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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 450x356, troy mcclure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4547019 No.4547019 [Reply] [Original]

i've got this crazy friend that says its wrong to eat meat.

is he crazy?

>> No.4547029
File: 39 KB, 330x250, liiiiisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor little lamb

>> No.4547036


He is, however, stupid.

>> No.4547087

no, jimmy, just ignorant

>> No.4547116
File: 72 KB, 320x240, Simpsons-HotDogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's good Jimmy!

>> No.4547121

No. He just thinks for himself.

>> No.4547126

Whoops. I didn't go along with the joke.
Give 'em a paddlin

>> No.4547135
File: 228 KB, 320x240, simpsons-flying-pig-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "how the hot dogs are made" segment is one of my all time favorites

>> No.4547417
File: 1.84 MB, 389x274, pat pat slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4548524

I vaguely remember any simpsons moments. But this? OH my god. So good.

>> No.4548540
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>> No.4548549

Oops, sorry... "That's good Jimmy" was from the eps when Troy McClure explained to Jimmy what DNA was, but it does tie in with this one. "A little pinch of mom, and a dash of dad" (then he strokes his finger up Jimmy's back and tastes it... and... "Mmmm... That's good Jimmy!"

He did the same thing at the beginning of the slaughterhouse skit. He's walking across the cattles' back in the "high density feed lot", wipes his finger across a cow's back, then tastes it. Mmmmm.

>> No.4549261

The ethical issues on how that meat is raised and what the byproduct is doing to the environment? Maybe.

That eating meat in itself is a wrong? I guess hundreds of millions of years of nature is wrong.

>> No.4549264


>> No.4549296

> I guess hundreds of millions of years of nature is wrong.

appeal to nature is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4550078
File: 1.14 MB, 286x209, lisa the vegetarian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4550106

>crazy friend
>is he crazy?

You already answered that question. Why are you posting this shit on /ck/? It isn't even related to /ck/. Go to /freud/.

>> No.4550124

It depends on his rationale. If he's referring to the morality of killing an animal for nourishment, then yes, he's crazy. If he's referring to the morality of keeping animals in a state of elevated suffering before slaughter, then maybe, it depends on what you think. If he's referring to the morality of consuming orders of magnitude more energy and resources to produce meat at a rate per capita that is not universally sustainable, then no, he's not crazy.

>> No.4550293


>> No.4550344

it's true
hot dogs are made from left over garbage

>> No.4550445

that doesn't make them less delicious

>> No.4550698

It's not "wrong" to do anything. There's no such thing as "should be" or "meant to". It's your life, you;re the ultimate authority on what are good things to do and what are bad things to do. Do you feel bad if you eat meat?

>> No.4550721

thats a pretty good answer imo

>> No.4550734

>to the morality of killing an animal unnecessarily for nourishment

Fixed that. Big difference between the ethics of killing another species for self survival, and killing it despite having thousands of other food options.

>> No.4550740

Depends on the reasoning. If it's just because he doesn't like meat, then no.

If it's for moral reasons, then yes.

I've often wondered if moral vegans ever followed their line of thinking through to the end. Let's say everyone goes vegan, and stops eating any animal products. What will happen to those species?

They'll die out of course. Except probably pigs, they've shown themselves quite able to survive in the wild. Cattle and chickens in particular won't likely survive, since no one will be breeding them specifically, and they're ill-bred to survive in the wild. And it's not like we're going to set up preserves for them to live in.

>> No.4550771

You are aware that the meat industry has directly caused thousands of species to go extinct, due to the mass amounts of deforestation and habitat loss for livestock production? 80% of the deforested Amazon rainforest is used for cattle.

If someone actually cares about species extinction, they wouldn't be eating meat. Even today, in the USA, there are around 200 species that are threatened by extinction due to habitat loss from the meat industry.

>> No.4550783

And fishing is a whole other can of worms. The amount of species in the oceans that have gone extinct due to overfishing is absolutely mind boggingly.


Animal products are not sustainable for 7+ billion people. Meat production already uses 30% of the Earth's land surface (nope, not a typo, 30 freaking percent) for meat production. Guess how many species went extinct in that process.

>> No.4550790

He must be a grade A moron

>> No.4550807


>> No.4550826

Yes, let's all just not give a damn about how our actions impact the rest of the world. It's cool to be apathetic and ruin things for future generations.

>> No.4550835

>ruin things for future generations
Most of that is useless anyways, we should be taking useful things and discarding useless things. I guess you think we should build a giant shuttle to move them off the planet when the sun burns it up?

>> No.4550846

Humans will eradicate themselves long before the sun blows up. We've completely fucked our planet in just a few generations.

>> No.4550941

It's just a little airborne! It's still good, it's still good!

...it's gone.

I know...

Also from earlier in that scene.
Sorry, force of habit.

>> No.4550947

>I actually put spoiler tags
Fuck me, I must have thought I was on /co/, sorry.

Too lazy to bother deleting and reposting, though.

>> No.4551082

Yes, he is a very bad person.

You need to save his soul and take a shit on his pillow after you ate a big steak dinner.

>> No.4551087

I don't care, hippie.

I ate a meal tonight that like 20 animals had to die for. It was delicious!

>> No.4551132

don't kid yourself
if a cow got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you care about

>> No.4551167

Yep, cows are a known menace to society. Hide your children, hide your wives.

>> No.4551171
File: 28 KB, 406x506, hungry_the_cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4551179

Maybe. I go to a butcher to get hot dogs. They're pretty tasty.

>> No.4551180

I was once chase out of a field by a herd of unhappy cows. They weren't that fast, but still. Its the principal of the matter.

>> No.4551184
File: 148 KB, 512x384, lisa-simpson-gapacho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gazpacho? Go back to Russia!

>> No.4551195
File: 95 KB, 778x380, Cow meat yahoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase anyone was wondering.

>> No.4551211

Beef is still the least sustainable food in existence. Takes 13 lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef.

>> No.4551233


That doesn't answer the question. I see this almost every time this topic comes up. Who gives a shit if they killed off so many species or caused so many other problems. Assume they stop all action, what do we do with the cows and chickens? It's a hypothetical question anyway, why is it so hard to give a straight answer.

>> No.4551283
File: 5 KB, 251x240, charlton heston laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if you ate an 8 ounce portion of beef every day

Do you even know anybody who eats less than 2 pounds of beef a day? 8 ounces doesn't even have any nutrition

>> No.4551287


>Assume they stop all action, what do we do with the cows and chickens?

Different guy here, but those cows and chickens in existence would be the last batch of slaughtered animals. Stop breeding more and the problem is solved. It doesn't make sense to keep making more and killing them forever instead of just stopping

>> No.4551295

>Do you even know anybody who eats 2 pounds of beef a day?


>> No.4551298


Everybody I know who eats meat eats atleast that much. Sometimes not beef, but atleast 2 pounds of some kind of meat a day

>> No.4551315

Then what are we going to eat? Be honest now, we won't have enough beans and tofu to give to everyone.

And what the fuck are we going to do with all that subsidized corn humans can't eat?

>> No.4551318

Grain that humans can't consume and would otherwise be wasted.

>> No.4551322


The same thing we eat now. Fruits and vegetables

>And what the fuck are we going to do with all that subsidized corn humans can't eat?

I don't understand why you can't understand the concept of "not doing things anymore." Just stop growing shitty corn and use the land for other crops

>> No.4551328

I don't think you understand what subsidized corn means, so I'll give you a chance to go look it up.

No, we can't just eat fruits and vegetables, we don't have enough crop for it. Don't say "use the land livestock is on hurr durr", because that land is mostly shit for growing crops. Let's not even get into protein considering we haven't fed the fucking US yet

>> No.4551337


Why do you think nothing else can be subsidized? You're stuck in the mindset that things can only ever be one way and they can't possibly ever change. Expand your thinking

Every "feed the hungry" organization is 100% vegan because that's the most efficient way of feeding people. Meat is a luxury, and the methods and practices of producing it just fuck up everything else in the world

>> No.4551343

You're acting like I'm the one who is keeping things that way. You ever stop to think the government controls that and is pretty notorious about budging on anything?

Yeah, they are "vegan" just because it's cheaper to feed people a bunch of grain they can ship easily and buy easily instead of feeding them balanced meals, they don't do it because it's healthy, animal friendly, or environmentally safe.

The huge meat industry may be fucking up the world, but considering everything else fucking up the world it's a race the meat industry is going to lose. That, coupled with the fact that there is no viable alternative, and that corporations and government are so deeply enmeshed with one another so as to be indivisible, makes it so your vegan utopia is nothing but a fairy tale.

>> No.4551356


If public demand is there, change will happen. Revolution, bro

>>Yeah, they are "vegan" just because it's cheaper to feed people a bunch of grain they can ship easily and buy easily instead of feeding them balanced meals

Do some research, they do feed them balanced meals. Rice, vegetables, and fruit. That's how you keep a population fed and healthy for cheap

What is there not a viable alternative to? The meat industry? Like I said, to feed the hungry, you have to think vegan. Continuing to let the meat industry ruin more of the earth's land isn't going to solve anything and it's just going to get worse long-term

>> No.4551372

We're not getting a revolution, sorry. You're definitely not getting a vegan one.

Meat is delicious, end of story. I love shooting alligator and grilling it, I like shooting deer and eating it, I like shooting duck and eating it, I like shooting turkey and eating it, I like shooting geese because they're shitheads but they are shitty food.

They feed them balanced meals, maybe sometimes, but I think you're overestimating the availability of vegetables and fruit. You really think they feed that many people balanced meals? It's a very small portion of a population especially compared to what a lack of meat would do to a population the size of the US.

Vegans are a minority. One that doesn't shut the fuck up, but a minority nonetheless. The shit you eat cannot be spread out enough to give a balanced diet to a US population, and the infrastructure is not even close to being able to support a vegan utopia. And if you look at our current power/water/transportation infrastructure, and how shitty it is, and how the government won't even acknowledge the problem, you'll realize they don't give a flying fuck about getting rid of meat or going vegan to save people's feelings.

>> No.4551378
File: 37 KB, 581x357, meat industry adverisement budgets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So now you've brought your argument down to "fuck you, I don't care if you're right, I like meat." I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter

>Vegans are a minority. One that doesn't shut the fuck up, but a minority nonetheless.

You types need to stop with this "vegans make too much noise" nonsense. If someone even makes you aware that they're a vegan, you consider it obnoxious and get deeply offended for some reason. You're right that vegans are a minority, and one reason they are is because the meat industry won't shut the fuck up and pressing their views on the general population from birth til death

>> No.4551382


>what a lack of meat would do to a population the size of the US.

Make people less obese and sick?

>> No.4551389

You're actually wrong, and I said why, you just seem to be ignoring it because it hurts your feelings. And yes, fuck you, meat is awesome.

Vegans are a minority for a reason. Not because of advertising, but because your lifestyle and diet choice is objectively shitty (having to supplement with vitamins, lol). You are hipsters to a fault. You know why the "meat industry" doesn't advertise to vegans? Because they don't eat meat. Who eats meat? A fuckton more people than vegans. While I don't agree with corporate practices, they are catering to their common denominator. If you let fucking advertisements affect you in any way you're fucking brainless.

Oh, less obese and sick is right. Undernourishment from lack of food and sickness from being immunocompromised due to lack of proper diet and vitamins.

Seriously when will you faggots understand you can't change a damn thing about meat, meat eaters, and meat industry? Live your own life. If you really feel you need to crusade something, choose something you can actually help with and that is relevant.

>> No.4551406


>You're actually wrong, and I said why

The only things you said were a bunch of denial about how things can be different but you don't want them to be

>because your lifestyle and diet choice is objectively shitty (having to supplement with vitamins, lol)

If you get your information about vegans from 1950s meat industry propaganda films, don't bother entering these discussions. Why would you need vitamin supplements when your diet is entirely plant based? That's where vitamins come from. You can get everything you need easily through plant foods, whereas a meat eater has to supplement his shitty diet with plants, and since plants aren't the focus of their diet they still tend to end up deficient in many things. They just don't bother taking supplements because they don't care about their health, which is why they eat meat


>You know why the "meat industry" doesn't advertise to vegans?

They advertise to EVERYBODY. They spend billions of dollars advertising their shit to everyone on the planet in an effort to make their food the norm and brainwash people like you into thinking proper diets are unhealthy and somehow eating plants makes you vitamin deficient. The meat industry is very similar to religion. A relic from a time long past that has no place today, but is carried on through tradition and misinformation to make people who can't cope with life feel better

>> No.4551407

When you look at the comparison between herbivores and humans, we compare much more closely to herbivores than meat eating animals. Humans are clearly not designed to digest and ingest meat.

Meat-eaters: have claws
Herbivores: no claws
Humans: no claws

Meat-eaters: have no skin pores and perspire through the tongue
Herbivores: perspire through skin pores
Humans: perspire through skin pores

Meat-eaters: have sharp front teeth for tearing, with no flat molar teeth for grinding
Herbivores: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding
Humans: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding

Meat-eaters: have intestinal tract that is only 3 times their body length so that rapidly decaying meat can pass through quickly
Herbivores: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.
Humans: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.

Meat-eaters: have strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat
Herbivores: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater
Humans: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater

Meat-eaters: salivary glands in mouth not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.
Herbivores: well-developed salivary glands which are necessary to pre-digest grains and fruits
Humans: well-developed salivary glands, which are necessary to pre-digest, grains and fruits

Meat-eaters: have acid saliva with no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Herbivores: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Humans: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains

Clearly if humans were meant to eat meat we wouldn't have so many crucial ingestive/digestive similarities with animals that are herbivores.

Albert Einstein said people are not designed to eat meat. I'd like to think the guy that figured out how the universe works is right.

>> No.4551413

>Seriously when will you faggots understand you can't change a damn thing about meat, meat eaters, and meat industry? Live your own life. If you really feel you need to crusade something, choose something you can actually help with and that is relevant.

Like letting people you care about live longer? Why do doctors all say the same thing? Avoid red meats. Reduce your fat intake. To curb the #1 killer, heart disease.

>> No.4551456

It also doesn't make hot dogs any more "delicious". Mmmmm, lips and assholes, hrrrrrrrrrrmmmm(drool).

Thanks, make mine pizza. Or at least something with named meat, and I don't mean "Spot" or "Mittens".

>> No.4551459

> not universally sustainable
Bwahahaha. Yeah, we've (USA! USA!) only been doing it for a few hundred years (while also exporting food for all the "developing nations" that are breeding themselves into a Malthusian famine), definitely not "sustainable".

>> No.4551463

You're aware that Brazilians would be cutting down the Amazon no matter what, because they employ slash-and-burn agricultural methods and so they constantly need new farmland even to grow vegetable crops and sugarcane (for dat biofuels), right?

>> No.4551464

No doctor who has a clue says "avoid red meat". They tell people to cut back because we eat too much, but pure avoidance shire an abject ignorance of nutrition.

>> No.4551465

Yes, he crazy. Eat your steak in front of him as he gets anemia and dies from iron and B12 deficiencies.

>> No.4551467

Christ that picture is stupid. No shit McDonald's spends more money on advertisement than PETA spends total. McDonald's is a fucking business in the highly competitive market of fast food. PETA and whatnot don't make money, and certainly don't compete with anyone.

Fucking apples and oranges.

On the bright side, yay /co/ck/ thread.

>> No.4551468


>iron deficiencies
>from not eating meat

Do you think iron comes from animals? They produce it in their bodies (excluding humans) and then we have to eat them to get the iron?

>B12 deficincies

Do you think B12 is produced by meat too? Is every herbivore on the planet deficient in B12 and iron? B12 comes from bacteria interacting with trace amounts of cobalt. Minerals come from the soil and are absorbed into plants. That is basic nutrition. There's also plenty of meat-eaters who are B12 deficient because eating meat doesn't automatically mean you're getting a bunch of B12 in you, especially if the animal you're eating is factory-farmed and fed shitty foods

>> No.4551474


That doesn't matter, it still has a massive impact and affect on the world. The message McDonalds sends is "don't even think about vegetables, just eat a bunch of beef and cheese." Every commercial break on television advertises the McDonalds diet and ingrains it into the heads of every man, woman, and child until it just becomes natural to them. It's more than just "buy a burger," it trains people to think of that kind of food as THE food source

>> No.4551480

Humans are omnivorous. They eat both and are more than capable of surviving on either diet.

Also, Einstein is doing what I lime to call: talking outside of his area of expertise.

Also known as talking out of his ass. Dude made some incredible theories about the universe years before his time, but that doesn't mean he knows shit about biology.

>> No.4551485

Your point?

At some point, people have to take responsibility for their own actions. My natural instinct is to rape the fuck out of any sexually attractive woman I see. I don't do this though, irrespective of the sexualization of women in media.

Eating or not eating something us a choice, period.

>> No.4551487



There's a difference between survival and health. You can do many things for the purpose of survival that aren't necessarily healthy in the long run. Drop me in the desert with nothing to eat but ramen noodles and chocolate cake and I can survive on that, but it's still not good for me.

Humans aren't true omnivores, we're just an adaptable species. We spread around the world and made use of what we found in the lands we came to, which is the magic of cooking. Cooking isn't about health, it's about making due with what you have and turning shit into something delicious. Our ideal diet is raw plants and vegetables, though if it means the difference between starving to death and staying alive we can eat meat. It's still detrimental to our bodies and often causes problems at some point, like obesity and heart disease

>> No.4551490

I hope people only use this to troll with and don't believe it, be they veggies or not, because it is laughably wrong and verdure who use it to support their arguments just look like idiots.

>> No.4551492

They sell salads you know. They launched a massive rebranding campaign to change their image from "fast food that will give you a heart attack" to "fresh made diverse food on the go".

Didn't work. People go to McDonald's for the convenience and to indulge. Trust me, if they could change your opinion and get you to buy their salads and veggie wraps then they would.

Incidentally, their salads really aren't worse than anything else they serve (that is to say they're bad, but not inedible).

>> No.4551493


>> No.4551494


You're not getting it though. The advertisement may not be hooking you in to buy their food, but it's desensitizing you to the food. It doesn't matter whether or not you choose to eat it, you can't choose to not become used to something you see shoved in your face every time you walk out of the house and see a billboard or every time Seinfeld cuts to a commercial break

>> No.4551495

>If you let fucking advertisements affect you in any way you're fucking brainless.
Everyone is affected by marketing. Just because you're not consciously aware of it doesn't mean you don't have plenty of opinions and associations that were created by a lifetime of exposure to marketing.

Does it make us brainless? Yeah, but that humans are easily brainwashed, and slaves to their cultural surroundings is a fact of our species. Also a reason it's pretty funny when someone says we're so intellectually superior to every other animal. Find me another species that goes on global genocides and wars because they believe some invisible God in the sky wants them to, or hates members of their own species because of arbitrary appearances like humans do with other races simply because our family tells us when we're kids that [insert race here] sucks. Intelligent species my ass.

>> No.4551504

No, I am getting it. You refuse to truly give people agency to make their own choices. You make them victims instead of people.

>> No.4551509

Of course McDonald's wraps and salads aren't going to compete with their bigmacs. They've been mass advertising that shit for half a century, the wraps and stuff is more of a novelty still.

>> No.4551518

>make their own choices
Neuroscience has made it pretty clear that agency is an illusion. We're mindless sacks of meat with the illusion that we make choices and form opinions. The reality is that our brain does all of this for us pretty much automatically, and our reasoning for it all is produced after the effect, as a rationalization.

Pick any thought or belief you have. Now try to explain specifically all the innumerable life experiences and variables that accumulated into that belief. Why do you think X person is attractive? Why do you have Y opinion about politics or religion? What was every element that led to the end result?

We can't identify the process. Millions of firing neurons do all of that for us. We just have the illusion that we came to the conclusions ourselves, when in reality our environment and brain did it for us.

>> No.4551522

> doesn't realize he's talking to a mathematical psychologist
Yeah, non sequitor much?

>> No.4551525

>anywhere close to completely understanding the way our brains work.

Yeah okay. I'd trust an astrologer to tell me the future first.

>> No.4551531
File: 573 KB, 642x2388, inline-eat-meat-die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Varki proposes another theory. When humans ingest the flesh or milk of any mammal, they absorb Neu5Gc and treat it the same way as an invading germ, so they make antibodies against it. This turns on their immunity and keeps it active so it eventually attacks the host itself, the human body. This is called chronic inflammation, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancers and so forth.


>> No.4551553

>yet another Indian swami trying to push pseudoscientific babble on stupid credulous American hippies

>> No.4551566

Dr.Varki, UC San Diego School of Medicine distinguished professor of medicine and cellular and molecular medicine and co-director of the UCSD Glycobiology Research and Training Center, and his research team studied a non-human glycan, or sugar molecule, known as N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). Although this molecule is not produced naturally in the human body, it's incorporated into human tissues if you eat red meat. The body then develops antibodies against Neu5Gc – and this immune response could potentially trigger a low-grade chronic inflammation, spurring the growth of cancer. In a statement prepared for the media, Dr. Varki explained it has been recognized by scientists for some time that chronic inflammation can stimulate cancer progression.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/024966.html#ixzz2Vnjm3h7Q

Pseudoscientific. Right.

>> No.4551567

Wow are you fucking dumb.

>> No.4551568
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 1370043094274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy that figured out how the universe works
>didn't believe in quantum mechanics
>thought the speed of light was the maximum speed

He was wrong about a lot of things and he was wrong about that.

>> No.4551571

Einstein biographers have said repeatedly that he was at the limit of his era.

>> No.4551579
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>> No.4551580


>> No.4551582


>> No.4551595
File: 7 KB, 173x288, Mr+Nice+Guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albert Einstein said people are not designed to eat meat. I'd like to think the guy that figured out how the universe works is right.
Yeah, Hitler was a vegetarian too. Great minds and all that.

>> No.4551600


Benjamin Franklin was also a vegetarian

>> No.4551601


>> No.4551602

And so is:
Leonardo Da Vinci, Renaissance painter and inventor - info
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and philosopher - info
Jesus Christ, saint, rabbi, and mystic - info
Patrick Flanagan, scientist and inventor - American - info
Grant Morrison, Scottish comic book writer - info
Mark Millar, Scottish comic book writer - info
Nikola Tesla, Serb inventor, physicist, and engineer - info

>> No.4551603
File: 101 KB, 580x337, leonardo_da_vinci_vegetarian[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leonardo Da Vinci was a hardcore vegetarian too and loved animals

>> No.4551604


>Jesus Christ

Didn't he clone a bunch of fish to feed people?

>> No.4551606

Which one of these was a nutritionist again?

>> No.4551607

>...will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murders of men

Wars still everywhere

>> No.4551608


Dr. John McDougall

>> No.4551610


>as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other

We still massacre animals. We still kill each other

>> No.4551612

>Neu5Gc cannot be found in poultry

Mcnugget eating Atheists 1
vegan christians 0

>> No.4551661


>> No.4551669

Veganism rules, omnivorism drools.

I hope that answered your question.

>> No.4551672

>Not carnivores

>Having only 2 types of diets
>When humans are omnivores

>> No.4551673


>> No.4551674


>> No.4551679



>Weapons, tools, and controlling fire in order to be able to catch, kill, and eat animals.

>> No.4551680


You do realize those species and breeds that couldn't live in the wild were CREATED through domestication and not nature right? We would only be killing out a man made derivative of species that do live in the wild. Them dying out would be better than the life they live right now anyway.

>> No.4551686

OP here
all of you people are retarded
i started this thread specifically as a simpsons joke which is why you all keep getting linked to this >>4547417

stop taking yourselves so fucking seriously. no one gives a fuck what you eat an why.
i'd outright delete this thread if i could but i can't.

>> No.4551694


Dipshit thought this would turn into a simpsons thread and not a debate?

I can't tell if you're stupid and actually thought that or you're just trawling me now.

>> No.4551696

you don't win friends with salad

>> No.4551699
File: 48 KB, 720x480, friends with salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you do.

>> No.4551707

Linda McCartney dead at the age of 56, the result of cancer.


oh the ironing

>> No.4551711

>The only way we were able to lose our nomadic ways of chasing around packs of animals is when we conquered nature and forced her to grow what we wanted with tools and intellect.

Only very recently in history has the world even had on a wide scale a vegetable protein source that was calorie/protein efficient and even then they are few and far between. Tofu ends up being really the only good option that most vegetarians have. Even then to eat a proper amount of protein in an environment where you do manual labor you would have to eat around 976 grams of firm tofu or 2 pounds basically which comes out to 1408 calories. That means just getting the amount of protein from one of the best sources of protein for a vegetarian takes up almost 3/4ths of their entire days calorie intake.

Turkey on the other hand gives your complete daily intake of protein at 795 calories and only is 1.15 pounds of food. This gives you far far far more room to work with making a balanced diet which would include meat and veggie.

Meat has it's advantages and veggies have their advantages. Use them together and stop being faggots.

>> No.4551715


Maybe if your diet is plant based your body uses the limited protein more efficiently? Considering that there are vegetarian socieities that have been doing it successfully for thousands of years, I'd be surprised if there wasn't something flawed about any analysis that suggests that it's such a terrible idea.

Please don't rage at me, I find it strange that I have to "defend" myself by pointing out that I eat and enjoy meat and, but that's the board we're on. I also got raged at once and accused of militant veganism for suggesting that paying more for high quality grass fed beef from a local farmer was a good idea. I guess I should just hide this thread as I normally do with these, but it's been at least a week since I looked at one.

>> No.4551721

Vegan blood fights cancer 8x better though.

So maybe she would have died sooner if she hadn't been vegetarian. But she should have been vegan if she really didn't want to die.

>> No.4551726

We are talking about optimizing diet for health. There are centuries of poor people who lived on mainly bread as their top calorie intake all around the world but it does not make it a healthy diet. Yes if you wanna just take in the correct amount of calories everyday you can eat whatever the fuck you want.

The point is that meat and veggies together provide the easiest and most efficient diet for humans no matter where they are in the world and their income level. Protein from vegetable sources is just so inefficient calorie to protein wise that meat is a much better option.

>> No.4551729

Because vegans live forever.

>> No.4551731

>calorie to protein wise

>> No.4551735

Not to nitpick but whoever is writing this is extremely unprofessional.

>Put people on a plant-based diet for a year, though, and their blood just tears it up
Please do not cite something as scientific evidence when they write in such a sensationalist way.

>> No.4551738 [DELETED] 

are you aware that over 99% of all animals that have ever existed have gone extinct? And are you aware that before humans came into play the number is still over 99%? Life exists to die. That is the point of it all.

>> No.4551741

What is the better option than? I used firm tofu which is one of the best protein substitutes vegetarians have at their disposal and showed that it almost consumes your entire diet just to get enough protein from it. 2 pounds of firm tofu at 1408 calories for the correct amount of protein for an average 6' 160 pound male working a manual labor job. Where as with turkey you only have to eat 1.15 pound and its 795 calories giving you far more room in your diet to have a complete diet composed of all the nutrients and such you need.

I back up my claims with proof please prove me wrong.

>> No.4551743

>implying animals are the only thing going extinct

Are you aware of how many life saving drugs humans have discovered from random plants that hadn't gone extinct yet?

In the long run we're all dead anyway though, so I guess why bother to have a good quality of life right? HURR BACON EPIC!!!!!!~~ONE

>> No.4551816
File: 196 KB, 455x346, 1350880644119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q:How do you know if someone is vegan?
A: Don't worry, they will tell you

>> No.4551826

How do you know if someone is a defensive omnivore?

Don't worry, they'll use the same tired jokes about vegans over and over.

>> No.4551833

>Vegan blood fights cancer 8x better
Tell that to Steve Jobs.

>> No.4551838

Steve Jobs was a mac user. They all die of cancer.

>> No.4551837
File: 310 KB, 1169x850, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: How do you know if someone is a carrion eater?

A: They eat meat that has been dead for days or even weeks, tenderized, maybe even allowed to "dry-age" for weeks where mold grows on it, and cooked to make it more broken down for consumption and easy digestion.

>> No.4551841

Found the vegan.

>> No.4551847

pls stop, you're making my mouth water

>> No.4551848

Found the carnist.

>> No.4551889

I'm fine with people being vegetarian because of health reasons, or they are just plain uncomfortable with eating an animal themselves. But I'd have to disagree when they say it's 'wrong' to eat another animal.

>> No.4551902

Have you heard of factory farming?

I don't necessarily think it's "wrong" to eat another animal. I don't think it's wrong for survival purposes, but most people who eat meat aren't doing it for their survival. They're doing it because it's just what they were raised doing and it's what's convenient for them. It is a bit of an asshole move in my opinion to kill an animal at a young age knowing you could make perfectly healthy, delicious vegan food instead. I don't make a big deal out of people who buy Animal Welfare Approved meats or hunt though, because it's really the least of my concerns.

I wouldn't even have gone vegan if I hadn't learned about factory farming. The more you research factory farming, the more disturbing it gets. Farm to Fridge just scratches the surface.

Since I also learned the health and environmental reasons for being vegan as opposed to buying from "humane" farms, and since I learned I actually liked vegan food better, veganism is the most realistic solution to this and it would be wrong of me to eat meat knowing all that I know.

Hope that all made sense. I haven't slept all night and it's 7:30 AM.

>> No.4551909
File: 209 KB, 327x353, 1358218715688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to make meat sound disgusting
>posts picture of beautiful burger

>> No.4551916

it sounds like you believe it's wrong to eat inhumanly farmed meat. Which is a very fair option.

What would be your opinion of eating an animal that was hunted for culling reasons?

I'm from newfoundland and every year we have hundreds of car accidents due to moose wandering out onto the road, so we have a government issued hunting season where you can apply to get a moose tag which allows you to kill a single cow, bull or either sex.

But yea, most of the meats I end up buying are from 'locally' famed stock.

>> No.4551930


It is wrong.

>> No.4551934

I didn't try to make meat sound disgusting at all. I hunt deer, butcher chickens, and eat more meat than you probably do.

I'm just not delusional about it.

>> No.4551938

No, just retarded.