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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4546123 No.4546123 [Reply] [Original]

San Diego's school district has joined Los Angeles (second largest school district in the country) in joining in Meatless Monday, eliminating meat from the cafeteria menu once a week.

Larry Hansen MD, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, gave the board five reasons why they should indulge in Meatless Mondays: “Heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, and obesity, all of which are linked to eating too much meat."

Should all schools in the country maybe go meatless a few days a week, or at least add more plant-based meals to their menu for student health?

>> No.4546125

>liberal stupidity at its finest
No, it won't do jack shit.

>> No.4546130

Cutting out the meat doesn't offset the two bags of potato chips, four pop tarts, and ice cream sandwich those fat little fuckers eat

>> No.4546147

I work on the school board in my district, I am proposing churrasco day every Friday to balance this shit out.
Only the elementary schools have set daily lunches, the middle school and high school freshman have multiple options from hamburgers, steak sandwiches, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken sandwiches every single day, they can eat what they want.
Grades 10-12 can leave the campus during their lunch period and have what ever they want, school is supposed to be training people to act like adults and being responsible for your own meals is part of that.

>“Heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, and obesity, all of which are linked to eating too much meat."

are flat out lies, none of those have any correlation with meat consumption

>> No.4546148

I agree that one school meal a week won't offset bad eating habits the rest of the week, but schools should definitely strive to set more of a role model for healthy eating. Less cheap meat and healthy meals full of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains is certainly a start in the right direction.

>> No.4546154

is thzt seriously the reason? what a load of bull shit.

everything causes cancer and heart disease these days. just teach the students how to eat in moderation and they won't have to worry about shit.

>> No.4546163

>I don't believe in eating meat so nobody else should either
Stay classy, murka.

>> No.4546171

please don't associate the shit stain that is california with the rest of us.
California is americas asshole

>> No.4546174

California is far more progressive than the rest of America. There is a reason California is the benchmark of food safety and the rest of the country emulates their regulations 5 years after the fact.

Not even American.

>> No.4546176

>are flat out lies, none of those have any correlation with meat consumption
Not true, there is a strong correlation with mortality, disease, and meat consumption. Which is why on average vegetarians live significantly longer, and have 25% less chance of dying from heart disease, and 20% less chance of developing cancer.


>> No.4546181

>California is americas asshole
California is the richest state, the most populated state, and the hub of American culture due to Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and every other major form of art and entertainment.

When people think of American English, they think of Californian English for a reason.

>> No.4546182

Oh boy. Yeah implementing something without clear direction before everything else is clearly a good thing.

California is a state of social disparity, with the impoverished everywhere being governed from gated communities.

>> No.4546185

No. They ban things they do not even understand the majority of the time.

Meat overconsumption, not consumption. And the program won't do a single thing.

>> No.4546187

so what you are saying is that if I eat a plant based diet and have sugar all day every day then everything will be just fine? I am vegetarian after all, I'll just eat soda and chips all day long.

>> No.4546188

>No. They ban things they do not even understand the majority of the time.
As opposed to putting untested things on the market that no one understands because of lobbying and corporate pressure?

Yup, makes sense. I miss the good old days of uranium dentures and x-rays in every shoestore.

>> No.4546189

>richest state
If you count debt from their retarded liberal government then it is by far the poorest.

>> No.4546190

Sorry, I don't think they included immature neckbeards in those studies.

>> No.4546191

Statistics are averages. Of course if you go to an extreme and eat nothing but sugar your health will degenerate. But on average people who eat meat die sooner and have more disease than people who don't eat meat.

>> No.4546192

The whole country is in debt, but you probably think it is the greatest country on earth...

Find a new metric.

>> No.4546195

Good. Not every meal needs a shitload of meat and cheese to make it good.

>> No.4546196

People are fleeing california at an astounding rate, its population is falling every year, it is in the top 5 for states with the worst economy and has the highest taxes.

>> No.4546199

>Program won't work so let's just not try
Who cares if this program might not solve the issue? It's a step. Even if it helps just ONE kid in the entire school district then it's worth it, since there was 0 extra cost to implementing Meatless Monday.

>> No.4546204

>People are fleeing california at an astounding rate, its population is falling every year
[citation non-existent]

>> No.4546205

>People are fleeing california at an astounding rate, its population is falling every year

Unless "population is falling every year" was a typo for "rising every year" and "fleeing California" was a typo for "immigrating to California" you may want to rewrite that post.

>> No.4546206

Go learn the difference between state and national government.

>> No.4546207

see that is where you get baseless, there is not a comprehensive enough study to ever come to that conclusion.
You would literally need to take 1000 people with no genetic disposition to any diseases, have half of them vegetarian half normal diets from birth to death, have them follow the exact exercise routine and record their overall health and when they die in order to come up with any solid basis.

until that happens you are full of shit and have a bias.
you go after people who will eat a deep fried hamburgers and hotdogs every day and say SEE LOOK HOW UNHEALTHY MEAT EATERS ARE!!! but will ignore the people that eat chips, cake, and soda but decide to stay away from meat

>> No.4546211

>who cares if what we're doing has no effect, it's a feel good program!
You sound completely retarded, I hope you never are a determining factor in any policy decision.

>> No.4546210


>> No.4546214

>You would literally need to take 1000 people with no genetic disposition to any diseases
>until that happens you are full of shit and have a bias.

You don't understand science.

>> No.4546215

>there is not a comprehensive enough study to ever come to that conclusion.
The more comprehensive epistemological study in history, Harvard's nurses study, shows that vegetarians live longer and have much less risk of disease.

There are tons of other large scale studies with the same results. There's a reason people like Bill Clinton go vegan to treat heart disease.

>> No.4546218

>huffington post

Shall I argue back by linking Fox News?

>> No.4546219

>We've tried nothing to solve the problem and we're all out of ideas!

You are the reason change doesn't occur.

>> No.4546221

I am familiar with the study, a study that did not factor in types of meat, saturated fat levels, and preparation of foods and only went meat vs veg. It didn't account SO many factors.

>> No.4546222

good rebuttal bro
there are so many others that say the same thing

>> No.4546223

Yes, and they lump people who eat an entire side of beef with a half bottle of bourbon in with the meat eating side.

A balanced meal is the best way, but that's not a category in any study.

>> No.4546225

>how do epidemiological studies work

>> No.4546227

so you admit that it is bad behavior and not the meat.
Glad we came to an agreement

>> No.4546228

>I'm afraid to read something being presented by a source that is diametrically opposed to my favorite corporate entertainment network despite being able to confirm the data cited in said article on my own by reviewing primary sources

>> No.4546229

The study isn't meant to show that all meat = unhealthy. It's saying what the average American eats, at the quantities they eat it, is unhealthy. You can go be an Inuit and eat narwhale steaks for the rest of your life, and maybe you'll be fine, but since that's not what our population is eating, it's not relevant.

Eat a normal diet of chicken, beef, and pork products, and you have a much higher chance of dying from heart disease and cancer than a vegetarian. Period.

>> No.4546232

They also didn't have 1000 genetically identical humans without genetic predisposition to disease.

>> No.4546233

Why don't you explain that to this faggot vegan running around yelling all meat is bad

>> No.4546235

And there are many that don't. Here's one I pulled out of my ass after 5 seconds of googlling.


>> No.4546237

Can you not read and critique the research article without immature ad hominem remarks?

Or are you emotionally invested in the diet you emulated from your parents and can't detach yourself from this attachment to discuss something objectively?

There is a reason you are not in science, and this is probably it.

>> No.4546238

There is a school in NYC that went 100% vegetarian a couple months back. Vegetarianism is definitely a growing cultural shift.

>> No.4546239

>Eat a normal diet of chicken, beef, and pork products, and you have a much higher chance of dying from heart disease and cancer than a vegetarian. Period.
False. If I was to eat lean meats cooked without additional fat and exercise every day I will be in better health. Meat does not raise risk of cancer, heart disease, and obesity at all..wheat does though. Oh look at that, a plant.

>> No.4546242

Oh, the corporate "think tank".

Find actual census figures, not bullshit.

>> No.4546243

I guarantee I am in far better physical condition than you can ever hope to be son. I am /fit/ and have been a high tier athlete my entire life. I will never get cancer, be obese, have a heart attack, or a stroke.
and I just like more than 90% of athletes consume meat. deal with it.

When every olympian becomes a vegan come back and talk to me about how much healthier your diet is than mine

>> No.4546244

So apparently a positive increase in population is an exodus? Non-exponential growth is a bad thing?

>> No.4546245

As opposed to huffington post?

Just google california emigration you fucking faggot.

>> No.4546246

>..wheat does though.
Go back to /fit, Paleo zealot.

>> No.4546247

>I will never get cancer, be obese, have a heart attack, or a stroke.
You almost had me, kid.

>> No.4546249

Wheat protein raises risks for heart disease and cancer, that isn't a point of contention.

>> No.4546250

>ignore federal census data
>google opinion articles that agree with me

>> No.4546251

Google California population.

Also, did you read the article you cited? There is no net population loss, so I'm not sure what you are even arguing about.

>> No.4546252

Your analysis skills are off.

Population always increases, do you think people don't have kids? Not to mention the fact that it's a haven for illegal immigration.

>> No.4546256
File: 75 KB, 630x821, manny-pacquiao-v-timothy-bradley-20120608-171637-639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olympian becomes a vegan
Carl Lewis, winner of 9 Olympic gold medals.
Timothy Bradley, welterweight champion of the world

When you become a worldclass athlete like those vegans, get back to us on how superior your diet is.

>> No.4546257

>Wheat protein
What protein exactly?

>> No.4546258

>Population always increases
No, no it does not.

>> No.4546259

That has literally nothing to do with anything.

>> No.4546260

>Population always increases, do you think people don't have kids?
Are you aware of the concept of death?

>> No.4546264

people are being born faster than they are dying though, that is why global population is increasing

>> No.4546262

omg two whole people holy shit!!!!

cute how you cropped half of what I said and only took a section you could argue against. Is that how you read your studies too? just ignore the parts you don't like?

>> No.4546266

Considering the lack of war or epidemic in the California region coupled with the illegal immigration rate combined with the trend for hispanics to have large families, I would have to disagree.

>> No.4546267

> meatless Monday

When I was in school we had a meatless day every week. It was called cheese fry Friday. Sauce less pizza square with marinara on the side. This meatless Monday shit isn't anything new or exciting.

>> No.4546269

Anyone who seriously thinks they'll never get cancer or have a heart attack doesn't deserve a serious response. Diet and exercise is great and helps, sure, but you can be Superman and still keel over from brain cancer or a heart attack.

Just because you can read Starting Strength and follow the Paleo bandwagon doesn't make you immortal to disease, pal.

>> No.4546271

You think populations always increase, in all biological systems?

>> No.4546272
File: 13 KB, 550x383, Dr-Jeffrey-Life-550x383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr.Jeffery Life, 74 years old and in better shape than you will ever hope to be in.

meat eater

>> No.4546275

>Just because you can read Starting Strength and follow the Paleo bandwagon doesn't make you immortal to disease, pal.
All 16 year olds live forever.

>> No.4546276

Human population you retarded fuck. California specifically.

Quit trying to set up strawmen.

>> No.4546277

Change isn't always good (see Obama), especially if it's based off of knee jerk reactions.

>> No.4546278

>hormone replacement

>> No.4546279

I have no family history of such disorders and I come from a family of smokers and drinkers all of whom live comfortably into their 90s. Trust me I'll be fine, if I don't make it past 100 I will be stunned...at least I would be if I wasnt dead

>> No.4546281

No, he actually understands it better than you do. Link the exact citation you use to state that eating meat is bad for you. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.4546283

>there are no countries with negative population growth


>> No.4546284

No, they only went vegetarian because most of the kids who went to that school were from families whose culture prohibits eating certain kinds of meats or meat prepared in different ways. They were Asian Indians and other Asians. Basically the meat options were not even selling and it cost the school less to eliminate it and there were minimal problems from doing it.

>> No.4546286

Just cutting out meat is no guarantee of a better diet. It can end up worse in many ways. This oversimplification is a part of the problem. Also, most meatless meals cooked by normal people who are used to eating meat every meal suck. x100 when put into the hands of school cafeterias. Yet another gimmick that will make it worse.

>> No.4546287

have a problem with eternal youth bro?

>> No.4546288

>There's no such thing as change being a bad thing

>> No.4546289

>Also, most meatless meals cooked by normal people who are used to eating meat every meal suck
You need to hang out with better peers and maybe your concept of "normality" will be more positive.

>> No.4546290

>Statistics are averages

I'm glad you agree, here's the problem: vegans are a small group of people who are VERY conscious about what they eat. Meat eaters is literally everyone else, including the ones who eat consciously to the fatasses eating deep fried milky ways. Of course if you lump every single person who eats meat into that large of a sample size and compare it to vegans vegans will look like they have a better diet.

>> No.4546291

>california specifically

Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?

>> No.4546292

Changing the obesity epidemic is a good thing.

>> No.4546293

I disagree. The world is overpopulated, let people kill themselves if they want to.

>> No.4546296

All school meals should be vegetarian. Until a child is 21 they shouldn't have access to meat. It's really no different to smoking, drinking and sex. A child cannot possibly understand the health risks and ethical issues well enough to make an informed decision.

>> No.4546297

How does the blanket statement, "Population always increases" mean California only?

>> No.4546298

Catherine Hagel. Lived to 114, vegetarian.

>> No.4546299

>health risks and ethical issues
There are none

>> No.4546300

>let people kill themselves
In a very expensive manner that takes a long time, usually after they have already reproduced?

Yup, great strategy there.

>> No.4546303

>there are no health risks
Maybe you should spend 30 minutes on Google Scholar.

>> No.4546304

>Until a child is 21 they shouldn't have access to meat.
I wouldn't mind too much, since I agree meat is as dangerous as smoking when people become brainwashed into eating a bigmac from childhood.

But America is too meat-obsessed to ever agree to it. Meat could be proven to cause your testicles to explode after a year and people would still eat 5 burgers a day.

>> No.4546305

>the richest state, the most populated state,
That's cause it's the size of a small country
>the hub of American culture
But that's New York

>> No.4546307

ease off the defensive stance for a second and you might realize I wasn't implying that. Normals, as in people who typically aren't all that well versed in nutrition and meal planning, people who typically default to fried cheese on a stick food court shit.

>> No.4546308

And idiots like this shouldn't be allowed meat at all or should have to buy it with graphic photos on the label of bowel cancer and slaughterhouses.

>> No.4546309

Jeanne Calment oldest person to ever live
smoked, drank, and ate meat every day

>> No.4546310

Except it doesn't change the obesity epidemic, which you've even admitted. It's a feel good program with zero effect.

Your thinking is shared by a myriad of dumbasses, who needlessly change policy or ineffectively throw money at problems is a good usage of resources, despite producing no results.

>> No.4546311

>Normals, as in people who typically aren't all that well versed in nutrition and meal planning, people who typically default to fried cheese on a stick food court shit.
Again, I wouldn't consider these people to be normal.

>> No.4546316

Then don't ever go to the typical food court or school cafeteria. You'll be disappointed.

>> No.4546313

>eliminating meat from the cafeteria menu once a week.
So a plate of french fries is still good?

>> No.4546314

Maybe if they stopped putting HFCS in every single fucking thing so they can get rid of all the fucking corn no one wants we'd start solving the problem

Cutting out meat to stop vegetarians' feelings from being hurt is not going to do shit

>> No.4546315

And probably would have lived longer. Veganism is proven to increase lifespan.

>> No.4546317

>which you've even admitted
More than one person on /ck/.

> who needlessly change policy or ineffectively throw money at problems is a good usage of resources, despite producing no results.
If the policy doesn't create positive change and is out-dated, why should it be kept?

How is a meatless cafeteria a waste of resources?

Think before typing.

>> No.4546319

Meat industry controls the USDA, would never happen. The industry, and government, do their very best to keep consumers ignorant of the realities of meat.

>> No.4546321

People are being stupid. The school can't control if the kid eats poptarts and chips at home. It's trying to do what they can control though within reason. Schools get little funding as it is, don't fucking expect miracles here.

I think it's a pretty good idea actually. The only meatless thing offered at my high school was their pizza, and only on Fridays. I think it would be really great for kids to see than "hey! There is more out there to eat than chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese!"

>> No.4546329

you keep saying that and yet you have no comprehensive study to back it up

>> No.4546323

>get rid of all the fucking corn
Meat industry is the backbone of the corn industry too, as a majority of it is fed to livestock.

>> No.4546326

>the meat is the problem
>not the vegetable oil it's fried in
>the sugar laden sauce it's covered in
>the refined flour bun it's served on
>the fried potatoes it's served with
>the caffeinated sugar drink to wash it down

yup, the 4oz of meat is the problem

>> No.4546327

The obesity epidemic is not caused by HFCS. Thanks to regulations, you can easily determine the caloric value of your food.

>> No.4546330

b-b-b-b-b-but muh freedom to have fat stupid kids!!!

>> No.4546331

Alright abandoning thread, the quack vegans have arrived.

Until you blind faith pseudo science drones can link to a peer reviewed study that says the consumption of meat is objectively unhealthy, then you can kindly shut the fuck up.

No your "generally vegetarians live longer" anecdotal bullshit doesn't count. "This guy ate 10,000 KCals a day including a 12 pack of beer, but we can group him into the meat eaters," is straight bullshit.

>> No.4546333

>Veganism is proven to increase lifespan.
Yes, but look at how many people smoke a pack a day even with cancer warning labels bigger than the package label. So many people don't care about their health.

>> No.4546335

Actually, having a good diet is proven to. You can have a good diet with meat. You can have it without it, too. If you're going to lump in every fatass who shovels mcdonalds into their gullet with the rest of the meat eaters, of course it will make vegan look better, which I suspect was the point of such a study.

>> No.4546336

>Thanks to regulations, you can easily determine the caloric value of your food.
We don't even teach kids how to read nutrition labels in school.

>> No.4546337

Don't forget JPL. Science!

>> No.4546339

Because I literally said specifically california you dense fuck.

Also human population has always increased, and the lulls were mainly from war or epidemic which we haven't had recently, which is the time frame we're talking.

You seriously have ran out of an argument and are now getting ridiculous.

>> No.4546340

It's a waste of resources trying to combat obesity by cutting out meat when they should be improving the food and stop feeding them frozen microwave meals

>> No.4546343


>in moderation

Usually when you have to do something in moderation, you'd be better off not doing it at all

>> No.4546344

>anecdotal bullshit
As has been mentioned before, all the largest nutritional epistemological studies show vegetarians live longer. Facts are facts.

>> No.4546345

thread hidden
oh well

>> No.4546346

>>the hub of American culture
>But that's New York

Dream factory = Hollywood.
Gay musicals = New York.

>> No.4546347

Umm... because it doesn't produce any results?

>> No.4546349

>It's a waste of resource
Implementing Meatless Monday costs the school districts $0

>> No.4546350

Of course it's part of it you idiot. They put that and sodium in everything. EVERYTHING. Things that don't traditionally have it. Think about that while you suck on a cucumber.

>> No.4546351

Except that's wrong. Most everything should be done in moderation.

>> No.4546352

Yeah, if you're a joyless, boring fucktard.

>> No.4546354

>Fresh fruit and vegetables
>School/prison quality meat

I wonder which one I would pick...

>> No.4546355

So there you go, the only way you can make a point is to lump all meat eaters with diabetes bubba, you won't dare compare vegan athletes to meat eating athletes or in general health conscious people because you know it will fuck your numbers up because again there is no study anywhere saying that meat consumption is bad

>> No.4546357

>Still ignoring the fact that "This guy ate 10,000 KCals a day including a 12 pack of beer, but we can group him into the meat eaters"
>Thinking his precious study is relevant

I know you want people to be healthier, but ignoring science so you can feel better about your crusade isn't helping

>> No.4546358


Okay, guess I'll do some heroin in moderation


Or if you're not a pathetic man-baby and you actually have some dignity and willpower to not do stupid shit

>> No.4546359

It's not like food without meat is inferior to food with meat, though. It's just a matter of food culture. There are tens of thousands of meatless foods, amazing combinations, and incredible meals.

We're just so used to eating burgers, hot dogs, and nachos that it's hard to imagine a world without them.

>> No.4546360

>generally people who have taken a conscious effort in regulating their diet live longer than those who don't

You do realize the meat side is "normal" from a cultural perspective and necessarily includes all of the unhealthy fucks who don't give a thought to their nutrition?

Again, cite a source where the act of eating meat is objectively proven to be detrimental to one's health. You can't.

>> No.4546361

Sure, go ahead. If you do little enough you won't get hooked. If you drink too much water you'll die, so I guess we shouldn't drink water anymore huh?

>> No.4546363

Do you know what an epistemological study is? Yes, people who eat 10,000 calories a day are included. Meat-eating hardcore athletes are also included. It doesn't matter if you have those outliers, they're far and few between, and you'll end up with an average.

Take a statistics class, you will learn much, young padawan.

>> No.4546364



>> No.4546366

No results, administrative costs, hidden cost of kids refusing to eat it, etc.

Mainly the fact that it literally has no results. Do I have to repeat that part again?

>> No.4546367

Eating amerifat quantities of meat is well established to be unhealthy.

Shit like the school plan in OP is a good idea even if you're not some vegan hippy.

>> No.4546368

Is there just one vegan asshole who posts in these threads? I swear I've seen the same writing style across multiple threads.

>> No.4546372

You are a fucking simpleton.

>> No.4546373

You're literally ignoring the point and hurling insults back. This is trolling.

Vegans are probably 99% conscious eaters, they know how many calories they eat. Veganism is a health fad, so it stands to reason most of these people eat healthy, not because they don't eat me, but because they watch what they eat.

A large part of meat eaters just fucking shovel food in their mouths, they don't care. Does this mean meat is bad? No, they eat too fucking much. Then there's the other people who eat meat, people who WATCH WHAT THEY FUCKING EAT. Then the stats get all mushed up.

You might know statistics, I don't know, you haven't linked shit, but you sure can't read metrics.

>> No.4546374


>all of the unhealthy fucks who don't give a thought to their nutrition?

Which is why they eat meat

>> No.4546376

What you think school lunches are overloaded with meat or something? It's just a knee jerk reaction to make some hippies happy

>> No.4546377


Cry somewhere else, little kid

>> No.4546378

>administrative costs,
Administrative costs of switching hot dogs with Tofurky dogs, or ground beef with sauteed veggies and grains? Come on. If the school districts say there is no additional cost, there's no reason not to believe them.

>> No.4546382

No, chicken is pretty healthy, so is fish (besides mercury), turkey. Try again.

>> No.4546383

Your points are completely unrelated, and you cannot demonstrate that any of your proposals will in fact work or have any effect whatsoever yet say it is true. I find no point to even attempt to argue with the mentally handicapped.

I guess I'm done. I know the general population is stupid, but more than I've learned that a good majority of people are willingly ignorant and do not wish to open their minds to discussion to bring them from it.

/ck/ has the worst /pol/tards, I guess I'll just hide any vegan thread next time.

>> No.4546384

>hurling insults back
Saying you would benefit from taking a statistics class is "hurling insults"? Really? I wasn't trying to say it to be demeaning, I know tone is impossible to tell over the Internet.

I don't think it's an issue of vegetarians being more conscious eaters in terms of health. Many simply due it for ethical/environmental reasons.

>> No.4546386

>school lunches are overloaded with meat
Everything except cheese pizza at my school had meat in it. Not exactly teaching kids good eating habits.

>> No.4546388

When the kids leave school they won't have any concept of meals that don't contain a significant portion of meat as the most tasty part and everything else as boring sides.

Instead of going for healthy lean meals they'll try to maximize the tasty parts and join the growing masses of amerifats.

>> No.4546389
File: 8 KB, 480x360, img_479_durianrider-the-rednecks-say-we-are-wrong[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out what it looks like when a vegan shoves all the fruit they want into their mouth. Pretty fat, huh? Just like when people do it with meat. Look how fat this guy is, eating 8k calories of fruit a day and sitting on his ass

>> No.4546392
File: 53 KB, 783x960, 401491_162419057191640_694631208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to post the banana people, at least post the girl.

I love fruit, but I think eating as much as they do is pointless, but yes it proves you can eat a shit ton of calories from plant food and still be in great shape.

>> No.4546394

It is. If you don't want to eat meat, you eyeball every food you plan to consume. Fatasses don't do that.

>> No.4546395

This isn't a meat issue, it's a meal issue. School lunches are notoriously unhealthy. Just attacking the meat because feelings were hurt is not going to solve the overall problem.

>> No.4546399

Eyeballing foods to see if they have meat =/= eyeballing them to see if they are nutritionally healthy in other regards.

>> No.4546403

School lunches need to be made EXTREMELY healthy because most kids eat shitty meals at home.

>> No.4546402


>but yes it proves you can eat a shit ton of calories from plant food and still be in great shape.

As long as it's high-carb, low fat, low protein atleast. They still hold that eating fat makes you fat, whether it's from an animal or from plants like nuts and avacado and olive oil

>> No.4546405

I don't know much about fruitarian diet, admittedly, just seen it around since it draws attention to itself.

I personally don't see the point of eating that much fruit. Fruit is awesome, but other food groups are great too. Just being a normal vegetarian should be enough to get in good shape for many people.

>> No.4546407

Even paleofags who eat heaps of meat and sweet fruits tend to do OK when they're eyeballing for grains.

>> No.4546408

I agree with you. I just don't agree that cutting meat out will solve the issue. Maybe if they served some chicken and vegetables or turkey burgers on wheat we'd get somewhere.

>> No.4546409

Dont care that it is fruit. If he is really eating 8K calories of fruit a day he would; A. have to be doing a lot of working out, because it doesnt matter what the calories are, calories in, calories out, period. and B. depending on the fruits, he could get diabetes. Some fruits do hell on your blood-sugar. (one mango can be equivalent to a fucking can of coke).

>> No.4546411

Yes. It's not meat, it's the person not watching what the eat, that's it.

>> No.4546412

Way expensive, fool. Schools barely scrape by.

>> No.4546414

Then guess what the problem is, "fool"? Education not getting enough money, too much going to military spending so they can drone strike US citizens

>> No.4546416


Well, fruitarianism/frugivorian diet is technically the "correct" diet for humans, but yeah, I can't follow it because I am a fan of cooking and I like experiencing other tastes. If I ever got bored of cooking shit all the time and just wanted straight-up health I'd follow that diet though

I still eat tons of fruit anyway. Today I had 8 bananas, 4 pounds of oranges, and some bananas. Going to make some mashed potatoes right now though, with olive oil all in that shit

>> No.4546417

>EXTREMELY healthy food

Your amerifat is showing.

>> No.4546419


>and some bananas


>> No.4546421

>He's never had a turkey patty on whole wheat buns with Tony Chachere's

Go google some yuropoor, you might learn to eat something besides blood sausage and US semen shipments

>> No.4546423

Go easy on him, turkey's not that common in europe. His tiny mind can't comprehend that anything involving meat and bread could be healthy.

>> No.4546431

>because it doesnt matter what the calories are, calories in, calories out, period.

This is oversimplifying it. As a general rule of thumb it works, yeah, but type of food can make a difference. I keep very close watch of my calories, and eating the same calories as usual (2500) on my trip to India, which consisted primarily vegetables and grains/legumes, 90% vegetarian, I lost 6 lbs of fat.

>> No.4546434
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.... Okay, I assume you're not very knowledgeable about biology and whatnot. You don't get diabetes from sugar, you get it from fat. Sugar is what your body runs on, fat is what keeps the sugar from doing its job and pooling up in your blood. Fruit can't cause diabetes, but ice cream and cake can because there's a bunch of fat accompanying the sugar. Now if you dip your bananas in chocolate or peanut butter, yeah, you'd have a point. A low-fat high-carb diet is not something that promotes diabetes, and in fact is often recommended for diabetic people to REVERSE diabetes

>If he is really eating 8K calories of fruit a day he would; A. have to be doing a lot of working out, because it doesnt matter what the calories are, calories in, calories out, period

Come on now. Not every calorie source is the same. A carbohydrate is not the same as a protein or a fat. Look up something called "de novo lipogenesis." Humans don't convert carbohydrates into fat like a cow or a pig can under most circumstances. I think under extreme food-stuffing can start to happen, like if you eat 15k cals a day of sugar somehow, but even then the calorie to fat ratio can't exceed 30%

Carbohydrates are pure energy, their purpose isn't for fat storage. Eating fat is how you pack on fat, which is of course a survival technique. If you want fat on you, eat fat. If you want to be lean, eat carbs. You can lose weight while eating fat, but you literally have to starve yourself to do it

>> No.4546437

I'm a meat eater but if you honestly try to claim there's no correlation you're an idiot. Study after study points to the fact there is. I don't give a shit enough to stop, but there is a connection.

>> No.4546438

>A carbohydrate is not the same as a protein or a fat
Calories take into consideration this difference.
1g of protein = 4 calories
1g of carb = 4 calories
1g of fat = 9 calories

That being said, I agree food matters. Eat 2000 calories of McDonalds and 2000 calories of vegan food and I'm sure the vegan will be the one with the six pack.

>> No.4546442

>Too much meat

Keyword. Overeating causes heart problems and obesity? Call the press.

>> No.4546446
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>Poultry on bread
>comes to mind when somebody says "Healthy"
>Not say a bowl of green salad with balsamic dressing or stir fried vegetables or vegetable and lentil soup

America is beyond hope.

>> No.4546447

>Education not getting enough money, too much going to military spending so they can drone strike US citizens
Don't forget that we subsidize the meat industry with billions of taxpayer dollars so people can eat lots of cheap bigmacs.

>> No.4546448

>Overeating causes heart problems and obesity?
You can eat "too much meat" and still look in good shape on the outside. It's the inside, your arteries, that'll look like D-Day.

>> No.4546450




Overeating the wrong foods causes heart problems and obesity. Overeating the right foods gives you this kind of blood test results


>> No.4546458
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what is this shit

If this was true, everyone in Argentina would be dead of cancer and or heart problems.

>> No.4546467

Thank god people are leaving. It's too over populated here in Southern California.

>> No.4546474

Lmao I love meat but you're just asking for karma to throw a heart attack at you.

>> No.4546477

Which means the population isn't decreasing. Just admit you were wrong.

>> No.4546480

>I guarantee I am in far better physical condition than you can ever hope to be son. I am /fit/ and have been a high tier athlete my entire life. I will never get cancer, be obese, have a heart attack, or a stroke.
How arrogant are you? Stupid too. Protip for you: look up Jim Fixx.

>> No.4546482

Do you base everything on idiots? I don't know a single person who indulges in fucking fried cheese on a stick.

>> No.4546483

Mac and cheese is vegetarian dummy.

>> No.4546486
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Not if you do it right, eh short man? EH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH

>> No.4546487

Argentina consumes 98.3 kg of meat/year per capita. America consumes 120.2kg of meat/year per capita.

That's 50lbs more of meat.
(Source = http://faostat.fao.org/site/610/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=610#ancor))

>> No.4546494


Whoa... people on /ck/ know about 80/10/10 and DR?

>> No.4546501


Everybody knows durianrider these days

>> No.4546510

I just know him as "the guy dating that hot vegan chick"

>> No.4546522
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In my mind he's "that guy that makes everybody mad, but they can't do anything about it because what he's saying is true"

Funny as hell when he picked a fight with the hodge twins, now he's calling Elliot Hulse out. Meanwhile all the bodybuilding kids yell "BUT THEY HAVE MUSCLE AND DURIANRIDER DOESN'T. BIG MUSCLE MEANS BIG HEALTH!" and also disregard the video where Durianrider, who's a cyclist and not a weightlifter who trains for hypertrophy, benchlifted more weight (pound-for-pound) than the hodge twins could, who dedicate all of their time strictly to lifting. The rage he generates is almost as sweet as the bananas he eats


>> No.4546534

The government is stock piling dried meat for an upcoming distaster.

>> No.4546545


>> No.4546549

There are already world champion and Olympic gold medalist vegans, seems ridiculous to me the idea that you have to eat meat to be an athlete persists.

Whether or not you're the best in the world comes down to training and genetics, not whether or not you eat tofu or steak.

>> No.4546552

these people, durian and his cunt ex anorexic gf, are pieces of shit with their lives revolving around exercise and picky eating and they are assholes that try to push their shit on others as often as they can

fucking hate "people" like that

>> No.4546561


>that try to push their shit on others

As well they should, that's the proper human diet. The way things should be is, that diet is considered the norm and your diet is considered a conscious choice of deviation. I know the idea of being considered below average, either in diet or exercise, is SHOCKING to you, but at the same time, fuck you. People with your mindset just make the world a shittier place, getting mad at people who excel because you personally feel bad that they make you look like a piece of shit in comparison

>> No.4546573

>muh food eugenics
>put teh fatties in da ovenz but let's not eat them cuz deres fat on em

you boring asshole

>> No.4546576

UCSD Triton representing!

>> No.4546578

Consider the following:

Most vegetarians and other form of "selective" eaters are picky in what they eat and avoid most food and are conscience of what they put in their mouth.


The "normal" meat eating group includes all the shit tier uneducated clumps of people that dont understand nutrition.

That being said: wouldnt these studies be rigged to failure? A group that is somewhat educated and selective about their diet vs everyone else that eat anything is obviously gonna show what we all expect and know to be true from the beginning.

>> No.4546582 [DELETED] 
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>people shouldn't know other diets exist, they should just do what I like! When vegans/vegetarians make you aware of their existence in any way, they're being PREACHY and FORCING THEIR VIEWS ON YOU! When the meat industy spends billions of dollars to tell me what to eat, that's totally fine because I'm used to it already!

Jesus, man. You people have a victim complex.

>> No.4546584


Right, the vegetarians are health-conscious and so they don't eat meat

>> No.4546586

>this thread again

Moot needs to just ban vegetarians from 4chan. They're disruptive.

>> No.4546589

I face palmed so hard cause you only read what you wanted to read and understood it the way your mind wanted to perceive it.

>> No.4546596

Do vegetarians/vegans really feel persecuted in society?

>> No.4546608


Not in society, just in the shadows, on the internet, like on this board. Mention eating vegetables and some obnoxious dick will pop in and go "FUCK VEGETABLES, EAT MEAT"

>> No.4546613

Not persecuted (except on the Internet, where everyone is trolled by some ass) but I sure see vegetarians get asked lots of stupid questions, like "Where do you get your protein?" or "You don't eat meat? What DO you eat?"

>> No.4546614
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Well, it is true, if you turn on a TV you'll see hundreds of ads telling people to eat meat, none for vegetarianism.

>> No.4546632

So they do feel persecuted by society, basically.

>> No.4546716

What? No. It's just kinda' ridiculous when someone says vegetarians shove their views down others throats, when all one has to do is turn on a TV to see that it's the other way around.

>> No.4546718

That's stupid, people advertise what they can sell, they sell what people are most willing to buy, and people are most willing to buy meat.

Having tons of ads for meat isn't about people being pushy and saying, "Eat meat! Do it! Faggot!"

What they're saying is, "Hey, you're probably in the majority of the population who like meat, and our meat is awesome, so if you're going to be eating meat, it might as well be our meat."

No-one's going to consciously try to advertise meat to vegetarians or push it on them, for the same reason no-one advertises bikes to people with no legs. But just because some people have no legs doesn't mean people should stop advertising bikes.

Fuck man.

>> No.4546723

There is a GULF of difference between companies trying to sell a product for monetary gain, and someone being preachy or pushy because of their own arrogance.

How you can compare the two as if they're the same is beyond me.

>> No.4547400


You still have to acknowledge that the massive amounts of advertising still intend to normalize gratuitous meat-eating and estrange a plant-based diet. That's also good for business. Better than to say "you like this kind of food, so come eat it," they're saying "this is THE food. This is what people EAT. YOU have to eat this too. This is what is normal. Eat our meat. You NEED our meat."

When you've been raised on this advertising since you were a baby, it's hard to say it doesn't push its views on you. You're just used to it at this point so it doesn't seem weird to you, unlike people advertising a vegan diet which you find strange and threatening because it goes against the norm that billions of dollars of meat industry propaganda have created

>> No.4547403

All meat?
Why don't they get rid of unhealthier red meats, and keep chicken etc. but just cook it healthily...

>> No.4547408

It's a way to save a buck. They say 'go green! look at us we're so progressive' but in reality it's just a euphamism for budget cuts.

Same as the 'paperless' thing.. they just don't want to have to supply students with the materials they actually need so they have to print it out themselves.

>> No.4547412

>still intend to normalize gratuitous meat-eating
Because it is normal you moron. Hey fuckface, go to a mirror and smile, you see those teeth in the reflection?

>> No.4547416
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Herbivores don't have teeth?

>> No.4547420


Vegetarians tend to live longer because they tend to actually pay attention to what they eat, since if they don't they end up with all manner of vitamin deficiencies. It's an unnatural lifestyle only made possible through modern food sciences.

An omnivore who pays as much attention to their food intake would be just as healthy as a vegetarian who does the same. An omnivore who doesn't pay attention is just as unhealthy as a vegetarian who doesn't pay attention either.

>> No.4547429


>Vegetarians tend to live longer because they tend to actually pay attention to what they eat, since if they don't they end up with all manner of vitamin deficiencies

Same for non-vegetarians. Eating meat doesn't mean you automatically have all the vitamins and minerals you need

>> No.4547431


If you had read past the first sentence, you would see I said that.

>> No.4547436


I read it all but didn't quite get it, because that would have contradicted what you said. You say vegetarians live longer because they have to pay attention to what they eat to not be deficient, but then you acknowledge that omnivores have to pay attention to what they eat too. You just said the same thing applies for both but that vegetarians still live longer

>> No.4547442


Yes, because it's more important for vegetarians. An omnivore is much, much less likely to run a nutrient deficiency than a vegetarian. They are, however, much more likely to run a calorie surplus and become overweight/obese.

A vitamin deficiency will make you sick or kill you a lot faster than obesity will. Vegetarians have to pay more attention to stay baseline healthy than omnivores do. Omnivores have to pay attention to their food consumption mainly if they don't want to become overweight/obese.

>Eating meat doesn't mean you automatically have all the vitamins and minerals you need

No, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier.

>> No.4547463


>An omnivore is much, much less likely to run a nutrient deficiency than a vegetarian

I dare to disagree here, I think an omnivore slob who focuses his diet on meat compared to a vegetarian slob who focuses his diet on plants will fundementally have less vitamins/minerals in his diet. Meat doesn't have much in it, whereas plants are where all nutrition comes from. The vegetarian will also have much better cholesterol levels, likely blood pressure/sodium levels, and more fiber/better digestion

>> No.4547613
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>you see those teeth in the reflection?
Human teeth are pretty much identical to herbivorous primates. We don't have carnivorous teeth, our teeth suck ass at eating animals. Try to kill an animal with your bare hands, and then rip the corpse apart with your teeth, eating the fur, muscle, blood, organs and all. Good luck.

>> No.4547621
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B-but... t-tools! We can't do it biologically but we can use TECHNOLOGY to make our body do things it isn't supposed to do! So that means it's natural and good! Checkmate, vegetarians!

>> No.4547636

How someone can turn this into a bad thing is beyong me...

>> No.4547660

>those canines
Nah. Those don't look ANYTHING like my teeth. In fact, it looks like someone shooped those flat.

>> No.4547705
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Teeth are a bad example anyway, considering that some animals have massive canines, but are herbivores.


>> No.4547706

Glad i don't live in California

have to pay more for everything than the rest of us and still get a lower quality product

>> No.4547719

>>“Heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, and obesity, all of which are linked to eating too much meat."
>increased LDL
>not major risk factors for stroke and heart diseases

>> No.4548331

>have to pay more for everything
How is this relevant to the food topic? Vegeterian meals are cheaper than meat.

>> No.4548344

>Vegeterian meals are cheaper than meat.
a vegetarian meal in California costs more than normal meal in most of the country

>> No.4548371

That's why I don't live in California. I can put together a delicious vegetarian meal for under $5 for 4 people.

I'm not even vegetarian, omnivore through and through.

>> No.4548379

Nonsense. I've lived in Cali my entire life and my food bill was cut in half when I went vegetarian.

>> No.4548389

That's why the comparison was between a vegetarian meal in CALIFORNIA, and a normal meal in the REST OF THE COUNTRY. As some one who's always lived in California, you wouldn't know the difference.

California is crazy expensive.

>> No.4548394

>California is crazy expensive.
Compared to the middle of nowhere, maybe, but it's the same prices as places like NYC. A meal in Manhattan or Chicago is not cheaper than a meal in SF or LA.

>> No.4548405

I have lived in Boston, Philadelphia, Orlando, and now Tampa. For 4 people we spend less than $80 a week. None of these places are the middle of nowhere.

>> No.4548488

You probably just ate expensive shit when you came to Cali, then. A tourist can go to Mexico and spend a crazy amount of money at resorts, doesn't mean Mexico itself is expensive.

A lb of rice is the same in Boston as it is in LA.

>> No.4548504

>hur dur correlation implies causation

>> No.4548509

Yep, it's just coincidence that people who smoke a lot get lung cancer too.

>> No.4548513

People who don't smoke get lung cancer too.

Are there any studies of "healthy" meat eaters vs vegetarians? I can't help but think the meat eaters in most studies are people who usually eat hot dogs, sausages, hamburgers most days. Chances are if you're a vegetarian, you're going to be more informed about food, not smoke, be physically active, etc. I want to see a more informative study before making a huge change to my diet.

>> No.4548521
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yes, a thousand times yes.

>> No.4548528

People who don't smoke get lung cancer too - including people with a negligible or no exposure to second hand smoke.

Of course, the stigma of the moral dimension involved (filthy cancer-spewer poisoning the air got what's coming to them) means that non-smoking related lung cancer patients are less likely to be prescribed the treatment and medication they need.

Sage for an off-the-cuff reply that I'm pretty sure is off topic.

>> No.4548535

i agree... correlation does not implicate causation... heart disease, cancer, strokes, and diabetes are caused by obesity, and eating meat alone does not cause obesity... being mentally weak, uneducated about food/ counting calories and exercise causes obesity which in turn causes all the other previously stated illnesses...

>> No.4548538

I support this,
But mostly because it's good to play around with meal ideas not just relying on meat as the base
Plus often people work harder on the flavor of a dish if it has no meat

>> No.4548539

however i do believe changing the school menu to have one meat-free day is a good start but more should be done then just that...

>> No.4548541

the children do not even know what vegetables even are now-a-days and thats just sad...

>> No.4548566

Are you fucking retarded? The WHOLE fucking point to your front teeth, IE non molars, is for eating meat ya dumbass.

>> No.4548583

This isn't a great argument for not eating meat products. What about insects? Worms, frogs, snails? Eggs? It seems like people who use this argument for not eating animal products think the only animal protein we can consume are large animals.

>> No.4548623

30k a year ain't massive buddy, not when the state is well over 30 million.

[inb4 it's all the job creators]

>> No.4548641
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>have to pay more for everything
Our dairy and meat industry would like to say hi :).

>> No.4548799

>Are there any studies of "healthy" meat eaters vs vegetarians?

You can exercise constantly, eat healthy, and still get cancer. There's many factors other than diet for development of disease, but it is a large component, and eating meat greatly increases one's risk for cancer and heart disease. Does that mean if you go vegetarian you won't get these diseases? Nope. But you have a much better chance.

>> No.4548820


I just bit into an apple using my front teeth

>> No.4548831

>and every other major form of art and entertainment.

AHAHAHAHAHA no. They film in Hollywood, the decisions are made in NYC. Enjoy your vapid desert.

>> No.4548856

I just bit into a tofu scramble breakfast burrito with mine.

>> No.4548870

How much would you normally pay for a 20lb bag of rice?

>> No.4548887

>20lb bag of rice
Are you a traditional sumo wrestler or something?

>> No.4548895

Rice lasts forever and is cheaper in bulk.

>> No.4548911

I'm sure Costco is just as cheap in California as it is in other states.

>> No.4548914

>vapid desert.
And by vapid desert you mean some of the most beautiful places in the world, like Yosemite, and redwood forests?

>> No.4548918

I don't shop at Costco. It isn't worth the membership fee. I've never been to a grocery store that didn't sell 20lb bags of rice. Most sell up to 50lb.

>> No.4548920


LA doesn't have either of those. East of the I5 is a different state. So is Northern California. And none of them compare to NYC.

>> No.4548930

NorCal has some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. And the best seafood I've ever had. it's not all cities and assholes, although there are plenty of those, like anywhere else.

>> No.4549039

I lived in NYC for a few years. It's good for convenience, everything is there, but it has nothing in terms of nature or outdoor activities. And the ocean is crap.

>> No.4549069

>And the ocean is crap.
Yes, yes it is.

>> No.4549208
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>> No.4549209

You're so cool.

>> No.4549213

>isn't worth the membership fee
Costco gasoline, booze, toiletries, and meds are cheaper than almost everywhere else. For me it's worth it just based off the booze, everything else is a bonus.

>> No.4549227

I eat more meat than I should and I tend to have little shame in it. and I think this is a great idea, I find cafeteria food to be a shitty grease ball diner, even as quality goes up, healthy choices do not, luckily my school eventually added a sandwich bar, and my body that was crying and crying for vegetables got what it needed, I often ate vegeterian sandwiches just so i could tak on more cheese, the resulting sandwhich was chewier and chock full of crispy vegetables and made eating slower and myself less hungry,

>> No.4549228

allow me to add 50 dollar smart phones, 350 dollar laptops, and 4 dollar whole chickens to that list

>> No.4549229

>remove protein
>keep all the sugar, fat and salt
>b.b.but it's healthy now if you have problems it's genetics!


>> No.4549231

that macro answer itself. Advertising for everythig is everywhere, but vegans will make convenient collage and spam it in places it doesn't belongs like /ck/ just to get attention and insult people they don't even know based on what they like to eat.

>> No.4549232

>paying 5$ for entering a shop and leaving it with literally nothing on your ticket.

Sure looks like a fun way of life

>> No.4549234

>what I actually eat
>high priced restaurant pics because normal people can just make pasta, rice and green salad with a normal budget

>> No.4549236

I don't drink, I have a phone, a laptop, a computer, and I regularly find whole chicken on sale for $0.59-$0.79 per pound.

>> No.4549244

My list wasn't complete.

Cheap things at Costco:
cleaning supplies
kitchen supplies
generic medicines
glasses & contacts
dairy & cheeses
organic produce
grains and flour
spices and condiments
cooking oils (olive in particular)
cold cuts and franks
higher end meat
most canned goods
clothes (jeans in particular)
and probably other shit I forgot about

The question isn't whether or not you can find cheaper items in Costco, it's whether or not you can buy enough of them to offset your cost of membership. For me, and I just live with my mom, we recoup our costs because we spend $300/month (excluding booze and gasoline).

Fuck, I must sound like a Costco paid shill. Anyway, I just like shopping there, and think you should visit a store before making a decision on whether or not it's worth it. Just say you're renewing a membership or something or checking out the meds, and use a phone or write down on a notebook shit you might be interested in and do the math.

>> No.4549254

We simply don't shop enough to make up for the membership. Every now and then I get a free day trip to BJs or Sams, and I stock up on some things then (Olive oil specifically). But over the course of a year it isn't worth it for us to get it. On average, for 4 people, we spend about 300 per month on food, and we find better prices that at the local Costco/Sams/BJs on almost everything. I've had membership at all 3 in the past, and it just didn't pan out for us, even with BJ accepting up to 3 coupons for an item. The only meds we'd really get are gas pills, and we get a better price per pill at Walmart.

>> No.4549259

Strange how it didn't pan out for you guys. Are you coupon shopper types? I read/heard, that sometimes if you're a religious coupon shopper, you can beat out Costco. But yeah, coupon shopping sounds to me like more of a your mileage may vary type of thing.

Well yeah man, whatever works for you. Just thought you were ignorant, but it seems you already tried them out.

>> No.4549260

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4549269

There definitely should be a focus on healthy lunches but no meat != automatically healthy.

I mean for fucks sake just serve healthier cuts/preparations of meat, don't serve fucking deep fried chicken or whatever.

>> No.4549270

I always found it odd how in the US no one seems to bring a lunch to school. Or is this just some new trend at schools? When I went to school everyone brought their own lunches, I dont even think we had a cafeteria.

>> No.4549272

>dairy & cheeses
This a million times over. Good cheddar, Kirkland brand for about $2 a pound. Milk for $2.70 a gallon, some vegetables and fruit very very cheap. Bought a two-pack of Sara Lee white bread, 32oz per bag(so that's 64oz in total) for $3.74.

>> No.4549274

In my generation (92' here), people who brought their own lunch were the odd man out. They were usually only one or two kids who brought their lunch in my class. But then again, most of my schools were in low income areas (free and reduced lunches for everyone).

>> No.4549867
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> In my generation (92' here), people who brought their own lunch were the odd man out.

91' here (u whippersnapper)...

I concur and can add that in the midwest, it was a linear shift. In first grade we were so picky about what we ate that only the kids getting free lunch vouchers ate in the cafeteria, everyone else packed their shitty pb&j or baloney (both disgusting after sitting in saran wrap for 4hrs). As we got older and were sick of only eating the kind of shit our mom's could whip up in a hurry the cafeteria food seemed much more appealing.

By the time we got to middle/high school they had such a variety of stuff, most of which our parents never bought, that eating in the cafeteria was quite a pleasure. Pizza catered from the local parlor, Funyuns, milkshakes, etc. And if you didn't feel like eating, you could save the $ up for some nice reefer.

>> No.4549880

'91 here also.
>And if you didn't feel like eating, you could save the $ up for some nice reefer.
LOL. We had off-campus lunch in high school, and we'd use our lunch money to buy a pack of smokes and a soda. OR, pool our lunch money together for some weed. If it was the latter, we'd skip the class after lunch too. Occasionally, we'd actually eat, usually at a pizza place, or a mexican restaurant, or burgers.

>> No.4550055

If the kids are eating a shit ton of meat at home because their parents feed them it, then any meat at the schools, no matter the cut or preparation, is a bad idea. Americans over-consume meat and under-consume vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. Those are the foods we should focus on feeding them, not more meat.

>> No.4550433
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They should cut down on dairy too, while at it. Dairy is also highly linked to illness and poor health.

>> No.4550481

>San Diego school district goes meatless.

Fuckin' reporters.

>> No.4550494

This is just a way to save money.

>> No.4550544

Save money and improve students healths, isn't that what they should be doing?

>> No.4550675

Fruits and vegetables can lead to hypervitaminosis.

I won't rest until it's remolded protein and genetically engineered yeast derivatives Mon - Fri, This is my quest.

>> No.4550713

>99% of the world drinks dairy
>linked to illness

umm what?

>> No.4550714

>implying going meatless improves health

oh you

>> No.4550730

>They should cut down on dairy too, while at it. Dairy is also highly linked to illness and poor health.
>vast majority of westerners have dairy heavy diets
>subsaharan african diets very low dairy diet
What is this link you speak of?

>> No.4550733

If they do it, they should not make press releases about it to make it a political thing

Saving taxpayer money is a noble pursuit, but when your primary motivation is a misguided political stance and the savings are entirely incidental, you don't get credit for saving money

>> No.4550739

Lots of people doing something makes it safe? You kidding me? Look at the amount of people that smoke and drink themselves right into chemotherapy treatment sessions.

>> No.4550742


>99% of the world drinks dairy
>linked to illness

umm what?

Basically you are accusing dairy to be the blight of man. Dairy = source of all illness

>> No.4550747

The majority of the world's population is still lactose-intolerant, if you go by numbers. It's only in food cultures that have drank it for a long time that have mutated to continue producing lactase enzymes.

>> No.4550748


>> No.4550750

So saying 99% of the world drinks dairy is a very questionable statistic.

>> No.4550780
File: 119 KB, 320x600, 1365213073485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meatless mondays
>still have fries, pasta, pizza, tater tots, bread, sugary milk, ice cream, snapple, chips, etc.

>> No.4550793

"The journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step" - Kung Fu wisdom.

>> No.4550803

Nobody will be taking any steps after they lose their foot to diabetes.

>> No.4550821


>> No.4550982
File: 62 KB, 590x788, Oscar-Pistorius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no one walks/runs after getting an amputation.

>> No.4551032

Progressive..code for it totally sucks out here. Bunch of limpwristed liberal fuck tards running things.

>California is far more progressive than the rest of America. There is a reason California is the benchmark of food safety and the rest of the country emulates their regulations 5 years after the fact.
>Not even American.

>> No.4551194

They're still including processed meat.

About caramelizing the meat making it carcinogenic, the same thing has been said about bread and potatoes. You're essentially burning the sugars in food when doing this, so I think in any food it wouldn't be the healthiest thing to do?

But, we all know meat isn't like it was when people were hunting wild animals. Could it be that their diet is different? That they're not getting exercise like they normally would? Grass-fed meat is supposed to be healthier compared to corn fed. Also, there's the fact that animals raised in captivity are fatter than wild animals, and it could have to do with the increased fat consumption alone.

There is also this


>A Neanderthal living 120,000 years ago had a cancer that is common today

>Adventists do not consume tobacco, alcohol, or pork and
approximately one-half adhere to a lactoovovegetarian
Only a small percentage are pure vegetarians.

The study is also only your risk of death from cancer, and is not just your risk of getting cancer.

>> No.4551225

Yes diabeetus linked to eating to much meat. Its genius.

>> No.4551227

If it was going to to be done anywhere in the US it would be faggot san diego.

>> No.4551331

Thats the average because more people eat meat than not. Most of the unhealthiest fatasses eat anyfuckingthing. Also vegatarianism is relitivly new. COOL STATISTICS BRO.

>> No.4551342

Thing is its not a step, its fucking worthless. How will it help this one kid? It fucking wont, the kids mind will changed to vegan because of this? Nooope. In any case it wont purly because not eating meat dosnt help anything in the first place.

>> No.4551348

You are the reason sucking dicks occurs.

>> No.4551362

All sorts of great veggies you just named, are you implying this stuff isnt healthy you filthy fucking meat eater.

>> No.4551577

>Also vegatarianism is relitivly new.
It really, really, really isn't.

>> No.4551744
File: 34 KB, 727x480, jim morris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Morris, 75, vegan.

Considering how few vegans there are compared to meat eaters, the fact that I could even find a comparison to the guy you posted is fucking amazing.

>> No.4552476

>only became a vegan in 2000
>implying he didn't look like this before