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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_7702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4545861 No.4545861 [Reply] [Original]

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
We would all eat Nutella out of the jar all day every day if we could get away with it.

> Frozen nutella is actually too hard to eat. Chilled nutella is the shit though. I recommend chilling it for about 20min in the freezer, and it comes out beautiful.

>> No.4545864

I don't like chocolate.

>> No.4545866

>inb4 irrational rage

>> No.4545870

Too many god damn calories in a tiny amount.

>> No.4545869

I don't like your mom.

I still ate her out last night.

>> No.4545882
File: 178 KB, 400x600, Nutella-on-Spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like anyone even cares once they stick that spoon in their mouth.

>> No.4545885

Justin's is better

>> No.4545897

I use it in firecrackers and snacks all the time.

>> No.4545904

>use it in firecrackers
my black person.
of course, not like you're going to use organic peanut butter.

>> No.4545917

Never really got what the big deal was about this.

but I'm black so that might have something to do with it

>> No.4545918

never tried this it looks like shit

>> No.4545923

I run 20k every week just so I can eat nutella. True story.

>> No.4545929
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You should. It's like chocolate turned up to 11.

>> No.4545953

I care, because I'm not an hedonistic pig.

>> No.4545975


Dammit,it's like harcore sex in a jar!

>> No.4545981

>get called a hedonist
>compare nutella to hardcore sex

>> No.4545983

You say hedonist like it's a bad thing.

>> No.4545994

Really? To me actual chocolate tastes way better.

>> No.4546010

How does it look like shit?
It's shiny and chocolaty and sweet and morish and just plain delightful.

>> No.4546462

this looks like actual human excrement

>> No.4546469
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Superior spread coming through.

>> No.4546493
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Jesus fuck keep that away from me

>> No.4546496
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here's some ice cream with nutella

>> No.4546498

>that feel when eating chocolate causes nausea.

>> No.4546509
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Fuck off, poser.

>> No.4546524

>expensive nutty chocolate
And suddenly people are putting this shit on everything
This kills the food

>> No.4546526

I love spreading it on my ass cheeks while my boyfriend licks it off.

>> No.4546555

Enjoy that 200 calorie per serving, 4000 calories per jar goodness you hamplanets

>> No.4546564
File: 19 KB, 300x300, I__heart__nutella_by_meppol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying anyone eats nutella all the time
What is wrong with you? None or too much? What, no such thing as occasional treat you enjoy more than sex?

>> No.4546566

>bluh bluh buh uhh bluh uhh bluh

Blubbering retard.

>> No.4546568

>We would all eat Nutella out of the jar all day every day if we could get away with it.
Yeah, no. It's way too sweet.

>> No.4546571

Eh, it's a 'sometimes' food. I'm not going to eat the stuff if all I'm going to do is sit on my ass at the computer all day. I probably wouldn't eat it even if I planned to be more active, I don't even like it that much.

>> No.4546574

muh fat privilege

>> No.4546575

>muh fat hate

I don't even like nutella or any chocolate spread or even peanut butter. Because they suck. But fuck you. You're a faggot.

>> No.4546592

muhmuhmuhmuh fat priv

>> No.4546645

>200 calorie per serving

HAHA, that's not one my servings.

>> No.4546649
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>mfw ameripoors don't know about nutella

>> No.4546679

Eh, I don't like nutella. I'd eat a (small) container of almond butter though, that shit's amazing.

>> No.4546681

Isn't it banned there?

>> No.4546700

i just had an epiphany:
1. chill N so you can roll balls, d about 3 cm
2. dip in deep-fry-dough
3. deep fry for 30 sec. on a stick
4. profit

>> No.4546704
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Oh fuck I can feel my wallet trying to escape

You'd have a devil of a time trying to stop it melting once it's fried. You'd need to chill it again and batter hates being chilled.

>> No.4546708

>not having glorious union of Europe and America by spreading peanut butter on one piece of toast and nutella on the other and then combining them together for a toasted sandwich

>> No.4546709

> Implying I haven't done that before with pancakes.

>> No.4546726


hm. maybe chill, roll into balls, then freeze the balls. that way they won't melt as fast when frying.
might work!

>> No.4546728

I did that before and my mouth bled chocolate and peanut butter and it was so fucking awesome.

I did it like >>4546709 as well, but I used waffles instead.

>> No.4546733

Are you thinking of Kinder Surprises?

>> No.4546735

I imagine peanut butter and nutella would work well together as crepe fillings too.

>> No.4546737

They do.
I make crêpes filled with peanut butter, Nutella and sliced 'nanners.
Unless you've a great sense for how much the filling will expand as it heats up, use less Nutella and PB than you think you'd need lest you end up with an oozing pocket of delicious nutty napalm on your plate.

>> No.4546741

They aren't banned any more either.
>inb4 rash of child deaths

>> No.4546747

Where? They are still illegal in the US.

>> No.4546749

They are being modified for the American market though. The egg will come in two pieces and the container will have a thin plastic disk circling it being the divider between the two pieces of egg. It's not that the retarded ruling was repealed, they just went around it by exposing a fraction of a milimetre so that the food doesn't surround the inedible item.

>> No.4546751

No. That's a knock-off product being produced in Hackensack and not a Kinder/Ferrero product at all.

>> No.4546768

Why don't you just make 10 tastier?

>> No.4546770

If I didn't care about my health and weight I would eat them all day erryday. But because I do, I haven't eaten any nutella for several years.

>inb4 moderation

I can never be satisfied unless I consume like half a cup of it

>> No.4546783

not everybody eats a jar per serving, fatass.

>> No.4546790

My view on food is: I'd rather eat twice as much than to eat something twice as delicious. Most of my enjoyment is derived from simply eating anything at all rather than something specific I am eating

>> No.4546809

except it's not true, as you aren't eating 2 kilos of potatoes per day

>> No.4546831
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I prefer eurocrem or picture related

>> No.4546833
File: 10 KB, 104x126, doushiou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had toast with nutella and peanut butter for breakfast today.

>> No.4546837


if condiments had no nutritional value, I probably woudl

>> No.4546838

I dunno why, but whenever I eat Nutella, or really rich chocolate, my mouth feels like it's going numb and tingly.

I don't really get why.

>> No.4546844

/fit/ newfriend detected.

>> No.4546849

I used to eat it everyday cause poor, now I never want to see that shit again

>> No.4546922
File: 44 KB, 650x488, nutella_snack_drink-normal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4546927

Why is every Tumblrwhore and Amerifat fucking fascinated by Nutella lately? Also stop saying that it tastes like chocolate, it's the hazelnut that gives it the distinctive taste.

>> No.4546929

nutella is shit

>> No.4546937


>> No.4546934

Supposedly, the American stuff has way less hazelnut flavor than the Euro stuff. Haven't tried them side-by-side, so I can't verify that.

>> No.4546944

>drinking nutella

fugging yurofats

>> No.4546953


Are you retarded?

>> No.4546969

Australia here. We've enjoyed it for decades now. It tastes mostly like chocolate and the hazelnuts give it that distinctive taste.

>> No.4546977

Is it possible to 'grow out of' Nutella?
I used to love this shit. Thinking it was the glorious spread that peanut butter couldn't be.

Now I just don't like it at all anymore. I'd rather natural peanut butter.

I'm beginning to feel like Nutella is the Sriracha of spreads.

>> No.4546981

People change when they grow up. It can be due to a number of factors, such as a change in attitude due to life experiences or a change in brain chemistry due to puberty. Sounds like that's what happened to you.
Not to mention the rosy nostalgia glasses of half-remembered childhood may be distorting your memories.

>> No.4547003

lel fuck off

>> No.4547028

Justin's is $10 for the same sized jar as OP at my local hippie Co-Op and it's the only place you can buy it.

>> No.4547033

> macadamia creme

Holy shit how expensive is that? $30 a jar?

>> No.4547052


Children eat what their parents feed them. If they are not fed a certain food, they may not be aware of it. Later as they get older, they magically gain the ability to make independent consumer decisions. Scientists aren't quite sure how this process works, but it's been known for decades that teenaged girls often get very excited about nutella upon "discovering" it for the first time. This is nothing new.

>> No.4547098
File: 196 KB, 800x2070, dCbJx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recipe for the potheads here.

>> No.4547157

You want sex in a jar?

Wait until your Nutella jar is half empty
Now fill it with whipped cream
Now fucking eat it

>> No.4547183


I know that feel. I have such an "All or nothing" kind of habit/personality. I either eat half a jar in one sitting or nothing at all.

>> No.4547519
File: 17 KB, 600x527, 1360167335178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd be surprised

>> No.4547555

Enjoy your diabetes, idiot

>> No.4547583

Thanks, you too!

>> No.4547585

to be honest i can't eat nutella out the jar
but I'll devour not nutty chocolate spreads a jar at the time

>> No.4547593

>not making nutella whipped cream

>> No.4547768


What is the drink actually? Milk?

>> No.4547775

obviously very related -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp__p3KWtEE

>> No.4547786
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>> No.4548275
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1239668751751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nutella & EstaThe

Holy fuck Europe, why are you hiding this?