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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4545501 No.4545501 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ how would you cook Calf's liver?

what texture do you go for? how long each side?

>> No.4545507

I'd slice it no thicker than 3/4 of an inch and let it warm up for about 1/2 hour @ room temp. Seared should be all you need, depending on thickness, temperature, and heat applied. Just until it's fork tender. If it's not tender, you can put it in the oven for a little bit, but it really shouldn't be needed.

>> No.4545553

Goes great with a side of bull balls and dick. Garnish with eyes and toenails.

Fucking retards.

>> No.4545560

room temperature issue is not a huge deal since they are supposed to be thinly sliced and the heat goes through them quickly anyway even if they are thicker - it's not fucking muscle, only a couple of minutes per side

go away, you fucking picky eater baby piece of shit

>> No.4545565

Seared no more than 3 min
Deglaze with vinegar
salt pepper

>> No.4545574
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>"But mooooooooom I wanted chicken fingers!!!"

Slice it, gently fry it with onions, apple and vegetable stock. Serve with mashed potatoes. Or make schnitzels out of em and serve them with sauteed mushrooms.

>> No.4545764

Do you fry it in butter, olive oil?

>> No.4545927

Damn i want to eat liver and other organ meats because they are healthy as fuck but I just hate the taste.

>> No.4545944 [DELETED] 

>liver and other organ meats
>healthy as fuck


ahahahahaha. Truly hilarious times.

>> No.4545950


You're really really stupid and uninformed about nutrition. Have a nice life of ignorance.

>> No.4545977

Grill it lightly then chop it very finely with onions. Eat with crackers.

>> No.4546024
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>> No.4546047

>You're really really stupid and uninformed about nutrition

Backwards day rulez!

>> No.4546049


Why do you say that?

>> No.4546052

Why the fuck are you on a cooking board if you are so fucking judgmental about food? Offal is good eating. Also you can bet your ancestors used to hunt all day for wild game and for fucking sure ate the organs, you should be ashamed. FAGgot.

>> No.4546054

Please tell what is unhealthy about eating organs or lean meat?

>> No.4546060

> Not liking cow testicles

Well, lamb testicles are better but...

>> No.4546070


Acidifies the body

>> No.4546087

So what happens when the pH balance of your body is overly acidic?

>> No.4546092

The buffers in your blood even it out and you live another day.

>> No.4546094

So by using these buffers do you shorten your life span?

>> No.4546098


By leaching calcium from your bones in an attempt to neutralize it. Hence why high meat consumption goes hand in hand with osteoperosis

>> No.4546100


yr body just makes more, it's usually just pleb shit like calcium carbonate

>> No.4546101

Most definitely. Death molecules secrete from the anal glads as this goes on.

>> No.4546121

>Bone can take up H+ in exchange for Ca++, Na+ and K+ (ionic exchange) or release of HCO3-, CO3- or HPO4-2. In acute metabolic acidosis uptake of H+ by bone in exchange for Na+ and K+ is involved in buffering as this can occur rapidly without any bone breakdown
>without any bone breakdown
How is this bad for you.

>> No.4546126


Unfortunately meat doesn't have phosphorous

>> No.4546136

What are you talking about? You have phosphate in your bones. Phosphate contains phosphorus. What does that have to do with what I just posted?

>> No.4546137

i would just sear it
not sure what i would serve it with though
1stt thing that comes to mind is caramelized onions & mushrooms or if you can get a hold of some morels although quite expensive

>> No.4546150

Yes it does.

Content is kind of all over the board on content, but almost all meat contains phosphorus you dumb bitch.

>> No.4546159

fuck vegan

>> No.4546165


Which is balanced out by eating alkaline shit like vegetables and fruits you dumb fuck.

>> No.4546241


>having to supplement your diet with plants

Ha ha ha

>> No.4546268

post a pic of your gut

>> No.4546342
File: 30 KB, 404x396, dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to supplement your diet with B12

Ha ha ha

>> No.4546365
File: 19 KB, 395x405, 1365765580731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldn't be a fucken veg/omnivore thread. This should be a fucken liver thread.

I like dredging liver (sliced as>>4545507 said) in flour seasoned with paprika, salt, pepper and maybe cumin or ground coriander seed or another fragrant spice and frying it off in butter until barely cooked through. Maybe 90 seconds each side, but probably less.
Let rest for five minutes, serve. I like it with green leafy vegetables like kale, or mashed onions or mushrooms and bacon or real old-school English with onion gravy and mashed potatoes.

>> No.4546387

I guess you don't know how digestion works, or what blood buffers are, or anything about human biology, which is probably why you're a dumbass vegan

>> No.4546398

My grandmother made great liver when I was a kid. I think all she did was brown some onions in butter and sear each side in the same pan, then season with salt and pepper. You really don't have to do much with it to get a good result. Just don't overcook it.

Other people have already suggested mushrooms, and I remember her making a mushroom sauce once. I don't remember much about it, but it's an idea.

>> No.4546428

How long per side did she cook it, and how thick was the cut? I've never had good liver, it's always been overcooked (tastes like rubbery rust) and I'd like to make it for myself for once.

>> No.4546449

I think 5 minutes in total, and she kept them relatively large, just under the length of a thumb. Looking back, she had it in a bowl with some kind of liquid. No idea what it was, but that might have helped some.