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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 235 KB, 900x600, 1370173797490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4537498 No.4537498 [Reply] [Original]

Food pics from Japan.

Previous Thread >>4508555


>> No.4537508

What a fascinating culinary contribution. White wheat noodles with a tomato sauce topped with what is likely parmesan cheese.

Look at the complexity, quality of ingredients, and creativeness of this dish. It simply had to be shared with us.

>> No.4537510
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>> No.4537512

What a fascinating conversational contribution. Thinly veiled sarcasm topped with what is most likely arrogant posturing.

Look at the complexity, quality of content, and creativeness of this post. It simply had to be shared with us.

>> No.4537517

>muh Nippons

Captcha: coolnesś fetnswe

>> No.4537519

What a pass aggressive remark. Weak undertones of insecu-

I'm asking why if he feels the need to dump this shit, he needs to include generic pasta and red sauce that is eaten all over the west, that most of us have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of times.

If he wants to dump his Japanese food, that's fine, but opening a thread with spaghetti is just pointlessly asinine.

>> No.4537522
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mayo on salad
> mfw

>> No.4537530

England does this. They call it "salad cream" I believe.

>> No.4537533
File: 23 KB, 244x247, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say again,

>> No.4537536
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>> No.4537541
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>> No.4537545

I agree. It's way too thick to go on even the heartiest salad, and a little bland. It needs to be cut with some more vinegar or citrus juice, and have a little seasoning. But then you end up with something very close to caesar and you gotta wonder why it's not more popular there.

>> No.4537752

So is /ck/ officially this idiot's Tumblr now? Imagine if it wasn't weeb food, there would be a shitstorm. The bias is adorable, and you have no idea how much it amuses me. This is literally all this weeb shit-hole has now.

Sage because why bother, he'll bump it every day for weeks and post it again when it dies.

>> No.4537932
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>> No.4537933

>posting /cooking/ in /ck/

What a concept.

>> No.4537936

There are plenty of mayo based salad dressings, but strait mayo is a bit odd.

>> No.4537942

I feel like I've seen this thread before. I'm Australian by the way.

>> No.4537944
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>> No.4537950

Bland rice and fried shit. Should I take pics of gas station hot dogs? I wouldn't eat it, but I guess it's worth my time.

>> No.4537960
File: 548 KB, 1600x1059, R0000440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hot dog is not sold at the gas station in Japan.
Culture is in everyday life.

>> No.4538011

man japanese people are fucking retarded... why the fuck do they serve their shitty soups and alive squid in 1000 different bowls? why cant they just put everything on ONE plate like normal people. fuck japan

>> No.4538014

lol at these pictures of shitty, cheap ass bentos and fast food places.

>> No.4538025
File: 370 KB, 1280x847, 1343522193541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much anushurt samefag

>> No.4538042
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>> No.4538043

>why cant they just put everything on ONE plate like normal people.
Indians don't do this. Chinese don't do this. You're the minority, white boy.

>> No.4538047

It's fucking hilarious, right?

Post some yokan if you got some. I want to make some so badly but I can't find the goddamn beans.

>> No.4538052

Why is there broth in almost every wet meal?
Seriously, educate me.

>> No.4538053
File: 362 KB, 1280x853, 1346831073658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the second image is a soup meal with noodles so of course it has broth.

>> No.4538066

So every wet Japanese dish is a noodle soup?

>> No.4538069
File: 207 KB, 1600x900, 1367762883010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just posted one without broth.

>> No.4539873

pretty sure mayo was created as a salad dressing way back when

>> No.4539887

DAMMIT JAPO FOODZ PIC GUY....why don't you just leave use alone.

>> No.4539897


>look everyone I'm being a faggot, praise me

>> No.4539902


>implying its not oishii

>> No.4539905


>mfw convini food

so amazing, and they never fucking close!

>> No.4539912


its actually tasty as fuck

>> No.4539914


>curry udon

so fucking good

>> No.4539918


they love soup or broth with all Japanese style food, dunno why

>> No.4539939

That looks nice. Western Yoshinoya sure are sucky looking. :/

>> No.4539992
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>> No.4540555
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>> No.4541092
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>> No.4541123


Always fucking delicious, despite it being terrible for you

What's in those there maki? Bean sprouts?

>> No.4541139


How do they make those egg sushi things so delicious. Seriously, i love those eggs.

>> No.4541142

sugar and soy sauce

>> No.4541177


Before baking eggs, after baking or during baking?

I guess its making a soy sauce + sugar mix and then combining that somehow with the egg rolls.

>> No.4541190

>somehow combining with eggs
Japan doesn't bake anything. Only rich people and restaurants bake.
Just mix the ingredients with the raw egg, then watch a video on how to fry it. Japan isn't very creative with their flavors, but they get pretty autistic when it comes to how food should look.

>> No.4541226


>> No.4541248


Yeaaaa, i noticed that. Its ussually really simple ingridients, but the autistic chopping and shaping of foods... like those egg omlets on top of rice that they cut open.

Hands down looks amazing tough.

>> No.4542861
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>> No.4542960
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>> No.4542969


>pointlessly asinine

Like every comment you've made?

>> No.4543011

>put broth in bowl
>add noodles
>add a unique item
>add chopped spring onion to garnish

>put next to obligatory grilled/fried piece of fish on a little saucer

>maybe a third bowl with some kind of paste or fermented preserve

thats 99% of these threads

>> No.4543016

you should describe what is in each of these pictures.

Also, do japanese deep fry at home often?

>> No.4543020

thanks for the insight

>> No.4543484
File: 1.15 MB, 708x871, seabream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back from Japan. Had the pleasure of going to some great places in Kyoto.

This was the main course at Muromachi Wakuden in Kyoto. Seabream over vinegar rice. Really good. I don't think I have quite a good enough palette to truly appreciate it, but it was still a great meal. Worth it.

I'd be happy to field any questions, if I can answer them.

>> No.4543553


The noodles are overcooked and the sauce is watery and separated. Step it up, Japan

>> No.4543585


how much was that meal? looks pretty good

>> No.4543634
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>> No.4543648
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, The Courses copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't know, I was taken as a guest. They did a per person fee, of I think about $110.00? I attached a blurry picture of the entire service.

Most interesting dish was the "refreshment", and probably my least favorite was the Bonito Ball. It was still good, but not as stand-out as the others.

I can say the Italian food I had there was a watered down version. Not nessecarily bad, but not the heavy, carb-intensive take we get in the States. Wine was also always expensive. More than what you'd want to pay.

>> No.4543687
File: 446 KB, 645x469, Screen shot 2013-06-07 at 12.36.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry it's rotated. Here's the "Simmered Dish". The beef was excellent. I wish I had more beef in Japan, but alas it was not meant to be this time.

I will say that they enjoy "pure flavors". What you see is going to be what you get, for the most part. They tend to evoke natural flavors well instead of pairing it off or diluting it with a marinade or something similar.

This can sometimes be frustrating though.

>> No.4544243
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>> No.4544246
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, 1303202718039-721603055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We talking aboit Feudal Japan? Or Rural Japan? If so, then pic related.

>> No.4544261
File: 200 KB, 720x960, R0000914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pickled gourd. You always see it sold along side inari. And inari is not terrible for you, its pretty much the same thing as every other Japanese food. For being a weeaboo you sure know fuck all about the food.

>> No.4544292

>It's Japanese so it must be healthy! Eating inari, tempura and katsu every day is perfectly fine!

>> No.4545423

I still have some matcha powder left. I don't particularly like the tea made from it. Maybe I should try to incorporate it into a matcha latte or bake with it.

>> No.4545733
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>> No.4546134
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>> No.4546139


>> No.4546146


japanese people make the WORST leafy salads.

it's always just lettuce with some fucked up Awful Sauce.

just don't even bother, guys.

>> No.4546623
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>> No.4546624
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>> No.4546628

Your leafy salads pics please.

>> No.4546633
File: 480 KB, 2000x1500, 1370488961834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4546673

To some extent, this is right. Salad cream is a lot more sour than mayonnaise, though.

>> No.4546685

100bowels, it's you again isn't it...?

Not that I tire of Japanese food from the locals.

>> No.4546703
File: 684 KB, 2048x1536, efbe472d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese mayonnaise is more sour than your country's mayonnaise.


>> No.4546745

>has never had Italian nor Catalunyan mayonnaise
They're both pretty tart, you know. I've had Kewpie. I find it cloyingly sweet, not sour in the least. If this is what passes for sour in Japan, the Japanese must have the most ridiculously sensitive set of taste buds on the planet.

>> No.4546815
File: 561 KB, 1600x1060, R0000558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak bowl, 1,659JPY

>> No.4546870

sushi is good

>> No.4546872
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>> No.4546874
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>> No.4546879
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>> No.4546883

you dont actually put salad cream on salad though

it tastes fucking manky though

>> No.4546888


They're all so kawaii! I wish I could make my bentos look this good! I really need to learn bento no jutsu!

>> No.4546898 [DELETED] 

these threads are fucking stupid, pointless image dumps with no content. saged, hidden, reported

>> No.4546964
File: 239 KB, 960x720, B7GMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4546971


What rule was he breaking?

Not criticizing, I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.4546976


I have had enough food from Japan to last me a lifetime.

>> No.4546978

It's about time the mod wised up. This guy is the most subtle, prolific spammer I've ever seen on /ck/. He consistently necroed his threads and created new "Food pics from Japan" threads as soon as the old one reached bump limit. I'm pretty sure it's mostly just him doing image dumps too. He contributes nothing but textless photos of mediocre food and attracts trolls/genuinely angry people. I have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit on /ck/, I'm probably one of two people who actually like Sceak, but this Japan spam guy really gets my goat.

>> No.4546979

Please be ironic. That last one is a fucking buffet plate. How kawaii indeed.

>> No.4546983


>> No.4546984


>> No.4546987

Aw, I kinda of liked these threads...

But hey, mods gunna mod.

>> No.4546988

Matcha cupcakes are fucking good

>> No.4546989

i dunno, man.
at least he's actually posting food instead of kicking up shit about tipping or instant ramen.

>> No.4546996


about fucking time, jesus christ

>> No.4547001

Well, now that OP has gotten himself banned, I think I will continue his work and make a new thread once this one 404'd.

>> No.4547013

you better not swear on me mum

>> No.4547037

What rule was he breaking...? I enjoyed the pictures.

>> No.4547040

No. Get over it, move on. You see what isn't welcome now.

>> No.4547045


You mean posting Italian food in an intentional mockery of the Japan food threads which were appreciated by the majority of /ck/?

The only thing the mod has accomplished here is to sow confusion. Enjoy your simmering rage at all things Japan, maybe you should reexamine what site you're on.

>> No.4547155

I thought about doing it but go ahead

>> No.4547163


I liked these threads. Might as well ban me too for being uppity and backtalking, huh?

>> No.4547167
File: 66 KB, 800x533, 0695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

850 JPY

>> No.4547170

So cheap for so much good fish

>> No.4547178


That's because, unlike OP, this anon didn't actually buy/eat that food.

>> No.4547179

While I didn't follow these threads, I feel there was hardly reason to ban the guy.

>> No.4547184

I don't see what difference it makes

>> No.4547185

What the fuck? He was posting on-topic.

>> No.4547186

Looks like some dicks were sucked for this to happen

>> No.4547189

Looks like mods want more fastfood and impoorplshelpmeeat threads

>> No.4547190


The OP didn't have to make up the prices, and could answer other questions about the food.

>> No.4547205

what's wrong with posting nice cooked food to the food and cooking board?

>> No.4547219

That's what we're trying to figure out...

>> No.4547221

That's what happens when moot sources his mods from /r/atheism/

>> No.4547222

I don't think they banned him for being off topic or anything. I think they banned him because he's kept this same thread going for what seems like months now by taking advantage of how slow our board is. Its like he took a part of /ck/ and tried to make it his own website. Just let the thread die eventually, enough is enough, time for something new. Its sort of like the guy made a faux sticky since it never went away.

And I like Sceak too, he amuses me. Fun to mess with too. Wonder what he did, he's been gone for awhile.

>> No.4547233

I don't think the guy who made the last thread is the same person who made this one. This one feels like it was made to piss the people off who can't hide a thread once every two weeks but instead feel compelled to fill them with replies, only making them appear more often. Too many /b/ offboarders on /ck/.

>> No.4547234
File: 26 KB, 264x322, kime_jap_porn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods = gods

>> No.4547236
File: 74 KB, 847x408, cheese_top_burger_food_kfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see how that is at all relevant, especially because such a high percentage of japanese are agnostic.

>> No.4547240

>implying the japanese are good for anything but video games and motorcycles

>> No.4547243

There's nothing wrong with consistent threads that last for months, see drawfag threads, theme threads in nsfw boards, video game threads, buy/sell/trade threads, etc.

It's not like these threads wouldn't take off with just ten posts. They would have a good amount of images and draw interest, both good and bad.

I wish /ck/ did have more consistent threads like other boards. I'd love a consistent meal thread but I think we get too many new posters who don't search for such threads before posting their meal. We did used to have consistent gardening threads. As for threads that are fairly consistent and clearly are by the same guy, I liked FuckFlour's threads and The Butcher still posts his threads. I personally like a feel of familiarity and 'regular'ness.

I don't mind any suggested necro'ing. I think the amount of content in the thread counters that. I'd hate to see people necro'ing threads with no content.

And I think more people tolerate the threads than those who don't. It's just that those who don't are frustrated enough to take the effort to express how they feel.

>> No.4547255

Bah. I like the threads and others like them. I don't live in Japan and I have a weird fetish for peering in to the daily lives of other people with vastly different cultures from my own. Looking at pictures of cheap restaurant food or corner store lunches gives me the perspective of what a lower working class Japanese person might eat on a daily basis, and I find that interesting.

And thread hiding is built in to the site now. If you don't like the thread but it's on topic, you can just hide it. If the thread is as prolific as these were, you only need to do it once every few days tops.

>> No.4547262

I loved the what did you eat today threads made by 100 bowl guy and the other Japanese guy. Much more interesting than most of /ck/'s other content.

>> No.4547263

The threads you mention though (the butcher, fuckflours stuff, etc.) are different because they are creative, original, and garner learning and discussion. To me these food pics from Japan spamming were the worst kind of shitposting. The guy was just spamming pictures with no real content. Googling "food pics from japan" would be the exact same thing.

I can see how you guys would say its on topic, because it was food. It annoyed the living hell out of me though, I'm so glad the mods gave this guy the axe. The thread isn't original, creative, educational, funny, or amusing. And its gone on far too long.

>> No.4547265

>I like the threads and others like them. I don't live in Japan and I have a weird fetish for peering in to the daily lives of other people with vastly different cultures from my own. Looking at pictures of cheap restaurant food or corner store lunches gives me the perspective of what a lower working class Japanese person might eat on a daily basis, and I find that interesting.
Seconded. This ban makes no sense.

>> No.4547267

Ahahahaha, all the buttmad weebs in this thread are hilarious.

Get over it. Japan sucks, their food sucks, and OP sucked. /ck/ isn't his personal blog.

>> No.4547268

You don't like it but other people do. Learn to hide things you don't like. You don't need to come in every time and scream how much you hate them. I don't give a shit if OP got banned, they won't stop me or others from making these threads.

>> No.4547269

>The thread isn't original, creative, educational, funny, or amusing.
Hundreds of thousands of threads, if not millions are not any of those, and their OPs don't get the B&hammer.
>And its gone on far too long.
And always been in one long, self-contained thread. Just ignore it; it's easy to do so.

If you think this is bad, the Generals on /a/ would make you have aneurysms in rage, and they persist.

>> No.4547270

I don't understand why OP was banned when we have threads upon threads about Vegans vs Meat Eaters. Those threads are mostly trolling from both sides but this is mostly pictures.

>> No.4547271

That's because you're Korean.

>> No.4547274

Is that coleslaw with gravy?

>> No.4547281


>tfw we will never know

>> No.4547283

It's shredded cabbage.

>> No.4547291

where will i get my food pics from japan now?

>> No.4547292

Looks like it's shreded cabbage with what could be curry sauce.

>> No.4547293


>> No.4547300

thank you based mod for ruining our Japanese food immersion experience

also, any cooking shows should be in /tv/ unless it clearly teaches techniques or are at least informative in foods and not just simple drama/competitions

>> No.4547305

why would you want them? shit looks disgusting.

>> No.4547309

some shitty blog?

>> No.4547316


>> No.4547319

If we post Cooking with Dog, will we get banninated?

>> No.4547323

독도는 우리땅!


I didn't care for his threads because of reasons other anons have already listed, not out of an irrational hatred of the Japanese. I respect your preferences but I can't say I'm unhappy about the ban.

>> No.4547325

Yes, this is /ck/ - fast food wars and vegan tipping trolling

>> No.4547332

The Okonomiyaki vid is a good one and always goes down well when it's posted, so I doubt it.

>> No.4547339

now if only they'll ban tripfags

>> No.4547340

>implying the majority of 4chan gives a shit about Japan

You're either from /a/ or you're oldfaggier than the hills.

>> No.4547341
File: 324 KB, 1054x748, 1353544453497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you weebs are on every board, spewing out that argument

>> No.4547344
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>> No.4547351
File: 12 KB, 880x131, moot what are you doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that old image?

>> No.4547353


I came to /ck/ in 2007 and I rarely go to other boards, but that's beside the point. 100Bowl always posts high quality pictures and I found them interesting to look at because they included everything from expensive restaurant meals with fine wines, to convenience store snacks with cheap drinks in a plastic bottle. If we had someone doing that for every country this board would be great.

And while op is obviously not 100Bowl, and there are doubts as to whether 100Bowl is still around, the pictures and discussion in this thread are legit and the mod (presumably moot himself) is just encouraging drama and flaming.

But it's his website so he can do what he wants with it.

>> No.4547355

>presumably moot himself

I was thinking the same thing myself. He probably just got bored with his cast iron pan thread.

>> No.4547389

Wait so he got banned for posting pictures of food?

>> No.4547397

Look at the banners and ads sometime.

>> No.4547426

we third reich now

>> No.4547441
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>> No.4547560

I hope someone does.

>> No.4547617
File: 135 KB, 1358x721, cookingwithdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if moot actually is the food pics from Japan guy, and he banned OP for being an impersonator?

>> No.4547627

I thought this earlier. Maybe the food pics guy was one of the mods and they got mad that OP is impersonating and showing Italian food for the OP pic.

>> No.4547632 [DELETED] 
File: 610 B, 122x42, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4547639


>> No.4547664
File: 101 KB, 1366x768, naporitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showing Italian food for the OP pic

>> No.4547670

Too be fair the thread is about "food from Japan", not about "Japanese food".

>> No.4547677


just proves that if you whine long and loud enough you get whatever you want

see american republicans

>> No.4547680


thank you based moot

>> No.4547690

Are people seriously crying that he got banned?
He deserved it because he was shitting up the board on purpose. Any defender of these threads is just trolling.

>> No.4547759

>he deserved it because he was shitting up the board on purpose.
>any defender of these threads is just trolling.
>i've never actually opened up one of these threads until now

>> No.4547797

Nah there's just like 2 dudes whining about it and I find it hilarious

>> No.4547812

I've been coming here for a while. I usually hide these threads, because I'm not interested in them, but that doesn't make them off topic.

>> No.4548148
File: 432 KB, 1600x1062, R0049128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakiniku rice burger, frozen food. 240JPY

Japanese people eat high-class French cuisine.
However, the appearance of the table French people's every day is not known.

Do Germans eat potato, sausage, and cabbage every day?

Is there any food other than steak, hot dog, and hamburger in the United States or not?

Special culture is reported to the world.
But the culture of everyday life is not so.

I think that the photograph of everyday life has a meaning very much.

>> No.4548157

By the look of your comment, it seems to me that english is not your native language. Are you from 2ch?

As for the US. We have large populations of immigrants that have assimilated into our society and so have their cuisine. In Los Angeles I can go and get almost any type of food and ingredient as long as I have the patience and money,

>> No.4548162

He isn't actually asking those questions. He's talking about how Japanese people oftentimes eat cuisine that is not native to Japan. Since this thread is about "food from Japan" and not "Japanese food", he has a point.

>> No.4548163



>> No.4548180
File: 56 KB, 475x624, Walter Benjamin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that the photograph of everyday life has a meaning very much.

I concur.

>> No.4548188
File: 732 KB, 1600x1059, R0000500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am poor at English.
The translation site is used.
Since misunderstanding arises mostly, an argument is difficult.

Much U.S. food is sold even in Japan.
However, the consumption style in Japan does not reflect the American culture.

>> No.4548255
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4548360

apart from the first image of (probably poorly imitated) ITALIAN food, I don't see what is wrong with this thread, or threads like it

Just because most of the food is average, doesn't make it a crime. It's like the BBW/amateur of food porn

>> No.4548440

>high-class French cuisine.
No, Japanese people do not. This is why Japanese people get Paris syndrome. The French cuisine in Japan tastes nothing like what you would find in France. The bread found in Japan is all soft like sandwich bread. They hardly use butter for anything because its so fucking expensive. The Japanese croissant is a soft mushy white bread. It doesn't have a flaky crust nor any hint of the rich butter flavor its suppose to have.

>> No.4548477

>The French cuisine in Japan tastes nothing like what you would find in France

Newsflash, It is like that in every country about any cuisine

>> No.4548533
File: 446 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP4409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lie is not arranged.
It becomes your shame.

A slightly old photograph.
He has returned to France. His dish was a very beautiful shining taste.

Successor's Kojima chef makes very wonderful sauce.
Their boss is Mr. Ducasse.

I love this restaurant.
However, Michelin's book says that a better restaurant is located in Tokyo.
Really many restaurants are located in Tokyo.

>> No.4548547


Thank fucking god, the last thing we need is eternal/general/nightly threads.

If only we could get rid of this top /ck/ chef thing while we're at it. It's been going on for a fucking quarter year now.

>> No.4548556

Yeah I much prefer our 7 daily threads discussing the ethical implications of veganism and GMOs

>> No.4548560

Ban them too for inane trolling and off topic posting

>> No.4548561


You can stop being a samefag now.

Moot already said he didn't know OP was banned but would look into it.

The vast majority of /ck/ either have no problem with these threads, or aren't entirely incompetent and have no problem hiding them.

Also, the /ck/ challenge (i.e. pretty much the best thing /ck/ has going for it) will be over in a couple of days.

>tl;dr learn how to hide the two self-contained threads you don't care for, and enjoy your fast food and circle jerk repost threads

>> No.4548581

Not a samefag, first time I saw and posted this. I'm actually hiding half of the shit on the front page. We are in the earlier stages of board decline. It's a pity, really.

>> No.4548585

I suspect the a mod or at least janitor is behind it because I know for a fact those threads get reported constantly and they never get deleted

>> No.4548613


>calling the /ck/ challenge "board decline"
>hurr durr, anons cooking food and posting verticals, muh fast foods


I'm pretty sure /ck/ doesn't have a janitor, and aside from OP getting b&, moderation seems almost nonexistent here.

Whatever problems people may have with these food pics from Japan threads, they are at least on topic, and stick to one, easily identifiable thread. I report off topic, spam, troll threads, and obvious raids all the time, and they go entirely ignored.

>> No.4548626


Newfags like you have been saying that for literally the entire 5 years I've been here. You can make this board better by leaving.

>> No.4548642

It's gone on for a quarter year. I much prefer the usual of when anons post threads with recipes guiding through them with ideas being bounced off than having to sift through a competition nobody but the competitors give a shit about.

>> No.4548649
File: 2.63 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all need to stop fighting each other or this place is going to turn into /tv/

the posters who come here is already limited and by banning people for inane reasons it just makes the board more vacant

I'm posting a pic of my American snack plate to keep things on topic kinda

>> No.4548657

>having to sift through a competition

The competition sticks to a single thread.

If you don't like it, simply hide and ignore.

Personally, I would prefer if we had a general thread for people who want to share what they cook, so everyone interested would know where to look, and multiple threads wouldn't be started about the same thing and possibly ignored due to the constant shitty re-posts.

>> No.4548675


> I'm a complete faggot that doesn't like original content about cooking

>> No.4548679

>We all need to stop fighting each other or this place is going to turn into /tv/

Never once have I heard someone from /ck/ utter the phrase, "no fun allowed". Please do not compare /ck/ to /tv/, please. I just don't think I could bare it if we sunk to those levels.

>> No.4548680

>I'm a dumbfuck who likes to twist words instead of present an opposing view

>> No.4548687
File: 75 KB, 560x375, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, thats only slightly more "healthy" than that plate of a half pound of cheese that you posted as a "snack" awhile back. I sort of agree though, our board is limited to a limited number of folk. We need to at least get along with one another.

I've been here since probably 2009, /ck/ has changed. Not sure if for better or worse. As slow as you guys say it is, it used to be a whoooole lot slower. I for one welcome the faster pace, I'd like more people here. As for shitposting and off topic bullshit, its always been here. IMO /ck/ hasn't gotten any better or worse, it just isn't quite as slow. There have always been ramen and fast food threads. There have always been good threads. /ck/ isn't as "nice" as it used to be, because there are alot more people here than there used to be. but at the same time it isn't as boring as it used to be. /ck/ is growing, and experiencing some growing pains. I still think its a great board though. Lets just be cool to each other.

>> No.4548700

Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking tripfag, no one fucking likes you, no one cares about your fucking opinion, no one gives a fucking shit what you think about a board you're helping to ruin.

I sincerely hope you fucking die you fat pathetic neckbeard piece of shit. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4548710

>lets just be cool to each other
>that picture
>i think i like you


I think you might be on the wrong board, sonny.

The only tripfag anyone here ever complains about is sceak, and most people who complain about sceak do so ironically.

>sceak: if you read this, please fuck off, nobody likes you

>> No.4548711
File: 51 KB, 480x270, fuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That faggot you're talking to has been here for years. He's an asshole. I don't guess many like him. I don't. He's aight though. We've tussled a few times in days of yore but he's my nigga.

And how have you been contributing to our sacred board, anyway? I doubt anymore than the rest of us have.

>> No.4548716

All tripfaggots are attention seeking whores.
Go fuck yourself I've been on /ck/ since the beginning you can kiss my happy white ass homo.

>> No.4548726

>This is why Japanese people get Paris syndrome.

That's from seeing too many brown people instead of White Price Charmings. Also the city smells like piss.

>> No.4548728

All sagefags are angry. They want to "downvote" the thread to show they don't care, but still feel compelled to give their opinion on the matter.

>> No.4548729

So can someone explain something to me?

I'm only a casual visitor to /ck/ so I don't know how this place really operates but why was OP banned? This seemed like a legitimate thread

>> No.4548730

>the /ck/ challenge

It's funny that HoF is against this thread filled with OC when her thread goes on for months too.

>> No.4548737

while i'm not a mod, so i can't give the exact answer, i'll guess its because it's just some random useless post of plates of food with zero context except that they're supposedly from japan. this exact same thread has gone on numerous times and its nothing but useless shit. no recipe, no where to eat it at, no what's in it, not even an original pic, just rando shit from the internet half the time... its just a useless form of autistic shitposting

>> No.4548740

>its just a useless form of autistic shitposting
Yeah, unlike the fast food and vegan threads...

>> No.4548745

>hurrr defend shitposting with shitposting

Ban them all, I say.

You can't possibly defend this thread, it's just a google image search being spammed.

>> No.4548746

Do you even have any fucking clue what sage is for? Fuck off newqueer
Because OP posts this thread every single day without fail, bumps it with generic shitty food pictures that weaboos jerk off onto, and never posts recipes or anything actually related to cooking other than prepackaged japanese food or rice and mayonaise

>> No.4548749


I agree with everything you've said. Been a regular since 07 and I don't think the ratio of "bad" and "good" threads has changed, it's just the "bad" is more noticeable now because well, there's just more of it. Anyone remembering a golden age is kidding himself. As bad as the endless Jiro threads were, it was a lot worse back when Murder Inc. was the movie du jour and we had complaints about repetition as well as vegan trolling. Doesn't anyone remember the /b/ raids? Or the cryfag? Vomit guy? Jewgirl? Cooking with rainwater ad infinitum?

We don't have to be nice to each other. We're still 4chan for fuck's sake. But we're also /ck/ and in the past we've always managed to maintain a balance in our ecosystem. Let's corral ourselves like we did when the home-x-men (homebrewmen, homegrowmen, homebreadmen, homepicklemen) trend grew out of control. Dedicate specific threads that are problems, like ramen or tipping. One master thread at a time, and direct new OPs to that post.

>> No.4548751

Tipping threads don't have recipes either.

>> No.4548754

>implying i don't sage both

>> No.4548756

But that is accepted here, is it not? Has any tipping thread been removed or its OP banned?

>> No.4548761

>lel downboat

Jesus fucking christ

You are so fucking clueless it's not even funny.

>> No.4548764

>Do you even have any fucking clue what sage is for? Fuck off newqueer
hahaha someone is upset

Oh, another Saging Internet Enforcer

>> No.4548766

The tipping threads aren't continued for weeks and months at a time with no context or relevance to this board. I'm not here to argue about tipping threads, I thin those should be banned too but there is no tipping page on the front page. This thread is bumped all day every day by the same japan fetishests

>> No.4548768

Bump for Japan Fetishists.

>> No.4548772

>implying that isn't why you sage

>> No.4548774

>Pic of food
>Some of which are delicious to the eye and tastebuds
>Not /ck/ related

>> No.4548775


Actually, friend, /ck/ is a civilized board and we do not look upon the sage function, as you put it, as a "downvote". We sage because these threads were pretty much carried by OP posting OC. Also, this thread has devolved into meta-discussion which is off topic and should not, therefore, be bumped.


It is unclear why the OP was banned. Moot said himself that he doesn't know why, but would look into it.

Basically, the OP has been running this thread for weeks on end; bumping it back to the first page and starting a new one when the image limit was reached.

Some people follow these threads and enjoy them, some people complain that he is using /ck/ as his own personal blog.


HoF is most likely against it for the same reason she was against have the /ck/ challenge be a sticky: she doesn't like imposing one thing on the entire board, which the food pics from Japan guy could be seen as doing.

>then again, it could just be because she's korean

>it's just a google image search being spammed

Reverse image search every picture and let me know how many actually come up

>> No.4548778

>/ck/ is a civilized board and we do not look upon the sage function, as you put it, as a "downvote"
Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.4548788

>Actually, friend, /ck/ is a civilized board and we do not look upon the sage function, as you put it, as a "downvote". We sage because these threads were pretty much carried by OP posting OC. Also, this thread has devolved into meta-discussion which is off topic and should not, therefore, be bumped


>> No.4548787

>type /ck/ related term into google images
>retards will still defend this blatant shitposting

>> No.4548792


The problem with tipping threads and the like is that multiple ones are started everyday, which pushes out other threads. General threads like this are started anew once every few days.

>> No.4548793

As I recall, it was because a sticky couldn't be deleted by the OP so she couldn't start a new challenge thread; not that she has a problem of spamming her own threads daily.

>> No.4548795


>> No.4548802

So? That's how most OP threads on /ck/ starts. If anything, it's 2/3 OC in the thread itself.

>> No.4548803

The fucking guy posts a Japanese equivalent of a packaged lunch from Starbucks and people are pissing themselves with joy. I actually like Japanese food and I wouldn't mind seeing an informative or entertaining thread about it but this is like watching a slideshow in silence of McSlanty brand fast food. A never ending slideshow.

>> No.4548804

Uh no, there not multiple tipping threads every day, there aren't any even up right now on the first few pages and almost every one of those threads is a troll thread where retards like you post and bump them so go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.4548806

That was me, and I usually sage when my post is not relevant to the thread's topic.

For instance, this post has absolutely nothing to do with pictures of food from Japan. The polite thing to do is sage and avoid bumping the thread, because all I'm doing is expressing dread and disgust at your facile misunderstanding of the nature of sage, no doubt caused by the incurable infection of Reddit's circlejerking culture.

>> No.4548814

Exactly, if the thread was informative in ANY WAY AT ALL it would be different but it's the same fucking dude posting the same 1000 pictures in a never ending loop of shit

>> No.4548810

It's because it's unusal to see their conbini foods. Sorry, if that's too low class for you.

>> No.4548816
File: 140 KB, 600x391, 1357417366921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounds correct, but I do remember her also adding that she didn't want to force the challenge onto the entire board.

>mfw i post about saging a meta-discussion and forget to sage

>> No.4548818

Why wouldn't you guys just hide the thread if you didn't like it?

Not sure why people insist on saging and telling everyone how much the thread and OP sucks for half an hour when they could just get rid of it and move on.

>> No.4548823
File: 79 KB, 838x983, 1367641556718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of Aussies.

>> No.4548826


Nah, it hasn't for awhile.

>> No.4548824

You're also saging with an attached image you dumb fucking newfag
That bumps the fucking thread

>> No.4548833

Someone had a screenshot of moot saying he would sticky each week's thread if the link was emailed to him. I'm sure he would have deleted the previous sticky before stickying a second thread. Thread deletion wasn't the issue. It would have been more convenient to have the contest threads stickied because there wouldn't have been bump limits.

>> No.4548838

Bullshit. This guy creates a new thread immediately after the last one 404s. I've seen it several times.

>> No.4548840


Fuck off tetra.

>> No.4548853


Actually he starts a new thread when the image limit is reached, before it goes 404 (how the fuck else would he always post a link to the last thread in the OP?).

That said, its usually a few days before he reaches the image limit, whereas re-posts such as tipping threads are started daily.

So what was your point?

>> No.4548863

My point is that it's spam. It never goes past the first few pages before being bumped needlessly.

>> No.4548866

Prove it, where is a tipping thread that was started today?

>> No.4548878

Prove there wasn't one.

>> No.4548881


Logic 101 - you cannot prove a negative definitively

>> No.4548883


>one post closer to auto-sage

>> No.4548885

There's literally no tipping thread on any page at all so you're wrong utterly and completely

>> No.4548892


There wasn't one.

>> No.4548896


How exactly is it spam?

It's contained in a single thread. It is relevant to the board. It is not, as many seem to think, the same images posted over and over again.

Sure, it would be nice if the OP discussed his pictures a bit more, but he did answer questions people asked, and other anons got into discussions about it.

>> No.4548904

It's junk. Just like it's junk when Sceak posts with a picture of himself eating ice cream on the street. /ck/ isn't his personal blog. If what you want is an occasional Q&A in broken English while looking at photos of mediocre food I'm sure you can find more Asians doing that on Tumblr and Instagram.

>> No.4548973

at least it was relevant spam that was on topic. who cares if it's recycled shit. it was interesting and I know most people liked looking at them. most of the shit posts comes from the people that dislike the thread but not the poster himself.

>> No.4549007
File: 198 KB, 1276x715, mayo power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549016

>/ck/ isn't his personal blog
You seem to think it's yours by telling everyone what can and can't be posted...

>> No.4549020
File: 1.74 MB, 640x360, I_fucking_love_mayo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anon.

The day is drawing near when I will have amassed enough mayo images to start an entire /ck/ sub folder.

>> No.4549085
File: 42 KB, 333x316, CLOWN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you mods!! This thread had nothing to do with Chipotle (tm) and their amazing, high quality food served to you, the consumer at reasonable prices. We're also lucky that Chipotle (tm) carries a wonderful line of Coca Cola (tm) Products to match the fine quality of their food options. Bravo Mods! You deserve a barbacoa burrito with pinto beans (cooked with bacon), brown rice, salsa, and sour cream. For just 3 dollars more, you can get a single dollup of guacamole too!

>> No.4549091


>> No.4549106



Some one out fagged the OP.

>> No.4549113

I reported this thread for intense faggotry and I would like to think that my report resulted in this ban. Worship me.

>> No.4549121


Feels good to get others in trouble doesn't it, Anon? It's like a subtle satisfaction that only you can feel and no one else

>> No.4549129


>not a boot licker

>> No.4549283
File: 205 KB, 545x364, matcha roll cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn you people. Take a fucking break from the internet.

Anyway, after I'm done with my exams I'll have an attempt at incorporating matcha powder into a cake. I need to get rid of that stuff.

>> No.4549324

>implying you're not ban evading right now

Announcing a ban as you did yesterday is grounds for ban. Enjoy your permaban.

>> No.4549329

>matcha roll cake

reason to live

>> No.4549335

Are you high?

>> No.4549390
File: 730 KB, 1600x1059, R0000564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wedding reception !

>> No.4549391
File: 358 KB, 1062x1600, R0049151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4549392

That looks great. What is it?

>> No.4549393
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>> No.4549394
File: 302 KB, 1600x1062, R0049164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4549397
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>> No.4549398
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>> No.4549400


Man /ck/ why you even got to do a thing?

>> No.4549402

ketchup detected

Japan confirmed pleb

>> No.4549404
File: 339 KB, 1600x1062, R0049198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4549406
File: 530 KB, 1062x1600, R0049185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4549410
File: 702 KB, 1600x1060, R0000580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4549411

all rook same

>> No.4549412

Well they're probably siblings or relatives.

>> No.4549413
File: 416 KB, 1062x1600, R0049130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549416

You need to get to know many of worlds.

>> No.4549422
File: 180 KB, 900x675, ffd4b2_2397341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HoF has conflicted feelings about the continent of Asia because she always tried very hard to fit in with her slightly/accidental racist white people community where she grew up somewhere in flyover land.

She will probably have a midlife crisis at some point and come to embrace her inner KPop, but for now, she must "prove" that she is American as fuck.

>> No.4549429

Maybe they part of famiry?

>> No.4549432

I just stumbled upon this thread. Why was OP banned? Was it because this is better suited in the otaku board or something?

>> No.4549434
File: 112 KB, 922x418, mootknows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even the boss knows.

>> No.4549437

dawwwwww look how happy she is

>> No.4549523

I don't like these threads because it's just photos of fast casual restaurant meals and prepackaged deli-type foods. Just because it's from Japan doesn't make it kawaii interestingu.

I'm just as much a product of my upbringing as my blood is. And I'll listen to some Kpop. Jpop is an entirely different story though.

>> No.4549573

You're entitled to disliking them but I'd appreciate it if you shut the fuck up or take your meta to /q/.

>> No.4549630

Well, they're interesting TO ME because I've never seen those types of food before. Also, their amazing vending machines.

>> No.4549649

This entire thread is meta and I'm not bumping it. Deal with it.

You can like whatever you like. I respect your preferences. I personally don't like this guy's threads, and I wouldn't be the least bit sad if he never came back, but I never went around reporting/trolling his threads either. This is the first thread of his I've commented in. Live and let live, but I'm not going to pretend to be unhappy about the ban.

>> No.4549651

You only like spammy threads if you're the one that starts it.

>> No.4549652

>This entire thread is meta
Because of retards like you. Saging your posts and talking meta does not make it any more acceptable.

>> No.4549661

I respectfully disagree.

>> No.4549902

You have never seen this type of food before? After how many fucking reposts of this thread, shit tier japanese restaurants and google and tumblr? Oh, the frozen food aisle of the supermarket? When all these are banal shit tier college food that *happens* to be attributed to Japan? Really?
I am glad this shitposter is gone after fagging this board up for over an entire fucking year. If this bullshit is what you find interesting, perhaps you should fuck off to tumblr.

>> No.4549915


I never saved any of the threads, but I remember a good amount of expensive restaurant pictures with $90 bottles of wine thrown in with the cheap gas station food.

You're probably the type who gets angry at nice food though, so I can see why your mental filter would have tuned out those types of posts and automatically honed in on the gas station food.

>> No.4549982

I've never had a yakisoba dog.

>> No.4550518

I keep track on the FPfJ threads and I rarely see duplicates.

What's wrong with this if that's the case?

>> No.4550533

Is that a condom?

>> No.4550584


Yes. It's part of the standard japanese meal: sushi, green tea, and a loli

>> No.4550685

There's one now: >>4550026

>> No.4550988

I giggled

>> No.4551019
File: 396 KB, 1062x1600, R0049220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4551181

Hi Sceak

>> No.4551223

I can never remember, is that a buck thirty or thirteen fifty?

Fuckin' nips with their goddamn foreign currency.

>> No.4551236


Just think of 1 yen as equivalent to 1 US cent.

If you want a more accurate answer, look up the fucking conversion rate.

>HoF, one of the nicest tripfags on the entire site
>getting into a scuffle
>this is the best FPfJ thread ever

>> No.4551250

Not exactly sure what's in that that would make it priced $13. Doesn't seem that filling.

>> No.4551346
File: 692 KB, 1600x1059, R0000490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Japanese-style food requires time and effort very much.
And it is not visible.
Handmade buckwheat noodles are very delicious.

I love both a cheap Soba restaurant and an expensive Soba restaurant.

>> No.4551740
File: 357 KB, 1600x1059, R0000595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4551742
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>> No.4551747
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>> No.4551821 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, Cao Caos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming her own threads daily.



yes, let's take the /ck/ challenge thread, which is about cooking and post it in /q/ - that makes perfect sense.

>> No.4551824

Thank you for gracing us with your informative post.

>> No.4552005

If her reason for bitching was that she had to keep seeing the thread that was food related (even though it was not to her taste) then her thread was even worse and has been going on for far longer.

>> No.4552034

How was I bitching? : | I know I'm usually sunshine and puppies when I post but I have opinions too.

>> No.4552069
File: 250 KB, 604x800, snack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple really: My tastes > Your tastes

Your threads goes on for 3 months or more and I have to see them every time I visit /ck/. I have no interest in them, but I tolerate them because they are /ck/ related and generate OC. Just because you don't like the content of the thread, doesn't mean that they are off topic and the OP should be banned. These thread generate OC also.

And just because it is casual and simple sometimes doesn't mean that it isn't interesting to some people. Pic related is some thing I saw in one of these threads. How much does this single item cost? Probably very little but it made me laugh.

>> No.4552163

The most extreme thing I said was that I wasn't unhappy about his ban.

>> No.4552211

These are your words:>>4549523

>I don't like these threads because it's just photos of fast casual restaurant meals and prepackaged deli-type foods. Just because it's from Japan doesn't make it kawaii interestingu.

Basically, didn't like the thread because the food is not expensive enough for you. Must everything be expensive so you can brag to your friends? How typically Korean.

>> No.4552239

I'm really sorry your feelings were hurt because I don't find packaged sanduwichus from Moon land interesting. If someone was posting the American equivalent of this guy's threads you would probably hate it (and be a lot more vocal about it than me). It's not about the price of the food, I just don't enjoy weeaboo dicksucking. To each his own though. :)

>> No.4552261

Actually no. Why would I hate the simple things people have to offer? I'm not materialistic like you.

>> No.4552306
File: 38 KB, 500x375, starbucks-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure a thread full of photos like this would get the same reaction. Sure, lol.

I appreciate simple food too, even fast food. It's not like I live off artisanal bs doused in truffle oil. I'm just tired of this Japanese guy, who clearly has no interest in anything but the food -he- ate. It'd be one thing if he talked about the actual food instead of mechanically listing prices. Or if he was curious about anything but Japanese food, or was capable of saying anything other than how great food from Japan is (>>4548148 was answered but the only thing he had to say was how French restaurants in Japan are better than the ones in France).

>> No.4552316

Except it wasn't full of those pictures. It was fill of pictures of various dishes from various restaurants. The reason he was listing prices is because somebody asked him how much it cost. And he didn't even say French food in Japan was better, he was saying that the Japanese also eat high class French food but that pictures of everyday French meals were not readily known. That is a whole different matter. If you want to know something about what he ate, just ask.

>> No.4552332

And then it just loops back into a Q&A about what he ate. It's already been mentioned in this thread but there are countless Tumblr blogs where Asian people take photos of their food. You can even ask them questions, and they'll answer you!

Anyway, I'm not crusading to have this guy banned. As I've said above, like and dislike as you please, and I'll do the same.

>> No.4552343

Yeah, having people not post about tips, fast food, vegans, college poverty grub sure is hurting /ck/.

>> No.4552835
File: 582 KB, 1600x1062, R0049177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the worlds are put up for one place.
It is the meaning of 4ch.
Different culture lives together and it becomes fortunate.
I wish the realization.

The notice of the price obtained the result.
The unjust blame to the price of Japanese meal was lost.

>> No.4552879
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 29773837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4552884

Western-style weddings by Japanese nationals just depress me.

>> No.4554018
