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File: 34 KB, 354x496, 37035_slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4555641 No.4555641 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst beer you've ever drank /ck/?

(malt liquor and cider are also accepted, we do not judge)

>> No.4555652

shock top raspberry wheat.
really any fruity beer is a bad decision.

>> No.4555686
File: 9 KB, 194x259, camo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steel reserve is a craft beer next to camo xxxxx black ice

>> No.4555696

mikes hard lemonade

>> No.4555717
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Sprecher's scotch style ale.

I don't know what the fuck is up with this style of beer, but I finished three and a half of the four pack, then just kept gagging with every sip. I dumped the last one down the drain, but looking back, I could've probably used it for a good beer boil or some other cooking method.

>> No.4555764

Peroni. Some Italian beer.

>> No.4555767

bought a sixer of that to split with my roommate the night we moved into our new apt. Smelled godly, tasted oh so shitty.

>> No.4555772

hahaha what THE fuck

>> No.4555776

Cheap beer is one thing. I expect it to taste like watered down piss but this stuff right here literally tasted like smoked Gouda cheese: not what I look for in a beer at all. And before you ask I didn't buy it; a friend of mine ordered one at a bar and we proceeded to pass it around the table, each choking down sip after sip until it was gone.

>> No.4555777
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Makes Olde English 800 seem like Chimay

>> No.4555779
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forgot pic

>> No.4555788

I remember drinking that smoke beer, just a bit. It was interesting, but definitely not something I'd want to drink again.

>> No.4555792

Rasputin. That beer tastes like liquid shit.

>> No.4555801


Are you talking shit about Old English nigger?

>> No.4555807

no I'm talking shit about mgd 64

>> No.4555821

Ahh yes, the beer that had me asking, "Why didn't I just order a vodka tonic?"

>> No.4555828

Colt 45
split a 40oz of it with a buddy when i was younger just to get fucked up
who the friggin hell created malt liquor beer?
shit is disgusting

>> No.4555869

I've had quite a few but I think Busch Light takes first prize. Shit is just awful, especially if you drink it at any temperature other than ice cold.

>> No.4555877

Busch Light is pretty terrible, but I'm used to it. Not for sipping on, but from straight out the cooler full of ice for shotguns. It's also the quintessential beer for beer pong.

>> No.4555886

Nah, that's beast, southpaw, or natty

>> No.4555890

I had a Bud Light Lime Mojito last weekend. Tasted like toothpaste. I think your onion would probably have been better.

>> No.4555896

Holy shit someone else knows my pain.

They were passing it out for free at Sea World. Never again.

WORST BEER: Everything in Thailand. Seriously, one of you garage brewers needs to court the favor of their king, get an outfit there, and sell virtually anything that isn't a piss lager. You can export to South Korea and Vietnam as well. They all need help.

>> No.4555934

milwaukee's best ice

very bad.

that or bud light platinum. shit was bad too.

all in all greater alcohol content beers should be made by a craft brewery

>> No.4555938

i'd actually try an onion beer

it might be good

>> No.4555944

steel reserve. >>4555686
If this guy hs tasted something worse, then I pity your soul. But I sincerely believe that SR is the worst thing in this thread.

>> No.4555950

king cobra. brewed with real pennies.

>> No.4556142

bud like cloamato, fucking horrible.
also those high gravity ice malt liquiors are pretty fucking shit

>> No.4556143

oh wow, i bought a can of that one time, it was terrrible

>> No.4556147

It's not the "worst" per se, but Red's Apple Ale is so damned flavorless that I pity the the people who try this as their first "cider".

>> No.4558445

Carlsberg, it just felt and tasted terrible, last time I drank that thing I almost vomited.

>> No.4558452

Country Club Malt Liquor. In the can.

>> No.4558453

As do I. Woodchuck Amber, roughly as widely available, isn't amazing, but is a hell of a lot better than that piss. Sadly, Redd's has better marketing.

>> No.4558457

Some local beer produced "Pre-prohibition" style.

It was so bad it leads me to believe that the prohibition may have been beneficial.

Then again I have shit taste.

>> No.4558460

Coors Lite. Might as well have gotten a mineral water.

>> No.4558469
File: 370 KB, 429x517, Redds-Apple-Ale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first mistake was calling it a cider.
Your second mistake was not treating it as a beer, which is is, with cider flavor.
Your third mistake was was not realizing that yes, cider-flavored beer will not taste like a true cider.
Your fourth mistake was being such a novice, that you can't tell a cider from a beer.

If you're going to be trashing a genuinely good ale, you better get your head out of your ass and get your facts straight.

>> No.4558470

And this also goes for you >>4558453

>> No.4558472

We weren't calling it a cider, you clod.

>> No.4558480
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First and only time I've poured a beer down the drain.

>> No.4558482
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Motherfucking Bud Light is the worst beer. Seriously, I'd rather drink any local piss water light beer, Beast, you name it. I won't touch Bud Light.

>> No.4558490
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>> No.4558500
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>> No.4558501

Worst beer I ever had was this Blood Orange Heffewisen (maybe it was a witt, I don't remember) that I got at my local Total Wine for like $1. Now I don't remember the brewery and I don't really care; They were trying to get rid of it and I figured, what the hell, how bad can this be? It even had red wax coating on the top.

Now I understand why that beer was being hocked for $1. Disgusting tripe. I had one sip and I poured the rest down the drain. I grabbed a bottle of Lagunitas to wash the taste out of my mouth.

>> No.4558508

I don't know why, but me and my brother bought a four pack of some green tea infused malt beverage.

I took a sip, thought it was nasty, tried slamming it, only got about a quarter in before gagging. He only took a few sips, then we never touched the stuff again and ended up pouring it down the drain.

>> No.4558512

>malt liquor and cider are also accepted

>> No.4558514
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No beer 30 hate?

>> No.4558517
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i don't know what i was expecting.

>> No.4558522

I can't bring myself to buy a 30 rack of something I know I'll hate. I would like to try just one sometime. Does it just come in light or is there also a regular?

>> No.4558527

no fucking clue. it doesnt even taste like beer, more of an artificial grape-ish soda, but not really, with alcohol. Its garbage. i have only ever seen it once at some shithole bar in fargo nd, in the off-sale section

>> No.4558530

flying monkeys' hoptical illusion
fuckin ipas

>> No.4558543
File: 79 KB, 480x640, Near Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Near Beer" is pretty much a non-alcoholic beer. They had this stuff come in pallets when I was deployed in Afghanistan and no one would drink them. Tasted like shit and doesn't get you drunk.

>> No.4558549
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I bought a sixer of this crap on a whim. Big mistake. It tasted of metal, cough syrup, and raisins. This was close to undrinkable, and I have drank piss warm Keystone Light before...

>> No.4558557

Really? I thought it was average at worst.

>> No.4558569
File: 45 KB, 289x512, Efes Pilsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any of you have ever been to turkey then you probably know my pain when I realized while studying abroad there that they drink this piss everywhere...

>> No.4558573
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>> No.4558584


>> No.4558590

I'm vouching for him. He wasn't joking. Steel Reserve isn't even bad consider the alcohol content. Camo is 10.5% and terrible even considering the alcohol content. It's far more of a menace than 4loko ever was.

>> No.4558592

I drank this microbrew by this upstart microbrew company that just paid homebrewers for their recipes to be a part of the company or whatever. Their flagship beer was made by another brewery where they just described what they wanted it to taste like and quite actively the worst beer I've ever tasted ever. They then charged 5 dollars at bars for it

They're opening a brew pub and have largely positive ratings prior to it.

It's a clue that yelp and facebook are a failed social experiment if these dumb fucks are allowed to remotely represent my city as far as craft beer goes though.

So they probably will.

>> No.4558604
File: 321 KB, 768x1024, Tsingtaobeerbottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The taste lingers in your mouth forever. Took one sip before eating Szechuan style beef and five minutes after I finished the plate the beer taste resurfaced.

>> No.4558609

tecacata, but that might have been due to the fact that I had had some cheap tequillia and went swimming in the nude( as jr. ocifcer) 30 years ago. but here is a tip- if You like it , than it is ok, but and herehis a big BUTT, the best ones don't advertise.they don't have too. I like bud hurricaine. so be it. some i've been less than impressed- Heineken, Guinness, fosters and Know it is commercial grade, that is all i can afford. but you , like me, might ask yourself if my insurance company like geico with the talking frog or flo or even usaa.. you kind o question and i don't mean to say any thing bad of usaa . since 80. but the more they advertise, the worser it gets. now get of my lawn.

>> No.4558613

oh god what

>> No.4558618

I.. I like tsingtao.

It's just pretty much like an american piss beer with this distinguished asian aftertaste that they seem to have over there (also found in Tiger beer). It's not good, but not horrible, and reminds me of when I visit my family over there.

>> No.4558623

i just had a six pack of that the other day and didn't notice that.
tastes like heineken but without the metallic flavor to it imo

>> No.4558627
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I think paint thinner would have been more palatable. This stuff was just downright gross, advertised in a lot of magazines around here for some reason. nearly threw up a few sips in, haven't managed to finish a single bottle of this swill. And this is coming from someone who enjoys everclear.

>> No.4558629

...How drunk are you?

>> No.4558636
File: 49 KB, 300x1100, Old_Leghumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I just can't into porters but this was thick as hell and tasted like soy sauce

>> No.4558640

Tun, hands down, worst beer ever.

even had a competition with my mates to see who could drink the most of it.

start of the night all cases, and we had 3 chunders after a pitifully small amount of cans, real back of the mouth and nose feeling.
maybe it was a bad batch, but this stuff was nasty.

>> No.4558641
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>> No.4558648

I bought it thinking it would actually be, well, an IPA. Ended up being some godawful lager that tasted like soap mixed with excrement.

>> No.4558658

I hope you sleep on your side tonight.

I wish I still had those after reading that.

>> No.4558659

Coors lite isn't that bad.

Busch Light was fucking disgusting soda water.

>> No.4558660

damn that's bad. vodka tonic is fucking disgusting

>> No.4558662

my dad loves this shit and thinks it's some craft brewing genius shit but i think it's nasty. made even stranger by the fact that my dad has great taste in beer.

>> No.4558664
File: 99 KB, 640x360, Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the worst IPA i've ever had. just tastes metallic as fuck.

>> No.4558666

yr fuckin drunker than me. i'm jealous. dutch gold doesn't advertise and it is swill.

>> No.4558677

Miller High Life - fuck me why do people like this shit

Holy Grail - worst after taste ever

>> No.4558692

Miller high life is in the top 3 of budget macro canned brews imo

>> No.4558752

Dis italofag agrees. Peroni (including Nastro Azzurro) is probably the shittiest beer you'll ever drink. Also, Moretti (excluding Sans Souci) and Dreher are pretty nasty.

>> No.4558757

Oh yeah and else do you rank top for macro? For budget macro I actually prefer Mexican over miller, bud, and coors.

>> No.4558758

Corona is my most hated beer, probably because of it's bland-ness, but the beer that made me recoil most violently was probably bud light, or something.

But fucking Tecate....not only does it taste bad, but if I even drink one of them i get a blinding headache the next day. I have no idea why.

>> No.4558762

I'm quite fond of Genessee Cream Ale. Kind of like a good version of rolling rock/heineken type beer, and for $12.50 a 30 you cannot go wrong.

>> No.4558770
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Hop stupid by Lagunitas. It taste like pine sol in my mouth. Though I think it's just that I don't like hoppy beers and pretty much all IPA. Can anyone recommend a good IPA that doesn't taste like shit?

>> No.4558777

Nörten-Hardenberger. It just tastes like extremely bitter carbonated water.

>> No.4558778

Pabst, Natty Ice, Coors light, anything with fruit in it is fucking foul. Pretty much anything by budweiser... All of those have been an assault on my palate.

>> No.4558791

I already answered but then I had a memory that came flooding back.

As an American I grew into adulthood hating beer because it tasted like shit. Then I moved to Germany, and heard the angels sing and learned what beer was supposed to be. (in my defence I was never exposed to microbrews in the US)

So I get all into Hefeweizens in Germany, and love them. And I get back to the US and all of a sudden HEfewizens are all the rage, I'm at some restaurant and am excited to learn they have a Hefe on tap!?
Pyramid hefeweizen
the disappointment was... crippling.
Of all the American hefes I have tried it is, by a great distance the absolute fucking WORST. WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO POPULAR?


>> No.4558794

its gonna be milwaukee's best, hands down.
PBR is a close second

>> No.4558796

You're ruined. It's like saying you got to fuck Mila Kunis.... Noting will ever be the same... For those of us that haven't had the privilege of going to Germany, Pyramid is the best tasting.

>> No.4558799

tsingtao is good beer, reminds me a bit of heineken

>> No.4558800

but heineken isn't good beer wither

>> No.4558801

Agree. Is shit.

>> No.4558802

nah, I've tried a lot of hefes in the US, there was one that was like 97% there, but it was like a limited run from a microbrewery for a restaurant in Echo park. Another friend of mine who was in Germany had a brew in Alaska that was comparable, It's more of a challenge, but there ARE a lot of good beers in the US you just have to take chances and find the good ones.
but... even the german beers fall a bit short because of the shipping time and process, nothing like having a beer fresh vom fass auf the brueri that's been perfecting their recipe seit 1800 in strict compliance with the reinheitsgebot

but seriously, pyramid is the fucking WORST heffe I've ever had, and I've tried every new hefe I've come acrossed in california

>> No.4558804

If I dislike most lagers, will I like Pale Ales? Is it true that Ales are sweeter and fruitier?

>> No.4558805

heinekin is a "safety beer" it's better than any mass produced american beer, anything that comes in a can, but it's not going to match up to almost any european import.

but it's cheap.

>> No.4558806

i'd rather drink a flavorless mass-produced beer than a heineken.

>> No.4558807

Microbreweries or even home brews can tend to be better than most things on shelf. If all you had to choose from off the shelf at your local vons what would you say is a good heffe? I think pyramid is a fine low cost heffe...

>> No.4558808

wat. why would you take a bud or a miller over heineken?

>> No.4558809

given the choice between no taste and awful taste, i'll take the former.

>> No.4558812

well on the shelf at the grocery store you are only going to find one heffe, and it's going to be pyramid. If you find literally ANY OTHER HEFEWEIZEN it's going to be better than pyramid.
I don't think I've ever een found another hefe at a grocery store i could drink. Some good liquor stores carry Erdinger which is my favorite, or Golden Road, or another microbrew.

but at a grocery store (rite aid) I generally go for blue moon, henry weinhards, or Dos XX

>> No.4558822

I just got some awful indian pale 40 oz. because it was on sale, it tasted like my cat had an accident in a bottle

I've since thrown it away, can't remember what it was called

>> No.4558824

It was either "Beer 30" or "Keystone Light". I had one can of each at a football party (and no other drinks). Both were awful, one had a distinctive taste of formaldehyde, and I had a splitting headache within an hour.

>> No.4558825

were you staying hydrated my friend?

>> No.4558827
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>> No.4558833

Ruddles is to bitter what Miller is to lager what Strongbow is to cider. Terrible chemical aftertaste for all of them.

>> No.4558839

I agree, except all sam adams is gross so I woudl include all sam adams

also sierra nevada and lagunitas sucks

>> No.4558846
File: 69 KB, 200x200, OatmealStout-12oz-e1339385305388-200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tasted like a permanent marker.
Also, Baltica extra lager? I think that was the name. It came in a 52oz plastic bottle and tasted like metal. I finished it though, so it's my number two.

>> No.4558852

You sound like a beer snob.

>> No.4558854

I really like Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada. I haven't had Lagunitas.

>> No.4558859

Sam Adams comes out with pretty good specialty brews. Their regular stuff isn't all too great, but I've enjoyed the bombers they've released. And their Boston lager is solid.
Sierra Nevada comes out with great seasonals all the time.
Lagunitas I can't speak on.

>> No.4558860

Spendrups Lager, came in a brownish red can. This was some years ago, so can't a picture of the can.

Shit tasted like death brewed on iron filings.
Almost made the Falco beer I bought later that day taste like angelic urination.

Sweden + Beer = Never again.

>> No.4559002

Come on now.
I enjoy Lindeman's kriek.

>> No.4559009


a good raspberry wheat is like drinking breakfast, shit's delicious.

>> No.4559025


>> No.4559031
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Worst flavor ever.

>> No.4559051
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Holy fuck was this awful.

Me and my bro halved the bottle and he couldn't even finish his half, but I powered through it. Shit tasted like stale raisin juice mixed with cheap, watered down whiskey.

>> No.4559052

Oh lawdy they have that at the dollar store by me. Contemplated many times, never could pull the trigger.

>> No.4559071

Do it! Some things are so bad that you have to try them at least once. And you can sell whatever you can't drink to some teenagers for a ridiculous price

>> No.4559091

modelo especial

>> No.4559108

plenty, but not drunk enough to spend big bucks on marketing bevco perceptions.

>> No.4559133

Dear God, the first time I saw Beer 30, the packaging looked so generic I honestly thought it was just called Beer.

>> No.4559299

drink a good lambiek. Shit'll blow your mind

>> No.4559316

Michelob Pomegranate Rasberry
Shit tasted awful, like dollar store candy dissolved in shitty beer.

>> No.4559351

Shit i had this and absolutely loved it, to each his own i guess

>> No.4559360
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>but and herehis a big BUTT,

>> No.4559361

I've had off beer so that probably

Dirty pints if that counts

otherwise bud light lime

>> No.4559365

That's the Marzen, yeah? One of my favorite beers although I can understand not liking it

I was serving it at a foreign beer counter for like 7 hours straight once, probably had 5-6 pints overall

>> No.4559391
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This shit costs 89 cents a can and tastes like it. It also tastes like high school, for what it's worth.

>> No.4559395

Four Loko, or Steel Reserve

I know a lot of people think SR is one of the better tasting poverty beers, but the one time I got a 40 of SR it left me gagging and only finished 1/3. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for beer

>> No.4559397

Wow that is the most generic looking shit I've ever seen.

It's like something you'd see in the default clip art folder of some old Microsoft Works program

>> No.4559398

89 cents?! Around me it's only 75.

>> No.4559401

But it tastes like it's 89 cents, so you're getting a great value!

>> No.4559405

That's a great point. With that in mind, I might start drinking it exclusively.

>> No.4559408

Lucky you?

>> No.4559412

The answer is obviously Keystone Light.

>> No.4559414

Holy shit guy.

Also reading some of the descriptions of beers in this thread are quite funny

>> No.4559415

i must bow, i forgot, keystone ice. jezzz, a headache in every can, and a 12 pack was about 6 dollars. i don't think they even sell it any more.

>> No.4559424

They definitely still do. I lent someone my key the other night so they could shotgun one because college and that party had a really weird mix of people since almost everyone's gone for the summer.

>> No.4559426

Schlitz malt liquor. Tasted like someone rubbed a catturd in their armpit and then pissed on it

>> No.4559541
File: 20 KB, 275x413, Unibroue_-_La_fin_du_monde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting fedoracore beer people force down to get attention

>> No.4559579

Yeah, I had a 40 oz Schlitz OML once.

Once, never again.

>> No.4559582

Didn't taste terrible at all to me

Wasn't the best I've ever had, but definitely not terrible.

>> No.4559586
File: 163 KB, 612x612, singha-lager1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the worst piss I've ever had. The head lasted less than 10 seconds, was fizzy as hell, and had an awful off taste to it.

>> No.4559588


Don't listen to this moron.


>> No.4559592


What? Granted I prefer Trois Pistoles or Dominus Vobsicum Tripel as far as Quebecer beer goes but La Fin du Monde is amazing. I think you are the fedora wearer my friend.

>> No.4559614
File: 244 KB, 1800x1200, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend picked up a sixer of this.
In a house that was full of alcoholics more often than not it sat in the fridge for like 6 months before someone finally tasted and poured out the last one.

Also my old roomate and his friend picked up a bottle of dead bastard something or other.
It was one of those 'let's see how much hops we can get into a beer' beers.
It got poured out to I think.

Only two beers I've ever seen poured out.

>> No.4559616

Didn't mean to reply to that post.
Damn quick reply.

>> No.4559624
File: 29 KB, 254x300, Samuel-Adams-Latitude-48-IPA-6Pack-Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad bought a Sam Adams sample case with this in it. We both took a drink and spit it out.

>> No.4559630

I think that case was the first beer I ever bought.
Me and my brother did the same.

Though I think it's mainly due to being beer newbies and (now I realize) that I just don't like IPA

>> No.4559629
File: 151 KB, 323x342, oldschoolcherrywheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregarding typical American shit beers like Bud and Miller, Sam Adam's (which is normally good beer) Cherry Wheat, tasted like cough medicine.

>> No.4559633

me here >>4559630

I bought this too out of curiosity, shit is gross, think there is still one lingering in my fridge.
I just have shit luck with SA and always end up drinking the worst ones

>> No.4559639
File: 29 KB, 399x475, LoneStarLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that lone star is the most crap ever
not even sure if they should call this beer
shame on the star it stands for

>> No.4559642

Same here I can't stand IPA. I don't understand why on God's green earth we need some shit that fucking bitter. Goose island is shit too its a close second to that latitude 48.

>> No.4559644

Have you guys not caught on that fruity beers are for bitches?

Because I live in Washington, and regular booze is prohibitively expensive due to stupid laws, the only alternative for a cheap alcoholic is to drink nasty malt liquor. I drink all the worst fucking malt liquor imaginable on a regular basis, but i'd prefer them all to the "Fuck you in the face with hops" craft beers people love to make around here. Fucking horrible.

>> No.4559645

Can I have it? I live cherry wheat

>> No.4559648

lol at thinking any sam adams beer is bitter

>> No.4559651
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Compared to 5,0 it's modern art.

>> No.4559657

>I hate liquor, it makes my mouth burn!

>> No.4559660
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, okbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands down the worst crap I ever put into my mouth. It had sulfur under that ca!

>> No.4559664


the 5.0 is compared to the real american crap "beers" posted here still very good!!!!

>> No.4559670
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Also this. I'd sooner drink warm bat's piss than to every allow this to pass my lips again.

>> No.4559671

I meant the design of the can (or bottle in this case)

>> No.4559698

>lol at thinking any sam adams beer is bitter

I said IPA, not any SA

>> No.4559721
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I'm not sure who told me drink this, but I know I hate them.

>> No.4559739

I'm not a big drinker, so my experience with beer is pretty minimal. The three I've had:

>Blue Moon
Hey, this is pretty good. Really wheaty. I bet this would be great with pizza.

Not much flavor, I think I taste the lime more than the beer. Refreshing, though. I'd drink this.

>Miller Light
Oh my fucking god what is this satanic liquid what did I just put into my body I think I'm going to puke.

>> No.4559743

Oh, I've also had regular Budweiser, to much the same reaction as the Miller Light.

>> No.4559751

Motherfuckin Pabst. Whenever I got to a party that's all they have, maybe a bottle of shitty vodka, but always at least one 24pack of pbr. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4559757
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>hatin on onions

>> No.4559763

Blue Moon is really great with pizza.

>> No.4559872
File: 24 KB, 260x288, it's crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Blue Moon

It's shitty Miller / Coors donkey piss beer trying to pass itself off as a microbrew.

>> No.4559877

Blue Moon isn't good, but its a hell of a lot better than most Coors beers

>> No.4559881

Pabst is objectively not as bad as Budweiser

>> No.4559885

I never understood why eastcoasters act like Yuengling is a good beer

>> No.4559956

well when it's between that and your other "domestics" it's way better than them. Like the best, worst beer. Like if you've been drinking for awhile and taste doesn't matter any more it's a good choice

>> No.4559984

>it's way better than them
its better, but not by much

but they tend to talk about it like its an actual good beer rather than just better than most other cheap beers

>> No.4559985

Hop Stoopid is a great IPA if you like hoppy beers, especially for the price.

You sound like you haven't acquired the taste for hops yet. The bitterness takes getting used to. But when you get a taste for hoppier stuff, you crave that shit.

I'd say drink pale ales until you really start getting a taste for them, the move up to IPAs. Hop Stoopid is actually a borderline IPA/Double IPA, so It's not wonder you don't like it yet.

>> No.4559989

I've never been a big beer fan, so I won't judge beers.

However I do like cider quite a lot. The worst I've had is probably Hornsby's. I'm not sure if I got a bad batch, or if it's all supposed to be that way, but it was really bitter, and very over-carbonated.

>> No.4559998
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>> No.4560000
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oh fuck shit i've seen that in the store and thought "i wouldn't even drink that on a bet" ... it looks and sounds beyond vile

>> No.4560002


Can't believe I paid like 9 bucks for a bottle of this crap

It would have been really good in a Michelada or something

But after 4 ounces of this shit it starts to taste like that time you went overboard at Oktoberfest and started projectile vomiting sausages

>> No.4560016

>would buy for the fuck of it

At the very worst, I can find some way to cook with it, maybe pancakes.

>> No.4560034

Rogue has the shittiest beers I've ever tasted barring bud light

>> No.4560039

Coors light. God I hate it so much.

Also Feldschlösschen, Switzerland's favorite beer. I'm convinced they drink it because they don't know what real beer is.

>> No.4560041

I actually like the rauchbiers, or at least the ones I've tried (from the same brewery). I haven't tried the weizen, but then I don't usually like wheat beers so I probably never will...

>> No.4560043
File: 30 KB, 456x305, mexican-beer-456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single Mexican beer I have ever had tastes just like the typical American mass-produced watery urine brands, but dirtier.

>> No.4560053


Bud Light maybe. Any sane person would much rather roll up a party that sprang for classic Budweiser instead of a case of fucking PBR piss-water.

>> No.4560058


Because nearly all beer from the East Coast is shit, especially when compared against even an average Midwestern brew.

>> No.4560065
File: 30 KB, 546x504, boutique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of creating a new thread, thought I would post this here. I have no idea who taught her what boutique meant.

>> No.4560066


Because it's a replacement for Bud and Miller and other shit tier beers. Only very slightly more expensive, a lot better taste though.

>> No.4560070


it was a big deal when they started distributing this shit in Ohio

Before Yuengling came around, your options at any cheap place like a concert, ball game, or dive bar were limited to Miller and Bud

Yuengling is shit, but at least it's tolerable shit compared to what most of the country is stuck with

>> No.4560092


nearly all Mexican beers are made by MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch

>> No.4560096


Nope, it's just a shit beer from a shit brewery that has no business making ale. Plenty of better IPAs out there.

>> No.4560102

People who don't want to/can't spend money on good beer (or just don't know any better) are willing to spend a couple extra bucks on Yuengling when their alternatives are shit like Busch, Miller, PBR, etc. It's better enough that it's worth the bit of extra money.

>> No.4560103

Steel Reserve I just finished the 12 pack I bought. Turns my stomach just thinking about it.

>> No.4560109

>all of them pleb tier beers
She got scammed

>> No.4560111

It's amusing to find this thread now because I drank the worst beer ever a fortnight ago.
A friend braught about a dozen different beers from Germany and they were all awesome except one.
The brand was Shöfferhofer and it was the only alcohol free beer.
It was the first white alcohol free beer I ever tried and I wish I didn't.
I knew alcohol free beer was bad but this came straight from the bladder of beelzebub.

>> No.4560128

I like Yuengling...

>> No.4560146

Me too...and I like a lot of beers. I don't understand the hate for it, it's a pretty good beer for being so cheap.

>> No.4560356

This tasted like liquid smoke. it get my vote for worst also.

>> No.4560370

Budweiser. In a can. And "BEER" - it was a generic beer- while can, black letters. omg...

>> No.4560374


Budweiser is awful, by far the worse of Coors, High Life, MGD, PBR and Bud, the major non-light adjunct lagers

>> No.4560377

>nearly all Mexican beers are made by MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch
not true

AB is trying to buy most of them right now, and will be successful, but it would be disingenuous to blame them for how bad mexican beer is

Mexican beer is remarkable bad, somehow Corona manages to be even worse than Bud, which is pretty hard to do

>> No.4560394

I just saw this when I was at the booze shop.

I grabbed my beer and decided to gander at the poverty section (40s and 24oz cans, etc) and noticed "BEER" hidden down on the bottom shelf being sold for $1.09 for 24oz.
That's cheaper than tea or pop

>> No.4560404

Back in college, I once bought a 30 pack of something called "Milwaukee Special Reserve", it was $9 and was not even made in Milwaukee. Never had a beer that came even close to that bad, it was really tough to finish.

Only saw it one other time

>> No.4560443


>> No.4560450
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>> No.4560476

i wouldn't call that stuff good, but I would definitely choose it over a bud light (not accounting for Rogue's ridiculously high prices since this is a discussion of taste)

>> No.4560484

I have to agree.

Keystone = headache
Natural Lights = Human penal waterhose
Bud Light= cheap party, after 4 beers it tastes like water

>> No.4560486

>after 4 beers it tastes like water
i think it tastes like water with the first one, really shitty carbonated water, but water none the less

>> No.4560497

Then you haven't tried it.

>> No.4560503
File: 719 KB, 1536x2048, Innis-Gunn-Rum-Cask-Bottle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can handle drinking steel reserve. This shit, well, undrinkable.

>> No.4560554

agree to disagree. Love the Griffins Bow.

>> No.4560569



>> No.4560584


ooh also despise leffe, though been fucking blasted on it multiple times... trouble is once you have a sip it ruins other beers afterwards so you have to stick with it

>> No.4560585

Rolling rock.

>> No.4560622
File: 55 KB, 450x656, 1363022457382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get with the program, buddy.

If you are going to make a troll post in a /ck/ beer thread you need to at least post a picture of the beer being poured down the sink.

>> No.4560684
File: 148 KB, 554x1600, bohemia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negra Modelo isn't bad.

Bohemia is by far the best Mexican beer.

>> No.4560701
File: 25 KB, 360x644, BEER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe they still make this stuff, I haven't seen it around in years.

>> No.4560705
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Magic Hat comes out with some of the weirdest shit, this was pretty nasty.

>> No.4560706


Holy shit. It's like beer out of a cartoon or something.

>> No.4560714

my friends uncle made this nasty beer in his mr beer. it was strong but he kept trying to add more booster to it so it ended up beeing thick like syrup he also added a bunch of hops but hadnt seperated them from the mixture so it was this thick bitter sweet crap.

>> No.4560716
File: 653 KB, 1536x2048, Cerveza_Pacifico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with you but respect your right to have an opinion.

>> No.4560720

Where do you buy this?

>> No.4560727

I enjoyed that.

>> No.4560734

You don't. It calls out to you when your life has hit the absolute depths of desperation.

>> No.4560751

Gahh corona...Shit corn beer disgusting shit taste i fucking hate it.