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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 190x335, ltbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4507128 No.4507128 [Reply] [Original]


You'll never enjoy cooking this much.

>> No.4507203

dudes just re heating food

>> No.4507204

>leaving the fridge open that long
>opening the freezer for no reason

Never have these pet peeves bothered me so much...

>> No.4507214 [DELETED] 

what a stupid nigger

>> No.4507220

You're going to get banned for racism. Just saying.

>> No.4507224

>banned for racism

Oh boy! Look who just stumbled here from reddit.

>> No.4507227


>> No.4507230

Global Rule 3.
I got banned last week for saying "chink" on /ck/.

Don't get mad, get educated.

>> No.4507232

>racism outside of /b/
>thinking this is enforced

every board would be empty you dumb fuckin gook

>> No.4507234

I've been here since 05' and I've never been banned for "racism outside of /b/". This is just some troll mod or something.


>> No.4507237

Also you still reek of being a newfaggot/redditurd.

>> No.4507257

it's literally like a very excited monkey with those weird moves and the noises

>> No.4507262


Oh you can be banned for that. On /ck/. I was banned for casually stating the truth about blacks in one post in some thread and then insulted childishly by the mod and assumed that I was a frequent /pol/ user when I really don't even visit /pol/.


>> No.4507261

His pants flu.g off

>> No.4507265

Don't get mad.

>> No.4507280


8/10 laughed when he fell on the floor
0/10 dat apartment kitchen

>> No.4507288
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>> No.4507311
File: 492 KB, 500x255, innit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trolled not so gently

>> No.4507316
File: 1.99 MB, 199x231, 1366650934659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone doesn't dance around like a spastic when they're cooking at home

>> No.4507319


>> No.4507329

>white girls dancing
>any year

pls stop

>> No.4507332

inb4 i get banned for that racist tirade.

>> No.4507335

Anyone else find themselves clicking through the related?

>> No.4507344

this is hilarious

>> No.4507387

Yeah, I like all my girls bordering on obese and twerking.

>> No.4507392

>mfw baka gaijin dont even know moot posts on /ck/ regularly

>> No.4507395


>> No.4507400
File: 46 KB, 331x473, 1357794805622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based mods

>> No.4507405


>> No.4507483


Good stuff mod, good stuff.

>> No.4507494

hahha when he fell on the floor and then went under the freezer door were some true moves

>> No.4507497

>/ck/ claps with their hamhands for a faggot mod censoring long time posters
stay classy

>> No.4507498

>never has fun in life

>> No.4507503

fuck racists man, world would be a better place if people stopped accepting casual racism on the internet just cause people can't see their faces. hate if you wanna hate, but hate based on what a person posts or does

i don't know if i agree with banning or not, but there aren't enough people who call out casual racism/homophobia to otherwise make a difference so fuck it

>> No.4507507

You are a gigantic pussy.

I just like watching people get banned.

>> No.4507508

back to reddit, fucko

>> No.4507574
File: 69 KB, 1104x618, speek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll never cook this fast.

>> No.4507616

>This is our super secret rebel website. Back to reddit you liberal faggot xD

/ck/ is a mature board. Lets keep it that way.

Polite sage for being off-topic.

>> No.4507692

>mature board
You're a real cutie.

>> No.4507694

I told you to go fuck your mother, faggot.

>> No.4507758

>/ck/ is a mature board
>Lets keep it that way
>Polite sage


>> No.4507759


shes one of those hispanics

>> No.4509817

fuck reddit too. i've been on 4chan for about 5 years, mostly lit and ck, and never realized that 4chan stood for racism, maybe /b/, but the rest of us just stand for unbridled hate and unmitigated criticism

>> No.4509825

At least it looks like he's enjoying life, unlike a few sad sacks here.

>> No.4509830

Fuck, lol'd