
i am a long time cookfag, though not a frequent visitor to this board. i venture here from /b/ to share with you my recipe for perfect steaks.

-preheat oven to 450 f along with a 10" or 12" cast iron skillet.
-take two 1lb, 1" steaks (i like ribeye for this) season appropriately with garlic powder, light bit of cumin, and a dash of red pepper flakes.
-let them come to room temp (THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKING REQUIREMENT)
-once at room temp coat the steaks liberally with canola oil. (you must use canola because of its high smoke point compared to olive or other oils)
-take the cast iron skillet out of the hotbox and put it on a burner, high for electric, medium high for gas; and slap them bad boys on there for exactly one minute. and dont you dare fuck with them. after one minute transfer the pan back in the oven for two minutes.
-put the pan back on the burner, flip, and give it another minute before returning it to the oven for two more minutes. then youre done. kinda.

if done right, this method creates a perfect warm center rare steak. if you prefer it in the medium rare range wrap em in foil and let the magic of carryover heat work for maby 3-4 mins. if you like medium or well done, fuck you and your mother.

there you have it /ck/. dont say /b/ never did anything nice for you. also,
>inb4 i stole this recipe from alton brown.

>> No.4560505


tl;dr - why the fuck would you ever braise something at 450 degrees?

>> No.4560510

thread saged and hidden

>> No.4560524

youre a fucking retard. read it, cook it, suck it.

>> No.4560525

450° is not braising.

>> No.4560549

come the fuck on. the picture is a joke. this is why im never on /ck/, is there anyone out there who enjoys fine cooking instead of being a neckbeard who just wants to know how to make his ramen shit noodles taste better?

>> No.4560553


look at all this projection. get the fuck out, sorry if this board isn't as stupid as you hoped. maybe you'd be happier lording it over the tweens on /b/

>> No.4560568

do you even cook?

>> No.4560575

sage, report, and hide

>> No.4560597

ok, forget that im a /b/tard, forget the picture, what do you think of the mother fucking recipe. and yes i get it, there is a bump limit, but there is no sage limit. you faggots will probably win.

>> No.4560605
File: 101 KB, 461x483, 1312928290379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a bump limit, but there is no sage limit

>> No.4560611

why do you people think im trolling? i came here to talk about cooking. isnt that what you people do here?

>> No.4560640

You just learned why you don't post a shitty fucking OP pic.

>> No.4560645

I don't really know these days. Most people come to /ck/ and flood the damn board with fast food, sodas, vegan shitposting, instant dinners and kraft mac and cheese and shit.

There are threads out of nowhere sometimes where people actually discuss food without shitposting. Ignore the samefag and talk about cooking or whatever. Hope for the best. This board is basically the spot for lazy cunts to discuss their attempts at food

>> No.4560646

This recipe is fucking retarded.

>> No.4560653

yeah i guess so, however i believed the hyperbole of braising at 450 would create an avant garde contrast with the expert steak preparation aforementioned

>> No.4560658

>expert steak preparation
>dry cooking a piece of meat based solely on time

>> No.4560667

Wait a minute, OP.
Just actually read your recipe. That's horrible

>> No.4560670

i see youre point, usually i strictly adhere to thermometer readings, to the point where i test my thermometer for calibration almost every 3 days, but in this application its almost irrelevant due to the predictable heat absorption created when using room temperature whole cuts.

>> No.4560680

>medium or well done, fuck you and your mother.
I like you, you can stay for as long as you like.

>> No.4560683

thanks for reading it, but youre just being a dick. this recipe describes the best way to maximize crispy goodness on the exterior of a steak while maintaining proper done-ness on the interior.

if preformed correctly, the result will without a doubt be a brick shitter to even louis maillard, with perfect browning (not burning) and a tender and succulent interior

>> No.4560719

Don't listen to these cunts, less than half of them actually know how to cook.

>> No.4560820

lolnope. My recipe is better.
1. Get steak, ribeye is what I generally eat.
2. Room temperature or straight out of the fridge, I don't give a fuck.
3. Cast iron pan, highest heat on my shitty electric stove, let it heat up until it's smoking.
4. Toss the fucking steak on it.
5. After a little bit, flip that fucker.
6. Eat that bitch.
No seasonings, no oven buttfucklery, just sear the fuck out of either side and it's done. And untrimmed ribeye is best, with all that delicious fat.

>> No.4560860

Any less faggy people want to comment on whether or not OP's recipe is any good?
Looking to try some new methods of cooking a steak

>> No.4560919

Yea, its fine, have tried pan frying w/o the oven part and it turns out well for the thickness op describes

just make sure you dont burn it, though