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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4538263 No.4538263 [Reply] [Original]

God tier:


Shit tier that if you like it, something is wrong with you:
everything else.

>> No.4538264

>God tier
>Not Oriental

And no, I'm not a weeb.

>> No.4538266
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inb4 I need to use this image

>> No.4538267

>worst food known to man tier:

>> No.4538272
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>not throwing out the soup base and just cooking the noodles with your own seasonings

>> No.4538281

I think I am the only one that would still buy and eat this shit if I was a millionaire. Chicken ramen is the food of the gods.

>> No.4538283

>Top Ramen
>not Nongshim
>not even Mama noodles

>> No.4538285

Is there a reason the Maruchan Ramen costs more than Top Ramen? I always thought Top Ramen was the good stuff and Maruchan was generic.

>> No.4538287

lamb and turkey are not shit tier

>> No.4538289

>it has top in the name so it must be the tops

top lel

>> No.4538296

>they designed it to look like a rainbow

Top Ramen confirmed for homofood.

>> No.4538303

They both generic lel

>> No.4538304

What is a name brand ramen, if not either of them?

>> No.4538314


> god tier
> not shrimp


>> No.4538315

Shrimp is fucking disgusting eaten any way other than boiled in a pot full of butter and salt.

>> No.4538319


the discussion is ramen flavors you simple pleb

>> No.4538321

That applies to "Shrimp is fucking disgusting eaten any way other than boiled in a pot full of butter and salt."

>> No.4538324


> discussion about ramen flavors
> hur derp this nonramen blah blah blah

fuck off pleb

>> No.4538325


Do you actually think there is real shrimp in instant ramen that costs ten cents a packet?

>> No.4538327

this nigga playin ball

>> No.4538328

Should I have said "the taste of shrimp is fucking disgusting eaten any way other than boiled in a pot full of butter and salt."? Would that make you happier, autists?

>> No.4538329

You must not realize you need to be 18 to go on this site

>> No.4538330


> muh feels

>> No.4538333

You don't get it, retard. Ramen NOT being what he said, means that it is disgusting. It is still talking on subject.

You need lessens in reading comprehension.

>> No.4538341

Oh you are shitposting.

>> No.4538340

>I think I am the only one
pls no

>> No.4538338


> topic of ramen
> b-but my autism said bring up nonramen

fuck off pleb

>> No.4538336

Just buy noodles in bulk, then.

>> No.4538339


Mi Goreng

>> No.4538343


> try and change topic of the thread
> not shitposting

sure is full retard in here

>> No.4538346

Moot needs to have an option to filter out certain posters by IP. We don't have to see IP or samefags, but just a nice little drop down menu on each post saying "block this poster"

>> No.4538345

>implying that wasn't obvious 20 posts ago
Ruse cruise

>> No.4538351


> i want to come here and not see posts
> muh feelings
> muh feels

sure is democrats in here

>> No.4538352


Not really. Shrimp flavored ramen doesn't really taste like shrimp.

>> No.4538350

>implying there wouldn't be 2 threads a day consisting in screencaps and "please ban this faggot" requests

>> No.4538355


>> No.4538361

No, not reporting them to be blocked by 4chan, but a filtering system built into 4chan that will filter all posts coming from that IP; but you cannot see the IP or samefag posts so it will still be just as anonymous as it is now.

>> No.4538358



>> No.4538357 [DELETED] 

Butthurt much, lib scum?

>> No.4538365


> b-but i dont like what i choose to see
> ban it
> muh feels

>> No.4538366

You should totally go back to reddit, fer sure

>> No.4538369

Chicken is the best. OP knows what it's at. Although I've tried a few vegetable ones that weren't so bad.

>> No.4538373

>tfw britbong and we only have shitty Super Noodles

>> No.4538375

>tfw /ck/ has become /v/ without fun

>> No.4538376

Oh god, I remember lengthy conversations about this in the MLP generals on /mlp/. Is this a thing in all boards?

>> No.4538383

It's brought up on all boards with excessive shitposting. It is draconian, but it is also the least invasive method for dealing with it. You can't filter anonymous shitposters like you can tripfags, it will always be a problem.

>> No.4538384

It may be... /v/ 7.0 now.

>> No.4538386


>> No.4538388


the least invasive is you shutting the fuck up about how the site needs filtering because you saw something that hurt your feelings

>> No.4538390


>> No.4538391

shitposting isn't always hurt feelings, anon.

>> No.4538394


that libshits feelings are hurt to the max

> b-but i don't want to see his posts
> please mommy moot make it stop

>> No.4538393

It's less about hurt feelings than the impossibility to following a decent conversation because a few people decide to have 'fun'.

>> No.4538398

>decent conversation
I think we told you to go fuck your mother and return to reddit

>> No.4538396

>mommy moot
I'm calling him that now (I know him IRL, shit is so cash).

>> No.4538399


leave the thread you simple moron

> this thread has shitposting
> i wont leave it though that is too easy, we need to ban this
> where is mommy moot
> please mommy moot help me

>> No.4538401

This is exactly my point. It isn't about feelings at all. Where was anything about liberal vs conservative mentioned? This is all shitposting, trying to illicit a response. While I am responding now, it is to make a point about this very issue. Normally I would just ignore it, but I am pointing it out so that others may see it isn't about muh feelings, but rather the thread being filled with stupid shit posted for the sole reason of causing drama.

>> No.4538405

It's not even funny to troll on 4chan. Or in the internet, for that matter. I feel like trolling is just a fad that will die soon.

>> No.4538406


> Where was anything about liberal vs conservative mentioned

when the libshit complained about seeing things he didn't like

> i want it to stop
> please mommy moot make the bad man stop talking

>> No.4538408

You told me that, that was not me. Believe it or not I am not the only one in this thread calling you a shitposter.

>> No.4538409

>mommy moot
Is this the new epic meme?

>> No.4538411

>same time as trying to make a forced meme
>turning thread into full on /pol/

Report and move on. Thread derailed when he started putting his fingers on the keybaord.

>> No.4538415

>I feel like trolling is just a fad that will die soon.

If only. This is how these faggots feel better about themselves. If they can make someone else slightly inconvenienced, they are accomplished.

>> No.4538417
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> a thread on 4chan inconveniencing you

>> No.4538421
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It's more likely than you think.

>> No.4538425

Back on topic:

Anyone else think Cup Noodles put packed ramen to shame? It's so convenient and delicious. And it has corn!

>> No.4538426

Some people are on 4chan a great deal of time, Anon. Some people may have made friends here, thus valuating the community because it brought them something- when this community isn't very worthy of value.

>> No.4538430
File: 24 KB, 658x676, that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw its worthy of value to you because you have no life

>> No.4538435

Yeah, but I mean... If you give it too much value, soon enough you'll be brutally reminded that it's full of people who aren't very nice.

>> No.4538437


I'd dare you to find something better, but I care about you.

>> No.4538442

How's that an improvement

>> No.4538445

This. Beans are much, much better in a ramen.

>> No.4538446

There was this Thai I think mama and it had like the "Thai Hot and sour soup" flavor with tiny Shrimps, so good!

>> No.4538458


>> No.4538457

I like corn and hate beans. To each their own/

>> No.4538453

>tiny Shrimps
Yeah, that's not the saem thing as "shrimp flavored".

>> No.4538485

Just spewing maymays now

>> No.4538488

I personally just eat cup noddles (maruchan, I think) if I know I won't be in home for a while. If I'm in home I just use nissi Chiken flavor and chop some veg in it, mostly carrot and peas.

>> No.4538489

>God Tier
Indo mie mie goreng
Nissin Demae Garlic Oil and Sesame

>Shit tier
Any Western brand

>> No.4538490

He stopped posting after a barrage of shitposts. I think he may have been banned. Based mods.

>> No.4538494

Well in fact all the "meat" used in the making of instant soups are made from powdered animal protein and flour. Its not meat in the traditional sense of the word, so Shrimp flavored and tiny shrimps are relative in this particular topic

>> No.4538753
File: 230 KB, 440x586, gongzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hongkongfag and we have the best shit
Best (ex)colony reporting in.

>> No.4538757
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>> No.4538771
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>> No.4538775

do you guys like egg in your ramen?

>> No.4538789

My local tesco stocks nissin demae ramen (good stuff) for ~45p. That may be because my uni is home to a lot of Asians.

If not, go to an asian food shop for loads of choice, or order online. e.g. £14 delivered for a box of 40 mie goreng.

>> No.4538788

My grandmother does. I tried it once and hated it.

>> No.4538805

Its so good when the yolk is still runny. You pop it into the broth and its just amazing. I always have egg when I can be bothered to make it.

>> No.4538808

Yeah, but I always fry it before (keeping the yolk runny of course).

>> No.4538814

I love the beef flavor best. Chicken is all right. I haven't tried the other kinds.

>> No.4538815

I guess so.
Anyways, I'd rather add tiny shrimps to a vegetable/chicken ramen than eating a shrimp-flavored ramen.

>> No.4538849

This. The Nissin stuff is good. The chicken flavor has carrots, peas, and corn.

How much broth do you guys normally have? I usually pour mine out since it tastes nasty to me. But then only Maruchan retains the flavor once you pour out the broth.

>> No.4538865

That is the only thing I hate about cup noodles. You can't add in the flavoring after it is already cooked. I just keep it in there and either dump it when finished eating or drink it if I am feeling up to it. It really isn't that good so I don't drink it often.

>> No.4538863

maruchan> top ramen
I can taste the two cent difference

>> No.4538868

It's like a whole dollar difference when getting the crate of them at the local store here. Oddly, the Top Ramen is cheaper.

>> No.4538919

I know what you mean. I tried to pour the powder out of my Nissin cup noodles before I cooked them, and they wouldn't even come out. Oh well, I guess.

>> No.4538929

I always use about 500mL of water. I add so much shit in my ramen that it actually comes out as a nice little soup.

>> No.4539020

Anyone else prefer to make their instant noodles dry?

I use less water than advised and reduce it in the pan to almost nothing. I only use half the seasoning as the flavour gets too strong when you reduce the broth like this.

>> No.4539035

Supreme Elder God tier:
MAMA's duck flavored noodles

meh tier:
just about everything else

shit tier:
anything with shrimp in it