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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 154 KB, 390x241, negimiso_veggie_dog_credit_vanessa_k_rees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4513718 No.4513718 [Reply] [Original]

I'm hosting a party for Memorial Day, and since there will be vegetarians, lactose intolerant people, etc. attending I've decided to just make all the dishes vegan so everyone can eat everything.

/Ck have any good recipes to suggest for parties? So far I've got black bean burgers, hot dogs, pizza, Thai fresh rolls with curry peanut sauce, and enchiladas.

>> No.4513737

You cant respect the men who died for this country by shitting on their values

>> No.4513745


>> No.4513749

>Helping farmers by buying lots of vegetables.
>Farmers being the backbone of the country.

Nigga is a god damned PATRIOT.

>> No.4513751

Brats, beer, chicken, burgers, steak, sausage, shishkebob, potato salad, potato chips, jello, salad, brownies, cake.

Do you even 'murika?

>> No.4513792


Fuck those dead bastards. They died for FREEDUM TO DO AS YOU WANT.

What are you, some kind of fucking communist muslim?

>> No.4513793
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That's inconsequential to his point being that you do the same thing when you by meat.

>> No.4513794

>by shitting on their values
What are you talking about?

>> No.4513800


>> No.4513811

Don't serve food or do a pot-luck. Or just serve alcohol and lemonade,

>> No.4513815

Good list. I might do Gardein's meatless chicken breasts, serve them on kebobs with vegetables

>> No.4513862

>catering to the lowest common denominator
Why don't you just bring a big old bag of communist wheat? Oh wait, someone gluten intolerant might show up. Better bring a big ole' jug of sustaining water.

>> No.4513863

Patriots eat meat. America first haters are vegan


>> No.4513869
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Make a nice ceaser salad. Problem solved OP.

>> No.4513876

So OP you are basically saying that just because there may be a few people on the fringes that may have a problem with normal food that you are going to just fuck everyone else over because of it. Catering to the 1% means you are being disrespectful to the other 99%

>> No.4513902

>So OP you are basically saying that just because there may be a few people on the fringes that may have a problem with normal food that you are going to just fuck everyone else over because of it.
>Catering to the 1% means you are being disrespectful to the other 99%

Pick one

>> No.4513917

Most people eat meat. vegans are by far fringe

>> No.4514057

>Most people eat meat
Yeah, most people eat a shit ton of non-meat items too. Taste is all that matters, no one is going to whine if something tastes great all because there isn't meat in it. When I bite into vegetable tempura I don't bitch that it's not shrimp, it all tastes good.

>> No.4514083

it always amuses me how the 420 and white thrash plebs that dwell /ck/ always come out and spout their thrash when the word vegan is in anything

>> No.4514087


It's true. No work tomorrow.

Also looks like you're in the right direction.

Vegan sushi could also be nice. Maybe somethings that are more hearthy, like chili sin carne, some breads, fruits for desert. Falafel.

>> No.4514093


wats wrong with smoking weed bro? stop being such a child about it

>> No.4514096
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>Vegan sushi could also be nice
God yes.


>> No.4514105

This sounds like the worst party ever.

>> No.4514135

Don't worry, I won't invite you.

>> No.4514151


>> No.4514260

"all the dishes vegan"

I'd punch you in the fucking throat if I went to a party and there was not meat. Fuck you. Have some salad for the pussies to eat. If they whine, tell them to bring their own shit.

>> No.4514294

doesnt mean they are vegan

>> No.4514299

OP you are the worst sort of person in the world. a few tiny people have dumb opinions and you cater to them instead of all of the sane people in the world. Now you will be patting yourself on the back for being "aware" like a liberal shitbag

>> No.4514359

I hate meat substitutes, but a nice grilled veggie kebab with vegan friendly sauces would be amazing.

>> No.4514367

And if you don't have a shit ton of amazing different fruits, I would be pissed. Lots of tasty fruit. Grilled corn on the cob. A quinoa salad. Grilled stuffed peppers.

>> No.4514392
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>fucking over most of the people that want to munch down on some burgers and brauts for the two or three faggots that can't enjoy them

>> No.4514397
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If you're throwing a party for America, you need to make America squares. Agar will gel them without upsetting your vegan friends. This pic I stole from Flickr is an example of such.

>> No.4514408

>Catering to vegans

>> No.4514414


>> No.4514447
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Always good to have a laugh at /ck/'s autism whenever vegans are mentioned.

>> No.4514476

vegans are less than human

>> No.4514477

That's the point. Meat eaters can eat vegetables, too.

>> No.4514482

Grilled vegetables are a great way to go. I definitely recommend putting them in a marinade of sorts for a while. You can make your own with some hot sauce, oil, vinegar, spices that you like (all depends on what kind of flavor you want to go with, italian types of seasoning work well as do things like cumin), and some soy sauce. You can put them in on a kebob, or if you want to have vegetables to be more of a topping, I find it works really well to put them in foil with a fair amount of the marinade and grill them that way.
If you are doing any meat substitute foods, and are grilling, putting them right on the grill isn't the best way to go. Instead, I would recommend taking some of your marinade and putting that on top of the meat substitute and placing that on foil also. If you are doing pre-made veggie burgers, most of them aren't vegan...and the vegan ones fucking suck. However, many (all?) of the Amy's brand veggie burgers are vegan and are good. You should be safe for the most part with tofu hot dogs being vegan.
I would recommend having some picnic staples that are totally easy and fine to make vegan, to the point where people probably wouldn't think about it. Both black beans and coleslaw are good for this. If you find a coleslaw recipe, just replace the mayo with fake mayo and you should be good. Following the same logic, you can make an eggless egg salad also by using silken tofu instead of eggs. And it will actually be easier, just make sure you have time to press your tofu before adding it.
Hope some of these are helpful!

>> No.4514503
File: 541 KB, 817x568, MRE_20071124[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only cater to food allergies, those people really can't eat it, everyone else is pretending and making the people with allergies feel bad. I forget what that feeling is called. Make some burgers, fries deep fried in animal fat, and baked beans. Whatever you would make yourself for a party like this.

This is what I would do if I was forced to cook for a bunch of people I don't know.

Since I assume you invited these people gleefully and told them you'd make everything vegetarian or vegan, don't make dishes that have any sort of meat-substitute or dairy substitute like black bean burgers or non-dairy cheese on pizza. You need to make actual recipes that were meant to be vegetable based like curry rice.

You know what, fuck all of this, buy a bunch of MREs and let people choose which one they want. This is Memorial Day, if they can't eat what our soldiers have been eating for the past thirty years then they have no respect for those who died for our freedoms and can get the fuck out of your house.

>> No.4514530


I was thinking of mac and cheese ... it's a popular MRE, I heard, over the years, but I remembered the "vegan" condition.

I had an idea for vegan mac and cheese not long ago, but I didn't get to test it.

>> No.4514544

check this out OP


>> No.4514548

just have a make your own felafel thing.
All ya need is some
Israeli salad
tzatziki sauce
falafel mix it's boxed it makes like 20 pre-spiced
some spinach
fresh parsley
keep some kofta (ground beef and ground lamb mixture) for the people who eat meat.

>> No.4514550 [DELETED] 

>falafel mix
Don't you dare call that garbage falafel. I feel sorry for anyone who actually thinks that shit is falafel. Also,

>tzatziki sauce
In a falafel? Are you serious?

>> No.4514560

that guy would single-handedly end the rivalry between greeks and turks. they would become allies just to destroy him

>> No.4514563

not really you just know merkans though. They give zero shits about authenticity.(although they get real defensive when you tell them it's not. As if it's their culture that's under attack) Although it's street food anyways. Yeah I know it's far from good in terms of felafel but it's more than passable for box food. I doubt many people here would make actual felafel if they realized how much work it is for such a tiny thing. (it's not really but the first time is a real bitch)

>> No.4514569

Hey man, I make scratch falafel on a regular basis. For that matter, I buy fresh favas in season, shell, blanch, and freeze them so I can make fresh falafel all year. Not all of us are lazy fucks, and it's not hard to do at all.

>> No.4514577

>>4514563 is right. We don't really care about authenticity unless it's something from that person's city or region. For example, I don't care if texmex is labeled Mexican as long as it tastes good nor do I care if someone calls my Pizza Italian because it's tasty as shit. I am, however, heartbroken if someone says their chopped pork is Memphis style bbq.

The bottom line is flavor, if it's good you can really take the plug out of your asshole.

The only problem created is people will have a sense of what the dish is and might be turned off by or from eating the "real thing" which is annoying, but people like you are far more annoying.

>> No.4514579

maybe it's just me then. I make them easily now but when I made them the first few times, I felt fucking handicapped. Now I can make them so fast my oil is not even remotely hot by the time they're ready. (the real ones not the boxed stuff). Just looking at the state of this board though I thought almost everyone here was in to "shortcuts" and lazy shit. So I posted something that would probably appeal to creatures of that nature.

>> No.4514584

all the people that would know the difference here are probably detained somewhere. (I live in a white colar town that has more cop cars than ethnic people)

>> No.4514590 [DELETED] 

>people like you are far more annoying
Have you ever tried the packaged falafel mix garbage? It tastes nothing like actual falafel (which I do make from scratch). If you think that boxed falafel mix tastes good, I feel sorry for you.


>> No.4514608 [DELETED] 

>whines when someone complains about authenticity in falafels
>does the exact same thing but with his shit bbq from his flyover state

Piss off.

>> No.4514609

No, I haven't tried it nor have I had a falafel, and I don't really care to, nor do I care about you being able to make it from scratch with your family's recipe they still sell to this day on the streets in Arabia. What you're saying, though, is like saying that Kraft bluebox mac n cheese is NOT macaroni and cheese because you have tasted or make your own from scratch macaroni and cheese. They taste nothing alike, but they're the same thing. Don't try to correct me and say that you do think bluebox is macaroni and cheese, that's not the point. The point is it cannot be that hard to mess up a chickpea or bean fritter and your ego is just so big you cannot see this.


>> No.4514616

It's not the same scenario, I like chopped pork bbq, and you're missing the point of Americans being hypocrites and that it doesn't really matter when in the end it's all food. I openly stated that this was the truth. I do like how you're replying to my post twice though. And Memphis bbq is not shit, it is world renowned, not one person ever who has tasted it has not liked it.

>Piss off.

>> No.4514623

>piss off

looks like we have another house wife who's been watching a little to much Gordon Ramsay. Or another dime-a-dozen angry scotsman.

>> No.4514734

Why don't you just tell those attention seeking vegans to make their own goddamn food.

>> No.4514736

get new friends /thread

>> No.4514740


Vegan party for memorial's day.

Some people have it all.

>> No.4514742
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Why can't we have a nice vegan thread on this board? This is a "food & cooking" board, not a "meat and meat only" board

Chances are if you like food, you like more than just cows, pigs, and chickens. Vegetables taste good, fruits taste good, nuts taste good, beans taste good, rice tastes good, grains taste good. Meat tastes good too but not everybody wants to eat it, especially not in every damn meal they make. Just look at the vegan threads as a way of expanding your own culinary knowledge

>> No.4514744

Since you're host, have them bring their own vegan shit. They're coming to your house, you shouldn't have to cater to their shit tier needs and they shouldn't complain about your menu.

>> No.4514747


>Since you're the host, be as shitty of a host as you possibly can be because I personally am mad about other peoples' food for no reason

Great advice

>> No.4514749

That's not being a shit host. Do you go ask every guest you're inviting what their preferred dish/beer is? Do you spend money to cater to one specific person? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4514752


A host is supposed to make his guests happy. If he can make delicious food that everyone can enjoy, that's doing a good job. If he's going to exclude people because some faggot on the internet gets mad when people don't eat the same things he eats, he'd be a shitty host. This isn't a matter of "I prefer this beer," there's people who straight-up don't eat that food for health, moral, or allergy reasons. You'd have to be one bitter piece of shit to just say "FUCK YOU, I LIKE MEAT, SO YOU ALL HAVE TO EAT IT TOO!"

This isn't the 1950s

>> No.4514754


>moral reasons
Grow the fuck up

>> No.4514755
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>grow the fuck up

Yeah, everyone should be a 16 year old black-clothes-wearing rebel that listens to metal and plays skulltag all day like you

>> No.4514760


wtf how did you know i play skulltag

>> No.4514761

If I was a vegan or vegetarian and went to a party that had one or two other vegans or vegetarians, and the rest had no restrictions, and all the food and beverage was altered for my personal exclusion, I would be as uncomfortable as fucking on a rocky beach. Vegetarians and vegans know how to get by. And only the cunts want to draw attention to the decision they have made.

>> No.4514762

because anti-vegans are 3 times a vocal as vegans or vegetarians. It's kinda sad I eat meat about once every other day so 5/6 meals in that time frame is vegetarian. Meaning I need recipes and ideas for what to cook in that time frame. Is it too much to ask for some more than a side dish or "boil then add salt and butter"

>> No.4514766

Yeah, everyone should be a 26 year old flannel-shirt-wearing hipster that listens to indie and circlejerks about proclaiming how you're helping earth and loudly exclaiming to everyone about how you're a vegan and everyone else is going to hell

>> No.4514768


Sounds like OP has a sizeable population of those that fall under vegan eating though. If he doesn't, he can make a mostly meaty selection while still including non-animal dishes, just don't make those non-animal dishes something shitty that's meant to be a side for a meat dish

>> No.4514770

you say hipster like it's not really just the normal for everyone 18-27ish these days. It's pretty much the same as calling someone out for being mainstream.

>who's the hipster now?
fucking everyone

>> No.4514771


Atleast those guys make the world a better place. You remind me of Louis CK. "Everyone should be an asshole like me. If you're not, you're a douchebag. What do you think, you're better than me just because you do nice things and aren't cruel to other living beings?!"

You're wacky

>> No.4514777

>Implying being a vegan is a "nice thing"

While there is cruelty at some processing farms and what not, that's normally not the case. Do you think our ancestors cared how they killed an animal that they were planning on eating? Obviously, if an animal is being tortured, that is a problem, but if an animal is being dispatched humanely, what is the problem? If neanderthals didn't eat animals, we wouldn't even exist now.

>> No.4514779

(not target poster but thought you should know)
neanderthals are extinct they died because they competed for resources with humans and could not reproduce fast enough.

>> No.4514783

Why not make some food with meat, and other food without? Vegetable skewers, cold salads, and veggie burgers and so on for the vegfags, and proper fucking cookout food for everyone else? Catering an entire party to the tastes of a few people, barring a severe food allergy, is fucking stupid.

>> No.4514801


Funny because Neandertals were not ancestors of the Homo Sapiens but competitors.

>> No.4514823
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>> No.4514826


Technically they are. Homo sapiens breeded with neanderthal succesfully and created "hybrid offspring" which mixed in to the homo sapiens lineage.

>> No.4514837

It always amuses me how snobbish, elitist and hostile most vegans behave when they are representing their subculture on the internet.
Many of you have all the hallmarks of a radical.
Eating meat is supposed to promote aggression in people but ironically some of the angriest people I know are vegans.

>> No.4514841


>> No.4514892

If you don't have anyone vegan coming, would you be willing to consider using eggs in the food? That would open up a few more options, but if not, cool.

Have you considered making portobello mushroom burgers? You marinate the mushroom tops--for at least four hours--and then grill them like you would any other burger.

>> No.4514929

just throwing this out there, but not everyone can eat vegan food. i for example, cant process most cooked vegetables (and just flat out hate mushrooms) so i probably wouldnt be able to eat anything but chips and dip at your party. theres no reason to make everyone happy with every dish, and its perfectly acceptable to have different things for different people

>> No.4514941

Wow... just wow.... you have no idea what you're talking about.
Neanderthals are extinct... sort of. Homo neanderthalensis interbred with homo sapiens. There are a number of northern Europeans who, while mostly h. sapiens, have some h. neanderthalensis as well. Quite famously, Eddie Izzard is one such person. He has a particularly high percentage of h. neanderthalensis DNA. Anything higher than a half of a single percent is quite high and he's just shy of 3%.

>> No.4514946

I had these incredible crushed cumin seed encrusted spicy tofu kebabs - something along those lines would be fantastic.

>> No.4514979

Hummus is vegan. Serve it pita chips or falafels which can also be vegan.

>> No.4514989

>can also be vegan
When are they not? Nan's falafel were always vegan. The only ones that aren't are the ones native to Italy (they've cheese in'em), but they're not generally well-known at all outside of Italy.

>> No.4515001

>can't process most cooked vegetables

How did your parents fail so badly?

>> No.4515034

ehh most food is like anal sex. if you were forced to have it as a kid, you probably wont like it as an adult.
more seriously though, i get plenty of fruits/veggies, i just gotta do it raw.

>> No.4515062
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>anal sex
>I just gotta do it raw

Maybe use a better analogy (heh) next time?

>> No.4515138 [DELETED] 

Butthurt Ameritip/Amerifat/Americlap

>> No.4515240

Because veganism is is the worst sort of ideology. Vegetarians are fine, but vegans are insufferable.

>> No.4515263


Yes, but you buy the vegetables to serve with and put on top of the meat! Not just eat it alone! WHAT ABOUT THE CATTLE AND PIG FARMERS?!

>> No.4515268


Because there is literally no other reason to be a vegan aside from "THE POOR ANIMALS".

If you want to cut out meat, you become a vegetarian. If you're a lactose intolerant vegetarian, you can still eat eggs and honey. Veganism is the dumbest food restriction ever, they're extremely vocal, they ruin dinner parties constantly, and no one wants them.

Additionally, its a damn near unsustainable diet, with between 70-90% of vegans relapsing into meat eaters, and most of the remainder becoming vegetarians so they can eat eggs and dairy again.

>> No.4515279

that analorgy was pretty inappropriate

>> No.4515281

>Because there is literally no other reason to be a vegan aside from "THE POOR ANIMALS".
You are wrong. I eat a vegan diet most of the time, and I don't give a fuck about the poor animals. Not one fuck.

I do not trust that animals (and their products) raised in our current system are particularly good to eat. I look at a CAFO, and I don't think "oh the poor animals". What I think is "that doesn't look like a good way to raise food - I don't think I want to eat that."

>> No.4515284

>I'm hosting a party for Memorial Day, and since there will be vegetarians, lactose intolerant people, etc. attending
>Memorial Day
>vegetarians, lactose intolerant people, etc. attending

I am serving meat and grilling
if you dont like that bring your own dish

>> No.4515285
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Shut your mouth hippie. I don't want to hear about the cute animals anymore.

>> No.4515305 [DELETED] 

you are absolutely wrong!
that SIMILE was pretty inappropriate

>> No.4515311

almost didnt catch that pun and responded defensively...

>> No.4515319


>there is literally no other reason to be a vegan aside from "THE POOR ANIMALS".

Health reasons. Most people who cut out meat and dairy and eat more plant foods feel a lot better since their bodies can digest that stuff a lot easier

>they're extremely vocal

You people consider "I'm a vegan" to be the most obnoxious thing anyone can say, and you don't realize how vocal your hatred of vegans are. You don't even really know why you hate them, you just associate them with hippies and you spread your hatred of that kind of PERSON to a hatred of that diet. You'd hate those people no matter what they ate

>Additionally, its a damn near unsustainable diet, with between 70-90% of vegans relapsing into meat eaters, and most of the remainder becoming vegetarians so they can eat eggs and dairy again.

That's not what the word unsustainable means, that's people with low will power. Most people who get into "fitness" start eating better and exercising, then eventually go back to eating ice cream and cake and laying around all day. That's what people are like all over

>> No.4515322
File: 1.27 MB, 1249x937, streetkorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if you have access to an indoor or outdoor grill, or to things like veganaise/earth balance etc./or some counterpart, but I'm cooking Mexican street corn tonight, using this recipe and am excited about it:

>> No.4515343

Mac and cheeze is also easy to make a large patch of and is hella tast-y except for the obvious plethora of "o m g there's no cheese in this mac and cheese no wai" sorta comments.

Just make a good amount of a roux with a shitload of nurtional yeast added in, pour it over slightly undercooked pasta of choice, optionally cover with chopped nuts and smoked paprika, and let it bake for half an hour.

It's easy to find a million different recipes on google, but a lot of them tend to call for expensive ingredients like cashews.

Also, a buncha mushrooms lightly cooked and mixed in before baking is hella hella hella good.

>> No.4515349

batch of*

>> No.4515352

>You don't even really know why you hate them

I know very well why I hate them.

1) They tend to belive (and preach) things that are not true. For example, in your post "digest that kind of stuff a lot easier" That's straight-up bullshit with no basis in scientific fact. It is true that processed foods are unhealthy, but what you posted is simply wrong.

2) Many of them--a majority I would say--seem to make it their life's goal to tell other people what to do, often with loaded language and deliberate false information. For example "meat is murder"; or propaganda videos. Those people are making the rest of you Vegans look bad.

>> No.4515355

>Most people who cut out meat and dairy and eat more plant foods feel a lot better since their bodies can digest that stuff a lot easier
This is true. Doing this also got me off cholesterol meds. (Middle aged American).

>> No.4515360

>I rage because some people think and say things I don't agree with.

Cry about it somewhere else.

>> No.4515377
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>Many of them--a majority I would say--seem to make it their life's goal to tell other people what to do

And you don't realize that you do this exact same thing? As well as everyone else on the board raging about other peoples' diets?

>> No.4515380


I wasn't raging about anything, simply contributing to the discussion. Someone claimed there was no reason for the dislike of Vegans, and I explained some of those reasons.

Nobody's mad (at least I'm not). It's called having a discussion.

>> No.4515383
File: 290 KB, 426x347, golly gee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP makes a thread asking what vegan food he can prepare for a party
>Man, I hate how vocal and obnoxious vegans are

>> No.4515384

>And you don't realize that you do this exact same thing?

*I* don't. You are welcome to eat or not eat whatever you like. It's your body, you choose what you put in it. Of course I do realize that there are other anons who do--but, that doesn't really matter. Just because other people do the same thing doesn't magically absolve (some) vegans of that problem.

>> No.4515395

I do understand your point. A rational person can be bothered by others making an argument around "facts" not supported by any evidence. Especially when that argument is designed to persuade a change in behavior based around accepting it as true.

But people do this every day.You can't have a discussion of religion or politics without it.

And, like it or not, what you eat in the 21st Century is a matter of politics. Ignoring that is supporting our current agricultural system, which you're free to do.

I find I'm not a fan of our current system, so I make my choices accordingly. Sometimes that's a pain in the ass, and it does put me in the company of people who think and say all kinds of wacky shit. But so what? So does being religious or politically involved in any way.

It's unavoidable, because at the end of the day people do not make their choices about what they believe and do in a rational manner. Never have, and never will.

>> No.4515404

You don't win friends with salad.

>> No.4515405

>its a damn near unsustainable diet
using 16 pounds of grain and "enough water to float a destroyer" to produce one pound of beef is unsustainable. the cattle industry which pumps methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide, into the air and contributes upwards of thirty percent of all greenhouse gases is unsustainable. the fishing industry which destroys ecosystems and causes species extinction is unsustainable. i suggest you invest in a dictionary and shut the fuck up, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.4515406

we are omnivores not herbavores our bodys need meat its acutaly bad for you to be veigan how many vegians have you seen that are not pale and sickly. To each there own but i find it to be a foolish decision
>inb4 you can take suplements

>> No.4515407

Its because there is absolutely no reason for being a vegan.. i go vegan for a few days every once and a while but all reasons to be a full blown vegan are pretentious and stupid cuntery. There is no such thing as tasty delicious food for vegans so I have no idea why they would even post on ck... and most vegans will eventually go back to meat and tell everyone they meet for the rest of their lives that "i used to be a vegan"

>> No.4515410

i knew a fat raw food vegan once.

>> No.4515412

>There is no such thing as tasty delicious food for vegans

>> No.4515421
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After switching to veganism, I'm a lot healthier than I've ever been with much nicer skin and hair. Take your baseless rage to the butcher forums

>There is no such thing as tasty delicious food for vegans so I have no idea why they would even post on ck

I'll just call this trolling, I don't think you would browse /ck/ and not know how to cook anything that doesn't have meat in it

>and most vegans will eventually go back to meat and tell everyone they meet for the rest of their lives that "i used to be a vegan"

Pic related, "I used to be a bodybuilder"

>> No.4515431
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>It's your body, you choose what you put in it.
the problem with this attitude is that it ignores the fact that other people's choices and actions directly impinge on my [our] own well-being and quality of life. see
for instance. i have the right to breathe clean air, to live in a world rich in biodiversity, and to enjoy the beauty and wonder of an intact natural environment. the omnivorous cohort is inherently inimical to these goals, and does not facilitate or encourage good health and wellness in either animals or people.

>> No.4515436

...eat all you shitty meat subs which are worse than eating real meat.. inuits eat whale blubber all day and have healthier hdl cholesterol than vegans.. I dont troll and I dont like to argue but I am always right..soo. later.

>> No.4515444

And here we have vegan troll thread #1,000,000,000.

>> No.4515449
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>we are omnivores not herbavores
that's your choice, not mine.

>our bodys need meat
obviously not, there are zillions of vegans out there bro

>its acutaly bad for you to be veigan
vegans have consistently lower rates of heart disease, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. and iirc a 65% lower rate of colon cancer.

>To each there own but i find it to be a foolish decision
i think at this point i've established that you're dumb as fuck, deal w/ it. i really hope you're 15 years old.

>> No.4515447
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IMO you can make some nice things that are vegan, but they're pretty simple dishes. If you want something more complex, you'd have to move up to vegetarian, which would be 10x as good.

Eggs, cheese, and butter are too important. While not every dish needs them, there are more dishes that would benefit. You can only go so far with roasted or sauteed vegetables.

>> No.4515450

>for instance. i have the right to

Why do you think you have those rights?

Also, do you realize your hypocrisy as well? Here you are getting on the internet, which is only possible due to microchips and other high technology, which comes at the cost of environmental damage and pollution in their manufacture. If you happen to be using a portable device like a smartphone or a tablet to access it then that's even worse--those are especially bad due to the battery--not only is the battery itself highly toxic, but so is its production process.

>> No.4515453

Please cite your sources. And please make sure its credible and not PETA or the ALF.

>> No.4515455

have the highest rate of osteoperosis in the world because animal protein is acidic and leeches calcium from bones. you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.4515456

You don't have to be an insuferable vegan, you still have the right to hunt, to raise your own food, and to buy grass fed, free range meats. Why don't any vegans state these alternatives and just say that eating meat is bad because muh poor ecosystem. If they're served meat they won't even ASK if it is from one of these sources and reject it.

>> No.4515457


>> No.4515459

no. do your own research.

>> No.4515462

You started it. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.4515468

>militant "meat eater" disrupts a thread and accuses the other side of starting it

Nice job making meat eaters look stupid, bro.

>> No.4515470

>protein is acidic

I think you need to retake Chem 101 if you believe that.

>> No.4515472

I just asked the guy to site his sources.

>> No.4515476
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You raise an interesting point, sir, but vegans.... don't just eat vegetables. Is that what you think it is?

>> No.4515482


They're called "amino ACIDS" for a reason

>> No.4515485

Vegans and raw food nuts only eat Fruits, Vegetables, Dietary supplements and nuts. Vegetarians just choose not to eat meat. Dairy, honey, eggs and sometimes fish are alright.

>> No.4515492

And the body needs amino acids to function properly.

>> No.4515500


Those are raw vegans, they go for a 100% health approach and aren't as interested in culinary arts. You forget that cooking isn't always, and in fact hardly is ever, about health. Just take a look around this board, people mainly talk about unhealthy foods. People like me eat a lot of grains, rice, beans, and pasta on top of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. I don't know why you said dietary supplements either, how would a diet rich in plants make you vitamin deficient? That's where vitamins come from. Most meat-eaters really should take vitamins, they just choose not to even if they need them. You're letting your anger cloud your argument. Take a step back and really think about why the diet itself makes you so mad. Not hipsters, not fadists, just the diet

>> No.4515508

read that post again, a little more slowly

>> No.4515515


Luckily everything has amino acids in it

>> No.4515534

Humanity has been eating meat since we first started walking upright. Our ancestors followed the herds of Mammoths and Mastodons around, hunting them.

>> No.4515540

Conspiracy by the meat industry. Humanity were always vegan until about 100 years ago.

>> No.4515544

the burden of proof has already been fulfilled. i presented the facts as they are. that is the evidence that favors my position. do you not understand this? you seem to be under the impression that we're in some kind of formal debate which requires citation of sources as the definitive qualification for admission of validity. i never agreed to such terms and neither did you.
besides, it would be wrong of me to deny you the opportunity to educate yourself.

>> No.4515548

That seals it. If you refuse to cite sources, it is logical to assume that you are talking out of your ass. You did not present proof. You provided baseless claims and expected us to take them at face value. Show me a reputable scientific study that shows that an all vegan diet is healthy for you.

>> No.4515552
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This debate is stupid as fuck and has happened irl and on /ck/ enough times that people should just fucking ignore it and talk about vegan food when it's the topic of the thread. Doubt this person's (or fucking anyone else) going to plan a different list of dishes because of a debate that they've probably witness just as many times as everyone else fucking has.

>> No.4515556

Early humans weren't nearly as alpha as the tv tells you they were.....

>> No.4515560

But they still hunted.

>> No.4515567


>> No.4515571

There are some great vegetarian recepie out there. And while the human body does need meat, it doesn't need to be eaten for every single meal every single day. Maybe about 4 or 5 times a week. Can't we all just get along?

>> No.4515573

They also gathered, fruits and roots and shit.

So what does it matter?

>> No.4515574

That just proves that Humans can digest starch better than most other animals. Not that humans were vegans or that veganism is necessarily heathlier.

>> No.4515576
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Our speciality is starches. Even a deer will eat meat if it feels like it, but that doesn't mean it's the optimal thing for it to eat

>> No.4515577

It matters because the human body needs a little of everything to survive.

>> No.4515583

>If you refuse to cite sources, it is logical to assume that you are talking out of your ass.
>You did not present proof. You provided baseless claims and expected us to take them at face value.
again, false on both counts. as we can all clearly see here
and here
i explicitly encouraged you *not* to take my word for it, but to find independent confirmation of the facts i presented.
>Show me a reputable scientific study that shows that an all vegan diet is healthy for you.
well reputable is relative. and as i hinted before, what constitutes proof is also relative. we obviously haven't agreed on a shared meaning of what either these two concepts entail. and the fact that you aren't willing to discover the truth or falsehood of my claims for yourself only speaks to your own mental complacency and prejudice against recognition that veganism/vegetarianism is healthier than a standard diet.
the failure today is yours, not mine, and i pity you for it.

>> No.4515588

Ad Hominem. One step above namecalling.

>> No.4515590

semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit
Translation: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.
You said that veganism is healthier. Prove it.

>> No.4515619

um, demonstrating the weakness of the points you made and drawing a logical conclusion about your attitudes from your behavior isn't an ad hominem. even assuming it is, the facts remain in my favor. try again.

i won't debate whether the earth goes round the sun, either.

>> No.4516926
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Well I say your claims are as feeble as your attempt to dodge providing a source to your statements. The onus is on you to back up your claims and your attempt to avoid that effectively white-ants and undermines your argument. IE you are talking out of your ass.

Perhaps you should take a the time to educate yourself on diet. You could drink coke and eat doritos for breakfast and say that its vegan/vego - but it's hardly healthy.

You are displaying your own mental complacency and prejudice. But that is hardly unique for someone advocating veganism as the healthiest diet.

>> No.4516943

>Can't we all just get along?
not when i go to a bbq and theres not even a fucking simple hamburger. fuck

>> No.4516956

So, OP, how was the party?

>> No.4516960


I demand to see the spread!

>> No.4517003

I don't think I've noticed any aggression from the vegan side here. Why are you so insecure that vegans exist? Can I assume you're homophobic as well because, you know, that can't be natural since you don't do it and our founding fathers certainly didn't WHILE THEY WERE DYING FOR THIS NATION.

>> No.4517021

I can only assume that OP was brutally murdered and eaten for his failure to provide for his guests.

>> No.4517037

"aren't as interested in culinary arts."



Not a raw vegan here, but being raw vegan does not equate to no interest in the culinary arts. To the contrary, you really need to have more of an interest in the culinary arts if you don't want to bore yourself to death with carrot sticks.

>> No.4517040


Someone who sometimes eats fish is not a vegetarian. They can call themselves whatever they like but it's not vegetarian.

>> No.4517049

Our ancestors killed each other with swords. Can I do the same to you since we should apparently always do as our ancestors did without considering why they did it?

>> No.4517069

Build your own wraps- so both veggies, vegans and non-vegans can have something.

Salad bar- so people can build their own salad, can be vegan, veggie, or omnivore.

Vegan friendly options:
Nachos with Daiya cheese. Can use veggie ground beef, no one can tell with this one once everything is baked.

Same with veggie sloppy Joes. Sloppy joe's meat is pretty tasteless anyways.

Some vegan soups- veg soups are good in general for both vegan and non-vegan parties.

>> No.4517071


It's technically called pescetarian. It's still under as a subcategory of vegetarianism though.

>> No.4518258

>subcategory of vegetarianism
That'd be in the subcategory associated with "vegetarianism" via the preceding word "not"?

>> No.4518286

vegetarian =/= vegan, faggot.

>> No.4518293

>Our ancestors

We do not all share the same ancestors, guy.

>> No.4518303


Yeah, actually we do, it's only about 300,000 years back to the most common ancestor

>> No.4518309


They call themselves Pescatarians, the most delusional faggots I've ever spoken to in my entire life. My last ex was a Pescatarian, horrid cunt.

>> No.4518318


Except Sun Saharan Africans. They're not the same as modern man. This isn't /pol/ though, so before this turns into a faggathon circlejerk, let's remember this is a food & cooking board. Not a platform for faggotry & self absorption.