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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4554004 No.4554004 [Reply] [Original]

I know a lot of /ck/-ers are either losing weight, failing at losing weight, or have lost weight.

I want to hear your story.

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
>what did you fail at
>have you regained

I am currently doing 4-3-2-1 method from Biggest Loser.

4 veg/fruit, 3 protein, 2 starch, 1 extra
weight in lb*7 = calories per day
gym 3x per week for 1.5 hours

I didn't feel like enrolling in their actual plan or buying a book, but I like their food pyramid, and I can stick to it even with mandated school lunches. (inb4 b&hammer. I teach at a school where teachers have to eat with the kids to enforce the "everyone must eat this disgusting lunch" philosophy) Though the school lunches use up all my "carb" allotments and I can only eat meat/eggs/tofu and veggies at home.

I try to do a rainbow of fruits and veggies every week as well.

I am fat. I have lost about 45lb before but I went crazy and regained it when I learned to cook/moved into my 1st apartment.

>> No.4554042

I've been trying to gain weight for about 3 years now, not being able to shift more than 10kg no matter what I eat is making me severely depressed.

Yes, I'm serious.

>> No.4554043

I used to weigh 95kg. That was pretty damn fat.
Then I got seriously ill for a long time and lost a lot of weight.
Now I weigh 68kg. Unfortunately I'm still fat because I lost all my muscle mass during my illness.

>> No.4554044

>are you fat
No, the opposite.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
It always stays the same
>what did you eat
Today? Since I´m skinny? Since I´m born?
>what did you fail at
Eating like a pig, eating cold (/not warm) food, eating in the morning
>have you regained
My self-confidence? I never had it.

Be happy that you can save money by eating less. Enjoy those tasty salads and fish.

>> No.4554046

Is it feasible to regain muscle mass using only bodyweight exercises and maybe a barbell?
I want to stop being as weak as a kitten but to be honest gyms terrify me.

>> No.4554047


>are you fat
yes. "was"
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
PB&J on whole wheat
microwaved canned soup
cold water (must be cold)
>what did you fail at
Overeating, frequent snacking, etc.
>have you regained
nope. excellent progress.

it's a simple trick
if you're hungry, by all means- eat.
but just one.
you can only have one.
one sammich or one can?
then apply a cooldown rate of 1.5 hours upon your next caloric intake of sammich or soup.

most important tool: kitchen timer
you may NOT prepare a multi-tiered PB&J as a single sammich- ie. bread PB bread J bread is forbidden

>> No.4554048

You'll get stronger doing proper bodyweight exercises than isolating mucles with weights.

Old trick I used back in my hardcore lifting days for bench press when hitting a wall was to quit the bench and go for hardcore pushups for two months instead.

>> No.4554051

per week lose 1-3lbs
per day lose 0.1-0.5kg
check weight every morning and record

>> No.4554053

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
Lots of things
>what did you fail at
Life, finding happiness, finding a job, finding a gf, being a responsible adult and lots of other things.
>have you regained

>> No.4554060

>are you fat
yes 5'5 180
>are you losing or have you lost weight
yes i use to be 220
>what did you eat
less crap
>what did you fail at
eating crap sometimes
>have you regained

>> No.4554067

I'm 5'11" and weigh about 158. I was obese for most of my life until I started losing weight last year, peaking at 261.
Ate whatever I felt like while losing, but counted calories, and I'm still doing so. Worst shit you can do when you reach your goal is slip back into bad habits.

>> No.4554068

>Dieting on Peanut butter and fruit preserves with bread
>Must be cold

you're retarded.

>> No.4554069

>Peaked at around 110kg in my 18's, I really didn't care at that time.
>The lowest I went was 75kg,
>Had a harsh month and a half at the time
>Lots of work and few bucks for food, and I wanted to keep eating on meat.
>So I ate around 3.400 kcal/ week for 6 week

>I regained and went back to 95kg, except I knew now I could lose weight if I wanted but that I wouldn't make it as harsh on myself as I did.
>I averaged 79-80kg on the last years till recently
>Today I'm 88kg
>Long story short I cooked for my roommates since september and the only time we can eat together is the dinner
>But dinner as always been my nemesis.
>So I'm back to the "diet".

Basically it goes, no dinner or a plate of peas/lentils if I feel hungry/empty, chewing a seed of badiane if it's hard on the first days, then the hungriness settle down and I feel perfect when dinners come.
No rule on what I can eat in the morning and lunch so I don't feel deprived from what I could possibly want.
The golden rule being that I set a number of kcal /day that I will stick to even with a rough estimation.
And I walk more than I would use transportation, around 90-120min a day.
I did and would do more sport if the exhaustion didn't make me hungry.

The real challenge is what you do once the "diet" is done.

>> No.4554070

I'm obese and gaining weight.

I have no trouble eating healthy and keeping a calorie deficit from eating food.
I never snack or drink soda.
I walk or ride a bicycle everywhere and lift weights once or twice a week.

The fat comes from my heavy beer drinking habbit and I would probably lose it all steadily if I quit drinking.
I've been wanting to for years but the mind is weak and I can't fill the gap.

Atleast I don't binge on bad food too.
Now that would be disaster.

>> No.4554071



>> No.4554073

>are you fat
I was. 122kg at 190cm.

>are you losing or have you lost weight
Lost weight. Still cutting fat, currently at 85kg.
>what did you eat
Chicken breast. Brocolli. Eggs etc.

>what did you fail at
Too many cheating days. Over the holidays I have been going back to my parents house and pretty much gorged myself, sending my progress backwards. I've been stalled for a while because of it.

>have you regained
I regained two KG over two weeks of eating an absolute shitload. Never again.

>> No.4554075

Every bottle of beer is around 140calories. It's pretty much canned bread.

>> No.4554076

A breaded chicken sandwich is healthy

>> No.4554079

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight

spoiler : learning how to cook is key to maintaining a healthy weight, if you want to learn how to lose weight go to /fit/

>> No.4554080



>> No.4554082

I know.
People often don't realise how much energy is stored in those bottles and cans because it isn't sweet or greasy.

>> No.4554087

Except for the alcohol that will slown down the metabolism.
A jab to your basal metabolic rate is awful on a diet when you're not doing a lot of sports

>> No.4554091

Starting Strength + Gallon Of Milk A Day

>> No.4554092
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Extremely retarded question phrasing OP but here I go

>are you fat
5'10" at 229 lbs so yeah, it shows a bit
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I lost 50 lbs in 7 months back in high school but gained it back slowly in the past 4 years. Lost 5 lbs so far this time around.
>what did you eat
40-40-20 macronutrient split (carbs, protein, fat) at 9 times bodyweight
>what did you fail at
losing self control the past few stressful semesters studying engineering. I would just go over my gfs house, get a whole pizza and we would eat it together and sleep. rinse and repeat all weekend
>have you regained
I was 200 lbs a little over a year ago ;_;

feels bad man. gotta start lifting hard again once uni starts

>> No.4554102

>I walk more than I would use transportation, around 90-120min a day

Walking doesn't increase your heart rate, so it's not cardio or going to help you loose weight.
Riding a bike or jogging should do the trick.

>> No.4554104

Started at 92kg.

81kg as of this morning.

Feels good to be keto.

>> No.4554106

>Walking doesn't increase your heart rate, so it's not cardio or going to help you loose weight.
>Riding a bike or jogging should do the trick.

Is there something like double meme arrows? Like, to imply your implications implicating they are wrong? 'cause you just went full ultra forest gump's inbred cousin retarded.
True, it might not be high intensity cardio, but any excercise consumes calories and thus, helps with losing weight. You could stand in fornt of a mirror and shake your buttcheeks for hours, and that would help you lose weight.

>> No.4554110
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I've lost about 11kg this year after i started eating less and better meals after christmas.
I also started working out regularly every day, different lifting moves with different weights, some squats and sit-ups almost everyday. I still eat kebab and hamburgers regularly like once every week but none of that greasy shitty stuff.

To summarize the method i managed to lose some weight=eat less, eat better quality and /fit/ more. I still have loose belly because working out during summer is a bitch but i managed to lose my upper love handles and now i dont look like a fat slob anymore

>> No.4554115

>are you fat
6% body fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Lost a lot and rebuild my entire body when I was 17-18, once I started losing, however, I never stopped, these days I weight 63 kg to 181 cm height, thats like 138 lbs to 5'11''
>what did you eat
Only protein and fibrous vegetables, these days, only protein, fibrous, fruit and skim dairy
>what did you fail at
Lately I've been failing to get my maintenance due to little money, little time and my own neurosis
>have you regained

>> No.4554116

how long you've been on it?
Also, is it too hard mode?

>> No.4554123


switch to whiskey, drink it straight

>> No.4554125

>Breaded chicken sandwich is healthy

Oh my

>> No.4554128
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>are you fat
Kind of chunky. really skinny arms and legs, but a slight beer gut and a fat ass. 6'1" and 190lbs
>are you losing ot have you lost weight
No. In freshman year I hit 190, and I haven't seen it go up or down, no matter what I've tried to eat or do for excercize
>what did you eat
Tried a paleo diet for a month, nothing changed except my appreciation for other food
>what did you fail at
A list of successes might be shorter

>> No.4554129

>any excercise consumes calories and thus, helps with losing weight. You could stand in fornt of a mirror and shake your buttcheeks for hours, and that would help you lose weight.

Increasing your heart rate is what will increase your calorie use. Sure, you can say it will "help" you loose weight, but unless you're morbidly obese, it won't really make any difference.
Your body also adjusts to your workouts, meaning you'll have a slower heart rate if you do the same minimal exercise every day.

>> No.4554143

Two weeks, had to break my diet beacause brithday.
One week, had to break my diet, because birthday.
Two weeks, as of today, and no cravings.

I mean, it's not to hardmode. If you are too into sweets and breads, and cookies, then you might have it hard for the first few days. It gets easier.

>> No.4554145

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
The latter; 30 lbs in three months.
>what did you eat
Mostly chicken, leaner cuts of beef, and fish. Lots of vegetable. Small amounts of carbs.
Still ate at Pizza Hut once or twice every two weeks.
>what did you fail at
Nothing. 30 lbs was my goal.
>have you regained

>> No.4554148

Perhaps more important than what I ate, is that I counted the calories I was eating. I was at a 600-800 cal deficit (except on the pizza days).

>> No.4554149

You can do a lot of exercises at home with just a kettlebell or two. They're like $20 at Walmart or wherever.

>> No.4554151

>are you fat
Yeah. Not obese, but solidly overweight.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Not recently, though I'm trying. I lost like 40 lbs in high school, gained it all back over the past few years. I'm pretty angry because it came off so easily the first time but now I can't get the scale to budge.
>what did you eat
Vegetarian/ very little.
>what did you fail at
Maintenance, I guess.
>have you regained

>> No.4554155

I started going to the gym recently, and I recently started trying to eat better but I'm not seeing any results.

I'm eating 1/2 cup oats + yogurt for breakfast, some kind of protein for lunch, peanut butter sandwich snack, protein shake, and then whatever's for dinner. Not getting any stronger and not really losing any fat either.

>> No.4554162


how long have you been doing this? what are you doing when you work out (how often?what exercises? how long? etc.)? and you do realise that's a lot of food and a peanut butter sandwich isn't a snack right? that's a meal.

>> No.4554163

>are you fat
I am clinically 'overweight' right now.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I lost 40 pounds, I gained 10 back over the holidays.. but I am back on the wagon that I fell off at Easter.
>what did you eat
Chocolate is my largest weakness. I am fine not to have it but if I have just a little I want all of it. I cannot buy it in more than a single serve because it is the one food I can't control myself around. Lucky I am also frugal so if I don't buy it I am fine.. sadly free chocolate ..free food in general is a weakness.

Losing weight I just cut out unnecessary snacking, cut out fried foods, substituted where possible. I actually love fruit, veges and foods like salmon so I can easily eat things I love on a diet... I just have to stop the dessert and cheese bindging and watching my portions.

>what did you fail at
I fail around holidays and doing the exercise. I would rather eat low cal than do exercise.
>have you regained
Yes, already re-lost 3 of that gained 10 pounds though.

>> No.4554168


> gallon of milk a day
> almost 4L milk a day

I'm not sure I even drink that much water every day (usually 2-3L).

>> No.4554171


Three weeks so far. I haven't experienced any kind of "newbie gains" at all despite being weak as shit and a lardass. I was told you're supposed to see quick gains in your first few weeks, I haven't seen jack fucking shit.

I'm basically doing starting strength exercises. squat, deadlift, military press, rows, bench press. and other stuff thrown in if I'm not too tired. Generally I'm there for about an hour, can't stay longer because I'm just too tired to do anything more.

>> No.4554175


Also how is that a lot of food? That's basically 3 meals. I went on fitday and it isn't much at all.

What do you suggest then?

>> No.4554182

>>are you fat
>>are you losing or have you lost weight
Lost 15 pounds over two weeks
>>what did you eat
Nothing, I couldn't really eat and had no desire to
>>what did you fail at
Basic nutrition
>>have you regained
Maybe a couple pounds

>> No.4554188


so an hour when you're there...how many times a week do you even go?

that would be a lot of food for me, so it seems really excessive...and it's not 3 meals... protein shakes tend to be high calorie so that's a meal right there, the peanut butter sandwich is probably also the equivalent to a meal when it comes to calories (peanut butter is high in calories + what kind of bread are you using? + let's be honest here a sandwich isn't a fucking snack) ...so those + your breakfast + your lunch and that's already 4 meals... i don't know what you're eating for dinner but that makes 5... you're only getting 3 meals when you count shit up cuz you're not counting your "snacks" which are meals... and then i imagine your dinner is even bigger than those other meals... so that's why i'm saying it's a lot of food. also what kind of peanut butter are you eating? eating natural peanut butter does make a difference, so does reading the ingredients in your food, so does paying attention to portion sizes...

if you were eating properly and doing enough exercise you'd be losing weight so obviously you're doing something wrong.

>> No.4554194

>stand in front of a mirror shaking your buttcheeks
I just found my new workout!!!!!!

>> No.4554196

Do shots of olive oil. Just man the fuck up and drink it, and don't be a pussy about feeling "full". Worked for me.

>> No.4554198


I go to the gym 3 times a week.

The protein shake is 100 calories, that isn't a fucking meal. And yes, I am including everything when I count the stuff up on fitday. I'm using natural peanut butter and whole wheat bread.

Give me some suggestions if you don't like what I'm doing.

>> No.4554204

>are you fat
i was around 150lbs. i'm 124lbs now. however i am 5'3" with the body of a slightly muscular 12 year old boy now.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
i think i need to gain weight via muscle but i am very lazy and frail
>what did you eat
i didn't really eat, surprisingly. just soda.. so much fucking soda.
>what did you fail at
soda. also being active. fucked up spine, hips, wrists and ankles. also i cannot function in weather under 75 degrees or so.
>have you regained
i was down to 103lbs at some point but that was because i got deathly ill. needed a blood transfusion after loosing too much blood after getting my wisdom teeth out and got pneumonia the same week. didn't eat for two weeks and didn't know how fucked up i was cause i was high as hell.

now i'm just sort of bouncing around 120lbs-128lbs.

>> No.4554205


+ 3 weeks isn't a long time especially if you're not eating properly and especially if you're not working out every day.

even if you only went to the gym once or twice a day you should still be active every day.

i never go to the gym, but i walk/run at least a mile or 2 on days i'm feeling lazy + an hour of other exercise (don't have to do it all in one burst even if you just do 10 minutes at a time whenever you get the chance of something it counts) plus i do shit like push-ups against the kitchen counter (and other exercises using the kitchen counter) when i'm cooking and waiting for things to finish... and i play with the dogs running around... learn to do shit like that every day...cuz little things like that add up too... i'm not fat, and that's without ever setting foot in a place i've gotta pay for.

being active is more important than paying to lift weights somewhere... i understand being into lifting further, but maybe you should work on being a little active every day and not expect everything you achieve to come from the gym.

>> No.4554215


Again, you're saying I'm not eating properly without telling me how to eat properly.

I don't know how 2000 calories isn't eating properly, but tell me what you eat and maybe I'll listen to you. I'm also not trying to lose weight per se, but burn fat and get stronger.

>> No.4554219


lol so you've worked out 9 hours in 3 weeks and you can't figure out why you're not losing weight or seeing results? really?

also what's in your whole wheat bread? plenty of whole wheat bread seems healthier than it actually is cuz it's loaded in garbage.

what's your calorie intake when you add stuff up?

also what the hell kinda protein shake are you having that's only 100 calories?

>> No.4554222


Know what? Fuck you. All you're doing is criticizing without giving helpful advice. You're probably not even reading my posts.

I spent many hours reading up on how to start working out and everywhere I looked said lift 3 times a week because you need off days to let the muscles repair. So what do you suggest, genius?

>> No.4554230


i mostly eat fruit and vegetables, i have protein shakes cuz i'm a vegetarian and it's just easier to get more protein in that way...i only use olive and coconut oil... i eat mostly homemade food cuz then i'm in complete control of what goes into them. it's a long list, and obviously i wouldn't expect you to eat everything i do cuz the way i eat wouldn't work for everyone just like i would be completely incapable of doing keto.

>> No.4554237


>i never go to the gym, but i walk/run at least a mile or 2 on days i'm feeling lazy + an hour of other exercise (don't have to do it all in one burst even if you just do 10 minutes at a time whenever you get the chance of something it counts) plus i do shit like push-ups against the kitchen counter (and other exercises using the kitchen counter) when i'm cooking and waiting for things to finish... and i play with the dogs running around... learn to do shit like that every day...cuz little things like that add up too

> a sandwich isn't a fucking snack

that's not advice? really?

stop being a little bitch... being told you're doing shit wrong might not feel good but i have given you advice.

>> No.4554242


you worked out 9 hours in 3 weeks and you're wondering why you're not losing weight and probably eating more calories than you need on days you don't work out... you're not talking about being active otherwise and there's absolutely no way that you are if you're not losing weight... also there's no reason to eat 2000 calories on a day that you're not moving cuz you're overweight and don't need it.

>> No.4554253


So everywhere I look that says 3 times a week at the gym is best, is wrong, but you are correct?

I'm looking for legitimate diet advice here. I don't know what I could possibly do to eat less while still getting enough protein.

>> No.4554258


you can walk genius, you can run, you're not supposed to lift weights every day but that doesn't mean work out 3 hours a week and then expect that to do everything... are you fucking retarded? what part of "be active" do you not fucking get?

and here's legitimate diet advice, if you aren't working out or active on certain days don't eat exactly the same amount as you do on days you work out cuz there's no reason to, you aren't burning so why eat like you are?

but hey what the fuck do i know, i just weigh 109 pounds, have a 26 inch waist, great blood pressure, etc. etc. etc. right? i must just be pulling shit out of my ass and have no idea what i'm talking about.

>> No.4554265

Chances are you eat like a babby.

Can you eat a little ceasars pizza in one sitting?

>> No.4554267

>109 pounds

lolwat? Alright, guess I'm right not to listen to your "advice", lest I end up like a girly skeleton

>> No.4554270

Was fit, working in a warehouse @ around 70kg and living a street away from the gym.

Got a desk job and my own apartment, ended up at 94kg at my peak. Got disgusted at myself for letting myself get that fat. (Eating out with coworkers in the city/drinks after work)

No longer desk job, free time, dropped 20kg in about a month.
Did this by eating about 300 cal a day, treat food like medicine (Eating only for vital nutrients/vitamins), drank about 6L of water a day. Brisk walks, light running (Nothing too strenuous, cause of ridic low energy intake) but kept muscles moving.

Been 4 months since I lost that 20kg, lost another 7 but a lot more slowly, and am now on the rise again but from muscle. At around 73kg currently training for tough mudder in 4 months.

>> No.4554272

>are you fat
Yes. 6' 215 lbs
>are you losing or have you lost weight
was 230. going to keep losing until I hit 180
>what did you eat
Started cooking at home. Lean meats and fruits/veggies. I also started drinking only water.
>what did you fail at
Last week there was a bbq at my college and I ate more than I should have and had some sodas and cake.
>have you regained
nope. Besides that one fuck up I'm doing great.

>> No.4554273

calculate your TDEE and eat 500 less calories than it. This will make you lose a pound a weekand is reasonable enough that you'll actually stick to it. For a complete beginner, you can work out every muscle every other day without any problems. Later on, as you get stronger, you'll need more rest, but that's a way down the road. Good luck to you.

>> No.4554278


i'm short jackass...my bmi is perfectly normal for my height/frame

but take your own advice and keep being fat and wondering shit like "how come i'm not getting in shape working out 3 hours a week at the gym" and thinking you can only work out at a gym.

you have to be trolling though...there's no way anyone can be as stupid as you're coming off.

>> No.4554279

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
no, i'm not gaining weight either
>what did you eat
anything i want, at any time i want. i'm just not hungry, I'll eat anywhere from 500 - 3000 calories a day, no more than a -200 deficit of my daily caloric intake.
>what did you fail at
i always undereat, i don't exercise as much as i should
>have you regained

>> No.4554282

0.5kg a day would mean a 3500 deficit. thats exercise and eating nothing at all.

>> No.4554288

i also eat too much salty food and a lot of carbs. i live with my parents, my mother is chinese so she cooks a lot of rice and food with sodium. i've been trying to cut it out the best i can

>> No.4554293
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>are you fat
Yes 6' 210ish
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I was 230 3 years ago and slowly went down to 180 last year. Now I'm up to 210ish again
>what did you eat
To lose weight I stop drinking, and ate very little. Chicken breast and hot sauce with water for dinner many nights.
>what did you fail at
Maintaining physical activity. I wasn't really happy or noticing any other changes at 180 (other than my willy looked bigger) so I went back to eating foods I liked in portions much too large.
>have you regained
Yes, up from 185 about 6 months ago to 210ish. I'm eating my feelings.

>> No.4554294


I haven't a fucking clue what that is, I cook for myself. The pizza I make are generally quite filling though. I often fold them into a calzone because they won't fit on any plates I own.

Likewise for most bakes or casseroles, I tend to eat them from the dish.

I've spoken to a dietitian in the past who said that I'm healthy and a perfect weight for my height etc but honestly I've no upper body muscle to my name and have trouble seeing any results when working out.

My only recourse is protein shakes but I don't trust them, if you use them incorrectly I've seen them permanently fuck up peoples metabolisms.

>> No.4554300

I'm fat, I lost weight for a bit but started gaining again. I have to cut chocolate and dairy from my diet and then I should lose again. I don't eat Reese's or doritos and shit but I eat too much yogurt and chocolate, etc.

>> No.4554311

>protein shakes permanently fuck up peoples metabolisms
top lel

>> No.4554312

>200 cal deficit
>not losing weight
pick one

you're probably incorrectly counting your calories

>> No.4554327

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
used to be 280, currently 250-254ish
>what did you eat
>what did you fail at
you mean like a diet? I don't think I've ever been on a diet myself, Currently DHS standards make it so everyone has a healthy meal, even so, I'm a yo-yo guy when it comes to weight.
>have you regained
yeah, I got down to around 220ish when i was working out regularly, Its not hard, i'm just not working out at the moment.

>> No.4554334

> bmi
> ever a relevant reference

Nope. Body fat percentage is.

>> No.4554358

Bless you poor hungry skeleton.

>> No.4554364

Have you ever had to lose weight and gain muscle?

>> No.4554383
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Lol@ all you guys with your faggot diets.
>are you fat?
Yes. 6'1" 16st
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Long story, was 18st, went down to 13st by cycling and cutting out junk, went back up to 17st when i went to uni and got depressed, dropped down to 16st after a week in hospital and been losing ever since. Please stop it with all these gay ass middle aged woman lentil diets. All you need to do is not eat shit and cut fat and sugar from your homecooked foods.

>> No.4554385

See classic failure here. Stopped eating the foods he liked, eventually caved in anf got fat again. If only he had learned to eat them in moderation in the first place.

>> No.4554413

>are you fat
Yeah, obese.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
20 pounds since last month. I caved and finally got bariatric surgery and it's working.
>what did you eat
Well I used to yo-yo a lot so I'd lose upwards of 30 pounds over the summer months but then gain it all back and then some during the winter. Never had sugary stuff like soda or anything, and I like green vegetables, I just liked fatty meats and fried things and would binge on them.
>what did you fail at
Being depressed and using food to compensate for my feelings by binging instead of tackling my emotional and physical problems. I didn't care what happened to myself and my weight reflected that.
>have you regained
No, and honestly if I do even after all I've been through then I'm just going to stand in front of a train at that point.

>> No.4554420

>be 5'9"
>be 200 lbs
>switch to diet sodas
>eat fruits
>increase fiber intake
>eat one yogurt a day
>exercise a little
>lose 60 lbs in 5 months

Feels good

>> No.4554428

If you have very little muscle mass, it's a semi-decent reference...

If you're building muscle, it's absolutely pointless.

>> No.4554461

I still eat tasty foods but I have a lot of anxiety and depression issues that cause me to binge on the bad food if I buy it. I try not to do it, I portion shit, hide it around the house, look at the calorie labels. I am punishing myself for something though and feel both horrible and satisfied at eating in excess. I don't drink or do drugs which is the alternative to just cutting out foods.

>> No.4554464
File: 10 KB, 225x225, fitnogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 years old
>332 pounds
>March 2011 "I'm sick of being forever alone, I'm gonna do something about it"
>Stopped drinking soda. Started counting calories.
>Started walking. Built up to taking 11 mile walks.
>Riding bike. 25 mile bike rides.
>March 2012: Lost 157 pounds.
>Jogging ~6 miles on treadmill a day.
>Summer 2012: Weigh 155 lbs, 10%BF
>Start lifting
>Currently 170lbs, keto/cutting.
You just need to want it bad enough.

>TFW still no GF

>> No.4554468

so what do you think the problem is?

>> No.4554481
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It's called a personality, get one

>> No.4554489

You must have a hell of a lot of excess skin.

>> No.4554505

>are you fat
Nope. I'm actually a skinny little thing. 100lbs! Sadly, people think I'm 90lbs.

>are you losing or have you lost weight
I think I'm skinny fat. I'm just trying to get muscle.

>what did you eat
All throughout the day, I ate a tuna sandwich, a banana, chicken and liver with rice, cheerios, nuts and a salad.

>what did you fail at
Cooking right. My life. Etc.

>have you regained
Was never fat.

>> No.4554508

Confidence, but the weight loss has helped with that considerably.

Yes and no. The only place where I really have a lot is my waist, I have the "apron" of loose skin going on. Beats having a 64 inch waist though.

>> No.4554542

>are you fat
not anymore
>are you losing or have you lost weight
lost 60lbs
>what did you eat
mostly vegan diet (and did HIIT training with kettle bells)
>what did you fail at
- immediate gratification. It took about two years to completely change my diet and lifestyle to the point where I'd lost the weight.
>have you regained
No. Been this way for a few years now. I wear 30 inch waist jeans. Used to wear 38.

>> No.4554546

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
I do a thing now where I eat for $1 a day.
>what did you fail at
nothing so far. Feeling quite down.
>have you regained
Always been skinnymode.

>> No.4554557
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>are you fat
slightly fatter than I want to be
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
used to gain weigth since living alone, been able to keep it stable for half a year
>what did you fail at
losing weigth
>have you regained
Every now and then I have "lazy weeks" where I just buy microwave food/go out for pizza/fries etc.

Typical daily entry:
breakfast: none/small pot of yoghurt
10am: orange
12am: 300(ish)grams of bread+200gram of low fat meat to put on it (pic somewhat related)

5.30pm: orange/pear
7.00pm: 'bout 200grams or less of fish/lean meat, 500 grams of vegetables, some potatoes. Occasionally rice/quinoa.
8-10pm: another piece of fruit, yoghurt, some pop corn or nuts, occasionally chips.

Workout: MA-training 1/2 times a week, daily small set of situps/squats.

>> No.4554596

>are you fat
not really, but I want to lose weight
>are you losing or have you lost weight
yup. around 3kg over 2 weeks
>what did you eat
almost nothing, haha
>what did you fail at
Haven't seriously tried dieting before so not much. I can't keep with exercise regimes.
>have you regained
Nope, because I haven't seriously tried dieting before.

I just sort of ignore hunger and eat a lot less. Not sure how much less exactly. Probably between 1/2 and 2/3

>> No.4554633

I lost 20 lbs and I'm trying to lose 20 more
~1100 calories per day, low carb
Staying low carb
Nothing, I'm actually stuck at 136 (5'4") and can't go any lower without dropping down to 900 calories per day

>> No.4554635

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
just keep getting bigger
>what did you eat
i eat too much
>what did you fail at
i hate exercise
>have you regained
of course, always, and then some

>> No.4554637

>yes, from 360 to 230, want to get under 200
>best diet for weight loss is low fat
>good food is tempting
>regained about 10-15, drank too much in Europe and I smoke too much weed

Seriously, if you can get under ~20g of fat, it'll melt off of you. Also did the gym twice a week and cardio. Carbs don't mean shit.

>> No.4554638


20g of fat per day, rather

>> No.4554649

I'm trying to gain weight. Too skinny and tall. Not fit for the social standard of "healthy".

Check your fat privileges.

>> No.4554664

Used to be 200. Started fasting 1, then 2 and sometimes 3 days a week. nothing but water. went down to 150 in 6 months. deaths in the family, ate nachos every day, went back to 180. gf broke up with me, lost 10 pounds due to not eating for an entire week. Lost another 10 pounds to drinking water and just portion control on what I eat + cardio and muscle training an hour a day.

>> No.4554706

>fat makes you fat

here we go

>> No.4554720

Worked for me.

>> No.4554725

Anorectic/Bulimic reporting in.

>> No.4554732

>are you fat
yes, 110kg, which is like 240 pounds or some shit
>are you losing or have you lost weight
losing weight
>what did you eat
the same as before, just less of it.
>what did you fail at
nothing, except getting fat in the first place
>have you regained
nothing yet

>> No.4554746

>are you fat
In between, not as much as I was I'm 5'11 and weigh around 207 now.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I'm losing. About 3 months ago I weighed 245.
>What did you eat
Mostly low calorie frozen foods and lean proteins. For lunch today I had three black bean taquitos.
>What did you fail at
My diet is much better but I can't stop drinking. I switched to liquor instead of beer because less calories but I still drink way too much
>have you regained
No, just losing slowly.

>> No.4554747

-not 'fat', but have a rather stubborn gut thats hard to shake off (plus having moobs doesn't help)
-I was around 170-175lbs at the start of the year; am now hovering between 152-155lbs (I'm 5' 7)
-reduced my carb intake, sticking to mostly tortilla wraps and brown bread. even cut out my beloved breakfast cereals, opting instead for a banana or hot soup. plus a lot of grilled chicken
-always saying I'll cut back on sugary/salty snacks, but too often find myself indulging
-no. I might gain a lb here and there for a few days depending on circumstance, but I'm consistently losing albeit rather slowly

I don't really have a diet. I still indulge in junk food every couple of days, usually a large bag of crisps/nachos or jellies or something, and I eat quite a bit of cheese (and a LOT of beer at the weekend) so I can't offer much sound advice in terms of WHAT to eat but over all I eat smaller less-carb heavy dinners and small bites throughout the day for lunch and supper. I'd say avoid requiring large meals everytime you eat

plus I do a lot of walking, and I have a fairly physical job so those play a role in it too

>> No.4554753

>Are you fat
No, somewhat muscular, a bit on the skinny side
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I lost almost 70lbs a year and a half ago
>What did you eat
Just switched pretty much completely to non-processed stuff
>What did you fail at
Nothing really
>Have you regained

>> No.4554756

key of loosing weight:

Get thin!

>> No.4554759
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Get off your lazy fat ass and exercise, ride a bicycle

enjoy starving yourselves and eating bullshit you lazy bastards

>> No.4554761

Not this guy but I do eat slightly larger proportions currently however I do think its more my sedentary lifestyle. For example, I may not eat an entire bag of chips, but I'll have much more than the suggested serving size says. When I was gaining weight I was probably at around 2200-2500 calories a day versus when I was losing weight at about 1000-1500 calories a day. I've cut back from when I was gaining weight but not losing weight like I did in the past. More or less maintaining the 210 mark. I will admit I haven't been making the best choices nutritionally though. Eating every meal alone sucks man.

Also, Portion control=/=moderation. I could eat a few chocolate chips (Tbsp) every day which means I have no moderation but decent portion control, however eating a pound of chocolate daily is poor portion control and poor moderation. (not that I did that) And yeah, poor moderation and portion control is bad with everything in life including food, sex, drugs, alcohol, exercise and even rape.

>> No.4554777

>are you fat
Yeah, 6', and I was 250lbs
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I have lost 50lbs in the past 6 months and I'm still losing weight
>what did you eat
No real set meal plan, aimed for 130g protein while staying as close to 1500 calories as possible
>what did you fail at >have you regained
Going to combine these last 2. Some days I ate too little, some days I ate too much. I used to lift 3 times a week, run 3 times a week and bike everywhere, I recently suffered a broken leg which has set me back, I also drink a lot. I haven't regained any weight, though my broken leg has fucked over my plan of being 170 by the end of October, but I'm still determined to lose weight.

>> No.4554820

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Am losing weight, and previously had lost 70lbs.
>what did you eat
Steak and eggs, no carbs
>what did you fail at
Field work, no decent food available, ate only beer and fast food lol.
>have you regained
Yep, regained all of it.
Working on losing it again, about 2 weeks into keto again, and plan to keep it up until I'm 100lbs down, then focus on moderation and weightlifting/exercise to maintain while eating delicious food. (not that eating steaks everyday isn't delicious lol)). Wish I hadn't stopped while in the field, but I really had nothing better to do than drink beer all day, so I figured fuck the whole thing I'll just do whatever.

>> No.4554865


Breakfast options:
Eating steel cut oats, egg over easy (w/2 pieces wheat toast).

Lunch options:
Salmon filet or tuna filet with edame, steamed broccoli, pan seared broccoli, or sweet potato. Greek yogurt.

Dinner options:
Packet of tuna on wheat bread with a spinach salad and geek yogurt.

Red delicious apple, grapes, or a banana.

>> No.4554868


No, fat makes you look fat. Healthy fats are good for your metablism and brain.

>> No.4554900

I lost a lot of weight only eating meat/fish + shitton of veggies + beans. It's cheap, delicious and healthy. Regained a bit because I drink too much.

>> No.4554904

Try drinking black tea with a bit of stevia if you want sweet. Green tea is also good.

>> No.4554907

Oh, and eggs. Basically the point was to not eat too much carbs and to definitely eat a lot of fibers and summa dat protein. I was not hungry for a single day during my strict dieting, even though I was eating like a 1000 calories below maintenance.

>> No.4555159

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
yes. heaviest was 225lb, cut down to around 207lb, finally got serious with diet and more exercise and I weighed in at 182lb today.
>what did you eat
alot of chicken breast, bacon, anything low in carbs
>what did you fail at
at first getting my diet in order.
>have you regained
eh, went drinking one day and over ate this one weekend, but quickly got back on track.

>> No.4555195

I am fat, lost weight in college, and promptly gained it back when moving home.

In college I decided to start jogging every day, drinking only water, and having one full meal along with the occasional snack every day. It worked.

Then I moved back home and currently work the family business. My parents provide food, I have a scheduled lunch break, and we usually eat dinner together every night where either my mom or I cook. Also, I stopped jogging because after busting my ass at a full time job, I don't feel like doing much at the end of the day.

I need to get a job that I went to school for and then start actually working out instead of just cardio.

>> No.4555219

>yes, very
>both, 60 lbs off, 130 to go
>Egg whites (lots of them), whole grains (no pasta or high amounts of sugar), limited fruits, green vegetables erryday, poultry, fish, tofu, beans, colored veggies like sweet potatoes or squash every other day, cucumber and celery as free snacks (not included in calorie count), carrots as desired (included in calorie count), yoghurt and dairy, mushrooms, make everything-EVERYTHING-at home so you don't have to guess at the calorie content or accidentally eat more than you have left for the day
>counting calories at first (was too lazy to keep track), then nutrition (east get below calorie limits of the day, but day consisted of beef jerky and V8 for lunch)
>only when I stopped counting for a few months

>> No.4555238

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I've lost weight since moving away from home because I tend to cook more normal portions for myself instead of overeating like when I go out to eat with my parents.
>what did you eat
Many kinds of food, I've been trying to slowly incorporate vegetables into my diet as well.
>what did you fail at
Having normal friends and relationships and being productive.
>have you regained
I pile on 5kg min every summer when I go home, but I shed it quickly when winter rolls around.

>> No.4555467
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I'm losing weight but I still have a lot to go.

Doing Weight Watchers Points Plus Online

Lost 49 lbs in 4 months (too fast, WW warns)

418 down to 369

I've lost 100+ twice before, but gained it back slowly.

32 yrs old, always been fat. The one fat kid in my class growing up. Now it's like half of kids are fat.

I like losing it slow and steady on WW. Full lifestyle change. Starting to add in exercise, but that ups my points too. Hang in there everybody! I'm feeling better than I have in years.

>> No.4555477


>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I am trying to gain
>what did you eat
2 meals a day, low carbs, lots of exercise
>what did you fail at
Eating more
>have you regained
In reverse, I've dropped from 145 to 142 since April

>> No.4555483

>"hey I know"
>"I'll make something with lot's of vegetables"
>low sodium everything, cutting down most fats and carbs
>end up eating it all

>> No.4555492
File: 1.53 MB, 2342x2342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female 22 147 pounds 5'9

I have literally stayed this exact same weight since I was 19 and have not lost or gained anything. If I cut off the alcohol I would easily lose 20 pounds, I drink way too much but don't do any types of drugs.

Pic related - it was a 4 day weekend between 8 friends.

>> No.4555503

> w>4555492

Lose the alcohol, discover weed. Not only will you live longer, but you won't get any more hangovers.

>> No.4555522

>/ck/ in charge of dieting

The sticky fit is useful.

>> No.4555525

>are you fat
No, fuqdat.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
Vegetables, starches, various bean pastes.
>what did you fail at
Gaining weight.
>have you regained

>> No.4555529

>what did you eat
also, lots of salt and butter; that shit's good for you (don't believe Jewish America)

>> No.4555550

You do do drugs. Alcohol is a drug.

>> No.4555554


> officially derailed.

Alcohol is not a drug; alcohol is a delicious beverage, like Tang.

>> No.4555556

>are you fat
Nope. 5'8 & 116 lbs

>are you losing or have you lost weight

>what did you eat
Salad, steak, pasta, and I drank 2 cans of soda.

>what did you fail at
Getting enough sleep.

>have you regained

>> No.4555572

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Lost. 50 pounds to be exact
>what did you eat
About that. My diet was fucking horrible and I had a case of anorexia nervosa for a while. I was down to 100 cals a day at one point along with exercise. I ate meals regularly so that I wouldn't destroy my metabolism completely, but I ate very little/low cal foods. I don't know at what point I told myself that I need to stop but I did. I ended up having to take a multivitamin and just est protein for my meals while increasing my caloric intake at a rate I was comfortable with. And it worked. Have not regained, I eat 1200 cals a day, and I exercise every other day or close to that.
>what did you fail at
Being smart about weight loss and putting myself in a very dangerous position
>have you regained

>> No.4555588

I eat 600 cals a day but I consume 800 cals a day in alcohol. Does this make me anorexic?

>> No.4555632

>still heaver than I want at 5'9 168 and not a lot of muscle, but still working on it
>was 235 so I've lost 67 pounds so far
>too much obviously, snacking is pretty much gone and working in some lower calorie foods/less takeout
>being healthy, eating right, exercising
>nope, been losing about a pound a week for over a year and going strong. No plans to ever be like that again

>> No.4555638

No, because you're still consuming over 800 calories a day. If you were anorexic you would eat 100-200 calories and then spend that 600 on alcohol.

>> No.4555639

No. You're just practicing a stupid form of calorie restriction.

>> No.4555642

How to lose weight:
>Go to /fit/, but don't post
>Read the sticky
>do the calculations the sticky says
>download my fitness pal
>Use myfitnesspal and the calculations everyday until goal weight.

It's not too hard.

Pro-tip: Weigh your food, don't estimate. I'm down 73.5kg (estimate) to 65.7kg in 9 weeks.

>> No.4555680

>are you fat
6' 185 lbs, never been fat.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Just dropped ~8 lbs of fat for summer, starting another bulk this fall when I go back to uni
>what did you eat
Read the fucking /fit/ sticky, whether you want to lose or gain weight it's all you need to know.
>what did you fail at
>have you regained
I will because I have the fucking willpower to.

>> No.4555730

>are you fat


>are you losing or have you lost weight

Lost weight.

>what did you eat

Went vegan. Some basic meals I liked to eat:
Quinoa and brown rice with kale. I'd get these little boxes of quinoa that came with their own seasoning blend and they're delicious (Near East brand I think), then I just chiffonade some kale with a little garlic powder and soy sauce (or Bragg's liquid aminos), or salt, and toss it in.
Burritos with rice, beans, grilled peppers and onions, guacamole, salsa. Never got tired of burritos.
Tofu saag (Indian spiced spinach with tofu. So good.)
Tofu tacos. Bake some extra firm tofu in the oven with whatever seasoning you like, bake some corn tortillas in the oven (method for this can be found through google - I like to add a little garlic powder and salt on the outside), throw in your tofu, add lettuce, salsa, guacamole, maybe some peppers and onions.
Oatmeal with chia seeds, bananas, and coconut palm sugar (or maple syrup works good too).
Chocolate pea and rice protein shakes with banana, peanut butter, almond milk, and chia seeds.
Apples and peanut butter.

The weight fell off me and I didn't even have to try.

>what did you fail at

Before I went vegan I had tried the Atkins diet and failed at that. Also tried the ketogenic diet which made me the sickest I've been in my life. This was in high school back when everyone was low-carb crazy and it was supposedly the best diet to go on.

>have you regained

After I lost so much weight I actually started eating a lot of vegan junk food like Oreos, soy ice cream, and started baking a lot. So I have regained a bit but I like the weight I'm at now, so not too bad.

>> No.4556428


>Go to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hours
>Atkins diet shit; 60/20/20 protein/fats/carbs
>1100 calories total a day
>Horrible sleeping schedule; I get enough sleep but it's always random
>Eat only when I'm hungry; usually fiber ham sandwiches and chilled water
>Stir-fries every now and then
>Sloppy Joes when I feel like it
>Went from 28% bodyfat to 22% so far
>Feel great
>I need to eat more because all this fucking fiber makes me not hungry
>Probably extremely unhealthy due to not even reaching my 1100 calorie mark some days
>At least I got my vitamins and shakes

>> No.4556455

Was just a tiny bit chubs, lost ~15lbs to look better. Took 6 weekish.

>Drink nothing but water and black coffee (replace fruit juice with fruit).
>Eat a LOT of broccoli, spinach and peas.
>Reduce portions
>Buy no junk food
So fucking easy, and you save money.

>> No.4556677
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>are you fat

>are you losing weight or have ou lost weight
Yes, about 35 lbs

>what did you eat
Steamed veggies for breakfast every day, no bread, red meat once a week, fasting one day a week. Also Trazodone.

>what did you fail at
Basically I had an emotional breakdown after losing all four of my pets in a year. First my 6 y/o service dog was diagnosed with lymphoma. Chemo for six months, then we got her a bone marrow transplant after radiation, she was the first Pitt Bull in the nation to get one. She passed six months later in my arms. Then my 16 y/o hairless cat came down with acute kidney failure. For two weeks I gave her subQ fluids at home, but she too had to be put down. A few days later my 21 y/o cat decided he was ready to go too. The day I put him to sleep my husband was terribly sick, so I had to go alone (ended up taking hubby to ER after the vet that day). Then my 16 y/o terrier, my best little friend became ill. Hubby took her to a specialist in Knoxville, but she died before we got her home. Hubby had to drive all the way home with her little body in he trunk. It was hubby's birthday.

Tl;dnr dead pets, much grief

>have you regained
Yes, a few lbs here and there; but I quickly lose them again.

>> No.4556711

>are you fat

A bit

>are you losing or have you lost weight


>what did you eat

1300 calories a day

>what did you fail at

Alcohol T_T

>have you regained

Never been bigger

>> No.4556736

>1300 calories
>weight doesn't change
are you 5'2"?

>> No.4556802

>are you fat
Yes, about 265 pounds and 5'11"/6'
>are you losing or have you lost weight
This time last year I started the Dukan diet and lost a total of ~30lbs. Regained and now I have started losing again. 5 pounds in the last two weeks.
>what did you eat
First time Dukan diet (Protein heavy, low fat, "low" carb). This time I have upped my veg and fruit consumption. Cut out or limit "unnatural" sugars. Favor lean meats. Allow myself a cheat once or twice a week.
>what did you fail at
For a "poor" college student the Dukan diet was difficult because it focused on protein which is expensive. I would have stayed on the diet if I could have afforded it. Started eating "cheap" food (processed, pasta) on occasion. Slowly ate them more often. I soon slipped back into my old eating habits.
>have you regained
Yes, after I stopped the Dukan died I regained all of my weight back and peaked at around 271.
>what lessons have I learned
I have learned to do more research on the food I eat. It is also important not to focus on counting calories or get hung up on the idea of a "diet". I figure that as long as I am eating the "right" foods, the calorie count should not be an issue. I don't pig out (for a fat guy I actually eat like a bird most of the time). Make sure to eat a wide variety of food, and use spices. Also do your best to stay busy during the day. If you are just sitting around you will think of food... and that is not good.

>> No.4556811

That sucks to hear my friend. Death is the bane of pet owners who have older pets. I lost both my 16 year old cat and my 15 year old dog in the same year. It was tough. Pray tell, what service was your service dog for?

>> No.4556824


I drink 2 litres of wine a night.

>> No.4556874

>are you fat
nope, currently 5'1 and 88 lbs
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
a lot, i maintain on probably around 2500 - 3000 calories haha
>what did you fail at
gaining more weight? uh not sure
>have you regained

i'm not sure how some people can eat so little, food is amazing haha

>> No.4556890

>5'1 88
>2500-3000 calories a day
Lol nope.

>> No.4556894

>did shitton of walking in city I was visiting
>got home
>ate around 600-800
>stayed up for a few hours
>went to bed
>woke up
>I hadn't gained any weight
>be hungry as fuck too
>eat about 800 cals
>still haven't gained weight

Given that the food I'm consuming is low in fat and high in protein, I'm still astonished. As I'm typing this my stomach is still growling. What's happening to me?

>> No.4556898


A little, 5'10 and 140.
I lost a lot a few years ago in HS
Not eating shit over the past year or so
Like 20 lbs

>> No.4556899
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>>are you fat
Not anymore

>>are you losing or have you lost weight
I went from 190 to 163. I'm about 5 10.

>>what did you eat
Used to eat cheese burgers and fries a lot. Now I eat a lot of salads. Meat is only lean cuts, and only once a week. Have replaced most rice intake with quinoa. Have replaced most sugary snacks with cashews and pistachios and granola. Have stopped drinking Coke. Have stopped eating fried foods except a couple times a month. Learned how to cook indian chick pea and lentil dishes. Learned to love fresh steamed or roasted vegetables. Also, started walking everyday for 30 minutes. Recently, over the last month, because it's started to get hot out, I have started actually jogging in the mornings before it gets hot.

>>what did you fail at
I have never failed at anything.

>>have you regained
No... but I've only been doing this for 6 months. In anycase, I feel my views of food and nutrition and health have changed substantially and I believe I will easily be able to keep this up.

Other benefits, my blood pressure has gone from 155/98 to 111/71. I am feeling amazing.

>> No.4556900

It's very possible. I'm maintaining 125lbs at 5 ft 8 on 3500 calories

>> No.4556905


lol yup. i used to hover around 70 lbs, was put on a meal plan of 3000+ calories and have since been able to maintain my current weight on 2500 - 3000 calories. shit is pretty rad haha

>> No.4556925

I have IBS, any recommendations for a diet?

>> No.4556937


What a disgusting, frail creature you are.

>> No.4556962

I haven't lost weight. Since I was born, I've only gained in weight. I'm at 65kg now.

>> No.4556968
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She was my mobility dog. I have sensory integration disorder (SID), and she helped me with the vertigo I get when in a busy environment (such as a busy urban city). Basically, my brain gets overstimulated trying to take in every detail all at once.

>> No.4557001

>losing weight

Fuck that shit. 5'4 285 pounds master race reporting in. I rather die now, happy, with a burger in my colon than to live to the age of 90 having eaten nothing but disgusting vegetables.

>> No.4557007
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please let this be a troll
please let this be a troll
please let this be a troll
please let this be a troll

>> No.4557019
File: 59 KB, 300x300, me-giving-a-fuck-smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin a'
Lifes too fucking short as it is to stress out over counting calories and other bullshit.
Eat what you want, when you want.
Fuck what other people think about your body.
As long as you're happy... who cares?

>> No.4557025


Shit poster of >>4556968 here. Yeah.. it was a troll. You got me. I guess I tried too hard.

>> No.4557031

So you have a metabolic disorder?
No girl that consumes 3000 calories a day is going to weigh 80 pounds without some sort of metabolic disease.
You're either overestimating your calories, or your body is deranged.

>> No.4557034

Or it could be one of those people that does marathons or something and burns 1000 extra calories a day, but unlikely.

>> No.4557047

i have a bit of fat, though its not really noticeable as i dont have much of a gut left


lots of things, i just stopped eating shit that was obviously bad for me like deep fried food and kept my eating to a sensible level, i also try to get plenty of vegetables and fruit into my diet and aim for a 500 calorie deficit every day

i still suck at resisting the call of the biscuit tin...


>> No.4557052

>the biscuit tin

My old fat self must know. Pray tell, what is "biscuit tin" you speak of?

>> No.4557057

i magical tin filled with digestives and shortbread which i intend never to own again after i leave my dads place

>> No.4557062


Oh. Euro. "Biscuit..."

I suddenly get it, and I am really disappoint.

>> No.4557066

whats a biscuit over in murrica?

>> No.4557071
File: 36 KB, 550x767, 6a00d8341c90b053ef0168e673869d970c-550wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We call these fluffy things biscuits. It's typically a breakfast food, often eaten with butter or jelly/jam. I think you guys call these scones? Correct me if I'm wrong, of course.

>> No.4557074 [DELETED] 

>scones, nailed it, though i believe the southern UK faggots have some other gay name for them

i personally tend to my the ones that come with cherries in, god theyre good

>> No.4557076


I think what you call a biscuit, is called a cookie here.

>> No.4557079

>not knowing how to do something basic like greentext

Why am I not surprised that this northern scum just happens to be retarded. And we call them scones here, moron.

>> No.4557080

nailed it, though i believe the southern UK faggots have some other gay name for them

i personally tend to my the ones that come with cherries in, god theyre good

indeed, here i britfag land we use the term cookie to refer exclusively to a specific style of biscuit

>> No.4557082

>being that mad
jeez, ive got lots of threads im monitoring and its a minor slip up

>> No.4557084

also, then where is it im thinking of, im sure somewhere has a strange name for them

>> No.4557131
File: 56 KB, 255x328, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
It's stayed the same for the past 5 years, haven't lost or gained
>what did you eat
Today: a cup of coffee, some chips, a pickle
>what did you fail at
Skipping meals, not avoiding sugary drinks, having motivation, not being depressed, life in general
>have you regained

>> No.4557138

>permanently fuck up peoples metabolisms
>thinking the metabolism is concrete and not changing literally all the time

Bulking? 2 heaty spoonfuls of peanut butter before bed on top of whatever normal healthy balanced diet you're eating with help bulk a few pounds a week naturally. Make sure you work out if that means jumping up and down for 5 minutes in the morning do it faggot

>> No.4558697
File: 116 KB, 616x462, PA1202_Raspberry-Sorbet_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two days ago
>Weigh 141.8 lbs
>Eat entire 16 oz box of pasta, covered in olive oil and Parmesan~~3000 calories
>Eat tub of Cherry Sorbet~~600 calories
>12 hours later weigh 142.2
You mad fatties?

>> No.4558704

I am fat. 5' 8", 185 lbs
I have lost weight (from 200 lbs last october)
I ate normally.
I didn't fail, I continue to lose to this day.

I work out 4x a week for about an hour doing heavy weight lifting. My BMR is about 2700~, I consume around 2200~ calories a day. Been very effective.

>> No.4558713

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
yes, currently calorie counting and taking in a little less than 1200cal/day
>what did you eat
used to be addicted to fast food and sweet coffee
cut out most refined sugar and all fast food
>what did you fail at
my weakness has been and always will be ice cream
>have you regained
no, but i've been bad about skipping the gym

>> No.4558718

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
down to 200lb from original weight of 250lb
>what did you eat
smaller portions, avoiding sugars as much as possible
cutting soda and juice was a 10lb loss in and of itself
>what did you fail at
mainly i just need to move more, although i do indulge in my sweet tooth every now and then.
should probably actually keep track of calories at some point.
>have you regained
i yo-yo a little bit, tend to gain like ten pounds between thanksgiving and christmas with all the family dinners.

>> No.4558726

>are you fat
skinnyfat, 6'3, 170
>are you losing or have you lost weight
lost 50lb a few years ago
>what did you eat
vegetarian but lots of junk and alcohol, what I crave basically. Just half size portions.
>what did you fail at
>have you regained
yes, a bit, but I feel better at 170 than 150, despite having a bit of extra fat.

>> No.4558730
File: 8 KB, 300x297, Fast Metabolism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4558735
File: 73 KB, 659x558, howmuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unable to change my body, I seem to have a very fucked up body. I am 6 feet tall, 150 when I am active, and at that weight quite obese around my upper body, I just have an old man's body, new muscle never forms, but I might be able to burn off extra fat around the stomach if I do serious 90 minute cardio...whatever I eat I never change from 150-155

>> No.4558761

>be fat
>do lots of cocaine everyday
>not so fat anymore and im high as fuck allday everyday


>> No.4558783

why did they fire him?

>> No.4558787
File: 177 KB, 150x134, 1336187991146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's black

>> No.4558813

unsanitary, I guess it could be ok if you didn't touch the nozzle with your mouth at all and scraped off any ice cream left on it, but what are the chances he was that careful
To be honest I would probably do that if I thought I could get away with it, just for the experience.

>> No.4558814

Suddenly, addiction, deviated septum and heart problems
Stick to oral meth, gets you skinny faster, cheaper and with less affects on appearance (providing you don't cave and start snorting/smoking/slamming)

>> No.4558819

>are you fat
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Yes, lost around 40 lbs.
>what did you eat
Eggs, bacon, steak, chicken breast, various veggies, cheese, anything non carby.
>what did you fail at
>have you regained

I went on it for 4 months but then I left college & Christmas came, went back to being a NEET and stopped caring about what my body looked like. Might go back.

>> No.4559159


>are you fat

>are you losing or have you lost weight
loosing, so far about 10kg only, it's really hard with only gym exercise for like 2 hours a day and a 1 hour run, recently started a diet tough

>what did you eat
i only have 1 (healthy) meal a day, breakfast and dinner have been replaced with vitamin drinks and shakes with fruit and veggies blended in

>what did you fail at
in the beginning, it was really hard to resist having a snack once in a while

>have you regained
yes, but quickly shedded it off

i don't into /fit/, i don't pay much attention to all that calorie talk, but hey, anyone can do it if you put your heart and determination into it

eat less, eat healthy and work out

>> No.4559174


You are going to get in to a lot of trouble if you keep doing that. You need to pay a little more attention to your calories.

If you keep your calorie intake too low for longer time you will develope a condition known as metabolic damage. It is a bad name, but it means that your body will adapt to the extremely low caloric intake.

I'm now trying to correct the damage I have done to my metabolism from too fast and heavy dieting. My current TDEE is only 1500 kcal, and I'm 30 year old male weighing at 75 kg and exercisin. If that amount doesn't mean anything to you, it's pretty much normal for a small woman or a larger child.

>> No.4559195


I'm sorry, but you >>4557001 are not me >>4556968.

>> No.4559536

I've been losing weight since Christmas

I was power lifting with a friend's in house equipment doing 5x5 alternating sets. I was taking in protein as much as I could but not even getting to half my target protein goals because of being a poorfag.

Did that for about six months and kind of trailed off eventually stopping altogether.

I kept up the high protein diet despite no longer lifting and it caught up with me. 4-5 months later.

I was 195lb 6' tall when I started lifting. 205 at the end. On christmas I weight 209-212 and felt disgusting. I realized my error and changed my diet.

>Avoid soda like the plague. (I still have it for special occasions tho)
>Avoid sugary bullshit. only 10-15% of anything actually tastes good enough to me to justify the unhealthyness.
>High Carbs can go fuck themselves.
>Protein is my bestest friend.
>Don't be afraid of fat.
>Water is your friend, too. Buy a bottle of Lemon Juice and spurt a little in if you're sick of it. It's cheap as fuck and delicious.
Just be careful of your teeth as lemon acidity is a thing.

My only exercise is going for 1-2 mile walks every other day. Maybe Bike riding when I can be arsed to get the fucking thing out of storage.

Basically I've been trying to do Keto without actually being entirely on Keto.

My current Weight: 188lb as of today.

>> No.4559548

and now I'm worried though that I'm not entirely losing weight healthily.

I'm sedentary so much of my time and even going up a couple flights of stairs leaves me feeling a little out of breath.

Now that my body is lighter I'm might give running a try. When I was heavier it was disgusting. I got home and I needed to lay on the floor just not to feel like death after jogging 3-4 miles

>> No.4559577

>jogging 3 or 4 miles

I don't know what to say to you man. You are either not trying at all. or trying way too hard, it sounds like.

Why don't you take a moderate approach. Eat health food, and walk for 30 minutes EVERYDAY to try and get your heart rate to the aerobic cardio zone, which is probably around 110-130 beats per minute (there are calculators on the web for figuring this out based off age) you don't need to exercise so hard. just walking a bit at a spirited pace will get your metabolism moving. it helps to drink lots of water. If you feel like death, you are probably over doing it. Stop every 10 to 15 minutes and take your pulse at your neck for 15 seconds and then multiply that by 4. It should not be over 150 or 160.. there is no need to get the heart up there unless you are doing anaerobic training for a marathon or sprints or something. If you have medical concerns you can bring this up with your doctor next time you see him.

>protein is my bestest friend

it sounds like you should make vegetables, beans, and lentils your best friend. there is a lot of stuff in meat that is bad for you. toxins, bacteria, saturated fat, cholesterol... because of preparation, sodium is often a concern as well. none of that stuff exists in plants. There is just as much protein in lentils, pound for pound, as there is in chicken breast.

also.. get a base line for caloric intake.. count calories for a week or two.. this will give you an idea of what you are eating. Then you can adjust the number of calories up or down and get a better feel for portion sizes. Don't snack - again drinking plenty of water helps with this.

If you are eating 50% vegetables, 25% lean protein, and 25% grains... you can't be losing weight unhealthily - so give that a try.

>> No.4559640

This is why you're a weak little faggot.
You can acclimate to eating considerable amounts of anything, you just need to try hard enough.

>> No.4560283

Tell us more how you can drink anyone under the table when it comes to semen.

>> No.4560319

actually moving uses up calories, thus walking burns calories and will make you lose weight.

>but unless you're morbidly obese, it won't really make any difference.
if your calorie intake is at maintenance and you add 2hours of walking ( burns about 200-500 calories per hour depending on how fat you are ) every day you will lose weight, regardless of your current body type.
are there faster ways ? yes, but that is not the point.

>> No.4560618

too much alcohol, that is

>> No.4561553

fat, yes
lost weight, regained it, losing weight again
to turn super fat? probably a dozen of donuts a day, plus other things and soda
i failed my test which was only possible to take twice that year, so i got really depressed about it
regained 40 lbs during that time, currently lost 15

So from my life story, my weight yoyos quite a lot

160lbs in HS (used to be captain of the soccer team)
230lbs in 1st year college (flunk a major)
280lbs in 3rd year
260lbs on graduation
220lbs 2 years ago before test
260lbs after depression
currently 245lbs

if it wasn't for my love of eating (i like a lot of foods, but my particular love is the eating part and feeling full)

>> No.4561558

oh yeah, to add:

my when i was in HS, i used to be around 10% BF
when i got to 280lbs i was around 38%
i'm currently 25% but still weight around 245lbs, so i don't think that's too bad

i'm obese for most part, but i also have quite a lot of muscle since most of my days i do hard manual labor i just eat a fuck ton

>> No.4561568

Yes, but in >>4554129's case, he is also correct.

Having a higher heart rates truly shows increase in caloric consumption, which is better if your plan is to lose weight/burn fat.

Yes, you can lose 400 calories while walking, but that would use around 2 or 3 hours of your time, and that is if it was brisk walking.

Jogging/biking exerts more effort which could easily cut your exercise time by half while resulting the same caloric deficit occured from doing low and slow cardio.

Also, to add to the matter: check the comparisons of low intensity steady state cardio vs high intensity interval training, read up on the resources regarding that topic to be informed

>> No.4561576

>are you fat
yep, 5'11 and 238 pounds
>are you losing or have you lost weight
lost 44 pounds during the last 8 months and still losing, but not very fast atm
>what did you eat
basically everything I ate before starting to reduce weight minus the sweets, bread, too much potatoes and starchy things. Most of the times meat (chicken, lean pork) or fish with a side of vegetables like broccoli and mushrooms, and low fat yoghurt in the evening and/or in the morning.
>what did you fail at
well I don`t always keep to my food plans, so there are 2-3 days in the week where I just eat what I want (but not too much of course). Oh and of course I couldn't swear off the wonders of alcohol.
>have you regained

>> No.4561673

The thread is still alive ?
I'm >>4554069

I can't say I'm surprised by the amount of post this is getting. I always get the weird look when I speak about it.

As I said I did cardio and lifted regularly, it was quite addictive, but that's not the point.
The problem with it on a diet perspective with no will to buff up, it's simply harder to track down your spending, and eat the right equivalence.
The idea of a hypocaloric diet while doing extensive sports is a well spread nonsense.
More hunger more frustation leading to taking back pounds if you happen to stop your ways for a time.
And on another hand you're not providing everything to help your body adapt the new efforts.

So on paper you lose more, but it's harder to maintain that way.
Now diet aside I almost agree with everything said.

As for walking I adapt to how I feel. I started doing around 7-8 km, I'm taking more detours for the same time I'm doing around 12-13km to get back home,

Anyhow I'm not trying to gain anyone to my cause I'm hardly starting a sect of walker, that's just what I'm used to do and the loss is steady enough for me, if you prefer to run or ride a bike more power to you.
Started at 90.5kg three weeks ago, 86.5kg now, but I'm probably missing a good part of water so let's say 87.5kg.

>> No.4561676

You never mentioned the detours in your post so everyone pretty much assumed that you traveled the same distance every single day. Your point still counts though.

And in your current status? I'd say you just lost 1.5kg fat mass, not 3kg. Which isn't actually bad. Water weight does shed plenty fast especially in a few weeks time.

>> No.4561686

I'd agree on water if I wasn't drinking a lot already but I drink around 2l of cooled water a day

>> No.4561690

Forgot to add that I wasn't going into details too much to avoid doing walls of text.

>> No.4561702

Actually, you're intake is quite a lot more than that (includes food, water, taking baths[yes you do get water from that as well]), you can only make sure that you've lost plenty of water in your body if you feel quite dehydrated most of the time (dark yellow to orangey color of your urine).

We're okay with that.

Also, do take note that it's also quite possible that you are also losing muscle mass, since prolonged aerobic exercise catabolizes the proteins stored in your muscles. So you should also check whether what you're currently doing is pretty fine on your body.

>> No.4561716

>mind altering substance
>not a drug

any oral amphetamine works well for fat loss, but eats away at your muscles pretty quickly too

>> No.4561750

Trying to gain weight but I can't lift weights because super bad back.

Trying to do it decently healthy but failing. I get full too easily and so I have multiple meals. My metabolism is too high. I eat regular foods and supplement shakes. A lot of (but not all) fat people have it easy.

>> No.4561760

>are you fat
No, but am overweight.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
>what did you eat
The usual stuff
>what did you fail at
More exercise
>have you regained
No. Losing 7-8 pounds a month just by walking 4 hours a day, 5 days a week.

>> No.4561763

>Yes i am fat, but not overweight
>i have lost 20kg in the past due to an eating disorder. Only gain 10kg back after recovery and trying to get back to 60kg or 55kg (as my ultimate goal) i am currently between 67 and 69 kg
>Now i eat a pretty big breakfast with an egg, fruit, muesli and yogurt. the rest of my diet variates.
>i really fail at the healthy eating majorly of the time. when i am out with friend i too want to drink. When i get a present of chocolate i want to eat it. I really fail at self control and that is why i don't lose weight.
>only about 10kg after my ED. now i gain and lost up to 2kg, so my weight stays pretty much the same.

>> No.4561764

>walking 4 hours a day five times a week
...and you're only losing 7-8 pounds a month?
Jeez I'd feel jibbed.

>> No.4561769

That's continuing the same diet, such as mac & cheese, burgers, pizza, doughnuts, ice cream, steak, tacos (not that Taco Bell shit), etc. For no change in diet, I'm pretty happy to be losing that much.

>> No.4561825

>are you fat
Not really. 5'11"/180cm, 112lbs/50-something kg. Bodyfat percentage is relatively high though, so I'd like to cut.
>are you losing or have you lost weight
Currently losing weight.
>what did you eat
So far today all I've eaten is a can of peach slices (17:20 where I am)
>what did you fail at
Genetics - crohn's disease totally fucks your weight. perhaps not exercising enough.
>have you regained
Went up to 150lbs (from 99lbs) over christmas/new year's with large doses of steroids and doctor's orders to gain weight - appetite went through the roof and I ate near constantly. Then I felt obese (I normally feel fat over 120lbs, so 150 was just freakish for me), so stopped taking all my medication and induced a flare-up. This made me lose weight quite rapidly down to 120lbs.
I've been doing some yoga routines for the past 8 weeks (I have a whole schedule of workouts planned for 38 weeks), and definitely look and feel like I've gained some muscle as well as lost fat. Its nowhere near as intense and rapid as a gym workout routine, though.

>> No.4561826

fuck off /fit/

>> No.4561878

I'm underweight and failing miserably at gaining. Sometimes I just plain get down with the food. Eating until I'm way too full. I still don't gain any weight.

>> No.4561922

>are you fat

Not anymore really, currently at 135 lbs as a 6'1 male

>are you losing or have you lost weight

Yes, I used to weigh 205 lbs. I plan to drop another 10 lbs so I have some wiggle room for when I start eating at maintenance.

>what did you eat

Anything with a caloric deficit. I've had times when I've eaten in ways that are similar to certain specific diets (i.e. at times I've eaten low-carb, alternate day fasting, fruits only) but the end-goal was always to have a caloric deficit, I just got there in different ways.

In the beginning satiety was a huge issue and so I ate pretty much only lean meat, almost a kg, and vegetables resulting in just over 1000 calories and almost pure protein. Nowadays I pretty much don't feel hunger at all and vary it up depending on what I feel like. I spent one week eating almost only fruit because it's delicious and you can eat so much of it but still have a caloric deficit. I spent one week eating a pint of Ben & Jerries every day because I wanted to try a bunch of different flavours. I do try to make sure I don't go too long without veggies and meat though. I make a lot of woks, or steaks with veggies on the side.

>what did you fail at

After losing 55lbs in 5 or so months I completely lost my discipline. At that time I already looked skinny in clothes, but I looked like shit without them. I spent almost half a year hovering around 150 lbs.

I also "failed" at exercising, hence any lean mass I had is pretty much gone and I haven't built any new mass. That's why my weight is so low for my height. However, not exercising was a conscious decision because I'm a lazy fuck, I didn't "attempt" to exercise then give up or whatever.

I figure I'll probably hit my goal weight, maintain for a year before I get tired of my body and then start lifting and bulking.

>> No.4561974


Niggawat. I'm 5'8 or so and 130 and skinny as hell.

>> No.4562000

>are you fat
As Fuck
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I was dieting. and it was working. I got injured and could not do shit for a week or 2. Just sat on my ass and ate. Have not gone back to diet.
>what did you eat
Dieting I just did Boiled chicken and salads type shit.
>what did you fail at
Night eating. Holy shit once sun goes down Im perpetualy hungry.
>have you regained
I was probably down 20, and now Im probably up 5.
>I just got insurance
So I can go to a professional and get some much needed help, meds, and so forth.

>> No.4562034

People's weight varies with stuff like having a big or small bone structure.

Are your cheeks and cheekbones defined or hollow? Thats what I consider to be "skinny as hell".

>> No.4562064

>are you fat
hamplanet status
>are you losing or have you lost weight
lost 85 pounds+ so far, have 60 left to go
>what did you eat
oats or cereal, black coffee, egg, toast, salads. i have a cheat day on the weekends
>what did you fail at
uh, getting obeast? lol
>have you regained
i have before but that was because i had a binge eating disorder. i don't have that anymore b/c i am not a basketcase anymore. long story. i just know that once i get to my goal i will never be fat again.

>> No.4562099

>are you fat
Was but then lost weight
>are you losing or have you lost weight
I lost weight
>what did you eat
Immediately stopped eating out. Made homemade stuff instead of commercially prepared. Boosted up the veggies, kept meat lean such as chicken breast, and whole grain instead of white
>what did you fail at
I used to have these binges once a month in which I would eat almost everything in sight
>have you regained
Yea since I'm gong for DEM GAINZZZ. Got tired of being a skinnyfat

>> No.4562126

I used to be around 190 at 6ft with little muscle mass so not a porker but still could've stood to lose a few.

What I did was

A. Cut down my general food intake - started eating about 60-70% of what I normally did. This is the hardest part, because usually your stomach feels a bit empty after a meal. Just plan your meals so that when the plate is cleared you haven't eaten a mountain. Obviously ignore this if you are lifting/bulking up.

B. Started running between 3 to 6 miles a week. (Can do this running a mile a day three days out of the week. Bare minimum though). By the time I lost most of the weight I wanted I was running up to 10/week and I'm really not the running type.

C. I never ate fast food and tried desperately to stay away from processed foods. This rule is so underrated.

D. Cut out 95% of my empty starch intake, aka totally gave up french fries, and very rarely did I eat potatoes. Also if I ate a sandwich it was always on rye bread, unless it was a sub or something. Subs were my cheating food. Find a moderately healthy cheating food, and if you choose subs, dont get tons of fucking mayo on them.

E. Cut down grease intake, although this isn't as strict as the other ones. Avoid deep fried food in general. Obviously living in America makes this challenging, especially if you attend University and are on some sort of meal plan.

And thats about it. I lost about 25-35 pounds over the course of a few months, and I don't have an outstanding metabolism.

>> No.4562133

Oh, my big failure was not reducing my alcohol consumption. I actually turned 21 that year so it increased significantly.

This year I turned 22 and developed a beer gut, but I'm back on my plan and have resumed running. I think I gained at least 10 pounds, but am currently losing all of that again.

If you are more overweight like 225-250 lbs+ Dont despair! You will lose the weight faster than you think, just be super patient. Daily running/jogging alone can greatly increase your metabolism. If you cant run a mile in a day, work in baby steps until you can. I still hate running, and its pretty tiring but perseverance is the key.

>> No.4562148

I'm obese and don't bother losing weight, it's not worth the effort and life isn't worth living anyway since I lost at genetic roulette and was born with a micro penis. Yes I have a micro penis and not a penis that's hidden by fat.

>> No.4562165

>are you fat
nope, skinny right now but gaining some weight in muscle (hopefully). I used to be pretty skinnyfat, though (80 kgs at 1.80m/5'11'').

>are you losing or have you lost weight
lost a lot previously, gained for a while, now I'm maintaining for the summer.

>what did you eat
everything, except sweets. that includes greasy ass lasagna, pizza, other fast food, although always in moderation.

>what did you fail at
mostly the lifting part, I started off pretty ugly with very little results. in terms of weight loss, I'm pretty happy with what I've accomplished and I don't think I made any major mistakes. I didn't go about it the FAST N' FURIOUS way, it took me around 8 months to get from my 80kgs to my 62kgs (current weight), but hey, it's stayed off. much better than any fad died.

>have you regained
replied above.

my advice to the current fatsos: calm the fuck down, you're gonna get that weight off but it's not going to be in a month or two. lay off the excessive dieting, and for fucks sake go to /fit/. they're full of shit, but if you sift around a bit you'll find some good stuff. COUNT YOUR FUCKING CALORIES TOO, don't make up excuses. I kept my 80kgs for so long precisely because I was too stubborn to count calories before that. once I did, I started losing a lot at a steady rate with no major sacrifices (besides the no sweets thing but tbh that didn't phase me much).

>> No.4563406

>getting fat
>got a bike
>less fat