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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4543632 No.4543632 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of places do you take a girl out on a date?

>> No.4543636

Whatever both of us would be comfortable with.

>> No.4543638

Who do you think he's texting?

>> No.4543665


most likely that dude in all her vidaz

>> No.4543671


implying girls will go on dates with me....

>> No.4543675


>> No.4543689

depends on the date, on the girl, everything. I think in terms of what should be presented to the girl.

1st date: lots of entertainment, enough food, a little bit of romance

as you go on more and more dates, the entertainment becomes less important and the romance more. until the entertainment and the romance are the same thing. at no point can you skimp on the food.

on the first date it's appropriate for you to pick the venue, but it will have to be one that is not inappropriate. you should pay. for everything. if you did well she will let you know with a kiss goodnight

>> No.4543708

depends if she's going to interact with you or just sit on her fucking phone the whole time like a rude bitch.

>> No.4543731

if it's meant to be, some weird ethnic place that a normal girl would be too scared to go to thinking she might get the shits.

otherwise, just some safe date food that's easy to digest and you won't look gross eating it.

>> No.4543734

Seriously. She looks like she's only there because he's paying. Walk out. Even if she stays with you, it's for reasons that only benefit herself. Just leave her abruptly.

>> No.4543743 [DELETED] 

Thats a dude OP. His name is Bailey Jay. He's a faggot trap. Hate to bust your bubble.
>on topic.
Ask girl what resteraunt food she likes.
Take her to a place that has said food.

>> No.4543744


>> No.4543745


>> No.4543752
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Take em down to the peach tree dams.

>> No.4543756


Wait a second, you mean that's the one and only Line Trap??? Holy shit. He got even more trap-pier. I'd still let him suck my dick knowing he has a bigger dick than me

>> No.4543763

that show giving you the business on food network has an obvious tranny on right now
"she" is from the philippines and has a man voice

also the answer is a tapas place, I test her on things like sweetbreads, bone marrow, advanced level cheeses and the like to see if she can hang with me and is willing to step outside of her comfort zone. How she handles it determines if I want to move forward with her or not.

>> No.4543764

those bangs are because he is going bald

enjoy that

>> No.4543770
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>> No.4543771

whatevs. thats what hair weaves are for

>> No.4543777 [DELETED] 
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Im for serious.

>> No.4543780

>guy flicking menus at shim before they've even ordered while shehe ignores him and fucks around on the cell phone
This tranny has succeeding in becoming a woman alright. Next she'll be complaining about women having a lesser social standing.

>> No.4543794
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Who would have thought that OP would post a picture of a trap that got famous on 4chan without evening knowing who he was

>> No.4543800 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4543802

Bailey identifies himself as a male; just a cross dressing male, not as an actual woman.

>> No.4543815

But he's a bitch...

>homosexual male that dresses like a woman that identifies as a male that acts like a woman

>> No.4543822

see I can respect that. He just embraced his faggotry and does what he likes, good for him.

I want to physically harm the ones that insist you call them girls. There was a girl in school that wanted to be a guy and shaved her head and shit and insisted people call her a him so one night we went to her house and painted dicks all over everything

>> No.4543826

to the fucking graveyard if she dared bring a smartphone to dinner with me

>> No.4543836


no wonder you've never had a gf

>> No.4543848 [DELETED] 


I would never date a girl. Or go anywhere with a girl. I like girls at least 1.5 m from me ... more is preferable. Much, much more.

>> No.4543852 [DELETED] 


As if you can afford dinner.

>> No.4543868

It's peachtree dance. God, you fucked up my favorite part of that movie.

>> No.4543879

Take her to Golden Corral

>> No.4543886

I try to strictly go for local sit down places, but my gf would go for even Braum's or KFC if completely up to her.

>> No.4543901

never been on a date

>> No.4543921

casual lunch: chicks love chipotle those salad bowl things

dinner: japanese is always good

Doesn't like raw fish? into the trash she goes

>> No.4543925

>taking a girl to a fast food restaurant on a date

>> No.4544201
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>chicks love chipotle

>> No.4544234

Casual, non-chain, well-priced.

I'd probably do Japanese/sushi too because bitches love sushi, and one of my favourite/best sushi places in town does insanely good rolls for only around $7.

>> No.4544240

I take them to a pub. Have a 100% success-rate on the first date.

>> No.4544249
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I don't know what type of grills you date anon, but I wouldn't date chicks who thought fast food was the better option on a first date

>> No.4544262

whos the "grill" in the gif

>> No.4544266

this is exactly what i do. place i go to has the best sushi around and lots of other great japanese food.

>> No.4544268

>not taking her for pho
Trust me, bitches that aren't stuck up drama queens love pho.

>> No.4544288

What the fuck?

>> No.4544289

I get very bloated when eating pho and only pho for some reason. It doesn't even matter how small of a portion it is, I will get bloated.

>> No.4544290

bailey jay

>> No.4544298
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Olive Garden

>> No.4544507

I dated one girl, and now we're married. We just go where food is good, for the last anniversary we went to a very upscale Japanese place. usually, when we eat out its just at places we like, or have heard are good.

>> No.4544526
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>tfw no date

captcha: thatbuti fine
so true!

>> No.4544559

My parents is good friends with someone who owns restaurants in town, so I can get free food depending where I go.
If I go to a sushi bar or hibachi I can get 50% off

>> No.4544597

Locally owned bars/restaurants that I frequent so the bartender can harsh on my date.

>> No.4544607

You'll just have to pay for your own dinner tonight then.

>> No.4544625

>Line trap
>He has boobs

>> No.4544628


Someone sounds bitter.

>> No.4544634

If you want food, just get it to go and take it somewhere away from people. Parks, lakes, etc

He looks disgusting now. Way too much plastic surgery. Also his penis is shriveling up from estrogen supplements

>> No.4544635
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>> No.4544637


>How to look Autistic 101

>> No.4544640

Rape dungeon.

>> No.4544645

Australian detected?

>> No.4544694

somewhere local (not a chain) and not especially exotic or loud

>> No.4544712

I just want a guy to take me to a decent, but not pretentious, seafood place on the first date. I want to crack some crab legs and oyster shells together. Why does no one even mention this? It's a great way to stop the "OH god I better not be myself" stage and move right along to the learning about who each other really is.

>> No.4544741


Because it's expensive as an initial investment

>> No.4544743

Well, personally, I live in a landlocked state (Kentucky) so there aren't really many choices for this aside from a Chinese restaurant or a Red Lobster over an hour away. Taking a date to a Chinese buffet on the first date isn't exactly enticing.

OH also, most women down here in the South do not like seafood. Take them to a Red Lobster and they end up ordering steak. Go to Chinese buffet, they get the rolls and fried chicken.

Why aren't there more people like you where I live?

>> No.4544747


As well as stuff you eat with your hands, which is always good on a date, you should always try to go to a place where lots of small dishes come, like tapas or sushi or something. Then there's never a lull in conversation, because something comes to the table and you can talk about it.

>> No.4544756

I gave up on dating women and decided to stay alone because I've been falsely accused of rape more times than I would like. To answer your question though if I have to go out on a dinner date I would ask the person with me what they're in the mood for and decide from there.

>> No.4544761

>girl has cell phone out during two second video clip

>> No.4544783
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>> No.4544785

I guess that's true, fair enough. I feel like both parties should pay for their own meal so I didn't think about that.

Come to Charleston, we are everywhere. Worst state in the country, but with a nice sweet spot here by the shore.

>get up in the morning
>walk 1/4 mile in the salty breeze to a little seafood place by the dock
>eat oysters that were just harvested 20 minutes ago right there
life is good

This too. The atmosphere when you're eating from a fancy plate with some fancy utensils just isn't comfortable for a first date.

>> No.4544788

>The atmosphere when you're eating from a fancy plate with some fancy utensils just isn't comfortable for a first date.

Yeah, dates should be comfortable and easy. Another thing, something my dad told me, is never order spaghetti on a first date unless you're very confident the girl likes you.

I'm liking the sound of Charleston though - I may have to visit next time in the us and a. Do you all do that funny dance from the '20s still?

>> No.4544792

> Do you all do that funny dance from the '20s still?
No wedding party is complete without it.

>> No.4544804

>get called out for bullshit things bitches do
>o-o-oh yeah? w-w-w-ell you're just a bitter virgin..h-ha!

bitch please

>> No.4544908

plastic bags filled with salt water arent boobs

>> No.4545049

Whereever you like the food.

If she doesn't like your choice, DUMP HER.

>> No.4545054

Golden Corral, show her how smart you are by buying unlimited steak for only $10.

>> No.4545067
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>> No.4545069

dat chin

>> No.4545072

>No wedding party is complete without it.

Hey, I was just coming to visit, nobody mentioned marriage.

That said, if you're going to get married, maybe a woman who eats aphrodisiacs for breakfast would be a good option.

>> No.4545073

Is that bailey jay?
He's really cute if so.

>> No.4545074

My imagination.

>> No.4545085

Only place I ever took a girl out to dates were the movies. That way I don't have to hear them talk the entire time and get bored. They also like to hold hands and shit which gives me a boner.

>> No.4545103

I have done sizzler before
dat $4 salad bar when you buy an entree
>buy steak and baked potato
>eat your fill on meatballs, salad, and wings from the salad bar
>bring the steak home for lunch tomorrow

show her some value and your ability to plan ahead

>> No.4545119

>if you did well she will let you know with a kiss goodnight

(Would you believe I don't have a single one of these saved?)

I did this. All of this. We seem to have a great time. We're leaning into one another as we talk, she kisses me goodnight, a few times even. Bit of making out too. Never responded to my contact at any point after that.

She was constantly on her phone, so maybe she just wanted a free meal, who knows.

>> No.4545121

I only date prepubescent chicks, way easier. McDonalds play place, or if I really want to fuck her, Chuck E. Cheese for a couple hours. Chicks love the ball pit. I get to take off their shoes and socks too.

>> No.4545131

>>eat your fill on meatballs, salad, and wings from the salad bar

More like show her how much of a pig fatty you are

>> No.4545186
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>yfw they answer rough sex

>> No.4545201


She tested you, and you failed. If a girl pulls away and you chase after her right away she won't bother.

>> No.4546114

Ah. Oh well. Considering I'm nearly a wizard and that was my first date ever, I'd say it went well all things considered.

>> No.4546151

>I gave up on dating women and decided to stay alone because I've been falsely accused of rape more times than I would like.
I think this is one of those times where instead of thinking it is everyone else but you, it is probably actually you.

No one walks around getting falsely accused of rape unless they have money or fame.

Me thinks you are a creep-o.

>> No.4546157


maybe there's something wrong about your game, player

like maybe you keep trying to rape people or something

>> No.4546177
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you just need to start dating Klingons

>> No.4546200


>probably actually
>money or fame = time for rape accusations

Woman detected.

>> No.4546201

Nope, just a non-rapist or creep-o.

Also, I doubt a woman would admit other women accuse rich or famous men of rape for material gain.

>> No.4546216

to the fucking hospital if he doesn't take off those ridiculous frames.

>> No.4546236
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creep-o... who says that?

>> No.4546379

Not that anon, but I was falsely accused of rape. Luckily, my brother managed to have video evidence of me not being anywhere near the girl at the time she claims she was raped. Not to mention I'm (almost) a wizard. We always knew she was a whore, we found out later she was claiming I raped her because in her whacked-out reasoning, if I was arrested for rape it'd be proof I'd be the father if she got pregnant.

It didn't help that she was an underage neighbor and my brother's at-the-time girlfriend.

>> No.4546425

They're cute.
I wouldn't expect somebody from 4chan to understand fashion or trying to attract a certain type of person you like.

>> No.4546456

it's sad, isn't it

we're slowly forgetting our old idols

RIP, line trap. at least they fap to you on /gif/

>> No.4546466
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>> No.4546473

One time I met this fine fucking grungy/punk chick at a bar.Really did look good, just rough. Took her to Taco Bell and payed for everything. Then I fucked her brains out three times in one night. Just go to Taco Bell, it works.

>> No.4546609

Most of the /ck/ regs these days only come here because we're too drunk to post on Reddit.

I won't even see your next ramen post.

>> No.4546662

>got famous on 4chan

Really? I thought her name Linetrap was just a name anon came up with for her like all camsluts, did she actually post here?

>> No.4546665

I'm just a wealthy man. Once the girl I was dating told me that if I didn't give her 50 grand she would go to the police and say I raped her. Sometimes i think it would be better if I was poor.

>> No.4546666

Seriously? What the fuck did you do?

>> No.4546671

I gave her 50 grand right after I raped her.

>> No.4546674

Well luckily I was driving so I took her to the police station and presented her along with the voice recorder I always keep running in my glove box to the police officer. Sounds like something out of a movie or novel eh?

>> No.4546682

I heard that was illegal (on 4chan). What did the cops say? (recording)

>> No.4546711

Well it falls under extortion so it was pretty serious. Charges were filed etc.

>> No.4548478 [DELETED] 


>> No.4548480


You need to stop going for shitty women.

Try browsing a bookstore for a cute intellectual waifu who knows how to cook asian things. S'how I got married.

>> No.4548483

>Try browsing a bookstore for a cute intellectual waifu
Around me, the bookstores are 60% old men and neckbears, 25% couples, and 15% overweight angry feminists (roughly). Even the bar scene is better.

>> No.4549352

>looking for a date in bookstores

What? Sounds fucking creepy

>> No.4549360
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> girl

>> No.4549389
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heh..she's is cute

>> No.4549399
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>katawa shoujo dating advice

>> No.4549409
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woot !! a bailey thread.....

>> No.4549414
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>> No.4549533

Im sorry but get that ugly homosexual male out of here.. this is a food board...

>> No.4550974


>> No.4550984


>you should pay

I disagree. Going Dutch is an excellent gold-digger filter. If she doesn't want a second date because you didn't pay for her meal, you didn't want to be with that bitch anyways.

>> No.4550990

>gold digger filter

First of all, there are girls who "dig for gold" by trying to get their date to pay for a dinner that costs, what? $30? Maybe $50?

Second, this is supposed to reflect on their propensity to dig for gold in a larger sense?

Something is wrong with this picture.

>> No.4551003


The only reason a woman wouldn't want a second date because you didn't pay for the entire first date is if she thinks "fuck him, he's poor/cheap meaning he won't buy me lots of things."

I want a woman who wants to be with me because she likes being with me, not because she wants me to buy her shit.

>> No.4551040

>Second, this is supposed to reflect on their propensity to dig for gold in a larger sense?
if you not paying for her meal is a deal breaker then yes, there's a good chance she's a greedy whore who feels she's entitled to have men spend money on her because she has a vagina

>> No.4551042


I guess I assumed people like this only existed on reality TV shows...

>> No.4551068



>'m recently engaged to the most honest, thoughtful, and loving man I've ever met. He has supported me through many hard times, including losing my job and being assaulted. Here's the but about him: He makes no money. He has ambitions, and he's smart, but will likely only bring a middle-class income at best... I'm really, really pretty... part of me thinks I'm squandering my good looks on this poor man...

People of both sexes can be greedy fucks. When these greedy people possess vaginas they usually very quickly realize in life that they can use their vagina as a form of bartering for money in return. Once they realize this, god help the poor souls who are big enough of suckers to play their games.

>> No.4551169

Holy fucking shit, man. I raged so goddamn hard.

>> No.4551178


This story is 100% true and none of you can prove me otherwise. My waifu is so real and she cooks me asian things and watches anime with me everyday. She loves me for my personality not my looks.

>> No.4551939
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why because she is being truthful ??

I feel the same as she does ..only I am a guy..
and in the oppsite reflection...I am not " hot looking " but I am not a troll either..I am average ..however I make a shit load of money , I own my own company, ya I work some shitty hours alot , 3 a.m. to whenever the job is finished and I work alot of weekends in the spring and summer sometimes 7 days a week... and this makes it hard to have a relationship because I hit the rack at 6:30 7:00 p.m. most days,
HOWEVER ...I still want an attractive hotty with me to do things with , some one cute and energetic ect...NOT THESE stay at home fat out of shape wookie throwbacks, which seems to ne the only things that are available because of the hours I keep.....so as bad as this sounds I feel that because I have the money I deserve the best , yes pretty girls are high maintainance but worth the cost if you can afford them.... I am not deluding myself into thinking it's because of my looks ...it is because of the money,, eventually I know this will change but for the mean time ...I am good with it ....

>> No.4551986
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>those glasses

>> No.4552050

All I can say about this is fuck bitches. They aren't worth the money, plus enjoy losing half your shit once you tie the knot.

>> No.4552058
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they say McDonalds isn't a restaurant, well I guess I'm wrong
but if you gonna tell me that the A&W ain't the spot for the best hot dogs you can get the fuck on, dawg

>> No.4552061
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This thread

>> No.4552096

one word for you . PRE-NUP

>> No.4552108


Not a single period in the whole damn post...

I think it's missing several other punctuational elements as well.

This was painful to read.

Please die in a fire.

>> No.4552112

thank you, human being of the year

>> No.4552117

I don't think rap songs usually have periods.

>> No.4552174
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Nigga, wut?

>> No.4552606
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>you should pay. for everything. if you did well she will let you know with a kiss goodnight

ITT: betas

>> No.4552623

>learning about who each other really is.

with that grammar, it's no wonder no one wants to spend any decent amount of money on you.

>> No.4552636

>Bitch about grammar
>0 capital letters used

>> No.4552663

>thinks punctuation relates to grammar
top lel