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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4528308 No.4528308 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst behaving waitress or manager you've met?
Or worst restaurant behaviour code?

I've heard about people not being let into restaurant because of wearing nikes.

>> No.4528312

What's wrong with having a dress code? It's common sense that you don't go to a nice restaurant looking like a bum.

>> No.4528315

I was at a seafoo resturaunt at the beach with my gf and our waiter quit his job in the middle of serving us. We got our food and dined and dashed though.

>> No.4528324

the most glaring example was at a chinese restaurant and a mouse ran across the floor and out of reflex someone at my table stepped on it, the manager came and swept it up and brought the dead mouse into the kitchen and then yelled at us for stepping on it

>> No.4528333

Our company has an employee cafeteria. It pretty much serves well paid business professionals who need a quick bite between meetings. I'm at the quesadilla station ordering when a young Indian woman next to me orders.
"What do you want?"
"Quesadilla please."
"What kind of meat?"
"No meat or cheese please, just vegetables."
"That's not a quesadilla."
They stare at each other awkwardly for a while. She leaves and he tries to call her back.

Seriously dude, if I was his manager I would have fired him on the spot. Hopefully thats who she went to go find. What a dick.

>> No.4528343

The guy is technically right. The "quesa" in "quesadilla" means cheese.

Of course, he still should've shut up and just made a damn folded tortilla with vegetables inside, semantics be damned.

>> No.4528354

I don't know, if someone ordered a burger and then said "no patty though, just put lettuce tomatoes and onions between the bread" its not a burger anymore

>> No.4528371

I had a waitress once that was fucking terrible. She was slow as shit, couldn't remember the orders, didn't refill drinks at all, but the real kicker of the whole thing was this: When she finally showed up with our entrees, I asked if she could please bring me a drink refill. Her answer was "Sorry, I don't have time for that".

One of just a couple times ever I've stiffed wait staff on the tip. She got a penny.

>> No.4528372

I think he should have explained better, but you're being an over-reactive jackass. Cooks are trained to to make things a certain way and their equipment is provided to do the same. Weird ass orders that will fall apart and look like shit make their jobs a nightmare and can even get them in trouble.

I want the potato souffle, no yolks.

I want you to get the fuck out.

>> No.4528389
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It's a sal ad

>> No.4528394

>Viet restaurant
>server is teen or early 20's
>talking on the phone while serving us
>doesn't come when called
>doesn't refill tea
>brings pho, sticks her finger into the bowl
>absolutely no ability to communicate with her

Oh well, there's plenty of viet restaurants in my town

>> No.4528397

>fresh pasta
>can I have another I like it more al dente than this

>> No.4528405


This. It fucking kills me to go to a very good restaurant and see fucktards that seem to think a golf shirt and shorts is acceptable. If you're going to eat like an adult try to dress like one.

>> No.4528407

>I've heard olive oil is healthy
>can I get the chicken and red pepper coulis, light on the right pepper, with extra olive oil?
Hope you like oil floating on top of your sauce you dumb obese fuck.

>> No.4528611

That is true, but it's really not worth arguing over.

I would've been like, "Fine, burger with no patty, coming right up." It sounds terribly wrong, but I wouldn't get paid enough to give a shit.

>> No.4528652


It's like ordering steak and fries but without the steak and without the fries.

>> No.4528689


I think it's just for ease of description, instead of saying "I want a tortilla filled with vegetables, then folded in half and grilled" to just say "can I have a quesadilla with only vegetables in it." She probably figured you'd understand, since you were at the quesadilla station after all.

>> No.4528728

What kind of faggot wants a cheeseadiller without cheese? Must be a vegan.

>> No.4528766

There was a bar in Sydney named something along the lines of International Bar or whatever, so I wore my Canada soccer jersey, which is a nice collared affair, and couldn't get in because it had a logo.

Also the place used to be a whorehouse.

>> No.4529161

But if someone orders a burger sans carne, and you're in the customer service industry, you comply. I think in this setting, even pointing out that you're making a sandwich and not a burger would be above your station.

>> No.4529289

>be Easter
>girl dating at the time is worthless in the kitchen
>if it wasn't for microwavable lean cuisine, she would starve when I wasn't around
>I don't feel like cooking Easter dinner so we go out.
>go to a buffet
>not a white trash buffet, it was like $30 a person
>I'm in line loading up on steak and shrimp
>member of the wait staff comes up to me
>"sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave. You are not in proper attire."
>"we have extra jackets for the gentlemen to wear, but unfortunately we do not have any extra pants. We can't have people wearing sweat pants in here."
>MFW fucking fascists

>> No.4529298

or lactose intolerant.

>> No.4529301

One time we had this lovely waitress at a wing joint me and my friends frequent. I had seen her before, but she had never served us. We are known as pretty good tippers, so we usually get solid service. At the end of our evening the waitress comes over, puts our bills on the table, says thanks for being top notch customers, picks the bills back up, rips them in half and procedes to walk over to the manager and quit. We were stunned.

>> No.4529318
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I was 8 years old and my family was going out to a Japanese steak house, and for some bizarre reason the manager came running out and screamed at me, telling me to stay outside. My parents laughed and told me I'd better do what he said, so I spent 15 minutes on the sidewalk crying before my mom came and got me. They never explained what happened.

>> No.4529323
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>proper attire

>> No.4529328

man, you got shitty parents.

>> No.4529332

My health teacher told me this the other day, greentxt'd for your ease

>Be middle aged woman
>Go to relatively fancy restaurant with husband
>Be seated
>Waitress comes over to take our orders
>Breast literally falling out of her shirt, can see her bra.
>Skirt short enough to see her ass and sometimes her vagina if she bent too far down
>Comes with our food swaying her hips back and fourth
>Leave a 10 cent tip after meal
>"What, only 10 cents? But I'm in college!"

>> No.4529336

Call them up and ask them. Post us the results.

>> No.4529340
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Holy shit your parents are assholes.

>> No.4529343

Oh lawd. I had a manager (who was the owner of the restaurant) who was crazier than a shithouse rat. I was working the lunch shift one day, and she came in, was upset by the poor job the dinner shift had done cleaning up the drink station and behind the counter, and took her big fat arm and swept EVERYTHING on the floor, then yelled at us and told us to clean up the mess she just made. I almost quit right there. The final straw was when she thought someone had magically stolen $40 from the night's till (after it had been counted already and locked in the safe), and went through accusing everyone in turn of stealing it, even the people (like me) who hadn't even been working that shift. She threatened to take $40 out of everyone's checks. I worked about another month after that, but got disgusted with all the crazy and quit.

>> No.4529347

Or from one of of those fringe religions in SE Asia. You know, the people that smell like they've already been dead for a while now.

>> No.4529360

I can't since my mother's in Atlantic City and my dad's dead. I did ask them about it years later, both of them claimed that it didn't happen.

>> No.4529390

>Wearing sweatpants to go out.
I was rooting for you, but you are no better than white trash.

>> No.4529408

...why did you feel the need to include she was indian?

>> No.4529413

Why are managers fucking crazy at every restaurant? I swear they make more work and duress for people than they help. Every food place I've worked the manager has been an overbearing moody prick that causes immense stress and distraught for everyone that works for them. Like, if they weren't there we'd get the job done smoothly. If they are there we still get the job done but we are stressed as fuck, pissed off and feel dehumanized by the end of the shift.

>> No.4529430

Some indian cultures are vegetarian/vegan

>> No.4529431

This is a shot in the dark, but, Houston? I remember visiting there last summer and noticing how large of a Vietnamese community they have

>> No.4529436


cause making a restaurant profitable is borderline impossible at current food prices.

Probably was sitting at home, tearing their hair out over the books and was like fuck this i'm doing nothing to help! i gotta get over there and do something!

I got the food! i got the decent decor! but no customers!!!!!

must be the staff.... fuckin 20-somethings are probably screwing me over when i'm not there, laughing behind my back.

>> No.4529438

The Vietnamese are everywhere. No surprise you found them in Houston as it was dubbed the most diverse city in the USA recently. But really, get out more.

>> No.4529450

There have been lines out the doors and immense profits in each restaurant I've worked in. Still, the managers have been overbearing, disrespectful, borderline autistic for rules, unappreciative, rude, unpleasant, two-faced, manipulative, inconsistent in direction, drug-addled speed freaks, money hungry, and overall not the sort of person you'd like looking over you at work.

>> No.4529455

I would be pretty pissed if I dropped $60 on a meal only to be kicked out for wearing the wrong trousers.

>> No.4529456

>insult person by telling them to get out more
>they visited a city, they aren't a resident of it
>their fault for not picking up on this immediately and just realizing it was the way things are

>> No.4529499

>managers ever accusing you have stealing shit without plain as day proof, in hand.

FUCK that. I've quit 3 jobs in my life because of this shit. Unless your ass has solid proof that I stole something from you go fuck yourself.

>> No.4529507


They charged you, then kicked you out?

Was it run by kikes?

>> No.4530222

But, this is critical. Was the waitress hot?

>> No.4530262

its pronounced 'cunt'

>> No.4530286

>wearing sweatpants places other than your house/the gym

you deserve it.

>> No.4530288

Wearing sweatpants isn't acceptable outside your home or the gym.

>> No.4530290
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>> No.4530295

this can't be real

>> No.4530300

it's not, it was a hoax.

>> No.4530316

Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.4530333

>above your station

Woah, sure is Dickensian gilded age here. I mean, they should've been more polite about it, but not being able to point out a simple error of fact because the other person's got more money/status is just crazy.

>> No.4530335

Amy's Baking company much?

>> No.4530336

Favorite local diner
Service is good
Food is good
Get treated like family there
Except this one miserable middle aged seahag of a waitress
Every time we get her she spends 10 minutes explaining how much she hates her job, how shitty her life is, bashing the other servers & talking about how shitty her tips have been all day. Ask for something & she acts like we just asked for her to donate a kidney

>> No.4530368

Really? I wear sweatpants to all kindsa places. I probably wouldn't wear them to a FANCY restaurant, but I wouldn't think twice about wearing them to any place in the 20-50 dollar/person range.

Granted, I'm no paragon of style and fine culture, but I've never been kicked out of anywhere. So long as you aren't smelly or half-naked people should stfu, if you ask me.

>> No.4530370

It is as >>4529430 was suggesting. I'd say about 90% of the Indians I work with are vegetarian, and while you can't really make assumptions based on that, an Indian woman trying to request a food item without animal proteins is so common it would typically not bear mentioning. It was also essentially to parlay any "oh my god a vegan" discussion because for some reason when other cultures do it /ck/ pisses itself a little less.

>> No.4530371

Those are just the kind of people that climb to positions of "power", especially in food service and retail settings.

>> No.4530390

It was a troll post you gaggle of dumbfucks

>> No.4530429

stay out of austin then. me and my girl can walk ladybird lake in shorts and t-shirts and pop out for a $50/plate experience and no one cares.

It probably matters more when you are in an area with gangs/hoodlums and the dress code acts as a minimum barrier. When those aren't present, its just a bunch of outstanding people in shorts.

>> No.4530438

I think its perhaps more of a customer/server thing. Because even if you are a moneyed/statused person, if you are dealing with a customer/client/moneysource, you defer your smartass remarks until after work. Its expected, at least in American culture. I believe its a bit different in France.

>> No.4530443

It doesn't matter. Just give her the tortilla with vegetables you minimum wage bum.

>> No.4530447

She was probably new and stressed out. No need to flip your shit over.

>> No.4530449

Not particularly bad, but when I went out on a work-do once the waitress managed to pour wine all over the table every time she poured someone a glass. She didn't apologise.
One of their staff was also walking around in a Tshirt and jeans serving people.

>> No.4530450

Oh yeah because children definitely go around wearing golf shirts.

>> No.4530452

It's not like that since e meat doesn't come in the fries.

>> No.4530456

Why don't you calm your tits. Even if you're a millionaire pointing it out is pointless and it wastes people's time.

>> No.4530458

America, why are your restaurants so bad? I've never encountered shit like this. (Even a 'fancy' buffet, it's like living in a golden trailer, but claiming you're not trailer trash)

t. Belgium

>> No.4530459

Maybe you're just a shitty worker.

>> No.4530464

He's right though. Get out more faggot.

>> No.4530467

I completely agree. Autists in here saying certain clothes are "unacceptable" is just mind blowing to me.

>> No.4530468

Hah I never thought that dress code might be just to keep unruly ghetto fucks out but that makes sense.

>> No.4530470

Who gives a shit what he was wearing? Unless he was naked and sticking is ass in your face it shouldn't matter.

>> No.4530476

Not that crazy, but worth mentioning

>Take girlfriend out to a seafood restaurant that I like
>Waitress takes our orders
>Never brings the beer that my GF ordered
>Comes back with seafood fettuccine for my girlfriend, she had ordered fish and chips
>My GF tells the waitress that this isn't what she ordered
>Waitress tells her that this is what she ordered
>Fucking walks away
>Another server runs out to our table, apologizes, asks if she should take the dish back and swap it
>My GF is hungry, just eats the fettuccine

Now my girlfriend won't go back there with me, shit sucks.

On a high note, I never saw that waitress working there after that.

>> No.4530487

>She didn't apologise

This shit gets me.

Not restaurant related but food related. Was up at Target buying food and was at the cashier paying. I give her a $100 bill and she punched it in as a $20 so I only got a few dollars and some change back. I had to tell her that I gave her $100 and she said "That's right, you did" and she gave me the correct change.

Not one fucking apology from her. I would have been fucked if I was pressed for cash and wasn't observant.

>> No.4530492

I was a cashier for four years, and I've done that at least a couple times. Pretty sure I apologized every time, but then I'm Canadian and we apologize at every given opportunity.

>> No.4530546

And that's why they're suppose to call out the amount of money a customer hands them. I've made that mistake as well.

>> No.4530574

Why does it matter?

>> No.4530580

folded tortilla with anything inside is a taco

also in the federal district they do have "quesadilla de queso" because if not it's just a folded tortilla with something else

Semantics be damned.

>> No.4530581

Now I want some steak fries with actual steak in them

>> No.4530588

After high school, I developed a hatred for people who wore sweatpants out in public. Same with pajama pants. They're the same in my book, and both make me think you're going to smell like absolute shit.
Just put on some real fucking pants.

>> No.4530595
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>> No.4530599

should've given that other server a nice tip.

>> No.4530610

>y has an employee cafeteria. It pretty much serves well paid business professionals who need a quick bite between meetings. I'm at the quesadilla station ordering when a young Indian woman next to me orders.
>"What do you want?"
>"Quesadilla please."
>"What kind of meat?"
>"No meat or cheese please, just vegetables."
>"That's not a quesadilla."
>They stare at each other awkwardly for a while. She leaves and he tries to call her back.
indian people is rude and should die

>> No.4530725
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> be 14 or 15, somewhere in that range
> eating at some high-class italian joint in south florida to celebrate my brother's engagement
> order spaghetti, because fuck me, spaghetti is delicious
> food finally gets there, i reach up to meet the waitress halfway
> suddenly the dude she had conscripted to help her lug our stuff out slaps the shit out of my hand
> his eyes are filled with burning rage for what-fucking-reason, i have no idea
> oh well, fuck you dude
> everyone has their food now, start to dig in
> waitress fucking slaps my hand this time
> what the hell people, can't i eat in peace?
> "don't eat before saying grace"
> my dad looks at my mom, then at me, then at her
> "we're not christians, ma'am"
> the waitress and the dude she brought with her look ten different kinds of offended and march off
> they never refill our drinks or take our plate away, and my dad had to go ask the manager for the check
> mfw this entire ordeal

I wish I could remember the name of this place. We never went back after that, but a small part of me wants to go back now, just to see if it's still the same.

>> No.4530753


i think both of them were rude

>> No.4530778

Im a waiter at a local steakhouse.

I once had a runny nose, and it dripped into the customers meal as I leaned over to place the plate on the table.

No one noticed. I said nothing.

>> No.4530808

What the fuck man.

>> No.4530813

I'd be more surprised if I didn't already know that Florida has high levels of concentrated crazy.

>> No.4530816

Yes, I'm sure this this totally happened, one hundred percent.

>> No.4530818

The worst I get from waiters and waitresses is usually that they forget to refill my drink.

I guess I'm just lucky.

>> No.4530856

I wouldn't doubt it. I've been in many areas that made me feel uncomfortable for not being a christian

>> No.4531134

>waste of time

>> No.4531176

>waiter telling you tipped too little.

There are waiters that do this? I'd just ask it back, that's like the rudest thing you can do.

>people give you better service than others if you're a good tipper

Disgusting. Don't get me wrong, I do tip, but that's just not professional from the waiters and being pompous from you.

>> No.4531184


>> No.4531188

I work at a small local statewide chain.

It has like four co-owners and one of them is an old white (technically democrat but might as well be Republican) Italian guy with very old fashioned beliefs and absolutely no filter. Some of the shit he says in front of or too customers is mortifyingly embarrassing but absolutely hilarious.

Here's a couple of quotes/examples:

1.) "Why the fuck would you eat here if you are so fucking fat?" - in reference to an overweight lady who ordered food. She overheard him.

2.) "Which one do you think is the field slave and which one is the house slave?" - Comment made to the back line staff referencing two black girls who came in. Unsure if they heard him.

3.) He calls one black coworker Django (reference to the move Django Unchained.)

There are many more but these are most prominent. He's deeply religious, very old fashioned and as such often comes off as racist sometimes. He is a straight shooter and swears in front of customers (family restaurant) and speaks his mind at any time for any reason. He also likes to go in the back room and browse Facebook and Youtube on the computer until it gets busy.

He's a real character though and he can get away with it because he's a co-owner. I'm okay with it though because the shit that comes out of his mouth is downright hilarious and makes for great stories.

>> No.4531744

There is a place in Manhatten I don't remember the name of it (probably several places that do this) where if you complain about ANYTHING, even a legitimate mistake, the cook/owner will come out of the kitchen and personally throw your ass out.

>> No.4531753

>Fucking indians always trying to get a discount

>> No.4531768

I am glad your dad is dead. He was a terrible person

>> No.4531781

>work at a hotel, evening shift don't get a break for dinner so usually order out
>we have lots of brochures and ads on display at the front desk for the guests, I always talk up the good places
>almost always order from this one pizza place that's close and pretty good
>very rarely tip, because fuck tipping, those delivery fags don't even do the cooking
>after a few weeks
>call in a for a pizza
>manager of the place brings it himself
>tells me if I don't start tipping his drivers, they won't deliver to me anymore
>take all their brochures off the desk, take down their ad, always suggest somewhere else to guests
>never order from them again

tl;dr don't fuck with your customers, that guy probably lost a really big ass chunk of sales, hotels are big places man.

>> No.4531814

>you sure showed him.

>> No.4531821

That's a little harsh.

>> No.4531846

knowing Florida I wouldn't be surprised if it really did happen

>> No.4531859


>Be in hotel
>first time traveling to middle of nowhere in California
>front desk recommends a pizza place to order in from
>I call them
>guy on the phone acts like a complete dick
>keeps trying to ask me if I've ordered before
>his attitude indicates he's not very happy about delivering to the hotel
>I keep telling him no, it's a fucking hotel, stupid
>still not sure if he ended up delivering a spit covered pizza or not

>> No.4531866

It's really not surprising in FL. There are some fucked-up Christian wackos there. I went to visit my uncle, and he took me to Waffle House. Our waitress kept throwing in little "God bless" comments the entire fucking time.

>> No.4531928

What the fuck part of South Florida were you guys in?

>> No.4531984

Lived in extremely small town for first two years of college.

One of two restaurants in town a was a decent diner, but they had only one waitress (still do, I imagine, too, despite likely many local students willing to work there). She could not be arsed to do anything for you, even if you were a regular.

I'm talking "SIGH looks like I'll have to go fire up the blender to make a milkshake" stupidity. And slow as hell service in a restaurant with decent line cooks and almost no seating.

>> No.4531995


I lived in Austin, it's pretty bad there especially. It's just sad that idiots like you seem to think sweatpants or shorts are an acceptable way to appear in public. I don't want to see a fucker in sandals when I'm eating a carefully crafted meal.

Also, you don't have a girl. Enjoy your hand.

And also, it's Town Lake, not Ladybird.

>> No.4532002


You mean the Soup Nazi?

>> No.4532008

I would have smacked the shit out of those folks for laying a hand on my kid

>> No.4532010

You sound like an asshole

>> No.4532071

Worked at some dumpy tourist trap restaurant while in college. The manager was known all over town as the local nutjob. Basically, the place was a pizza shop that served practically inedible yet VERY overpriced pizza and subs to unsuspecting tourists (we're talking $25 for a 14" pepperoni pizza). She refused to use mozzarella on her pizzas, claiming it was too expensive. Instead she used white cheddar ("They'll never know the difference!").
She had this little jewelery stand up front near the register, with a little sign that said "authentic Caribbean jewelery!". These were just cheap, plastic beaded necklaces and earrings that she had marked upwards of $30 each. Nobody ever touched this shit, as far as I know, she had never sold one.
One night, I'm sweeping around the counter when one of the old shelves breaks and a big, black chest comes tumbling down. It hits the ground and flies open, and tons of "authentic Caribbean jewelery" goes flying everywhere. I start to pick it up as she comes running out from the kitchen, yelling "YOU THIEVING PIECE OF SHIT, TRYING TO STEAL MY EXPENSIVE NECKLACES, NO WONDER I'M NOT SELLING ANY, YOU KEEP STEALING THEM FOR YOURSELF!"
I just stare blankly at her, dumbfounded. "I didn't take anything, I'm cleaning this mess up. The shelf broke."
I called her a fucking nutcase and walked the fuck out of there.
Bonus greentext incidents:
>She hired a 14 year old girl to bus tables, called her a "stupid shit" in front of customers and left her bawling in the dining room. When I took her out back to calm her down, she came running after us, calling us "fucking pussies".
>A customer who had recently undergone chemo found one of my boss's hairs in her food and demanded a refund (the hair was blonde, only my boss had blonde hair). When confronted about it, my boss accused her of putting her own hair in the meal to avoid paying, yelling "Take off the handkerchief, we know you're not really bald!"

>> No.4532087

I don't have any really bad experiences. I think the worst was when I asked for a refill on my drink and the waitress looked at me and rolled her eyes.

>> No.4532090

>No free food. She wanted us to pay full price for her shit. So employees brought their own lunches. She banned "outside food" from the store. So we just brought dry goods and kept them in our cars. She banned "outside food" from her property, and added a new rule stating that if you left the property while on the clock you would be fired. When still no one ate her food she began docking us $10 a week because "we were probably eating it when she wasn't around". We weren't.
>Made seafood chowder during a heatwave. No one ordered it and it went bad in the shitty refrigeration unit. She dumped all the "guts" into a strainer and "washed" them under the sink while she cooked a new cream base. She did this 3 times with the same "guts".

>> No.4532101


I love how if this person hadn't said the word Indian the response would have been 'bitch deserved it' or something. :(

>> No.4532102

I have to know the name of this place

>> No.4532106

Actually, those fucks renamed Town Lake "Ladybird". I was like WTF, you can't fucking rename Town Lake! But, now we have all these fucknuts from other places who think they know better.
Anyway, all you need to know is that arse who responded to you is some douchedongle from somewhere else who moved in and thinks they know all about Austin. I bet they have a fucking "Keep Austin Weird" sticker on their car too.

>> No.4532107


>person in 30's or 40's
>manager at restaurant
>height of career
>nowhere up to go
>mean to kids with future ahead of them

ya real surprising. ;)

>> No.4532113

>went out to local pizzeria-type place with my gf
>she orders a mimosa and her entree
>whatever, she just turned 21, so alright then
>order my drink and entree
>waitress just says yep and walks away
>wait 25 minutes, no drinks
>ask another waitress about it
>she brings us both some water and apologizes
>place is really busy so she runs off before my gf can ask about her mimosa
>original waitress comes out with our food
>drops it on the table
>literally drops it
>walks away
>only comes back to toss the check on the table
>still charged for the mimosa
>gf gets pissed
>"I never received my mimosa, yet it's still on the bill. Can you please remove it?"
>exasperated sigh as she swipes the check back and storms off
>leave shitty tip

>> No.4532143

>leave shitty tip
why would you leave any tip at all?

hell if you want to make a point leave obviously fake money. think monopoly money

>> No.4532152

>last place i worked
>most chef's there all had inferiority complexes, all seemed to think they were top notch chefs cooking in a high class restaurant.
>manager was a retard, no people skills, no managerial skills
>her way of motivating people was to walk into the kitchen really angrily and say "I WANT YOU ALL MOTIVATED!".. or "WHY AREN'T YOU SMILING, C'MON GUYS, YOU NEED TO CONCENTRATE TODAY!"
>every single morning i walk into work, first thing she says to me is "i hope you're awake today anon!" she thought it was hilarious, this is how she greeted me every morning.

i worked fryers, food prep, waiting, stock counts, basically i did most things in the kitchen, one of the few people who could, it's an easy job, it just gets really fucking busy which makes it harder.

>ill have like 20 orders up
>another chef will have like 3
>he wants to send out some of my orders
>asks me why my orders are taking so long

>busy lunch shift
>chef's call for veg
>i get it, about to put it in steamer
>manager stops me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
>me "putting veg in..."
>manager "WELL DO IT THEN!"

>chef "can i put in veg for 10 people please?"
>me "ok, it'll be two mins"
>chef "can you hurry up please"
>me "what? it's on a timer, i can't make it go faster"
>30 seconds later "is it ready yet?...
> Me "no, i said two minutes
>chef "im desperate on it, need it now"
>me 'well i can't speed up time"
>chef "don't be sarcastic with me! you need to hurry up!"
>one minute later, "is it ready yet?..."
>me "be 30 seconds"
>chef "can you hurry up please"

this would happen every single day!!!

>> No.4532155


fuck, i tip most of the time, but with a bitch like that, i'd be all over the manager asking why they think it's acceptable for their servers to be so shitty. definitely no tip, at the least. or like a 50 cent tip. servers hate that shit.

>> No.4532156

When I say "shitty tip", I mean like 33 cents so that my bill would be an even number. Seems like a bigger slap in the face.

>> No.4532165

can i have a pizza please, with no cheese and no base. thanks

>> No.4532239

I don't work in a kitchen and never will, but this is one of things I never understand watching kitchen shows. Even on Hell's Kitchen Ramsey is always screaming about how long the beef wellington or fish is taking, but isn't that kind of impossible to cook any faster properly?

>> No.4532258


It's like a Tsundere cafe.

>> No.4532260

>Go out to buffet with the boyfriend (His choice, huge mistake).
>Get seated and fatass black lady takes our drink orders
>Food is ok, but we have to chase her down to get refills every time
>Chase her down one last time to ask for the check
>She takes the money and brings back the change/receipt and slams it on the table
>Then she stands there and stares at us.
>Realize she's waiting for us to tip her, despite the fact that she has done almost nothing.
>I take all the change off the table and have to practically push past her to leave
>Have never gone back

For the life of me I will never understand some peoples' attitudes.

>> No.4532281

>both of them claimed that it didn't happen.
Oh god, that makes it funnier.

>> No.4532299
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Living in Austin now, everyone calls it Ladybird which I think is retarted. At least people who dress down here(when going out to eat) are good looking. It's awful in Houston, seeing people in stained shirts. guts hanging out and all.

>> No.4532374

Amy's Baking Company

>> No.4532412

>>Be middle aged woman

This is your problem. It fall sunder the umbrella of jealousy. You are no longer sexually viable and are falling apart while the waitress is young and vibrant, obviously brimming with sexuality and is 'worth' more than you. In short, you were 'mirin, but you did it like a complete bitch.

>> No.4532420

They feel entitled to shit for doing shit all

>> No.4532430

I wonder:
"Got it, one sandwich with veggies coming right up"

>> No.4532434

I wear sweat pants all the time but you sound fat for some reason

>> No.4532465

As an Indian, I apologise for my kind. I swear not all of us are like that.

The worst part is when they complain and say it's not fair when you call them cheap. Don't like the stereotype? Don't perpetuate it.

>> No.4532481


Go back to the front house Sammy.

Stop promoting Amy's baking company, you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4532494

One time I went to a restaurant by myself for dinner and I wasn't allowed because of the way I was dressed. I wore a dress shirt, soft black dress pants and dress shoes. I was denied because wasn't wearing a tie and jacket. I suspected that the host was just being racist because I saw a number of white men inside that didn't have on jackets and ties.

>> No.4532521

> go to subway
> only one there
> only one worker there
> starts making my sandwich
> two more customers come in
> finishes with the cheese on my sandwich
> sets my sandwich aside
> starts on their order
> leave

>> No.4532535

Its all about tempo, a good kitchen runs like clockwork, a tables meals all seamlessly coming together is a 30 second window. The yelling about time is to make sure everyone in the kitchen understands the tempo, and if they are off tempo to speak up and fix it.

>> No.4532791


Delivery drivers hate delivering to hotels anyway so you did them a favor.

>> No.4532803

holy shit

>> No.4532850

this isn't anything big but god i hate being blamed for shit at reasturants
>waitress is pretty quiet so as well as telling her what i want i point to it on the menu as well
> she repeats my order back to me correctly
>brings my food
>it's completely different to what i pointed at/ordered so i tell her
> she tells me I told her the wrong thing
>refuses to accept she's in the wrong even when my bf confirms i ordered the right thing

thank god I'm english so not tipping doesnt seem rude as fuck

>> No.4532858

golf shirt and shorts is a comfortable and not too bad looking way of dressing.

wtf do you expect them to wear a suit?

>> No.4532886

i read this in an indian accent.

>> No.4532923

>My health teacher told me this

Your insults are misdirected, maybe try reading the post next time you colossal chucklefuck.

I find it hard to believe the place was that fancy if she was dressed as trampy as described, so it was probably exaggerated for reasons >>4532412 already stated.

>> No.4533143

>Soup Nazi
>quick search
>see wiki page

>The character was inspired by Al Yeganeh, a soup vendor who runs Soup Kitchen International in New York City.[9] Yegeneh has stated on numerous occasions that he is very offended by the "Soup Nazi" moniker.
>had no idea this was based on someone real

>According to writer Spike Feresten, Jerry Seinfeld and several members of the production team went to Soup Kitchen International for lunch weeks after "The Soup Nazi" aired. Upon recognizing Seinfeld, Yeganeh went into a profanity-filled rant about how the show had "ruined" his business and demanded an apology. Seinfeld allegedly gave what Feresten describes as "the most insincere, sarcastic apology ever given". Obviously having seen the episode, Yeganeh then bellowed, "No soup for you!" and ejected them from the restaurant.
Serves them right.

>> No.4533156

>at some italian restaurant
>waitress drops scalding hot pasta fagioli on my lap
>I jump up and get it off
>she yells at me for ruining carpet

manager was a bro though, hooked me up with free booze for the rest of the night even though I was 17 .

>> No.4533704

I'm from the UK and I don't remember having any trouble from any waiters whenever i've been out.

I guess having waiters/waitresses working for an actual wage and not having to stress over being tipped or not really helps.

>> No.4533736


there sure are a lot of texas folks on /ck/ I've noticed over the years

>> No.4533754

I'm a traveler, and sometimes I like to treat myself to nice meals. I have dirty clothes with holes in them, and I have lots of money. I like to wear clothes until they're completely unwearable. I like to draw on my shows. It's called fashion. I could understand being at a wedding, but not any ol' restaurant.

>> No.4533800


You went out to eat in sweat pants? Man, that's just embarrassing. I hope you're 16, I really do.

>> No.4533803

Not everyone wears a fedora and zoot suit everywhere they go like your autistic ass.

>> No.4533814


>I'm no paragon of style

that one made me crack up

>> No.4533822


You know what? I actually agree with the two of you. What bothers me is that there actually are people that leave the house wearing sweatpants when their intention is anything but doing sports. It is just mind blowing to me.

>> No.4533825


I'm feelin you on that one.

>> No.4533828




are you retarded? the woman literally didn't even do anything

>> No.4533833
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Putting on formal wear is not exactly the same thing as dressing like a hipster.

>> No.4533840

>black lady
>acting entitled
No surprise there

>> No.4533847

>they should let me into any restaurant, however fancy, because I'm rich and have nice Sharpie doodles on my shoes
You're basically advertising the fact that you're unfamiliar with high-class dining. I'm not trying to debate the /fa/ merits of your shoes; it's just that you'll be turned away at the door of certain establishments based solely on your clothes. They don't care if you pull a wad of $100s out of your hobo jacket and tell them you're gonna spend big.

>> No.4533868


I love how you attack her even though it wasn't even her in the restaurant. You must live a pretty damn sad life and if anything you're the one making it very obvious to us that your misogyny is based on women rejecting your ugly ass for your entire life.

>> No.4533877


When you hear people bitching about getting thrown out when looking like white trailer trash at a restaurant and then in comparison something that actually is unacceptable behaviour like in your case you realize how self-entitled some people on here are.

>> No.4533880


Not the guy you're talking to but when you're going to an upper-class restaurant it's completely unacceptable to wear shorts. Now golf shirts are just plain ugly, that's a different thing. When going to a regular restaurant I usually just wear jeans and a shirt.

>> No.4533883


>>relatively fancy
>I find it hard to believe the place was t h a t fancy

It's funny because you were shitting on that other guy for lack of reading comprehension

>> No.4533885


I mean the joke is funny and all that but ruining someones business just isn't cool.

>> No.4533887


Dear god yes. Went to Dallas for a conference, was horrified at how people dressed and acted at supposed restaurants. Not to mention 8/10 places just cared about the volume of food, not the quality.

Austin has some good places, but the rest of Texas is pig fucking disgusting.

>> No.4533939

>Seinfeld allegedly gave what Feresten describes as "the most insincere, sarcastic apology ever given".
If you've ever seen him in interviews, this is not a surprise AT ALL. You're expecting that loveable goofball from the show, then he opens his mouth and immediately you realize, holy shit this guys kind of an asshole and not in the funny way like his character on the show, just the asshole part.

>> No.4533942

seriously. the first words out of my mouth would have been threats to call the police for assaulting my child

>> No.4533944

>My dad (a cafe owner) asked a stinky man and his wife to sit outside because of the smell. They never came back lol
>He also tells people who think a dining establishment is a playground for their children to control their kids or leave

customers are plebs

>> No.4533949
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>not $3.50
Do you even Loch Ness Monster?

>> No.4533959

entitled prick

>> No.4533961


>> No.4533970

Protip: Dallas just sucks. No Texas resident likes Dallas

>> No.4534063
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>not thinking they're going to care if he's dressed sloppily if he's going to blow massive amounts of money at their establishment

>> No.4534087

sounds like a delicious place to eat, watching a chicks ass and vag! goddam, I'd pay extra for that.

>> No.4534089

Ausfag here, our bills being colour coded makes that far less likely to happen.

>> No.4534091

whoa, not the guy you are responding to but it appears you are in fact the person with issues. His statements are obviously correct (aside from directing them at the poster rather than the teacher the poster was referring to). Please sit down on the couch and explain why you thought the middle aged woman was a misogynist, as those were in fact the thoughts going through her head.

>> No.4534093

Its completely acceptable when you are upper class.

>> No.4534100

Monopoly is color coded.
I hate monopoly.
Its a god damn conundrum.
One Many.

>> No.4534107

larry david is not a cool guy, never was and never will be eaven if he hangs out with hanna monnntanna

He is funny though!

>> No.4534108

Whoa there buddy, watch it with that edge. I suggest you eat in Dallas, that sounds like your type of "people". That way you can also keep calling it Town Lake like the screwup you are.

>> No.4534113

Says the newbie wannabe-slacker. All that traffic congestion is making you constipated and angry.

>> No.4534123

That's terrible. What's the name of that horrible place so I can avoid tits,ass, and vagina with my meal? Oh. ..and the shift that waitress works also

>My health teacher told me this the other day, greentxt'd for your ease
>>Be middle aged woman
>>Go to relatively fancy restaurant with husband
>>Be seated
>>Waitress comes over to take our orders
>>Breast literally falling out of her shirt, can see her bra.
>>Skirt short enough to see her ass and sometimes her vagina if she bent too far down
>>Comes with our food swaying her hips back and fourth
>>Leave a 10 cent tip after meal
>>"What, only 10 cents? But I'm in college!"

>> No.4534124

to all you jew bastards complaining about shitty service the reason you get shitty service is you tip shit.

im a server and i make pretty damn good money i support my family. pay my bills on time and i have no debt im 29 years old. i have been in the restaurant business since i was 18 for the last 10 years i worked as a cook until i was a sous chef in a restaurant.

for the past year now i have waited tables, i work about only about 30 hours a week and i make roughly the same wages i made as a sous chef.

to be honest all the servers talk in the restaurant and if your a regular and you dont tip for shit or if you are a pain in the ass no one wants to serve you. i only make 4.77$ an hour with out tips and if i think your table isnt going to tip me im not going to give you good service.

people that are notorious for not tipping are, young teenagers, blacks, spanish, and indians.

hate to stereo type or sound racist because truely im not but these people never tip for shit and even if i hustle my ass off and give wonderful service the most i will get is 3 dollars.

>> No.4534127

>i only make 4.77$ an hour
Whose fault is that?

>> No.4534132

Ah so I'm a wannabe, newbie girlfriendless slacker in your mind. Its interesting what you've chosen to project :)

>> No.4534135

We wouldn't tip shit, if we didnt get shit service.

Its a looping circle, and at 29, I would have tried to get out years ago.

>> No.4534139

Also, if I am at a restaurant and am strapped for cash, I will simply explain that I do not have a lot of money, and cannot tip more than 15-20 percent.
I say this before I order, and I apologize, and I always get great service even if they know theyre only getting two or three dollars.

>> No.4534147

Usually that is the point they put the sub in the toaster, if they do they start on another order while it cooks. Maybe he just fucked up and forgot to ask you if you wanted it toasted.

>> No.4534148

I once went to complain to the chef about my food with my friend, he called her "bimbo" and when i confronted him about hurting her feelings, he told me to go "back to plastic surgery" and went back to the kitchen with this horrible attitude.

>> No.4534149

well 4.77$ before tips douche even during slow season i make over 500$ per week just in tips and during the busy season i make 1000$ per week in tips. i make about 30k a year and i work 30 hours per week.

the thing is this i give everyone the same service but some people just give shit tips. but once i realize that you are one of the cheap assholes i dont do much at your table because whats the point, if i bust my ass and give you good service you still wont realize it and will leave a shitty tip.

when i cash out each night i usually am making about 18% of my sales in tips even with occassional cheap ass people who leave 2 or 3 dollars. if it all averages out i would say most people leave me 20% due to the good service i give.

>> No.4534160

Just to let you know, I am one of those guys that doesn't tip more often than I do.

Unless the service is great, you won't get a tip. A tip is a bonus, and bringing my food isn't stellar service, it is what I expect when I go to a restaurant.

And being retardedly obsequious? No tip. I came to eat and talk with the person/people I came with, not be interrupted and make fake small talk with my new 'buddy'.

>> No.4534166

itt minimum wage workers pretending they have class
pleb go smile for a dollar

>> No.4534170

I went to this local chain pizza place where you order and pickup at the counter. We get like 5 pizzas to take to a party and pay up. While we are talking in the parking lot the dude behind the counter storms out yelling at us for not tipping him. We told him to kindly fuck off. News flash service workers: if you don't exit the counter you don't get a tip. If you demand a tip, I'll do everything in my power to get you fired.

>> No.4534172

babbys first troll but sure ill respond.

im the server who has the cooks make your food extra extra spicy and then wont refill your drink. so you win your litte war and i win mine.

>> No.4534174

So you order a pizza, pick it up, and get yelled at by a cashier that they want a tip?
Whats next, wal-mart cashiers want a tip for bagging your groceries?

>> No.4534181

It isn't a troll, I am being honest.

I see a tip as a bonus. I go to the restaurant and pay the menu price for my food and the service to bring it there. Anything extra results in a tip.

Also, you wouldn't win a war. I like my food spicy and would just ask you to refill my drink. If you refused to, I would tell the manager or refuse to pay for that part of my meal and maybe make a big stink about it if I was in the mood and had the time.

And when I forget about the episode the second I leave the restaurant, you would be dealing with it or pissed off for a while.

>> No.4534196

>Go to a high class resteraunt with the girlfriend for valentines day dinner.

>We both hate kids/ toddlers etc and the place we're going is our favourite, semi- upper class, but they have a big sign in the window saying "No Children under 8 allowed"

> Arrive, get waited, entree is good, wine is excellent.

> Suddenly


>Children everywhere

>Babies, tots, toddlers, elementary kids, chodings, aspies, autists, downs, entitled brats, everything.

> Running around everywhere causing amess, yelling, screaming, bawling, allwhile their parents are yelling at the poor new staff at the front counter.

>Turns out the imbicile soccer mums decided to protest against the 'no children' rule on valentines fucking day.

> Manager is a great guy, orders all the waiters and kitchen hands to block off entry from the foyer to the main dining room. Tells the kids their parents have candy, human wall holds untill police arrive about 10 minutes later, three arrests, crowd is dispersed.

>All the while service is still going, albeit slowly.

>Once everything is taken care of everybody stands up and gives the staff a round of applause for their efforts.

> Everybody tips $25 minimum.

>Doesn't make the news the next day

It's moments like these that somewhat restore my hope in humanity

>> No.4534203

Wow. I think you just made my night. Where is this?

>> No.4534233

>they never refill our drinks or take our plate away, and my dad had to go ask the manager for the check
>my dad had to go ask the manager for the check
what's it like having a beta bitch for a father?

>> No.4534245

Now see, if you don't go out of your way to serve me (aka, checking in to be sure I have what I need, being on top of getting me refills, pointing out things I might be interested in, getting my food just how Id like and not fucking up the order to bad. And above all else, having a nice attitude) then you aint getting shit as a tip.

I came out to a restaurant to eat and pay for food. Not an asshole who plops it on the table, never says a word to me after, then expects ten bucks or whatever the tip would be. If you're a good one, though, then Id be happy to give you some cash.

Get your ass a minimum wage job if you're that pissy. Minimum out here is $7.25.

>> No.4534260

please don't listen to this faggot troll

>> No.4534270
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>three arrests
That's fantastic.

>> No.4534298

People with children are just so damn ridiculous. Nice story, though.

>> No.4534300

as a parent, we're not. Some entitled douchebag parents have to ruin it for all of us.

>> No.4534307


>> No.4534308

Than Brothers on Highway 99 in Seattle?

'866 here, I was in St. Petersburg.

>> No.4534314
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>Waiter - does nothing
>Makes $1000 week memorizing what drinks people ordered and bringing them 1 plate of food for... ohh no . 6 hours a day.
>Basis service based on tips received. (Than don't accept the $4.77 an hour DUMBFUCK)

I will never tip ever again & complain directly to a GM if anyone gives me shit.

>> No.4534315

I can't think of any examples. Probably because I'm a quiet customer who doesn't make a scene.

I had to wait for 2 and a half hours for some ribs once, though.

>> No.4534320


More people need to do this.

The tipping system should stop. The only thing that it does is turn waiters into entitled assholes who do a shitty job and then get mad when they get the tip that they deserve.

>> No.4534323

If you stop tipping you'll just pay more in food prices once they have to be paid minimum

So whatever

>> No.4534324


Yep, they'd start charging what the business actually costs to run.

Which is what they should be doing to begin with.

>> No.4534325

>people actually think they have to pay the "mandatory" 18% gratuity on parties of 6 or more

>> No.4534388

>haven't seen my mom in awhile
>take her out to lunch one weekday
>just some regular diner near her work
>"please wait to be seated" sign
>have to flag down waitress to be seated
>be seated
>have to flag down waitress to have order taken
>nest to us: woman, her yelling and bouncing kids, woman's mother
>kids start running around the restaurant
>mom barely notices they're gone
>say to my mom
"I don't remember acting like that in public places, especially restaurants"
>she says
"I didn't let you act like that because I was the parent and not every place is a playground"
>one kid bumps my chair then spills something on his table
"what the fuck, lady? watch your kids!"
>she looks at me clearly in shock
"don't swear, my kids are here!"
"holy shit, about time you noticed them"
>haven't seen any waitstaff in 15 minutes
>look around
>they're talking to each other in far corner
>they clearly don't give a fuck here
>yell across restaurant
"hey, you better give me my check now because I'm getting the fuck out of here"
>pay in cash
>leave loose change as "tip"
>mom laughing all the way back to her work

Food was decent and reasonably priced but I will never go there again.

>> No.4534399

You sound insufferable.

>> No.4534400


I once tipped the pizza counter guy like a dollar because we had a nice chat and he was a cool guy.

>> No.4534401
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>"don't swear, my kids are here!"
glad to see you care

>> No.4534405


He doesn't seem too bad to me.

Parents need to keep an eye on their kids (and preferably leave them at home while at restaurants), and employees need to give a fuck about their job.

>> No.4534423

Yes, and as an adjusted person they should be able to take unfortunate situations in stride.

>> No.4534450


If everybody keeps their mouths shut, then nobody ever learns.

>> No.4534454

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

(we could go back and fourth with this shit all day)

>> No.4534461


Not always true. While you should start with honey, intensity often gets the message across better than being nice. Anybody who's ever been a boss (or had a boss) should know this.

In his case, it sounds like he played nice with the staff's bullshit at first, and there's really no polite way to say "Your obnoxious as fuck kids are bothering me. Get a handle on them."

>> No.4534463

>$2 or $3

That's the tip I leave wherever I go, because I usually only get something that is $10-$15.

You seem a bit entitled.

>> No.4534473

Well, talking sternly as an adult in a position of authority instead of bitching with profanity like a child would be one thing.

Also trying to inform management instead of being passive aggressive to the wait staff would be another.

His tactics sound like the making of a douchebag boss.

>> No.4534493


And who exactly is the authority to talk to over the bad parent? If they're bothering you, you need to speak up and let them know, because chances are that they're bothering more timid people, too.

Making a scene might get the message across better to the management depending on the manager, too. Angry people are the sorts who spread the word. The last thing you need are angry customers getting on yelp and talking about how lazy your fucking waiters are.

You make it sound like anger and aggression aren't useful tools. While there's definitely a place for them, I don't think that he was wrong in either circumstance.

>> No.4534499

Angry people get shut out, and profanity usually doesn't help your case at all.

I guess we can just agree to disagree.

>> No.4534522


And people who don't show aggression can come across as overly passive and get shrugged off. Especially in the case of something like the parent, where she doesn't have money to lose.

>> No.4534534

That is the best story.

>> No.4534538

Hotels and motels were always an experience for me. I once had a guy climb out the window to get to his truck so he could look for the card that was used to place the order.

>> No.4534543
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Look at this arrogant little shit. How dare he ask of anything? He needs to sit down and shut up until the situation improves itself.

>> No.4534561

It's called being assertive.

I'm sorry that your only options are retracting into your shell or acting like an asshole. Maybe you should get out of the basement and learn human interaction.

>> No.4534570
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I love restaurant/waiter threads, even if half of the stories are b.s., its still good.

Nothing ever interesting ever happened to me when I was a waiter. I just did my job, and went home with my smelly stack of cash (people could smoke in restaurants back then).

>> No.4534571

You sound like you haven't quite mastered human interaction.

>> No.4534581
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My bf and I also loathe kids (especially little babies/toddlers). Your story gave me hope that people are beginning to stop bending over backwards for these bitter, burdened fuckshits. I would have tipped heartily, too. Thank you, you've made my night.

>> No.4534582

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.4534586
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>> No.4534587

The guy that owns the supermarket is just like that. He has a reputation for being the biggest asshole in our town (the supermarket is the biggest one in our town and our town is pretty small so the reputation is pretty accurate). He had a go at a pregnant co-worker who came in barefoot to do her shopping in the summer, saying shit about how she doesn't respect herself and her baby. She is a total bitch and I wouldn't come into the shop barefoot just based on what I know the place is like, but it was still pretty harsh.

>> No.4534588

*supermarket I work at

>> No.4534593

Fuck children and the entitled sows who shit them. Well behaved kids are few and far between these days. Pathetic.

>> No.4534600

I fucking wish.

>> No.4534618

They do.

Because more often than not it's included in the final cost of the bill.

>> No.4534629

>Be "Shift Manager" - basically I was the General Manager's bitch
>Get connived into opening on Saturdays
>GM is scheduled in at 10
>She constantly shows up an hour, two hours late
>Truck is late and hasn't arrived so we don't have a specific kind of dough for a certain type of menu item
>Phone survey from corporate, they ask for said menu item, be truthful because I'm an honest motherfuck
>Apparently they tell the RM
>He comes storming down and chews my ass out saying that you never say that an item is out, and that if it came to it I should have used an entirely different dough for said menu item
>Get suspended for a whole week

The hell.

>Start of the Summer season
>Party of 11 in one room
>Customers start filtering in for the lunch rush
>Just me and the GM there
>No second server scheduled that day because weekdays are usually slow
>Getting my ass handed to me trying to juggle 7 different tables at once
>End up having a nervous breakdown and step outside to take a breather
>GM chews me out, I tell her that I'm just taking a breather, chews me out more, tell her to fuck off
>She fires me
>When unemployment comes around she tries to say that I quit

Been burned by Food Service twice now. Do not think that I will let it do it a third time.

>> No.4534632

I've lived in Austin for my entire life, born here. I've worked at more than one restaurant here and a couple of nice ones, too.

And I hate when people don't dress for dinner. I hate it. I HATE IT. But I'll only voice my anger here on the internet. Everyone else here will think I was a snobby new Austinite.
And I get confused when people say Ladybird.

>> No.4534653


Hooray for big businesses, playground of the sociopaths.

This is why you get out of menial positions and into places where you're too valuable to just toss around like that.

>> No.4534660

No, NO! We dob't think you're a snobby new Austinite. YOU are in the right, it's people like that guy further up who said "he and his lady" go out for dinner in sweats and shit after "walking around Ladybird Lake". THAT faggot is in the wrong. Austin has always been a convivial, easy going, polititco savy town, with a thriving underground, but goddamnit, people used to know how to dress and behave.

>> No.4534670


He's been working all day.

If he wants to relax at dinner in some nice comfortable sweats, that's his right. He's a paying customer, and you're in the service industry. So shut up and do your fucking job, you goddamn autist.

>> No.4534684
File: 94 KB, 640x354, Mr_Jingles_NOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably pissed that you killed someone's Mr. Jingles.

>> No.4534685

Hey. Hey. That's exactly what we are doing. Letting people come into this place I'm proud of working in, a place where everyone puts in so many hours working really hard only to have some dudes who can't even go home and take a quick shower before coming to our restaurant.

Exactly what I am doing is doing my fucking job. I will smile and be really nice and make sure you have a great time. But I don't respect you. Sorry.

>> No.4534686

I'm not in the service industry, you fucking faggot with poor taste. Just because someone wants to be a paying cutomer doesn't mean they can come in dressed like a bum. Dress codes, do you get it? Things like this make me wish I DID own a restaurant, just so I could keep people like you out.

>> No.4534716


Work past your autism and lrn 2 empathy, you autismal fucks.

Restaurants are a place where people go to relax. Their muscles are tense, they're tired, and they have headaches. Oftentimes, the first thing that you want to do after a hard day at work is ditch the fancy clothes and switch into something more comfortable. Also, if you're in the service industry and not an owner or running kitchen, chances are that he or she has put a lot more effort into his life than you have.

You work hard? Then realize why you're working hard. You're there to make their evening relaxing. That's your service.

>> No.4534730

Dress codes. Bah! As long as you're hygienic and don't wear anything with a huge hole in it and your clothes themselves are clean, and you're not an asshole, I don't see why people are turned down. Like that fucker who goes to the stadium painted head to toe, complete with sippy cup hat and sneering at some guy with his team's cap on because he's just a casual and not a REAL fan.

>> No.4534743

Lol no, because I wouldn't expect to find a waitress dressed like that in a RELATIVELY fancy place, which is my point.

>> No.4534745

You learn some empathy, asshole. You don't know they're lives. You are being autistic and not considering what I said.

I only said that I do not respect people who dine at a high-end restaurant in sweat pants. That is not acceptable to me, both as a patron and as a worker. It's disrespectful, both to customers and the establishment you're dining in. There is a place to wear casual clothing, and plenty of eateries where that is 100% acceptable.

But, you know, if you feel okay with living your life that way, then that's okay, man. Also, you seem like a handful. Tip your waiters, kids.

>> No.4534747



>> No.4534755


>You don't know they're lives.

And neither do you. Which is why you should assume that they work for a living, as your average person does.

If the workers feel that it's disrespectful to them when someone shows up in sweat pants, that shows a lack of understanding of where their job sits in the grand scheme of society, which is the point that I've been trying to get through your thick skull. And the average customer is not autismal enough to give a shit.

>> No.4534775

Nope, if the customer requests not to pay the "mandatory" gratuity, then the restaurant has to leave it off the bill

>> No.4534779

This is correct, though I've heard it varies legally from state to state

>> No.4534782

exactly, but i would get this shit every single day, sometimes a chef would come over and just stand there watching the timer saying "c'mooon, c'mooon why's it taking so long" and then would turn to me asking me to put it in sooner next time, even though there is like a ten second period between me prepping it and putting it in the steamer

>> No.4534818

I work as a waiter and I often give a better service if I get to know the regulars, which make them giving me a good tip. It has nothing to do with the money, Im not asking them to tip more.

>> No.4534823

Holy fucking hell, are you me?

>working on ticket
>cooking chicken breast that's too damn thick because chef doesn't know how to cut it correctly
>Owner: "We need that chicken! Where is the CHICKEN?!?"

Oh, just a second... let me just tell the chicken breast to hurry the fuck up.

On top of it all, the executive chef's disorganized, panics easily, and slops out food (we're supposed to be a "nicer" establishment). And that's when he's even on the line. The rest of the time, he's playing Bejeweled on his phone when there's food prep to be done, order forms to be filled out, and I'm working on multiple tickets by myself.
No wonder we're behind on shit all of the time.

>> No.4534829


Sounds like an episode of Kitchen Nightmares.

>> No.4534832

I'm just waiting, dude... I'm just waiting to walk in and see Gordon Ramsay with a bunch of cameras.

>> No.4534859

south park joke
Chef's parents keep telling a talking about a story when the wife gave a loch ness monster 3.50, the damn would follow them everywhere, asking for "three-fiddy"

>> No.4534861

My previous job at Subway had a bithc ass manager. Unrealiable, jumped to conclusions, and never takes any blame. I found my current job at red lobster as a second job, since I was only part time and the bitch refused to give me anymore hours because she didn't want to handle the 'stress' of it. Im not joking, she sent me text telling me exactly that. I eventually just quit.

This Red Lobster job is the best I've head, i really scored. Everything about it great.

>> No.4534864


Sounds like my situation, except in restaurants instead of retail.

Still, fuck these menial jobs.

>> No.4534866

technically, he did. What he did there was probably the best thing a single customer can do to a business
Good for him, more people should do that shit

>> No.4534870

Lazy waiters? Its not our responsibility that parents cant control their hellspawns. If somebody asked me to tell children to shut up, I would tell them to do it themself. Im here to provide good service, not acting policeofficer

>> No.4534871

Seems bull-fucking-shit to me.
This, in particular:
>don't eat before saying grace

>> No.4534873

>implying "quesa" means cheese
fucking dumbass

>> No.4534874


Try following the conversation, idiot.

>> No.4534877

He complained about spoiled brats, and then pointed out the waiters didnt care. And then you called them lazy, so how exactly am I not following the conversation?

>> No.4534881


Try reading it again. From the beginning.

>> No.4534904

>be 1 week ago
>be at mexican restaurant
>plate is piping hot, girlfriend cant even and grabs plate
>she burns her fingers and bugs out
>she is socially retarded and has an anxiety attack
>embarassed about her anxiety attack and it gets worse
>top lel
waiter got a nice tip


>> No.4534924

i would love to go there omg

>> No.4534998

This. Tips are bonuses for services beyond the extraordinary. Problem is you have faggots like >>4534124 who expect that extra $5-$10 that he doesn't report to the IRS so he can get high and drunk and be a retard. You guys don't do anything other than what's described in your job description.

tl;dr extra work = extra money; regular work = paid wages

>> No.4535001

You should call WallyWorld and ask them to come put one down in your town.

captcha: names itypefun

>> No.4535016

inorite? My wife wants a kid SOOOO badly, and yet she sees these tard-squirters playing around with their phones rather than taking care of their children. World's stupid, man.

>> No.4535021

>go to a chop house
>nigger waiter starts talking down to me because i'm white
>call him a nigger
>i get asked to leave

>> No.4535038

oh god. it's so fucking annoying. just makes you wonder if they are doing it on purpose or if they literally have a 3 second memory. sometimes chef's at my work wouldn't even call the tickets, then suddenly
>chef 'i need two of x, is it ready yet?'
>me "you never called it"
>chef "yes i did"
>me, "and did i respond?"
>Chef "no, but that's not the point"

they would always bullshit about it, sometimes 3 people would be working where i worked and even 3 fucking people telling a chef he didn't call an order wasn't enough to make them accept they just didn't fucking do it.

people like me would get blamed for fucking everything, even stuff that isn't my responsibility. i was 19 when i was doing this job, some of the chef's were 30-40. was like working with children

>> No.4535046

Visit any non major city in the south.

>> No.4535065

Fuck you I love Dallas.

>> No.4535068

God you just made me so happy. Thanks anon.

>> No.4535122

I was coming home from a work night out and figured I'd have a quick beer at the brew pub near my house, a nightcap of you will. I will have a cigarette if I'm properly buzzed and this place had outdoor seating that no one was using which matters because I'm not a dick. I have the smokes but no lighter, after ordering my $6 beer as if they have a lighter or matches. I'm told no but I can check a few buildings down at whatever. I do and get a few pack of matches, go back enjoy me beer and my smoke on a gorgeous evening. Go back in and ask for my bill and also ask how they lit all the candles they have on all of their tables and the bar: "oh we have a lighter thing we use"...left a quarter and a pack of matches as a tip.

>> No.4535279


Obviously because all middle aged women are insanely jealous and very superficial

>> No.4535290

Every time I've been in Dallas, I've felt like I was going to get stabbed. The place is a shit hole.

>> No.4535305

Similar experience at grocery store
>be pop vendor
>dragging 1000+ pound pallets around everywhere at 2am at 24 hour store
>shit ass parent buying groceries with her three shit head kids
>almost run them the fuck over with pallets 3 separate times because they're running all over the place
>mom gets in my face about how i need to be more careful, could've hurt her spawn, blah blah blah
>overnight manager sees this and kicks her out due to him almost hitting the little faggots as well
>she rages, but ultimately pays with food stamps and leaves
inner city stores are the fucking worst.
sage for non restaurant story

>> No.4535311

>paid with food stamps and leaves

>> No.4535322
File: 41 KB, 640x338, 080723_food_stamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u racis?

>> No.4535437

>especially little babies/toddlers
Fuck you, as long as they aren't screaming, those kids are the best kids.

>> No.4535445

Sounds like a fun guy aside from the whole being rude in front of customers part.

>> No.4535563


My mom did this when she kicked red meat. I remember spending 10 mins at the drivethrough as she explained she wanted a cheeseburger with no burger.

>read posts about people getting butthurt over seeing people in sweats
>what gigantic autistic tightasses
>holy shit I feel the same way about pajama pants

Well you just sound like an asshole

>> No.4535578

>Work at bar/grill in the kitchen
>Sitting at the window all night making sure retarded new waitresses get their orders out correctly
>One girl tells us everything on her order is wrong, despite us following the order's ticket to the letter
>She throws a fit when I tell her it'll probably take another twenty minutes at least, having to recook almost everything
>She runs screaming to the manager to blame us for everything
>Spends 45 minutes not serving customers and screaming insults at us
>Manager eventually threatens to fire her if she doesn't get back to work, tells her it isn't the kitchen's fault the orders came out wrong
>Stupid waitress blames the computers that handle the order tickets and FINALLY gets back to work
>Bitches later that she didn't make enough in tips

A month later and she's still working here, she's gotten better since then, but she did have a freakout about some customers flirting with her.

>> No.4535670

They have to be paid minimum anyway. That's the fucking law.

>> No.4535723

I'll usually lay down five bucks as a tip even if my meal was only 10-15 bucks. I figure it's not so much the cost of my meal but the time the wait staff spent on taking care of me.

>> No.4535748

Oh jeez. Yeah, my boyfriend delivers, the hotels are the worst for him as well. The big ones are far away from the store so he usually loses money when he delivers to them (since they NEVER tip). I keep telling him he has to get a new job. So far he's been robbed once and his passenger side mirror ripped off.

>> No.4535826

>that virgin shaming
Fuck off SRS

>> No.4535857

>bf and I walk into chain restaurant
>host looks at us and then looks away. No smile, no welcome, nothing. The place wasn't even busy.
>We turn and walk right back out the door.

another time:

>bf and I want to check out local sushi place
>Not busy at all but curiously there is no host in sight.
>There's about three people in front of us and we wait about two or three minutes before we finally see an employee walking around.
>One man calls her over loudly saying "we've been waiting for our drinks for thirty minutes now!"
>She apologises to him, ignores the rest of us, and disappears for another two minutes.
>We leave.

>> No.4535882


It's never been enforced. Not to mention higher end restaurants won't get good servers paying the minimum. If servers are making 100 a night, and tips go away, wages and prices will go up. Not tipping is just avoiding paying part of your bill.

>> No.4535887

>>brings pho, sticks her finger into the bowl


>> No.4535892

>I like to wear clothes until they're completely unwearable. I like to draw on my shows. It's called fashion

sure it is you fucking slob

>> No.4535889

sort of, but starting pay in most tipping restaurants is under minimum wage, and it's legal.
if you cannot make more than minimum wage on the $4.50 they pay you with the money you get from tips, then the restaurant has to pay it. you can't live on minimum wage, though, so there's (clearly, if you've read any of the tipping threads, or this thread) a huge motivation to try to get as much money from customers in tips as you can while working.

>> No.4535895

>I have dirty clothes with holes in them, and I have lots of money.

seems legit.

>> No.4535898

>>not a white trash buffet, it was like $30 a person
>implying theres ever a "classy" buffet place

>> No.4535909


jealousy, you reek of it

>middle aged woman

dried up hag detected, stay mad at the young hot girls

>> No.4535908
File: 248 KB, 1280x1024, bear and dog sharing a slice of za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw they spent 15 minutes giving those japs a verbal ass ramming and didn't want you to see

>> No.4535931

Vegetarians/vegans are truly the worst.

>> No.4535940

If I went to Hungry Jacks and wanted a Big Mac, you sure as hell will be getting me a Big Mac, because da customur is alwaiz raight!

>> No.4536334

I'll have the chicken plate with extra breasts, please.

>> No.4536448


>> No.4537395

God, that's somehow a relief and terrible at the same time... hearing that my chef's not the only one like this. He SUCKS at calling things out, and then we basically have the same back-and-forth.
And he thinks he's the one holding it all together, but it's his sous chef that gets it all done. Needless to say, I have 100x more respect for the latter.

>> No.4537853


"What do you want?"
"Grilled cheese sandwich, please."
"What kind of cheese and what kind of meat?"
"No meat or cheese please, just vegetables."
"That's not a grilled cheese sandwich."

>> No.4537881


>> No.4537896


My experiences tell me that people who are in their 30s and 40s and still working in the service industry have an overwhelming tendency to behave like children. (unless the workplace ethos actively opposes it and pushes for responsibility and respect towards their subordinates on the part of the management)

I guess that chefs aren't an exception to the rule.

>> No.4538487

yeah, it's nice to know you aren't the only one going through this shit. i don't see why it's so fucking difficult for them to call orders, it's comes through a machine, that's right in-front of their fucking face.
it's great when chef's think they are the glue of the kitchen, when really they fuck everything up and make no effort at all to correct their mistakes, instead they just expect people to change and work around them.
i have a million fucking stories like this, fucking unbelievable how retarded some people are.

my manager was the worst too, every time she would say something she would always shout it and sound so angry, even asking perfectly normal questions, so you always think you're doing something wrong, which completely fucks with your head when you're trying to concentrate on busy shifts.

>manager "stop standing around. so some work!
>me "there's no orders right now
>manager "well do some cleaning then!"
>order comes through the second i start cleaning
>manager 'what are you doing there's an order! c'mon wake up!'

>> No.4538651

Someone hasn't been to many buffets.

>> No.4538855

Smoke crack in da hough house!