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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4532505 No.4532505 [Reply] [Original]

>DESTROYING olive oil by storing it in a fridge

>> No.4532506

tell me more, I'm clueless.

>> No.4532507

Putting olive oil in the fridge destroys it.

Seeing someone taking a olive oil bottle out of the fridge and then ruining food with DESTROYED olive oil is almost as gag inducing as seeing a ketchup bottle.

>> No.4532508

Tell me more, chemistry level.

>> No.4532511

Fridge storing olive oil destroys it.

>> No.4532513

I'd understand freezer, separating oil from water, damaging organic structures etc. But refrigerator is around +4C which means only bacterial growth is halted, but otherwise chemistry of most foodstuffs should remain unaffected

>> No.4532515

Extra virgin olive oil is destroyed in the fridge. Other types can do just fine. It's not ideal, but it's fine. Just have to let it rest at room temp before using it again.

>> No.4532518


>> No.4532519

>People who use anything besides extra-virgin olive oil

Would you like me to have my cat piss in it too?


>People who store flour in the fridge/freezer

All of my rage.jpeg

>> No.4532520

>Just have to let it rest at room temp before using it again.
It just isn't the same anymore... That poor wasted olive oil...

>> No.4532522
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>mfw people searing meats with extra virgin

>> No.4532525

>not using different oils for different things
You couldn't sound any more pretentious even if you really tried.

>> No.4532526

hey a relevant thread! if I want to sautee some garlic and onions and peppers in olive oil, then toss in some pasta, what type of olive oil works best?

>> No.4532528

Extra Virginal. No fridge. Always.

>> No.4532529


Extra virgin.

>> No.4532530

For sauteeing and sauces, extra virgin is a waste of money since you will be cooking away the flavor. Regular virgin is what you want.

Extra virgin is best served raw as either a dressing base, or drizzled directly on your dish.

>> No.4532533
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>extra virgin is a waste of money since you will be cooking away the flavor

>> No.4532534


was meant for


>> No.4532536

>implying he's wrong
fuck off virginfag

>> No.4532544

Who the fuck stores flour in the fridge or freezer? I've never even heard of something like that.

>> No.4532548

I buy extra virgin because I don't like the idea of oil that covered someone's dick at one point. I don't know how this doesn't gross more people out.

>> No.4532559
File: 37 KB, 458x520, Drunk-Last-Night-Xbox-Remote-In-Fridge-Funny-Leftovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of foodstuffs are unaffected by fridge temperatures, but protected from insects, pests and accidental damage, plus you get convenient lighting.

Essentially, if you have a fridge too big for your needs, you can use it as a convenient pantry shelf for whatever foodstuffs you like, the temperature being a meaningless quirk.

I store empty ice cube bags in the fridge. Whenever I take last bag of ice cubes out, I take a few to fill with water and put in the freezer. I'd never bother to hunt for them if I didn't keep them handy like that.

>> No.4532570
File: 313 KB, 1054x814, Rasvat ja öljyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil elitism
You use different oils for different shit.
You are a fucking idiot if you use extra virgin for every fucking thing you do.

>> No.4532578

Grapeseed or canola oil.

>> No.4532596

>Buy olive oil in tin cans, not glass bottles
Why? If it's about exposure to light, my pantry should be dark enough.

Also, I've only ever seen EVOO sold in clear glass or plastic bottles, never tins...

>> No.4532607

I always go for the first pressing, why wait until everyone else had their fun with the olives?

fourth pressing? like that is going to be a party in your mouth! I don't think...

>> No.4532643

>Tea seed oil
>Not to be confused with tea tree oil

Yeah, you're not going to make that mistake more than once.

>> No.4532659 [DELETED] 

Rapeseed oil is completely missing and it is one of the best oils for cooking.

>> No.4532677

My girlfriend stores POTATO CHIPS in the fridge.

>> No.4532678

As long as you use it with a couple of months and it's not left totally exposed then it's pretty much fine.

>> No.4532738

I keep a bottle of ketchup in the fridge and another out.

>> No.4532739

>why wait until everyone else had their fun with the olives?

Because first pressing oil has a very low smoke point, thus you can't use it for high heat cooking like sauteing.

first pressing oil for dressings & sauces
latter pressings for cooking with

>> No.4532828

The fact that you own even a single bottle of ketchup makes me want to vom...

>> No.4532853

nah man, i think it gets destroyed. OP makes a convincing argument

>> No.4532854

Is this ser how pee talk todays?

>> No.4532857


>> No.4532856


>> No.4532859

Ketchup. That's like the Michael Bay movie of condiments.

>> No.4532867

It's not your pantry, it's the store and transportation and everywhere and however long before it makes it to your pantry that is exposed to light.

>> No.4532868

Does Béarnaise, by contrast have artistic value? Does every meal need to be in accordance with one standard, with this standard, with your standard?

Or are you just an insufferable elitist who wants to separate yourself from people with different tastes so you can feel superior about your "sophistication"?

>> No.4532881
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>Bringing olive oil to high temperature when it is a known carcinogen at such high heat.

>> No.4532954

>like every oil.

>> No.4532961

I've fallen in love with olive oil recently.

I've replaced all fats with it. All butter. Even some of the meats themselves. I've started to drink the stuff. It's delicious.

>> No.4532969

Some oils do better than others. Rice bran oil and sesame oil are ok.

>> No.4532995

You may have a problem.

>> No.4533311
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>people that put my whipped butter back in the fridge

>> No.4533339

a HEALTHY problem.

>> No.4533419

n00b here,

For frying, what oil to you recommend? I've been cooking like this

Asian: Peanut
Everything Else: Vegi

am I going to die?

>> No.4533421

>DESTROYING olive oil by cooking with it

>> No.4533420

>Target for saturated fats is 7%.
>Olive Oil has 14%
Tell me again how this makes your diet healthy.

>> No.4533424

>DESTROING olve oil by DESTROYING with it

>> No.4533430


Because your "target for saturated fats" number is incorrect.

Also because olive oil has a remarkably good balance of omega-3's to omega6's when compared to most cooking oils.

>> No.4533468

0.09 : 1 for Omega 3 : Omega 6. Worse than Walnut, Flaxseed, Hemp Seed, and Canola. Hell, worse than Soybean.

>> No.4533479

>Decide to directly buy beef jerky instead of making it.
It's way more expensive and doesn't even taste better

>> No.4533480

Who gives a shit? All your precious olive oil is fake shit with maybe 1% actual oil from olives.

>> No.4533496

how are you even still alive?

>> No.4533517
File: 181 KB, 1600x1045, Dietary Fat Comparison Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Walnut, flaxseed, and hemp seed aren't exactly "most cooking oils". Those are expensive and not widely available. Of course there exist oils with better fat profiles than olive, but among commonly available reasonably priced oils olive oil is actually very good. It's tasty. It has a practical smoke point, and it's fat breakdown is better than most common cooking oils.

>> No.4533559

Cold ketchup is good. Why not keep in fridge?

>> No.4533560
File: 58 KB, 400x560, oP6Zd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a great chart.. thanks for sharing.

What it doesn't mention is the breakdown of the types of saturated fatty acids in each form of oil.

For instance.. coconut saturated fat is mostly lauric acid, while palm would be palmitic. It has yet to be definitively proven that lauric is not as bad for you as palmitic and myristic fatty acids.. but there is a lot of speculation. palmitic and myristic have been found to be in the same evidence category for cardiovascular disease as transfats (hydrogenated oils). the speculation is that coconut oil, with it's mostly lauric content isn't as bad. There are millions of island people in the phillipines that eat a lot of coconut oil.. and they don't seem to suffer the same CVD risk as most other peoples that eat a lot of sat fat. the jury is still out on whether this is life style induced or diet induced.

in short.. it's a great chart.. but just because there is a huge red bar of sat fat content, doesn't mean all those oils have the same health benefits/deficits.

>> No.4533566

>Using olive oil that's had dicks in it

>> No.4533605


Storing it in the fridge doesn't do anything except solidify it.
In fact, if you have a warm kitchen or use glass bottles for your olive oil, leaving them out is the worst thing you can do.

>> No.4533634

What is /ck/'s opinion for the best oil for pan searing a steak?

What about for grilling?

>> No.4533636


Depends what you're grilling. For pan sear, avocado oil is great, super high smoke point and nice body.

>> No.4533643

Grilling a steak, I'm about to run to the store and try a different oil,.

>> No.4533659

I worked in an Italian grocer for awhile. Since we're in Canada, the entire warehouse becomes so damn cold in the winter that we don't even have to turn on the refrigeration unit. Little spots would start to form on the inside of the olive oil bottles as it got really cold, but after half an hour in the storefront, they looked completely normal. It surprised me the first time I saw it, but apparently it happens all the time in the warehouse. Of course, half the younger customers won't believe you and run around screaming that you're trying to sell them bad olive oil. They then dig to the back of the shelves to take out the identical bottles that have come down to room temperature.

The old Italian men and women always knew what was what, though. Never had a complaint from them once.

>> No.4533673


how many thousands of 4chan users do you think have accidentally put tea tree oil on their dicks?

>> No.4533680

But he argued about Omega 3 : Omega 6. By your chart, even butter beats Olive Oil in that regard.

I also don't know, but Canola Oil is basically free in Finland. The smoking point it has is higher than Olive Oil's, as well.

I'm not going to dispute Olive Oil being delicious, though. It is.

>> No.4533785

Because you should have no ketchup at all.
Unless you have really tiny kids or something.

>> No.4533811

Telling your kids that it's acceptable to eat ketchup just because they're young is going to lead to issues later in life. Plenty of people don't stop liking childish things when they grow up, in fact it's become "hip" to do such.

Next thing you know, we're going to have a generation of young adults who eat lunchables and chicken nuggets drenched in ketchup.

>> No.4534235

You do it to kill bugs. This is important if you live in a place where your flour might have bugs.

>> No.4534301



What kind of fucked up fantasy world do you live in where ketchup isn't the go-to condiment for pretty much everything? What's it like in Head-up-your-ass-ville? Does the tomato scent interfere so much that you can no longer smell the comforting stench of your own rancid feces?

>> No.4534715

Pour olive oil on your bread yet?

>> No.4534759

I do that.
I keep my sugar and rice in the fridge because my cabinets have these little fucking... weevil.. things that get in my shit.
In the fridge they can't get to them.

It also helps not to have a shit-tier fridge or else your sugar tends to get hard as a rock after a week or more.
Make sure theres little to no condensation on the inside or your shit is fucked.

>> No.4534761

Who doesn't do this? Best way to compare olive oils for flavour when shopping for a brand.

>> No.4534780

I don't need the bread anymore, just the olive oil.

>> No.4535041

B-but I like the taste of it. Also with it being cold and using it with hot food creates a great sensation in my mouth.

>anon is just a snob